[Swift-commit] cog r4013
swift at ci.uchicago.edu
swift at ci.uchicago.edu
Fri Jul 4 02:25:04 CDT 2014
r4013 | hategan | 2014-07-04 02:23:20 -0500 (Fri, 04 Jul 2014) | 1 line
not used
Index: modules/examples/.classpath
--- modules/examples/.classpath (revision 4012)
+++ modules/examples/.classpath (working copy)
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <classpathentry kind="src" path="src"/>
- <classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER"/>
- <classpathentry kind="lib" path="etc"/>
- <classpathentry exported="true" kind="src" path="/abstraction-common"/>
- <classpathentry exported="true" kind="src" path="/grapheditor"/>
- <classpathentry combineaccessrules="false" kind="src" path="/abstraction-provider-gt2"/>
- <classpathentry kind="lib" path="/abstraction/etc"/>
- <classpathentry exported="true" kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jdt.USER_LIBRARY/junit"/>
- <classpathentry kind="lib" path="lib/log4j-1.2.16.jar"/>
- <classpathentry kind="output" path=".build"/>
Index: modules/examples/project.properties
--- modules/examples/project.properties (revision 4012)
+++ modules/examples/project.properties (working copy)
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-module.name = examples
-long.name = Various examples for the Java COG Kit
-version = 2.2
-project = Java CoG Kit
-lib.deps = -
-debug = true
Index: modules/examples/launchers.xml
--- modules/examples/launchers.xml (revision 4012)
+++ modules/examples/launchers.xml (working copy)
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-<project name="Launchers" default="create" basedir=".">
- <target name="create">
- <ant antfile="${main.buildfile}" target="example.launcher">
- <property name="launcher-name" value="hierarchical-dag-handler"/>
- <property name="class-name" value="org.globus.cog.abstraction.examples.taskgraph.HierarchicalDAG"/>
- <property name="launcher-dir" value="examples"/>
- </ant>
- <ant antfile="${main.buildfile}" target="example.launcher">
- <property name="launcher-name" value="cog-compile-execute"/>
- <property name="class-name" value="org.globus.cog.abstraction.examples.taskgraph.RemoteCompileExecute"/>
- <property name="launcher-dir" value="examples"/>
- </ant>
- <ant antfile="${main.buildfile}" target="example.launcher">
- <property name="launcher-name" value="hierarchical-dag-visualizer"/>
- <property name="class-name" value="org.globus.cog.abstraction.examples.taskgraph.HierarchicalDAGVisualizer"/>
- <property name="launcher-dir" value="examples"/>
- </ant>
- </target>
- <target name="webstart">
- <ant antfile="${main.buildfile}" target="webstart.launcher">
- <property name="launcher-name" value="hierarchical-dag-visualizer"/>
- <property name="class-name" value="org.globus.cog.abstraction.examples.taskgraph.HierarchicalDAGVisualizer"/>
- <property name="display-name" value="Hierarchical DAG Visualizer"/>
- </ant>
- </target>
Index: modules/examples/.project
--- modules/examples/.project (revision 4012)
+++ modules/examples/.project (working copy)
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <name>examples</name>
- <comment></comment>
- <projects>
- <project>abstraction-common</project>
- <project>grapheditor</project>
- <project>jglobus</project>
- </projects>
- <buildSpec>
- <buildCommand>
- <name>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder</name>
- <arguments>
- </arguments>
- </buildCommand>
- </buildSpec>
- <natures>
- <nature>org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature</nature>
- </natures>
Index: modules/examples/dependencies.xml
--- modules/examples/dependencies.xml (revision 4012)
+++ modules/examples/dependencies.xml (working copy)
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-<project name="Project dependencies" default="deps" basedir=".">
- <!-- project dependencies -->
- <target name="deps">
- <ant antfile="${main.buildfile}" target="dep">
- <property name="module" value="abstraction"/>
- </ant>
- <ant antfile="${main.buildfile}" target="dep">
- <property name="module" value="abstraction-common"/>
- </ant>
- <ant antfile="${main.buildfile}" target="dep">
- <property name="module" value="grapheditor"/>
- </ant>
- <ant antfile="${main.buildfile}" target="dep">
- <property name="module" value="jglobus"/>
- </ant>
- </target>
Index: modules/examples/CHANGES.txt
--- modules/examples/CHANGES.txt (revision 4012)
+++ modules/examples/CHANGES.txt (working copy)
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-(08/29/2006) v2.2
-*** Merged most things (besides DAG examples) into
- abstraction-common
-*** Added a -stdin option for cog-job-submit.
-*** Added org.globus.cog.abstractions.examples.etc
- package to display the client-side environment. Useful for
- debugging purposes. Fixed bug:
- http://www.cogkit.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=161
-*** Added support for the -specification option in the
- JobSubmission example
-*** Added the RemoteCompileExecute.java example in
- org.globus.cog.abstractions.examples.taskgraph package
-*** Updated the JobSubmission example to accomodate
- job-manager abstractions
-*** Implemented the CheckpointStatus.java example in the
- org.globus.cog.abstractions.examples.xml package and
- added the corresponding cog-checkpoint-status launcher
-*** Added the cog-checkpoint-submit and the cog-task2xml
- launchers
-*** improved the task examples in the
- org.globus.cog.abstractions.examples.execution package
- to handle "attributes" "checkpoint" and "environment"
- options
-*** improved the task checkpointing examples in the
- org.globus.cog.abstractions.examples.xml package
-*** renamed the module from "core-examples" to
- "abstraction-examples"
-*** removed redundant files in the
- src/org/globus/cog/core/examples/file directory. Instead
- added a single FileOperation.java example that provides a
- generic example for all file operations.
-*** removed the redundant launchers for file operation tests
- and examples. Instead added a single launcher for the file
- operation example.
-*** moved the cog-job-submit and cog-file-transfer launachers
- from the dist/cog-<version>/bin/example directory to the
- dist/cog-<version>/bin directory.
-*** added the cogrun launcher in the dist/cog-<version>/bin
- directory.
Index: modules/examples/meta/cog-job-submit/description.txt
--- modules/examples/meta/cog-job-submit/description.txt (revision 4012)
+++ modules/examples/meta/cog-job-submit/description.txt (working copy)
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-This command submits a user-specified executable for remote
-execution. The user can specify the service contact for the job
-manager, the provider, the executable, and the optional
-arguments. Several other optional parameters control the behavior
-of the execution. The user can execute this job as a batch job,
-whereby the job status will not be updated on the client side. The
-user can also redirect the job output and error to a user-supplied
-file, either on the remote machine or on the local machine. It also allows
-long-running jobs to be checkpointed to a local file.
