[Swift-commit] r7388 - in SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples: . EPlus
ketan at ci.uchicago.edu
ketan at ci.uchicago.edu
Mon Dec 9 09:07:25 CST 2013
Author: ketan
Date: 2013-12-09 09:07:24 -0600 (Mon, 09 Dec 2013)
New Revision: 7388
Adding eplus application to Swift-Reduce
Added: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/CHICAGO-EXAMPLE.imf
--- SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/CHICAGO-EXAMPLE.imf (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/CHICAGO-EXAMPLE.imf 2013-12-09 15:07:24 UTC (rev 7388)
@@ -0,0 +1,9361 @@
+##set1 ORIENTATION[] 0
+##set1 HEIGHT[] 10
+! DOE Commercial Reference Building
+! Large office, new construction 90.1-2004
+! Version 1.3_5.0
+! EnergyPlus Version 5.0
+! ASHRAE Standards 90.1-2004 and 62-1999
+! Description: 12 story plus basement, office building.
+! Form: Area = 46,320 m2 (498,588 ft2); Number of Stories = 12; Shape = rectangle, Aspect ratio = 1.5
+! Envelope: Envelope thermal properties vary with climate according to ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2004.
+! Opaque constructions: mass walls; built-up flat roof (insulation above deck); slab-on-grade floor
+! Windows: window-to-wall ratio = 38.0%, equal distribution of windows
+! Infiltration in perimeter zones only
+! = 0.4 cfm/ft2 above grade wall area at 0.3 in wc (75 Pa) adjusted to 0.016 in wc (4 Pa).
+! 25% of full value when ventilation system on.
+! HVAC: 2 water-cooled chillers, VAV with reheat and plenum zones
+! Economizer per 90.1-2004
+! Int. gains: lights = 10.76 W/m2 (1.0 W/ft2) (building area method);
+! elec. plug loads = 10.76 W/m2 (1.0 W/ft2)
+! gas plug load = 0 W/m2 (0 W/ft2)
+! people = 2,397 total, 5.38/100 m2 (5.0/1000 ft2); basement 2.69/100 m2 (2.5/1000 ft2)
+! elevators = 12 @ 25 HP each, 91% motor efficiency, motor heat exhausted directly
+! Detached Shading: None
+! Daylight: None
+! Natural Ventilation: None
+! Zonal Equipment: None
+! Air Primary Loops: VAV WITH REHEAT
+! Plant Loops: SHWSys1, HeatSys1, CoolSys1, TowerWaterSys
+! System Equipment Autosize: Yes
+! Purchased Cooling: None
+! Purchased Heating: None
+! Coils: Coil:Cooling:Water; Coil:Heating:Water
+! Pumps: Yes
+! Boilers: Boiler:HotWater (gas-fired)
+! Chillers: Chiller:Electric:ReformulatedEIR (water-cooled)
+!***** NOTICE *****
+!***** The Reference Buildings were prepared as an account of work sponsored by an *****
+!***** agency of the United States government. Neither the United States *****
+!***** government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes *****
+!***** any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or *****
+!***** responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any *****
+!***** information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents *****
+!***** that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference *****
+!***** herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by *****
+!***** trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily *****
+!***** constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by *****
+!***** the United States government or any agency thereof. The views and *****
+!***** opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or *****
+!***** reflect those of the United States government or any agency thereof. *****
+!***** Access to and use of the Reference Buildings imposes the following obligations *****
+!***** on the user. The user agrees to credit DOE, NREL, PNNL, and LBNL in *****
+!***** any publication(s) that that result from the use of Reference Buildings. *****
+!***** However, the names of DOE/NREL/PNNL/LBNL may not be used in any *****
+!***** advertising or publicity that implies endorsement or promotion of any *****
+!***** products, services or commercial entities. *****
+! Reference citation for the Commercial Reference Buildings:
+! Deru, M.; Field, K.; Studer, D.; Benne, K.; Griffith, B.; Torcellini, P;
+! Halverson, M.; Winiarski, D.; Liu, B.; Rosenberg, M.; Huang, J.;
+! Yazdanian, M.; Crawley, D. (2010).
+! U.S. Department of Energy Commercial Reference Building Models of the National Building Stock.
+! Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Energy, Energy Efficiency and
+! Renewable Energy, Office of Building Technologies.
+! Number of Zones: 19
+ Version,8.0;
+ SimulationControl,
+ YES, !- Do Zone Sizing Calculation
+ YES, !- Do System Sizing Calculation
+ YES, !- Do Plant Sizing Calculation
+ NO, !- Run Simulation for Sizing Periods
+ YES; !- Run Simulation for Weather File Run Periods
+ Building,
+ Ref Bldg Large Office New2004_v1.3_5.0, !- Name
+ ORIENTATION[], !- North Axis {deg}
+ City, !- Terrain
+ 0.0400, !- Loads Convergence Tolerance Value
+ 0.2000, !- Temperature Convergence Tolerance Value {deltaC}
+ FullInteriorAndExterior, !- Solar Distribution
+ 25, !- Maximum Number of Warmup Days
+ 6; !- Minimum Number of Warmup Days
+ RunPeriod,
+ , !- Name
+ 1, !- Begin Month
+ 1, !- Begin Day of Month
+ 1, !- End Month
+ 2, !- End Day of Month
+ Sunday, !- Day of Week for Start Day
+ No, !- Use Weather File Holidays and Special Days
+ No, !- Use Weather File Daylight Saving Period
+ No, !- Apply Weekend Holiday Rule
+ Yes, !- Use Weather File Rain Indicators
+ Yes, !- Use Weather File Snow Indicators
+ 1.0000; !- Number of Times Runperiod to be Repeated
+ RunPeriodControl:DaylightSavingTime,
+ 2nd Sunday in March, !- Start Date
+ 1st Sunday in November; !- End Date
+ RunPeriodControl:SpecialDays,
+ New Years Day, !- Name
+ January 1, !- Start Date
+ 1, !- Duration {days}
+ Holiday; !- Special Day Type
+ RunPeriodControl:SpecialDays,
+ Veterans Day, !- Name
+ November 11, !- Start Date
+ 1, !- Duration {days}
+ Holiday; !- Special Day Type
+ RunPeriodControl:SpecialDays,
+ Christmas, !- Name
+ December 25, !- Start Date
+ 1, !- Duration {days}
+ Holiday; !- Special Day Type
+ RunPeriodControl:SpecialDays,
+ Independence Day, !- Name
+ July 4, !- Start Date
+ 1, !- Duration {days}
+ Holiday; !- Special Day Type
+ RunPeriodControl:SpecialDays,
+ MLK Day, !- Name
+ 3rd Monday in January, !- Start Date
+ 1, !- Duration {days}
+ Holiday; !- Special Day Type
+ RunPeriodControl:SpecialDays,
+ Presidents Day, !- Name
+ 3rd Monday in February, !- Start Date
+ 1, !- Duration {days}
+ Holiday; !- Special Day Type
+ RunPeriodControl:SpecialDays,
+ Memorial Day, !- Name
+ Last Monday in May, !- Start Date
+ 1, !- Duration {days}
+ Holiday; !- Special Day Type
+ RunPeriodControl:SpecialDays,
+ Labor Day, !- Name
+ 1st Monday in September, !- Start Date
+ 1, !- Duration {days}
+ Holiday; !- Special Day Type
+ RunPeriodControl:SpecialDays,
+ Columbus Day, !- Name
+ 2nd Monday in October, !- Start Date
+ 1, !- Duration {days}
+ Holiday; !- Special Day Type
+ RunPeriodControl:SpecialDays,
+ Thanksgiving, !- Name
+ 4th Thursday in November,!- Start Date
+ 1, !- Duration {days}
+ Holiday; !- Special Day Type
+ ScheduleTypeLimits,
+ Any Number; !- Name
+ ScheduleTypeLimits,
+ Fraction, !- Name
+ 0.0, !- Lower Limit Value
+ 1.0, !- Upper Limit Value
+ CONTINUOUS; !- Numeric Type
+ ScheduleTypeLimits,
+ Temperature, !- Name
+ -60, !- Lower Limit Value
+ 200, !- Upper Limit Value
+ CONTINUOUS; !- Numeric Type
+ ScheduleTypeLimits,
+ On/Off, !- Name
+ 0, !- Lower Limit Value
+ 1, !- Upper Limit Value
+ DISCRETE; !- Numeric Type
+ ScheduleTypeLimits,
+ Control Type, !- Name
+ 0, !- Lower Limit Value
+ 4, !- Upper Limit Value
+ DISCRETE; !- Numeric Type
+ ScheduleTypeLimits,
+ Humidity, !- Name
+ 10, !- Lower Limit Value
+ 90, !- Upper Limit Value
+ CONTINUOUS; !- Numeric Type
+ ScheduleTypeLimits,
+ Number; !- Name
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Name
+ On/Off, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 24:00,1; !- Field 3
+ SurfaceConvectionAlgorithm:Inside,TARP;
+ SurfaceConvectionAlgorithm:Outside,DOE-2;
+ HeatBalanceAlgorithm,ConductionTransferFunction,200.0000;
+ ZoneAirHeatBalanceAlgorithm,
+ AnalyticalSolution; !- Algorithm
+ Sizing:Parameters,
+ 1.33, !- Heating Sizing Factor
+ 1.33, !- Cooling Sizing Factor
+ 6; !- Timesteps in Averaging Window
+ ConvergenceLimits,
+ 2, !- Minimum System Timestep {minutes}
+ 25; !- Maximum HVAC Iterations
+ ShadowCalculation,
+ AverageOverDaysInFrequency, !- Calculation Method
+ 7, !- Calculation Frequency
+ 15000; !- Maximum Figures in Shadow Overlap Calculations
+ Timestep,6;
+! WeatherFileName=USA_IL_Chicago-OHare_TMY2.epw
+ Site:Location,
+ 41.77, !- Latitude {deg}
+ -87.75, !- Longitude {deg}
+ -6.00, !- Time Zone {hr}
+ 190; !- Elevation {m}
+! CHICAGO_IL_USA Annual Heating 99.6%, MaxDB=-20.6�C
+ SizingPeriod:DesignDay,
+ CHICAGO Ann Htg 99.6% Condns DB, !- Name
+ 1, !- Month
+ 21, !- Day of Month
+ WinterDesignDay, !- Day Type
+ -20.6, !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 0.0, !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
+ , !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
+ , !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Day Schedule Name
+ Wetbulb, !- Humidity Condition Type
+ -20.6, !- Wetbulb or DewPoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
+ , !- Humidity Condition Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ , !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
+ , !- Daily Wet-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
+ 99063., !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
+ 4.9, !- Wind Speed {m/s}
+ 270, !- Wind Direction {deg}
+ No, !- Rain Indicator
+ No, !- Snow Indicator
+ No, !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator
+ ASHRAEClearSky, !- Solar Model Indicator
+ , !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
+ , !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance (taub) {dimensionless}
+ , !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance (taud) {dimensionless}
+ 0.00; !- Sky Clearness
+! CHICAGO_IL_USA Annual Cooling (WB=>MDB) .4%, MDB=31.2�C WB=25.5�C
+ SizingPeriod:DesignDay,
+ CHICAGO Ann Clg .4% Condns WB=>MDB, !- Name
+ 7, !- Month
+ 21, !- Day of Month
+ SummerDesignDay, !- Day Type
+ 31.2, !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 10.7, !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
+ , !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
+ , !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Day Schedule Name
+ Wetbulb, !- Humidity Condition Type
+ 25.5, !- Wetbulb or DewPoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
+ , !- Humidity Condition Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ , !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
+ , !- Daily Wet-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
+ 99063., !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
+ 5.3, !- Wind Speed {m/s}
+ 230, !- Wind Direction {deg}
+ No, !- Rain Indicator
+ No, !- Snow Indicator
+ No, !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator
+ ASHRAEClearSky, !- Solar Model Indicator
+ , !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
+ , !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance (taub) {dimensionless}
+ , !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance (taud) {dimensionless}
+ 1.00; !- Sky Clearness
+ Site:WaterMainsTemperature,
+ CORRELATION, !- Calculation Method
+ , !- Temperature Schedule Name
+ 9.69, !- Annual Average Outdoor Air Temperature {C}
+ 28.10; !- Maximum Difference In Monthly Average Outdoor Air Temperatures {deltaC}
+ Site:GroundTemperature:BuildingSurface,19.527,19.502,19.536,19.598,20.002,21.640,22.225,22.375,21.449,20.121,19.802,19.633;
+! Exterior Walls
+ Construction,
+ Mass Non-res Ext Wall, !- Name
+ 1IN Stucco, !- Outside Layer
+ 8IN Concrete HW, !- Layer 2
+ Mass NonRes Wall Insulation, !- Layer 3
+ 1/2IN Gypsum; !- Layer 4
+ Material,
+ Mass NonRes Wall Insulation, !- Name
+ MediumRough, !- Roughness
+ 0.0495494599433393, !- Thickness {m}
+ 0.049, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 265.0000, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 836.8000, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9000, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7000, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7000; !- Visible Absorptance
+! Roof
+ Construction,
+ IEAD Non-res Roof, !- Name
+ Roof Membrane, !- Outside Layer
+ IEAD NonRes Roof Insulation, !- Layer 2
+ Metal Decking; !- Layer 3
+ Material,
+ IEAD NonRes Roof Insulation, !- Name
+ MediumRough, !- Roughness
+ 0.127338688569477, !- Thickness {m}
+ 0.049, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 265.0000, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 836.8000, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9000, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7000, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7000; !- Visible Absorptance
+! Slab on grade, unheated
+ Construction,
+ ext-slab, !- Name
+ HW CONCRETE, !- Outside Layer
+ CP02 CARPET PAD; !- Layer 2
+! Interior Walls
+ Construction,
+ int-walls, !- Name
+ 1/2IN Gypsum, !- Outside Layer
+ 1/2IN Gypsum; !- Layer 2
+! Interior Floors
+ Construction,
+ MAT-CC05 4 HW CONCRETE, !- Outside Layer
+ CP02 CARPET PAD; !- Layer 2
+ Construction,
+ CP02 CARPET PAD, !- Outside Layer
+ MAT-CC05 4 HW CONCRETE; !- Layer 2
+ Construction,
+ Underground Wall Non-res,!- Name
+ 8IN Concrete HW, !- Outside Layer
+ UGWall NonRes Insulation;!- Layer 2
+ Material,
+ UGWall NonRes Insulation,!- Name
+ MediumRough, !- Roughness
+ 0.0001, !- Thickness {m}
+ 0.049, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 265.0000, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 836.8000, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9000, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7000, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7000; !- Visible Absorptance
+ Construction,
+ Window Non-res Fixed, !- Name
+ NonRes Fixed Assembly Window; !- Outside Layer
+ WindowMaterial:SimpleGlazingSystem,
+ NonRes Fixed Assembly Window, !- Name
+ 3.23646, !- U-Factor {W/m2-K}
+ 0.39, !- Solar Heat Gain Coefficient
+ ; !- Visible Transmittance
+ Construction,
+ DropCeiling, !- Name
+ Std AC02; !- Outside Layer
+ Construction,
+ AIR-WALL, !- Name
+ MAT-AIR-WALL; !- Outside Layer
+ Construction,
+ InteriorFurnishings, !- Name
+ Std Wood 6inch; !- Outside Layer
+ Material,
+ Std Wood 6inch, !- Name
+ MediumSmooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.15, !- Thickness {m}
+ 0.12, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 540.0000, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 1210, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9000000, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7000000, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7000000; !- Visible Absorptance
+ Material,
+ Wood Siding, !- Name
+ MediumSmooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.0100, !- Thickness {m}
+ 0.1100, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 544.6200, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 1210.0000, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9000, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7800, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7800; !- Visible Absorptance
+ Material,
+ 1/2IN Gypsum, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.0127, !- Thickness {m}
+ 0.1600, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 784.9000, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 830.0000, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9000, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.9200, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.9200; !- Visible Absorptance
+ Material,
+ 1IN Stucco, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.0253, !- Thickness {m}
+ 0.6918, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 1858.0000, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 837.0000, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9000, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.9200, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.9200; !- Visible Absorptance
+ Material,
+ 8IN CONCRETE HW, !- Name
+ Rough, !- Roughness
+ 0.2032, !- Thickness {m}
+ 1.3110, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 2240.0000, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 836.8000, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9000, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7000, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7000; !- Visible Absorptance
+ Material,
+ Metal Siding, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.0015, !- Thickness {m}
+ 44.9600, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 7688.8600, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 410.0000, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9000, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.2000, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.2000; !- Visible Absorptance
+ Material,
+ HW CONCRETE, !- Name
+ Rough, !- Roughness
+ 0.1016, !- Thickness {m}
+ 1.3110, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 2240.0000, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 836.8000, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9000, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7000, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7000; !- Visible Absorptance
+ Material:NoMass,
+ CP02 CARPET PAD, !- Name
+ VeryRough, !- Roughness
+ 0.2165, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
+ 0.9000, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7000, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.8000; !- Visible Absorptance
+ Material,
+ Roof Membrane, !- Name
+ VeryRough, !- Roughness
+ 0.0095, !- Thickness {m}
+ 0.1600, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 1121.2900, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 1460.0000, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9000, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7000, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7000; !- Visible Absorptance
+ Material,
+ Metal Decking, !- Name
+ MediumSmooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.0015, !- Thickness {m}
+ 45.0060, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 7680.0000, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 418.4000, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9000, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7000, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.3000; !- Visible Absorptance
+ Material,
+ Metal Roofing, !- Name
+ MediumSmooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.0015, !- Thickness {m}
+ 45.0060, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 7680.0000, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 418.4000, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9000, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7000, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.3000; !- Visible Absorptance
+ Material,
+ MAT-CC05 4 HW CONCRETE, !- Name
+ Rough, !- Roughness
+ 0.1016, !- Thickness {m}
+ 1.3110, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 2240.0000, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 836.8000, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9000, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7000, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7000; !- Visible Absorptance
+! Acoustic tile for drop ceiling
+ Material,
+ Std AC02, !- Name
+ MediumSmooth, !- Roughness
+ 1.2700000E-02, !- Thickness {m}
+ 5.7000000E-02, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 288.0000, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 1339.000, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9000000, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7000000, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.2000000; !- Visible Absorptance
+ Material:NoMass,
+ MAT-AIR-WALL, !- Name
+ Rough, !- Roughness
+ 0.2079491, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
+ 0.9, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7; !- Solar Absorptance
+! Basement
+! Core_bottom
+! Core_mid (mult=10)
+! Core_top
+! GroundFloor_Plenum
+! MidFloor_Plenum (mult=10)
+! Perimeter_bot_ZN_1
+! Perimeter_bot_ZN_2
+! Perimeter_bot_ZN_3
+! Perimeter_bot_ZN_4
+! Perimeter_mid_ZN_1 (mult=10)
+! Perimeter_mid_ZN_2 (mult=10)
+! Perimeter_mid_ZN_3 (mult=10)
+! Perimeter_mid_ZN_4 (mult=10)
+! Perimeter_top_ZN_1
+! Perimeter_top_ZN_2
+! Perimeter_top_ZN_3
+! Perimeter_top_ZN_4
+! TopFloor_Plenum
+! ***ZONES***
+ Zone,
+ Basement, !- Name
+ 0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0.0400, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0.2000, !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ 1, !- Multiplier
+ , !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ , !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
+ , !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
+ Yes; !- Part of Total Floor Area
+ Zone,
+ Core_bottom, !- Name
+ 0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ 1, !- Multiplier
+ , !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ , !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
+ , !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
+ Yes; !- Part of Total Floor Area
+ Zone,
+ Core_mid, !- Name
+ 0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ HEIGHT[], !- Multiplier
+ , !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ , !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
+ , !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
+ Yes; !- Part of Total Floor Area
+ Zone,
+ Core_top, !- Name
+ 0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ 1, !- Multiplier
+ , !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ , !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
+ , !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
+ Yes; !- Part of Total Floor Area
+ Zone,
+ GroundFloor_Plenum, !- Name
+ 0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ 1, !- Multiplier
+ , !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ , !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
+ , !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
+ No; !- Part of Total Floor Area
+ Zone,
+ MidFloor_Plenum, !- Name
+ 0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ HEIGHT[], !- Multiplier
+ , !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ , !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
+ , !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
+ No; !- Part of Total Floor Area
+ Zone,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1, !- Name
+ 0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ 1, !- Multiplier
+ , !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ , !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
+ , !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
+ Yes; !- Part of Total Floor Area
+ Zone,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2, !- Name
+ 0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ 1, !- Multiplier
+ , !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ , !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
+ , !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
+ Yes; !- Part of Total Floor Area
+ Zone,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3, !- Name
+ 0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ 1, !- Multiplier
+ , !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ , !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
+ , !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
+ Yes; !- Part of Total Floor Area
+ Zone,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4, !- Name
+ 0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ 1, !- Multiplier
+ , !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ , !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
+ , !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
+ Yes; !- Part of Total Floor Area
+ Zone,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1, !- Name
+ 0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ HEIGHT[], !- Multiplier HEIGHT[]
+ , !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ , !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
+ , !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
+ Yes; !- Part of Total Floor Area
+ Zone,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2, !- Name
+ 0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ HEIGHT[], !- Multiplier
+ , !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ , !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
+ , !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
+ Yes; !- Part of Total Floor Area
+ Zone,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3, !- Name
+ 0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ HEIGHT[], !- Multiplier
+ , !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ , !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
+ , !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
+ Yes; !- Part of Total Floor Area
+ Zone,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4, !- Name
+ 0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ HEIGHT[], !- Multiplier
+ , !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ , !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
+ , !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
+ Yes; !- Part of Total Floor Area
+ Zone,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1, !- Name
+ 0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ 1, !- Multiplier
+ , !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ , !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
+ , !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
+ Yes; !- Part of Total Floor Area
+ Zone,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2, !- Name
+ 0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ 1, !- Multiplier
+ , !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ , !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
+ , !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
+ Yes; !- Part of Total Floor Area
+ Zone,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3, !- Name
+ 0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ 1, !- Multiplier
+ , !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ , !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
+ , !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
+ Yes; !- Part of Total Floor Area
+ Zone,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4, !- Name
+ 0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ 1, !- Multiplier
+ , !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ , !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
+ , !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
+ Yes; !- Part of Total Floor Area
+ Zone,
+ TopFloor_Plenum, !- Name
+ 0.0000, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0.0000, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0.0000, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0.0000, !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ 1, !- Multiplier
+ , !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ , !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate, !- Floor Area {m2}
+ , !- Zone Inside Convection Algorithm
+ , !- Zone Outside Convection Algorithm
+ No; !- Part of Total Floor Area
+! ***WALLS***
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Basement_Ceiling_1, !- Name
+ Ceiling, !- Surface Type
+ INT-FLOOR-UNDERSIDE, !- Construction Name
+ Basement, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1_Floor,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.5732,4.5732,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,0.0000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Basement_Ceiling_2, !- Name
+ Ceiling, !- Surface Type
+ INT-FLOOR-UNDERSIDE, !- Construction Name
+ Basement, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2_Floor,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 68.5340,4.5732,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,0.0000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Basement_Ceiling_3, !- Name
+ Ceiling, !- Surface Type
+ INT-FLOOR-UNDERSIDE, !- Construction Name
+ Basement, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3_Floor,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 68.5340,44.1650,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,0.0000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Basement_Ceiling_4, !- Name
+ Ceiling, !- Surface Type
+ INT-FLOOR-UNDERSIDE, !- Construction Name
+ Basement, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4_Floor,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.5732,44.1650,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,0.0000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Basement_Ceiling_5, !- Name
+ Ceiling, !- Surface Type
+ INT-FLOOR-UNDERSIDE, !- Construction Name
+ Basement, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Core_bot_ZN_5_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.5732,44.1650,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,0.0000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Basement_Floor, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ ext-slab, !- Construction Name
+ Basement, !- Zone Name
+ Ground, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 73.1072,48.7381,-2.4390, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,-2.4390, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,-2.4390, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,-2.4390; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Basement_Wall_East, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ Underground Wall Non-res,!- Construction Name
+ Basement, !- Zone Name
+ Ground, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 73.1072,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,-2.4390, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,-2.4390, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,0.0000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Basement_Wall_North, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ Underground Wall Non-res,!- Construction Name
+ Basement, !- Zone Name
+ Ground, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 73.1072,48.7381,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,-2.4390, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,-2.4390, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,0.0000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Basement_Wall_South, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ Underground Wall Non-res,!- Construction Name
+ Basement, !- Zone Name
+ Ground, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0.0000,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,-2.4390, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,-2.4390, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,0.0000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Basement_Wall_West, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ Underground Wall Non-res,!- Construction Name
+ Basement, !- Zone Name
+ Ground, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0.0000,48.7381,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,-2.4390, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,-2.4390, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,0.0000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Building_Roof, !- Name
+ Roof, !- Surface Type
+ IEAD Non-res Roof, !- Construction Name
+ TopFloor_Plenum, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 73.1072,0.0000,47.5584, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,47.5584, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,47.5584, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,47.5584; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Core_bot_ZN_5_Ceiling, !- Name
+ Ceiling, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ Core_bottom, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ GroundFloor_Plenum_Floor_5, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.5732,44.1650,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,2.7440; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Core_bot_ZN_5_Floor, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE, !- Construction Name
+ Core_bottom, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Basement_Ceiling_5, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 68.5340,44.1650,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,0.0000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Core_bot_ZN_5_Wall_East, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Core_bottom, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2_Wall_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 68.5340,4.5732,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,2.7440; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Core_bot_ZN_5_Wall_North,!- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Core_bottom, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3_Wall_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 68.5340,44.1650,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,2.7440; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Core_bot_ZN_5_Wall_South,!- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Core_bottom, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1_Wall_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.5732,4.5732,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,2.7440; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Core_bot_ZN_5_Wall_West, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Core_bottom, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4_Wall_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.5732,44.1650,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,2.7440; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Core_mid_ZN_5_Ceiling, !- Name
+ Ceiling, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ Core_mid, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ MidFloor_Plenum_Floor_5, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.5732,44.1650,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,22.5600; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Core_mid_ZN_5_Floor, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE, !- Construction Name
+ Core_mid, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Core_mid_ZN_5_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 68.5340,44.1650,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,19.8160; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Core_mid_ZN_5_Wall_East, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Core_mid, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2_Wall_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 68.5340,4.5732,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,22.5600; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Core_mid_ZN_5_Wall_North,!- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Core_mid, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3_Wall_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 68.5340,44.1650,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,22.5600; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Core_mid_ZN_5_Wall_South,!- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Core_mid, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1_Wall_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.5732,4.5732,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,22.5600; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Core_mid_ZN_5_Wall_West, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Core_mid, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4_Wall_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.5732,44.1650,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,22.5600; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Core_top_ZN_5_Ceiling, !- Name
+ Ceiling, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ Core_top, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ TopFloor_Plenum_Floor_5, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.5732,44.1650,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,46.3392; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Core_top_ZN_5_Floor, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE, !- Construction Name
+ Core_top, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Core_top_ZN_5_Floor, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 68.5340,44.1650,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,43.5952; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Core_top_ZN_5_Wall_East, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Core_top, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2_Wall_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 68.5340,4.5732,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,46.3392; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Core_top_ZN_5_Wall_North,!- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Core_top, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3_Wall_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 68.5340,44.1650,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,46.3392; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Core_top_ZN_5_Wall_South,!- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Core_top, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1_Wall_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.5732,4.5732,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,46.3392; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Core_top_ZN_5_Wall_West, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Core_top, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4_Wall_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.5732,44.1650,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,46.3392; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ GroundFloor_Plenum_Ceiling, !- Name
+ Ceiling, !- Surface Type
+ INT-FLOOR-UNDERSIDE, !- Construction Name
+ GroundFloor_Plenum, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ GroundFloor_Plenum_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 73.1072,0.0000,3.9632, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,3.9632, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,3.9632, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,3.9632; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ GroundFloor_Plenum_Floor_1, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ GroundFloor_Plenum, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.5732,4.5732,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,2.7440; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ GroundFloor_Plenum_Floor_2, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ GroundFloor_Plenum, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 73.1072,48.7381,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,2.7440; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ GroundFloor_Plenum_Floor_3, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ GroundFloor_Plenum, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 68.5340,44.1650,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,2.7440; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ GroundFloor_Plenum_Floor_4, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ GroundFloor_Plenum, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.5732,44.1650,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,2.7440; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ GroundFloor_Plenum_Floor_5, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ GroundFloor_Plenum, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Core_bot_ZN_5_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 68.5340,4.5732,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,2.7440; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ GroundFloor_Plenum_Wall_East, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ Mass Non-res Ext Wall, !- Construction Name
+ GroundFloor_Plenum, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 73.1072,0.0000,3.9632, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,3.9632; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ GroundFloor_Plenum_Wall_North, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ Mass Non-res Ext Wall, !- Construction Name
+ GroundFloor_Plenum, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 73.1072,48.7381,3.9632, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,3.9632; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ GroundFloor_Plenum_Wall_South, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ Mass Non-res Ext Wall, !- Construction Name
+ GroundFloor_Plenum, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0.0000,0.0000,3.9632, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,3.9632; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ GroundFloor_Plenum_West, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ Mass Non-res Ext Wall, !- Construction Name
+ GroundFloor_Plenum, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0.0000,48.7381,3.9632, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,3.9632; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ MidFloor_Plenum_Ceiling, !- Name
+ Ceiling, !- Surface Type
+ INT-FLOOR-UNDERSIDE, !- Construction Name
+ MidFloor_Plenum, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ MidFloor_Plenum_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 73.1072,48.7381,23.7792, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,23.7792, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,23.7792, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,23.7792; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ MidFloor_Plenum_Floor_1, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ MidFloor_Plenum, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 73.1072,0.0000,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,22.5600; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ MidFloor_Plenum_Floor_2, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ MidFloor_Plenum, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 73.1072,0.0000,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,22.5600; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ MidFloor_Plenum_Floor_3, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ MidFloor_Plenum, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0.0000,48.7381,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,22.5600; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ MidFloor_Plenum_Floor_4, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ MidFloor_Plenum, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0.0000,0.0000,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,22.5600; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ MidFloor_Plenum_Floor_5, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ MidFloor_Plenum, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Core_mid_ZN_5_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 68.5340,4.5732,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,22.5600; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ MidFloor_Plenum_Wall_East, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ Mass Non-res Ext Wall, !- Construction Name
+ MidFloor_Plenum, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 73.1072,0.0000,23.7792, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,23.7792; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ MidFloor_Plenum_Wall_North, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ Mass Non-res Ext Wall, !- Construction Name
+ MidFloor_Plenum, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 73.1072,48.7381,23.7792, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,23.7792; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ MidFloor_Plenum_Wall_South, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ Mass Non-res Ext Wall, !- Construction Name
+ MidFloor_Plenum, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0.0000,0.0000,23.7792, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,23.7792; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ MidFloor_Plenum_Wall_West, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ Mass Non-res Ext Wall, !- Construction Name
+ MidFloor_Plenum, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0.0000,48.7381,23.7792, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,23.7792; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1_Ceiling, !- Name
+ Ceiling, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ GroundFloor_Plenum_Floor_1, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.5732,4.5732,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,2.7440; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1_Floor,!- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Basement_Ceiling_1, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 68.5340,4.5732,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,0.0000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1_Wall_East, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2_Wall_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 73.1072,0.0000,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,2.7440; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1_Wall_North, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Core_bot_ZN_5_Wall_South,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 68.5340,4.5732,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,2.7440; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1_Wall_South, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ Mass Non-res Ext Wall, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0.0000,0.0000,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,2.7440; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1_Wall_West, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4_Wall_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.5732,4.5732,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,2.7440; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2_Ceiling, !- Name
+ Ceiling, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ GroundFloor_Plenum_Floor_2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 68.5340,4.5732,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,2.7440; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2_Floor,!- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Basement_Ceiling_2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 68.5340,44.1650,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,0.0000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2_Wall_East, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ Mass Non-res Ext Wall, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 73.1072,0.0000,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,2.7440; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2_Wall_North, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3_Wall_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 73.1072,48.7381,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,2.7440; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2_Wall_South, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1_Wall_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 68.5340,4.5732,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,2.7440; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2_Wall_West, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Core_bot_ZN_5_Wall_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 68.5340,44.1650,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,2.7440; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3_Ceiling, !- Name
+ Ceiling, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ GroundFloor_Plenum_Floor_3, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 68.5340,44.1650,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,2.7440; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3_Floor,!- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Basement_Ceiling_3, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.5732,44.1650,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,0.0000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3_Wall_East, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2_Wall_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 68.5340,44.1650,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,2.7440; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3_Wall_North, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ Mass Non-res Ext Wall, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 73.1072,48.7381,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,2.7440; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3_Wall_South, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Core_bot_ZN_5_Wall_North,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.5732,44.1650,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,2.7440; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3_Wall_West, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4_Wall_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0.0000,48.7381,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,2.7440; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4_Ceiling, !- Name
+ Ceiling, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ GroundFloor_Plenum_Floor_4, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.5732,44.1650,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,2.7440; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4_Floor,!- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Basement_Ceiling_4, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.5732,4.5732,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,0.0000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4_Wall_East, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Core_bot_ZN_5_Wall_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.5732,4.5732,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,2.7440; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4_Wall_North, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3_Wall_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.5732,44.1650,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,2.7440; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4_Wall_South, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1_Wall_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0.0000,0.0000,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,2.7440; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4_Wall_West, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ Mass Non-res Ext Wall, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0.0000,48.7381,2.7440, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,0.0000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,2.7440; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1_Ceiling, !- Name
+ Ceiling, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ MidFloor_Plenum_Floor_1, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.5732,4.5732,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,22.5600; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1_Floor,!- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1_Floor,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 68.5340,4.5732,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,19.8160; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1_Wall_East, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2_Wall_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 73.1072,0.0000,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,22.5600; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1_Wall_North, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Core_mid_ZN_5_Wall_South,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 68.5340,4.5732,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,22.5600; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1_Wall_South, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ Mass Non-res Ext Wall, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0.0000,0.0000,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,22.5600; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1_Wall_West, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4_Wall_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.5732,4.5732,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,22.5600; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2_Ceiling, !- Name
+ Ceiling, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ MidFloor_Plenum_Floor_2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 68.5340,4.5732,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,22.5600; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2_Floor,!- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2_Floor,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 68.5340,44.1650,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,19.8160; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2_Wall_East, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ Mass Non-res Ext Wall, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 73.1072,0.0000,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,22.5600; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2_Wall_North, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3_Wall_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 73.1072,48.7381,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,22.5600; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2_Wall_South, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1_Wall_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 68.5340,4.5732,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,22.5600; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2_Wall_West, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Core_mid_ZN_5_Wall_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 68.5340,44.1650,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,22.5600; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3_Ceiling, !- Name
+ Ceiling, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ MidFloor_Plenum_Floor_3, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 68.5340,44.1650,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,22.5600; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3_Floor,!- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3_Floor,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.5732,44.1650,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,19.8160; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3_Wall_East, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2_Wall_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 68.5340,44.1650,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,22.5600; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3_Wall_North, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ Mass Non-res Ext Wall, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 73.1072,48.7381,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,22.5600; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3_Wall_South, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Core_mid_ZN_5_Wall_North,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.5732,44.1650,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,22.5600; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3_Wall_West, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4_Wall_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0.0000,48.7381,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,22.5600; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4_Ceiling, !- Name
+ Ceiling, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ MidFloor_Plenum_Floor_4, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.5732,44.1650,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,22.5600; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4_Floor,!- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4_Floor,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.5732,4.5732,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,19.8160; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4_Wall_East, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Core_mid_ZN_5_Wall_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.5732,4.5732,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,22.5600; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4_Wall_North, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3_Wall_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.5732,44.1650,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,22.5600; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4_Wall_South, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1_Wall_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0.0000,0.0000,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,22.5600; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4_Wall_West, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ Mass Non-res Ext Wall, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0.0000,48.7381,22.5600, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,19.8160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,22.5600; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1_Ceiling, !- Name
+ Ceiling, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ TopFloor_Plenum_Floor_1, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.5732,4.5732,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,46.3392; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1_Floor,!- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1_Floor,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 68.5340,4.5732,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,43.5952; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1_Wall_East, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2_Wall_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 73.1072,0.0000,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,46.3392; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1_Wall_North, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Core_top_ZN_5_Wall_South,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 68.5340,4.5732,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,46.3392; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1_Wall_South, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ Mass Non-res Ext Wall, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0.0000,0.0000,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,46.3392; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1_Wall_West, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4_Wall_South, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.5732,4.5732,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,46.3392; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2_Ceiling, !- Name
+ Ceiling, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ TopFloor_Plenum_Floor_2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 68.5340,4.5732,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,46.3392; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2_Floor,!- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2_Floor,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 68.5340,44.1650,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,43.5952; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2_Wall_East, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ Mass Non-res Ext Wall, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 73.1072,0.0000,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,46.3392; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2_Wall_North, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3_Wall_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 73.1072,48.7381,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,46.3392; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2_Wall_South, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1_Wall_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 68.5340,4.5732,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,46.3392; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2_Wall_West, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Core_top_ZN_5_Wall_East, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 68.5340,44.1650,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,46.3392; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3_Ceiling, !- Name
