[Swift-commit] r6153 - SwiftApps/activityplot

davidk at ci.uchicago.edu davidk at ci.uchicago.edu
Mon Jan 14 02:45:50 CST 2013

Author: davidk
Date: 2013-01-14 02:45:50 -0600 (Mon, 14 Jan 2013)
New Revision: 6153

mmm, plotty.

Added: SwiftApps/activityplot/README
--- SwiftApps/activityplot/README	                        (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/activityplot/README	2013-01-14 08:45:50 UTC (rev 6153)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Usage: ./activityplot.pl swift.out

Added: SwiftApps/activityplot/activityplot.gp
--- SwiftApps/activityplot/activityplot.gp	                        (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/activityplot/activityplot.gp	2013-01-14 08:45:50 UTC (rev 6153)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+set term png enhanced font "./verdana.ttf" 18 size 2000,2000
+set output "activityplot.png"
+set key outside
+set multiplot
+set grid
+set size 1.0,0.5
+set origin 0.0,0.5
+plot 'activityplot.dat' using 1:5:(0) title 'Tasks completed' with lines lw 4
+set yrange [0:160]
+set xlabel "Time in seconds"
+set size 1.0,0.5
+set origin 0,0
+plot 'activityplot.dat' using 1:2:(0) title 'Staging in' with filledcurves, \
+     '' using 1:3:(0) title 'Active' with filledcurves, \
+     '' using 1:3:(0) title "" w lines lt 2 lc rgb "black", \
+     '' using 1:4:(0) title 'Staging out' with filledcurves, \
+     '' using 1:4:(0) title "" w lines lt 2 lc rgb "black" 
+unset multiplot

Added: SwiftApps/activityplot/activityplot.pl
--- SwiftApps/activityplot/activityplot.pl	                        (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/activityplot/activityplot.pl	2013-01-14 08:45:50 UTC (rev 6153)
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+use Time::Local;
+# Usage: ./activityplot.pl swift.out
+my $first_timestamp=0;
+my %mon2num = qw(
+  jan 1  feb 2  mar 3  apr 4  may 5  jun 6
+  jul 7  aug 8  sep 9  oct 10 nov 11 dec 12
+# Read file
+my $filename=shift;
+open(FILE, "$filename") || die "Unable to open $filename\n";
+my @filedata = <FILE>;
+# Open file for writing
+open(FILE, ">activityplot.dat") || die "Unable too open activityplot.dat for writing\n";
+sub get_value
+   my $statement = $_[0];
+   my $value = (split /:/, $statement)[1];
+   return $value;
+sub timestamp_to_seconds
+   (my $progress, my $tme, my $dayname, my $monthday, my $month, my $year, my $hhmmss, my @junk) = split('\s+', $_[0]);
+   (my $hh, my $mm, my $ss) = split(':', $hhmmss);
+   my $time = timelocal($ss, $mm, $hh, $monthday, $mon2num{lc substr($month, 0, 3)}, $year);
+   return $time;
+# Progress:  time: Sat, 12 Jan 2013 05:26:32 +0000  Stage in:913  Submitting:5  Submitted:443  Active:678  Stage out:9  Finished successfully:82
+foreach my $line(@filedata) {
+   if($line !~ /^Progress/) { next; }
+   my @words = split('\s+', $line);
+   my $timestamp = timestamp_to_seconds($line);
+   if($first_timestamp == 0) { $first_timestamp = $timestamp; $timestamp=0; } 
+   else { $timestamp = $timestamp - $first_timestamp; }
+   my $stagein=0, my $submitting=0, my $submitted=0;
+   my $active=0, my $stageout=0, my $finished=0;
+   foreach my $word(@words) {
+      if ($word =~ /^in:/)             { $stagein    = get_value($word); }
+      elsif ($word =~ /^Submitting:/)  { $submitting = get_value($word); }
+      elsif ($word =~ /^Submitted:/)   { $submitted  = get_value($word); }
+      elsif ($word =~ /^Active:/)      { $active     = get_value($word); }
+      elsif ($word =~ /^out:/)         { $stageout   = get_value($word); }
+      elsif ($word =~ /^successfully/) { $finished   = get_value($word); }
+   } 
+   # Adjust values for plotting
+   $stagein = $stagein + $active + $stageout;
+   $active = $active + $stageout;
+   print FILE "$timestamp $stagein $active $stageout $finished\n";
+system("gnuplot activityplot.gp");

Property changes on: SwiftApps/activityplot/activityplot.pl
Added: svn:executable
   + *

Added: SwiftApps/activityplot/verdana.ttf
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: SwiftApps/activityplot/verdana.ttf
Added: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

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