Index: modules/examples/meta/cog-job-submit/usage.txt
--- modules/examples/meta/cog-job-submit/usage.txt (revision 4012)
+++ modules/examples/meta/cog-job-submit/usage.txt (working copy)
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
- cog-job-submit <options>
- [(-name | -n) <taskName>]
- Task name
- (-service-contact | -s) <host>
- Service contact
- [(-job-manager | -jm) <jobmanager>]
- Execution JobManager (fork, pbs, etc)
- [(-provider | -p) <provider>]
- Provider; available providers: [gt2ft, gsiftp, file, gt4.0.0,
- gt3.0.2, ssh, gt4ft, gridftp, local, gsiftp-old, http, gt3.2.1,
- gt2, gt3.2.0, gridftp-old, ftp, webdav]
- (-executable | -e) <file>
- Executable
- [(-arguments | -args) <string>]
- Arguments. If more than one, use quotes
- [(-environment | -env) <string>]
- Environment variables for the remote execution environment,
- specified as "name=value[,name=value]"
- [(-directory | -d) <string>]
- Target directory
- [(-batch | -b)]
- If present, the job is run in batch mode
- [(-redirected | -r)]
- If present, the arguments to -stdout and -stderr refer to local
- files
- [-stdout <file>]
- Indicates a file where the standard output of the job should be
- redirected
- [-stderr <file>]
- Indicates a file where the standard error of the job should be
- redirected
- [(-attributes | -a) <string>]
- Additional task specification attributes. Attributes can be
- specified as "name=value[,name=value]"
- [(-checkpoint | -c) <fileName>]
- Checkpoint file name. The task will be checkpointed to this file
- once submitted
- [(-verbose | -v)]
- If enabled, display information about what is being done
- [(-help | -h)]
- Display usage
Index: modules/examples/meta/description.txt
--- modules/examples/meta/description.txt (revision 4012)
+++ modules/examples/meta/description.txt (working copy)
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-The abstraction-example module contains the code base for several command
-line clients and working examples showcasing various important concepts of
-the abstraction framework. Contained examples demonstrate the following
-features of the Java Cog Kit:
-- How to submit jobs on remote Grid resources
-- How to transfer files betwen two Grid resources
-- How to invoke file operations on remote Grid resources
-- How to checkpoint and resubmit task executions
-- How to execute hierarchical taskgraphs, queues, and sets
-- How to visualize hierarchical taskgraph executions
Index: modules/examples/meta/cog-file-operation/description.txt
--- modules/examples/meta/cog-file-operation/description.txt (revision 4012)
+++ modules/examples/meta/cog-file-operation/description.txt (working copy)
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-This command initiates a connection with a remote file server and
-allows the user to invoke operations on files hosted on that
-server. On execution, this commands enters a shell-based mode allowing the
-user to invoke file operation commands. The following commands are
-Java CoG Kit File Operation commands
-Please Note: Commands are case sensitive and all arguments are
-1. stop
-2. ls
-3. ls <directory>
-4. pwd
-5. cd <directory>
-6. mkdir <directoryName>
-7. rmdir <directoryName> <force (true/false)>
-8. rmfile <fileName>
-9. isDirectory <directoryName>
-10. exists <fileName>
-11. getfile <sourceFileName on server> <destinationFileName on client>
-12. putfile <sourceFileName on client> <destinationFileName on server>
-13. getdir <sourceDirectoryName on server> <destinationDirectoryName
-on client>
-14. putfile <sourceDirectoryName on client> <destinationDirectoryName on server>
-15. rename <oldName> <newName>
-16. chmod <fileName> <mode>
Index: modules/examples/meta/cog-file-operation/usage.txt
--- modules/examples/meta/cog-file-operation/usage.txt (revision 4012)
+++ modules/examples/meta/cog-file-operation/usage.txt (working copy)
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
- cog-file-operation <options>
- (-service-contact | -s) <hostname>
- Service contact
- [(-provider | -p) <provider>]
- Provider; available providers: [gt2ft, gsiftp, file, gt4.0.0,
- gt3.0.2, ssh, gt4ft, gridftp, local, gsiftp-old, http, gt3.2.1,
- gt2, gt3.2.0, gridftp-old, ftp, webdav]
- [(-verbose | -v)]
- If enabled, display information about what is being done
- [(-help | -h)]
- Display usage
Index: modules/examples/meta/cog-file-transfer/description.txt
--- modules/examples/meta/cog-file-transfer/description.txt (revision 4012)
+++ modules/examples/meta/cog-file-transfer/description.txt (working copy)
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-This command transfers a file hosted on one file server to another
-file server. If both the file servers are GridFTP servers, then
-the files can be transfered in third party mode.
Index: modules/examples/meta/cog-file-transfer/usage.txt
--- modules/examples/meta/cog-file-transfer/usage.txt (revision 4012)
+++ modules/examples/meta/cog-file-transfer/usage.txt (working copy)
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
- cog-file-transfer <options>
- (-source-uri | -s) <URI>
- Source URI: <provider>://<hostname>[:port]/<directory>/<file>
- (-destination-uri | -d) <URI>
- Destination URI:
- <provider>://<hostname>[:port]/<directory>/<file>
- [(-thirdparty | -t)]
- If present, performs a third party file transfer. Valid only
- between two GridFTP resources
- [(-help | -h)]
- Display usage
Index: modules/examples/meta/cog-task2xml/description.txt
--- modules/examples/meta/cog-task2xml/description.txt (revision 4012)
+++ modules/examples/meta/cog-task2xml/description.txt (working copy)
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-This command simply translates the given task into an XML format
-without actually submitting the task.
-The user can specify the service contact for the job
-manager, the provider, the executable, and the optional
-arguments. Several other optional parameters control the behavior
-of the execution. The user can execute this job as a batch job,
-whereby the job status will not be updated on the client side. The
-user can also redirect the job output and error to a user-supplied
-file, either on the remote machine or on the local machine.