+ Ceiling, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ TopFloor_Plenum_Floor_3, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 68.5340,44.1650,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,46.3392; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3_Floor,!- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3_Floor,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.5732,44.1650,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,43.5952; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3_Wall_East, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2_Wall_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 68.5340,44.1650,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,46.3392; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3_Wall_North, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ Mass Non-res Ext Wall, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 73.1072,48.7381,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,46.3392; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3_Wall_South, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Core_top_ZN_5_Wall_North,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.5732,44.1650,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,46.3392; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3_Wall_West, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4_Wall_North, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0.0000,48.7381,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,46.3392; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4_Ceiling, !- Name
+ Ceiling, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ TopFloor_Plenum_Floor_4, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.5732,44.1650,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,46.3392; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4_Floor,!- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4_Floor,!- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.5732,4.5732,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,43.5952; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4_Wall_East, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Core_top_ZN_5_Wall_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.5732,4.5732,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,46.3392; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4_Wall_North, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3_Wall_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.5732,44.1650,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,46.3392; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4_Wall_South, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1_Wall_West, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0.0000,0.0000,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,46.3392; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4_Wall_West, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ Mass Non-res Ext Wall, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0.0000,48.7381,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,43.5952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,46.3392; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ TopFloor_Plenum_Floor_1, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ TopFloor_Plenum, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 73.1072,0.0000,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,46.3392; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ TopFloor_Plenum_Floor_2, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ TopFloor_Plenum, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 73.1072,0.0000,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,46.3392; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ TopFloor_Plenum_Floor_3, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ TopFloor_Plenum, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0.0000,48.7381,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,46.3392; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ TopFloor_Plenum_Floor_4, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ TopFloor_Plenum, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0.0000,0.0000,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 4.5732,44.1650,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,46.3392; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ TopFloor_Plenum_Floor_5, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ TopFloor_Plenum, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ Core_top_ZN_5_Ceiling, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 4.5732,44.1650,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 68.5340,44.1650,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 68.5340,4.5732,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 4.5732,4.5732,46.3392; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ TopFloor_Plenum_Wall_East, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ Mass Non-res Ext Wall, !- Construction Name
+ TopFloor_Plenum, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 73.1072,0.0000,47.5584, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,47.5584; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ TopFloor_Plenum_Wall_North, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ Mass Non-res Ext Wall, !- Construction Name
+ TopFloor_Plenum, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0.0000,0.0000,47.5584, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,47.5584; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ TopFloor_Plenum_Wall_South, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ Mass Non-res Ext Wall, !- Construction Name
+ TopFloor_Plenum, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 73.1072,48.7381,47.5584, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7381,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,47.5584; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ TopFloor_Plenum_Wall_West, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ Mass Non-res Ext Wall, !- Construction Name
+ TopFloor_Plenum, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0.0000,48.7381,47.5584, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,46.3392, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,47.5584; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+! ***WINDOWS***
+ FenestrationSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1_Wall_South_Window, !- Name
+ Window, !- Surface Type
+ Window Non-res Fixed, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1_Wall_South, !- Building Surface Name
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Shading Control Name
+ , !- Frame and Divider Name
+ 1.0000, !- Multiplier
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0.0000,0.0000,2.5000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,0.9146, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 73.1070,0.0000,0.9146, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 73.1070,0.0000,2.5000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ FenestrationSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2_Wall_East_Window, !- Name
+ Window, !- Surface Type
+ Window Non-res Fixed, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2_Wall_East, !- Building Surface Name
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Shading Control Name
+ , !- Frame and Divider Name
+ 1.0000, !- Multiplier
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 73.1072,0.0000,2.5000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,0.9146, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7380,0.9146, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7380,2.5000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ FenestrationSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3_Wall_North_Window, !- Name
+ Window, !- Surface Type
+ Window Non-res Fixed, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3_Wall_North, !- Building Surface Name
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Shading Control Name
+ , !- Frame and Divider Name
+ 1.0000, !- Multiplier
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 73.1070,48.7381,2.5000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1070,48.7381,0.9146, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,0.9146, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,2.5000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ FenestrationSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4_Wall_West_Window, !- Name
+ Window, !- Surface Type
+ Window Non-res Fixed, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4_Wall_West, !- Building Surface Name
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Shading Control Name
+ , !- Frame and Divider Name
+ 1.0000, !- Multiplier
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0.0000,48.7380,2.5000, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7380,0.9146, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,0.9146, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,2.5000; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ FenestrationSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1_Wall_South_Window, !- Name
+ Window, !- Surface Type
+ Window Non-res Fixed, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1_Wall_South, !- Building Surface Name
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Shading Control Name
+ , !- Frame and Divider Name
+ 1.0000, !- Multiplier
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0.0000,0.0000,22.3160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,20.7306, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 73.1070,0.0000,20.7306, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 73.1070,0.0000,22.3160; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ FenestrationSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2_Wall_East_Window, !- Name
+ Window, !- Surface Type
+ Window Non-res Fixed, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2_Wall_East, !- Building Surface Name
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Shading Control Name
+ , !- Frame and Divider Name
+ 1.0000, !- Multiplier
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 73.1072,0.0000,22.3160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,20.7306, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7380,20.7306, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7380,22.3160; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ FenestrationSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3_Wall_North_Window, !- Name
+ Window, !- Surface Type
+ Window Non-res Fixed, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3_Wall_North, !- Building Surface Name
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Shading Control Name
+ , !- Frame and Divider Name
+ 1.0000, !- Multiplier
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 73.1070,48.7381,22.3160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1070,48.7381,20.7306, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,20.7306, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,22.3160; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ FenestrationSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4_Wall_West_Window, !- Name
+ Window, !- Surface Type
+ Window Non-res Fixed, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4_Wall_West, !- Building Surface Name
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Shading Control Name
+ , !- Frame and Divider Name
+ 1.0000, !- Multiplier
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0.0000,48.7380,22.3160, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7380,20.7306, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,20.7306, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,22.3160; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ FenestrationSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1_Wall_South_Window, !- Name
+ Window, !- Surface Type
+ Window Non-res Fixed, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1_Wall_South, !- Building Surface Name
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Shading Control Name
+ , !- Frame and Divider Name
+ 1.0000, !- Multiplier
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0.0000,0.0000,46.0952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,44.5098, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 73.1070,0.0000,44.5098, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 73.1070,0.0000,46.0952; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ FenestrationSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2_Wall_East_Window, !- Name
+ Window, !- Surface Type
+ Window Non-res Fixed, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2_Wall_East, !- Building Surface Name
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Shading Control Name
+ , !- Frame and Divider Name
+ 1.0000, !- Multiplier
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 73.1072,0.0000,46.0952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1072,0.0000,44.5098, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7380,44.5098, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 73.1072,48.7380,46.0952; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ FenestrationSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3_Wall_North_Window, !- Name
+ Window, !- Surface Type
+ Window Non-res Fixed, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3_Wall_North, !- Building Surface Name
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Shading Control Name
+ , !- Frame and Divider Name
+ 1.0000, !- Multiplier
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 73.1070,48.7381,46.0952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 73.1070,48.7381,44.5098, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,44.5098, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7381,46.0952; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ FenestrationSurface:Detailed,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4_Wall_West_Window, !- Name
+ Window, !- Surface Type
+ Window Non-res Fixed, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4_Wall_West, !- Building Surface Name
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ AutoCalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Shading Control Name
+ , !- Frame and Divider Name
+ 1.0000, !- Multiplier
+ 4, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0.0000,48.7380,46.0952, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.0000,48.7380,44.5098, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,44.5098, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0.0000,0.0000,46.0952; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ GlobalGeometryRules,
+ UpperLeftCorner, !- Starting Vertex Position
+ Counterclockwise, !- Vertex Entry Direction
+ Relative, !- Coordinate System
+ Relative; !- Daylighting Reference Point Coordinate System
+! ***PEOPLE***
+ People,
+ Basement People, !- Name
+ Basement, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_OCC_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
+ Area/Person, !- Number of People Calculation Method
+ , !- Number of People
+ , !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
+ 37.16, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
+ 0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
+ ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
+ , !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
+ No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
+ ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
+ , !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
+ WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
+ CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
+ AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
+ FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
+ People,
+ Core_bottom People, !- Name
+ Core_bottom, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_OCC_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
+ Area/Person, !- Number of People Calculation Method
+ , !- Number of People
+ , !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
+ 18.58, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
+ 0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
+ ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
+ , !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
+ No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
+ ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
+ , !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
+ WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
+ CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
+ AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
+ FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
+ People,
+ Core_mid People, !- Name
+ Core_mid, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_OCC_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
+ Area/Person, !- Number of People Calculation Method
+ , !- Number of People
+ , !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
+ 18.58, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
+ 0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
+ ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
+ , !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
+ No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
+ ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
+ , !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
+ WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
+ CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
+ AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
+ FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
+ People,
+ Core_top People, !- Name
+ Core_top, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_OCC_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
+ Area/Person, !- Number of People Calculation Method
+ , !- Number of People
+ , !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
+ 18.58, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
+ 0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
+ ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
+ , !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
+ No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
+ ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
+ , !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
+ WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
+ CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
+ AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
+ FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
+ People,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1 People, !- Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_OCC_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
+ Area/Person, !- Number of People Calculation Method
+ , !- Number of People
+ , !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
+ 18.58, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
+ 0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
+ ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
+ , !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
+ No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
+ ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
+ , !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
+ WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
+ CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
+ AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
+ FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
+ People,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2 People, !- Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_OCC_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
+ Area/Person, !- Number of People Calculation Method
+ , !- Number of People
+ , !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
+ 18.58, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
+ 0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
+ ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
+ , !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
+ No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
+ ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
+ , !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
+ WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
+ CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
+ AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
+ FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
+ People,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3 People, !- Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_OCC_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
+ Area/Person, !- Number of People Calculation Method
+ , !- Number of People
+ , !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
+ 18.58, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
+ 0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
+ ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
+ , !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
+ No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
+ ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
+ , !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
+ WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
+ CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
+ AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
+ FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
+ People,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4 People, !- Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_OCC_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
+ Area/Person, !- Number of People Calculation Method
+ , !- Number of People
+ , !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
+ 18.58, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
+ 0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
+ ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
+ , !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
+ No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
+ ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
+ , !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
+ WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
+ CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
+ AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
+ FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
+ People,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1 People, !- Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_OCC_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
+ Area/Person, !- Number of People Calculation Method
+ , !- Number of People
+ , !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
+ 18.58, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
+ 0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
+ ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
+ , !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
+ No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
+ ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
+ , !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
+ WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
+ CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
+ AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
+ FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
+ People,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2 People, !- Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_OCC_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
+ Area/Person, !- Number of People Calculation Method
+ , !- Number of People
+ , !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
+ 18.58, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
+ 0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
+ ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
+ , !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
+ No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
+ ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
+ , !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
+ WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
+ CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
+ AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
+ FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
+ People,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3 People, !- Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_OCC_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
+ Area/Person, !- Number of People Calculation Method
+ , !- Number of People
+ , !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
+ 18.58, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
+ 0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
+ ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
+ , !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
+ No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
+ ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
+ , !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
+ WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
+ CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
+ AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
+ FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
+ People,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4 People, !- Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_OCC_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
+ Area/Person, !- Number of People Calculation Method
+ , !- Number of People
+ , !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
+ 18.58, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
+ 0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
+ ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
+ , !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
+ No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
+ ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
+ , !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
+ WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
+ CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
+ AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
+ FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
+ People,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1 People, !- Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_OCC_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
+ Area/Person, !- Number of People Calculation Method
+ , !- Number of People
+ , !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
+ 18.58, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
+ 0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
+ ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
+ , !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
+ No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
+ ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
+ , !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
+ WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
+ CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
+ AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
+ FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
+ People,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2 People, !- Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_OCC_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
+ Area/Person, !- Number of People Calculation Method
+ , !- Number of People
+ , !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
+ 18.58, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
+ 0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
+ ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
+ , !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
+ No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
+ ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
+ , !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
+ WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
+ CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
+ AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
+ FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
+ People,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3 People, !- Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_OCC_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
+ Area/Person, !- Number of People Calculation Method
+ , !- Number of People
+ , !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
+ 18.58, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
+ 0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
+ ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
+ , !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
+ No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
+ ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
+ , !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
+ WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
+ CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
+ AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
+ FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
+ People,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4 People, !- Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_OCC_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
+ Area/Person, !- Number of People Calculation Method
+ , !- Number of People
+ , !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
+ 18.58, !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
+ 0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
+ ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
+ , !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
+ No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
+ ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
+ , !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
+ WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
+ CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
+ AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
+ FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
+! ***LIGHTS***
+ Lights,
+ Basement_Lights, !- Name
+ Basement, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_LIGHT_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Lighting Level {W}
+ 10.76, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
+ 0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
+ 1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
+ General, !- End-Use Subcategory
+ No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
+ Lights,
+ Core_bottom_Lights, !- Name
+ Core_bottom, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_LIGHT_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Lighting Level {W}
+ 10.76, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
+ 0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
+ 1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
+ General, !- End-Use Subcategory
+ No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
+ Lights,
+ Core_mid_Lights, !- Name
+ Core_mid, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_LIGHT_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Lighting Level {W}
+ 10.76, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
+ 0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
+ 1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
+ General, !- End-Use Subcategory
+ No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
+ Lights,
+ Core_top_Lights, !- Name
+ Core_top, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_LIGHT_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Lighting Level {W}
+ 10.76, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
+ 0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
+ 1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
+ General, !- End-Use Subcategory
+ No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
+ Lights,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1_Lights, !- Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_LIGHT_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Lighting Level {W}
+ 10.76, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
+ 0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
+ 1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
+ General, !- End-Use Subcategory
+ No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
+ Lights,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2_Lights, !- Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_LIGHT_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Lighting Level {W}
+ 10.76, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
+ 0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
+ 1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
+ General, !- End-Use Subcategory
+ No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
+ Lights,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3_Lights, !- Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_LIGHT_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Lighting Level {W}
+ 10.76, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
+ 0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
+ 1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
+ General, !- End-Use Subcategory
+ No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
+ Lights,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4_Lights, !- Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_LIGHT_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Lighting Level {W}
+ 10.76, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
+ 0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
+ 1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
+ General, !- End-Use Subcategory
+ No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
+ Lights,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1_Lights, !- Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_LIGHT_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Lighting Level {W}
+ 10.76, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
+ 0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
+ 1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
+ General, !- End-Use Subcategory
+ No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
+ Lights,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2_Lights, !- Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_LIGHT_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Lighting Level {W}
+ 10.76, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
+ 0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
+ 1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
+ General, !- End-Use Subcategory
+ No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
+ Lights,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3_Lights, !- Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_LIGHT_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Lighting Level {W}
+ 10.76, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
+ 0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
+ 1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
+ General, !- End-Use Subcategory
+ No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
+ Lights,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4_Lights, !- Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_LIGHT_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Lighting Level {W}
+ 10.76, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
+ 0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
+ 1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
+ General, !- End-Use Subcategory
+ No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
+ Lights,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1_Lights, !- Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_LIGHT_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Lighting Level {W}
+ 10.76, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
+ 0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
+ 1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
+ General, !- End-Use Subcategory
+ No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
+ Lights,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2_Lights, !- Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_LIGHT_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Lighting Level {W}
+ 10.76, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
+ 0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
+ 1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
+ General, !- End-Use Subcategory
+ No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
+ Lights,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3_Lights, !- Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_LIGHT_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Lighting Level {W}
+ 10.76, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
+ 0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
+ 1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
+ General, !- End-Use Subcategory
+ No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
+ Lights,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4_Lights, !- Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_LIGHT_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Lighting Level {W}
+ 10.76, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
+ 0.7000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
+ 1.0000, !- Fraction Replaceable
+ General, !- End-Use Subcategory
+ No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
+ ElectricEquipment,
+ Basement_PlugMisc_Equip, !- Name
+ Basement, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_EQUIP_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Level {W}
+ 10.76, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
+ 0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ ElectricEquipment,
+ Core_bottom_PlugMisc_Equip, !- Name
+ Core_bottom, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_EQUIP_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Level {W}
+ 10.76, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
+ 0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ ElectricEquipment,
+ Core_mid_PlugMisc_Equip, !- Name
+ Core_mid, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_EQUIP_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Level {W}
+ 10.76, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
+ 0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ ElectricEquipment,
+ Core_top_PlugMisc_Equip, !- Name
+ Core_top, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_EQUIP_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Level {W}
+ 10.76, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
+ 0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ ElectricEquipment,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1_PlugMisc_Equip, !- Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_EQUIP_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Level {W}
+ 10.76, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
+ 0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ ElectricEquipment,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2_PlugMisc_Equip, !- Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_EQUIP_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Level {W}
+ 10.76, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
+ 0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ ElectricEquipment,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3_PlugMisc_Equip, !- Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_EQUIP_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Level {W}
+ 10.76, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
+ 0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ ElectricEquipment,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4_PlugMisc_Equip, !- Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_EQUIP_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Level {W}
+ 10.76, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
+ 0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ ElectricEquipment,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1_PlugMisc_Equip, !- Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_EQUIP_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Level {W}
+ 10.76, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
+ 0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ ElectricEquipment,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2_PlugMisc_Equip, !- Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_EQUIP_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Level {W}
+ 10.76, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
+ 0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ ElectricEquipment,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3_PlugMisc_Equip, !- Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_EQUIP_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Level {W}
+ 10.76, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
+ 0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ ElectricEquipment,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4_PlugMisc_Equip, !- Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_EQUIP_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Level {W}
+ 10.76, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
+ 0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ ElectricEquipment,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1_PlugMisc_Equip, !- Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_EQUIP_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Level {W}
+ 10.76, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
+ 0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ ElectricEquipment,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2_PlugMisc_Equip, !- Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_EQUIP_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Level {W}
+ 10.76, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
+ 0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ ElectricEquipment,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3_PlugMisc_Equip, !- Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_EQUIP_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Level {W}
+ 10.76, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
+ 0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ ElectricEquipment,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4_PlugMisc_Equip, !- Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_EQUIP_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Level {W}
+ 10.76, !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
+ 0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ Exterior:Lights,
+ Exterior Facade Lighting,!- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Schedule Name
+ 51262, !- Design Level {W}
+ AstronomicalClock, !- Control Option
+ Exterior Facade Lighting;!- End-Use Subcategory
+ Exterior:FuelEquipment,
+ Elevators, !- Name
+ Electricity, !- Fuel Use Type
+ BLDG_ELEVATORS, !- Schedule Name
+ 244443.956043956, !- Design Level {W}
+ Elevators; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate,
+ GroundFloor_Plenum_Infiltration, !- Name
+ GroundFloor_Plenum, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ INFIL_QUARTER_ON_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000302, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 1.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate,
+ MidFloor_Plenum_Infiltration, !- Name
+ MidFloor_Plenum, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ INFIL_QUARTER_ON_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000302, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 1.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1_Infiltration, !- Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ INFIL_QUARTER_ON_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000302, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 1.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2_Infiltration, !- Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ INFIL_QUARTER_ON_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000302, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 1.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3_Infiltration, !- Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ INFIL_QUARTER_ON_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000302, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 1.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4_Infiltration, !- Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ INFIL_QUARTER_ON_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000302, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 1.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1_Infiltration, !- Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ INFIL_QUARTER_ON_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000302, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 1.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2_Infiltration, !- Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ INFIL_QUARTER_ON_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000302, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 1.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3_Infiltration, !- Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ INFIL_QUARTER_ON_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000302, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 1.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4_Infiltration, !- Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ INFIL_QUARTER_ON_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000302, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 1.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1_Infiltration, !- Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ INFIL_QUARTER_ON_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000302, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 1.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2_Infiltration, !- Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ INFIL_QUARTER_ON_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000302, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 1.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3_Infiltration, !- Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ INFIL_QUARTER_ON_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000302, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 1.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4_Infiltration, !- Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ INFIL_QUARTER_ON_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000302, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 1.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate,
+ TopFloor_Plenum_Infiltration, !- Name
+ TopFloor_Plenum, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ INFIL_QUARTER_ON_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000302, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 1.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+ InternalMass,
+ Basement Internal Mass, !- Name
+ InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
+ Basement, !- Zone Name
+ 7126.2120; !- Surface Area {m2}
+ InternalMass,
+ Core_bottom Internal Mass, !- Name
+ InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
+ Core_bottom, !- Zone Name
+ 5064.6464; !- Surface Area {m2}
+ InternalMass,
+ Core_mid Internal Mass, !- Name
+ InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
+ Core_mid, !- Zone Name
+ 5064.6464; !- Surface Area {m2}
+ InternalMass,
+ Core_top Internal Mass, !- Name
+ InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
+ Core_top, !- Zone Name
+ 5064.6464; !- Surface Area {m2}
+ InternalMass,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1 Internal Mass, !- Name
+ InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1, !- Zone Name
+ 626.8394; !- Surface Area {m2}
+ InternalMass,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2 Internal Mass, !- Name
+ InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2, !- Zone Name
+ 403.9503; !- Surface Area {m2}
+ InternalMass,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3 Internal Mass, !- Name
+ InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3, !- Zone Name
+ 626.8257; !- Surface Area {m2}
+ InternalMass,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4 Internal Mass, !- Name
+ InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4, !- Zone Name
+ 403.9503; !- Surface Area {m2}
+ InternalMass,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1 Internal Mass, !- Name
+ InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1, !- Zone Name
+ 626.8394; !- Surface Area {m2}
+ InternalMass,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2 Internal Mass, !- Name
+ InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2, !- Zone Name
+ 403.9503; !- Surface Area {m2}
+ InternalMass,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3 Internal Mass, !- Name
+ InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3, !- Zone Name
+ 626.8257; !- Surface Area {m2}
+ InternalMass,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4 Internal Mass, !- Name
+ InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4, !- Zone Name
+ 403.9503; !- Surface Area {m2}
+ InternalMass,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1 Internal Mass, !- Name
+ InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1, !- Zone Name
+ 626.8394; !- Surface Area {m2}
+ InternalMass,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2 Internal Mass, !- Name
+ InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2, !- Zone Name
+ 403.9503; !- Surface Area {m2}
+ InternalMass,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3 Internal Mass, !- Name
+ InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3, !- Zone Name
+ 626.8257; !- Surface Area {m2}
+ InternalMass,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4 Internal Mass, !- Name
+ InteriorFurnishings, !- Construction Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4, !- Zone Name
+ 403.9503; !- Surface Area {m2}
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 04:00,0.05, !- Field 3
+ Until: 05:00,0.10, !- Field 5
+ Until: 06:00,0.20, !- Field 7
+ Until: 07:00,0.40, !- Field 9
+ Until: 09:00,0.50, !- Field 11
+ Until: 10:00,0.35, !- Field 13
+ Until: 16:00,0.15, !- Field 15
+ Until: 17:00,0.35, !- Field 17
+ Until: 19:00,0.50, !- Field 19
+ Until: 21:00,0.40, !- Field 21
+ Until: 22:00,0.30, !- Field 23
+ Until: 23:00,0.20, !- Field 25
+ Until: 24:00,0.10; !- Field 27
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay, !- Field 2
+ Until: 06:00,1.0, !- Field 3
+ Until: 22:00,0.25, !- Field 5
+ Until: 24:00,1.0, !- Field 7
+ For: Saturday WinterDesignDay, !- Field 9
+ Until: 06:00,1.0, !- Field 10
+ Until: 18:00,0.25, !- Field 12
+ Until: 24:00,1.0, !- Field 14
+ For: Sunday Holidays AllOtherDays, !- Field 16
+ Until: 24:00,1.0; !- Field 17
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ BLDG_OCC_SCH, !- Name
+ Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: SummerDesignDay, !- Field 2
+ Until: 06:00,0.0, !- Field 3
+ Until: 22:00,1.0, !- Field 5
+ Until: 24:00,0.05, !- Field 7
+ For: Weekdays, !- Field 9
+ Until: 06:00,0.0, !- Field 10
+ Until: 07:00,0.1, !- Field 12
+ Until: 08:00,0.2, !- Field 14
+ Until: 12:00,0.95, !- Field 16
+ Until: 13:00,0.5, !- Field 18
+ Until: 17:00,0.95, !- Field 20
+ Until: 18:00,0.7, !- Field 22
+ Until: 20:00,0.4, !- Field 24
+ Until: 22:00,0.1, !- Field 26
+ Until: 24:00,0.05, !- Field 28
+ For: Saturday, !- Field 30
+ Until: 06:00,0.0, !- Field 31
+ Until: 08:00,0.1, !- Field 33
+ Until: 14:00,0.5, !- Field 35
+ Until: 17:00,0.1, !- Field 37
+ Until: 24:00,0.0, !- Field 39
+ For: AllOtherDays, !- Field 41
+ Until: 24:00,0.0; !- Field 42
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: Weekdays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 05:00,0.05, !- Field 3
+ Until: 07:00,0.1, !- Field 5
+ Until: 08:00,0.3, !- Field 7
+ Until: 17:00,0.9, !- Field 9
+ Until: 18:00,0.7, !- Field 11
+ Until: 20:00,0.5, !- Field 13
+ Until: 22:00,0.3, !- Field 15
+ Until: 23:00,0.1, !- Field 17
+ Until: 24:00,0.05, !- Field 19
+ For: Saturday, !- Field 21
+ Until: 06:00,0.05, !- Field 22
+ Until: 08:00,0.1, !- Field 24
+ Until: 14:00,0.5, !- Field 26
+ Until: 17:00,0.15, !- Field 28
+ Until: 24:00,0.05, !- Field 30
+ For: SummerDesignDay, !- Field 32
+ Until: 24:00,1.0, !- Field 33
+ For: WinterDesignDay, !- Field 35
+ Until: 24:00,0.0, !- Field 36
+ For: AllOtherDays, !- Field 38
+ Until: 24:00,0.05; !- Field 39
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: Weekdays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 08:00,0.40, !- Field 3
+ Until: 12:00,0.90, !- Field 5
+ Until: 13:00,0.80, !- Field 7
+ Until: 17:00,0.90, !- Field 9
+ Until: 18:00,0.80, !- Field 11
+ Until: 20:00,0.60, !- Field 13
+ Until: 22:00,0.50, !- Field 15
+ Until: 24:00,0.40, !- Field 17
+ For: Saturday, !- Field 19
+ Until: 06:00,0.30, !- Field 20
+ Until: 08:00,0.4, !- Field 22
+ Until: 14:00,0.5, !- Field 24
+ Until: 17:00,0.35, !- Field 26
+ Until: 24:00,0.30, !- Field 28
+ For: SummerDesignDay, !- Field 30
+ Until: 24:00,1.0, !- Field 31
+ For: WinterDesignDay, !- Field 33
+ Until: 24:00,0.0, !- Field 34
+ For: AllOtherDays, !- Field 36
+ Until: 24:00,0.30; !- Field 37
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ Any Number, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 24:00,120; !- Field 3
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Name
+ Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 24:00,0.0; !- Field 3
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Name
+ Any Number, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 24:00,0.2; !- Field 3
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ Any Number, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 04/30, !- Field 1
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 24:00,1.0, !- Field 3
+ Through: 09/30, !- Field 5
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 6
+ Until: 24:00,0.5, !- Field 7
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 9
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 10
+ Until: 24:00,1.0; !- Field 11
+ Fan:VariableVolume,
+ VAV_1_Fan, !- Name
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.6045, !- Fan Efficiency
+ 1017.592, !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Fan Power Minimum Flow Rate Input Method
+ , !- Fan Power Minimum Flow Fraction
+ 0.0000, !- Fan Power Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.93, !- Motor Efficiency
+ 1.0, !- Motor In Airstream Fraction
+ 0.0407598940, !- Fan Power Coefficient 1
+ 0.08804497, !- Fan Power Coefficient 2
+ -0.072926120, !- Fan Power Coefficient 3
+ 0.9437398230, !- Fan Power Coefficient 4
+ 0, !- Fan Power Coefficient 5
+ VAV_1_HeatC-VAV_1_FanNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ Fan Energy; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ Fan:VariableVolume,
+ VAV_2_Fan, !- Name
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.6175, !- Fan Efficiency
+ 1017.592, !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Fan Power Minimum Flow Rate Input Method
+ , !- Fan Power Minimum Flow Fraction
+ 0.0000, !- Fan Power Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.95, !- Motor Efficiency
+ 1.0, !- Motor In Airstream Fraction
+ 0.0407598940, !- Fan Power Coefficient 1
+ 0.08804497, !- Fan Power Coefficient 2
+ -0.072926120, !- Fan Power Coefficient 3
+ 0.9437398230, !- Fan Power Coefficient 4
+ 0, !- Fan Power Coefficient 5
+ VAV_2_HeatC-VAV_2_FanNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_2 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ Fan Energy; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ Fan:VariableVolume,
+ VAV_3_Fan, !- Name
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.6045, !- Fan Efficiency
+ 1017.592, !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Fan Power Minimum Flow Rate Input Method
+ , !- Fan Power Minimum Flow Fraction
+ 0.0000, !- Fan Power Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.93, !- Motor Efficiency
+ 1.0, !- Motor In Airstream Fraction
+ 0.0407598940, !- Fan Power Coefficient 1
+ 0.08804497, !- Fan Power Coefficient 2
+ -0.072926120, !- Fan Power Coefficient 3
+ 0.9437398230, !- Fan Power Coefficient 4
+ 0, !- Fan Power Coefficient 5
+ VAV_3_HeatC-VAV_3_FanNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_3 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ Fan Energy; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ Fan:VariableVolume,
+ VAV_5_Fan, !- Name
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.5915, !- Fan Efficiency
+ 1109.648, !- Pressure Rise {Pa}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Fan Power Minimum Flow Rate Input Method
+ , !- Fan Power Minimum Flow Fraction
+ 0.0000, !- Fan Power Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.91, !- Motor Efficiency
+ 1.0, !- Motor In Airstream Fraction
+ 0.0407598940, !- Fan Power Coefficient 1
+ 0.08804497, !- Fan Power Coefficient 2
+ -0.072926120, !- Fan Power Coefficient 3
+ 0.9437398230, !- Fan Power Coefficient 4
+ 0, !- Fan Power Coefficient 5
+ VAV_5_HeatC-VAV_5_FanNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_5 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ Fan Energy; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ Coil:Heating:Water,
+ Basement VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Basement VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
+ Basement VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
+ Basement VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ Basement VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
+ 82.2, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
+ 16.6, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
+ 71.1, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
+ 32.2, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
+ ; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
+ Coil:Heating:Water,
+ Core_bottom VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Core_bottom VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
+ Core_bottom VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
+ Core_bottom VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ Core_bottom VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
+ 82.2, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
+ 16.6, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
+ 71.1, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
+ 32.2, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
+ ; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
+ Coil:Heating:Water,
+ Core_mid VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Core_mid VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
+ Core_mid VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
+ Core_mid VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ Core_mid VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
+ 82.2, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
+ 16.6, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
+ 71.1, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
+ 32.2, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
+ ; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
+ Coil:Heating:Water,
+ Core_top VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Core_top VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
+ Core_top VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
+ Core_top VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ Core_top VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
+ 82.2, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
+ 16.6, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
+ 71.1, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
+ 32.2, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
+ ; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
+ Coil:Heating:Water,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1 VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
+ 82.2, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
+ 16.6, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
+ 71.1, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
+ 32.2, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
+ ; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
