[Swift-devel] terrain example

Dr. Raffaele Montella raffaele.montella at uniparthenope.it
Fri Dec 7 17:50:06 CST 2007



This is the GRIDMM5_ROOT structure:






!     !--terrain

!           !--data

!           !--data30s




The terrain script is invoked with the following command line syntax:

$GRIDMM5_ROOT/bin/terrain lon lat nests


(lon,lat): the earth point center of the weather forecast domain

Nests: number of nested domains. For example in nests is equal to 1 is
generated a digital elevation model plus landuse and water/land mask data
centered in (lon,lat) and wide 91 (with a 27km edge) cells west/east ward
and 91 cells north/southward (basically lon,lat is in the middle of a square

If nests is equal to 2 do domains are generated both centered in (lon, lat).
The first as in the case of nest=1 and the second again wide 91*91 cells,
but each cell is now 27/3 km wide.

The terrain script invokes internally the $GRIDMM5_ROOT/sbin/do_terrain
script (a most general version) filling automatically some parameters
dynamically related (the current scratch directoy) and installation related
(the directory where dem dan high resolution dem data are stored).

The terrain script produces a TERRAIN_DOMAINx.gz file (with x=1..nests) in
the ./output directory.


The pregrid script is invoked with the following command line syntax:

$GRIDMM5/bin/pregrid idate hours


Idate: is the date in the ncep format: YYYYMMDDZHH for example 20071207Z00
(Z00 means data initialized at 00 zuli)

Hours: the number of hours have to be simulated, for example 24.

In order to work, pregrid needs in the directory ./input the content of the


As output the script produces three gzipped files in ./output directory:
FILE.gz, SST.gz and SNOW.gz that will be used in next steps.


Bye and thank you,


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