Index: modules/examples/meta/cog-task2xml/usage.txt
--- modules/examples/meta/cog-task2xml/usage.txt (revision 4012)
+++ modules/examples/meta/cog-task2xml/usage.txt (working copy)
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
- cog-task2xml <options>
- (-checkpoint | -c) <fileName>
- Checkpoint file name. The task will be checkpointed to this file
- [(-name | -n) <taskName>]
- Task name
- (-service-contact | -s) <host>
- Service contact
- [(-job-manager | -jm) <jobmanager>]
- Execution JobManager (fork, pbs, etc)
- [(-provider | -p) <provider>]
- Provider; available providers: [gt2ft, gsiftp, file, gt4.0.0,
- gt3.0.2, ssh, gt4ft, gridftp, local, gsiftp-old, http, gt3.2.1,
- gt2, gt3.2.0, gridftp-old, ftp, webdav]
- (-executable | -e) <file>
- Executable
- [(-arguments | -args) <string>]
- Arguments. If more than one, use quotes
- [(-environment | -env) <string>]
- Environment variables for the remote execution environment,
- specified as "name=value[,name=value]"
- [(-directory | -d) <string>]
- Target directory
- [(-batch | -b)]
- If present, the job is run in batch mode
- [(-redirected | -r)]
- If present, the arguments to -stdout and -stderr refer to local
- files
- [-stdout <file>]
- Indicates a file where the standard output of the job should be
- redirected
- [-stderr <file>]
- Indicates a file where the standard error of the job should be
- redirected
- [(-attributes | -a) <string>]
- Additional task specification attributes. Attributes can be
- specified as "name=value[,name=value]"
- [(-verbose | -v)]
- If enabled, display information about what is being done
- [(-help | -h)]
- Display usage
Index: modules/examples/meta/cogrun/description.txt
--- modules/examples/meta/cogrun/description.txt (revision 4012)
+++ modules/examples/meta/cogrun/description.txt (working copy)
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-This command submits a user-specified executable for remote
-execution. The user can specify the service contact for the job
-manager, the provider, the executable, and the optional
-arguments. Several other optional parameters control the behavior
-of the execution. The user can execute this job as a batch job,
-whereby the job status will not be updated on the client side. The
-user can also redirect the job output and error to a user-supplied
-file, either on the remote machine or on the local machine.
Index: modules/examples/meta/cogrun/usage.txt
--- modules/examples/meta/cogrun/usage.txt (revision 4012)
+++ modules/examples/meta/cogrun/usage.txt (working copy)
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
- cogrun <options>
- [(-name | -n) <taskName>]
- Task name
- (-service-contact | -s) <host>
- Service contact
- [(-job-manager | -jm) <jobmanager>]
- Execution JobManager (fork, pbs, etc)
- [(-provider | -p) <provider>]
- Provider; available providers: [gt2ft, gsiftp, file, gt4.0.0,
- gt3.0.2, ssh, gt4ft, gridftp, local, gsiftp-old, http, gt3.2.1,
- gt2, gt3.2.0, gridftp-old, ftp, webdav]
- (-executable | -e) <file>
- Executable
- [(-arguments | -args) <string>]
- Arguments. If more than one, use quotes
- [(-environment | -env) <string>]
- Environment variables for the remote execution environment,
- specified as "name=value[,name=value]"
- [(-directory | -d) <string>]
- Target directory
- [(-batch | -b)]
- If present, the job is run in batch mode
- [(-redirected | -r)]
- If present, the arguments to -stdout and -stderr refer to local
- files
- [-stdout <file>]
- Indicates a file where the standard output of the job should be
- redirected
- [-stderr <file>]
- Indicates a file where the standard error of the job should be
- redirected
- [(-attributes | -a) <string>]
- Additional task specification attributes. Attributes can be
- specified as "name=value[,name=value]"
- [(-checkpoint | -c) <fileName>]
- Checkpoint file name. The task will be checkpointed to this file
- once submitted
- [(-verbose | -v)]
- If enabled, display information about what is being done
- [(-help | -h)]
- Display usage
Index: modules/examples/meta/cog-checkpoint-status/description.txt
--- modules/examples/meta/cog-checkpoint-status/description.txt (revision 4012)
+++ modules/examples/meta/cog-checkpoint-status/description.txt (working copy)
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-This command allows the user to check the status of a long running
-task. The task is represented by the checkpoint file (created by
-the cogrun, cog-job-submit, or cog-task2xml commands). Upon
-submission, the client re-connects to the remote execution service and
-retreives the latest execution status.
Index: modules/examples/meta/cog-checkpoint-status/usage.txt
--- modules/examples/meta/cog-checkpoint-status/usage.txt (revision 4012)
+++ modules/examples/meta/cog-checkpoint-status/usage.txt (working copy)
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
- cog-checkpoint-status <options>
- (-checkpoint | -c) <fileName>
- Input checkpoint file
- [(-verbose | -v)]
- If enabled, display information about what is being done
- [(-help | -h)]
- Display usage
Index: modules/examples/meta/cog-checkpoint-submit/description.txt
--- modules/examples/meta/cog-checkpoint-submit/description.txt (revision 4012)
+++ modules/examples/meta/cog-checkpoint-submit/description.txt (working copy)
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-This command allows the user to submit a checkpoint file (created by
-the cogrun, cog-job-submit, or cog-task2xml commands). Upon
-submission, the client re-connects to the remote execution service and
-actively monitors the status updates.
Index: modules/examples/meta/cog-checkpoint-submit/usage.txt
--- modules/examples/meta/cog-checkpoint-submit/usage.txt (revision 4012)
+++ modules/examples/meta/cog-checkpoint-submit/usage.txt (working copy)
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
- cog-checkpoint-submit <options>
- (-checkpoint | -c) <fileName>
- Input checkpoint file
- [(-verbose | -v)]
- If enabled, display information about what is being done
- [(-help | -h)]
- Display usage
Index: modules/examples/src/org/globus/cog/abstraction/examples/taskgraph/RemoteCompileExecute.java
--- modules/examples/src/org/globus/cog/abstraction/examples/taskgraph/RemoteCompileExecute.java (revision 4012)
+++ modules/examples/src/org/globus/cog/abstraction/examples/taskgraph/RemoteCompileExecute.java (working copy)
@@ -1,303 +0,0 @@
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-//This code is developed as part of the Java CoG Kit project
-//The terms of the license can be found at http://www.cogkit.org/license
-//This message may not be removed or altered.
-package org.globus.cog.abstraction.examples.taskgraph;
-import java.io.File;
-import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.impl.common.AbstractionFactory;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.impl.common.AbstractionProperties;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.impl.common.ProviderMethodException;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.impl.common.StatusEvent;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.impl.common.task.ExecutionServiceImpl;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.impl.common.task.IllegalSpecException;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.impl.common.task.InvalidProviderException;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.impl.common.task.InvalidSecurityContextException;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.impl.common.task.InvalidServiceContactException;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.impl.common.task.JobSpecificationImpl;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.impl.common.task.ServiceContactImpl;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.impl.common.task.TaskImpl;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.impl.common.task.TaskSubmissionException;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.impl.common.taskgraph.TaskGraphHandlerImpl;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.impl.common.taskgraph.TaskGraphImpl;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.interfaces.ExecutableObject;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.interfaces.ExecutionService;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.interfaces.JobSpecification;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.interfaces.SecurityContext;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.interfaces.ServiceContact;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.interfaces.Status;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.interfaces.StatusListener;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.interfaces.Task;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.interfaces.TaskGraph;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.interfaces.TaskGraphHandler;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.tools.transfer.FileTransfer;
-import org.globus.cog.util.ArgumentParser;
-import org.globus.cog.util.ArgumentParserException;
- * This example demonstrates an execution flow where a local java file needs to
- * be compiled and executed remotely. Then it transfers the stdout of the remote
- * execution back to the local machine.