+ Coil:Heating:Water,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2 VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
+ 82.2, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
+ 16.6, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
+ 71.1, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
+ 32.2, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
+ ; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
+ Coil:Heating:Water,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3 VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
+ 82.2, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
+ 16.6, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
+ 71.1, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
+ 32.2, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
+ ; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
+ Coil:Heating:Water,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4 VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
+ 82.2, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
+ 16.6, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
+ 71.1, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
+ 32.2, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
+ ; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
+ Coil:Heating:Water,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1 VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
+ 82.2, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
+ 16.6, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
+ 71.1, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
+ 32.2, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
+ ; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
+ Coil:Heating:Water,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2 VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
+ 82.2, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
+ 16.6, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
+ 71.1, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
+ 32.2, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
+ ; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
+ Coil:Heating:Water,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3 VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
+ 82.2, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
+ 16.6, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
+ 71.1, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
+ 32.2, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
+ ; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
+ Coil:Heating:Water,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4 VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
+ 82.2, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
+ 16.6, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
+ 71.1, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
+ 32.2, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
+ ; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
+ Coil:Heating:Water,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1 VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
+ 82.2, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
+ 16.6, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
+ 71.1, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
+ 32.2, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
+ ; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
+ Coil:Heating:Water,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2 VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
+ 82.2, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
+ 16.6, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
+ 71.1, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
+ 32.2, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
+ ; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
+ Coil:Heating:Water,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3 VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
+ 82.2, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
+ 16.6, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
+ 71.1, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
+ 32.2, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
+ ; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
+ Coil:Heating:Water,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4 VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
+ 82.2, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
+ 16.6, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
+ 71.1, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
+ 32.2, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
+ ; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
+ Coil:Heating:Water,
+ VAV_1_HeatC, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ VAV_1_HeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_1_HeatCDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
+ VAV_1_CoolC-VAV_1_HeatCNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_1_HeatC-VAV_1_FanNode, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
+ 82.2, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
+ 16.6, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
+ 71.1, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
+ 32.2, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
+ ; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
+ Coil:Heating:Water,
+ VAV_2_HeatC, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ VAV_2_HeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_2_HeatCDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
+ VAV_2_CoolC-VAV_2_HeatCNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_2_HeatC-VAV_2_FanNode, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
+ 82.2, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
+ 16.6, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
+ 71.1, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
+ 32.2, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
+ ; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
+ Coil:Heating:Water,
+ VAV_3_HeatC, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ VAV_3_HeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_3_HeatCDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
+ VAV_3_CoolC-VAV_3_HeatCNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_3_HeatC-VAV_3_FanNode, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
+ 82.2, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
+ 16.6, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
+ 71.1, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
+ 32.2, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
+ ; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
+ Coil:Heating:Water,
+ VAV_5_HeatC, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value {W/K}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ VAV_5_HeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_5_HeatCDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
+ VAV_5_CoolC-VAV_5_HeatCNode, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_5_HeatC-VAV_5_FanNode, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Capacity {W}
+ 82.2, !- Rated Inlet Water Temperature {C}
+ 16.6, !- Rated Inlet Air Temperature {C}
+ 71.1, !- Rated Outlet Water Temperature {C}
+ 32.2, !- Rated Outlet Air Temperature {C}
+ ; !- Rated Ratio for Air and Water Convection
+ Coil:Cooling:Water,
+ VAV_3_CoolC, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Design Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Design Inlet Water Temperature {C}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Design Inlet Air Temperature {C}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Design Outlet Air Temperature {C}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Design Inlet Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Design Outlet Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ VAV_3_CoolCDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_3_CoolCDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
+ VAV_3_OA-VAV_3_CoolCNode,!- Air Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_3_CoolC-VAV_3_HeatCNode, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ SimpleAnalysis, !- Type of Analysis
+ CrossFlow; !- Heat Exchanger Configuration
+ Coil:Cooling:Water,
+ VAV_2_CoolC, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Design Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Design Inlet Water Temperature {C}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Design Inlet Air Temperature {C}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Design Outlet Air Temperature {C}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Design Inlet Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Design Outlet Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ VAV_2_CoolCDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_2_CoolCDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
+ VAV_2_OA-VAV_2_CoolCNode,!- Air Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_2_CoolC-VAV_2_HeatCNode, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ SimpleAnalysis, !- Type of Analysis
+ CrossFlow; !- Heat Exchanger Configuration
+ Coil:Cooling:Water,
+ VAV_1_CoolC, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Design Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Design Inlet Water Temperature {C}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Design Inlet Air Temperature {C}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Design Outlet Air Temperature {C}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Design Inlet Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Design Outlet Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ VAV_1_CoolCDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_1_CoolCDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
+ VAV_1_OA-VAV_1_CoolCNode,!- Air Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_1_CoolC-VAV_1_HeatCNode, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ SimpleAnalysis, !- Type of Analysis
+ CrossFlow; !- Heat Exchanger Configuration
+ Coil:Cooling:Water,
+ VAV_5_CoolC, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Design Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Design Inlet Water Temperature {C}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Design Inlet Air Temperature {C}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Design Outlet Air Temperature {C}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Design Inlet Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Design Outlet Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ VAV_5_CoolCDemand Inlet Node, !- Water Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_5_CoolCDemand Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
+ VAV_5_OA-VAV_5_CoolCNode,!- Air Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_5_CoolC-VAV_5_HeatCNode, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ SimpleAnalysis, !- Type of Analysis
+ CrossFlow; !- Heat Exchanger Configuration
+ AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat,
+ Basement VAV Box Component, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ Basement VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
+ Basement VAV Box Inlet Node Name, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ , !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
+ Basement VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Basement VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ 0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
+ NORMAL; !- Damper Heating Action
+ AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat,
+ Core_bottom VAV Box Component, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ Core_bottom VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
+ Core_bottom VAV Box Inlet Node Name, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ , !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
+ Core_bottom VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Core_bottom VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ 0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
+ NORMAL; !- Damper Heating Action
+ AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat,
+ Core_mid VAV Box Component, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ Core_mid VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
+ Core_mid VAV Box Inlet Node Name, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ , !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
+ Core_mid VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Core_mid VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ 0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
+ NORMAL; !- Damper Heating Action
+ AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat,
+ Core_top VAV Box Component, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ Core_top VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
+ Core_top VAV Box Inlet Node Name, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ , !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
+ Core_top VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Core_top VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ 0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
+ NORMAL; !- Damper Heating Action
+ AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1 VAV Box Component, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1 VAV Box Inlet Node Name, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ , !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1 VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ 0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
+ NORMAL; !- Damper Heating Action
+ AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2 VAV Box Component, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2 VAV Box Inlet Node Name, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ , !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2 VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ 0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
+ NORMAL; !- Damper Heating Action
+ AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3 VAV Box Component, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3 VAV Box Inlet Node Name, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ , !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3 VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ 0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
+ NORMAL; !- Damper Heating Action
+ AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4 VAV Box Component, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4 VAV Box Inlet Node Name, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ , !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4 VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ 0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
+ NORMAL; !- Damper Heating Action
+ AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1 VAV Box Component, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1 VAV Box Inlet Node Name, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ , !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1 VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ 0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
+ NORMAL; !- Damper Heating Action
+ AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2 VAV Box Component, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2 VAV Box Inlet Node Name, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ , !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2 VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ 0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
+ NORMAL; !- Damper Heating Action
+ AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3 VAV Box Component, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3 VAV Box Inlet Node Name, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ , !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3 VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ 0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
+ NORMAL; !- Damper Heating Action
+ AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4 VAV Box Component, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4 VAV Box Inlet Node Name, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ , !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4 VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ 0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
+ NORMAL; !- Damper Heating Action
+ AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1 VAV Box Component, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1 VAV Box Inlet Node Name, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ , !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1 VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ 0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
+ NORMAL; !- Damper Heating Action
+ AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2 VAV Box Component, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2 VAV Box Inlet Node Name, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ , !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2 VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ 0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
+ NORMAL; !- Damper Heating Action
+ AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3 VAV Box Component, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3 VAV Box Inlet Node Name, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ , !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3 VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ 0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
+ NORMAL; !- Damper Heating Action
+ AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4 VAV Box Component, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Availability Schedule Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4 VAV Box Damper Node, !- Damper Air Outlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4 VAV Box Inlet Node Name, !- Air Inlet Node Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Constant, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ , !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ Coil:Heating:Water, !- Reheat Coil Object Type
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Reheat Coil Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.0, !- Minimum Hot Water or Steam Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4 VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Outlet Node Name
+ 0.001, !- Convergence Tolerance
+ NORMAL; !- Damper Heating Action
+ ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList,
+ Basement Equipment, !- Name
+ ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
+ Basement VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
+ 1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
+ ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList,
+ Core_bottom Equipment, !- Name
+ ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
+ Core_bottom VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
+ 1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
+ ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList,
+ Core_mid Equipment, !- Name
+ ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
+ Core_mid VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
+ 1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
+ ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList,
+ Core_top Equipment, !- Name
+ ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
+ Core_top VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
+ 1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
+ ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1 Equipment, !- Name
+ ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
+ 1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
+ ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2 Equipment, !- Name
+ ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
+ 1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
+ ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3 Equipment, !- Name
+ ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
+ 1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
+ ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4 Equipment, !- Name
+ ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
+ 1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
+ ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1 Equipment, !- Name
+ ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
+ 1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
+ ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2 Equipment, !- Name
+ ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
+ 1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
+ ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3 Equipment, !- Name
+ ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
+ 1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
+ ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4 Equipment, !- Name
+ ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
+ 1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
+ ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1 Equipment, !- Name
+ ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
+ 1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
+ ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2 Equipment, !- Name
+ ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
+ 1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
+ ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3 Equipment, !- Name
+ ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
+ 1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
+ ZoneHVAC:EquipmentList,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4 Equipment, !- Name
+ ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit, !- Zone Equipment 1 Object Type
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4 VAV Box, !- Zone Equipment 1 Name
+ 1, !- Zone Equipment 1 Cooling Sequence
+ 1; !- Zone Equipment 1 Heating or No-Load Sequence
+ Sizing:Zone,
+ Basement, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8000, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 50.0000, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ 0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.0080, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ SZ DSOA Basement, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ ; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignSpecification:OutdoorAir,
+ SZ DSOA Basement, !- Name
+ Flow/Person, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ 0.0125, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ ; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
+ Sizing:Zone,
+ Core_bottom, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8000, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 50.0000, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ 0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.0080, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ SZ DSOA Core_bottom, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ ; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignSpecification:OutdoorAir,
+ SZ DSOA Core_bottom, !- Name
+ Flow/Person, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ 0.0125, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ ; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
+ Sizing:Zone,
+ Core_mid, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8000, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 50.0000, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ 0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.0080, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ SZ DSOA Core_mid, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ ; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignSpecification:OutdoorAir,
+ SZ DSOA Core_mid, !- Name
+ Flow/Person, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ 0.0125, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ ; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
+ Sizing:Zone,
+ Core_top, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8000, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 50.0000, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ 0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.0080, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ SZ DSOA Core_top, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ ; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignSpecification:OutdoorAir,
+ SZ DSOA Core_top, !- Name
+ Flow/Person, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ 0.0125, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ ; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
+ Sizing:Zone,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8000, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 50.0000, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ 0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.0080, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ SZ DSOA Perimeter_bot_ZN_1, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ ; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignSpecification:OutdoorAir,
+ SZ DSOA Perimeter_bot_ZN_1, !- Name
+ Flow/Person, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ 0.0125, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ ; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
+ Sizing:Zone,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8000, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 50.0000, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ 0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.0080, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ SZ DSOA Perimeter_bot_ZN_2, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ ; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignSpecification:OutdoorAir,
+ SZ DSOA Perimeter_bot_ZN_2, !- Name
+ Flow/Person, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ 0.0125, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ ; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
+ Sizing:Zone,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8000, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 50.0000, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ 0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.0080, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ SZ DSOA Perimeter_bot_ZN_3, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ ; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignSpecification:OutdoorAir,
+ SZ DSOA Perimeter_bot_ZN_3, !- Name
+ Flow/Person, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ 0.0125, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ ; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
+ Sizing:Zone,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8000, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 50.0000, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ 0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.0080, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ SZ DSOA Perimeter_bot_ZN_4, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ ; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignSpecification:OutdoorAir,
+ SZ DSOA Perimeter_bot_ZN_4, !- Name
+ Flow/Person, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ 0.0125, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ ; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
+ Sizing:Zone,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8000, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 50.0000, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ 0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.0080, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ SZ DSOA Perimeter_mid_ZN_1, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ ; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignSpecification:OutdoorAir,
+ SZ DSOA Perimeter_mid_ZN_1, !- Name
+ Flow/Person, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ 0.0125, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ ; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
+ Sizing:Zone,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8000, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 50.0000, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ 0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.0080, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ SZ DSOA Perimeter_mid_ZN_2, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ ; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignSpecification:OutdoorAir,
+ SZ DSOA Perimeter_mid_ZN_2, !- Name
+ Flow/Person, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ 0.0125, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ ; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
+ Sizing:Zone,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8000, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 50.0000, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ 0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.0080, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ SZ DSOA Perimeter_mid_ZN_3, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ ; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignSpecification:OutdoorAir,
+ SZ DSOA Perimeter_mid_ZN_3, !- Name
+ Flow/Person, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ 0.0125, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ ; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
+ Sizing:Zone,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8000, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 50.0000, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ 0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.0080, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ SZ DSOA Perimeter_mid_ZN_4, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ ; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignSpecification:OutdoorAir,
+ SZ DSOA Perimeter_mid_ZN_4, !- Name
+ Flow/Person, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ 0.0125, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ ; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
+ Sizing:Zone,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8000, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 50.0000, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ 0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.0080, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ SZ DSOA Perimeter_top_ZN_1, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ ; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignSpecification:OutdoorAir,
+ SZ DSOA Perimeter_top_ZN_1, !- Name
+ Flow/Person, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ 0.0125, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ ; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
+ Sizing:Zone,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8000, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 50.0000, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ 0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.0080, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ SZ DSOA Perimeter_top_ZN_2, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ ; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignSpecification:OutdoorAir,
+ SZ DSOA Perimeter_top_ZN_2, !- Name
+ Flow/Person, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ 0.0125, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ ; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
+ Sizing:Zone,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8000, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 50.0000, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ 0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.0080, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ SZ DSOA Perimeter_top_ZN_3, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ ; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignSpecification:OutdoorAir,
+ SZ DSOA Perimeter_top_ZN_3, !- Name
+ Flow/Person, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ 0.0125, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ ; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
+ Sizing:Zone,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8000, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 50.0000, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ 0.0085, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.0080, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ SZ DSOA Perimeter_top_ZN_4, !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ , !- Cooling Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Heating Maximum Air Flow {m3/s}
+ ; !- Heating Maximum Air Flow Fraction
+ DesignSpecification:OutdoorAir,
+ SZ DSOA Perimeter_top_ZN_4, !- Name
+ Flow/Person, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ 0.0125, !- Outdoor Air Flow per Person {m3/s-person}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ ; !- Outdoor Air Flow per Zone {m3/s}
+ ZoneControl:Thermostat,
+ Basement Thermostat, !- Name
+ Basement, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
+ ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
+ Basement DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
+ ZoneControl:Thermostat,
+ Core_bottom Thermostat, !- Name
+ Core_bottom, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
+ ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
+ Core_bottom DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
+ ZoneControl:Thermostat,
+ Core_mid Thermostat, !- Name
+ Core_mid, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
+ ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
+ Core_mid DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
+ ZoneControl:Thermostat,
+ Core_top Thermostat, !- Name
+ Core_top, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
+ ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
+ Core_top DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
+ ZoneControl:Thermostat,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1 Thermostat, !- Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
+ ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
+ ZoneControl:Thermostat,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2 Thermostat, !- Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
+ ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
+ ZoneControl:Thermostat,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3 Thermostat, !- Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
+ ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
+ ZoneControl:Thermostat,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4 Thermostat, !- Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
+ ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
+ ZoneControl:Thermostat,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1 Thermostat, !- Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
+ ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
+ ZoneControl:Thermostat,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2 Thermostat, !- Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
+ ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
+ ZoneControl:Thermostat,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3 Thermostat, !- Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
+ ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
+ ZoneControl:Thermostat,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4 Thermostat, !- Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
+ ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
+ ZoneControl:Thermostat,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1 Thermostat, !- Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
+ ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
+ ZoneControl:Thermostat,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2 Thermostat, !- Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
+ ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
+ ZoneControl:Thermostat,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3 Thermostat, !- Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
+ ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
+ ZoneControl:Thermostat,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4 Thermostat, !- Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Control Type Schedule Name
+ ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint, !- Control 1 Object Type
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4 DualSPSched; !- Control 1 Name
+ ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint,
+ Basement DualSPSched, !- Name
+ HTGSETP_SCH, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ CLGSETP_SCH; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint,
+ Core_bottom DualSPSched, !- Name
+ HTGSETP_SCH, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ CLGSETP_SCH; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint,
+ Core_mid DualSPSched, !- Name
+ HTGSETP_SCH, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ CLGSETP_SCH; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint,
+ Core_top DualSPSched, !- Name
+ HTGSETP_SCH, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ CLGSETP_SCH; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1 DualSPSched, !- Name
+ HTGSETP_SCH, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ CLGSETP_SCH; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2 DualSPSched, !- Name
+ HTGSETP_SCH, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ CLGSETP_SCH; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3 DualSPSched, !- Name
+ HTGSETP_SCH, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ CLGSETP_SCH; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4 DualSPSched, !- Name
+ HTGSETP_SCH, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ CLGSETP_SCH; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1 DualSPSched, !- Name
+ HTGSETP_SCH, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ CLGSETP_SCH; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2 DualSPSched, !- Name
+ HTGSETP_SCH, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ CLGSETP_SCH; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3 DualSPSched, !- Name
+ HTGSETP_SCH, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ CLGSETP_SCH; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4 DualSPSched, !- Name
+ HTGSETP_SCH, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ CLGSETP_SCH; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1 DualSPSched, !- Name
+ HTGSETP_SCH, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ CLGSETP_SCH; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2 DualSPSched, !- Name
+ HTGSETP_SCH, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ CLGSETP_SCH; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3 DualSPSched, !- Name
+ HTGSETP_SCH, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ CLGSETP_SCH; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ ThermostatSetpoint:DualSetpoint,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4 DualSPSched, !- Name
+ HTGSETP_SCH, !- Heating Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ CLGSETP_SCH; !- Cooling Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ Sizing:System,
+ VAV_1, !- AirLoop Name
+ Sensible, !- Type of Load to Size On
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Design Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.3, !- Minimum System Air Flow Ratio
+ 7.0, !- Preheat Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Preheat Design Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 12.8000, !- Precool Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Precool Design Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 12.8000, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 16.7000, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ NonCoincident, !- Sizing Option
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Cooling
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Heating
+ 0.0085, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.0080, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ ZoneSum; !- System Outdoor Air Method
+ Sizing:System,
+ VAV_2, !- AirLoop Name
+ Sensible, !- Type of Load to Size On
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Design Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.3, !- Minimum System Air Flow Ratio
+ 7.0, !- Preheat Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Preheat Design Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 12.8000, !- Precool Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Precool Design Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 12.8000, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 16.7000, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ NonCoincident, !- Sizing Option
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Cooling
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Heating
+ 0.0085, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.0080, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ ZoneSum; !- System Outdoor Air Method
+ Sizing:System,
+ VAV_3, !- AirLoop Name
+ Sensible, !- Type of Load to Size On
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Design Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.3, !- Minimum System Air Flow Ratio
+ 7.0, !- Preheat Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Preheat Design Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 12.8000, !- Precool Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Precool Design Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 12.8000, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 16.7000, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ NonCoincident, !- Sizing Option
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Cooling
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Heating
+ 0.0085, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.0080, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ ZoneSum; !- System Outdoor Air Method
+ Sizing:System,
+ VAV_5, !- AirLoop Name
+ Sensible, !- Type of Load to Size On
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Design Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.3, !- Minimum System Air Flow Ratio
+ 7.0, !- Preheat Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Preheat Design Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 12.8000, !- Precool Design Temperature {C}
+ 0.008, !- Precool Design Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 12.8000, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 16.7000, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ NonCoincident, !- Sizing Option
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Cooling
+ No, !- 100% Outdoor Air in Heating
+ 0.0085, !- Central Cooling Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ 0.0080, !- Central Heating Design Supply Air Humidity Ratio {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ DesignDay, !- Cooling Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Cooling Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ DesignDay, !- Heating Design Air Flow Method
+ , !- Heating Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ ZoneSum; !- System Outdoor Air Method
+ Controller:OutdoorAir,
+ VAV_1_OA_Controller, !- Name
+ VAV_1_OARelief Node, !- Relief Air Outlet Node Name
+ VAV_1 Supply Equipment Inlet Node, !- Return Air Node Name
+ VAV_1_OA-VAV_1_CoolCNode,!- Mixed Air Node Name
+ VAV_1_OAInlet Node, !- Actuator Node Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ DifferentialDryBulb, !- Economizer Control Type
+ ModulateFlow, !- Economizer Control Action Type
+ 28.0, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 64000.0, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Enthalpy {J/kg}
+ , !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
+ , !- Electronic Enthalpy Limit Curve Name
+ -100.0, !- Economizer Minimum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ NoLockout, !- Lockout Type
+ FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Limit Type
+ MinOA_MotorizedDamper_Sched, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Minimum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Maximum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ ; !- Mechanical Ventilation Controller Name
+ Controller:OutdoorAir,
+ VAV_2_OA_Controller, !- Name
+ VAV_2_OARelief Node, !- Relief Air Outlet Node Name
+ VAV_2 Supply Equipment Inlet Node, !- Return Air Node Name
+ VAV_2_OA-VAV_2_CoolCNode,!- Mixed Air Node Name
+ VAV_2_OAInlet Node, !- Actuator Node Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ DifferentialDryBulb, !- Economizer Control Type
+ ModulateFlow, !- Economizer Control Action Type
+ 28.0, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 64000.0, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Enthalpy {J/kg}
+ , !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
+ , !- Electronic Enthalpy Limit Curve Name
+ -100.0, !- Economizer Minimum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ NoLockout, !- Lockout Type
+ FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Limit Type
+ MinOA_MotorizedDamper_Sched, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Minimum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Maximum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ ; !- Mechanical Ventilation Controller Name
+ Controller:OutdoorAir,
+ VAV_3_OA_Controller, !- Name
+ VAV_3_OARelief Node, !- Relief Air Outlet Node Name
+ VAV_3 Supply Equipment Inlet Node, !- Return Air Node Name
+ VAV_3_OA-VAV_3_CoolCNode,!- Mixed Air Node Name
+ VAV_3_OAInlet Node, !- Actuator Node Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ DifferentialDryBulb, !- Economizer Control Type
+ ModulateFlow, !- Economizer Control Action Type
+ 28.0, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 64000.0, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Enthalpy {J/kg}
+ , !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
+ , !- Electronic Enthalpy Limit Curve Name
+ -100.0, !- Economizer Minimum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ NoLockout, !- Lockout Type
+ FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Limit Type
+ MinOA_MotorizedDamper_Sched, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Minimum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Maximum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ ; !- Mechanical Ventilation Controller Name
+ Controller:OutdoorAir,
+ VAV_5_OA_Controller, !- Name
+ VAV_5_OARelief Node, !- Relief Air Outlet Node Name
+ VAV_5 Supply Equipment Inlet Node, !- Return Air Node Name
+ VAV_5_OA-VAV_5_CoolCNode,!- Mixed Air Node Name
+ VAV_5_OAInlet Node, !- Actuator Node Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ DifferentialDryBulb, !- Economizer Control Type
+ ModulateFlow, !- Economizer Control Action Type
+ 28.0, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 64000.0, !- Economizer Maximum Limit Enthalpy {J/kg}
+ , !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
+ , !- Electronic Enthalpy Limit Curve Name
+ -100.0, !- Economizer Minimum Limit Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ NoLockout, !- Lockout Type
+ FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Limit Type
+ MinOA_MotorizedDamper_Sched, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Minimum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ , !- Maximum Fraction of Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ ; !- Mechanical Ventilation Controller Name
+ SetpointManager:Scheduled,
+ VAV_1 SAT setpoint, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Control Variable
+ Seasonal-Reset-Supply-Air-Temp-Sch, !- Schedule Name
+ VAV_1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ SetpointManager:Scheduled,
+ VAV_2 SAT setpoint, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Control Variable
+ Seasonal-Reset-Supply-Air-Temp-Sch, !- Schedule Name
+ VAV_2 Supply Equipment Outlet Node; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ SetpointManager:Scheduled,
+ VAV_3 SAT setpoint, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Control Variable
+ Seasonal-Reset-Supply-Air-Temp-Sch, !- Schedule Name
+ VAV_3 Supply Equipment Outlet Node; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ SetpointManager:Scheduled,
+ VAV_5 SAT setpoint, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Control Variable
+ Seasonal-Reset-Supply-Air-Temp-Sch, !- Schedule Name
+ VAV_5 Supply Equipment Outlet Node; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+! ***AIR LOOPS***
+ AirLoopHVAC,
+ VAV_1, !- Name
+ VAV_1_Controllers, !- Controller List Name
+ VAV_1 Availability Manager List, !- Availability Manager List Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ VAV_1 Air Loop Branches, !- Branch List Name
+ , !- Connector List Name
+ VAV_1 Supply Equipment Inlet Node, !- Supply Side Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_1 Zone Equipment Outlet Node, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
+ VAV_1 Zone Equipment Inlet Node, !- Demand Side Inlet Node Names
+ VAV_1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node; !- Supply Side Outlet Node Names
+ AirLoopHVAC,
+ VAV_2, !- Name
+ VAV_2_Controllers, !- Controller List Name
+ VAV_2 Availability Manager List, !- Availability Manager List Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ VAV_2 Air Loop Branches, !- Branch List Name
+ , !- Connector List Name
+ VAV_2 Supply Equipment Inlet Node, !- Supply Side Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_2 Zone Equipment Outlet Node, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
+ VAV_2 Zone Equipment Inlet Node, !- Demand Side Inlet Node Names
+ VAV_2 Supply Equipment Outlet Node; !- Supply Side Outlet Node Names
+ AirLoopHVAC,
+ VAV_3, !- Name
+ VAV_3_Controllers, !- Controller List Name
+ VAV_3 Availability Manager List, !- Availability Manager List Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ VAV_3 Air Loop Branches, !- Branch List Name
+ , !- Connector List Name
+ VAV_3 Supply Equipment Inlet Node, !- Supply Side Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_3 Zone Equipment Outlet Node, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
+ VAV_3 Zone Equipment Inlet Node, !- Demand Side Inlet Node Names
+ VAV_3 Supply Equipment Outlet Node; !- Supply Side Outlet Node Names
+ AirLoopHVAC,
+ VAV_5, !- Name
+ VAV_5_Controllers, !- Controller List Name
+ VAV_5 Availability Manager List, !- Availability Manager List Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Design Supply Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ VAV_5 Air Loop Branches, !- Branch List Name
+ , !- Connector List Name
+ VAV_5 Supply Equipment Inlet Node, !- Supply Side Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_5 Zone Equipment Outlet Node, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
+ VAV_5 Zone Equipment Inlet Node, !- Demand Side Inlet Node Names
+ VAV_5 Supply Equipment Outlet Node; !- Supply Side Outlet Node Names
+ ZoneHVAC:EquipmentConnections,
+ Basement, !- Zone Name
+ Basement Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
+ Basement Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
+ , !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
+ Basement Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
+ Basement Return Air Node Name; !- Zone Return Air Node Name
+ ZoneHVAC:EquipmentConnections,
+ Core_bottom, !- Zone Name
+ Core_bottom Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
+ Core_bottom Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
+ , !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
+ Core_bottom Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
+ Core_bottom Return Air Node Name; !- Zone Return Air Node Name
+ ZoneHVAC:EquipmentConnections,
+ Core_mid, !- Zone Name
+ Core_mid Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
+ Core_mid Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
+ , !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
+ Core_mid Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
+ Core_mid Return Air Node Name; !- Zone Return Air Node Name
+ ZoneHVAC:EquipmentConnections,
+ Core_top, !- Zone Name
+ Core_top Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
+ Core_top Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
+ , !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
+ Core_top Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
+ Core_top Return Air Node Name; !- Zone Return Air Node Name
+ ZoneHVAC:EquipmentConnections,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1, !- Zone Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
+ , !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1 Return Air Node Name; !- Zone Return Air Node Name
+ ZoneHVAC:EquipmentConnections,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2, !- Zone Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
+ , !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2 Return Air Node Name; !- Zone Return Air Node Name
+ ZoneHVAC:EquipmentConnections,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3, !- Zone Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
+ , !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3 Return Air Node Name; !- Zone Return Air Node Name
+ ZoneHVAC:EquipmentConnections,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4, !- Zone Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
+ , !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4 Return Air Node Name; !- Zone Return Air Node Name
+ ZoneHVAC:EquipmentConnections,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1, !- Zone Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
+ , !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1 Return Air Node Name; !- Zone Return Air Node Name
+ ZoneHVAC:EquipmentConnections,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2, !- Zone Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
+ , !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2 Return Air Node Name; !- Zone Return Air Node Name
+ ZoneHVAC:EquipmentConnections,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3, !- Zone Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
+ , !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3 Return Air Node Name; !- Zone Return Air Node Name
+ ZoneHVAC:EquipmentConnections,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4, !- Zone Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
+ , !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4 Return Air Node Name; !- Zone Return Air Node Name
+ ZoneHVAC:EquipmentConnections,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1, !- Zone Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
+ , !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1 Return Air Node Name; !- Zone Return Air Node Name
+ ZoneHVAC:EquipmentConnections,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2, !- Zone Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
+ , !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2 Return Air Node Name; !- Zone Return Air Node Name
+ ZoneHVAC:EquipmentConnections,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3, !- Zone Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
+ , !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3 Return Air Node Name; !- Zone Return Air Node Name
+ ZoneHVAC:EquipmentConnections,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4, !- Zone Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4 Equipment, !- Zone Conditioning Equipment List Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4 Inlet Nodes, !- Zone Air Inlet Node or NodeList Name
+ , !- Zone Air Exhaust Node or NodeList Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4 Air Node, !- Zone Air Node Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4 Return Air Node Name; !- Zone Return Air Node Name
+ ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit,
+ Basement VAV Box, !- Name
+ Basement VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
+ AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
+ Basement VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
+ ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit,
+ Core_bottom VAV Box, !- Name
+ Core_bottom VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
+ AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
+ Core_bottom VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
+ ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit,
+ Core_mid VAV Box, !- Name
+ Core_mid VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
+ AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
+ Core_mid VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
+ ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit,
+ Core_top VAV Box, !- Name
+ Core_top VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
+ AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
+ Core_top VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
+ ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1 VAV Box, !- Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1 VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
+ AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
+ ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2 VAV Box, !- Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2 VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
+ AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
+ ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3 VAV Box, !- Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3 VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
+ AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
+ ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4 VAV Box, !- Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4 VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
+ AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
+ ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1 VAV Box, !- Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1 VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
+ AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
+ ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2 VAV Box, !- Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2 VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
+ AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
+ ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3 VAV Box, !- Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3 VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
+ AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
+ ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4 VAV Box, !- Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4 VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
+ AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
+ ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1 VAV Box, !- Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1 VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
+ AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
+ ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2 VAV Box, !- Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2 VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
+ AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
+ ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3 VAV Box, !- Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3 VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
+ AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
+ ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4 VAV Box, !- Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4 VAV Box Outlet Node Name, !- Air Distribution Unit Outlet Node Name
+ AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat, !- Air Terminal Object Type
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4 VAV Box Component; !- Air Terminal Name
+ NodeList,
+ Basement Inlet Nodes, !- Name
+ Basement VAV Box Outlet Node Name; !- Node 1 Name
+ NodeList,
+ Core_bottom Inlet Nodes, !- Name
+ Core_bottom VAV Box Outlet Node Name; !- Node 1 Name
+ NodeList,
+ Core_mid Inlet Nodes, !- Name
+ Core_mid VAV Box Outlet Node Name; !- Node 1 Name
+ NodeList,
+ Core_top Inlet Nodes, !- Name
+ Core_top VAV Box Outlet Node Name; !- Node 1 Name
+ NodeList,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1 VAV Box Outlet Node Name; !- Node 1 Name
+ NodeList,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2 VAV Box Outlet Node Name; !- Node 1 Name
+ NodeList,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3 VAV Box Outlet Node Name; !- Node 1 Name
+ NodeList,
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4 VAV Box Outlet Node Name; !- Node 1 Name
+ NodeList,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1 VAV Box Outlet Node Name; !- Node 1 Name
+ NodeList,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2 VAV Box Outlet Node Name; !- Node 1 Name
+ NodeList,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3 VAV Box Outlet Node Name; !- Node 1 Name
+ NodeList,
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4 VAV Box Outlet Node Name; !- Node 1 Name
+ NodeList,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1 VAV Box Outlet Node Name; !- Node 1 Name
+ NodeList,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2 VAV Box Outlet Node Name; !- Node 1 Name
+ NodeList,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3 VAV Box Outlet Node Name; !- Node 1 Name
+ NodeList,
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4 Inlet Nodes, !- Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4 VAV Box Outlet Node Name; !- Node 1 Name
+ NodeList,
+ VAV_1_OANode List, !- Name
+ VAV_1_OAInlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
+ NodeList,
+ VAV_2_OANode List, !- Name
+ VAV_2_OAInlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
+ NodeList,
+ VAV_3_OANode List, !- Name
+ VAV_3_OAInlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
+ NodeList,
+ VAV_5_OANode List, !- Name
+ VAV_5_OAInlet Node; !- Node 1 Name
+ AvailabilityManagerAssignmentList,
+ VAV_1 Availability Manager List, !- Name
+ AvailabilityManager:NightCycle, !- Availability Manager 1 Object Type
+ VAV_1 Availability Manager; !- Availability Manager 1 Name
+ AvailabilityManagerAssignmentList,
+ VAV_2 Availability Manager List, !- Name
+ AvailabilityManager:NightCycle, !- Availability Manager 1 Object Type
+ VAV_2 Availability Manager; !- Availability Manager 1 Name
+ AvailabilityManagerAssignmentList,
+ VAV_3 Availability Manager List, !- Name
+ AvailabilityManager:NightCycle, !- Availability Manager 1 Object Type
+ VAV_3 Availability Manager; !- Availability Manager 1 Name
+ AvailabilityManagerAssignmentList,
+ VAV_5 Availability Manager List, !- Name
+ AvailabilityManager:NightCycle, !- Availability Manager 1 Object Type
+ VAV_5 Availability Manager; !- Availability Manager 1 Name
+ AvailabilityManager:NightCycle,
+ VAV_1 Availability Manager, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Applicability Schedule Name
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Fan Schedule Name
+ CycleOnAny, !- Control Type
+ 1.0, !- Thermostat Tolerance {deltaC}
+ 1800; !- Cycling Run Time {s}
+ AvailabilityManager:NightCycle,
+ VAV_2 Availability Manager, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Applicability Schedule Name
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Fan Schedule Name
+ CycleOnAny, !- Control Type
+ 1.0, !- Thermostat Tolerance {deltaC}
+ 1800; !- Cycling Run Time {s}
+ AvailabilityManager:NightCycle,
+ VAV_3 Availability Manager, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Applicability Schedule Name
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Fan Schedule Name
+ CycleOnAny, !- Control Type
+ 1.0, !- Thermostat Tolerance {deltaC}
+ 1800; !- Cycling Run Time {s}
+ AvailabilityManager:NightCycle,
+ VAV_5 Availability Manager, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Applicability Schedule Name
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Fan Schedule Name
+ CycleOnAny, !- Control Type
+ 1.0, !- Thermostat Tolerance {deltaC}
+ 1800; !- Cycling Run Time {s}
+ BranchList,
+ VAV_1 Air Loop Branches, !- Name
+ VAV_1 Air Loop Main Branch; !- Branch 1 Name
+ BranchList,
+ VAV_2 Air Loop Branches, !- Name
+ VAV_2 Air Loop Main Branch; !- Branch 1 Name
+ BranchList,
+ VAV_3 Air Loop Branches, !- Name
+ VAV_3 Air Loop Main Branch; !- Branch 1 Name
+ BranchList,
+ VAV_5 Air Loop Branches, !- Name
+ VAV_5 Air Loop Main Branch; !- Branch 1 Name
+ Branch,
+ VAV_1 Air Loop Main Branch, !- Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ VAV_1_OA, !- Component 1 Name
+ VAV_1 Supply Equipment Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_1_OA-VAV_1_CoolCNode,!- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Passive, !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Coil:Cooling:Water, !- Component 2 Object Type
+ VAV_1_CoolC, !- Component 2 Name
+ VAV_1_OA-VAV_1_CoolCNode,!- Component 2 Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_1_CoolC-VAV_1_HeatCNode, !- Component 2 Outlet Node Name
+ Passive, !- Component 2 Branch Control Type
+ Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 3 Object Type
+ VAV_1_HeatC, !- Component 3 Name
+ VAV_1_CoolC-VAV_1_HeatCNode, !- Component 3 Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_1_HeatC-VAV_1_FanNode, !- Component 3 Outlet Node Name
+ Passive, !- Component 3 Branch Control Type
+ Fan:VariableVolume, !- Component 4 Object Type
+ VAV_1_Fan, !- Component 4 Name
+ VAV_1_HeatC-VAV_1_FanNode, !- Component 4 Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Component 4 Outlet Node Name
+ Active; !- Component 4 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ VAV_2 Air Loop Main Branch, !- Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ VAV_2_OA, !- Component 1 Name
+ VAV_2 Supply Equipment Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_2_OA-VAV_2_CoolCNode,!- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Passive, !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Coil:Cooling:Water, !- Component 2 Object Type
+ VAV_2_CoolC, !- Component 2 Name
+ VAV_2_OA-VAV_2_CoolCNode,!- Component 2 Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_2_CoolC-VAV_2_HeatCNode, !- Component 2 Outlet Node Name
+ Passive, !- Component 2 Branch Control Type
+ Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 3 Object Type
+ VAV_2_HeatC, !- Component 3 Name
+ VAV_2_CoolC-VAV_2_HeatCNode, !- Component 3 Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_2_HeatC-VAV_2_FanNode, !- Component 3 Outlet Node Name
+ Passive, !- Component 3 Branch Control Type
+ Fan:VariableVolume, !- Component 4 Object Type
+ VAV_2_Fan, !- Component 4 Name
+ VAV_2_HeatC-VAV_2_FanNode, !- Component 4 Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_2 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Component 4 Outlet Node Name
+ Active; !- Component 4 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ VAV_3 Air Loop Main Branch, !- Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ VAV_3_OA, !- Component 1 Name
+ VAV_3 Supply Equipment Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_3_OA-VAV_3_CoolCNode,!- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Passive, !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Coil:Cooling:Water, !- Component 2 Object Type
+ VAV_3_CoolC, !- Component 2 Name
+ VAV_3_OA-VAV_3_CoolCNode,!- Component 2 Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_3_CoolC-VAV_3_HeatCNode, !- Component 2 Outlet Node Name
+ Passive, !- Component 2 Branch Control Type
+ Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 3 Object Type
+ VAV_3_HeatC, !- Component 3 Name
+ VAV_3_CoolC-VAV_3_HeatCNode, !- Component 3 Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_3_HeatC-VAV_3_FanNode, !- Component 3 Outlet Node Name
+ Passive, !- Component 3 Branch Control Type
+ Fan:VariableVolume, !- Component 4 Object Type
+ VAV_3_Fan, !- Component 4 Name
+ VAV_3_HeatC-VAV_3_FanNode, !- Component 4 Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_3 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Component 4 Outlet Node Name
+ Active; !- Component 4 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ VAV_5 Air Loop Main Branch, !- Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ VAV_5_OA, !- Component 1 Name
+ VAV_5 Supply Equipment Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_5_OA-VAV_5_CoolCNode,!- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Passive, !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Coil:Cooling:Water, !- Component 2 Object Type
+ VAV_5_CoolC, !- Component 2 Name
+ VAV_5_OA-VAV_5_CoolCNode,!- Component 2 Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_5_CoolC-VAV_5_HeatCNode, !- Component 2 Outlet Node Name
+ Passive, !- Component 2 Branch Control Type
+ Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 3 Object Type
+ VAV_5_HeatC, !- Component 3 Name
+ VAV_5_CoolC-VAV_5_HeatCNode, !- Component 3 Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_5_HeatC-VAV_5_FanNode, !- Component 3 Outlet Node Name
+ Passive, !- Component 3 Branch Control Type
+ Fan:VariableVolume, !- Component 4 Object Type
+ VAV_5_Fan, !- Component 4 Name
+ VAV_5_HeatC-VAV_5_FanNode, !- Component 4 Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_5 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Component 4 Outlet Node Name
+ Active; !- Component 4 Branch Control Type
+ AirLoopHVAC:ControllerList,
+ VAV_1_Controllers, !- Name
+ Controller:WaterCoil, !- Controller 1 Object Type
+ VAV_1_CoolC_Controller, !- Controller 1 Name
+ Controller:WaterCoil, !- Controller 2 Object Type
+ VAV_1_HeatC_Controller; !- Controller 2 Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:ControllerList,
+ VAV_1_OA_Controllers, !- Name
+ Controller:OutdoorAir, !- Controller 1 Object Type
+ VAV_1_OA_Controller; !- Controller 1 Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:ControllerList,
+ VAV_2_Controllers, !- Name
+ Controller:WaterCoil, !- Controller 1 Object Type
+ VAV_2_CoolC_Controller, !- Controller 1 Name
+ Controller:WaterCoil, !- Controller 2 Object Type
+ VAV_2_HeatC_Controller; !- Controller 2 Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:ControllerList,
+ VAV_2_OA_Controllers, !- Name
+ Controller:OutdoorAir, !- Controller 1 Object Type
+ VAV_2_OA_Controller; !- Controller 1 Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:ControllerList,
+ VAV_3_Controllers, !- Name
+ Controller:WaterCoil, !- Controller 1 Object Type
+ VAV_3_CoolC_Controller, !- Controller 1 Name
+ Controller:WaterCoil, !- Controller 2 Object Type
+ VAV_3_HeatC_Controller; !- Controller 2 Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:ControllerList,
+ VAV_3_OA_Controllers, !- Name
+ Controller:OutdoorAir, !- Controller 1 Object Type
+ VAV_3_OA_Controller; !- Controller 1 Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:ControllerList,
+ VAV_5_Controllers, !- Name
+ Controller:WaterCoil, !- Controller 1 Object Type
+ VAV_5_CoolC_Controller, !- Controller 1 Name
+ Controller:WaterCoil, !- Controller 2 Object Type
+ VAV_5_HeatC_Controller; !- Controller 2 Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:ControllerList,
+ VAV_5_OA_Controllers, !- Name
+ Controller:OutdoorAir, !- Controller 1 Object Type
+ VAV_5_OA_Controller; !- Controller 1 Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem:EquipmentList,
+ VAV_1_OA_Equipment, !- Name
+ OutdoorAir:Mixer, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ VAV_1_OAMixing Box; !- Component 1 Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem:EquipmentList,
+ VAV_2_OA_Equipment, !- Name
+ OutdoorAir:Mixer, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ VAV_2_OAMixing Box; !- Component 1 Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem:EquipmentList,
+ VAV_3_OA_Equipment, !- Name
+ OutdoorAir:Mixer, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ VAV_3_OAMixing Box; !- Component 1 Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem:EquipmentList,
+ VAV_5_OA_Equipment, !- Name
+ OutdoorAir:Mixer, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ VAV_5_OAMixing Box; !- Component 1 Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem,
+ VAV_1_OA, !- Name
+ VAV_1_OA_Controllers, !- Controller List Name
+ VAV_1_OA_Equipment, !- Outdoor Air Equipment List Name
+ VAV_1 Availability Manager List; !- Availability Manager List Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem,
+ VAV_2_OA, !- Name
+ VAV_2_OA_Controllers, !- Controller List Name
+ VAV_2_OA_Equipment, !- Outdoor Air Equipment List Name
+ VAV_2 Availability Manager List; !- Availability Manager List Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem,
+ VAV_3_OA, !- Name
+ VAV_3_OA_Controllers, !- Controller List Name
+ VAV_3_OA_Equipment, !- Outdoor Air Equipment List Name
+ VAV_3 Availability Manager List; !- Availability Manager List Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem,
+ VAV_5_OA, !- Name
+ VAV_5_OA_Controllers, !- Controller List Name
+ VAV_5_OA_Equipment, !- Outdoor Air Equipment List Name
+ VAV_5 Availability Manager List; !- Availability Manager List Name
+ OutdoorAir:NodeList,
+ VAV_1_OANode List; !- Node or NodeList Name 1
+ OutdoorAir:NodeList,
+ VAV_2_OANode List; !- Node or NodeList Name 1
+ OutdoorAir:NodeList,
+ VAV_3_OANode List; !- Node or NodeList Name 1
+ OutdoorAir:NodeList,
+ VAV_5_OANode List; !- Node or NodeList Name 1
+ OutdoorAir:Mixer,
+ VAV_1_OAMixing Box, !- Name
+ VAV_1_OA-VAV_1_CoolCNode,!- Mixed Air Node Name
+ VAV_1_OAInlet Node, !- Outdoor Air Stream Node Name
+ VAV_1_OARelief Node, !- Relief Air Stream Node Name
+ VAV_1 Supply Equipment Inlet Node; !- Return Air Stream Node Name
+ OutdoorAir:Mixer,
+ VAV_2_OAMixing Box, !- Name
+ VAV_2_OA-VAV_2_CoolCNode,!- Mixed Air Node Name
+ VAV_2_OAInlet Node, !- Outdoor Air Stream Node Name
+ VAV_2_OARelief Node, !- Relief Air Stream Node Name
+ VAV_2 Supply Equipment Inlet Node; !- Return Air Stream Node Name
+ OutdoorAir:Mixer,
+ VAV_3_OAMixing Box, !- Name
+ VAV_3_OA-VAV_3_CoolCNode,!- Mixed Air Node Name
+ VAV_3_OAInlet Node, !- Outdoor Air Stream Node Name
+ VAV_3_OARelief Node, !- Relief Air Stream Node Name
+ VAV_3 Supply Equipment Inlet Node; !- Return Air Stream Node Name
+ OutdoorAir:Mixer,
+ VAV_5_OAMixing Box, !- Name
+ VAV_5_OA-VAV_5_CoolCNode,!- Mixed Air Node Name
+ VAV_5_OAInlet Node, !- Outdoor Air Stream Node Name
+ VAV_5_OARelief Node, !- Relief Air Stream Node Name
+ VAV_5 Supply Equipment Inlet Node; !- Return Air Stream Node Name
+ SetpointManager:MixedAir,
+ VAV_1_CoolC SAT Manager, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Control Variable
+ VAV_1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
+ VAV_1_HeatC-VAV_1_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
+ VAV_1_CoolC-VAV_1_HeatCNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ SetpointManager:MixedAir,
+ VAV_1_HeatC SAT Manager, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Control Variable
+ VAV_1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
+ VAV_1_HeatC-VAV_1_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
+ VAV_1_HeatC-VAV_1_FanNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ SetpointManager:MixedAir,
+ VAV_1_OAMixed Air Temp Manager, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Control Variable
+ VAV_1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
+ VAV_1_HeatC-VAV_1_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
+ VAV_1_OA-VAV_1_CoolCNode;!- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ SetpointManager:MixedAir,
+ VAV_2_CoolC SAT Manager, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Control Variable
+ VAV_2 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
+ VAV_2_HeatC-VAV_2_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_2 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
+ VAV_2_CoolC-VAV_2_HeatCNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ SetpointManager:MixedAir,
+ VAV_2_HeatC SAT Manager, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Control Variable
+ VAV_2 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
+ VAV_2_HeatC-VAV_2_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_2 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
+ VAV_2_HeatC-VAV_2_FanNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ SetpointManager:MixedAir,
+ VAV_2_OAMixed Air Temp Manager, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Control Variable
+ VAV_2 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
+ VAV_2_HeatC-VAV_2_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_2 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
+ VAV_2_OA-VAV_2_CoolCNode;!- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ SetpointManager:MixedAir,
+ VAV_3_CoolC SAT Manager, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Control Variable
+ VAV_3 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
+ VAV_3_HeatC-VAV_3_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_3 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
+ VAV_3_CoolC-VAV_3_HeatCNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ SetpointManager:MixedAir,
+ VAV_3_HeatC SAT Manager, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Control Variable
+ VAV_3 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
+ VAV_3_HeatC-VAV_3_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_3 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
+ VAV_3_HeatC-VAV_3_FanNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ SetpointManager:MixedAir,
+ VAV_3_OAMixed Air Temp Manager, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Control Variable
+ VAV_3 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
+ VAV_3_HeatC-VAV_3_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_3 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
+ VAV_3_OA-VAV_3_CoolCNode;!- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ SetpointManager:MixedAir,
+ VAV_5_CoolC SAT Manager, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Control Variable
+ VAV_5 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
+ VAV_5_HeatC-VAV_5_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_5 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
+ VAV_5_CoolC-VAV_5_HeatCNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ SetpointManager:MixedAir,
+ VAV_5_HeatC SAT Manager, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Control Variable
+ VAV_5 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
+ VAV_5_HeatC-VAV_5_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_5 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
+ VAV_5_HeatC-VAV_5_FanNode; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ SetpointManager:MixedAir,
+ VAV_5_OAMixed Air Temp Manager, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Control Variable
+ VAV_5 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Reference Setpoint Node Name
+ VAV_5_HeatC-VAV_5_FanNode, !- Fan Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_5 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Fan Outlet Node Name
+ VAV_5_OA-VAV_5_CoolCNode;!- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:SupplyPath,
+ VAV_1, !- Name
+ VAV_1 Zone Equipment Inlet Node, !- Supply Air Path Inlet Node Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:ZoneSplitter,!- Component 1 Object Type
+ VAV_1 Supply Air Splitter; !- Component 1 Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:SupplyPath,
+ VAV_2, !- Name
+ VAV_2 Zone Equipment Inlet Node, !- Supply Air Path Inlet Node Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:ZoneSplitter,!- Component 1 Object Type
+ VAV_2 Supply Air Splitter; !- Component 1 Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:SupplyPath,
+ VAV_3, !- Name
+ VAV_3 Zone Equipment Inlet Node, !- Supply Air Path Inlet Node Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:ZoneSplitter,!- Component 1 Object Type
+ VAV_3 Supply Air Splitter; !- Component 1 Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:SupplyPath,
+ VAV_5, !- Name
+ VAV_5 Zone Equipment Inlet Node, !- Supply Air Path Inlet Node Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:ZoneSplitter,!- Component 1 Object Type
+ VAV_5 Supply Air Splitter; !- Component 1 Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:ZoneSplitter,
+ VAV_1 Supply Air Splitter, !- Name
+ VAV_1 Zone Equipment Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
+ Core_bottom VAV Box Inlet Node Name, !- Outlet 1 Node Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3 VAV Box Inlet Node Name, !- Outlet 2 Node Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2 VAV Box Inlet Node Name, !- Outlet 3 Node Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1 VAV Box Inlet Node Name, !- Outlet 4 Node Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4 VAV Box Inlet Node Name; !- Outlet 5 Node Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:ZoneSplitter,
+ VAV_2 Supply Air Splitter, !- Name
+ VAV_2 Zone Equipment Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
+ Core_mid VAV Box Inlet Node Name, !- Outlet 1 Node Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3 VAV Box Inlet Node Name, !- Outlet 2 Node Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2 VAV Box Inlet Node Name, !- Outlet 3 Node Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1 VAV Box Inlet Node Name, !- Outlet 4 Node Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4 VAV Box Inlet Node Name; !- Outlet 5 Node Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:ZoneSplitter,
+ VAV_3 Supply Air Splitter, !- Name
+ VAV_3 Zone Equipment Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
+ Core_top VAV Box Inlet Node Name, !- Outlet 1 Node Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3 VAV Box Inlet Node Name, !- Outlet 2 Node Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2 VAV Box Inlet Node Name, !- Outlet 3 Node Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1 VAV Box Inlet Node Name, !- Outlet 4 Node Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4 VAV Box Inlet Node Name; !- Outlet 5 Node Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:ZoneSplitter,
+ VAV_5 Supply Air Splitter, !- Name
+ VAV_5 Zone Equipment Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
+ Basement VAV Box Inlet Node Name; !- Outlet 1 Node Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:ReturnPath,
+ VAV_1 Return Air Path, !- Name
+ VAV_1 Zone Equipment Outlet Node, !- Return Air Path Outlet Node Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:ReturnPlenum,!- Component 1 Object Type
+ VAV_1 Return Plenum, !- Component 1 Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:ZoneMixer, !- Component 2 Object Type
+ VAV_1 Return Air Mixer; !- Component 2 Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:ReturnPath,
+ VAV_2 Return Air Path, !- Name
+ VAV_2 Zone Equipment Outlet Node, !- Return Air Path Outlet Node Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:ReturnPlenum,!- Component 1 Object Type
+ VAV_2 Return Plenum, !- Component 1 Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:ZoneMixer, !- Component 2 Object Type
+ VAV_2 Return Air Mixer; !- Component 2 Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:ReturnPath,
+ VAV_3 Return Air Path, !- Name
+ VAV_3 Zone Equipment Outlet Node, !- Return Air Path Outlet Node Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:ReturnPlenum,!- Component 1 Object Type
+ VAV_3 Return Plenum, !- Component 1 Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:ZoneMixer, !- Component 2 Object Type
+ VAV_3 Return Air Mixer; !- Component 2 Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:ReturnPath,
+ VAV_5 Return Air Path, !- Name
+ VAV_5 Zone Equipment Outlet Node, !- Return Air Path Outlet Node Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:ZoneMixer, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ VAV_5 Return Air Mixer; !- Component 1 Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:ReturnPlenum,
+ VAV_2 Return Plenum, !- Name
+ MidFloor_Plenum, !- Zone Name
+ MIDFLOOR_PLENUMPlenumNode, !- Zone Node Name
+ MIDFLOOR_PLENUMPlenumOutletNode, !- Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Induced Air Outlet Node or NodeList Name
+ Core_mid Return Air Node Name, !- Inlet 1 Node Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3 Return Air Node Name, !- Inlet 2 Node Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2 Return Air Node Name, !- Inlet 3 Node Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1 Return Air Node Name, !- Inlet 4 Node Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4 Return Air Node Name; !- Inlet 5 Node Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:ReturnPlenum,
+ VAV_1 Return Plenum, !- Name
+ GroundFloor_Plenum, !- Zone Name
+ GROUNDFLOOR_PLENUMPlenumNode, !- Zone Node Name
+ GROUNDFLOOR_PLENUMPlenumOutletNode, !- Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Induced Air Outlet Node or NodeList Name
+ Core_bottom Return Air Node Name, !- Inlet 1 Node Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3 Return Air Node Name, !- Inlet 2 Node Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2 Return Air Node Name, !- Inlet 3 Node Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1 Return Air Node Name, !- Inlet 4 Node Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4 Return Air Node Name; !- Inlet 5 Node Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:ReturnPlenum,
+ VAV_3 Return Plenum, !- Name
+ TopFloor_Plenum, !- Zone Name
+ TOPFLOOR_PLENUMPlenumNode, !- Zone Node Name
+ TOPFLOOR_PLENUMPlenumOutletNode, !- Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Induced Air Outlet Node or NodeList Name
+ Core_top Return Air Node Name, !- Inlet 1 Node Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3 Return Air Node Name, !- Inlet 2 Node Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2 Return Air Node Name, !- Inlet 3 Node Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1 Return Air Node Name, !- Inlet 4 Node Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4 Return Air Node Name; !- Inlet 5 Node Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:ZoneMixer,
+ VAV_1 Return Air Mixer, !- Name
+ VAV_1 Zone Equipment Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
+ GROUNDFLOOR_PLENUMPlenumOutletNode; !- Inlet 1 Node Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:ZoneMixer,
+ VAV_2 Return Air Mixer, !- Name
+ VAV_2 Zone Equipment Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
+ MIDFLOOR_PLENUMPlenumOutletNode; !- Inlet 1 Node Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:ZoneMixer,
+ VAV_3 Return Air Mixer, !- Name
+ VAV_3 Zone Equipment Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
+ TOPFLOOR_PLENUMPlenumOutletNode; !- Inlet 1 Node Name
+ AirLoopHVAC:ZoneMixer,
+ VAV_5 Return Air Mixer, !- Name
+ VAV_5 Zone Equipment Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
+ Basement Return Air Node Name; !- Inlet 1 Node Name
+! ***SCHEDULES***
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ CLGSETP_SCH, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay, !- Field 2
+ Until: 06:00,26.7, !- Field 3
+ Until: 22:00,24.0, !- Field 5
+ Until: 24:00,26.7, !- Field 7
+ For: Saturday, !- Field 9
+ Until: 06:00,26.7, !- Field 10
+ Until: 18:00,24.0, !- Field 12
+ Until: 24:00,26.7, !- Field 14
+ For WinterDesignDay, !- Field 16
+ Until: 24:00,26.7, !- Field 17
+ For: AllOtherDays, !- Field 19
+ Until: 24:00,26.7; !- Field 20
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ HTGSETP_SCH, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: Weekdays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 06:00,15.6, !- Field 3
+ Until: 22:00,21.0, !- Field 5
+ Until: 24:00,15.6, !- Field 7
+ For SummerDesignDay, !- Field 9
+ Until: 24:00,15.6, !- Field 10
+ For: Saturday, !- Field 12
+ Until: 06:00,15.6, !- Field 13
+ Until: 18:00,21.0, !- Field 15
+ Until: 24:00,15.6, !- Field 17
+ For: WinterDesignDay, !- Field 19
+ Until: 24:00,21.0, !- Field 20
+ For: AllOtherDays, !- Field 22
+ Until: 24:00,15.6; !- Field 23
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ Seasonal-Reset-Supply-Air-Temp-Sch, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 24:00,12.8; !- Field 3
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ MinOA_MotorizedDamper_Sched, !- Name
+ Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay, !- Field 2
+ Until: 07:00,0.0, !- Field 3
+ Until: 22:00,1.0, !- Field 5
+ Until: 24:00,0.0, !- Field 7
+ For: Saturday WinterDesignDay, !- Field 9
+ Until: 07:00,0.0, !- Field 10
+ Until: 18:00,1.0, !- Field 12
+ Until: 24:00,0.0, !- Field 14
+ For: AllOtherDays, !- Field 16
+ Until: 24:00,0.0; !- Field 17
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Name
+ Control Type, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 24:00,4; !- Field 3
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Name
+ On/Off, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay, !- Field 2
+ Until: 06:00,0.0, !- Field 3
+ Until: 22:00,1.0, !- Field 5
+ Until: 24:00,0.0, !- Field 7
+ For: Saturday WinterDesignDay, !- Field 9
+ Until: 06:00,0.0, !- Field 10
+ Until: 18:00,1.0, !- Field 12
+ Until: 24:00,0.0, !- Field 14
+ For: AllOtherDays, !- Field 16
+ Until: 24:00,0.0; !- Field 17
+! ***EQUIPMENT***
+ Output:PreprocessorMessage,Conversion 7.2 => 8.0,Warning,
+Boiler:HotWater="HeatSys1 Boiler",
+ defaults for this object have changed. Results may be different than previous. See ,
+InputOutputReference document for details.;
+ Boiler:HotWater,
+ HeatSys1 Boiler, !- Name
+ NATURALGAS, !- Fuel Type
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Nominal Capacity {W}
+ 0.78, !- Nominal Thermal Efficiency
+ LeavingBoiler, !- Efficiency Curve Temperature Evaluation Variable
+ , !- Normalized Boiler Efficiency Curve Name
+ 82.2000, !- Design Water Outlet Temperature {C}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Design Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.0, !- Minimum Part Load Ratio
+ 1.2, !- Maximum Part Load Ratio
+ 1.0, !- Optimum Part Load Ratio
+ HeatSys1 Pump-HeatSys1 BoilerNode, !- Boiler Water Inlet Node Name
+ HeatSys1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Boiler Water Outlet Node Name
+ 95.0, !- Water Outlet Upper Temperature Limit {C}
+ LeavingSetpointModulated,!- Boiler Flow Mode
+ 0.0000, !- Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ 1.0000; !- Sizing Factor
+ SetpointManager:Scheduled,
+ HeatSys1 Boiler Setpoint Manager, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Control Variable
+ HW-Loop-Temp-Schedule, !- Schedule Name
+ HeatSys1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ Output:PreprocessorMessage,Conversion 7.2 => 8.0,Warning,
+Chiller:Electric:ReformulatedEIR="CoolSys1 Chiller 1",
+ defaults for this object have changed. See InputOutputReference document for details.;
+ Chiller:Electric:ReformulatedEIR,
+ CoolSys1 Chiller 1, !- Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Reference Capacity {W}
+ 5.5, !- Reference COP {W/W}
+ 6.67, !- Reference Leaving Chilled Water Temperature {C}
+ 35, !- Reference Leaving Condenser Water Temperature {C}
+ AutoSize, !- Reference Chilled Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ AutoSize, !- Reference Condenser Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ WC Screw Default 90.1-2004 Cap_fT, !- Cooling Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ WC Screw Default 90.1-2004 EIR_fT, !- Electric Input to Cooling Output Ratio Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ WC Screw GTE 300tons Default 90.1-2004 EIR_fPLR, !- Electric Input to Cooling Output Ratio Function of Part Load Ratio Curve Name
+ 0.1, !- Minimum Part Load Ratio
+ 1, !- Maximum Part Load Ratio
+ 1, !- Optimum Part Load Ratio
+ 0.2, !- Minimum Unloading Ratio
+ CoolSys1 Pump-CoolSys1 ChillerNode 1, !- Chilled Water Inlet Node Name
+ CoolSys1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node 1, !- Chilled Water Outlet Node Name
+ CoolSys1 Chiller Water Inlet Node 1, !- Condenser Inlet Node Name
+ CoolSys1 Chiller Water Outlet Node 1, !- Condenser Outlet Node Name
+ 1, !- Fraction of Compressor Electric Consumption Rejected by Condenser
+ 2, !- Leaving Chilled Water Lower Temperature Limit {C}
+ LeavingSetpointModulated,!- Chiller Flow Mode Type
+ , !- Design Heat Recovery Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Heat Recovery Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Heat Recovery Outlet Node Name
+ 0.4; !- Sizing Factor
+ SetpointManager:Scheduled,
+ CoolSys1 Chiller 1 Setpoint Manager, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Control Variable
+ CW-Loop-Temp-Schedule, !- Schedule Name
+ CoolSys1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node 1; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ Output:PreprocessorMessage,Conversion 7.2 => 8.0,Warning,
+Chiller:Electric:ReformulatedEIR="CoolSys1 Chiller 2",
+ defaults for this object have changed. See InputOutputReference document for details.;
+ Chiller:Electric:ReformulatedEIR,
+ CoolSys1 Chiller 2, !- Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Reference Capacity {W}
+ 5.5, !- Reference COP {W/W}
+ 6.67, !- Reference Leaving Chilled Water Temperature {C}
+ 35, !- Reference Leaving Condenser Water Temperature {C}
+ AutoSize, !- Reference Chilled Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ AutoSize, !- Reference Condenser Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ WC Screw Default 90.1-2004 Cap_fT, !- Cooling Capacity Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ WC Screw Default 90.1-2004 EIR_fT, !- Electric Input to Cooling Output Ratio Function of Temperature Curve Name
+ WC Screw GTE 300tons Default 90.1-2004 EIR_fPLR, !- Electric Input to Cooling Output Ratio Function of Part Load Ratio Curve Name
+ 0.1, !- Minimum Part Load Ratio
+ 1, !- Maximum Part Load Ratio
+ 1, !- Optimum Part Load Ratio
+ 0.2, !- Minimum Unloading Ratio
+ CoolSys1 Pump-CoolSys1 ChillerNode 2, !- Chilled Water Inlet Node Name
+ CoolSys1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node 2, !- Chilled Water Outlet Node Name
+ CoolSys1 Chiller Water Inlet Node 2, !- Condenser Inlet Node Name
+ CoolSys1 Chiller Water Outlet Node 2, !- Condenser Outlet Node Name
+ 1, !- Fraction of Compressor Electric Consumption Rejected by Condenser
+ 2, !- Leaving Chilled Water Lower Temperature Limit {C}
+ LeavingSetpointModulated,!- Chiller Flow Mode Type
+ , !- Design Heat Recovery Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Heat Recovery Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Heat Recovery Outlet Node Name
+ 0.4; !- Sizing Factor
+ SetpointManager:Scheduled,
+ CoolSys1 Chiller 2 Setpoint Manager, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Control Variable
+ CW-Loop-Temp-Schedule, !- Schedule Name
+ CoolSys1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node 2; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ CoolingTower:SingleSpeed,
+ TowerWaterSys CoolTower, !- Name
+ TowerWaterSys Pump-TowerWaterSys CoolTowerNode, !- Water Inlet Node Name
+ TowerWaterSys Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Water Outlet Node Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Design Water Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Design Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Fan Power at Design Air Flow Rate {W}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value at Design Air Flow Rate {W/K}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Air Flow Rate in Free Convection Regime {m3/s}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- U-Factor Times Area Value at Free Convection Air Flow Rate {W/K}
+ UFactorTimesAreaAndDesignWaterFlowRate, !- Performance Input Method
+ , !- Nominal Capacity {W}
+ , !- Free Convection Capacity {W}
+ , !- Basin Heater Capacity {W/K}
+ , !- Basin Heater Setpoint Temperature {C}
+ , !- Basin Heater Operating Schedule Name
+ SaturatedExit, !- Evaporation Loss Mode
+ , !- Evaporation Loss Factor {percent/K}
+ 0.0080, !- Drift Loss Percent {percent}
+ ConcentrationRatio, !- Blowdown Calculation Mode
+ 3.0000, !- Blowdown Concentration Ratio
+ , !- Blowdown Makeup Water Usage Schedule Name
+ , !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
+ TowerWaterSys CoolTower OA ref Node, !- Outdoor Air Inlet Node Name
+ FanCycling, !- Capacity Control
+ , !- Number of Cells
+ , !- Cell Control
+ , !- Cell Minimum Water Flow Rate Fraction
+ , !- Cell Maximum Water Flow Rate Fraction
+ 1.0000; !- Sizing Factor
+ Pump:VariableSpeed,
+ CoolSys1 Pump, !- Name
+ CoolSys1 Supply Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
+ CoolSys1 Pump-CoolSys1 ChillerNodeviaConnector, !- Outlet Node Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 179352, !- Rated Pump Head {Pa}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Power Consumption {W}
+ 0.9, !- Motor Efficiency
+ 0.0, !- Fraction of Motor Inefficiencies to Fluid Stream
+ 0, !- Coefficient 1 of the Part Load Performance Curve
+ 1, !- Coefficient 2 of the Part Load Performance Curve
+ 0, !- Coefficient 3 of the Part Load Performance Curve
+ 0, !- Coefficient 4 of the Part Load Performance Curve
+ 0.0, !- Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Intermittent, !- Pump Control Type
+ ; !- Pump Flow Rate Schedule Name
+ Pump:VariableSpeed,
+ HeatSys1 Pump, !- Name
+ HeatSys1 Supply Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
+ HeatSys1 Pump-HeatSys1 BoilerNodeviaConnector, !- Outlet Node Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 179352, !- Rated Pump Head {Pa}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Power Consumption {W}
+ 0.875, !- Motor Efficiency
+ 0.0, !- Fraction of Motor Inefficiencies to Fluid Stream
+ 0, !- Coefficient 1 of the Part Load Performance Curve
+ 1, !- Coefficient 2 of the Part Load Performance Curve
+ 0, !- Coefficient 3 of the Part Load Performance Curve
+ 0, !- Coefficient 4 of the Part Load Performance Curve
+ 0.0, !- Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Intermittent, !- Pump Control Type
+ ; !- Pump Flow Rate Schedule Name
+ Pump:ConstantSpeed,
+ TowerWaterSys Pump, !- Name
+ TowerWaterSys Supply Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
+ TowerWaterSys Pump-TowerWaterSys CoolTowerNodeviaConnector, !- Outlet Node Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 179352, !- Rated Pump Head {Pa}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Power Consumption {W}
+ 0.87, !- Motor Efficiency
+ 0.0, !- Fraction of Motor Inefficiencies to Fluid Stream
+ Intermittent, !- Pump Control Type
+ ; !- Pump Flow Rate Schedule Name
+ PlantEquipmentList,
+ CoolSys1 Equipment List, !- Name
+ Chiller:Electric:ReformulatedEIR, !- Equipment 1 Object Type
+ CoolSys1 Chiller 1, !- Equipment 1 Name
+ Chiller:Electric:ReformulatedEIR, !- Equipment 2 Object Type
+ CoolSys1 Chiller 2; !- Equipment 2 Name
+ PlantEquipmentList,
+ HeatSys1 Equipment List, !- Name
+ Boiler:HotWater, !- Equipment 1 Object Type
+ HeatSys1 Boiler; !- Equipment 1 Name
+ CondenserEquipmentList,
+ TowerWaterSys Equipment List, !- Name
+ CoolingTower:SingleSpeed,!- Equipment 1 Object Type
+ TowerWaterSys CoolTower; !- Equipment 1 Name
+ Sizing:Plant,
+ CoolSys1, !- Plant or Condenser Loop Name
+ Cooling, !- Loop Type
+ 6.67, !- Design Loop Exit Temperature {C}
+ 6.67; !- Loop Design Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ Sizing:Plant,
+ HeatSys1, !- Plant or Condenser Loop Name
+ Heating, !- Loop Type
+ 82.2, !- Design Loop Exit Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Loop Design Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ Sizing:Plant,
+ TowerWaterSys, !- Plant or Condenser Loop Name
+ CONDENSER, !- Loop Type
+ 29.4, !- Design Loop Exit Temperature {C}
+ 5.6; !- Loop Design Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ Controller:WaterCoil,
+ VAV_1_CoolC_Controller, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Control Variable
+ Reverse, !- Action
+ Flow, !- Actuator Variable
+ VAV_1_CoolC-VAV_1_HeatCNode, !- Sensor Node Name
+ VAV_1_CoolCDemand Inlet Node, !- Actuator Node Name
+ , !- Controller Convergence Tolerance {deltaC}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
+ 0.0; !- Minimum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
+ Controller:WaterCoil,
+ VAV_1_HeatC_Controller, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Control Variable
+ Normal, !- Action
+ Flow, !- Actuator Variable
+ VAV_1_HeatC-VAV_1_FanNode, !- Sensor Node Name
+ VAV_1_HeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Actuator Node Name
+ 0.0001, !- Controller Convergence Tolerance {deltaC}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
+ 0.0; !- Minimum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
+ Controller:WaterCoil,
+ VAV_2_CoolC_Controller, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Control Variable
+ Reverse, !- Action
+ Flow, !- Actuator Variable
+ VAV_2_CoolC-VAV_2_HeatCNode, !- Sensor Node Name
+ VAV_2_CoolCDemand Inlet Node, !- Actuator Node Name
+ , !- Controller Convergence Tolerance {deltaC}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
+ 0.0; !- Minimum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
+ Controller:WaterCoil,
+ VAV_2_HeatC_Controller, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Control Variable
+ Normal, !- Action
+ Flow, !- Actuator Variable
+ VAV_2_HeatC-VAV_2_FanNode, !- Sensor Node Name
+ VAV_2_HeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Actuator Node Name
+ 0.0001, !- Controller Convergence Tolerance {deltaC}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
+ 0.0; !- Minimum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
+ Controller:WaterCoil,
+ VAV_3_CoolC_Controller, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Control Variable
+ Reverse, !- Action
+ Flow, !- Actuator Variable
+ VAV_3_CoolC-VAV_3_HeatCNode, !- Sensor Node Name
+ VAV_3_CoolCDemand Inlet Node, !- Actuator Node Name
+ , !- Controller Convergence Tolerance {deltaC}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
+ 0.0; !- Minimum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
+ Controller:WaterCoil,
+ VAV_3_HeatC_Controller, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Control Variable
+ Normal, !- Action
+ Flow, !- Actuator Variable
+ VAV_3_HeatC-VAV_3_FanNode, !- Sensor Node Name
+ VAV_3_HeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Actuator Node Name
+ 0.0001, !- Controller Convergence Tolerance {deltaC}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
+ 0.0; !- Minimum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
+ Controller:WaterCoil,
+ VAV_5_CoolC_Controller, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Control Variable
+ Reverse, !- Action
+ Flow, !- Actuator Variable
+ VAV_5_CoolC-VAV_5_HeatCNode, !- Sensor Node Name
+ VAV_5_CoolCDemand Inlet Node, !- Actuator Node Name
+ , !- Controller Convergence Tolerance {deltaC}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
+ 0.0; !- Minimum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
+ Controller:WaterCoil,
+ VAV_5_HeatC_Controller, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Control Variable
+ Normal, !- Action
+ Flow, !- Actuator Variable
+ VAV_5_HeatC-VAV_5_FanNode, !- Sensor Node Name
+ VAV_5_HeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Actuator Node Name
+ 0.0001, !- Controller Convergence Tolerance {deltaC}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
+ 0.0; !- Minimum Actuated Flow {m3/s}
+! Curve adapted by R. Lord for ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1-2004 performance
+! for a water-cooled, screw/scroll chiller
+ Curve:Biquadratic,
+ WC Screw Default 90.1-2004 Cap_fT, !- Name
+ 0.9061150, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ 0.0292277, !- Coefficient2 x
+ -0.0003647, !- Coefficient3 x**2
+ -0.0009709, !- Coefficient4 y
+ -0.0000905, !- Coefficient5 y**2
+ 0.0002527, !- Coefficient6 x*y
+ 0.0, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 20.0, !- Maximum Value of x
+ 0.0, !- Minimum Value of y
+ 50.0; !- Maximum Value of y
+! Curve adapted by R. Lord for ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA 90.1-2004 performance
+! for a water-cooled, screw/scroll chiller
+ Curve:Biquadratic,
+ WC Screw Default 90.1-2004 EIR_fT, !- Name
+ 0.3617105, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ -0.0229833, !- Coefficient2 x
+ -0.0009519, !- Coefficient3 x**2
+ 0.0131889, !- Coefficient4 y
+ 0.0003752, !- Coefficient5 y**2
+ -0.0007059, !- Coefficient6 x*y
+ 0.0, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 20.0, !- Maximum Value of x
+ 0.0, !- Minimum Value of y
+ 50.0; !- Maximum Value of y
+ SetpointManager:Scheduled,
+ CoolSys1 Loop Setpoint Manager, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Control Variable
+ CW-Loop-Temp-Schedule, !- Schedule Name
+ CoolSys1 Supply Outlet Node; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ SetpointManager:Scheduled,
+ HeatSys1 Loop Setpoint Manager, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Control Variable
+ HW-Loop-Temp-Schedule, !- Schedule Name
+ HeatSys1 Supply Outlet Node; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ PlantEquipmentOperationSchemes,
+ CoolSys1 Loop Operation Scheme List, !- Name
+ PlantEquipmentOperation:CoolingLoad, !- Control Scheme 1 Object Type
+ CoolSys1 Operation Scheme, !- Control Scheme 1 Name
+ ALWAYS_ON; !- Control Scheme 1 Schedule Name
+ PlantEquipmentOperationSchemes,
+ HeatSys1 Loop Operation Scheme List, !- Name
+ PlantEquipmentOperation:HeatingLoad, !- Control Scheme 1 Object Type
+ HeatSys1 Operation Scheme, !- Control Scheme 1 Name
+ ALWAYS_ON; !- Control Scheme 1 Schedule Name
+ CondenserEquipmentOperationSchemes,
+ TowerWaterSys Loop Operation Scheme List, !- Name
+ PlantEquipmentOperation:CoolingLoad, !- Control Scheme 1 Object Type
+ TowerWaterSys Operation Scheme, !- Control Scheme 1 Name
+ ALWAYS_ON; !- Control Scheme 1 Schedule Name
+ PlantEquipmentOperation:HeatingLoad,
+ HeatSys1 Operation Scheme, !- Name
+ 0.0, !- Load Range 1 Lower Limit {W}
+ 1000000000000000, !- Load Range 1 Upper Limit {W}
+ HeatSys1 Equipment List; !- Range 1 Equipment List Name
+ PlantEquipmentOperation:CoolingLoad,
+ CoolSys1 Operation Scheme, !- Name
+ 0.0, !- Load Range 1 Lower Limit {W}
+ 100000000000000, !- Load Range 1 Upper Limit {W}
+ CoolSys1 Equipment List; !- Range 1 Equipment List Name
+ PlantEquipmentOperation:CoolingLoad,
+ TowerWaterSys Operation Scheme, !- Name
+ 0.0, !- Load Range 1 Lower Limit {W}
+ 1000000000000, !- Load Range 1 Upper Limit {W}
+ TowerWaterSys Equipment List; !- Range 1 Equipment List Name
+! ***LOOPS***
+ PlantLoop,
+ CoolSys1, !- Name
+ Water, !- Fluid Type
+ , !- User Defined Fluid Type
+ CoolSys1 Loop Operation Scheme List, !- Plant Equipment Operation Scheme Name
+ CoolSys1 Supply Outlet Node, !- Loop Temperature Setpoint Node Name
+ 98.0, !- Maximum Loop Temperature {C}
+ 1.0, !- Minimum Loop Temperature {C}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Loop Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.0, !- Minimum Loop Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Plant Loop Volume {m3}
+ CoolSys1 Supply Inlet Node, !- Plant Side Inlet Node Name
+ CoolSys1 Supply Outlet Node, !- Plant Side Outlet Node Name
+ CoolSys1 Supply Branches,!- Plant Side Branch List Name
+ CoolSys1 Supply Connectors, !- Plant Side Connector List Name
+ CoolSys1 Demand Inlet Node, !- Demand Side Inlet Node Name
+ CoolSys1 Demand Outlet Node, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
+ CoolSys1 Demand Branches,!- Demand Side Branch List Name
+ CoolSys1 Demand Connectors, !- Demand Side Connector List Name
+ Uniform; !- Load Distribution Scheme
+ PlantLoop,
+ HeatSys1, !- Name
+ Water, !- Fluid Type
+ , !- User Defined Fluid Type
+ HeatSys1 Loop Operation Scheme List, !- Plant Equipment Operation Scheme Name
+ HeatSys1 Supply Outlet Node, !- Loop Temperature Setpoint Node Name
+ 100.0, !- Maximum Loop Temperature {C}
+ 10.0, !- Minimum Loop Temperature {C}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Loop Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.0, !- Minimum Loop Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Plant Loop Volume {m3}
+ HeatSys1 Supply Inlet Node, !- Plant Side Inlet Node Name
+ HeatSys1 Supply Outlet Node, !- Plant Side Outlet Node Name
+ HeatSys1 Supply Branches,!- Plant Side Branch List Name
+ HeatSys1 Supply Connectors, !- Plant Side Connector List Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Inlet Node, !- Demand Side Inlet Node Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Outlet Node, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Branches,!- Demand Side Branch List Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Connectors, !- Demand Side Connector List Name
+ Optimal; !- Load Distribution Scheme
+ CondenserLoop,
+ TowerWaterSys, !- Name
+ Water, !- Fluid Type
+ , !- User Defined Fluid Type
+ TowerWaterSys Loop Operation Scheme List, !- Condenser Equipment Operation Scheme Name
+ TowerWaterSys Supply Outlet Node, !- Condenser Loop Temperature Setpoint Node Name
+ 80.0, !- Maximum Loop Temperature {C}
+ 5.0, !- Minimum Loop Temperature {C}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Loop Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.0, !- Minimum Loop Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Condenser Loop Volume {m3}
+ TowerWaterSys Supply Inlet Node, !- Condenser Side Inlet Node Name
+ TowerWaterSys Supply Outlet Node, !- Condenser Side Outlet Node Name
+ TowerWaterSys Supply Branches, !- Condenser Side Branch List Name
+ TowerWaterSys Supply Connectors, !- Condenser Side Connector List Name
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Inlet Node, !- Demand Side Inlet Node Name
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Outlet Node, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Branches, !- Condenser Demand Side Branch List Name
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Connectors, !- Condenser Demand Side Connector List Name
+ Sequential; !- Load Distribution Scheme
+ SetpointManager:FollowOutdoorAirTemperature,
+ TowerWaterSys, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Control Variable
+ OutdoorAirWetBulb, !- Reference Temperature Type
+ 0, !- Offset Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ 80.0, !- Maximum Setpoint Temperature {C}
+ 5.0, !- Minimum Setpoint Temperature {C}
+ TowerWaterSys Supply Outlet Node; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ BranchList,
+ CoolSys1 Demand Branches,!- Name
+ CoolSys1 Demand Inlet Branch, !- Branch 1 Name
+ CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 1, !- Branch 2 Name
+ CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 2, !- Branch 3 Name
+ CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 3, !- Branch 4 Name
+ CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 4, !- Branch 5 Name
+ CoolSys1 Demand Bypass Branch, !- Branch 6 Name
+ CoolSys1 Demand Outlet Branch; !- Branch 7 Name
+ BranchList,
+ CoolSys1 Supply Branches,!- Name
+ CoolSys1 Supply Inlet Branch, !- Branch 1 Name
+ CoolSys1 Supply Equipment Branch 1, !- Branch 2 Name
+ CoolSys1 Supply Equipment Branch 2, !- Branch 3 Name
+ CoolSys1 Supply Equipment Bypass Branch, !- Branch 4 Name
+ CoolSys1 Supply Outlet Branch; !- Branch 5 Name
+ BranchList,
+ HeatSys1 Demand Branches,!- Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Inlet Branch, !- Branch 1 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 1, !- Branch 2 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 2, !- Branch 3 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 3, !- Branch 4 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 4, !- Branch 5 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 5, !- Branch 6 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 6, !- Branch 7 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 7, !- Branch 8 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 8, !- Branch 9 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 9, !- Branch 10 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 10, !- Branch 11 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 11, !- Branch 12 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 12, !- Branch 13 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 13, !- Branch 14 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 14, !- Branch 15 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 15, !- Branch 16 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 16, !- Branch 17 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 17, !- Branch 18 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 18, !- Branch 19 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 19, !- Branch 20 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 20, !- Branch 21 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Bypass Branch, !- Branch 22 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Outlet Branch; !- Branch 23 Name
+ BranchList,
+ HeatSys1 Supply Branches,!- Name
+ HeatSys1 Supply Inlet Branch, !- Branch 1 Name
+ HeatSys1 Supply Equipment Branch, !- Branch 2 Name
+ HeatSys1 Supply Equipment Bypass Branch, !- Branch 3 Name
+ HeatSys1 Supply Outlet Branch; !- Branch 4 Name
+ BranchList,
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Branches, !- Name
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Inlet Branch, !- Branch 1 Name
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Load Branch 1, !- Branch 2 Name
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Load Branch 2, !- Branch 3 Name
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Bypass Branch, !- Branch 4 Name
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Outlet Branch; !- Branch 5 Name
+ BranchList,
+ TowerWaterSys Supply Branches, !- Name
+ TowerWaterSys Supply Inlet Branch, !- Branch 1 Name
+ TowerWaterSys Supply Equipment Branch, !- Branch 2 Name
+ TowerWaterSys Supply Equipment Bypass Branch, !- Branch 3 Name
+ TowerWaterSys Supply Outlet Branch; !- Branch 4 Name
+ Branch,
+ CoolSys1 Demand Bypass Branch, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ CoolSys1 Demand Bypass Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
+ CoolSys1 Demand Bypass Pipe Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ CoolSys1 Demand Bypass Pipe Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Bypass; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ CoolSys1 Demand Inlet Branch, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ CoolSys1 Demand Inlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
+ CoolSys1 Demand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ CoolSys1 Demand Inlet Pipe-CoolSys1 Demand Mixer, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Passive; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 1, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Coil:Cooling:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ VAV_5_CoolC, !- Component 1 Name
+ VAV_5_CoolCDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_5_CoolCDemand Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Active; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 2, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Coil:Cooling:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ VAV_1_CoolC, !- Component 1 Name
+ VAV_1_CoolCDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_1_CoolCDemand Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Active; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 3, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Coil:Cooling:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ VAV_2_CoolC, !- Component 1 Name
+ VAV_2_CoolCDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_2_CoolCDemand Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Active; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 4, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Coil:Cooling:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ VAV_3_CoolC, !- Component 1 Name
+ VAV_3_CoolCDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_3_CoolCDemand Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Active; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ CoolSys1 Demand Outlet Branch, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ CoolSys1 Demand Outlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
+ CoolSys1 Demand Mixer-CoolSys1 Demand Outlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ CoolSys1 Demand Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Passive; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ CoolSys1 Supply Equipment Branch 1, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Chiller:Electric:ReformulatedEIR, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ CoolSys1 Chiller 1, !- Component 1 Name
+ CoolSys1 Pump-CoolSys1 ChillerNode 1, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ CoolSys1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node 1, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Active; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ CoolSys1 Supply Equipment Branch 2, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Chiller:Electric:ReformulatedEIR, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ CoolSys1 Chiller 2, !- Component 1 Name
+ CoolSys1 Pump-CoolSys1 ChillerNode 2, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ CoolSys1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node 2, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Active; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ CoolSys1 Supply Equipment Bypass Branch, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ CoolSys1 Supply Equipment Bypass Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
+ CoolSys1 Supply Equip Bypass Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ CoolSys1 Supply Equip Bypass Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Bypass; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ CoolSys1 Supply Inlet Branch, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Pump:VariableSpeed, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ CoolSys1 Pump, !- Component 1 Name
+ CoolSys1 Supply Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ CoolSys1 Pump-CoolSys1 ChillerNodeviaConnector, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Active; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ CoolSys1 Supply Outlet Branch, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ CoolSys1 Supply Outlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
+ CoolSys1 Supply Mixer-CoolSys1 Supply Outlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ CoolSys1 Supply Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Passive; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ HeatSys1 Demand Bypass Branch, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ HeatSys1 Demand Bypass Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Bypass Pipe Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Bypass Pipe Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Bypass; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ HeatSys1 Demand Inlet Branch, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ HeatSys1 Demand Inlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Inlet Pipe-HeatSys1 Demand Mixer, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Passive; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 1, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ Basement VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
+ Basement VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ Basement VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Active; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 10, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Active; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 11, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Active; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 12, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Active; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 13, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Active; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 14, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Active; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 15, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Active; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 16, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_top_ZN_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Active; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 17, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ VAV_5_HeatC, !- Component 1 Name
+ VAV_5_HeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_5_HeatCDemand Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Active; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 18, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ VAV_1_HeatC, !- Component 1 Name