- */
-public class RemoteCompileExecute implements StatusListener {
- static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(RemoteCompileExecute.class
- .getName());
- private String serviceContact = null;
- private String executionProvider = null;
- private String transferProvider = null;
- private String sourceFile = null;
- private String normalizedFileName = null;
- private String javaHome = null;
- private String classpath = null;
- private TaskGraph tg = null;
- public static void main(String args[]) {
- ArgumentParser ap = new ArgumentParser();
- ap.setExecutableName("cog-compile-execute");
- ap.addOption("src", "Name of the Java source file", "filename",
- ArgumentParser.NORMAL);
- ap.addAlias("src", "s");
- ap.addOption("javaHome",
- "Path of the Java environment on the remote machine", "path",
- ArgumentParser.NORMAL);
- ap.addAlias("javaHome", "j");
- ap.addOption("classpath",
- "Path of the Java classpath on the remote machine", "path",
- ArgumentParser.OPTIONAL);
- ap.addAlias("classpath", "cp");
- ap.addOption("execution-provider",
- "Execution provider; available providers: "
- + AbstractionProperties.getProviders().toString(),
- "provider", ArgumentParser.NORMAL);
- ap.addAlias("execution-provider", "ep");
- ap.addOption("transfer-provider",
- "Transfer provider; available providers: "
- + AbstractionProperties.getProviders().toString(),
- "provider", ArgumentParser.NORMAL);
- ap.addAlias("transfer-provider", "tp");
- ap.addOption("service-contact", "Service contact for the remote host",
- "host", ArgumentParser.NORMAL);
- ap.addAlias("service-contact", "sc");
- ap.addFlag("verbose",
- "If enabled, display information about what is being done");
- ap.addAlias("verbose", "v");
- ap.addFlag("help", "Display usage");
- ap.addAlias("help", "h");
- try {
- ap.parse(args);
- if (ap.isPresent("help")) {
- ap.usage();
- } else {
- ap.checkMandatory();
- try {
- RemoteCompileExecute rce = new RemoteCompileExecute();
- rce.setServiceContact(ap.getStringValue("service-contact"));
- rce.setExecutionProvider(ap
- .getStringValue("execution-provider"));
- rce.setTransferProvider(ap
- .getStringValue("transfer-provider"));
- rce.setSourceFile(ap.getStringValue("src"));
- rce.setJavaHome(ap.getStringValue("javaHome"));
- rce.setClasspath(ap.getStringValue("classpath", null));
- rce.prepareTaskGraph();
- rce.submit();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logger.error("Exception in main", e);
- }
- }
- } catch (ArgumentParserException e) {
- System.err.println("Error parsing arguments: " + e.getMessage());
- ap.usage();
- }
- }
- private void prepareTaskGraph() throws Exception {
- this.tg = new TaskGraphImpl();
- tg.setName("Workflow");
- Task transferTask = prepareFileTransferTask();
- Task compileTask = prepareCompileTask();
- Task executeTask = prepareExecutionTask();
- tg.add(transferTask);
- tg.add(compileTask);
- tg.add(executeTask);
- tg.addDependency(transferTask, compileTask);
- tg.addDependency(compileTask, executeTask);
- tg.addStatusListener(this);
- }
- private void submit() {
- TaskGraphHandler handler = new TaskGraphHandlerImpl();
- try {
- handler.submit(this.tg);
- logger.debug("TaskGraph submitted");
- } catch (InvalidSecurityContextException ise) {
- logger.error("Security Exception");
- ise.printStackTrace();
- System.exit(1);
- } catch (TaskSubmissionException tse) {
- logger.error("TaskSubmission Exception");
- tse.printStackTrace();
- System.exit(1);
- } catch (IllegalSpecException ispe) {
- logger.error("Specification Exception");
- ispe.printStackTrace();
- System.exit(1);
- } catch (InvalidServiceContactException isce) {
- logger.error("Service Contact Exception");
- isce.printStackTrace();
- System.exit(1);
- }
- }
- private Task prepareFileTransferTask() throws Exception {
- FileTransfer fileTransfer = new FileTransfer("Transfer_Task", "file://"
- + this.sourceFile, this.transferProvider + "://"
- + this.serviceContact + "///tmp/" + normalizedFileName
- + ".java");
- fileTransfer.prepareTask();
- Task task = fileTransfer.getFileTransferTask();
- task.removeStatusListener(fileTransfer);
- task.addStatusListener(this);
- return task;
- }
- private Task prepareCompileTask() throws InvalidProviderException,
- ProviderMethodException {
- Task task = new TaskImpl("Compile_Task", Task.JOB_SUBMISSION);
- JobSpecification spec = new JobSpecificationImpl();
- spec.setExecutable(this.javaHome + "/bin/javac");
- if (this.classpath != null) {
- spec.addArgument(" -classpath");
- spec.addArgument(this.classpath);
- }
- spec.addArgument("/tmp/" + this.normalizedFileName + ".java");
- spec.setRedirected(true);
- task.setSpecification(spec);
- ExecutionService service = new ExecutionServiceImpl();
- service.setProvider(this.executionProvider.toLowerCase());
- SecurityContext securityContext = AbstractionFactory
- .newSecurityContext(this.executionProvider.toLowerCase());
- securityContext.setCredentials(null);
- service.setSecurityContext(securityContext);
- ServiceContact sc = new ServiceContactImpl(this.serviceContact);
- service.setServiceContact(sc);
- task.addService(service);
- task.addStatusListener(this);
- return task;
- }
- private Task prepareExecutionTask() throws InvalidProviderException,
- ProviderMethodException {
- Task task = new TaskImpl("Execution_Task", Task.JOB_SUBMISSION);
- JobSpecification spec = new JobSpecificationImpl();
- spec.setExecutable(this.javaHome + "/bin/java");
- if (this.classpath == null) {
- spec.addArgument(" -classpath");
- spec.addArgument("/tmp");
- } else {
- spec.addArgument(" -classpath");
- spec.addArgument("/tmp" + File.pathSeparator + this.classpath);
- }
- spec.addArgument(normalizedFileName);
- spec.setRedirected(true);
- task.setSpecification(spec);
- ExecutionService service = new ExecutionServiceImpl();
- service.setProvider(this.executionProvider.toLowerCase());
- SecurityContext securityContext = AbstractionFactory
- .newSecurityContext(this.executionProvider.toLowerCase());
- securityContext.setCredentials(null);
- service.setSecurityContext(securityContext);
- ServiceContact sc = new ServiceContactImpl(this.serviceContact);
- service.setServiceContact(sc);
- task.addService(service);
- task.addStatusListener(this);
- return task;
- }
- public String getExecutionProvider() {
- return executionProvider;
- }
- public void setExecutionProvider(String provider) {