+ VAV_1_HeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_1_HeatCDemand Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Active; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 19, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ VAV_2_HeatC, !- Component 1 Name
+ VAV_2_HeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_2_HeatCDemand Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Active; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 2, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ Core_bottom VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
+ Core_bottom VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ Core_bottom VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Active; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 20, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ VAV_3_HeatC, !- Component 1 Name
+ VAV_3_HeatCDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ VAV_3_HeatCDemand Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Active; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 3, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ Core_mid VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
+ Core_mid VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ Core_mid VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Active; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 4, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ Core_top VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
+ Core_top VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ Core_top VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Active; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 5, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Active; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 6, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_2 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Active; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 7, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_1 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Active; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 8, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_bot_ZN_4 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Active; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 9, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Coil:Heating:Water, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3 VAV Box Reheat Coil, !- Component 1 Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ Perimeter_mid_ZN_3 VAV Box Reheat CoilDemand Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Active; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ HeatSys1 Demand Outlet Branch, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ HeatSys1 Demand Outlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Mixer-HeatSys1 Demand Outlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Passive; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ HeatSys1 Supply Equipment Branch, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Boiler:HotWater, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ HeatSys1 Boiler, !- Component 1 Name
+ HeatSys1 Pump-HeatSys1 BoilerNode, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ HeatSys1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Active; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ HeatSys1 Supply Equipment Bypass Branch, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ HeatSys1 Supply Equipment Bypass Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
+ HeatSys1 Supply Equip Bypass Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ HeatSys1 Supply Equip Bypass Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Bypass; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ HeatSys1 Supply Inlet Branch, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Pump:VariableSpeed, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ HeatSys1 Pump, !- Component 1 Name
+ HeatSys1 Supply Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ HeatSys1 Pump-HeatSys1 BoilerNodeviaConnector, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Active; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ HeatSys1 Supply Outlet Branch, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ HeatSys1 Supply Outlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
+ HeatSys1 Supply Mixer-HeatSys1 Supply Outlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ HeatSys1 Supply Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Passive; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Bypass Branch, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Bypass Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Bypass Pipe Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Bypass Pipe Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Bypass; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Inlet Branch, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Inlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Inlet Pipe-TowerWaterSys Demand Mixer, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Passive; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Load Branch 1, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Chiller:Electric:ReformulatedEIR, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ CoolSys1 Chiller 1, !- Component 1 Name
+ CoolSys1 Chiller Water Inlet Node 1, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ CoolSys1 Chiller Water Outlet Node 1, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Active; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Load Branch 2, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Chiller:Electric:ReformulatedEIR, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ CoolSys1 Chiller 2, !- Component 1 Name
+ CoolSys1 Chiller Water Inlet Node 2, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ CoolSys1 Chiller Water Outlet Node 2, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Active; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Outlet Branch, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Outlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Mixer-TowerWaterSys Demand Outlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Passive; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ TowerWaterSys Supply Equipment Branch, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ CoolingTower:SingleSpeed,!- Component 1 Object Type
+ TowerWaterSys CoolTower, !- Component 1 Name
+ TowerWaterSys Pump-TowerWaterSys CoolTowerNode, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ TowerWaterSys Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Active; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ TowerWaterSys Supply Equipment Bypass Branch, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ TowerWaterSys Supply Equipment Bypass Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
+ TowerWaterSys Supply Equip Bypass Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ TowerWaterSys Supply Equip Bypass Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Bypass; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ TowerWaterSys Supply Inlet Branch, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Pump:ConstantSpeed, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ TowerWaterSys Pump, !- Component 1 Name
+ TowerWaterSys Supply Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ TowerWaterSys Pump-TowerWaterSys CoolTowerNodeviaConnector, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Active; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ TowerWaterSys Supply Outlet Branch, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ TowerWaterSys Supply Outlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
+ TowerWaterSys Supply Mixer-TowerWaterSys Supply Outlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ TowerWaterSys Supply Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Passive; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ OutdoorAir:Node,
+ TowerWaterSys CoolTower OA ref Node; !- Name
+ ConnectorList,
+ CoolSys1 Demand Connectors, !- Name
+ Connector:Splitter, !- Connector 1 Object Type
+ CoolSys1 Demand Splitter,!- Connector 1 Name
+ Connector:Mixer, !- Connector 2 Object Type
+ CoolSys1 Demand Mixer; !- Connector 2 Name
+ ConnectorList,
+ CoolSys1 Supply Connectors, !- Name
+ Connector:Splitter, !- Connector 1 Object Type
+ CoolSys1 Supply Splitter,!- Connector 1 Name
+ Connector:Mixer, !- Connector 2 Object Type
+ CoolSys1 Supply Mixer; !- Connector 2 Name
+ ConnectorList,
+ HeatSys1 Demand Connectors, !- Name
+ Connector:Splitter, !- Connector 1 Object Type
+ HeatSys1 Demand Splitter,!- Connector 1 Name
+ Connector:Mixer, !- Connector 2 Object Type
+ HeatSys1 Demand Mixer; !- Connector 2 Name
+ ConnectorList,
+ HeatSys1 Supply Connectors, !- Name
+ Connector:Splitter, !- Connector 1 Object Type
+ HeatSys1 Supply Splitter,!- Connector 1 Name
+ Connector:Mixer, !- Connector 2 Object Type
+ HeatSys1 Supply Mixer; !- Connector 2 Name
+ ConnectorList,
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Connectors, !- Name
+ Connector:Splitter, !- Connector 1 Object Type
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Splitter, !- Connector 1 Name
+ Connector:Mixer, !- Connector 2 Object Type
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Mixer; !- Connector 2 Name
+ ConnectorList,
+ TowerWaterSys Supply Connectors, !- Name
+ Connector:Splitter, !- Connector 1 Object Type
+ TowerWaterSys Supply Splitter, !- Connector 1 Name
+ Connector:Mixer, !- Connector 2 Object Type
+ TowerWaterSys Supply Mixer; !- Connector 2 Name
+ Connector:Splitter,
+ CoolSys1 Demand Splitter,!- Name
+ CoolSys1 Demand Inlet Branch, !- Inlet Branch Name
+ CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 1, !- Outlet Branch 1 Name
+ CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 2, !- Outlet Branch 2 Name
+ CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 3, !- Outlet Branch 3 Name
+ CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 4, !- Outlet Branch 4 Name
+ CoolSys1 Demand Bypass Branch; !- Outlet Branch 5 Name
+ Connector:Splitter,
+ CoolSys1 Supply Splitter,!- Name
+ CoolSys1 Supply Inlet Branch, !- Inlet Branch Name
+ CoolSys1 Supply Equipment Branch 1, !- Outlet Branch 1 Name
+ CoolSys1 Supply Equipment Branch 2, !- Outlet Branch 2 Name
+ CoolSys1 Supply Equipment Bypass Branch; !- Outlet Branch 3 Name
+ Connector:Splitter,
+ HeatSys1 Demand Splitter,!- Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Inlet Branch, !- Inlet Branch Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 1, !- Outlet Branch 1 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 2, !- Outlet Branch 2 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 3, !- Outlet Branch 3 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 4, !- Outlet Branch 4 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 5, !- Outlet Branch 5 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 6, !- Outlet Branch 6 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 7, !- Outlet Branch 7 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 8, !- Outlet Branch 8 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 9, !- Outlet Branch 9 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 10, !- Outlet Branch 10 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 11, !- Outlet Branch 11 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 12, !- Outlet Branch 12 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 13, !- Outlet Branch 13 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 14, !- Outlet Branch 14 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 15, !- Outlet Branch 15 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 16, !- Outlet Branch 16 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 17, !- Outlet Branch 17 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 18, !- Outlet Branch 18 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 19, !- Outlet Branch 19 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 20, !- Outlet Branch 20 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Bypass Branch; !- Outlet Branch 21 Name
+ Connector:Splitter,
+ HeatSys1 Supply Splitter,!- Name
+ HeatSys1 Supply Inlet Branch, !- Inlet Branch Name
+ HeatSys1 Supply Equipment Branch, !- Outlet Branch 1 Name
+ HeatSys1 Supply Equipment Bypass Branch; !- Outlet Branch 2 Name
+ Connector:Splitter,
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Splitter, !- Name
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Inlet Branch, !- Inlet Branch Name
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Load Branch 1, !- Outlet Branch 1 Name
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Load Branch 2, !- Outlet Branch 2 Name
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Bypass Branch; !- Outlet Branch 3 Name
+ Connector:Splitter,
+ TowerWaterSys Supply Splitter, !- Name
+ TowerWaterSys Supply Inlet Branch, !- Inlet Branch Name
+ TowerWaterSys Supply Equipment Branch, !- Outlet Branch 1 Name
+ TowerWaterSys Supply Equipment Bypass Branch; !- Outlet Branch 2 Name
+ Connector:Mixer,
+ CoolSys1 Demand Mixer, !- Name
+ CoolSys1 Demand Outlet Branch, !- Outlet Branch Name
+ CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 1, !- Inlet Branch 1 Name
+ CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 2, !- Inlet Branch 2 Name
+ CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 3, !- Inlet Branch 3 Name
+ CoolSys1 Demand Load Branch 4, !- Inlet Branch 4 Name
+ CoolSys1 Demand Bypass Branch; !- Inlet Branch 5 Name
+ Connector:Mixer,
+ CoolSys1 Supply Mixer, !- Name
+ CoolSys1 Supply Outlet Branch, !- Outlet Branch Name
+ CoolSys1 Supply Equipment Branch 1, !- Inlet Branch 1 Name
+ CoolSys1 Supply Equipment Branch 2, !- Inlet Branch 2 Name
+ CoolSys1 Supply Equipment Bypass Branch; !- Inlet Branch 3 Name
+ Connector:Mixer,
+ HeatSys1 Demand Mixer, !- Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Outlet Branch, !- Outlet Branch Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 1, !- Inlet Branch 1 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 2, !- Inlet Branch 2 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 3, !- Inlet Branch 3 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 4, !- Inlet Branch 4 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 5, !- Inlet Branch 5 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 6, !- Inlet Branch 6 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 7, !- Inlet Branch 7 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 8, !- Inlet Branch 8 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 9, !- Inlet Branch 9 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 10, !- Inlet Branch 10 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 11, !- Inlet Branch 11 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 12, !- Inlet Branch 12 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 13, !- Inlet Branch 13 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 14, !- Inlet Branch 14 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 15, !- Inlet Branch 15 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 16, !- Inlet Branch 16 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 17, !- Inlet Branch 17 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 18, !- Inlet Branch 18 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 19, !- Inlet Branch 19 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Load Branch 20, !- Inlet Branch 20 Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Bypass Branch; !- Inlet Branch 21 Name
+ Connector:Mixer,
+ HeatSys1 Supply Mixer, !- Name
+ HeatSys1 Supply Outlet Branch, !- Outlet Branch Name
+ HeatSys1 Supply Equipment Branch, !- Inlet Branch 1 Name
+ HeatSys1 Supply Equipment Bypass Branch; !- Inlet Branch 2 Name
+ Connector:Mixer,
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Mixer, !- Name
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Outlet Branch, !- Outlet Branch Name
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Load Branch 1, !- Inlet Branch 1 Name
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Load Branch 2, !- Inlet Branch 2 Name
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Bypass Branch; !- Inlet Branch 3 Name
+ Connector:Mixer,
+ TowerWaterSys Supply Mixer, !- Name
+ TowerWaterSys Supply Outlet Branch, !- Outlet Branch Name
+ TowerWaterSys Supply Equipment Branch, !- Inlet Branch 1 Name
+ TowerWaterSys Supply Equipment Bypass Branch; !- Inlet Branch 2 Name
+ Pipe:Adiabatic,
+ CoolSys1 Demand Bypass Pipe, !- Name
+ CoolSys1 Demand Bypass Pipe Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
+ CoolSys1 Demand Bypass Pipe Outlet Node; !- Outlet Node Name
+ Pipe:Adiabatic,
+ CoolSys1 Demand Inlet Pipe, !- Name
+ CoolSys1 Demand Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
+ CoolSys1 Demand Inlet Pipe-CoolSys1 Demand Mixer; !- Outlet Node Name
+ Pipe:Adiabatic,
+ CoolSys1 Demand Outlet Pipe, !- Name
+ CoolSys1 Demand Mixer-CoolSys1 Demand Outlet Pipe, !- Inlet Node Name
+ CoolSys1 Demand Outlet Node; !- Outlet Node Name
+ Pipe:Adiabatic,
+ CoolSys1 Supply Equipment Bypass Pipe, !- Name
+ CoolSys1 Supply Equip Bypass Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
+ CoolSys1 Supply Equip Bypass Outlet Node; !- Outlet Node Name
+ Pipe:Adiabatic,
+ CoolSys1 Supply Outlet Pipe, !- Name
+ CoolSys1 Supply Mixer-CoolSys1 Supply Outlet Pipe, !- Inlet Node Name
+ CoolSys1 Supply Outlet Node; !- Outlet Node Name
+ Pipe:Adiabatic,
+ HeatSys1 Demand Bypass Pipe, !- Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Bypass Pipe Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Bypass Pipe Outlet Node; !- Outlet Node Name
+ Pipe:Adiabatic,
+ HeatSys1 Demand Inlet Pipe, !- Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Inlet Pipe-HeatSys1 Demand Mixer; !- Outlet Node Name
+ Pipe:Adiabatic,
+ HeatSys1 Demand Outlet Pipe, !- Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Mixer-HeatSys1 Demand Outlet Pipe, !- Inlet Node Name
+ HeatSys1 Demand Outlet Node; !- Outlet Node Name
+ Pipe:Adiabatic,
+ HeatSys1 Supply Equipment Bypass Pipe, !- Name
+ HeatSys1 Supply Equip Bypass Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
+ HeatSys1 Supply Equip Bypass Outlet Node; !- Outlet Node Name
+ Pipe:Adiabatic,
+ HeatSys1 Supply Outlet Pipe, !- Name
+ HeatSys1 Supply Mixer-HeatSys1 Supply Outlet Pipe, !- Inlet Node Name
+ HeatSys1 Supply Outlet Node; !- Outlet Node Name
+ Pipe:Adiabatic,
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Bypass Pipe, !- Name
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Bypass Pipe Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Bypass Pipe Outlet Node; !- Outlet Node Name
+ Pipe:Adiabatic,
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Inlet Pipe, !- Name
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Inlet Pipe-TowerWaterSys Demand Mixer; !- Outlet Node Name
+ Pipe:Adiabatic,
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Outlet Pipe, !- Name
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Mixer-TowerWaterSys Demand Outlet Pipe, !- Inlet Node Name
+ TowerWaterSys Demand Outlet Node; !- Outlet Node Name
+ Pipe:Adiabatic,
+ TowerWaterSys Supply Equipment Bypass Pipe, !- Name
+ TowerWaterSys Supply Equip Bypass Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
+ TowerWaterSys Supply Equip Bypass Outlet Node; !- Outlet Node Name
+ Pipe:Adiabatic,
+ TowerWaterSys Supply Outlet Pipe, !- Name
+ TowerWaterSys Supply Mixer-TowerWaterSys Supply Outlet Pipe, !- Inlet Node Name
+ TowerWaterSys Supply Outlet Node; !- Outlet Node Name
+! ***SCHEDULES***
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ CW-Loop-Temp-Schedule, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 24:00,6.7; !- Field 3
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ HW-Loop-Temp-Schedule, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 24:00,82.2; !- Field 3
+ WaterHeater:Mixed,
+ SWHSys1 Water Heater, !- Name
+ 0.7571, !- Tank Volume {m3}
+ SWHSys1 Water Heater Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name, !- Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name
+ 2.0, !- Deadband Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ 82.2222, !- Maximum Temperature Limit {C}
+ Cycle, !- Heater Control Type
+ 845000, !- Heater Maximum Capacity {W}
+ , !- Heater Minimum Capacity {W}
+ , !- Heater Ignition Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Heater Ignition Delay {s}
+ NATURALGAS, !- Heater Fuel Type
+ 0.8, !- Heater Thermal Efficiency
+ , !- Part Load Factor Curve Name
+ 20, !- Off Cycle Parasitic Fuel Consumption Rate {W}
+ NATURALGAS, !- Off Cycle Parasitic Fuel Type
+ 0.8, !- Off Cycle Parasitic Heat Fraction to Tank
+ , !- On Cycle Parasitic Fuel Consumption Rate {W}
+ NATURALGAS, !- On Cycle Parasitic Fuel Type
+ , !- On Cycle Parasitic Heat Fraction to Tank
+ SCHEDULE, !- Ambient Temperature Indicator
+ SWHSys1 Water Heater Ambient Temperature Schedule Name, !- Ambient Temperature Schedule Name
+ , !- Ambient Temperature Zone Name
+ , !- Ambient Temperature Outdoor Air Node Name
+ 6.0, !- Off Cycle Loss Coefficient to Ambient Temperature {W/K}
+ , !- Off Cycle Loss Fraction to Zone
+ 6.0, !- On Cycle Loss Coefficient to Ambient Temperature {W/K}
+ , !- On Cycle Loss Fraction to Zone
+ , !- Peak Use Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Use Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
+ , !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
+ SWHSys1 Pump-SWHSys1 Water HeaterNode, !- Use Side Inlet Node Name
+ SWHSys1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Use Side Outlet Node Name
+ 1.0, !- Use Side Effectiveness
+ , !- Source Side Inlet Node Name
+ , !- Source Side Outlet Node Name
+ 1.0, !- Source Side Effectiveness
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Use Side Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Source Side Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 1.5; !- Indirect Water Heating Recovery Time {hr}
+ WaterUse:Equipment,
+ Core_bottom Water Equipment, !- Name
+ , !- End-Use Subcategory
+ 2.24e-005, !- Peak Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ BLDG_SWH_SCH, !- Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
+ Water Equipment Temp Sched, !- Target Temperature Schedule Name
+ Water Equipment Hot Supply Temp Sched, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
+ , !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
+ Core_bottom, !- Zone Name
+ Water Equipment Sensible fract sched, !- Sensible Fraction Schedule Name
+ Water Equipment Latent fract sched; !- Latent Fraction Schedule Name
+ WaterUse:Equipment,
+ Core_mid Water Equipment,!- Name
+ , !- End-Use Subcategory
+ 2.24e-005, !- Peak Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ BLDG_SWH_SCH, !- Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
+ Water Equipment Temp Sched, !- Target Temperature Schedule Name
+ Water Equipment Hot Supply Temp Sched, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
+ , !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
+ Core_mid, !- Zone Name
+ Water Equipment Sensible fract sched, !- Sensible Fraction Schedule Name
+ Water Equipment Latent fract sched; !- Latent Fraction Schedule Name
+ WaterUse:Equipment,
+ Core_top Water Equipment,!- Name
+ , !- End-Use Subcategory
+ 2.24e-005, !- Peak Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ BLDG_SWH_SCH, !- Flow Rate Fraction Schedule Name
+ Water Equipment Temp Sched, !- Target Temperature Schedule Name
+ Water Equipment Hot Supply Temp Sched, !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
+ , !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
+ Core_top, !- Zone Name
+ Water Equipment Sensible fract sched, !- Sensible Fraction Schedule Name
+ Water Equipment Latent fract sched; !- Latent Fraction Schedule Name
+ PlantEquipmentList,
+ SWHSys1 Equipment List, !- Name
+ WaterHeater:Mixed, !- Equipment 1 Object Type
+ SWHSys1 Water Heater; !- Equipment 1 Name
+ Pump:VariableSpeed,
+ SWHSys1 Pump, !- Name
+ SWHSys1 Supply Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
+ SWHSys1 Pump-SWHSys1 Water HeaterNodeviaConnector, !- Outlet Node Name
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 179352, !- Rated Pump Head {Pa}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Rated Power Consumption {W}
+ 0.85, !- Motor Efficiency
+ 0.0, !- Fraction of Motor Inefficiencies to Fluid Stream
+ 0, !- Coefficient 1 of the Part Load Performance Curve
+ 1, !- Coefficient 2 of the Part Load Performance Curve
+ 0, !- Coefficient 3 of the Part Load Performance Curve
+ 0, !- Coefficient 4 of the Part Load Performance Curve
+ 0.0, !- Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ Intermittent, !- Pump Control Type
+ ; !- Pump Flow Rate Schedule Name
+ Sizing:Plant,
+ SWHSys1, !- Plant or Condenser Loop Name
+ Heating, !- Loop Type
+ 60, !- Design Loop Exit Temperature {C}
+ 5.0; !- Loop Design Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SetpointManager:Scheduled,
+ SWHSys1 Loop Setpoint Manager, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Control Variable
+ SWHSys1-Loop-Temp-Schedule, !- Schedule Name
+ SWHSys1 Supply Outlet Node; !- Setpoint Node or NodeList Name
+ PlantEquipmentOperationSchemes,
+ SWHSys1 Loop Operation Scheme List, !- Name
+ PlantEquipmentOperation:HeatingLoad, !- Control Scheme 1 Object Type
+ SWHSys1 Operation Scheme,!- Control Scheme 1 Name
+ ALWAYS_ON; !- Control Scheme 1 Schedule Name
+ PlantEquipmentOperation:HeatingLoad,
+ SWHSys1 Operation Scheme,!- Name
+ 0.0, !- Load Range 1 Lower Limit {W}
+ 1000000000000000, !- Load Range 1 Upper Limit {W}
+ SWHSys1 Equipment List; !- Range 1 Equipment List Name
+! ***SWH LOOP***
+ PlantLoop,
+ SWHSys1, !- Name
+ Water, !- Fluid Type
+ , !- User Defined Fluid Type
+ SWHSys1 Loop Operation Scheme List, !- Plant Equipment Operation Scheme Name
+ SWHSys1 Supply Outlet Node, !- Loop Temperature Setpoint Node Name
+ 60.0, !- Maximum Loop Temperature {C}
+ 10.0, !- Minimum Loop Temperature {C}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Maximum Loop Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.0, !- Minimum Loop Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ AUTOSIZE, !- Plant Loop Volume {m3}
+ SWHSys1 Supply Inlet Node, !- Plant Side Inlet Node Name
+ SWHSys1 Supply Outlet Node, !- Plant Side Outlet Node Name
+ SWHSys1 Supply Branches, !- Plant Side Branch List Name
+ SWHSys1 Supply Connectors, !- Plant Side Connector List Name
+ SWHSys1 Demand Inlet Node, !- Demand Side Inlet Node Name
+ SWHSys1 Demand Outlet Node, !- Demand Side Outlet Node Name
+ SWHSys1 Demand Branches, !- Demand Side Branch List Name
+ SWHSys1 Demand Connectors, !- Demand Side Connector List Name
+ Optimal; !- Load Distribution Scheme
+ BranchList,
+ SWHSys1 Demand Branches, !- Name
+ SWHSys1 Demand Inlet Branch, !- Branch 1 Name
+ SWHSys1 Demand Load Branch 1, !- Branch 2 Name
+ SWHSys1 Demand Load Branch 2, !- Branch 3 Name
+ SWHSys1 Demand Load Branch 3, !- Branch 4 Name
+ SWHSys1 Demand Bypass Branch, !- Branch 5 Name
+ SWHSys1 Demand Outlet Branch; !- Branch 6 Name
+ BranchList,
+ SWHSys1 Supply Branches, !- Name
+ SWHSys1 Supply Inlet Branch, !- Branch 1 Name
+ SWHSys1 Supply Equipment Branch, !- Branch 2 Name
+ SWHSys1 Supply Equipment Bypass Branch, !- Branch 3 Name
+ SWHSys1 Supply Outlet Branch; !- Branch 4 Name
+ Branch,
+ SWHSys1 Demand Bypass Branch, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ SWHSys1 Demand Bypass Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
+ SWHSys1 Demand Bypass Pipe Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ SWHSys1 Demand Bypass Pipe Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Bypass; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ SWHSys1 Demand Inlet Branch, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ SWHSys1 Demand Inlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
+ SWHSys1 Demand Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ SWHSys1 Demand Inlet Pipe-SWHSys1 Demand Mixer, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Passive; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ SWHSys1 Demand Load Branch 1, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ WaterUse:Connections, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ Core_bottom Water Equipment, !- Component 1 Name
+ Core_bottom Water Equipment Water Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ Core_bottom Water Equipment Water Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Active; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ SWHSys1 Demand Load Branch 2, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ WaterUse:Connections, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ Core_mid Water Equipment,!- Component 1 Name
+ Core_mid Water Equipment Water Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ Core_mid Water Equipment Water Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Active; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ SWHSys1 Demand Load Branch 3, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ WaterUse:Connections, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ Core_top Water Equipment,!- Component 1 Name
+ Core_top Water Equipment Water Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ Core_top Water Equipment Water Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Active; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ SWHSys1 Demand Outlet Branch, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ SWHSys1 Demand Outlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
+ SWHSys1 Demand Mixer-SWHSys1 Demand Outlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ SWHSys1 Demand Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Passive; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ SWHSys1 Supply Equipment Branch, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ WaterHeater:Mixed, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ SWHSys1 Water Heater, !- Component 1 Name
+ SWHSys1 Pump-SWHSys1 Water HeaterNode, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ SWHSys1 Supply Equipment Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Active; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ SWHSys1 Supply Equipment Bypass Branch, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ SWHSys1 Supply Equipment Bypass Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
+ SWHSys1 Supply Equip Bypass Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ SWHSys1 Supply Equip Bypass Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Bypass; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ SWHSys1 Supply Inlet Branch, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Pump:VariableSpeed, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ SWHSys1 Pump, !- Component 1 Name
+ SWHSys1 Supply Inlet Node, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ SWHSys1 Pump-SWHSys1 Water HeaterNodeviaConnector, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Active; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ Branch,
+ SWHSys1 Supply Outlet Branch, !- Name
+ , !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
+ Pipe:Adiabatic, !- Component 1 Object Type
+ SWHSys1 Supply Outlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Name
+ SWHSys1 Supply Mixer-SWHSys1 Supply Outlet Pipe, !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
+ SWHSys1 Supply Outlet Node, !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
+ Passive; !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
+ ConnectorList,
+ SWHSys1 Demand Connectors, !- Name
+ Connector:Splitter, !- Connector 1 Object Type
+ SWHSys1 Demand Splitter, !- Connector 1 Name
+ Connector:Mixer, !- Connector 2 Object Type
+ SWHSys1 Demand Mixer; !- Connector 2 Name
+ ConnectorList,
+ SWHSys1 Supply Connectors, !- Name
+ Connector:Splitter, !- Connector 1 Object Type
+ SWHSys1 Supply Splitter, !- Connector 1 Name
+ Connector:Mixer, !- Connector 2 Object Type
+ SWHSys1 Supply Mixer; !- Connector 2 Name
+ WaterUse:Connections,
+ Core_bottom Water Equipment, !- Name
+ Core_bottom Water Equipment Water Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
+ Core_bottom Water Equipment Water Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
+ , !- Reclamation Water Storage Tank Name
+ , !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
+ , !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
+ , !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Type
+ , !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Destination
+ , !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger U-Factor Times Area {W/K}
+ Core_bottom Water Equipment; !- Water Use Equipment 1 Name
+ WaterUse:Connections,
+ Core_mid Water Equipment,!- Name
+ Core_mid Water Equipment Water Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
+ Core_mid Water Equipment Water Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
+ , !- Reclamation Water Storage Tank Name
+ , !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
+ , !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
+ , !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Type
+ , !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Destination
+ , !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger U-Factor Times Area {W/K}
+ Core_mid Water Equipment;!- Water Use Equipment 1 Name
+ WaterUse:Connections,
+ Core_top Water Equipment,!- Name
+ Core_top Water Equipment Water Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
+ Core_top Water Equipment Water Outlet Node, !- Outlet Node Name
+ , !- Supply Water Storage Tank Name
+ , !- Reclamation Water Storage Tank Name
+ , !- Hot Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
+ , !- Cold Water Supply Temperature Schedule Name
+ , !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Type
+ , !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger Destination
+ , !- Drain Water Heat Exchanger U-Factor Times Area {W/K}
+ Core_top Water Equipment;!- Water Use Equipment 1 Name
+ Connector:Splitter,
+ SWHSys1 Demand Splitter, !- Name
+ SWHSys1 Demand Inlet Branch, !- Inlet Branch Name
+ SWHSys1 Demand Load Branch 1, !- Outlet Branch 1 Name
+ SWHSys1 Demand Load Branch 2, !- Outlet Branch 2 Name
+ SWHSys1 Demand Load Branch 3, !- Outlet Branch 3 Name
+ SWHSys1 Demand Bypass Branch; !- Outlet Branch 4 Name
+ Connector:Splitter,
+ SWHSys1 Supply Splitter, !- Name
+ SWHSys1 Supply Inlet Branch, !- Inlet Branch Name
+ SWHSys1 Supply Equipment Branch, !- Outlet Branch 1 Name
+ SWHSys1 Supply Equipment Bypass Branch; !- Outlet Branch 2 Name
+ Connector:Mixer,
+ SWHSys1 Demand Mixer, !- Name
+ SWHSys1 Demand Outlet Branch, !- Outlet Branch Name
+ SWHSys1 Demand Load Branch 1, !- Inlet Branch 1 Name
+ SWHSys1 Demand Load Branch 2, !- Inlet Branch 2 Name
+ SWHSys1 Demand Load Branch 3, !- Inlet Branch 3 Name
+ SWHSys1 Demand Bypass Branch; !- Inlet Branch 4 Name
+ Connector:Mixer,
+ SWHSys1 Supply Mixer, !- Name
+ SWHSys1 Supply Outlet Branch, !- Outlet Branch Name
+ SWHSys1 Supply Equipment Branch, !- Inlet Branch 1 Name
+ SWHSys1 Supply Equipment Bypass Branch; !- Inlet Branch 2 Name
+ Pipe:Adiabatic,
+ SWHSys1 Demand Bypass Pipe, !- Name
+ SWHSys1 Demand Bypass Pipe Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
+ SWHSys1 Demand Bypass Pipe Outlet Node; !- Outlet Node Name
+ Pipe:Adiabatic,
+ SWHSys1 Demand Inlet Pipe, !- Name
+ SWHSys1 Demand Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
+ SWHSys1 Demand Inlet Pipe-SWHSys1 Demand Mixer; !- Outlet Node Name
+ Pipe:Adiabatic,
+ SWHSys1 Demand Outlet Pipe, !- Name
+ SWHSys1 Demand Mixer-SWHSys1 Demand Outlet Pipe, !- Inlet Node Name
+ SWHSys1 Demand Outlet Node; !- Outlet Node Name
+ Pipe:Adiabatic,
+ SWHSys1 Supply Equipment Bypass Pipe, !- Name
+ SWHSys1 Supply Equip Bypass Inlet Node, !- Inlet Node Name
+ SWHSys1 Supply Equip Bypass Outlet Node; !- Outlet Node Name
+ Pipe:Adiabatic,
+ SWHSys1 Supply Outlet Pipe, !- Name
+ SWHSys1 Supply Mixer-SWHSys1 Supply Outlet Pipe, !- Inlet Node Name
+ SWHSys1 Supply Outlet Node; !- Outlet Node Name
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ BLDG_SWH_SCH, !- Name
+ Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay, !- Field 2
+ Until: 05:00,0.05, !- Field 3
+ Until: 06:00,0.08, !- Field 5
+ Until: 07:00,0.07, !- Field 7
+ Until: 08:00,0.19, !- Field 9
+ Until: 09:00,0.35, !- Field 11
+ Until: 10:00,0.38, !- Field 13
+ Until: 11:00,0.39, !- Field 15
+ Until: 12:00,0.47, !- Field 17
+ Until: 13:00,0.57, !- Field 19
+ Until: 14:00,0.54, !- Field 21
+ Until: 15:00,0.34, !- Field 23
+ Until: 16:00,0.33, !- Field 25
+ Until: 17:00,0.44, !- Field 27
+ Until: 18:00,0.26, !- Field 29
+ Until: 19:00,0.21, !- Field 31
+ Until: 20:00,0.15, !- Field 33
+ Until: 21:00,0.17, !- Field 35
+ Until: 22:00,0.08, !- Field 37
+ Until: 24:00,0.05, !- Field 39
+ For: Saturday WinterDesignDay, !- Field 41
+ Until: 05:00,0.05, !- Field 42
+ Until: 06:00,0.08, !- Field 44
+ Until: 07:00,0.07, !- Field 46
+ Until: 08:00,0.11, !- Field 48
+ Until: 09:00,0.15, !- Field 50
+ Until: 10:00,0.21, !- Field 52
+ Until: 11:00,0.19, !- Field 54
+ Until: 12:00,0.23, !- Field 56
+ Until: 13:00,0.20, !- Field 58
+ Until: 14:00,0.19, !- Field 60
+ Until: 15:00,0.15, !- Field 62
+ Until: 16:00,0.13, !- Field 64
+ Until: 17:00,0.14, !- Field 66
+ Until: 21:00,0.07, !- Field 68
+ Until: 22:00,0.09, !- Field 70
+ Until: 24:00,0.05, !- Field 72
+ For: AllOtherDays, !- Field 74
+ Until: 05:00,0.04, !- Field 75
+ Until: 06:00,0.07, !- Field 77
+ Until: 11:00,0.04, !- Field 79
+ Until: 13:00,0.06, !- Field 81
+ Until: 14:00,0.09, !- Field 83
+ Until: 15:00,0.06, !- Field 85
+ Until: 21:00,0.04, !- Field 87
+ Until: 22:00,0.07, !- Field 89
+ Until: 24:00,0.04; !- Field 91
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ Water Equipment Latent fract sched, !- Name
+ Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 24:00,0.05; !- Field 3
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ Water Equipment Sensible fract sched, !- Name
+ Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 24:00,0.2; !- Field 3
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ SWHSys1 Water Heater Ambient Temperature Schedule Name, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 24:00,22.0; !- Field 3
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ Water Equipment Temp Sched, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 24:00,43.3; !- Field 3
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ Water Equipment Hot Supply Temp Sched, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 24:00,43.3; !- Field 3
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ SWHSys1 Water Heater Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 24:00,60.0; !- Field 3
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ SWHSys1-Loop-Temp-Schedule, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 24:00,60.0; !- Field 3
+! ***ECONOMICS***
+! IN_EIAMonthlyRateGas, Source EIA historical Nov2003 thru Oct2004
+! Indiana 1999 state average electricity emissions factors based on eGRID, 1065, AirData
+! PSI_CS_CommercialElectricService, source http://www.cinergypsi.com/pdfs/RateCS.pdf, effective 2004-05-24
+! PSI_LLF_LowLoadFactorService,source http://www.cinergypsi.com/pdfs/RATELLF.pdf, effective 2004-05-24
+ UtilityCost:Tariff,
+ PSI_LLF_LowLoadFactorService, !- Name
+ Electricity:Facility, !- Output Meter Name
+ kWh, !- Conversion Factor Choice
+ , !- Energy Conversion Factor
+ , !- Demand Conversion Factor
+ , !- Time of Use Period Schedule Name
+ , !- Season Schedule Name
+ , !- Month Schedule Name
+ HalfHour, !- Demand Window Length
+ 15.00, !- Monthly Charge or Variable Name
+ , !- Minimum Monthly Charge or Variable Name
+ , !- Real Time Pricing Charge Schedule Name
+ , !- Customer Baseline Load Schedule Name
+ Comm Elect; !- Group Name
+ UtilityCost:Charge:Block,
+ AnnualEnergyCharge, !- Name
+ PSI_LLF_LowLoadFactorService, !- Tariff Name
+ totalEnergy, !- Source Variable
+ Annual, !- Season
+ EnergyCharges, !- Category Variable Name
+ , !- Remaining Into Variable
+ , !- Block Size Multiplier Value or Variable Name
+ 300, !- Block Size 1 Value or Variable Name
+ 0.108222, !- Block 1 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
+ 700, !- Block Size 2 Value or Variable Name
+ 0.087021, !- Block 2 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
+ 1500, !- Block Size 3 Value or Variable Name
+ 0.078420, !- Block 3 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
+ remaining, !- Block Size 4 Value or Variable Name
+ 0.058320; !- Block 4 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
+ UtilityCost:Charge:Block,
+ AnnualDemandBaseCharge, !- Name
+ PSI_LLF_LowLoadFactorService, !- Tariff Name
+ totalEnergy, !- Source Variable
+ Annual, !- Season
+ EnergyCharges, !- Category Variable Name
+ , !- Remaining Into Variable
+ TotalDemand, !- Block Size Multiplier Value or Variable Name
+ 190, !- Block Size 1 Value or Variable Name
+ 0.0, !- Block 1 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
+ 110, !- Block Size 2 Value or Variable Name
+ 0.051773, !- Block 2 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
+ remaining, !- Block Size 3 Value or Variable Name
+ 0.046965; !- Block 3 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
+ UtilityCost:Charge:Simple,
+ FuelCostAdjustEnergyCharge, !- Name
+ PSI_LLF_LowLoadFactorService, !- Tariff Name
+ totalEnergy, !- Source Variable
+ Annual, !- Season
+ EnergyCharges, !- Category Variable Name
+ 0.002028; !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
+ UtilityCost:Charge:Simple,
+ QualPollutionControlAdjustEnergyCharge, !- Name
+ PSI_LLF_LowLoadFactorService, !- Tariff Name
+ totalEnergy, !- Source Variable
+ Annual, !- Season
+ EnergyCharges, !- Category Variable Name
+ 0.000536; !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
+ UtilityCost:Charge:Simple,
+ SoxNoxRiderAdjustEnergyCharge, !- Name
+ PSI_LLF_LowLoadFactorService, !- Tariff Name
+ totalEnergy, !- Source Variable
+ Annual, !- Season
+ EnergyCharges, !- Category Variable Name
+ 0.001127; !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
+ UtilityCost:Charge:Simple,
+ DSMRiderAdjustEnergyCharge, !- Name
+ PSI_LLF_LowLoadFactorService, !- Tariff Name
+ totalEnergy, !- Source Variable
+ Annual, !- Season
+ EnergyCharges, !- Category Variable Name
+ -0.000370; !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
+ UtilityCost:Charge:Simple,
+ PurchPowerTrackerAdjustEnergyCharge, !- Name
+ PSI_LLF_LowLoadFactorService, !- Tariff Name
+ totalEnergy, !- Source Variable
+ Annual, !- Season
+ EnergyCharges, !- Category Variable Name
+ -0.000031; !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
+ UtilityCost:Charge:Simple,
+ MidwestISOAdjustEnergyCharge, !- Name
+ PSI_LLF_LowLoadFactorService, !- Tariff Name
+ totalEnergy, !- Source Variable
+ Annual, !- Season
+ EnergyCharges, !- Category Variable Name
+ -0.000216; !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
+ UtilityCost:Charge:Simple,
+ CleanCoalRiderEnergyCharge, !- Name
+ PSI_LLF_LowLoadFactorService, !- Tariff Name
+ totalEnergy, !- Source Variable
+ Annual, !- Season
+ EnergyCharges, !- Category Variable Name
+ 0.000833; !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
+ UtilityCost:Qualify,
+ MinDemand75kw, !- Name
+ PSI_LLF_LowLoadFactorService, !- Tariff Name
+ TotalDemand, !- Variable Name
+ Minimum, !- Qualify Type
+ 75, !- Threshold Value or Variable Name
+ Annual, !- Season
+ Count, !- Threshold Test
+ 12; !- Number of Months
+ UtilityCost:Charge:Simple,
+ TaxofeightPercent, !- Name
+ PSI_LLF_LowLoadFactorService, !- Tariff Name
+ SubTotal, !- Source Variable
+ Annual, !- Season
+ Taxes, !- Category Variable Name
+ 0.08; !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
+!end PSI_LLF_LowLoadFactorService
+ UtilityCost:Tariff,
+ PSI_CS_CommercialElectricService, !- Name
+ Electricity:Facility, !- Output Meter Name
+ kWh, !- Conversion Factor Choice
+ , !- Energy Conversion Factor
+ , !- Demand Conversion Factor
+ , !- Time of Use Period Schedule Name
+ , !- Season Schedule Name
+ , !- Month Schedule Name
+ , !- Demand Window Length
+ 9.40, !- Monthly Charge or Variable Name
+ , !- Minimum Monthly Charge or Variable Name
+ , !- Real Time Pricing Charge Schedule Name
+ , !- Customer Baseline Load Schedule Name
+ Comm Elect; !- Group Name
+ UtilityCost:Charge:Block,
+ AnnualEnergyCharge, !- Name
+ PSI_CS_CommercialElectricService, !- Tariff Name
+ totalEnergy, !- Source Variable
+ Annual, !- Season
+ EnergyCharges, !- Category Variable Name
+ , !- Remaining Into Variable
+ , !- Block Size Multiplier Value or Variable Name
+ 300, !- Block Size 1 Value or Variable Name
+ 0.082409, !- Block 1 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
+ 700, !- Block Size 2 Value or Variable Name
+ 0.072873, !- Block 2 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
+ 1500, !- Block Size 3 Value or Variable Name
+ 0.061696, !- Block 3 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
+ remaining, !- Block Size 4 Value or Variable Name
+ 0.041179; !- Block 4 Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
+ UtilityCost:Charge:Simple,
+ FuelCostAdjustEnergyCharge, !- Name
+ PSI_CS_CommercialElectricService, !- Tariff Name
+ totalEnergy, !- Source Variable
+ Annual, !- Season
+ EnergyCharges, !- Category Variable Name
+ 0.002028; !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
+ UtilityCost:Charge:Simple,
+ QualPollutionControlAdjustEnergyCharge, !- Name
+ PSI_CS_CommercialElectricService, !- Tariff Name
+ totalEnergy, !- Source Variable
+ Annual, !- Season
+ EnergyCharges, !- Category Variable Name
+ 0.000536; !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
+ UtilityCost:Charge:Simple,
+ SoxNoxRiderAdjustEnergyCharge, !- Name
+ PSI_CS_CommercialElectricService, !- Tariff Name
+ totalEnergy, !- Source Variable
+ Annual, !- Season
+ EnergyCharges, !- Category Variable Name
+ 0.001127; !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
+ UtilityCost:Charge:Simple,
+ DSMRiderAdjustEnergyCharge, !- Name
+ PSI_CS_CommercialElectricService, !- Tariff Name
+ totalEnergy, !- Source Variable
+ Annual, !- Season
+ EnergyCharges, !- Category Variable Name
+ 0.000021; !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
+ UtilityCost:Charge:Simple,
+ PurchPowerTrackerAdjustEnergyCharge, !- Name
+ PSI_CS_CommercialElectricService, !- Tariff Name
+ totalEnergy, !- Source Variable
+ Annual, !- Season
+ EnergyCharges, !- Category Variable Name
+ 0.000034; !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
+ UtilityCost:Charge:Simple,
+ MidwestISOAdjustEnergyCharge, !- Name
+ PSI_CS_CommercialElectricService, !- Tariff Name
+ totalEnergy, !- Source Variable
+ Annual, !- Season
+ EnergyCharges, !- Category Variable Name
+ -0.000203; !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
+ UtilityCost:Charge:Simple,
+ CleanCoalRiderEnergyCharge, !- Name
+ PSI_CS_CommercialElectricService, !- Tariff Name
+ totalEnergy, !- Source Variable
+ Annual, !- Season
+ EnergyCharges, !- Category Variable Name
+ 0.000807; !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
+ UtilityCost:Qualify,
+ MaxDemand75kw, !- Name
+ PSI_CS_CommercialElectricService, !- Tariff Name
+ TotalDemand, !- Variable Name
+ Maximum, !- Qualify Type
+ 75, !- Threshold Value or Variable Name
+ Annual, !- Season
+ Count, !- Threshold Test
+ 1; !- Number of Months
+ UtilityCost:Charge:Simple,
+ TaxofeightPercent, !- Name
+ PSI_CS_CommercialElectricService, !- Tariff Name
+ SubTotal, !- Source Variable
+ Annual, !- Season
+ Taxes, !- Category Variable Name
+ 0.08; !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
+ UtilityCost:Tariff,
+ IN_EIAMonthlyRateGas, !- Name
+ Gas:Facility, !- Output Meter Name
+ MCF, !- Conversion Factor Choice
+ , !- Energy Conversion Factor
+ , !- Demand Conversion Factor
+ , !- Time of Use Period Schedule Name
+ , !- Season Schedule Name
+ , !- Month Schedule Name
+ , !- Demand Window Length
+ 0.0, !- Monthly Charge or Variable Name
+ , !- Minimum Monthly Charge or Variable Name
+ , !- Real Time Pricing Charge Schedule Name
+ , !- Customer Baseline Load Schedule Name
+ Comm Gas; !- Group Name
+ UtilityCost:Charge:Simple,
+ MonthlyRateGasCharge, !- Name
+ IN_EIAMonthlyRateGas, !- Tariff Name
+ totalEnergy, !- Source Variable
+ Annual, !- Season
+ EnergyCharges, !- Category Variable Name
+ IN_MonthlyGasRates; !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
+ UtilityCost:Variable,
+ IN_MonthlyGasRates, !- Name
+ IN_EIAMonthlyRateGas, !- Tariff Name
+ Currency, !- Variable Type
+ 8.22, !- January Value
+ 7.51, !- February Value
+ 8.97, !- March Value
+ 9.01, !- April Value
+ 9.16, !- May Value
+ 10.44, !- June Value
+ 10.32, !- July Value
+ 10.13, !- August Value
+ 9.20, !- September Value
+ 8.18, !- October Value
+ 7.83, !- November Value
+ 7.63; !- December Value
+ UtilityCost:Charge:Simple,
+ TaxofEightPercent, !- Name
+ IN_EIAMonthlyRateGas, !- Tariff Name
+ SubTotal, !- Source Variable
+ Annual, !- Season
+ Taxes, !- Category Variable Name
+ 0.08; !- Cost per Unit Value or Variable Name
+ OutputControl:ReportingTolerances,
+ 0.556, !- Tolerance for Time Heating Setpoint Not Met {deltaC}
+ 0.556; !- Tolerance for Time Cooling Setpoint Not Met {deltaC}
+ Output:SQLite,
+ SimpleAndTabular; !- Option Type
+ EnvironmentalImpactFactors,
+ 0.663, !- District Heating Efficiency
+ 4.18, !- District Cooling COP {W/W}
+ 0.585, !- Steam Conversion Efficiency
+ 80.7272, !- Total Carbon Equivalent Emission Factor From N2O {kg/kg}
+ 6.2727, !- Total Carbon Equivalent Emission Factor From CH4 {kg/kg}
+ 0.2727; !- Total Carbon Equivalent Emission Factor From CO2 {kg/kg}
+! Indiana electricity source and emission factors based on Deru and Torcellini 2007
+ FuelFactors,
+ Electricity, !- Existing Fuel Resource Name
+ kg, !- Units of Measure
+ , !- Energy per Unit Factor
+ 3.546, !- Source Energy Factor {J/J}
+ , !- Source Energy Schedule Name
+ 3.417E+02, !- CO2 Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- CO2 Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 1.186E-01, !- CO Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- CO Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 7.472E-01, !- CH4 Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- CH4 Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 6.222E-01, !- NOx Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- NOx Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 8.028E-03, !- N2O Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- N2O Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 1.872E+00, !- SO2 Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- SO2 Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 0.0, !- PM Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- PM Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 1.739E-02, !- PM10 Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- PM10 Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 0.0, !- PM2.5 Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- PM2.5 Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 0.0, !- NH3 Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- NH3 Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 1.019E-02, !- NMVOC Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- NMVOC Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 5.639E-06, !- Hg Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- Hg Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 2.778E-05, !- Pb Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- Pb Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 0.4309556, !- Water Emission Factor {L/MJ}
+ , !- Water Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 0, !- Nuclear High Level Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- Nuclear High Level Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 0; !- Nuclear Low Level Emission Factor {m3/MJ}
+! Deru and Torcellini 2007
+! Source Energy and Emission Factors for Energy Use in Buildings
+! NREL/TP-550-38617
+! source factor and Higher Heating Values from Table 5
+! post-combustion emission factors for boiler from Table 9 (with factor of 1000 correction for natural gas)
+ FuelFactors,
+ NaturalGas, !- Existing Fuel Resource Name
+ m3, !- Units of Measure
+ 37631000, !- Energy per Unit Factor
+ 1.092, !- Source Energy Factor {J/J}
+ , !- Source Energy Schedule Name
+ 5.21E+01, !- CO2 Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- CO2 Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 3.99E-02, !- CO Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- CO Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 1.06E-03, !- CH4 Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- CH4 Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 4.73E-02, !- NOx Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- NOx Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 1.06E-03, !- N2O Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- N2O Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 2.68E-04, !- SO2 Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- SO2 Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 0.0, !- PM Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- PM Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 3.59E-03, !- PM10 Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- PM10 Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 0.0, !- PM2.5 Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- PM2.5 Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 0, !- NH3 Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- NH3 Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 2.61E-03, !- NMVOC Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- NMVOC Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 1.11E-07, !- Hg Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- Hg Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 2.13E-07, !- Pb Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- Pb Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 0, !- Water Emission Factor {L/MJ}
+ , !- Water Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 0, !- Nuclear High Level Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- Nuclear High Level Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 0; !- Nuclear Low Level Emission Factor {m3/MJ}
+ Curve:Bicubic,
+ WC Screw GTE 300tons Default 90.1-2004 EIR_fPLR, !- Name
+ -2.737954E-01, !- Coefficient1 Constant
+ 2.822257E-02, !- Coefficient2 x
+ -8.097657E-05, !- Coefficient3 x**2
+ 9.612284E-01, !- Coefficient4 y
+ 3.029741E-01, !- Coefficient5 y**2
+ -2.421933E-02, !- Coefficient6 x*y
+ 0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient7 x**3
+ -3.885224E-02, !- Coefficient8 y**3
+ 0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient9 x**2*y
+ 0.000000E+00, !- Coefficient10 x*y**2
+ 18.54, !- Minimum Value of x
+ 31.63, !- Maximum Value of x
+ 0.20, !- Minimum Value of y
+ 1.02; !- Maximum Value of y
+ OutputControl:Table:Style,
+ XML; !- Column Separator
+ Output:Table:SummaryReports,
+ AllSummaryAndMonthly; !- Report 1 Name
+ Output:Meter,Electricity:Facility,hourly;
+ Output:Meter,Heating:Electricity,hourly;
+ Output:Meter,Cooling:Electricity,hourly;
+ Output:Meter,InteriorLights:Electricity,hourly;
+ Output:Meter,ExteriorLights:Electricity,hourly;
+ Output:Meter,InteriorEquipment:Electricity,hourly;
+ Output:Meter,ExteriorEquipment:Electricity,hourly;
+ Output:Meter,Fans:Electricity,hourly;
+ Output:Meter,Pumps:Electricity,hourly;
+ Output:Meter,HeatRejection:Electricity,hourly;
+ Output:Meter,Humidifier:Electricity,hourly;
+ Output:Meter,Refrigeration:Electricity,hourly;
+ Output:Meter,WaterSystems:Electricity,hourly;
+ Output:Meter,Gas:Facility,hourly;
+ Output:Meter,Heating:Gas,hourly;
+ Output:Meter,InteriorEquipment:Gas,hourly;
+ Output:Meter,WaterSystems:Gas,hourly;
Added: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/CHICAGO.epw
--- SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/CHICAGO.epw (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/CHICAGO.epw 2013-12-09 15:07:24 UTC (rev 7388)
@@ -0,0 +1,8768 @@
+LOCATION,Chicago Ohare Intl Ap,IL,USA,TMY3,725300,41.98,-87.92,-6.0,201.0
+DESIGN CONDITIONS,1,Climate Design Data 2009 ASHRAE Handbook,,Heating,1,-20,-16.6,-25.7,0.4,-19.2,-22.1,0.5,-15.7,12.4,-3.5,11.4,-3.2,4.9,270,Cooling,7,10.5,33.3,23.7,31.6,23,30.1,22.1,25.5,31.2,24.5,29.6,23.5,28.1,5.2,230,23.8,19.2,28.9,22.9,18,27.7,21.9,17,26.5,79.2,31.4,75.1,29.6,70.9,28.2,617,Extremes,11.1,9.4,8.6,28.5,-23.7,35.9,4.5,1.9,-27,37.3,-29.6,38.4,-32.2,39.5,-35.5,40.9
+TYPICAL/EXTREME PERIODS,6,Summer - Week Nearest Max Temperature For Period,Extreme,7/13,7/19,Summer - Week Nearest Average Temperature For Period,Typical,8/24,8/30,Winter - Week Nearest Min Temperature For Period,Extreme,1/27,2/ 2,Winter - Week Nearest Average Temperature For Period,Typical,12/22,12/28,Autumn - Week Nearest Average Temperature For Period,Typical,10/27,11/ 2,Spring - Week Nearest Average Temperature For Period,Typical,4/26,5/ 2
+GROUND TEMPERATURES,3,.5,,,,-1.89,-3.06,-0.99,2.23,10.68,17.20,21.60,22.94,20.66,15.60,8.83,2.56,2,,,,2.39,0.31,0.74,2.45,8.10,13.21,17.30,19.50,19.03,16.16,11.50,6.56,4,,,,5.93,3.80,3.34,3.98,7.18,10.62,13.78,15.98,16.49,15.25,12.51,9.17
+COMMENTS 1,Custom/User Format -- WMO#725300; NREL TMY Data Set (2008); Period of Record 1973-2005 (Generally)
+COMMENTS 2, -- Ground temps produced with a standard soil diffusivity of 2.3225760E-03 {m**2/day}
+DATA PERIODS,1,1,Data,Sunday, 1/ 1,12/31
Added: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/README
--- SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/README (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/README 2013-12-09 15:07:24 UTC (rev 7388)
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+To Run:
+ Edit setenv.sh and check to ensure that the specified tool
+ directories (for EnergyPlus and Node) exist and are accessible.
+For Beagle:
+ ./run.beagle.sh -sweep=t02.96T.12M.sweep -outdir=run09
+For Open Science Data Cloud (OSDC):
+ # start instances of Image "EPlus"
+ # create hosts.txt file: list of space-separated host names or IP addresses
+ # (can use listhosts.xh to get this list, from OSDC Sullivan login node.
+ ./setup # to start Swift worker service
+ ./run.osdc.sh -sweep=t02.96T.12M.sweep -outdir=run09
+ ./cleanup # to stop Swift worker service
+Options for run scripts are:
+ -outdir=run01
+ -epconfig=SWEEP_RECT.imf
+ -epweather=CHICAGO.epw
+ -sweep=t1.sweep
+Other run scripts are:
+ ./run.beagle.debug.sh
+ ./run.osdc.debug.sh
+Sweep parameter files look like:
+pnum pname pvals
+1 ORIENT 0,30,60
+2 NumberFloors 5,10,15,20
+3 W 10,20,30,40
+4 L 10,20,30,40
+5 WINTOP 1.8,2.5,3.5
+8 ENDDAY 28
+You can put *any* variables from the .imf file into the param-set
+The number of variables in this file is fixed, and must match the
+number of loops and array entries in the sweep.swift script.
+NOTE WELL: currently, 8
+The current version of sweep.swift is limited to 8 variables but you
+can easily add more to the .swift script. No .imf variable names are
+hard-coded (or even appear) in the .swift script any more.
+If we set it to 12 or 15 that would be more than enough for most
+imaginable studies.
+Unused variables must be coded as, e.g., "9 X X" where X can be any
+string thats not a variable in the .imf file. (I think "X" is ok).
Added: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/RunAndReduceEP.sh
--- SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/RunAndReduceEP.sh (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/RunAndReduceEP.sh 2013-12-09 15:07:24 UTC (rev 7388)
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+# set -x
+bin=$(cd $(dirname $0); pwd)
+source $bin/setenv.sh
+usage="$0 --app app_tar_URL --imf configfile --epw weatherfile --outall tarfile --outxml xmlfile --outjson jsonfile --params name value ..."
+while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
+ case $1 in
+ --imf) imf=$2; shift 2;;
+ --epw) epw=$2; shift 2;;
+ --app) app=$2; shift 2;;
+ --outall) outall=$2; shift 2;;
+ --outxml) outxml=$2; shift 2;;
+ --outjson) outjson=$2; shift 2;;
+ --params) shift 1;
+ while [ $# -gt 0 ] && ! echo $1 | grep -q -- -- ; do
+ pname=$1
+ pval=$2
+ shift 2
+ sed -i -e "/##set1 $pname\[\]/s/\[\].*/\[\] $pval/" $imf
+ done
+ ;;
+ *) echo $usage 1>&2
+ exit 1;;
+ esac
+runenergyplus $imf $epw
+if [ $RC = 0 ]; then
+ echo Energy Plus application completed: RC=0
+ $NODE_DIR/node $bin/parse.js eplustbl.xml
+ RC=$?
+ cp eplustbl.json $outjson
+ if [ $RC != 0 ]; then
+ echo Postprocessing script failed: RC=$RC
+ else
+ echo Postprocessing script completed: RC=$RC
+ fi
+ echo Energy Plus application failed: RC=$RC
+cp eplustbl.xml $outxml
+tar zcf $outall *
+exit $RC
Property changes on: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/RunAndReduceEP.sh
Added: svn:executable
+ *
Added: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/SWEEP_RECT.imf
--- SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/SWEEP_RECT.imf (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/SWEEP_RECT.imf 2013-12-09 15:07:24 UTC (rev 7388)
@@ -0,0 +1,9967 @@
+! General
+##set1 BEGINMONTH[] 1
+##set1 BEGINDAY[] 1
+##set1 ENDMONTH[] 1
+##set1 ENDDAY[] 2
+! {1A,1B,2A,2B,3A,3B,3C,4A,4B,4C,5A,5B,5C,6A,6B,7A,7B,8}
+##set1 CZ[] 4A
+! Geometry
+##set1 ORIENT[] 30
+##set1 NumberFloors[] 1
+##set1 W[] 20
+##set1 L[] 91
+##set1 FF[] 4
+##set1 PERIOFF[] 4.6
+##set1 COREOFF[] 13.7
+##set1 WINOFF[] 1
+##set1 WINTOP[] 3
+! Constructions
+! Using DefaultConstructions = 1 will override all constructions to comply with 90.1
+##set1 DefaultConstructions[] 1
+##set1 ROOFUVAL[] 0.273
+##set1 WALLUVAL[] 0.365
+##set1 WindowUVAL[] 2.84
+##set1 WindowSHGC[] 0.40
+##set1 SOG_Ffactor[] 1.264
+##set1 ROOFMAT[] 0
+! Loads
+##set1 OccDensity[] 20
+##set1 LightingPowerDensity[] 10.76
+##set1 DaylightSensors[] 1 ! 0 = OFF | 1 = ON
+##set1 DLSP_LUX[] 500
+##set1 ReceptaclePowerDensity[] 10.76
+##set1 ExteriorLightingPower[] 5000
+##set1 ElevatorPower[] 5000
+! HVAC System
+! SYSTEM7 is an ASHRAE 90.1-2007 Compliant SYS7 - VAV with Reheat
+! OptimizedVAV is VAV with Reheat with DDC & DUAL Max Control & SP Reset & HR
+! DOASFCU is a DOAS with HR & CV FCU (PSC Motor)
+! DOASECMFCU is a DOAS with HR & VS FCU (EC Motor)
+##set1 HVACSystem[] SYSTEM7
+! Ventilation Rate Specification for Office Program
+##set1 VRP[] 0.0025
+##set1 VRA[] 0.0003
+##set1 MULTI[] #[NumberFloors[] - 2]
+##set1 TopFloorElevation[] #[NumberFloors[] * FF[]]
+##set1 MidFloorElevation[] #[#[NumberFloors[] * FF[]] * 0.5]
+##set1 DIM1[] #[W[] - PERIOFF[]]
+##set1 DIM2[] #[L[] - PERIOFF[]]
+##set1 DIM3[] #[W[] - COREOFF[]]
+##set1 DIM4[] #[L[] - COREOFF[]]
+##set1 DIM5[] #[COREOFF[] - PERIOFF[]]
+##set1 DIM6[] #[DIM3[] - COREOFF[]]
+##set1 DIM7[] #[DIM4[] - COREOFF[]]
+! AREA in m2
+##set1 AREA_Floor1[] #[L[] * W[]]
+##set1 AREA_Floor2[] #[#[L[] * W[]] * MULTI[]]
+##set1 AREA_Floor3[] #[L[] * W[]]
+##set1 AREA_f1:PerimeterNorth[] #[#[L[] - PERIOFF[]] * PERIOFF[]]
+##set1 AREA_f1:PerimeterEast[] #[#[W[] - PERIOFF[]] * PERIOFF[]]
+##set1 AREA_f1:PerimeterSouth[] #[#[L[] - PERIOFF[]] * PERIOFF[]]
+##set1 AREA_f1:PerimeterWest[] #[#[W[] - PERIOFF[]] * PERIOFF[]]
+##set1 AREA_f1:InteriorNorth[] #[DIM7[] * DIM5[]]
+##set1 AREA_f1:InteriorEast[] #[DIM6[] * DIM5[]]
+##set1 AREA_f1:InteriorSouth[] #[DIM7[] * DIM5[]]
+##set1 AREA_f1:InteriorWest[] #[DIM6[] * DIM5[]]
+##set1 AREA_f1:Core[] #[DIM6[] * DIM7[]]
+##set1 AREA_f2:PerimeterNorth[] #[#[#[L[] - PERIOFF[]] * PERIOFF[]] * MULTI[]]
+##set1 AREA_f2:PerimeterEast[] #[#[#[W[] - PERIOFF[]] * PERIOFF[]] * MULTI[]]
+##set1 AREA_f2:PerimeterSouth[] #[#[#[L[] - PERIOFF[]] * PERIOFF[]] * MULTI[]]
+##set1 AREA_f2:PerimeterWest[] #[#[#[W[] - PERIOFF[]] * PERIOFF[]] * MULTI[]]
+##set1 AREA_f2:InteriorNorth[] #[#[DIM7[] * DIM5[]] * MULTI[]]
+##set1 AREA_f2:InteriorEast[] #[#[DIM6[] * DIM5[]] * MULTI[]]
+##set1 AREA_f2:InteriorSouth[] #[#[DIM7[] * DIM5[]] * MULTI[]]
+##set1 AREA_f2:InteriorWest[] #[#[DIM6[] * DIM5[]] * MULTI[]]
+##set1 AREA_f2:Core[] #[#[DIM6[] * DIM7[]] * MULTI[]]
+##set1 AREA_f3:PerimeterNorth[] #[#[L[] - PERIOFF[]] * PERIOFF[]]
+##set1 AREA_f3:PerimeterEast[] #[#[W[] - PERIOFF[]] * PERIOFF[]]
+##set1 AREA_f3:PerimeterSouth[] #[#[L[] - PERIOFF[]] * PERIOFF[]]
+##set1 AREA_f3:PerimeterWest[] #[#[W[] - PERIOFF[]] * PERIOFF[]]
+##set1 AREA_f3:InteriorNorth[] #[DIM7[] * DIM5[]]
+##set1 AREA_f3:InteriorEast[] #[DIM6[] * DIM5[]]
+##set1 AREA_f3:InteriorSouth[] #[DIM7[] * DIM5[]]
+##set1 AREA_f3:InteriorWest[] #[DIM6[] * DIM5[]]
+##set1 AREA_f3:Core[] #[DIM6[] * DIM7[]]
+! Minimum VAV airflow rate
+##set1 MINFLOW_f1:PerimeterNorth[] #[AREA_f3:PerimeterNorth[] * 0.00215]
+##set1 MINFLOW_f1:PerimeterEast[] #[AREA_f3:PerimeterEast[] * 0.00215]
+##set1 MINFLOW_f1:PerimeterSouth[] #[AREA_f3:PerimeterSouth[] * 0.00215]
+##set1 MINFLOW_f1:PerimeterWest[] #[AREA_f3:PerimeterWest[] * 0.00215]
+##set1 MINFLOW_f1:InteriorNorth[] #[AREA_f3:InteriorNorth[] * 0.00215]
+##set1 MINFLOW_f1:InteriorEast[] #[AREA_f3:InteriorEast[] * 0.00215]
+##set1 MINFLOW_f1:InteriorSouth[] #[AREA_f3:InteriorSouth[] * 0.00215]
+##set1 MINFLOW_f1:InteriorWest[] #[AREA_f3:InteriorWest[] * 0.00215]
+##set1 MINFLOW_f1:Core[] #[AREA_f3:Core[] * 0.00215]
+##set1 MINFLOW_f2:PerimeterNorth[] #[AREA_f2:PerimeterNorth[] * 0.00215]
+##set1 MINFLOW_f2:PerimeterEast[] #[AREA_f2:PerimeterEast[] * 0.00215]
+##set1 MINFLOW_f2:PerimeterSouth[] #[AREA_f2:PerimeterSouth[] * 0.00215]
+##set1 MINFLOW_f2:PerimeterWest[] #[AREA_f2:PerimeterWest[] * 0.00215]
+##set1 MINFLOW_f2:InteriorNorth[] #[AREA_f2:InteriorNorth[] * 0.00215]
+##set1 MINFLOW_f2:InteriorEast[] #[AREA_f2:InteriorEast[] * 0.00215]
+##set1 MINFLOW_f2:InteriorSouth[] #[AREA_f2:InteriorSouth[] * 0.00215]
+##set1 MINFLOW_f2:InteriorWest[] #[AREA_f2:InteriorWest[] * 0.00215]
+##set1 MINFLOW_f2:Core[] #[AREA_f2:Core[] * 0.00215]
+##set1 MINFLOW_f3:PerimeterNorth[] #[AREA_f3:PerimeterNorth[] * 0.00215]
+##set1 MINFLOW_f3:PerimeterEast[] #[AREA_f3:PerimeterEast[] * 0.00215]
+##set1 MINFLOW_f3:PerimeterSouth[] #[AREA_f3:PerimeterSouth[] * 0.00215]
+##set1 MINFLOW_f3:PerimeterWest[] #[AREA_f3:PerimeterWest[] * 0.00215]
+##set1 MINFLOW_f3:InteriorNorth[] #[AREA_f3:InteriorNorth[] * 0.00215]
+##set1 MINFLOW_f3:InteriorEast[] #[AREA_f3:InteriorEast[] * 0.00215]
+##set1 MINFLOW_f3:InteriorSouth[] #[AREA_f3:InteriorSouth[] * 0.00215]
+##set1 MINFLOW_f3:InteriorWest[] #[AREA_f3:InteriorWest[] * 0.00215]
+##set1 MINFLOW_f3:Core[] #[AREA_f3:Core[] * 0.00215]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRP_Floor1[] #[#[AREA_Floor1[] / OccDensity[]] * VRP[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRP_Floor2[] #[#[AREA_Floor2[] / OccDensity[]] * VRP[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRP_Floor3[] #[#[AREA_Floor3[] / OccDensity[]] * VRP[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRP_f1:PerimeterNorth[] #[#[AREA_f3:PerimeterNorth[] / OccDensity[]] * VRP[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRP_f1:PerimeterEast[] #[#[AREA_f3:PerimeterEast[] / OccDensity[]] * VRP[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRP_f1:PerimeterSouth[] #[#[AREA_f3:PerimeterSouth[] / OccDensity[]] * VRP[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRP_f1:PerimeterWest[] #[#[AREA_f3:PerimeterWest[] / OccDensity[]] * VRP[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRP_f1:InteriorNorth[] #[#[AREA_f3:InteriorNorth[] / OccDensity[]] * VRP[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRP_f1:InteriorEast[] #[#[AREA_f3:InteriorEast[] / OccDensity[]] * VRP[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRP_f1:InteriorSouth[] #[#[AREA_f3:InteriorSouth[] / OccDensity[]] * VRP[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRP_f1:InteriorWest[] #[#[AREA_f3:InteriorWest[] / OccDensity[]] * VRP[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRP_f1:Core[] #[#[AREA_f3:Core[] / OccDensity[]] * VRP[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRP_f2:PerimeterNorth[] #[#[AREA_f2:PerimeterNorth[] / OccDensity[]] * VRP[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRP_f2:PerimeterEast[] #[#[AREA_f2:PerimeterEast[] / OccDensity[]] * VRP[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRP_f2:PerimeterSouth[] #[#[AREA_f2:PerimeterSouth[] / OccDensity[]] * VRP[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRP_f2:PerimeterWest[] #[#[AREA_f2:PerimeterWest[] / OccDensity[]] * VRP[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRP_f2:InteriorNorth[] #[#[AREA_f2:InteriorNorth[] / OccDensity[]] * VRP[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRP_f2:InteriorEast[] #[#[AREA_f2:InteriorEast[] / OccDensity[]] * VRP[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRP_f2:InteriorSouth[] #[#[AREA_f2:InteriorSouth[] / OccDensity[]] * VRP[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRP_f2:InteriorWest[] #[#[AREA_f2:InteriorWest[] / OccDensity[]] * VRP[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRP_f2:Core[] #[#[AREA_f2:Core[] / OccDensity[]] * VRP[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRP_f3:PerimeterNorth[] #[#[AREA_f3:PerimeterNorth[] / OccDensity[]] * VRP[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRP_f3:PerimeterEast[] #[#[AREA_f3:PerimeterEast[] / OccDensity[]] * VRP[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRP_f3:PerimeterSouth[] #[#[AREA_f3:PerimeterSouth[] / OccDensity[]] * VRP[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRP_f3:PerimeterWest[] #[#[AREA_f3:PerimeterWest[] / OccDensity[]] * VRP[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRP_f3:InteriorNorth[] #[#[AREA_f3:InteriorNorth[] / OccDensity[]] * VRP[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRP_f3:InteriorEast[] #[#[AREA_f3:InteriorEast[] / OccDensity[]] * VRP[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRP_f3:InteriorSouth[] #[#[AREA_f3:InteriorSouth[] / OccDensity[]] * VRP[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRP_f3:InteriorWest[] #[#[AREA_f3:InteriorWest[] / OccDensity[]] * VRP[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRP_f3:Core[] #[#[AREA_f3:Core[] / OccDensity[]] * VRP[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRA_Floor1[] #[AREA_Floor1[] * VRA[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRA_Floor2[] #[AREA_Floor2[] * VRA[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRA_Floor3[] #[AREA_Floor3[] * VRA[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRA_f1:PerimeterNorth[] #[AREA_f3:PerimeterNorth[] * VRA[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRA_f1:PerimeterEast[] #[AREA_f3:PerimeterEast[] * VRA[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRA_f1:PerimeterSouth[] #[AREA_f3:PerimeterSouth[] * VRA[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRA_f1:PerimeterWest[] #[AREA_f3:PerimeterWest[] * VRA[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRA_f1:InteriorNorth[] #[AREA_f3:InteriorNorth[] * VRA[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRA_f1:InteriorEast[] #[AREA_f3:InteriorEast[] * VRA[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRA_f1:InteriorSouth[] #[AREA_f3:InteriorSouth[] * VRA[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRA_f1:InteriorWest[] #[AREA_f3:InteriorWest[] * VRA[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRA_f1:Core[] #[AREA_f3:Core[] * VRA[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRA_f2:PerimeterNorth[] #[AREA_f2:PerimeterNorth[] * VRA[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRA_f2:PerimeterEast[] #[AREA_f2:PerimeterEast[] * VRA[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRA_f2:PerimeterSouth[] #[AREA_f2:PerimeterSouth[] * VRA[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRA_f2:PerimeterWest[] #[AREA_f2:PerimeterWest[] * VRA[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRA_f2:InteriorNorth[] #[AREA_f2:InteriorNorth[] * VRA[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRA_f2:InteriorEast[] #[AREA_f2:InteriorEast[] * VRA[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRA_f2:InteriorSouth[] #[AREA_f2:InteriorSouth[] * VRA[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRA_f2:InteriorWest[] #[AREA_f2:InteriorWest[] * VRA[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRA_f2:Core[] #[AREA_f2:Core[] * VRA[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRA_f3:PerimeterNorth[] #[AREA_f3:PerimeterNorth[] * VRA[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRA_f3:PerimeterEast[] #[AREA_f3:PerimeterEast[] * VRA[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRA_f3:PerimeterSouth[] #[AREA_f3:PerimeterSouth[] * VRA[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRA_f3:PerimeterWest[] #[AREA_f3:PerimeterWest[] * VRA[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRA_f3:InteriorNorth[] #[AREA_f3:InteriorNorth[] * VRA[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRA_f3:InteriorEast[] #[AREA_f3:InteriorEast[] * VRA[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRA_f3:InteriorSouth[] #[AREA_f3:InteriorSouth[] * VRA[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRA_f3:InteriorWest[] #[AREA_f3:InteriorWest[] * VRA[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_VRA_f3:Core[] #[AREA_f3:Core[] * VRA[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_Floor1[] #[OAFLOW_VRA_Floor1[] + OAFLOW_VRP_Floor1[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_Floor2[] #[OAFLOW_VRA_Floor2[] + OAFLOW_VRP_Floor2[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_Floor3[] #[OAFLOW_VRA_Floor3[] + OAFLOW_VRP_Floor3[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_SUM_f1:PerimeterNorth[] #[OAFLOW_VRP_f1:PerimeterNorth[] + OAFLOW_VRA_f1:PerimeterNorth[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_SUM_f1:PerimeterEast[] #[OAFLOW_VRP_f1:PerimeterEast[] + OAFLOW_VRA_f1:PerimeterEast[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_SUM_f1:PerimeterSouth[] #[OAFLOW_VRP_f1:PerimeterSouth[] + OAFLOW_VRA_f1:PerimeterSouth[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_SUM_f1:PerimeterWest[] #[OAFLOW_VRP_f1:PerimeterWest[] + OAFLOW_VRA_f1:PerimeterWest[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_SUM_f1:InteriorNorth[] #[OAFLOW_VRP_f1:InteriorNorth[] + OAFLOW_VRA_f1:InteriorNorth[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_SUM_f1:InteriorEast[] #[OAFLOW_VRP_f1:InteriorEast[] + OAFLOW_VRA_f1:InteriorEast[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_SUM_f1:InteriorSouth[] #[OAFLOW_VRP_f1:InteriorSouth[] + OAFLOW_VRA_f1:InteriorSouth[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_SUM_f1:InteriorWest[] #[OAFLOW_VRP_f1:InteriorWest[] + OAFLOW_VRA_f1:InteriorWest[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_SUM_f1:Core[] #[OAFLOW_VRP_f1:Core[] + OAFLOW_VRA_f1:Core[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_SUM_f2:PerimeterNorth[] #[OAFLOW_VRP_f2:PerimeterNorth[] + OAFLOW_VRA_f2:PerimeterNorth[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_SUM_f2:PerimeterEast[] #[OAFLOW_VRP_f2:PerimeterEast[] + OAFLOW_VRA_f2:PerimeterEast[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_SUM_f2:PerimeterSouth[] #[OAFLOW_VRP_f2:PerimeterSouth[] + OAFLOW_VRA_f2:PerimeterSouth[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_SUM_f2:PerimeterWest[] #[OAFLOW_VRP_f2:PerimeterWest[] + OAFLOW_VRA_f2:PerimeterWest[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_SUM_f2:InteriorNorth[] #[OAFLOW_VRP_f2:InteriorNorth[] + OAFLOW_VRA_f2:InteriorNorth[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_SUM_f2:InteriorEast[] #[OAFLOW_VRP_f2:InteriorEast[] + OAFLOW_VRA_f2:InteriorEast[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_SUM_f2:InteriorSouth[] #[OAFLOW_VRP_f2:InteriorSouth[] + OAFLOW_VRA_f2:InteriorSouth[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_SUM_f2:InteriorWest[] #[OAFLOW_VRP_f2:InteriorWest[] + OAFLOW_VRA_f2:InteriorWest[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_SUM_f2:Core[] #[OAFLOW_VRP_f2:Core[] + OAFLOW_VRA_f2:Core[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_SUM_f3:PerimeterNorth[] #[OAFLOW_VRP_f3:PerimeterNorth[] + OAFLOW_VRA_f3:PerimeterNorth[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_SUM_f3:PerimeterEast[] #[OAFLOW_VRP_f3:PerimeterEast[] + OAFLOW_VRA_f3:PerimeterEast[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_SUM_f3:PerimeterSouth[] #[OAFLOW_VRP_f3:PerimeterSouth[] + OAFLOW_VRA_f3:PerimeterSouth[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_SUM_f3:PerimeterWest[] #[OAFLOW_VRP_f3:PerimeterWest[] + OAFLOW_VRA_f3:PerimeterWest[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_SUM_f3:InteriorNorth[] #[OAFLOW_VRP_f3:InteriorNorth[] + OAFLOW_VRA_f3:InteriorNorth[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_SUM_f3:InteriorEast[] #[OAFLOW_VRP_f3:InteriorEast[] + OAFLOW_VRA_f3:InteriorEast[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_SUM_f3:InteriorSouth[] #[OAFLOW_VRP_f3:InteriorSouth[] + OAFLOW_VRA_f3:InteriorSouth[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_SUM_f3:InteriorWest[] #[OAFLOW_VRP_f3:InteriorWest[] + OAFLOW_VRA_f3:InteriorWest[]]
+##set1 OAFLOW_SUM_f3:Core[] #[OAFLOW_VRP_f3:Core[] + OAFLOW_VRA_f3:Core[]]
+##if #[DefaultConstructions[] EQSU 1]
+ ##if #[#[CZ[] EQSU 1A] OR #[CZ[] EQSU 1B]]
+ ##set1 ROOFUVAL[] 0.360
+ ##set1 WALLUVAL[] 0.705
+ ##set1 WindowUVAL[] 6.81
+ ##set1 WindowSHGC[] 0.25
+ ##set1 SOG_Ffactor[] 1.264
+ ##ElseIf #[#[CZ[] EQSU 2A] OR #[CZ[] EQSU 2B]]
+ ##set1 ROOFUVAL[] 0.273
+ ##set1 WALLUVAL[] 0.705
+ ##set1 WindowUVAL[] 3.97
+ ##set1 WindowSHGC[] 0.25
+ ##set1 SOG_Ffactor[] 1.264
+ ##ElseIf #[#[#[CZ[] EQSU 3A] OR #[CZ[] EQSU 3B]] OR #[CZ[] EQSU 3C]]
+ ##set1 ROOFUVAL[] 0.273
+ ##set1 WALLUVAL[] 0.479
+ ##set1 WindowUVAL[] 3.41
+ ##set1 WindowSHGC[] 0.25
+ ##set1 SOG_Ffactor[] 1.264
+ ##ElseIf #[#[#[CZ[] EQSU 4A] OR #[CZ[] EQSU 4B]] OR #[CZ[] EQSU 4C]]
+ ##set1 ROOFUVAL[] 0.273
+ ##set1 WALLUVAL[] 0.365
+ ##set1 WindowUVAL[] 2.84
+ ##set1 WindowSHGC[] 0.40
+ ##set1 SOG_Ffactor[] 1.264
+ ##ElseIf #[#[#[CZ[] EQSU 5A] OR #[CZ[] EQSU 5B]] OR #[CZ[] EQSU 5C]]
+ ##set1 ROOFUVAL[] 0.273
+ ##set1 WALLUVAL[] 0.365
+ ##set1 WindowUVAL[] 2.56
+ ##set1 WindowSHGC[] 0.40
+ ##set1 SOG_Ffactor[] 1.264
+ ##ElseIf #[#[#[CZ[] EQSU 6A] OR #[CZ[] EQSU 6B]] OR #[CZ[] EQSU 6C]]
+ ##set1 ROOFUVAL[] 0.273
+ ##set1 WALLUVAL[] 0.365
+ ##set1 WindowUVAL[] 2.56
+ ##set1 WindowSHGC[] 0.40
+ ##set1 SOG_Ffactor[] 1.264
+ ##ElseIf #[#[#[CZ[] EQSU 7A] OR #[CZ[] EQSU 7B]] OR #[CZ[] EQSU 7C]]
+ ##set1 ROOFUVAL[] 0.273
+ ##set1 WALLUVAL[] 0.365
+ ##set1 WindowUVAL[] 2.27
+ ##set1 WindowSHGC[] 0.45
+ ##set1 SOG_Ffactor[] 0.9
+ ##ElseIf #[#[#[CZ[] EQSU 8] OR #[CZ[] EQSU 8A]] OR #[CZ[] EQSU 8B]]
+ ##set1 ROOFUVAL[] 0.273
+ ##set1 WALLUVAL[] 0.365
+ ##set1 WindowUVAL[] 2.27
+ ##set1 WindowSHGC[] 0.45
+ ##set1 SOG_Ffactor[] 0.9
+ ##endif
+!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: VERSION ===========
+ Version,8.0;
+ SimulationControl,
+ YES, !- Do Zone Sizing Calculation
+ YES, !- Do System Sizing Calculation
+ YES, !- Do Plant Sizing Calculation
+ No, !- Run Simulation for Sizing Periods
+ Yes; !- Run Simulation for Weather File Run Periods
+!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: BUILDING ===========
+ Building,
+ 0.0000, !- North Axis {deg}
+ City, !- Terrain
+ 0.0400, !- Loads Convergence Tolerance Value
+ 0.2000, !- Temperature Convergence Tolerance Value {deltaC}
+ FullExterior, !- Solar Distribution
+ 40, !- Maximum Number of Warmup Days
+ 6; !- Minimum Number of Warmup Days
+ ShadowCalculation,
+ AverageOverDaysInFrequency, !- Calculation Method
+ 7, !- Calculation Frequency
+ 15000; !- Maximum Figures in Shadow Overlap Calculations
+ SurfaceConvectionAlgorithm:Inside,TARP;
+ SurfaceConvectionAlgorithm:Outside,DOE-2;
+ HeatBalanceAlgorithm,ConductionTransferFunction,200.0000;
+ ZoneAirHeatBalanceAlgorithm,
+ AnalyticalSolution; !- Algorithm
+!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: TIMESTEP ===========
+ Timestep,4;
+ ConvergenceLimits,
+ 2, !- Minimum System Timestep {minutes}
+ 25; !- Maximum HVAC Iterations
+!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SITE:LOCATION ===========
+ Site:Location,
+ 41.77, !- Latitude {deg}
+ -87.75, !- Longitude {deg}
+ -6.00, !- Time Zone {hr}
+ 190; !- Elevation {m}
+ SizingPeriod:DesignDay,
+ CHICAGO Ann Htg 99.6% Condns DB, !- Name
+ 1, !- Month
+ 21, !- Day of Month
+ WinterDesignDay, !- Day Type
+ -20.6, !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 0.0, !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
+ , !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
+ , !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Day Schedule Name
+ Wetbulb, !- Humidity Condition Type
+ -20.6, !- Wetbulb or DewPoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
+ , !- Humidity Condition Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ , !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
+ , !- Daily Wet-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
+ 99063., !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
+ 4.9, !- Wind Speed {m/s}
+ 270, !- Wind Direction {deg}
+ No, !- Rain Indicator
+ No, !- Snow Indicator
+ No, !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator
+ ASHRAEClearSky, !- Solar Model Indicator
+ , !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
+ , !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance (taub) {dimensionless}
+ , !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance (taud) {dimensionless}
+ 0.00; !- Sky Clearness
+ SizingPeriod:DesignDay,
+ CHICAGO Ann Clg .4% Condns WB=>MDB, !- Name
+ 7, !- Month
+ 21, !- Day of Month
+ SummerDesignDay, !- Day Type
+ 31.2, !- Maximum Dry-Bulb Temperature {C}
+ 10.7, !- Daily Dry-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
+ , !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Type
+ , !- Dry-Bulb Temperature Range Modifier Day Schedule Name
+ Wetbulb, !- Humidity Condition Type
+ 25.5, !- Wetbulb or DewPoint at Maximum Dry-Bulb {C}
+ , !- Humidity Condition Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Humidity Ratio at Maximum Dry-Bulb {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ , !- Enthalpy at Maximum Dry-Bulb {J/kg}
+ , !- Daily Wet-Bulb Temperature Range {deltaC}
+ 99063., !- Barometric Pressure {Pa}
+ 5.3, !- Wind Speed {m/s}
+ 230, !- Wind Direction {deg}
+ No, !- Rain Indicator
+ No, !- Snow Indicator
+ No, !- Daylight Saving Time Indicator
+ ASHRAEClearSky, !- Solar Model Indicator
+ , !- Beam Solar Day Schedule Name
+ , !- Diffuse Solar Day Schedule Name
+ , !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance (taub) {dimensionless}
+ , !- ASHRAE Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance (taud) {dimensionless}
+ 1.00; !- Sky Clearness
+!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: RUNPERIOD ===========
+ RunPeriod,
+ , !- Name
+ BEGINMONTH[], !- Begin Month
+ BEGINDAY[], !- Begin Day of Month
+ ENDMONTH[], !- End Month
+ ENDDAY[], !- End Day of Month
+ Sunday, !- Day of Week for Start Day
+ No, !- Use Weather File Holidays and Special Days
+ No, !- Use Weather File Daylight Saving Period
+ No, !- Apply Weekend Holiday Rule
+ Yes, !- Use Weather File Rain Indicators
+ Yes, !- Use Weather File Snow Indicators
+ 1.0000; !- Number of Times Runperiod to be Repeated
+ RunPeriodControl:SpecialDays,
+ New Years Day, !- Name
+ January 1, !- Start Date
+ 1, !- Duration {days}
+ Holiday; !- Special Day Type
+ RunPeriodControl:SpecialDays,
+ Veterans Day, !- Name
+ November 11, !- Start Date
+ 1, !- Duration {days}
+ Holiday; !- Special Day Type
+ RunPeriodControl:SpecialDays,
+ Christmas, !- Name
+ December 25, !- Start Date
+ 1, !- Duration {days}
+ Holiday; !- Special Day Type
+ RunPeriodControl:SpecialDays,
+ Independence Day, !- Name
+ July 4, !- Start Date
+ 1, !- Duration {days}
+ Holiday; !- Special Day Type
+ RunPeriodControl:SpecialDays,
+ MLK Day, !- Name
+ 3rd Monday in January, !- Start Date
+ 1, !- Duration {days}
+ Holiday; !- Special Day Type
+ RunPeriodControl:SpecialDays,
+ Presidents Day, !- Name
+ 3rd Monday in February, !- Start Date
+ 1, !- Duration {days}
+ Holiday; !- Special Day Type
+ RunPeriodControl:SpecialDays,
+ Memorial Day, !- Name
+ Last Monday in May, !- Start Date
+ 1, !- Duration {days}
+ Holiday; !- Special Day Type
+ RunPeriodControl:SpecialDays,
+ Labor Day, !- Name
+ 1st Monday in September, !- Start Date
+ 1, !- Duration {days}
+ Holiday; !- Special Day Type
+ RunPeriodControl:SpecialDays,
+ Columbus Day, !- Name
+ 2nd Monday in October, !- Start Date
+ 1, !- Duration {days}
+ Holiday; !- Special Day Type
+ RunPeriodControl:SpecialDays,
+ Thanksgiving, !- Name
+ 4th Thursday in November,!- Start Date
+ 1, !- Duration {days}
+ Holiday; !- Special Day Type
+ RunPeriodControl:DaylightSavingTime,
+ 2nd Sunday in March, !- Start Date
+ 1st Sunday in November; !- End Date
+ Site:GroundTemperature:BuildingSurface,19.527,19.502,19.536,19.598,20.002,21.640,22.225,22.375,21.449,20.121,19.802,19.633;
+ Site:WaterMainsTemperature,
+ CORRELATION, !- Calculation Method
+ , !- Temperature Schedule Name
+ 9.69, !- Annual Average Outdoor Air Temperature {C}
+ 28.10; !- Maximum Difference In Monthly Average Outdoor Air Temperatures {deltaC}
+ ScheduleTypeLimits,
+ Any Number; !- Name
+ ScheduleTypeLimits,
+ Fraction, !- Name
+ 0.0, !- Lower Limit Value
+ 1.0, !- Upper Limit Value
+ CONTINUOUS; !- Numeric Type
+ ScheduleTypeLimits,
+ Temperature, !- Name
+ -60, !- Lower Limit Value
+ 200, !- Upper Limit Value
+ CONTINUOUS; !- Numeric Type
+ ScheduleTypeLimits,
+ On/Off, !- Name
+ 0, !- Lower Limit Value
+ 1, !- Upper Limit Value
+ DISCRETE; !- Numeric Type
+ ScheduleTypeLimits,
+ Control Type, !- Name
+ 0, !- Lower Limit Value
+ 4, !- Upper Limit Value
+ DISCRETE; !- Numeric Type
+ ScheduleTypeLimits,
+ Humidity, !- Name
+ 10, !- Lower Limit Value
+ 90, !- Upper Limit Value
+ CONTINUOUS; !- Numeric Type
+ ScheduleTypeLimits,
+ Number; !- Name
+!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SCHEDULE:COMPACT ===========
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Name
+ On/Off, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 24:00,1; !- Field 3
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ ALWAYS 1, !- Name
+ Any Number, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 24:00,1; !- Field 3
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ ALWAYS 4, !- Name
+ Any Number, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 24:00,4; !- Field 3
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ ALWAYS 6.67, !- Name
+ Any Number, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 24:00,6.67; !- Field 3
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ ALWAYS 12.2, !- Name
+ Any Number, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 24:00,12.2; !- Field 3
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ ALWAYS 12.8, !- Name
+ Any Number, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 24:00,12.8; !- Field 3
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ ALWAYS 29.4, !- Name
+ Any Number, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 24:00,29.4; !- Field 3
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ ALWAYS 82, !- Name
+ Any Number, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 24:00,82; !- Field 3
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 04:00,0.05, !- Field 3
+ Until: 05:00,0.10, !- Field 5
+ Until: 06:00,0.20, !- Field 7
+ Until: 07:00,0.40, !- Field 9
+ Until: 09:00,0.50, !- Field 11
+ Until: 10:00,0.35, !- Field 13
+ Until: 16:00,0.15, !- Field 15
+ Until: 17:00,0.35, !- Field 17
+ Until: 19:00,0.50, !- Field 19
+ Until: 21:00,0.40, !- Field 21
+ Until: 22:00,0.30, !- Field 23
+ Until: 23:00,0.20, !- Field 25
+ Until: 24:00,0.10; !- Field 27
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay, !- Field 2
+ Until: 06:00,1.0, !- Field 3
+ Until: 22:00,0.25, !- Field 5
+ Until: 24:00,1.0, !- Field 7
+ For: Saturday WinterDesignDay, !- Field 9
+ Until: 06:00,1.0, !- Field 10
+ Until: 18:00,0.25, !- Field 12
+ Until: 24:00,1.0, !- Field 14
+ For: Sunday Holidays AllOtherDays, !- Field 16
+ Until: 24:00,1.0; !- Field 17
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ BLDG_OCC_SCH, !- Name
+ Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: SummerDesignDay, !- Field 2
+ Until: 06:00,0.0, !- Field 3
+ Until: 22:00,1.0, !- Field 5
+ Until: 24:00,0.05, !- Field 7
+ For: Weekdays, !- Field 9
+ Until: 06:00,0.0, !- Field 10
+ Until: 07:00,0.1, !- Field 12
+ Until: 08:00,0.2, !- Field 14
+ Until: 12:00,0.95, !- Field 16
+ Until: 13:00,0.5, !- Field 18
+ Until: 17:00,0.95, !- Field 20
+ Until: 18:00,0.7, !- Field 22
+ Until: 20:00,0.4, !- Field 24
+ Until: 22:00,0.1, !- Field 26
+ Until: 24:00,0.05, !- Field 28
+ For: Saturday, !- Field 30
+ Until: 06:00,0.0, !- Field 31
+ Until: 08:00,0.1, !- Field 33
+ Until: 14:00,0.5, !- Field 35
+ Until: 17:00,0.1, !- Field 37
+ Until: 24:00,0.0, !- Field 39
+ For: AllOtherDays, !- Field 41
+ Until: 24:00,0.0; !- Field 42
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: Weekdays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 05:00,0.05, !- Field 3
+ Until: 07:00,0.1, !- Field 5
+ Until: 08:00,0.3, !- Field 7
+ Until: 17:00,0.9, !- Field 9
+ Until: 18:00,0.7, !- Field 11
+ Until: 20:00,0.5, !- Field 13
+ Until: 22:00,0.3, !- Field 15
+ Until: 23:00,0.1, !- Field 17
+ Until: 24:00,0.05, !- Field 19
+ For: Saturday, !- Field 21
+ Until: 06:00,0.05, !- Field 22
+ Until: 08:00,0.1, !- Field 24
+ Until: 14:00,0.5, !- Field 26
+ Until: 17:00,0.15, !- Field 28
+ Until: 24:00,0.05, !- Field 30
+ For: SummerDesignDay, !- Field 32
+ Until: 24:00,1.0, !- Field 33
+ For: WinterDesignDay, !- Field 35
+ Until: 24:00,0.0, !- Field 36
+ For: AllOtherDays, !- Field 38
+ Until: 24:00,0.05; !- Field 39
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: Weekdays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 08:00,0.40, !- Field 3
+ Until: 12:00,0.90, !- Field 5
+ Until: 13:00,0.80, !- Field 7
+ Until: 17:00,0.90, !- Field 9
+ Until: 18:00,0.80, !- Field 11
+ Until: 20:00,0.60, !- Field 13
+ Until: 22:00,0.50, !- Field 15
+ Until: 24:00,0.40, !- Field 17
+ For: Saturday, !- Field 19
+ Until: 06:00,0.30, !- Field 20
+ Until: 08:00,0.4, !- Field 22
+ Until: 14:00,0.5, !- Field 24
+ Until: 17:00,0.35, !- Field 26
+ Until: 24:00,0.30, !- Field 28
+ For: SummerDesignDay, !- Field 30
+ Until: 24:00,1.0, !- Field 31
+ For: WinterDesignDay, !- Field 33
+ Until: 24:00,0.0, !- Field 34
+ For: AllOtherDays, !- Field 36
+ Until: 24:00,0.30; !- Field 37
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ Any Number, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 24:00,120; !- Field 3
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Name
+ Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 24:00,0.0; !- Field 3
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Name
+ Any Number, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 24:00,0.2; !- Field 3
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ Any Number, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 04/30, !- Field 1
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 24:00,1.0, !- Field 3
+ Through: 09/30, !- Field 5
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 6
+ Until: 24:00,0.5, !- Field 7
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 9
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 10
+ Until: 24:00,1.0; !- Field 11
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ CLGSETP_SCH, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay, !- Field 2
+ Until: 06:00,26.7, !- Field 3
+ Until: 22:00,24.0, !- Field 5
+ Until: 24:00,26.7, !- Field 7
+ For: Saturday, !- Field 9
+ Until: 06:00,26.7, !- Field 10
+ Until: 18:00,24.0, !- Field 12
+ Until: 24:00,26.7, !- Field 14
+ For WinterDesignDay, !- Field 16
+ Until: 24:00,26.7, !- Field 17
+ For: AllOtherDays, !- Field 19
+ Until: 24:00,26.7; !- Field 20
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ HTGSETP_SCH, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: Weekdays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 06:00,15.6, !- Field 3
+ Until: 22:00,21.0, !- Field 5
+ Until: 24:00,15.6, !- Field 7
+ For SummerDesignDay, !- Field 9
+ Until: 24:00,15.6, !- Field 10
+ For: Saturday, !- Field 12
+ Until: 06:00,15.6, !- Field 13
+ Until: 18:00,21.0, !- Field 15
+ Until: 24:00,15.6, !- Field 17
+ For: WinterDesignDay, !- Field 19
+ Until: 24:00,21.0, !- Field 20
+ For: AllOtherDays, !- Field 22
+ Until: 24:00,15.6; !- Field 23
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ Seasonal-Reset-Supply-Air-Temp-Sch, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 24:00,12.8; !- Field 3
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ MinOA_MotorizedDamper_Sched, !- Name
+ Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay, !- Field 2
+ Until: 07:00,0.0, !- Field 3
+ Until: 22:00,1.0, !- Field 5
+ Until: 24:00,0.0, !- Field 7
+ For: Saturday WinterDesignDay, !- Field 9
+ Until: 07:00,0.0, !- Field 10
+ Until: 18:00,1.0, !- Field 12
+ Until: 24:00,0.0, !- Field 14
+ For: AllOtherDays, !- Field 16
+ Until: 24:00,0.0; !- Field 17
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ Dual Zone Control Type Sched, !- Name
+ Control Type, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 24:00,4; !- Field 3
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Name
+ On/Off, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay, !- Field 2
+ Until: 06:00,0.0, !- Field 3
+ Until: 22:00,1.0, !- Field 5
+ Until: 24:00,0.0, !- Field 7
+ For: Saturday WinterDesignDay, !- Field 9
+ Until: 06:00,0.0, !- Field 10
+ Until: 18:00,1.0, !- Field 12
+ Until: 24:00,0.0, !- Field 14
+ For: AllOtherDays, !- Field 16
+ Until: 24:00,0.0; !- Field 17
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ CW-Loop-Temp-Schedule, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 24:00,6.7; !- Field 3
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ HW-Loop-Temp-Schedule, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 24:00,82.2; !- Field 3
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ BLDG_SWH_SCH, !- Name
+ Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: Weekdays SummerDesignDay, !- Field 2
+ Until: 05:00,0.05, !- Field 3
+ Until: 06:00,0.08, !- Field 5
+ Until: 07:00,0.07, !- Field 7
+ Until: 08:00,0.19, !- Field 9
+ Until: 09:00,0.35, !- Field 11
+ Until: 10:00,0.38, !- Field 13
+ Until: 11:00,0.39, !- Field 15
+ Until: 12:00,0.47, !- Field 17
+ Until: 13:00,0.57, !- Field 19
+ Until: 14:00,0.54, !- Field 21
+ Until: 15:00,0.34, !- Field 23
+ Until: 16:00,0.33, !- Field 25
+ Until: 17:00,0.44, !- Field 27
+ Until: 18:00,0.26, !- Field 29
+ Until: 19:00,0.21, !- Field 31
+ Until: 20:00,0.15, !- Field 33
+ Until: 21:00,0.17, !- Field 35
+ Until: 22:00,0.08, !- Field 37
+ Until: 24:00,0.05, !- Field 39
+ For: Saturday WinterDesignDay, !- Field 41
+ Until: 05:00,0.05, !- Field 42
+ Until: 06:00,0.08, !- Field 44
+ Until: 07:00,0.07, !- Field 46
+ Until: 08:00,0.11, !- Field 48
+ Until: 09:00,0.15, !- Field 50
+ Until: 10:00,0.21, !- Field 52
+ Until: 11:00,0.19, !- Field 54
+ Until: 12:00,0.23, !- Field 56
+ Until: 13:00,0.20, !- Field 58
+ Until: 14:00,0.19, !- Field 60
+ Until: 15:00,0.15, !- Field 62
+ Until: 16:00,0.13, !- Field 64
+ Until: 17:00,0.14, !- Field 66
+ Until: 21:00,0.07, !- Field 68
+ Until: 22:00,0.09, !- Field 70
+ Until: 24:00,0.05, !- Field 72
+ For: AllOtherDays, !- Field 74
+ Until: 05:00,0.04, !- Field 75
+ Until: 06:00,0.07, !- Field 77
+ Until: 11:00,0.04, !- Field 79
+ Until: 13:00,0.06, !- Field 81
+ Until: 14:00,0.09, !- Field 83
+ Until: 15:00,0.06, !- Field 85
+ Until: 21:00,0.04, !- Field 87
+ Until: 22:00,0.07, !- Field 89
+ Until: 24:00,0.04; !- Field 91
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ Water Equipment Latent fract sched, !- Name
+ Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 24:00,0.05; !- Field 3
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ Water Equipment Sensible fract sched, !- Name
+ Fraction, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 24:00,0.2; !- Field 3
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ SWHSys1 Water Heater Ambient Temperature Schedule Name, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 24:00,22.0; !- Field 3
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ Water Equipment Temp Sched, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 24:00,43.3; !- Field 3
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ Water Equipment Hot Supply Temp Sched, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 24:00,43.3; !- Field 3
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ SWHSys1 Water Heater Setpoint Temperature Schedule Name, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 24:00,60.0; !- Field 3
+ Schedule:Compact,
+ SWHSys1-Loop-Temp-Schedule, !- Name
+ Temperature, !- Schedule Type Limits Name
+ Through: 12/31, !- Field 1
+ For: AllDays, !- Field 2
+ Until: 24:00,60.0; !- Field 3
+!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: MATERIAL ===========
+ Material,
+ SteelFramed NonRes Wall Insulation, !- Name
+ MediumRough, !- Roughness
+ 0.100, !- Thickness {m}
+ #[WALLUVAL[] * 0.1], !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 265.0000, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 836.8000, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9000, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7000, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7000; !- Visible Absorptance
+ Material,
+ IEAD NonRes Roof Insulation, !- Name
+ MediumRough, !- Roughness
+ 0.1, !- Thickness {m}
+ #[ROOFUVAL[] * 0.1], !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 265.0000, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 836.8000, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9000, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7000, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7000; !- Visible Absorptance
+ Material,
+ UGWall NonRes Insulation,!- Name
+ MediumRough, !- Roughness
+ 0.0001, !- Thickness {m}
+ 0.049, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 265.0000, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 836.8000, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9000, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7000, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7000; !- Visible Absorptance
+ Material,
+ Std Wood 6inch, !- Name
+ MediumSmooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.15, !- Thickness {m}
+ 0.12, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 540.0000, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 1210, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9000000, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7000000, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7000000; !- Visible Absorptance
+ Material,
+ Wood Siding, !- Name
+ MediumSmooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.0100, !- Thickness {m}
+ 0.1100, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 544.6200, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 1210.0000, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9000, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7800, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7800; !- Visible Absorptance
+ Material,
+ 1/2IN Gypsum, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.0127, !- Thickness {m}
+ 0.1600, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 784.9000, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 830.0000, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9000, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.9200, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.9200; !- Visible Absorptance
+ Material,
+ 1IN Stucco, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.0253, !- Thickness {m}
+ 0.6918, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 1858.0000, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 837.0000, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9000, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.9200, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.9200; !- Visible Absorptance
+ Material,
+ 8IN CONCRETE HW, !- Name
+ Rough, !- Roughness
+ 0.2032, !- Thickness {m}
+ 1.3110, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 2240.0000, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 836.8000, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9000, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7000, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7000; !- Visible Absorptance
+ Material,
+ Metal Siding, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.0015, !- Thickness {m}
+ 44.9600, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 7688.8600, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 410.0000, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9000, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.2000, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.2000; !- Visible Absorptance
+ Material,
+ HW CONCRETE, !- Name
+ Rough, !- Roughness
+ 0.1016, !- Thickness {m}
+ 1.3110, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 2240.0000, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 836.8000, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9000, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7000, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7000; !- Visible Absorptance
+ Material,
+ Wall Membrane, !- Name
+ VeryRough, !- Roughness
+ 0.0095, !- Thickness {m}
+ 0.1600, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 1121.2900, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 1460.0000, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9000, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7000, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7000; !- Visible Absorptance
+ Material,
+ Metal Decking, !- Name
+ MediumSmooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.0015, !- Thickness {m}
+ 45.0060, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 7680.0000, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 418.4000, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9000, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7000, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.3000; !- Visible Absorptance
+ Material,
+ Metal Roofing, !- Name
+ MediumSmooth, !- Roughness
+ 0.0015, !- Thickness {m}
+ 45.0060, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 7680.0000, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 418.4000, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9000, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7000, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.3000; !- Visible Absorptance
+ Material,
+ MAT-CC05 4 HW CONCRETE, !- Name
+ Rough, !- Roughness
+ 0.1016, !- Thickness {m}
+ 1.3110, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 2240.0000, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 836.8000, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9000, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7000, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.7000; !- Visible Absorptance
+ Material,
+ Std AC02, !- Name
+ MediumSmooth, !- Roughness
+ 1.2700000E-02, !- Thickness {m}
+ 5.7000000E-02, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 288.0000, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 1339.000, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9000000, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7000000, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.2000000; !- Visible Absorptance
+##if #[ROOFMAT[] EQS 0]
+ ! - roof material
+ ! - source: http://www1.eere.energy.gov/wip/pdfs/20110411_cool_roofs.pdf
+ ! - initial
+ Material,
+ Roof Membrane, !- Name
+ VeryRough, !- Roughness
+ 0.0095, !- Thickness {m}
+ 0.1600, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 1121.2900, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 1460.0000, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.9000, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.6000, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.2000; !- Visible Absorptance
+##elseif #[ROOFMAT[] EQS 1]
+! - To qualify for a rating, roofing materials must have a solar reflectance of at least 0.65 and thermal emittance of at least 0.90
+!- AcryShield - A590
+!Product Type : Coating
+!Initial Solar Reflectance : 0.92
+!Solar Reflectance after 3 years : 0.87
+!Initial Emissivity : 0.87
+!Low Slope? : Yes
+!Steep Slope? : No
+!Warranty Period (Years) : 20
+!Markets : United States
+ Material,
+ Roof Membrane, !- Name
+ VeryRough, !- Roughness
+ 0.0095, !- Thickness {m}
+ 0.1600, !- Conductivity {W/m-K}
+ 1121.2900, !- Density {kg/m3}
+ 1460.0000, !- Specific Heat {J/kg-K}
+ 0.8700, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.1000, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.2000; !- Visible Absorptance
+ ##endif
+!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: MATERIAL:NOMASS ===========
+ Material:NoMass,
+ CP02 CARPET PAD, !- Name
+ VeryRough, !- Roughness
+ 0.2165, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
+ 0.9000, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 0.7000, !- Solar Absorptance
+ 0.8000; !- Visible Absorptance
+ AirWall; !- Name
+ Material:NoMass,
+ AIRGAP, !- Name
+ Smooth, !- Roughness
+ 10000, !- Thermal Resistance {m2-K/W}
+ 0.99999, !- Thermal Absorptance
+ 1; !- Solar Absorptance
+ WindowMaterial:SimpleGlazingSystem,
+ NonRes Fixed Assembly Window, !- Name
+ WindowUVAL[], !- U-Factor {W/m2-K}
+ WindowSHGC[]; !- Solar Heat Gain Coefficient
+!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: CONSTRUCTION ===========
+ Construction,
+ SteelFramed Non-res Ext Wall, !- Name
+ Wall Membrane, !- Outside Layer
+ SteelFramed NonRes Wall Insulation; !- Layer 3
+ Construction,
+ IEAD Non-res Roof, !- Name
+ Roof Membrane, !- Outside Layer
+ IEAD NonRes Roof Insulation, !- Layer 2
+ Metal Decking; !- Layer 3
+ Construction,
+ int-walls, !- Name
+ 1/2IN Gypsum, !- Outside Layer
+ 1/2IN Gypsum; !- Layer 2
+ Construction,
+ MAT-CC05 4 HW CONCRETE, !- Outside Layer
+ CP02 CARPET PAD; !- Layer 2
+ Construction,
+ CP02 CARPET PAD, !- Outside Layer
+ MAT-CC05 4 HW CONCRETE; !- Layer 2
+ Construction,
+ Underground Wall Non-res,!- Name
+ 8IN Concrete HW, !- Outside Layer
+ UGWall NonRes Insulation;!- Layer 2
+ Construction,
+ Window Non-res Fixed, !- Name
+ NonRes Fixed Assembly Window; !- Outside Layer
+ Construction,
+ DropCeiling, !- Name
+ Std AC02; !- Outside Layer
+ Construction,
+ InteriorFurnishings, !- Name
+ Std Wood 6inch; !- Outside Layer
+ Construction,
+ AIRGAP, !- Name
+ AirWall; !- Outside Layer
+ SOG_Interior, !- Name
+ HW CONCRETE, !- Outside Layer
+ CP02 CARPET PAD; !- Layer 2
+ SOG_PerimeterNorth, !- Name
+ SOG_Ffactor[], !- F-Factor {W/m-K}
+ AREA_f1:PerimeterNorth[], !- Area {m2}
+ L[]; !- PerimeterExposed {m}
+ SOG_PerimeterEast, !- Name
+ SOG_Ffactor[], !- F-Factor {W/m-K}
+ AREA_f1:PerimeterEast[], !- Area {m2}
+ W[]; !- PerimeterExposed {m}
+ SOG_PerimeterSouth, !- Name
+ SOG_Ffactor[], !- F-Factor {W/m-K}
+ AREA_f1:PerimeterSouth[], !- Area {m2}
+ L[]; !- PerimeterExposed {m}
+ SOG_PerimeterWest, !- Name
+ SOG_Ffactor[], !- F-Factor {W/m-K}
+ AREA_f1:PerimeterWest[], !- Area {m2}
+ W[]; !- PerimeterExposed {m}
+ GlobalGeometryRules,
+ LowerLeftCorner, !- Starting Vertex Position
+ Clockwise, !- Vertex Entry Direction
+ Relative, !- Coordinate System
+ Relative; !- Daylighting Reference Point Coordinate System
+!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: ZONE ===========
+ Zone,
+ f1:PerimeterNorth, !- Name
+ 0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ , !- Multiplier
+ autocalculate, !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ autocalculate, !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate; !- Floor Area {m2}
+ Zone,
+ f1:PerimeterSouth, !- Name
+ 0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ , !- Multiplier
+ autocalculate, !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ autocalculate, !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate; !- Floor Area {m2}
+ Zone,
+ f1:PerimeterEast, !- Name
+ 0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ , !- Multiplier
+ autocalculate, !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ autocalculate, !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate; !- Floor Area {m2}
+ Zone,
+ f1:PerimeterWest, !- Name
+ 0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ , !- Multiplier
+ autocalculate, !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ autocalculate, !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate; !- Floor Area {m2}
+ Zone,
+ f1:InteriorNorth, !- Name
+ 0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ , !- Multiplier
+ autocalculate, !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ autocalculate, !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate; !- Floor Area {m2}
+ Zone,
+ f1:InteriorSouth, !- Name
+ 0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ , !- Multiplier
+ autocalculate, !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ autocalculate, !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate; !- Floor Area {m2}
+ Zone,
+ f1:InteriorEast, !- Name
+ 0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ , !- Multiplier
+ autocalculate, !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ autocalculate, !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate; !- Floor Area {m2}
+ Zone,
+ f1:InteriorWest, !- Name
+ 0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ , !- Multiplier
+ autocalculate, !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ autocalculate, !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate; !- Floor Area {m2}
+ Zone,
+ f1:Core, !- Name
+ 0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Y Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ , !- Multiplier
+ autocalculate, !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ autocalculate, !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate; !- Floor Area {m2}
+ Zone,
+ f2:PerimeterNorth, !- Name
+ 0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Y Origin {m}
+ MidFloorElevation[], !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ , !- Multiplier
+ autocalculate, !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ autocalculate, !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate; !- Floor Area {m2}
+ Zone,
+ f2:PerimeterSouth, !- Name
+ 0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Y Origin {m}
+ MidFloorElevation[], !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ , !- Multiplier
+ autocalculate, !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ autocalculate, !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate; !- Floor Area {m2}
+ Zone,
+ f2:PerimeterEast, !- Name
+ 0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Y Origin {m}
+ MidFloorElevation[], !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ , !- Multiplier
+ autocalculate, !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ autocalculate, !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate; !- Floor Area {m2}
+ Zone,
+ f2:PerimeterWest, !- Name
+ 0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Y Origin {m}
+ MidFloorElevation[], !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ , !- Multiplier
+ autocalculate, !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ autocalculate, !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate; !- Floor Area {m2}
+ Zone,
+ f2:InteriorNorth, !- Name
+ 0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Y Origin {m}
+ MidFloorElevation[], !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ , !- Multiplier
+ autocalculate, !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ autocalculate, !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate; !- Floor Area {m2}
+ Zone,
+ f2:InteriorSouth, !- Name
+ 0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Y Origin {m}
+ MidFloorElevation[], !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ , !- Multiplier
+ autocalculate, !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ autocalculate, !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate; !- Floor Area {m2}
+ Zone,
+ f2:InteriorEast, !- Name
+ 0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Y Origin {m}
+ MidFloorElevation[], !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ , !- Multiplier
+ autocalculate, !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ autocalculate, !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate; !- Floor Area {m2}
+ Zone,
+ f2:InteriorWest, !- Name
+ 0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Y Origin {m}
+ MidFloorElevation[], !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ , !- Multiplier
+ autocalculate, !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ autocalculate, !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate; !- Floor Area {m2}
+ Zone,
+ f2:Core, !- Name
+ 0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Y Origin {m}
+ MidFloorElevation[], !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ , !- Multiplier
+ autocalculate, !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ autocalculate, !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate; !- Floor Area {m2}
+ Zone,
+ f3:PerimeterNorth, !- Name
+ 0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Y Origin {m}
+ TopFloorElevation[], !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ , !- Multiplier
+ autocalculate, !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ autocalculate, !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate; !- Floor Area {m2}
+ Zone,
+ f3:PerimeterSouth, !- Name
+ 0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Y Origin {m}
+ TopFloorElevation[], !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ , !- Multiplier
+ autocalculate, !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ autocalculate, !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate; !- Floor Area {m2}
+ Zone,
+ f3:PerimeterEast, !- Name
+ 0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Y Origin {m}
+ TopFloorElevation[], !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ , !- Multiplier
+ autocalculate, !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ autocalculate, !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate; !- Floor Area {m2}
+ Zone,
+ f3:PerimeterWest, !- Name
+ 0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Y Origin {m}
+ TopFloorElevation[], !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ , !- Multiplier
+ autocalculate, !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ autocalculate, !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate; !- Floor Area {m2}
+ Zone,
+ f3:InteriorNorth, !- Name
+ 0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Y Origin {m}
+ TopFloorElevation[], !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ , !- Multiplier
+ autocalculate, !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ autocalculate, !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate; !- Floor Area {m2}
+ Zone,
+ f3:InteriorSouth, !- Name
+ 0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Y Origin {m}
+ TopFloorElevation[], !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ , !- Multiplier
+ autocalculate, !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ autocalculate, !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate; !- Floor Area {m2}
+ Zone,
+ f3:InteriorEast, !- Name
+ 0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Y Origin {m}
+ TopFloorElevation[], !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ , !- Multiplier
+ autocalculate, !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ autocalculate, !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate; !- Floor Area {m2}
+ Zone,
+ f3:InteriorWest, !- Name
+ 0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Y Origin {m}
+ TopFloorElevation[], !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ , !- Multiplier
+ autocalculate, !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ autocalculate, !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate; !- Floor Area {m2}
+ Zone,
+ f3:Core, !- Name
+ 0, !- Direction of Relative North {deg}
+ 0, !- X Origin {m}
+ 0, !- Y Origin {m}
+ TopFloorElevation[], !- Z Origin {m}
+ 1, !- Type
+ , !- Multiplier
+ autocalculate, !- Ceiling Height {m}
+ autocalculate, !- Volume {m3}
+ autocalculate; !- Floor Area {m2}
+!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: ZONELIST ===========
+ ZoneList,
+ AllPerimeterZones, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ f1:PerimeterNorth, !- Zone 1 Name
+ f1:PerimeterSouth, !- Zone 2 Name
+ f1:PerimeterEast, !- Zone 3 Name
+ f1:PerimeterWest, !- Zone 4 Name
+ f2:PerimeterNorth, !- Zone 1 Name
+ f2:PerimeterSouth, !- Zone 2 Name
+ f2:PerimeterEast, !- Zone 3 Name
+ f2:PerimeterWest, !- Zone 4 Name
+ f3:PerimeterNorth, !- Zone 1 Name
+ f3:PerimeterSouth, !- Zone 2 Name
+ f3:PerimeterEast, !- Zone 3 Name
+ f3:PerimeterWest; !- Zone 4 Name
+ ZoneList,
+ AllInteriorZones, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ f1:InteriorNorth, !- Zone 1 Name
+ f1:InteriorSouth, !- Zone 2 Name
+ f1:InteriorEast, !- Zone 3 Name
+ f1:InteriorWest, !- Zone 4 Name
+ f2:InteriorNorth, !- Zone 1 Name
+ f2:InteriorSouth, !- Zone 2 Name
+ f2:InteriorEast, !- Zone 3 Name
+ f2:InteriorWest, !- Zone 4 Name
+ f3:InteriorNorth, !- Zone 1 Name
+ f3:InteriorSouth, !- Zone 2 Name
+ f3:InteriorEast, !- Zone 3 Name
+ f3:InteriorWest; !- Zone 4 Name
+ ZoneList,
+ AllCoreZones, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ f1:Core, !- Zone 1 Name
+ f2:Core, !- Zone 1 Name
+ f3:Core; !- Zone 1 Name
+ ZoneList,
+ TypicalFloorZones, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ f2:PerimeterNorth, !- Zone 1 Name
+ f2:PerimeterSouth, !- Zone 2 Name
+ f2:PerimeterEast, !- Zone 3 Name
+ f2:PerimeterWest, !- Zone 4 Name
+ f2:InteriorNorth, !- Zone 1 Name
+ f2:InteriorSouth, !- Zone 2 Name
+ f2:InteriorEast, !- Zone 3 Name
+ f2:InteriorWest, !- Zone 4 Name
+ f2:Core; !- Zone 1 Name
+!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: ZONEGROUP ===========
+ TypicalFloor Multiplier, !- Name
+ TypicalFloorZones, !- Zone List Name
+ MULTI[]; !- Zone List Multiplier
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:N-EXT, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ SteelFramed Non-res Ext Wall, !- Construction Name
+ f1:PerimeterNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ L[],W[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ L[],W[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0,W[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0,W[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:S-EXT, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ SteelFramed Non-res Ext Wall, !- Construction Name
+ f1:PerimeterSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0,0,0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0,0,FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ L[],0,FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ L[],0,0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:E-EXT, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ SteelFramed Non-res Ext Wall, !- Construction Name
+ f1:PerimeterEast, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ L[],0,0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ L[],0,FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ L[],W[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ L[],W[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:W-EXT, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ SteelFramed Non-res Ext Wall, !- Construction Name
+ f1:PerimeterWest, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0,W[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0,0,0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ 0,0,FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0,W[],FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:S-P-FLOOR, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ SOG_PerimeterSouth, !- Construction Name
+ f1:PerimeterSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Ground, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0,0,0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ L[],0,0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:S-P-CEILING, !- Name
+ Roof, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ f1:PerimeterSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Adiabatic, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0,0,FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ L[],0,FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:S-P-1, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f1:PerimeterSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f1:W-P-3, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0,0,0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0,0,FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:S-P-2, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f1:PerimeterSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f1:S-I-2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],FF[];!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:S-P-3, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f1:PerimeterSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f1:E-P-1, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ L[],0,FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ L[],0,0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:W-P-FLOOR, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ SOG_PerimeterWest, !- Construction Name