- this.executionProvider = provider;
- }
- public String getSourceFile() {
- return sourceFile;
- }
- public void setSourceFile(String sourceFile) {
- this.sourceFile = sourceFile;
- String filename = this.sourceFile.substring(this.sourceFile
- .lastIndexOf("/"));
- filename = filename.substring(1, filename.lastIndexOf(".java"));
- this.normalizedFileName = filename;
- logger.debug("Normalized file " + this.normalizedFileName);
- }
- public String getServiceContact() {
- return serviceContact;
- }
- public void setServiceContact(String serviceContact) {
- this.serviceContact = serviceContact;
- }
- public String getJavaHome() {
- return javaHome;
- }
- public void setJavaHome(String javaHome) {
- this.javaHome = javaHome;
- }
- public void statusChanged(StatusEvent event) {
- ExecutableObject eo = event.getSource();
- Status status = event.getStatus();
- if (eo.getObjectType() == ExecutableObject.TASK) {
- logger.debug("Status of " + eo.getName() + " changed to: "
- + status.getStatusString());
- if (status.getStatusCode() == Status.COMPLETED
- && ((Task) eo).getStdOutput() != null) {
- System.out.println("Output = " + ((Task) eo).getStdOutput());
- }
- } else {
- if (status.getStatusCode() == Status.COMPLETED
- || status.getStatusCode() == Status.FAILED) {
- System.exit(0);
- }
- }
- }
- public String getClasspath() {
- return classpath;
- }
- public void setClasspath(String classpath) {
- this.classpath = classpath;
- }
- public String getTransferProvider() {
- return transferProvider;
- }
- public void setTransferProvider(String transferProvider) {
- this.transferProvider = transferProvider;
- }
\ No newline at end of file
Index: modules/examples/src/org/globus/cog/abstraction/examples/taskgraph/HierarchicalDAGVisualizer.java
--- modules/examples/src/org/globus/cog/abstraction/examples/taskgraph/HierarchicalDAGVisualizer.java (revision 4012)
+++ modules/examples/src/org/globus/cog/abstraction/examples/taskgraph/HierarchicalDAGVisualizer.java (working copy)
@@ -1,324 +0,0 @@
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// This code is developed as part of the Java CoG Kit project
-// The terms of the license can be found at http://www.cogkit.org/license
-// This message may not be removed or altered.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-package org.globus.cog.abstraction.examples.taskgraph;
-import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
-import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
-import java.util.Enumeration;
-import java.util.Hashtable;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.impl.common.StatusEvent;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.impl.common.taskgraph.DependencyPair;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.interfaces.Dependency;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.interfaces.ExecutableObject;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.interfaces.Status;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.interfaces.StatusListener;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.interfaces.Task;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.interfaces.TaskGraph;
-import org.globus.cog.gui.grapheditor.RendererFactory;
-import org.globus.cog.gui.grapheditor.RootContainer;
-import org.globus.cog.gui.grapheditor.canvas.GraphCanvas;
-import org.globus.cog.gui.grapheditor.generic.GenericEdge;
-import org.globus.cog.gui.grapheditor.generic.GenericNode;
-import org.globus.cog.gui.grapheditor.generic.RootNode;
-import org.globus.cog.gui.grapheditor.properties.OverlayedProperty;
-import org.globus.cog.gui.grapheditor.properties.Property;
-import org.globus.cog.gui.grapheditor.targets.swing.GraphFrame;
-import org.globus.cog.gui.grapheditor.targets.swing.SwingCanvasRenderer;
-import org.globus.cog.gui.grapheditor.targets.swing.util.CanvasAction;
-import org.globus.cog.gui.grapheditor.targets.swing.util.CanvasActionEvent;
-import org.globus.cog.gui.grapheditor.targets.swing.util.CanvasActionListener;
-import org.globus.cog.gui.grapheditor.targets.swing.views.GraphView;
-import org.globus.cog.util.graph.Graph;
-import org.globus.cog.util.graph.Node;
-public class HierarchicalDAGVisualizer extends HierarchicalDAG implements
- StatusListener, ActionListener, CanvasActionListener {
- private Hashtable nodeMapping;
- private CanvasAction run;
- public HierarchicalDAGVisualizer() {
- super();
- this.nodeMapping = new Hashtable();
- }
- private RootNode init() {
- RootNode rootNode = new RootNode();
- rootNode.setName("Java CoG Kit Work Manager");
- GraphCanvas graphCanvas = rootNode.getCanvas();
- if (graphCanvas == null) {
- graphCanvas = rootNode.createCanvas();
- }
- Graph graph = new Graph();
- GenericNode gn = new GenericNode();
- createSubGraph(gn, this.taskGraph);
- graph.addNode(gn);
- this.nodeMapping.put(this.taskGraph, gn);
- graphCanvas.setGraph(graph);
- return rootNode;
- }
- private void updateRenderer(SwingCanvasRenderer renderer) {
- this.run = new CanvasAction("300#Control>1#Run", null,
- CanvasAction.ACTION_NORMAL);
- this.run.addCanvasActionListener(this);
- renderer.addToolBarItem(this.run);
- renderer.setView(new GraphView());
- }
- private void createSubGraph(GenericNode genericNode,
- ExecutableObject executableObject) {
- if (executableObject.getObjectType() == ExecutableObject.TASK) {
- Task task = (Task) executableObject;
- task.addStatusListener(this);
- setTaskProperties(genericNode, task);
- } else if (executableObject.getObjectType() == ExecutableObject.TASKGRAPH) {
- TaskGraph taskGraph = (TaskGraph) executableObject;
- taskGraph.addStatusListener(this);
- setGraphProperties(genericNode, taskGraph);
- GraphCanvas subCanvas = genericNode.getCanvas();
- if (subCanvas == null) {
- subCanvas = genericNode.createCanvas();
- }
- Graph graph = new Graph();
- Enumeration en = taskGraph.elements();
- while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
- ExecutableObject eo = (ExecutableObject) en.nextElement();
- GenericNode gn = new GenericNode();
- createSubGraph(gn, eo);
- graph.addNode(gn);
- this.nodeMapping.put(eo, gn);
- }
- // Draw the dependencies
- Dependency dependency = taskGraph.getDependency();
- if (dependency != null) {
- Enumeration en1 = dependency.elements();
- while (en1.hasMoreElements()) {
- DependencyPair pair = (DependencyPair) en1.nextElement();