+ f1:PerimeterWest, !- Zone Name
+ Ground, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0,W[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0,0,0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:W-P-CEILING, !- Name
+ Roof, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ f1:PerimeterWest, !- Zone Name
+ Adiabatic, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0,W[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0,0,FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:W-P-1, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f1:PerimeterWest, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f1:N-P-3, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0,W[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0,W[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:W-P-2, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f1:PerimeterWest, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f1:W-I-2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:W-P-3, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f1:PerimeterWest, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f1:S-P-1, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0,0,FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0,0,0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:N-P-FLOOR, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ SOG_PerimeterNorth, !- Construction Name
+ f1:PerimeterNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Ground, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ L[],W[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0,W[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:N-P-CEILING, !- Name
+ Roof, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ f1:PerimeterNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Adiabatic, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ L[],W[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0,W[],FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:N-P-1, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f1:PerimeterNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f1:E-P-3, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ L[],W[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ L[],W[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:N-P-2, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f1:PerimeterNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f1:N-I-2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:N-P-3, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f1:PerimeterNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f1:W-P-1, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0,W[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0,W[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:E-P-FLOOR, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ SOG_PerimeterEast, !- Construction Name
+ f1:PerimeterEast, !- Zone Name
+ Ground, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ L[],0,0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ L[],W[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:E-P-CEILING, !- Name
+ Roof, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ f1:PerimeterEast, !- Zone Name
+ Adiabatic, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ L[],0,FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ L[],W[],FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:E-P-1, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f1:PerimeterEast, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f1:S-P-3, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ L[],0,0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ L[],0,FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:E-P-2, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f1:PerimeterEast, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f1:E-I-2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:E-P-3, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f1:PerimeterEast, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f1:N-P-1, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ L[],W[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ L[],W[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:S-I-FLOOR, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ SOG_Interior, !- Construction Name
+ f1:InteriorSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Ground, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:S-I-CEILING, !- Name
+ Roof, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ f1:InteriorSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Adiabatic, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:S-I-CORE, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ f1:InteriorSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f1:CORE-S, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:S-I-1, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f1:InteriorSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f1:W-I-3, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:S-I-2, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f1:InteriorSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f1:S-P-2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:S-I-3, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f1:InteriorSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f1:E-I-1, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:W-I-FLOOR, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ SOG_Interior, !- Construction Name
+ f1:InteriorWest, !- Zone Name
+ Ground, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:W-I-CEILING, !- Name
+ Roof, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ f1:InteriorWest, !- Zone Name
+ Adiabatic, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],FF[];!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:W-I-CORE, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ f1:InteriorWest, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f1:CORE-W, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:W-I-1, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f1:InteriorWest, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f1:N-I-3, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:W-I-2, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f1:InteriorWest, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f1:W-P-2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:W-I-3, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f1:InteriorWest, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f1:S-I-1, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:N-I-FLOOR, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ SOG_Interior, !- Construction Name
+ f1:InteriorNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Ground, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:N-I-CEILING, !- Name
+ Roof, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ f1:InteriorNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Adiabatic, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:N-I-CORE, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ f1:InteriorNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f1:CORE-N, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:N-I-1, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f1:InteriorNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f1:E-I-3, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:N-I-2, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f1:InteriorNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f1:N-P-2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:N-I-3, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f1:InteriorNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f1:W-I-1, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:E-I-FLOOR, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ SOG_Interior, !- Construction Name
+ f1:InteriorEast, !- Zone Name
+ Ground, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:E-I-CEILING, !- Name
+ Roof, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ f1:InteriorEast, !- Zone Name
+ Adiabatic, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:E-I-CORE, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ f1:InteriorEast, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f1:CORE-E, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:E-I-1, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f1:InteriorEast, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f1:S-I-3, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:E-I-2, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f1:InteriorEast, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f1:E-P-2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:E-I-3, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f1:InteriorEast, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f1:N-I-1, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:CORE-FLOOR, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ SOG_Interior, !- Construction Name
+ f1:Core, !- Zone Name
+ Ground, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:CORE-CEILING, !- Name
+ Roof, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ f1:Core, !- Zone Name
+ Adiabatic, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:CORE-S, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ f1:Core, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ S-I-CORE, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],FF[];!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:CORE-W, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ f1:Core, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f1:W-I-CORE, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:CORE-N, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ f1:Core, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f1:N-I-CORE, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:CORE-E, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ f1:Core, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f1:E-I-CORE, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:N-EXT, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ SteelFramed Non-res Ext Wall, !- Construction Name
+ f2:PerimeterNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ L[],W[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ L[],W[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0,W[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0,W[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:S-EXT, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ SteelFramed Non-res Ext Wall, !- Construction Name
+ f2:PerimeterSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0,0,0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0,0,FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ L[],0,FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ L[],0,0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:E-EXT, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ SteelFramed Non-res Ext Wall, !- Construction Name
+ f2:PerimeterEast, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ L[],0,0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ L[],0,FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ L[],W[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ L[],W[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:W-EXT, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ SteelFramed Non-res Ext Wall, !- Construction Name
+ f2:PerimeterWest, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0,W[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0,0,0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ 0,0,FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0,W[],FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:S-P-FLOOR, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE, !- Construction Name
+ f2:PerimeterSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Adiabatic, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0,0,0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ L[],0,0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:S-P-CEILING, !- Name
+ Roof, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ f2:PerimeterSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Adiabatic, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0,0,FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ L[],0,FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:S-P-1, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f2:PerimeterSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f2:W-P-3, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0,0,0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0,0,FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:S-P-2, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f2:PerimeterSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f2:S-I-2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],FF[];!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:S-P-3, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f2:PerimeterSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f2:E-P-1, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ L[],0,FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ L[],0,0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:W-P-FLOOR, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE, !- Construction Name
+ f2:PerimeterWest, !- Zone Name
+ Adiabatic, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0,W[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0,0,0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:W-P-CEILING, !- Name
+ Roof, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ f2:PerimeterWest, !- Zone Name
+ Adiabatic, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0,W[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0,0,FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:W-P-1, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f2:PerimeterWest, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f2:N-P-3, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0,W[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0,W[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:W-P-2, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f2:PerimeterWest, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f2:W-I-2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:W-P-3, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f2:PerimeterWest, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f2:S-P-1, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0,0,FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0,0,0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:N-P-FLOOR, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE, !- Construction Name
+ f2:PerimeterNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Adiabatic, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ L[],W[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0,W[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:N-P-CEILING, !- Name
+ Roof, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ f2:PerimeterNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Adiabatic, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ L[],W[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0,W[],FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:N-P-1, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f2:PerimeterNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f2:E-P-3, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ L[],W[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ L[],W[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:N-P-2, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f2:PerimeterNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f2:N-I-2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:N-P-3, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f2:PerimeterNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f2:W-P-1, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0,W[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0,W[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:E-P-FLOOR, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE, !- Construction Name
+ f2:PerimeterEast, !- Zone Name
+ Adiabatic, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ L[],0,0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ L[],W[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:E-P-CEILING, !- Name
+ Roof, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ f2:PerimeterEast, !- Zone Name
+ Adiabatic, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ L[],0,FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ L[],W[],FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:E-P-1, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f2:PerimeterEast, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f2:S-P-3, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ L[],0,0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ L[],0,FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:E-P-2, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f2:PerimeterEast, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f2:E-I-2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:E-P-3, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f2:PerimeterEast, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f2:N-P-1, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ L[],W[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ L[],W[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:S-I-FLOOR, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE, !- Construction Name
+ f2:InteriorSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Adiabatic, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:S-I-CEILING, !- Name
+ Roof, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ f2:InteriorSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Adiabatic, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:S-I-CORE, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ f2:InteriorSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f2:CORE-S, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:S-I-1, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f2:InteriorSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f2:W-I-3, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:S-I-2, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f2:InteriorSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f2:S-P-2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:S-I-3, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f2:InteriorSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f2:E-I-1, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:W-I-FLOOR, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE, !- Construction Name
+ f2:InteriorWest, !- Zone Name
+ Adiabatic, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:W-I-CEILING, !- Name
+ Roof, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ f2:InteriorWest, !- Zone Name
+ Adiabatic, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],FF[];!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:W-I-CORE, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ f2:InteriorWest, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f2:CORE-W, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:W-I-1, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f2:InteriorWest, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f2:N-I-3, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:W-I-2, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f2:InteriorWest, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f2:W-P-2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:W-I-3, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f2:InteriorWest, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f2:S-I-1, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:N-I-FLOOR, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE, !- Construction Name
+ f2:InteriorNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Adiabatic, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:N-I-CEILING, !- Name
+ Roof, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ f2:InteriorNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Adiabatic, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:N-I-CORE, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ f2:InteriorNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f2:CORE-N, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:N-I-1, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f2:InteriorNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f2:E-I-3, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:N-I-2, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f2:InteriorNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f2:N-P-2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:N-I-3, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f2:InteriorNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f2:W-I-1, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:E-I-FLOOR, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE, !- Construction Name
+ f2:InteriorEast, !- Zone Name
+ Adiabatic, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:E-I-CEILING, !- Name
+ Roof, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ f2:InteriorEast, !- Zone Name
+ Adiabatic, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:E-I-CORE, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ f2:InteriorEast, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f2:CORE-E, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:E-I-1, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f2:InteriorEast, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f2:S-I-3, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:E-I-2, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f2:InteriorEast, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f2:E-P-2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:E-I-3, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f2:InteriorEast, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f2:N-I-1, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:CORE-FLOOR, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE, !- Construction Name
+ f2:Core, !- Zone Name
+ Adiabatic, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:CORE-CEILING, !- Name
+ Roof, !- Surface Type
+ DropCeiling, !- Construction Name
+ f2:Core, !- Zone Name
+ Adiabatic, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:CORE-S, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ f2:Core, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ S-I-CORE, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],FF[];!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:CORE-W, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ f2:Core, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f2:W-I-CORE, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:CORE-N, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ f2:Core, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f2:N-I-CORE, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:CORE-E, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ f2:Core, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f2:E-I-CORE, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:N-EXT, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ SteelFramed Non-res Ext Wall, !- Construction Name
+ f3:PerimeterNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ L[],W[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ L[],W[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0,W[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0,W[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:S-EXT, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ SteelFramed Non-res Ext Wall, !- Construction Name
+ f3:PerimeterSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0,0,0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0,0,FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ L[],0,FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ L[],0,0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:E-EXT, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ SteelFramed Non-res Ext Wall, !- Construction Name
+ f3:PerimeterEast, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ L[],0,0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ L[],0,FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ L[],W[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ L[],W[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:W-EXT, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ SteelFramed Non-res Ext Wall, !- Construction Name
+ f3:PerimeterWest, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0,W[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0,0,0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ 0,0,FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0,W[],FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:S-P-FLOOR, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE, !- Construction Name
+ f3:PerimeterSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Adiabatic, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0,0,0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ L[],0,0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:S-P-CEILING, !- Name
+ Roof, !- Surface Type
+ IEAD Non-res Roof, !- Construction Name
+ f3:PerimeterSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0,0,FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ L[],0,FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:S-P-1, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f3:PerimeterSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f3:W-P-3, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0,0,0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0,0,FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:S-P-2, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f3:PerimeterSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f3:S-I-2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],FF[];!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:S-P-3, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f3:PerimeterSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f3:E-P-1, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ L[],0,FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ L[],0,0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:W-P-FLOOR, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE, !- Construction Name
+ f3:PerimeterWest, !- Zone Name
+ Adiabatic, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0,W[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0,0,0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:W-P-CEILING, !- Name
+ Roof, !- Surface Type
+ IEAD Non-res Roof, !- Construction Name
+ f3:PerimeterWest, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0,W[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0,0,FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:W-P-1, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f3:PerimeterWest, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f3:N-P-3, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0,W[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0,W[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:W-P-2, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f3:PerimeterWest, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f3:W-I-2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:W-P-3, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f3:PerimeterWest, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f3:S-P-1, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0,0,FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0,0,0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:N-P-FLOOR, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE, !- Construction Name
+ f3:PerimeterNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Adiabatic, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ L[],W[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0,W[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:N-P-CEILING, !- Name
+ Roof, !- Surface Type
+ IEAD Non-res Roof, !- Construction Name
+ f3:PerimeterNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ L[],W[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0,W[],FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:N-P-1, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f3:PerimeterNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f3:E-P-3, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ L[],W[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ L[],W[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:N-P-2, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f3:PerimeterNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f3:N-I-2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:N-P-3, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f3:PerimeterNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f3:W-P-1, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0,W[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0,W[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:E-P-FLOOR, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE, !- Construction Name
+ f3:PerimeterEast, !- Zone Name
+ Adiabatic, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ L[],0,0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ L[],W[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:E-P-CEILING, !- Name
+ Roof, !- Surface Type
+ IEAD Non-res Roof, !- Construction Name
+ f3:PerimeterEast, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ L[],0,FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ L[],W[],FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:E-P-1, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f3:PerimeterEast, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f3:S-P-3, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ L[],0,0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ L[],0,FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:E-P-2, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f3:PerimeterEast, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f3:E-I-2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:E-P-3, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f3:PerimeterEast, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f3:N-P-1, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ L[],W[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ L[],W[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:S-I-FLOOR, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE, !- Construction Name
+ f3:InteriorSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Adiabatic, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:S-I-CEILING, !- Name
+ Roof, !- Surface Type
+ IEAD Non-res Roof, !- Construction Name
+ f3:InteriorSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:S-I-CORE, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ f3:InteriorSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f3:CORE-S, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:S-I-1, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f3:InteriorSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f3:W-I-3, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:S-I-2, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f3:InteriorSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f3:S-P-2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:S-I-3, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f3:InteriorSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f3:E-I-1, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:W-I-FLOOR, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE, !- Construction Name
+ f3:InteriorWest, !- Zone Name
+ Adiabatic, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:W-I-CEILING, !- Name
+ Roof, !- Surface Type
+ IEAD Non-res Roof, !- Construction Name
+ f3:InteriorWest, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],FF[];!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:W-I-CORE, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ f3:InteriorWest, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f3:CORE-W, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:W-I-1, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f3:InteriorWest, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f3:N-I-3, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:W-I-2, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f3:InteriorWest, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f3:W-P-2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:W-I-3, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f3:InteriorWest, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f3:S-I-1, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],PERIOFF[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:N-I-FLOOR, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE, !- Construction Name
+ f3:InteriorNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Adiabatic, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:N-I-CEILING, !- Name
+ Roof, !- Surface Type
+ IEAD Non-res Roof, !- Construction Name
+ f3:InteriorNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:N-I-CORE, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ f3:InteriorNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f3:CORE-N, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:N-I-1, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f3:InteriorNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f3:E-I-3, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:N-I-2, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f3:InteriorNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f3:N-P-2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:N-I-3, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f3:InteriorNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f3:W-I-1, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ PERIOFF[],DIM1[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:E-I-FLOOR, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE, !- Construction Name
+ f3:InteriorEast, !- Zone Name
+ Adiabatic, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:E-I-CEILING, !- Name
+ Roof, !- Surface Type
+ IEAD Non-res Roof, !- Construction Name
+ f3:InteriorEast, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:E-I-CORE, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ f3:InteriorEast, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f3:CORE-E, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:E-I-1, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f3:InteriorEast, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f3:S-I-3, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:E-I-2, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f3:InteriorEast, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f3:E-P-2, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM2[],PERIOFF[],FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:E-I-3, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ AIRGAP, !- Construction Name
+ f3:InteriorEast, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f3:N-I-1, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM2[],DIM1[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:CORE-FLOOR, !- Name
+ Floor, !- Surface Type
+ INT-FLOOR-TOPSIDE, !- Construction Name
+ f3:Core, !- Zone Name
+ Adiabatic, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],0; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:CORE-CEILING, !- Name
+ Roof, !- Surface Type
+ IEAD Non-res Roof, !- Construction Name
+ f3:Core, !- Zone Name
+ Outdoors, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ SunExposed, !- Sun Exposure
+ WindExposed, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:CORE-S, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ f3:Core, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ S-I-CORE, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],FF[];!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:CORE-W, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ f3:Core, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f3:W-I-CORE, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ COREOFF[],COREOFF[],FF[],!- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:CORE-N, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ f3:Core, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f3:N-I-CORE, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ COREOFF[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ BuildingSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:CORE-E, !- Name
+ Wall, !- Surface Type
+ int-walls, !- Construction Name
+ f3:Core, !- Zone Name
+ Surface, !- Outside Boundary Condition
+ f3:E-I-CORE, !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ NoSun, !- Sun Exposure
+ NoWind, !- Wind Exposure
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],0, !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ DIM4[],DIM3[],FF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ DIM4[],COREOFF[],FF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ FenestrationSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:N-WIN, !- Name
+ Window, !- Surface Type
+ Window Non-res Fixed, !- Construction Name
+ f1:N-EXT, !- Building Surface Name
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Shading Control Name
+ , !- Frame and Divider Name
+ , !- Multiplier
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ #[L[] - 0.01],W[],WINOFF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ #[L[] - 0.01],W[],WINTOP[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.01,W[],WINTOP[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0.01,W[],WINOFF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ FenestrationSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:S-WIN, !- Name
+ Window, !- Surface Type
+ Window Non-res Fixed, !- Construction Name
+ f1:S-EXT, !- Building Surface Name
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Shading Control Name
+ , !- Frame and Divider Name
+ , !- Multiplier
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0.01,0,WINOFF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.01,0,WINTOP[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ #[L[] - 0.01],0,WINTOP[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ #[L[] - 0.01],0,WINOFF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ FenestrationSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:E-WIN, !- Name
+ Window, !- Surface Type
+ Window Non-res Fixed, !- Construction Name
+ f1:E-EXT, !- Building Surface Name
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Shading Control Name
+ , !- Frame and Divider Name
+ , !- Multiplier
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ L[],0.01,WINOFF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ L[],0.01,WINTOP[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ L[],#[W[] - 0.01],WINTOP[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ L[],#[W[] - 0.01],WINOFF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ FenestrationSurface:Detailed,
+ f1:W-WIN, !- Name
+ Window, !- Surface Type
+ Window Non-res Fixed, !- Construction Name
+ f1:W-EXT, !- Building Surface Name
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Shading Control Name
+ , !- Frame and Divider Name
+ , !- Multiplier
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0,0.01,WINOFF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0,0.01,WINTOP[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0,#[W[] - 0.01],WINTOP[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0,#[W[] - 0.01],WINOFF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ FenestrationSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:N-WIN, !- Name
+ Window, !- Surface Type
+ Window Non-res Fixed, !- Construction Name
+ f2:N-EXT, !- Building Surface Name
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Shading Control Name
+ , !- Frame and Divider Name
+ , !- Multiplier
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ #[L[] - 0.01],W[],WINOFF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ #[L[] - 0.01],W[],WINTOP[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.01,W[],WINTOP[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0.01,W[],WINOFF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ FenestrationSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:S-WIN, !- Name
+ Window, !- Surface Type
+ Window Non-res Fixed, !- Construction Name
+ f2:S-EXT, !- Building Surface Name
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Shading Control Name
+ , !- Frame and Divider Name
+ , !- Multiplier
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0.01,0,WINOFF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.01,0,WINTOP[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ #[L[] - 0.01],0,WINTOP[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ #[L[] - 0.01],0,WINOFF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ FenestrationSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:E-WIN, !- Name
+ Window, !- Surface Type
+ Window Non-res Fixed, !- Construction Name
+ f2:E-EXT, !- Building Surface Name
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Shading Control Name
+ , !- Frame and Divider Name
+ , !- Multiplier
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ L[],0.01,WINOFF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ L[],0.01,WINTOP[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ L[],#[W[] - 0.01],WINTOP[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ L[],#[W[] - 0.01],WINOFF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ FenestrationSurface:Detailed,
+ f2:W-WIN, !- Name
+ Window, !- Surface Type
+ Window Non-res Fixed, !- Construction Name
+ f2:W-EXT, !- Building Surface Name
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Shading Control Name
+ , !- Frame and Divider Name
+ , !- Multiplier
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0,0.01,WINOFF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0,0.01,WINTOP[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0,#[W[] - 0.01],WINTOP[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0,#[W[] - 0.01],WINOFF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ FenestrationSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:N-WIN, !- Name
+ Window, !- Surface Type
+ Window Non-res Fixed, !- Construction Name
+ f3:N-EXT, !- Building Surface Name
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Shading Control Name
+ , !- Frame and Divider Name
+ , !- Multiplier
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ #[L[] - 0.01],W[],WINOFF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ #[L[] - 0.01],W[],WINTOP[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0.01,W[],WINTOP[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0.01,W[],WINOFF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ FenestrationSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:S-WIN, !- Name
+ Window, !- Surface Type
+ Window Non-res Fixed, !- Construction Name
+ f3:S-EXT, !- Building Surface Name
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Shading Control Name
+ , !- Frame and Divider Name
+ , !- Multiplier
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0.01,0,WINOFF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0.01,0,WINTOP[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ #[L[] - 0.01],0,WINTOP[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ #[L[] - 0.01],0,WINOFF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ FenestrationSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:E-WIN, !- Name
+ Window, !- Surface Type
+ Window Non-res Fixed, !- Construction Name
+ f3:E-EXT, !- Building Surface Name
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Shading Control Name
+ , !- Frame and Divider Name
+ , !- Multiplier
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ L[],0.01,WINOFF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ L[],0.01,WINTOP[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ L[],#[W[] - 0.01],WINTOP[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ L[],#[W[] - 0.01],WINOFF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+ FenestrationSurface:Detailed,
+ f3:W-WIN, !- Name
+ Window, !- Surface Type
+ Window Non-res Fixed, !- Construction Name
+ f3:W-EXT, !- Building Surface Name
+ , !- Outside Boundary Condition Object
+ autocalculate, !- View Factor to Ground
+ , !- Shading Control Name
+ , !- Frame and Divider Name
+ , !- Multiplier
+ autocalculate, !- Number of Vertices
+ 0,0.01,WINOFF[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 1 {m}
+ 0,0.01,WINTOP[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 2 {m}
+ 0,#[W[] - 0.01],WINTOP[], !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 3 {m}
+ 0,#[W[] - 0.01],WINOFF[]; !- X,Y,Z ==> Vertex 4 {m}
+!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: PEOPLE ===========
+ People,
+ CORE-PEOPLE, !- Name
+ AllCoreZones, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_OCC_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
+ Area/Person, !- Number of People Calculation Method
+ , !- Number of People
+ , !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
+ OccDensity[], !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
+ 0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
+ ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
+ , !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
+ No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
+ ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
+ , !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
+ WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
+ CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
+ AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
+ FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
+ People,
+ PERI-PEOPLE, !- Name
+ AllPerimeterZones, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_OCC_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
+ Area/Person, !- Number of People Calculation Method
+ , !- Number of People
+ , !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
+ OccDensity[], !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
+ 0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
+ ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
+ , !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
+ No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
+ ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
+ , !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
+ WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
+ CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
+ AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
+ FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
+ People,
+ INT-PEOPLE, !- Name
+ AllInteriorZones, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_OCC_SCH, !- Number of People Schedule Name
+ Area/Person, !- Number of People Calculation Method
+ , !- Number of People
+ , !- People per Zone Floor Area {person/m2}
+ OccDensity[], !- Zone Floor Area per Person {m2/person}
+ 0.3000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ AUTOCALCULATE, !- Sensible Heat Fraction
+ ACTIVITY_SCH, !- Activity Level Schedule Name
+ , !- Carbon Dioxide Generation Rate {m3/s-W}
+ No, !- Enable ASHRAE 55 Comfort Warnings
+ ZoneAveraged, !- Mean Radiant Temperature Calculation Type
+ , !- Surface Name/Angle Factor List Name
+ WORK_EFF_SCH, !- Work Efficiency Schedule Name
+ CLOTHING_SCH, !- Clothing Insulation Schedule Name
+ AIR_VELO_SCH, !- Air Velocity Schedule Name
+ FANGER; !- Thermal Comfort Model 1 Type
+!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: LIGHTS ===========
+ Lights,
+ CORE-LIGHTS, !- Name
+ AllCoreZones, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_LIGHT_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Lighting Level {W}
+ LightingPowerDensity[], !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
+ 0.4000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
+ DaylightSensors[], !- Fraction Replaceable
+ General, !- End-Use Subcategory
+ No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
+ Lights,
+ AllPerimeterZones, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_LIGHT_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Lighting Level {W}
+ LightingPowerDensity[], !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
+ 0.4000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
+ DaylightSensors[], !- Fraction Replaceable
+ General, !- End-Use Subcategory
+ No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
+ Lights,
+ AllInteriorZones, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_LIGHT_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Lighting Level {W}
+ LightingPowerDensity[], !- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.0000, !- Return Air Fraction
+ 0.4000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.2000, !- Fraction Visible
+ DaylightSensors[], !- Fraction Replaceable
+ General, !- End-Use Subcategory
+ No; !- Return Air Fraction Calculated from Plenum Temperature
+ ElectricEquipment,
+ CORE-PLUG, !- Name
+ AllCoreZones, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_EQUIP_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Level {W}
+ ReceptaclePowerDensity[],!- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
+ 0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ ElectricEquipment,
+ AllPerimeterZones, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_EQUIP_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Level {W}
+ ReceptaclePowerDensity[],!- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
+ 0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ ElectricEquipment,
+ AllInteriorZones, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ BLDG_EQUIP_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Watts/Area, !- Design Level Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Level {W}
+ ReceptaclePowerDensity[],!- Watts per Zone Floor Area {W/m2}
+ , !- Watts per Person {W/person}
+ 0.0000, !- Fraction Latent
+ 0.5000, !- Fraction Radiant
+ 0.0000, !- Fraction Lost
+ General; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ f1:PerimeterSouth, !- Zone Name
+ 2, !- Total Daylighting Reference Points
+ #[L[] / 3], !- X-Coordinate of First Reference Point {m}
+ #[PERIOFF[] - 0.1], !- Y-Coordinate of First Reference Point {m}
+ 0.762, !- Z-Coordinate of First Reference Point {m}
+ #[#[L[] / 3] * 2], !- X-Coordinate of Second Reference Point {m}
+ #[PERIOFF[] - 0.1], !- Y-Coordinate of Second Reference Point {m}
+ 0.762, !- Z-Coordinate of Second Reference Point {m}
+ 0.5, !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by First Reference Point
+ 0.5, !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Second Reference Point
+ DLSP_LUX[], !- Illuminance Setpoint at First Reference Point {lux}
+ DLSP_LUX[], !- Illuminance Setpoint at Second Reference Point {lux}
+ 1, !- Lighting Control Type
+ 180, !- Glare Calculation Azimuth Angle of View Direction Clockwise from Zone y-Axis {deg}
+ 20, !- Maximum Allowable Discomfort Glare Index
+ 0.3, !- Minimum Input Power Fraction for Continuous Dimming Control
+ 0.2, !- Minimum Light Output Fraction for Continuous Dimming Control
+ 3, !- Number of Stepped Control Steps
+ 1.0; !- Probability Lighting will be Reset When Needed in Manual Stepped Control
+ f2:PerimeterSouth, !- Zone Name
+ 2, !- Total Daylighting Reference Points
+ #[L[] / 3], !- X-Coordinate of First Reference Point {m}
+ #[PERIOFF[] - 0.1], !- Y-Coordinate of First Reference Point {m}
+ 0.762, !- Z-Coordinate of First Reference Point {m}
+ #[#[L[] / 3] * 2], !- X-Coordinate of Second Reference Point {m}
+ #[PERIOFF[] - 0.1], !- Y-Coordinate of Second Reference Point {m}
+ 0.762, !- Z-Coordinate of Second Reference Point {m}
+ 0.5, !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by First Reference Point
+ 0.5, !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Second Reference Point
+ DLSP_LUX[], !- Illuminance Setpoint at First Reference Point {lux}
+ DLSP_LUX[], !- Illuminance Setpoint at Second Reference Point {lux}
+ 1, !- Lighting Control Type
+ 180, !- Glare Calculation Azimuth Angle of View Direction Clockwise from Zone y-Axis {deg}
+ 20, !- Maximum Allowable Discomfort Glare Index
+ 0.3, !- Minimum Input Power Fraction for Continuous Dimming Control
+ 0.2, !- Minimum Light Output Fraction for Continuous Dimming Control
+ 3, !- Number of Stepped Control Steps
+ 1.0; !- Probability Lighting will be Reset When Needed in Manual Stepped Control
+ f3:PerimeterSouth, !- Zone Name
+ 2, !- Total Daylighting Reference Points
+ #[L[] / 3], !- X-Coordinate of First Reference Point {m}
+ #[PERIOFF[] - 0.1], !- Y-Coordinate of First Reference Point {m}
+ 0.762, !- Z-Coordinate of First Reference Point {m}
+ #[#[L[] / 3] * 2], !- X-Coordinate of Second Reference Point {m}
+ #[PERIOFF[] - 0.1], !- Y-Coordinate of Second Reference Point {m}
+ 0.762, !- Z-Coordinate of Second Reference Point {m}
+ 0.5, !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by First Reference Point
+ 0.5, !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Second Reference Point
+ DLSP_LUX[], !- Illuminance Setpoint at First Reference Point {lux}
+ DLSP_LUX[], !- Illuminance Setpoint at Second Reference Point {lux}
+ 1, !- Lighting Control Type
+ 180, !- Glare Calculation Azimuth Angle of View Direction Clockwise from Zone y-Axis {deg}
+ 20, !- Maximum Allowable Discomfort Glare Index
+ 0.3, !- Minimum Input Power Fraction for Continuous Dimming Control
+ 0.2, !- Minimum Light Output Fraction for Continuous Dimming Control
+ 3, !- Number of Stepped Control Steps
+ 1.0; !- Probability Lighting will be Reset When Needed in Manual Stepped Control
+ f1:PerimeterEast, !- Zone Name
+ 2, !- Total Daylighting Reference Points
+ #[DIM2[] + 0.1], !- X-Coordinate of First Reference Point {m}
+ #[W[] / 3], !- Y-Coordinate of First Reference Point {m}
+ 0.762, !- Z-Coordinate of First Reference Point {m}
+ #[DIM2[] + 0.1], !- X-Coordinate of Second Reference Point {m}
+ #[#[W[] / 3] * 2], !- Y-Coordinate of Second Reference Point {m}
+ 0.762, !- Z-Coordinate of Second Reference Point {m}
+ 0.5, !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by First Reference Point
+ 0.5, !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Second Reference Point
+ DLSP_LUX[], !- Illuminance Setpoint at First Reference Point {lux}
+ DLSP_LUX[], !- Illuminance Setpoint at Second Reference Point {lux}
+ 1, !- Lighting Control Type
+ 90, !- Glare Calculation Azimuth Angle of View Direction Clockwise from Zone y-Axis {deg}
+ 20, !- Maximum Allowable Discomfort Glare Index
+ 0.3, !- Minimum Input Power Fraction for Continuous Dimming Control
+ 0.2, !- Minimum Light Output Fraction for Continuous Dimming Control
+ 3, !- Number of Stepped Control Steps
+ 1.0; !- Probability Lighting will be Reset When Needed in Manual Stepped Control
+ f2:PerimeterEast, !- Zone Name
+ 2, !- Total Daylighting Reference Points
+ #[DIM2[] + 0.1], !- X-Coordinate of First Reference Point {m}
+ #[W[] / 3], !- Y-Coordinate of First Reference Point {m}
+ 0.762, !- Z-Coordinate of First Reference Point {m}
+ #[DIM2[] + 0.1], !- X-Coordinate of Second Reference Point {m}
+ #[#[W[] / 3] * 2], !- Y-Coordinate of Second Reference Point {m}
+ 0.762, !- Z-Coordinate of Second Reference Point {m}
+ 0.5, !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by First Reference Point
+ 0.5, !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Second Reference Point
+ DLSP_LUX[], !- Illuminance Setpoint at First Reference Point {lux}
+ DLSP_LUX[], !- Illuminance Setpoint at Second Reference Point {lux}
+ 1, !- Lighting Control Type
+ 90, !- Glare Calculation Azimuth Angle of View Direction Clockwise from Zone y-Axis {deg}
+ 20, !- Maximum Allowable Discomfort Glare Index
+ 0.3, !- Minimum Input Power Fraction for Continuous Dimming Control
+ 0.2, !- Minimum Light Output Fraction for Continuous Dimming Control
+ 3, !- Number of Stepped Control Steps
+ 1.0; !- Probability Lighting will be Reset When Needed in Manual Stepped Control
+ f3:PerimeterEast, !- Zone Name
+ 2, !- Total Daylighting Reference Points
+ #[DIM2[] + 0.1], !- X-Coordinate of First Reference Point {m}
+ #[W[] / 3], !- Y-Coordinate of First Reference Point {m}
+ 0.762, !- Z-Coordinate of First Reference Point {m}
+ #[DIM2[] + 0.1], !- X-Coordinate of Second Reference Point {m}
+ #[#[W[] / 3] * 2], !- Y-Coordinate of Second Reference Point {m}
+ 0.762, !- Z-Coordinate of Second Reference Point {m}
+ 0.5, !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by First Reference Point
+ 0.5, !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Second Reference Point
+ DLSP_LUX[], !- Illuminance Setpoint at First Reference Point {lux}
+ DLSP_LUX[], !- Illuminance Setpoint at Second Reference Point {lux}
+ 1, !- Lighting Control Type
+ 90, !- Glare Calculation Azimuth Angle of View Direction Clockwise from Zone y-Axis {deg}
+ 20, !- Maximum Allowable Discomfort Glare Index
+ 0.3, !- Minimum Input Power Fraction for Continuous Dimming Control
+ 0.2, !- Minimum Light Output Fraction for Continuous Dimming Control
+ 3, !- Number of Stepped Control Steps
+ 1.0; !- Probability Lighting will be Reset When Needed in Manual Stepped Control
+ f1:PerimeterWest, !- Zone Name
+ 2, !- Total Daylighting Reference Points
+ #[PERIOFF[] - 0.1], !- X-Coordinate of First Reference Point {m}
+ #[W[] / 3], !- Y-Coordinate of First Reference Point {m}
+ 0.762, !- Z-Coordinate of First Reference Point {m}
+ #[PERIOFF[] - 0.1], !- X-Coordinate of Second Reference Point {m}
+ #[#[W[] / 3] * 2], !- Y-Coordinate of Second Reference Point {m}
+ 0.762, !- Z-Coordinate of Second Reference Point {m}
+ 0.5, !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by First Reference Point
+ 0.5, !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Second Reference Point
+ DLSP_LUX[], !- Illuminance Setpoint at First Reference Point {lux}
+ DLSP_LUX[], !- Illuminance Setpoint at Second Reference Point {lux}
+ 1, !- Lighting Control Type
+ 270, !- Glare Calculation Azimuth Angle of View Direction Clockwise from Zone y-Axis {deg}
+ 20, !- Maximum Allowable Discomfort Glare Index
+ 0.3, !- Minimum Input Power Fraction for Continuous Dimming Control
+ 0.2, !- Minimum Light Output Fraction for Continuous Dimming Control
+ 3, !- Number of Stepped Control Steps
+ 1.0; !- Probability Lighting will be Reset When Needed in Manual Stepped Control
+ f2:PerimeterWest, !- Zone Name
+ 2, !- Total Daylighting Reference Points
+ #[PERIOFF[] - 0.1], !- X-Coordinate of First Reference Point {m}
+ #[W[] / 3], !- Y-Coordinate of First Reference Point {m}
+ 0.762, !- Z-Coordinate of First Reference Point {m}
+ #[PERIOFF[] - 0.1], !- X-Coordinate of Second Reference Point {m}
+ #[#[W[] / 3] * 2], !- Y-Coordinate of Second Reference Point {m}
+ 0.762, !- Z-Coordinate of Second Reference Point {m}
+ 0.5, !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by First Reference Point
+ 0.5, !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Second Reference Point
+ DLSP_LUX[], !- Illuminance Setpoint at First Reference Point {lux}
+ DLSP_LUX[], !- Illuminance Setpoint at Second Reference Point {lux}
+ 1, !- Lighting Control Type
+ 270, !- Glare Calculation Azimuth Angle of View Direction Clockwise from Zone y-Axis {deg}
+ 20, !- Maximum Allowable Discomfort Glare Index
+ 0.3, !- Minimum Input Power Fraction for Continuous Dimming Control
+ 0.2, !- Minimum Light Output Fraction for Continuous Dimming Control
+ 3, !- Number of Stepped Control Steps
+ 1.0; !- Probability Lighting will be Reset When Needed in Manual Stepped Control
+ f3:PerimeterWest, !- Zone Name
+ 2, !- Total Daylighting Reference Points
+ #[PERIOFF[] - 0.1], !- X-Coordinate of First Reference Point {m}
+ #[W[] / 3], !- Y-Coordinate of First Reference Point {m}
+ 0.762, !- Z-Coordinate of First Reference Point {m}
+ #[PERIOFF[] - 0.1], !- X-Coordinate of Second Reference Point {m}
+ #[#[W[] / 3] * 2], !- Y-Coordinate of Second Reference Point {m}
+ 0.762, !- Z-Coordinate of Second Reference Point {m}
+ 0.5, !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by First Reference Point