- ExecutableObject eo1 = pair.getFrom();
- ExecutableObject eo2 = pair.getTo();
- GenericNode gn1 = (GenericNode) this.nodeMapping.get(eo1);
- GenericNode gn2 = (GenericNode) this.nodeMapping.get(eo2);
- Node node1 = graph.findNode(gn1);
- Node node2 = graph.findNode(gn2);
- graph.addEdge(node1, node2, new GenericEdge());
- }
- }
- subCanvas.setGraph(graph);
- }
- }
- private void setTaskProperties(GenericNode genericNode, Task task) {
- Property property;
- property = new OverlayedProperty(genericNode, "Identity");
- genericNode.addProperty(property);
- property = new OverlayedProperty(genericNode, "Type");
- genericNode.addProperty(property);
- property = new OverlayedProperty(genericNode, "StdError");
- genericNode.addProperty(property);
- property = new OverlayedProperty(genericNode, "StdOutput");
- genericNode.addProperty(property);
- property = new OverlayedProperty(genericNode, "Provider");
- genericNode.addProperty(property);
- property = new OverlayedProperty(genericNode, "ServiceContact");
- genericNode.addProperty(property);
- property = new OverlayedProperty(genericNode, "Specification");
- genericNode.addProperty(property);
- // set all the above defined properties:
- genericNode.getProperty("name").setValue(task.getName());
- genericNode.getProperty("Identity").setValue(
- task.getIdentity().toString());
- genericNode.getProperty("Type").setValue(
- Integer.toString(task.getType()));
- genericNode.getProperty("StdOutput").setValue(task.getStdOutput());
- genericNode.getProperty("StdError").setValue(task.getStdError());
- genericNode.getProperty("Provider").setValue(task.getProvider());
- genericNode.getProperty("status").setValue(
- new Integer(GenericNode.STATUS_STOPPED));
- genericNode.getProperty("Specification").setValue(
- task.getSpecification().getSpecification());
- }
- private void setGraphProperties(GenericNode genericNode, TaskGraph taskGraph) {
- Property property;
- property = new OverlayedProperty(genericNode, "Identity");
- genericNode.addProperty(property);
- property = new OverlayedProperty(genericNode, "Size");
- genericNode.addProperty(property);
- property = new OverlayedProperty(genericNode, "Unsubmitted");
- genericNode.addProperty(property);
- property = new OverlayedProperty(genericNode, "Submitted");
- genericNode.addProperty(property);
- property = new OverlayedProperty(genericNode, "Active");
- genericNode.addProperty(property);
- property = new OverlayedProperty(genericNode, "Suspended");
- genericNode.addProperty(property);
- property = new OverlayedProperty(genericNode, "Resumed");
- genericNode.addProperty(property);
- property = new OverlayedProperty(genericNode, "Canceled");
- genericNode.addProperty(property);
- property = new OverlayedProperty(genericNode, "Failed");
- genericNode.addProperty(property);
- property = new OverlayedProperty(genericNode, "Completed");
- genericNode.addProperty(property);
- // set all the above defined properties:
- genericNode.getProperty("name").setValue(taskGraph.getName());
- genericNode.getProperty("Identity").setValue(
- taskGraph.getIdentity().toString());
- genericNode.getProperty("status").setValue(
- new Integer(GenericNode.STATUS_STOPPED));
- genericNode.getProperty("Size").setValue(
- Integer.toString(taskGraph.getSize()));
- genericNode.getProperty("Unsubmitted").setValue(
- Integer.toString(taskGraph.getUnsubmittedCount()));
- genericNode.getProperty("Submitted").setValue(
- Integer.toString(taskGraph.getSubmittedCount()));
- genericNode.getProperty("Active").setValue(
- Integer.toString(taskGraph.getActiveCount()));
- genericNode.getProperty("Suspended").setValue(
- Integer.toString(taskGraph.getSuspendedCount()));
- genericNode.getProperty("Resumed").setValue(
- Integer.toString(taskGraph.getResumedCount()));
- genericNode.getProperty("Canceled").setValue(
- Integer.toString(taskGraph.getCanceledCount()));
- genericNode.getProperty("Failed").setValue(
- Integer.toString(taskGraph.getFailedCount()));
- genericNode.getProperty("Completed").setValue(
- Integer.toString(taskGraph.getCompletedCount()));
- }
- public void updateProperties(StatusEvent event) {
- TaskGraph taskGraph = (TaskGraph) event.getSource();
- GenericNode genericNode = (GenericNode) this.nodeMapping.get(event
- .getSource());
- genericNode.getProperty("Unsubmitted").setValue(
- Integer.toString(taskGraph.getUnsubmittedCount()));
- genericNode.getProperty("Submitted").setValue(
- Integer.toString(taskGraph.getSubmittedCount()));
- genericNode.getProperty("Active").setValue(
- Integer.toString(taskGraph.getActiveCount()));
- genericNode.getProperty("Suspended").setValue(
- Integer.toString(taskGraph.getSuspendedCount()));
- genericNode.getProperty("Resumed").setValue(
- Integer.toString(taskGraph.getResumedCount()));
- genericNode.getProperty("Canceled").setValue(
- Integer.toString(taskGraph.getCanceledCount()));
- genericNode.getProperty("Failed").setValue(
- Integer.toString(taskGraph.getFailedCount()));
- genericNode.getProperty("Completed").setValue(
- Integer.toString(taskGraph.getCompletedCount()));
- }
- public void statusChanged(StatusEvent event) {
- ExecutableObject executableObject = event.getSource();
- GenericNode gn = (GenericNode) this.nodeMapping.get(executableObject);
- int status = event.getStatus().getStatusCode();
- logger.debug("ID: " + executableObject.getIdentity().toString());
- logger.debug("Status: " + executableObject.getStatus().getStatusCode());
- switch (status) {
- case Status.UNSUBMITTED:
- gn.getProperty("status").setValue(
- new Integer(GenericNode.STATUS_STOPPED));
- break;
- case Status.SUBMITTED:
- gn.getProperty("status").setValue(
- new Integer(GenericNode.STATUS_RUNNING));
- break;
- case Status.ACTIVE:
- gn.getProperty("status").setValue(
- new Integer(GenericNode.STATUS_RUNNING));
- break;
- case Status.FAILED:
- gn.getProperty("status").setValue(
- new Integer(GenericNode.STATUS_FAILED));
- break;
- case Status.COMPLETED:
- gn.getProperty("status").setValue(
- new Integer(GenericNode.STATUS_COMPLETED));
- break;
- case Status.CANCELED:
- gn.getProperty("status").setValue(
- new Integer(GenericNode.STATUS_FAILED));
- break;
- case Status.SUSPENDED:
- gn.getProperty("status").setValue(
- new Integer(GenericNode.STATUS_STOPPED));
- break;
- case Status.RESUMED:
- gn.getProperty("status").setValue(
- new Integer(GenericNode.STATUS_RUNNING));
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- if (executableObject.getObjectType() == ExecutableObject.TASKGRAPH) {
- updateProperties(event);
- }
- }
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
- if (event.getActionCommand().equals("Run")) {
- if (!this.active) {
- this.active = true;
- submitDAG();
- }
- }
- }
- public void canvasActionPerformed(CanvasActionEvent e) {
- if (e.getSource() == this.run) {
- if (!this.active) {
- this.active = true;
- submitDAG();
- }
- }
- }
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- try {
- HierarchicalDAGVisualizer dagViz = new HierarchicalDAGVisualizer();
- dagViz.createDAG();
- RendererFactory.addRootContainer("swing", GraphFrame.class);
- RootContainer rootContainer = new GraphFrame();
- RootNode rootNode = dagViz.init();
- rootContainer.setRootNode(rootNode);
- dagViz.updateRenderer((SwingCanvasRenderer) rootContainer
- .getCanvasRenderer());
- Thread thread = new Thread(rootContainer);
- thread.start();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logger.error("Exception caught: ", e);
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
Index: modules/examples/src/org/globus/cog/abstraction/examples/taskgraph/HierarchicalDAG.java
--- modules/examples/src/org/globus/cog/abstraction/examples/taskgraph/HierarchicalDAG.java (revision 4012)
+++ modules/examples/src/org/globus/cog/abstraction/examples/taskgraph/HierarchicalDAG.java (working copy)
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// This code is developed as part of the Java CoG Kit project
-// The terms of the license can be found at http://www.cogkit.org/license
-// This message may not be removed or altered.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-package org.globus.cog.abstraction.examples.taskgraph;
-import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.impl.common.StatusEvent;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.impl.common.task.IllegalSpecException;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.impl.common.task.InvalidSecurityContextException;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.impl.common.task.InvalidServiceContactException;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.impl.common.task.TaskSubmissionException;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.impl.common.taskgraph.TaskGraphHandlerImpl;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.impl.common.taskgraph.TaskGraphImpl;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.interfaces.ExecutableObject;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.interfaces.Status;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.interfaces.StatusListener;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.interfaces.Task;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.interfaces.TaskGraph;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.interfaces.TaskGraphHandler;
-import org.globus.cog.abstraction.tools.transfer.FileTransfer;
- * This class serves as an example to demonstrate the execution of hierarchical
- * taskgraphs (DAGs). It simply shows the semantics of how a user can create a
- * hierarchy of task graph and submit additional tasks to an already executing
- * task graph (a.k.a adding tasks to a "live taskgraph"). The parameters to the
- * task specification MUST be changed to suite your requirements and
- * environment.
- */
-public class HierarchicalDAG implements StatusListener {
- static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(HierarchicalDAG.class.getName());
- protected org.globus.cog.abstraction.interfaces.TaskGraph taskGraph;
- protected boolean active = false;
- private boolean submitted = false;
- private Task task6 = null;
- private Task task9 = null;
- private TaskGraph tg5 = null;
- public void createDAG() throws Exception {
- TaskGraph tg1 = new TaskGraphImpl();
- try {
- tg1.setName("TG1");
- Task task1 = prepareTask("Task1",
- "gridftp://hot.mcs.anl.gov:2811//home/cog/gridfile1",
- "gridftp://cold.mcs.anl.gov:2811//home/cog/gridfile1");
- Task task2 = prepareTask("Task2",
- "gridftp://cold.mcs.anl.gov:2811//home/cog/gridfile2",
- "gridftp://hot.mcs.anl.gov:2811//home/cog/gridfile2");
- tg1.add(task1);
- tg1.add(task2);
- tg1.addDependency(task1, task2);
- TaskGraph tg2 = new TaskGraphImpl();
- tg2.setName("TG2");
- Task task3 = prepareTask("Task3",
- "gridftp://hot.mcs.anl.gov:2811//home/cog/gridfile3",
- "gridftp://cold.mcs.anl.gov:2811//home/cog/gridfile3");
- Task task4 = prepareTask("Task4",
- "gridftp://cold.mcs.anl.gov:2811//home/cog/gridfile4",
- "gridftp://hot.mcs.anl.gov:2811//home/cog/gridfile4");
- tg2.add(task3);
- tg2.add(task4);
- tg2.addDependency(task3, task4);
- TaskGraph tg3 = new TaskGraphImpl();
- tg3.setName("TG3");
- tg3.add(tg1);
- tg3.add(tg2);
- tg3.addDependency(tg1, tg2);
- TaskGraph tg4 = new TaskGraphImpl();
- tg4.setName("TG4");
- Task task5 = prepareTask("Task5",
- "gridftp://new.mcs.anl.gov:2811//home/cog/gridfile6",
- "gridftp://old.mcs.anl.gov:2811//home/cog/gridfile7");
- tg4.add(tg3);
- tg4.add(task5);
- tg4.addDependency(tg3, task5);
- tg5 = new TaskGraphImpl();
- Task task7 = prepareTask("Task7",
- "gridftp://old.mcs.anl.gov:2811//home/cog/gridfile8",
- "gridftp://new.mcs.anl.gov:2811//home/cog/gridfile9");
- Task task8 = prepareTask("Task8",
- "gridftp://here.mcs.anl.gov:2811//home/cog/gridfile10",
- "gridftp://there.mcs.anl.gov:2811//home/cog/gridfile10");
- task9 = prepareTask("Task9",
- "gridftp://here.mcs.anl.gov:2811//home/cog/gridfile11",
- "gridftp://there.mcs.anl.gov:2811//home/cog/gridfile11");
- tg5.add(task7);
- tg5.add(task8);
- tg5.add(task9);
- tg5.add(tg4);
- tg5.addDependency(task7, task8);
- tg5.addDependency(task8, task9);
- tg5.addDependency(task8, tg4);
- tg5.addDependency(task9, tg4);
- this.taskGraph = tg5;
- this.taskGraph.setName("Main Graph");
- this.taskGraph.addStatusListener(this);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logger.error("Unable to create DAG", e);
- }
- }
- public void submitDAG() {
- TaskGraphHandler handler = new TaskGraphHandlerImpl();
- try {
- handler.submit(this.taskGraph);
- logger.debug("TaskGraph submitted");
- } catch (InvalidSecurityContextException ise) {
- logger.error("Security Exception");
- ise.printStackTrace();
- System.exit(1);
- } catch (TaskSubmissionException tse) {
- logger.error("TaskSubmission Exception");
- tse.printStackTrace();
- System.exit(1);
- } catch (IllegalSpecException ispe) {
- logger.error("Specification Exception");
- ispe.printStackTrace();
- System.exit(1);
- } catch (InvalidServiceContactException isce) {
- logger.error("Service Contact Exception");
- isce.printStackTrace();
- System.exit(1);
- }
- }
- private Task prepareTask(String name, String source, String destination)
- throws Exception {
- FileTransfer fileTransfer = new FileTransfer(name, source, destination);
- fileTransfer.prepareTask();
- Task task = fileTransfer.getFileTransferTask();
- task.removeStatusListener(fileTransfer);
- return task;
- }
- public void statusChanged(StatusEvent event) {
- ExecutableObject eo = event.getSource();
- logger.debug(eo.getName());
- Status status = event.getStatus();
- logger.debug("Status changed to: " + status.getStatusString());
- // demonstrating "live" task graphs
- if (status.getStatusCode() == Status.SUBMITTED && !submitted) {
- submitted = true;
- try {
- task6 = prepareTask("Task6",
- "gridftp://this.mcs.anl.gov:2811//home/cog/gridfile12",
- "gridftp://that.mcs.anl.gov:2811//home/cog/gridfile12");
- tg5.addDependency(task6, task9);
- tg5.add(task6);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- if (status.getStatusCode() == Status.COMPLETED
- || status.getStatusCode() == Status.FAILED) {
- logger.info("Task Graph Done");
- // System.exit(1);
- }
- }
- public static void main(String arg[]) {
- try {
- HierarchicalDAG dag = new HierarchicalDAG();
- dag.createDAG();
- dag.submitDAG();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- logger.error("Exception caught: ", e);
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
Index: modules/examples/etc/MANIFEST.MF.tail
--- modules/examples/etc/MANIFEST.MF.tail (revision 4012)
+++ modules/examples/etc/MANIFEST.MF.tail (working copy)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
Index: modules/examples/etc/MANIFEST.MF.head
--- modules/examples/etc/MANIFEST.MF.head (revision 4012)
+++ modules/examples/etc/MANIFEST.MF.head (working copy)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Manifest-Version: 1.0
Index: modules/examples/build.xml
--- modules/examples/build.xml (revision 4012)
+++ modules/examples/build.xml (working copy)
@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-<project name="Java CoG Kit" default="dist" basedir=".">
- <property file="project.properties"/>
- <property name="cog.dir" value="${basedir}/../../"/>
- <property name="main.buildfile" value="${cog.dir}/mbuild.xml"/>
- <property name="dist.dir" value="${cog.dir}/modules/${module.name}/dist/${module.name}-${version}"/>
- <property name="build.dir" value="${cog.dir}/modules/${module.name}/build"/>
- <!-- _________________________________________________________________ -->
- <!-- / \ -->
- <!-- | Help | -->
- <!-- \_________________________________________________________________/ -->
- <target name="help">
- <echo>
- Available targets:
- help:
- prints out this help message
- dist:
- creates a distribution directory of the
- ${project} ${long.name}
- jar:
- creates a jar file for the ${project} ${long.name}
- named ${jar.filename}
- javadoc:
- creates the documentation
- clean:
- removes the compiled classes
- distclean:
- deletes the distribution directory
- all:
- dist and javadoc
- deploy.webstart:
- deploys the module as a webstart application
- dist.joint:
- builds everything into one jar file. Should only
- be used globally (from all)
- fixeol:
- change newlines to the unix standard
- </echo>
- </target>
- <!-- _________________________________________________________________ -->
- <!-- / \ -->
- <!-- | Dist | -->
- <!-- \_________________________________________________________________/ -->
- <target name="dist">
- <ant antfile="${main.buildfile}" target="dist"/>
- </target>
- <!-- _________________________________________________________________ -->
- <!-- / \ -->
- <!-- | Compile | -->
- <!-- \_________________________________________________________________/ -->
- <target name="compile">
- <ant antfile="${main.buildfile}" target="compile"/>
- </target>
- <!-- _________________________________________________________________ -->
- <!-- / \ -->
- <!-- | Clean | -->
- <!-- \_________________________________________________________________/ -->
- <target name="clean">
- <ant antfile="${main.buildfile}" target="clean"/>
- </target>
- <!-- _________________________________________________________________ -->
- <!-- / \ -->
- <!-- | Distclean | -->
- <!-- \_________________________________________________________________/ -->
- <target name="distclean">
- <ant antfile="${main.buildfile}" target="distclean"/>
- </target>
- <!-- _________________________________________________________________ -->
- <!-- / \ -->
- <!-- | Jar | -->
- <!-- \_________________________________________________________________/ -->
- <target name="jar">
- <ant antfile="${main.buildfile}" target="jar"/>
- </target>
- <!-- _________________________________________________________________ -->
- <!-- / \ -->
- <!-- | Javadoc | -->
- <!-- \_________________________________________________________________/ -->
- <target name="javadoc">
- <ant antfile="${main.buildfile}" target="javadoc"/>
- </target>
- <!-- _________________________________________________________________ -->
- <!-- / \ -->
- <!-- | PMD | -->
- <!-- \_________________________________________________________________/ -->
- <target name="pmd">
- <ant antfile="${main.buildfile}" target="pmd"/>
- </target>
- <target name="deploy.webstart">
- <ant antfile="${main.buildfile}" target="deploy.webstart"/>
- </target>
- <target name="replacelibs">
- <ant antfile="${main.buildfile}" target="replacelibs"/>
- </target>
- <target name="webstart.launchers">
- <ant antfile="${main.buildfile}" target="webstart.launchers"/>
- </target>
- <target name="dist.joint">
- <ant antfile="${main.buildfile}" target="dist.all"/>
- </target>
- <target name="module.package">
- <ant antfile="${main.buildfile}" target="module.package"/>
- </target>
- <!-- ================================================ -->
- <!-- fixeol -->
- <!-- ================================================ -->
- <target name="fixeol">
- <ant antfile="${main.buildfile}" target="fixeol"/>
- </target>
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