+ 0.5, !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Second Reference Point
+ DLSP_LUX[], !- Illuminance Setpoint at First Reference Point {lux}
+ DLSP_LUX[], !- Illuminance Setpoint at Second Reference Point {lux}
+ 1, !- Lighting Control Type
+ 270, !- Glare Calculation Azimuth Angle of View Direction Clockwise from Zone y-Axis {deg}
+ 20, !- Maximum Allowable Discomfort Glare Index
+ 0.3, !- Minimum Input Power Fraction for Continuous Dimming Control
+ 0.2, !- Minimum Light Output Fraction for Continuous Dimming Control
+ 3, !- Number of Stepped Control Steps
+ 1.0; !- Probability Lighting will be Reset When Needed in Manual Stepped Control
+ f1:PerimeterNorth, !- Zone Name
+ 2, !- Total Daylighting Reference Points
+ #[L[] / 3], !- X-Coordinate of First Reference Point {m}
+ #[DIM1[] + 0.1], !- Y-Coordinate of First Reference Point {m}
+ 0.762, !- Z-Coordinate of First Reference Point {m}
+ #[#[L[] / 3] * 2], !- X-Coordinate of Second Reference Point {m}
+ #[DIM1[] + 0.1], !- Y-Coordinate of Second Reference Point {m}
+ 0.762, !- Z-Coordinate of Second Reference Point {m}
+ 0.5, !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by First Reference Point
+ 0.5, !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Second Reference Point
+ DLSP_LUX[], !- Illuminance Setpoint at First Reference Point {lux}
+ DLSP_LUX[], !- Illuminance Setpoint at Second Reference Point {lux}
+ 1, !- Lighting Control Type
+ 0, !- Glare Calculation Azimuth Angle of View Direction Clockwise from Zone y-Axis {deg}
+ 20, !- Maximum Allowable Discomfort Glare Index
+ 0.3, !- Minimum Input Power Fraction for Continuous Dimming Control
+ 0.2, !- Minimum Light Output Fraction for Continuous Dimming Control
+ 3, !- Number of Stepped Control Steps
+ 1.0; !- Probability Lighting will be Reset When Needed in Manual Stepped Control
+ f2:PerimeterNorth, !- Zone Name
+ 2, !- Total Daylighting Reference Points
+ #[L[] / 3], !- X-Coordinate of First Reference Point {m}
+ #[DIM1[] + 0.1], !- Y-Coordinate of First Reference Point {m}
+ 0.762, !- Z-Coordinate of First Reference Point {m}
+ #[#[L[] / 3] * 2], !- X-Coordinate of Second Reference Point {m}
+ #[DIM1[] + 0.1], !- Y-Coordinate of Second Reference Point {m}
+ 0.762, !- Z-Coordinate of Second Reference Point {m}
+ 0.5, !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by First Reference Point
+ 0.5, !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Second Reference Point
+ DLSP_LUX[], !- Illuminance Setpoint at First Reference Point {lux}
+ DLSP_LUX[], !- Illuminance Setpoint at Second Reference Point {lux}
+ 1, !- Lighting Control Type
+ 0, !- Glare Calculation Azimuth Angle of View Direction Clockwise from Zone y-Axis {deg}
+ 20, !- Maximum Allowable Discomfort Glare Index
+ 0.3, !- Minimum Input Power Fraction for Continuous Dimming Control
+ 0.2, !- Minimum Light Output Fraction for Continuous Dimming Control
+ 3, !- Number of Stepped Control Steps
+ 1.0; !- Probability Lighting will be Reset When Needed in Manual Stepped Control
+ f3:PerimeterNorth, !- Zone Name
+ 2, !- Total Daylighting Reference Points
+ #[L[] / 3], !- X-Coordinate of First Reference Point {m}
+ #[DIM1[] + 0.1], !- Y-Coordinate of First Reference Point {m}
+ 0.762, !- Z-Coordinate of First Reference Point {m}
+ #[#[L[] / 3] * 2], !- X-Coordinate of Second Reference Point {m}
+ #[DIM1[] + 0.1], !- Y-Coordinate of Second Reference Point {m}
+ 0.762, !- Z-Coordinate of Second Reference Point {m}
+ 0.5, !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by First Reference Point
+ 0.5, !- Fraction of Zone Controlled by Second Reference Point
+ DLSP_LUX[], !- Illuminance Setpoint at First Reference Point {lux}
+ DLSP_LUX[], !- Illuminance Setpoint at Second Reference Point {lux}
+ 1, !- Lighting Control Type
+ 0, !- Glare Calculation Azimuth Angle of View Direction Clockwise from Zone y-Axis {deg}
+ 20, !- Maximum Allowable Discomfort Glare Index
+ 0.3, !- Minimum Input Power Fraction for Continuous Dimming Control
+ 0.2, !- Minimum Light Output Fraction for Continuous Dimming Control
+ 3, !- Number of Stepped Control Steps
+ 1.0; !- Probability Lighting will be Reset When Needed in Manual Stepped Control
+ ZoneInfiltration:DesignFlowRate,
+ AllPerimeterZones, !- Zone or ZoneList Name
+ INFIL_QUARTER_ON_SCH, !- Schedule Name
+ Flow/ExteriorArea, !- Design Flow Rate Calculation Method
+ , !- Design Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Flow per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ 0.000302, !- Flow per Exterior Surface Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Air Changes per Hour {1/hr}
+ 1.0000, !- Constant Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000, !- Temperature Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000, !- Velocity Term Coefficient
+ 0.0000; !- Velocity Squared Term Coefficient
+!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: EXTERIOR:LIGHTS ===========
+ Exterior:Lights,
+ Exterior Lighting, !- Name
+ ALWAYS_ON, !- Schedule Name
+ ExteriorLightingPower[], !- Design Level {W}
+ AstronomicalClock, !- Control Option
+ Exterior Lighting; !- End-Use Subcategory
+ Exterior:FuelEquipment,
+ Elevators, !- Name
+ Electricity, !- Fuel Use Type
+ BLDG_ELEVATORS, !- Schedule Name
+ ElevatorPower[], !- Design Level {W}
+ Elevators; !- End-Use Subcategory
+##if #[HVACSystem[] EQSU SYSTEM7]
+ Thermostat, !- Name
+ HTGSETP_SCH, !- Heating Setpoint Schedule Name
+ , !- Constant Heating Setpoint {C}
+ CLGSETP_SCH, !- Cooling Setpoint Schedule Name
+ ; !- Constant Cooling Setpoint {C}
+ f1:PerimeterNorth, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-1, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ MINFLOW_f1:PerimeterNorth[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Normal, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 18.4, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 5.6, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f1:PerimeterSouth, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-1, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ MINFLOW_f1:PerimeterSouth[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Normal, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 18.4, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 5.6, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f1:PerimeterEast, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-1, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ MINFLOW_f1:PerimeterEast[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Normal, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 18.4, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 5.6, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f1:PerimeterWest, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-1, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ MINFLOW_f1:PerimeterWest[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Normal, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 18.4, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 5.6, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f1:InteriorNorth, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-1, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ MINFLOW_f1:InteriorNorth[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Normal, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 18.4, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 5.6, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f1:InteriorSouth, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-1, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ MINFLOW_f1:InteriorSouth[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Normal, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 18.4, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 5.6, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f1:InteriorEast, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-1, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ MINFLOW_f1:InteriorEast[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Normal, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 18.4, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 5.6, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f1:InteriorWest, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-1, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ MINFLOW_f1:InteriorWest[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Normal, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 18.4, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 5.6, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f1:CORE, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-1, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ MINFLOW_f1:CORE[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Normal, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 18.4, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 5.6, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f2:PerimeterNorth, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-2, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ MINFLOW_f2:PerimeterNorth[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Normal, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 18.4, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 5.6, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f2:PerimeterSouth, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-2, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ MINFLOW_f2:PerimeterSouth[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Normal, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 18.4, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 5.6, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f2:PerimeterEast, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-2, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ MINFLOW_f2:PerimeterEast[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Normal, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 18.4, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 5.6, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f2:PerimeterWest, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-2, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ MINFLOW_f2:PerimeterWest[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Normal, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 18.4, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 5.6, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f2:InteriorNorth, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-2, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ MINFLOW_f2:InteriorNorth[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Normal, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 18.4, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 5.6, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f2:InteriorSouth, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-2, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ MINFLOW_f2:InteriorSouth[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Normal, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 18.4, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 5.6, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f2:InteriorEast, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-2, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ MINFLOW_f2:InteriorEast[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Normal, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 18.4, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 5.6, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f2:InteriorWest, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-2, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ MINFLOW_f2:InteriorWest[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Normal, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 18.4, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 5.6, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f2:CORE, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-2, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ MINFLOW_f2:CORE[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Normal, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 18.4, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 5.6, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f3:PerimeterNorth, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-3, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ MINFLOW_f3:PerimeterNorth[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Normal, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 18.4, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 5.6, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f3:PerimeterSouth, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-3, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ MINFLOW_f3:PerimeterSouth[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Normal, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 18.4, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 5.6, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f3:PerimeterEast, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-3, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ MINFLOW_f3:PerimeterEast[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Normal, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 18.4, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 5.6, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f3:PerimeterWest, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-3, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ MINFLOW_f3:PerimeterWest[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Normal, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 18.4, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 5.6, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f3:InteriorNorth, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-3, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ MINFLOW_f3:InteriorNorth[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Normal, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 18.4, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 5.6, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f3:InteriorSouth, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-3, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ MINFLOW_f3:InteriorSouth[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Normal, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 18.4, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 5.6, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f3:InteriorEast, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-3, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ MINFLOW_f3:InteriorEast[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Normal, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 18.4, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 5.6, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f3:InteriorWest, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-3, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ MINFLOW_f3:InteriorWest[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Normal, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 18.4, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 5.6, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f3:CORE, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-3, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ MINFLOW_f3:CORE[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Normal, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 18.4, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 5.6, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+##if #[#[#[#[#[CZ[] EQSU 1A] OR #[CZ[] EQSU 1B]] OR #[CZ[] EQSU 2A]] OR #[CZ[] EQSU 3A]] OR #[CZ[] EQSU 4A]]
+ AHU-1, !- Name
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Fan Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Supply Fan Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.6, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 1000, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Cooling Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Heating Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 12.0, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ , !- Gas Heating Coil Efficiency
+ , !- Gas Heating Coil Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ None, !- Preheat Coil Type
+ , !- Preheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Preheat Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ , !- Preheat Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ , !- Gas Preheat Coil Efficiency
+ , !- Gas Preheat Coil Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ autosize, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Control Type
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ NoEconomizer, !- Economizer Type
+ NoLockout, !- Economizer Lockout
+ , !- Economizer Upper Temperature Limit {C}
+ , !- Economizer Lower Temperature Limit {C}
+ , !- Economizer Upper Enthalpy Limit {J/kg}
+ , !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ DrawThrough, !- Supply Fan Placement
+ ASHRAE90.1-2004AppendixG, !- Supply Fan Part-Load Power Coefficients
+ CycleOnAny, !- Night Cycle Control
+ , !- Night Cycle Control Zone Name
+ None, !- Heat Recovery Type
+ , !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
+ , !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness
+ OutdoorAirTemperatureReset, !- Cooling Coil Setpoint Reset Type
+ OutdoorAirTemperatureReset, !- Heating Coil Setpoint Reset Type
+ None, !- Dehumidification Control Type
+ , !- Dehumidification Control Zone Name
+ 60.0, !- Dehumidification Setpoint {percent}
+ None, !- Humidifier Type
+ , !- Humidifier Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.000001, !- Humidifier Rated Capacity {m3/s}
+ 2690.0, !- Humidifier Rated Electric Power {W}
+ , !- Humidifier Control Zone Name
+ 30.0, !- Humidifier Setpoint {percent}
+ NonCoincident; !- Sizing Option
+ AHU-2, !- Name
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Fan Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Supply Fan Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.6, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 1000, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Cooling Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Heating Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 12.0, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ , !- Gas Heating Coil Efficiency
+ , !- Gas Heating Coil Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ None, !- Preheat Coil Type
+ , !- Preheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Preheat Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ , !- Preheat Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ , !- Gas Preheat Coil Efficiency
+ , !- Gas Preheat Coil Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ autosize, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Control Type
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ NoEconomizer, !- Economizer Type
+ NoLockout, !- Economizer Lockout
+ , !- Economizer Upper Temperature Limit {C}
+ , !- Economizer Lower Temperature Limit {C}
+ , !- Economizer Upper Enthalpy Limit {J/kg}
+ , !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ DrawThrough, !- Supply Fan Placement
+ ASHRAE90.1-2004AppendixG, !- Supply Fan Part-Load Power Coefficients
+ CycleOnAny, !- Night Cycle Control
+ , !- Night Cycle Control Zone Name
+ None, !- Heat Recovery Type
+ , !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
+ , !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness
+ OutdoorAirTemperatureReset, !- Cooling Coil Setpoint Reset Type
+ OutdoorAirTemperatureReset, !- Heating Coil Setpoint Reset Type
+ None, !- Dehumidification Control Type
+ , !- Dehumidification Control Zone Name
+ 60.0, !- Dehumidification Setpoint {percent}
+ None, !- Humidifier Type
+ , !- Humidifier Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.000001, !- Humidifier Rated Capacity {m3/s}
+ 2690.0, !- Humidifier Rated Electric Power {W}
+ , !- Humidifier Control Zone Name
+ 30.0, !- Humidifier Setpoint {percent}
+ NonCoincident; !- Sizing Option
+ AHU-3, !- Name
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Fan Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Supply Fan Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.6, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 1000, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Cooling Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Heating Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 12.0, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ , !- Gas Heating Coil Efficiency
+ , !- Gas Heating Coil Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ None, !- Preheat Coil Type
+ , !- Preheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Preheat Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ , !- Preheat Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ , !- Gas Preheat Coil Efficiency
+ , !- Gas Preheat Coil Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ autosize, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Control Type
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ NoEconomizer, !- Economizer Type
+ NoLockout, !- Economizer Lockout
+ , !- Economizer Upper Temperature Limit {C}
+ , !- Economizer Lower Temperature Limit {C}
+ , !- Economizer Upper Enthalpy Limit {J/kg}
+ , !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ DrawThrough, !- Supply Fan Placement
+ ASHRAE90.1-2004AppendixG, !- Supply Fan Part-Load Power Coefficients
+ CycleOnAny, !- Night Cycle Control
+ , !- Night Cycle Control Zone Name
+ None, !- Heat Recovery Type
+ , !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
+ , !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness
+ OutdoorAirTemperatureReset, !- Cooling Coil Setpoint Reset Type
+ OutdoorAirTemperatureReset, !- Heating Coil Setpoint Reset Type
+ None, !- Dehumidification Control Type
+ , !- Dehumidification Control Zone Name
+ 60.0, !- Dehumidification Setpoint {percent}
+ None, !- Humidifier Type
+ , !- Humidifier Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.000001, !- Humidifier Rated Capacity {m3/s}
+ 2690.0, !- Humidifier Rated Electric Power {W}
+ , !- Humidifier Control Zone Name
+ 30.0, !- Humidifier Setpoint {percent}
+ NonCoincident; !- Sizing Option
+##elseif #[#[#[CZ[] EQSU 5A] OR #[CZ[] EQSU 6A]] OR #[CZ[] EQSU 7A]]
+ AHU-1, !- Name
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Fan Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Supply Fan Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.6, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 1000, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Cooling Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Heating Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 12.0, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ , !- Gas Heating Coil Efficiency
+ , !- Gas Heating Coil Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ None, !- Preheat Coil Type
+ , !- Preheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Preheat Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ , !- Preheat Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ , !- Gas Preheat Coil Efficiency
+ , !- Gas Preheat Coil Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ autosize, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Control Type
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ FixedDryBulb, !- Economizer Type
+ NoLockout, !- Economizer Lockout
+ 21, !- Economizer Upper Temperature Limit {C}
+ , !- Economizer Lower Temperature Limit {C}
+ , !- Economizer Upper Enthalpy Limit {J/kg}
+ , !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ DrawThrough, !- Supply Fan Placement
+ ASHRAE90.1-2004AppendixG, !- Supply Fan Part-Load Power Coefficients
+ CycleOnAny, !- Night Cycle Control
+ , !- Night Cycle Control Zone Name
+ None, !- Heat Recovery Type
+ , !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
+ , !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness
+ OutdoorAirTemperatureReset, !- Cooling Coil Setpoint Reset Type
+ OutdoorAirTemperatureReset, !- Heating Coil Setpoint Reset Type
+ None, !- Dehumidification Control Type
+ , !- Dehumidification Control Zone Name
+ 60.0, !- Dehumidification Setpoint {percent}
+ None, !- Humidifier Type
+ , !- Humidifier Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.000001, !- Humidifier Rated Capacity {m3/s}
+ 2690.0, !- Humidifier Rated Electric Power {W}
+ , !- Humidifier Control Zone Name
+ 30.0, !- Humidifier Setpoint {percent}
+ NonCoincident; !- Sizing Option
+ AHU-2, !- Name
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Fan Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Supply Fan Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.6, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 1000, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Cooling Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Heating Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 12.0, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ , !- Gas Heating Coil Efficiency
+ , !- Gas Heating Coil Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ None, !- Preheat Coil Type
+ , !- Preheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Preheat Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ , !- Preheat Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ , !- Gas Preheat Coil Efficiency
+ , !- Gas Preheat Coil Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ autosize, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Control Type
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ FixedDryBulb, !- Economizer Type
+ NoLockout, !- Economizer Lockout
+ 21, !- Economizer Upper Temperature Limit {C}
+ , !- Economizer Lower Temperature Limit {C}
+ , !- Economizer Upper Enthalpy Limit {J/kg}
+ , !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ DrawThrough, !- Supply Fan Placement
+ ASHRAE90.1-2004AppendixG, !- Supply Fan Part-Load Power Coefficients
+ CycleOnAny, !- Night Cycle Control
+ , !- Night Cycle Control Zone Name
+ None, !- Heat Recovery Type
+ , !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
+ , !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness
+ OutdoorAirTemperatureReset, !- Cooling Coil Setpoint Reset Type
+ OutdoorAirTemperatureReset, !- Heating Coil Setpoint Reset Type
+ None, !- Dehumidification Control Type
+ , !- Dehumidification Control Zone Name
+ 60.0, !- Dehumidification Setpoint {percent}
+ None, !- Humidifier Type
+ , !- Humidifier Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.000001, !- Humidifier Rated Capacity {m3/s}
+ 2690.0, !- Humidifier Rated Electric Power {W}
+ , !- Humidifier Control Zone Name
+ 30.0, !- Humidifier Setpoint {percent}
+ NonCoincident; !- Sizing Option
+ AHU-3, !- Name
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Fan Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Supply Fan Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.6, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 1000, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Cooling Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Heating Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 12.0, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ , !- Gas Heating Coil Efficiency
+ , !- Gas Heating Coil Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ None, !- Preheat Coil Type
+ , !- Preheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Preheat Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ , !- Preheat Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ , !- Gas Preheat Coil Efficiency
+ , !- Gas Preheat Coil Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ autosize, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Control Type
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ FixedDryBulb, !- Economizer Type
+ NoLockout, !- Economizer Lockout
+ 21, !- Economizer Upper Temperature Limit {C}
+ , !- Economizer Lower Temperature Limit {C}
+ , !- Economizer Upper Enthalpy Limit {J/kg}
+ , !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ DrawThrough, !- Supply Fan Placement
+ ASHRAE90.1-2004AppendixG, !- Supply Fan Part-Load Power Coefficients
+ CycleOnAny, !- Night Cycle Control
+ , !- Night Cycle Control Zone Name
+ None, !- Heat Recovery Type
+ , !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
+ , !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness
+ OutdoorAirTemperatureReset, !- Cooling Coil Setpoint Reset Type
+ OutdoorAirTemperatureReset, !- Heating Coil Setpoint Reset Type
+ None, !- Dehumidification Control Type
+ , !- Dehumidification Control Zone Name
+ 60.0, !- Dehumidification Setpoint {percent}
+ None, !- Humidifier Type
+ , !- Humidifier Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.000001, !- Humidifier Rated Capacity {m3/s}
+ 2690.0, !- Humidifier Rated Electric Power {W}
+ , !- Humidifier Control Zone Name
+ 30.0, !- Humidifier Setpoint {percent}
+ NonCoincident; !- Sizing Option
+ AHU-1, !- Name
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Fan Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Supply Fan Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.6, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 1000, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Cooling Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Heating Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 12.0, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ , !- Gas Heating Coil Efficiency
+ , !- Gas Heating Coil Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ None, !- Preheat Coil Type
+ , !- Preheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Preheat Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ , !- Preheat Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ , !- Gas Preheat Coil Efficiency
+ , !- Gas Preheat Coil Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ autosize, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Control Type
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ FixedDryBulb, !- Economizer Type
+ NoLockout, !- Economizer Lockout
+ 24, !- Economizer Upper Temperature Limit {C}
+ , !- Economizer Lower Temperature Limit {C}
+ , !- Economizer Upper Enthalpy Limit {J/kg}
+ , !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ DrawThrough, !- Supply Fan Placement
+ ASHRAE90.1-2004AppendixG, !- Supply Fan Part-Load Power Coefficients
+ CycleOnAny, !- Night Cycle Control
+ , !- Night Cycle Control Zone Name
+ None, !- Heat Recovery Type
+ , !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
+ , !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness
+ OutdoorAirTemperatureReset, !- Cooling Coil Setpoint Reset Type
+ OutdoorAirTemperatureReset, !- Heating Coil Setpoint Reset Type
+ None, !- Dehumidification Control Type
+ , !- Dehumidification Control Zone Name
+ 60.0, !- Dehumidification Setpoint {percent}
+ None, !- Humidifier Type
+ , !- Humidifier Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.000001, !- Humidifier Rated Capacity {m3/s}
+ 2690.0, !- Humidifier Rated Electric Power {W}
+ , !- Humidifier Control Zone Name
+ 30.0, !- Humidifier Setpoint {percent}
+ NonCoincident; !- Sizing Option
+ AHU-2, !- Name
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Fan Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Supply Fan Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.6, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 1000, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Cooling Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Heating Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 12.0, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ , !- Gas Heating Coil Efficiency
+ , !- Gas Heating Coil Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ None, !- Preheat Coil Type
+ , !- Preheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Preheat Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ , !- Preheat Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ , !- Gas Preheat Coil Efficiency
+ , !- Gas Preheat Coil Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ autosize, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Control Type
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ FixedDryBulb, !- Economizer Type
+ NoLockout, !- Economizer Lockout
+ 24, !- Economizer Upper Temperature Limit {C}
+ , !- Economizer Lower Temperature Limit {C}
+ , !- Economizer Upper Enthalpy Limit {J/kg}
+ , !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ DrawThrough, !- Supply Fan Placement
+ ASHRAE90.1-2004AppendixG, !- Supply Fan Part-Load Power Coefficients
+ CycleOnAny, !- Night Cycle Control
+ , !- Night Cycle Control Zone Name
+ None, !- Heat Recovery Type
+ , !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
+ , !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness
+ OutdoorAirTemperatureReset, !- Cooling Coil Setpoint Reset Type
+ OutdoorAirTemperatureReset, !- Heating Coil Setpoint Reset Type
+ None, !- Dehumidification Control Type
+ , !- Dehumidification Control Zone Name
+ 60.0, !- Dehumidification Setpoint {percent}
+ None, !- Humidifier Type
+ , !- Humidifier Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.000001, !- Humidifier Rated Capacity {m3/s}
+ 2690.0, !- Humidifier Rated Electric Power {W}
+ , !- Humidifier Control Zone Name
+ 30.0, !- Humidifier Setpoint {percent}
+ NonCoincident; !- Sizing Option
+ AHU-3, !- Name
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Fan Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Supply Fan Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.6, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 1000, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Cooling Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Heating Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 12.0, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ , !- Gas Heating Coil Efficiency
+ , !- Gas Heating Coil Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ None, !- Preheat Coil Type
+ , !- Preheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Preheat Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ , !- Preheat Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ , !- Gas Preheat Coil Efficiency
+ , !- Gas Preheat Coil Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ autosize, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Control Type
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ FixedDryBulb, !- Economizer Type
+ NoLockout, !- Economizer Lockout
+ 24, !- Economizer Upper Temperature Limit {C}
+ , !- Economizer Lower Temperature Limit {C}
+ , !- Economizer Upper Enthalpy Limit {J/kg}
+ , !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ DrawThrough, !- Supply Fan Placement
+ ASHRAE90.1-2004AppendixG, !- Supply Fan Part-Load Power Coefficients
+ CycleOnAny, !- Night Cycle Control
+ , !- Night Cycle Control Zone Name
+ None, !- Heat Recovery Type
+ , !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
+ , !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness
+ OutdoorAirTemperatureReset, !- Cooling Coil Setpoint Reset Type
+ OutdoorAirTemperatureReset, !- Heating Coil Setpoint Reset Type
+ None, !- Dehumidification Control Type
+ , !- Dehumidification Control Zone Name
+ 60.0, !- Dehumidification Setpoint {percent}
+ None, !- Humidifier Type
+ , !- Humidifier Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.000001, !- Humidifier Rated Capacity {m3/s}
+ 2690.0, !- Humidifier Rated Electric Power {W}
+ , !- Humidifier Control Zone Name
+ 30.0, !- Humidifier Setpoint {percent}
+ NonCoincident; !- Sizing Option
+ ChW Loop, !- Name
+ , !- Pump Schedule Name
+ INTERMITTENT, !- Pump Control Type
+ Default, !- Chiller Plant Operation Scheme Type
+ , !- Chiller Plant Equipment Operation Schemes Name
+ , !- Chilled Water Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 6.67, !- Chilled Water Design Setpoint {C}
+ ConstantPrimaryVariableSecondary, !- Chilled Water Pump Configuration
+ 240000, !- Primary Chilled Water Pump Rated Head {Pa}
+ 240000, !- Secondary Chilled Water Pump Rated Head {Pa}
+ Default, !- Condenser Plant Operation Scheme Type
+ , !- Condenser Equipment Operation Schemes Name
+ , !- Condenser Water Temperature Control Type
+ , !- Condenser Water Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 29.4, !- Condenser Water Design Setpoint {C}
+ 210000, !- Condenser Water Pump Rated Head {Pa}
+ OutdoorAirTemperatureReset, !- Chilled Water Setpoint Reset Type
+ 12.8, !- Chilled Water Setpoint at Outdoor Dry-Bulb Low {C}
+ 15.6, !- Chilled Water Reset Outdoor Dry-Bulb Low {C}
+ 6.67, !- Chilled Water Setpoint at Outdoor Dry-Bulb High {C}
+ 26.7, !- Chilled Water Reset Outdoor Dry-Bulb High {C}
+ TwoHeaderedPumps, !- Chilled Water Primary Pump Type
+ SinglePump, !- Chilled Water Secondary Pump Type
+ PumpPerTower, !- Condenser Water Pump Type
+ Yes, !- Chilled Water Supply Side Bypass Pipe
+ Yes, !- Chilled Water Demand Side Bypass Pipe
+ Yes, !- Condenser Water Supply Side Bypass Pipe
+ Yes, !- Condenser Water Demand Side Bypass Pipe
+ Water, !- Fluid Type
+ 6.67, !- Loop Design Delta Temperature {deltaC}
+ , !- Minimum Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature {C}
+ Sequential, !- Chilled Water Load Distribution Scheme
+ Sequential; !- Condenser Water Load Distribution Scheme
+ Chiller1, !- Name
+ ElectricCentrifugalChiller, !- Chiller Type
+ autosize, !- Capacity {W}
+ 6.1, !- Nominal COP {W/W}
+ WaterCooled, !- Condenser Type
+ 1, !- Priority
+ 0.5; !- Sizing Factor
+ Chiller2, !- Name
+ ElectricCentrifugalChiller, !- Chiller Type
+ autosize, !- Capacity {W}
+ 6.1, !- Nominal COP {W/W}
+ WaterCooled, !- Condenser Type
+ 2, !- Priority
+ 0.5; !- Sizing Factor
+ Tower1, !- Name
+ TwoSpeed, !- Tower Type
+ autosize, !- High Speed Nominal Capacity {W}
+ autosize, !- High Speed Fan Power {W}
+ autosize, !- Low Speed Nominal Capacity {W}
+ autosize, !- Low Speed Fan Power {W}
+ autosize, !- Free Convection Capacity {W}
+ 1, !- Priority
+ ; !- Sizing Factor
+ HW Loop, !- Name
+ , !- Pump Schedule Name
+ INTERMITTENT, !- Pump Control Type
+ Default, !- Hot Water Plant Operation Scheme Type
+ , !- Hot Water Plant Equipment Operation Schemes Name
+ , !- Hot Water Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 82, !- Hot Water Design Setpoint {C}
+ VariableFlow, !- Hot Water Pump Configuration
+ 210000, !- Hot Water Pump Rated Head {Pa}
+ OutdoorAirTemperatureReset, !- Hot Water Setpoint Reset Type
+ 82.2, !- Hot Water Setpoint at Outdoor Dry-Bulb Low {C}
+ -6.7, !- Hot Water Reset Outdoor Dry-Bulb Low {C}
+ 65.6, !- Hot Water Setpoint at Outdoor Dry-Bulb High {C}
+ 10; !- Hot Water Reset Outdoor Dry-Bulb High {C}
+ Boiler1, !- Name
+ HotWaterBoiler, !- Boiler Type
+ autosize, !- Capacity {W}
+ 0.83, !- Efficiency
+ NaturalGas, !- Fuel Type
+ 1, !- Priority
+ ; !- Sizing Factor
+!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SIZING:PARAMETERS ===========
+ 1.25, !- Heating Sizing Factor
+ 1.15; !- Cooling Sizing Factor
+##elseif #[HVACSystem[] EQSU OptimizedVAV]
+ Thermostat, !- Name
+ HTGSETP_SCH, !- Heating Setpoint Schedule Name
+ , !- Constant Heating Setpoint {C}
+ CLGSETP_SCH, !- Cooling Setpoint Schedule Name
+ ; !- Constant Cooling Setpoint {C}
+ f1:PerimeterNorth, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-1, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ OAFLOW_SUM_f1:PerimeterNorth[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Reverse, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f1:PerimeterSouth, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-1, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ OAFLOW_SUM_f1:PerimeterSouth[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Reverse, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f1:PerimeterEast, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-1, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ OAFLOW_SUM_f1:PerimeterEast[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Reverse, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f1:PerimeterWest, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-1, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ OAFLOW_SUM_f1:PerimeterWest[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Reverse, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f1:InteriorNorth, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-1, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ OAFLOW_SUM_f1:InteriorNorth[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Reverse, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f1:InteriorSouth, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-1, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ OAFLOW_SUM_f1:InteriorSouth[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Reverse, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f1:InteriorEast, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-1, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ OAFLOW_SUM_f1:InteriorEast[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Reverse, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f1:InteriorWest, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-1, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ OAFLOW_SUM_f1:InteriorWest[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Reverse, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f1:CORE, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-1, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ OAFLOW_SUM_f1:CORE[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Reverse, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f2:PerimeterNorth, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-2, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ OAFLOW_SUM_f2:PerimeterNorth[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Reverse, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f2:PerimeterSouth, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-2, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ OAFLOW_SUM_f2:PerimeterSouth[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Reverse, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f2:PerimeterEast, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-2, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ OAFLOW_SUM_f2:PerimeterEast[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Reverse, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f2:PerimeterWest, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-2, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ OAFLOW_SUM_f2:PerimeterWest[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Reverse, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f2:InteriorNorth, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-2, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ OAFLOW_SUM_f2:InteriorNorth[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Reverse, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f2:InteriorSouth, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-2, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ OAFLOW_SUM_f2:InteriorSouth[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Reverse, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f2:InteriorEast, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-2, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ OAFLOW_SUM_f2:InteriorEast[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Reverse, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f2:InteriorWest, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-2, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ OAFLOW_SUM_f2:InteriorWest[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Reverse, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f2:CORE, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-2, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ OAFLOW_SUM_f2:CORE[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Reverse, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f3:PerimeterNorth, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-3, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ OAFLOW_SUM_f3:PerimeterNorth[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Reverse, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f3:PerimeterSouth, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-3, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ OAFLOW_SUM_f3:PerimeterSouth[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Reverse, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f3:PerimeterEast, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-3, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ OAFLOW_SUM_f3:PerimeterEast[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Reverse, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f3:PerimeterWest, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-3, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ OAFLOW_SUM_f3:PerimeterWest[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Reverse, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f3:InteriorNorth, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-3, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ OAFLOW_SUM_f3:InteriorNorth[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Reverse, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f3:InteriorSouth, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-3, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ OAFLOW_SUM_f3:InteriorSouth[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Reverse, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f3:InteriorEast, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-3, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ OAFLOW_SUM_f3:InteriorEast[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Reverse, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f3:InteriorWest, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-3, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ OAFLOW_SUM_f3:InteriorWest[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Reverse, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f3:CORE, !- Zone Name
+ AHU-3, !- Template VAV System Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ FixedFlowRate, !- Zone Minimum Air Flow Input Method
+ 0.3, !- Constant Minimum Air Flow Fraction
+ OAFLOW_SUM_f3:CORE[], !- Fixed Minimum Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Minimum Air Flow Fraction Schedule Name
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HotWater, !- Reheat Coil Type
+ , !- Reheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ Reverse, !- Damper Heating Action
+ 0.00215, !- Maximum Flow per Zone Floor Area During Reheat {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Maximum Flow Fraction During Reheat
+ 32.2, !- Maximum Reheat Air Temperature {C}
+ , !- Design Specification Outdoor Air Object Name for Control
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ None, !- Baseboard Heating Type
+ , !- Baseboard Heating Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Baseboard Heating Capacity {W}
+ SystemSupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 12.8, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 32.2, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature {C}
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+##if #[#[#[#[#[CZ[] EQSU 1A] OR #[CZ[] EQSU 1B]] OR #[CZ[] EQSU 2A]] OR #[CZ[] EQSU 3A]] OR #[CZ[] EQSU 4A]]
+ AHU-1, !- Name
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Fan Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Supply Fan Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.7, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 1000, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Cooling Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Heating Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 12.0, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ , !- Gas Heating Coil Efficiency
+ , !- Gas Heating Coil Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ None, !- Preheat Coil Type
+ , !- Preheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Preheat Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ , !- Preheat Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ , !- Gas Preheat Coil Efficiency
+ , !- Gas Preheat Coil Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ autosize, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ OAFLOW_Floor1[], !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Control Type
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ NoEconomizer, !- Economizer Type
+ NoLockout, !- Economizer Lockout
+ , !- Economizer Upper Temperature Limit {C}
+ , !- Economizer Lower Temperature Limit {C}
+ , !- Economizer Upper Enthalpy Limit {J/kg}
+ , !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ DrawThrough, !- Supply Fan Placement
+ VariableSpeedMotorPressureReset, !- Supply Fan Part-Load Power Coefficients
+ CycleOnAny, !- Night Cycle Control
+ , !- Night Cycle Control Zone Name
+ Enthalpy, !- Heat Recovery Type
+ 0.75, !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
+ 0.70, !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness
+ None, !- Cooling Coil Setpoint Reset Type
+ None, !- Heating Coil Setpoint Reset Type
+ None, !- Dehumidification Control Type
+ , !- Dehumidification Control Zone Name
+ 60.0, !- Dehumidification Setpoint {percent}
+ None, !- Humidifier Type
+ , !- Humidifier Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.000001, !- Humidifier Rated Capacity {m3/s}
+ 2690.0, !- Humidifier Rated Electric Power {W}
+ , !- Humidifier Control Zone Name
+ 30.0, !- Humidifier Setpoint {percent}
+ NonCoincident; !- Sizing Option
+ AHU-2, !- Name
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Fan Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Supply Fan Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.7, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 1000, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Cooling Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Heating Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 12.0, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ , !- Gas Heating Coil Efficiency
+ , !- Gas Heating Coil Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ None, !- Preheat Coil Type
+ , !- Preheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Preheat Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ , !- Preheat Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ , !- Gas Preheat Coil Efficiency
+ , !- Gas Preheat Coil Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ autosize, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ OAFLOW_Floor2[], !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Control Type
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ NoEconomizer, !- Economizer Type
+ NoLockout, !- Economizer Lockout
+ , !- Economizer Upper Temperature Limit {C}
+ , !- Economizer Lower Temperature Limit {C}
+ , !- Economizer Upper Enthalpy Limit {J/kg}
+ , !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ DrawThrough, !- Supply Fan Placement
+ VariableSpeedMotorPressureReset, !- Supply Fan Part-Load Power Coefficients
+ CycleOnAny, !- Night Cycle Control
+ , !- Night Cycle Control Zone Name
+ Enthalpy, !- Heat Recovery Type
+ 0.75, !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
+ 0.70, !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness
+ None, !- Cooling Coil Setpoint Reset Type
+ None, !- Heating Coil Setpoint Reset Type
+ None, !- Dehumidification Control Type
+ , !- Dehumidification Control Zone Name
+ 60.0, !- Dehumidification Setpoint {percent}
+ None, !- Humidifier Type
+ , !- Humidifier Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.000001, !- Humidifier Rated Capacity {m3/s}
+ 2690.0, !- Humidifier Rated Electric Power {W}
+ , !- Humidifier Control Zone Name
+ 30.0, !- Humidifier Setpoint {percent}
+ NonCoincident; !- Sizing Option
+ AHU-3, !- Name
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Fan Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Supply Fan Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.7, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 1000, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Cooling Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Heating Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 12.0, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ , !- Gas Heating Coil Efficiency
+ , !- Gas Heating Coil Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ None, !- Preheat Coil Type
+ , !- Preheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Preheat Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ , !- Preheat Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ , !- Gas Preheat Coil Efficiency
+ , !- Gas Preheat Coil Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ autosize, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ OAFLOW_Floor3[], !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Control Type
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ NoEconomizer, !- Economizer Type
+ NoLockout, !- Economizer Lockout
+ , !- Economizer Upper Temperature Limit {C}
+ , !- Economizer Lower Temperature Limit {C}
+ , !- Economizer Upper Enthalpy Limit {J/kg}
+ , !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ DrawThrough, !- Supply Fan Placement
+ VariableSpeedMotorPressureReset, !- Supply Fan Part-Load Power Coefficients
+ CycleOnAny, !- Night Cycle Control
+ , !- Night Cycle Control Zone Name
+ Enthalpy, !- Heat Recovery Type
+ 0.75, !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
+ 0.70, !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness
+ None, !- Cooling Coil Setpoint Reset Type
+ None, !- Heating Coil Setpoint Reset Type
+ None, !- Dehumidification Control Type
+ , !- Dehumidification Control Zone Name
+ 60.0, !- Dehumidification Setpoint {percent}
+ None, !- Humidifier Type
+ , !- Humidifier Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.000001, !- Humidifier Rated Capacity {m3/s}
+ 2690.0, !- Humidifier Rated Electric Power {W}
+ , !- Humidifier Control Zone Name
+ 30.0, !- Humidifier Setpoint {percent}
+ NonCoincident; !- Sizing Option
+##elseif #[#[#[CZ[] EQSU 5A] OR #[CZ[] EQSU 6A]] OR #[CZ[] EQSU 7A]]
+ AHU-1, !- Name
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Fan Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Supply Fan Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.7, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 1000, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Cooling Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Heating Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 12.0, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ , !- Gas Heating Coil Efficiency
+ , !- Gas Heating Coil Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ None, !- Preheat Coil Type
+ , !- Preheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Preheat Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ , !- Preheat Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ , !- Gas Preheat Coil Efficiency
+ , !- Gas Preheat Coil Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ autosize, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ OAFLOW_Floor1[], !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Control Type
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ FixedDryBulb, !- Economizer Type
+ NoLockout, !- Economizer Lockout
+ 21, !- Economizer Upper Temperature Limit {C}
+ , !- Economizer Lower Temperature Limit {C}
+ , !- Economizer Upper Enthalpy Limit {J/kg}
+ , !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ DrawThrough, !- Supply Fan Placement
+ VariableSpeedMotorPressureReset, !- Supply Fan Part-Load Power Coefficients
+ CycleOnAny, !- Night Cycle Control
+ , !- Night Cycle Control Zone Name
+ Enthalpy, !- Heat Recovery Type
+ 0.75, !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
+ 0.70, !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness
+ None, !- Cooling Coil Setpoint Reset Type
+ None, !- Heating Coil Setpoint Reset Type
+ None, !- Dehumidification Control Type
+ , !- Dehumidification Control Zone Name
+ 60.0, !- Dehumidification Setpoint {percent}
+ None, !- Humidifier Type
+ , !- Humidifier Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.000001, !- Humidifier Rated Capacity {m3/s}
+ 2690.0, !- Humidifier Rated Electric Power {W}
+ , !- Humidifier Control Zone Name
+ 30.0, !- Humidifier Setpoint {percent}
+ NonCoincident; !- Sizing Option
+ AHU-2, !- Name
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Fan Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Supply Fan Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.7, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 1000, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Cooling Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Heating Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 12.0, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ , !- Gas Heating Coil Efficiency
+ , !- Gas Heating Coil Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ None, !- Preheat Coil Type
+ , !- Preheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Preheat Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ , !- Preheat Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ , !- Gas Preheat Coil Efficiency
+ , !- Gas Preheat Coil Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ autosize, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ OAFLOW_Floor2[], !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Control Type
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ FixedDryBulb, !- Economizer Type
+ NoLockout, !- Economizer Lockout
+ 21, !- Economizer Upper Temperature Limit {C}
+ , !- Economizer Lower Temperature Limit {C}
+ , !- Economizer Upper Enthalpy Limit {J/kg}
+ , !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ DrawThrough, !- Supply Fan Placement
+ VariableSpeedMotorPressureReset, !- Supply Fan Part-Load Power Coefficients
+ CycleOnAny, !- Night Cycle Control
+ , !- Night Cycle Control Zone Name
+ Enthalpy, !- Heat Recovery Type
+ 0.75, !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
+ 0.70, !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness
+ None, !- Cooling Coil Setpoint Reset Type
+ None, !- Heating Coil Setpoint Reset Type
+ None, !- Dehumidification Control Type
+ , !- Dehumidification Control Zone Name
+ 60.0, !- Dehumidification Setpoint {percent}
+ None, !- Humidifier Type
+ , !- Humidifier Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.000001, !- Humidifier Rated Capacity {m3/s}
+ 2690.0, !- Humidifier Rated Electric Power {W}
+ , !- Humidifier Control Zone Name
+ 30.0, !- Humidifier Setpoint {percent}
+ NonCoincident; !- Sizing Option
+ AHU-3, !- Name
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Fan Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Supply Fan Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.7, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 1000, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Cooling Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Heating Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 12.0, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ , !- Gas Heating Coil Efficiency
+ , !- Gas Heating Coil Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ None, !- Preheat Coil Type
+ , !- Preheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Preheat Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ , !- Preheat Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ , !- Gas Preheat Coil Efficiency
+ , !- Gas Preheat Coil Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ autosize, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ OAFLOW_Floor3[], !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Control Type
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ FixedDryBulb, !- Economizer Type
+ NoLockout, !- Economizer Lockout
+ 21, !- Economizer Upper Temperature Limit {C}
+ , !- Economizer Lower Temperature Limit {C}
+ , !- Economizer Upper Enthalpy Limit {J/kg}
+ , !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ DrawThrough, !- Supply Fan Placement
+ VariableSpeedMotorPressureReset, !- Supply Fan Part-Load Power Coefficients
+ CycleOnAny, !- Night Cycle Control
+ , !- Night Cycle Control Zone Name
+ Enthalpy, !- Heat Recovery Type
+ 0.75, !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
+ 0.70, !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness
+ None, !- Cooling Coil Setpoint Reset Type
+ None, !- Heating Coil Setpoint Reset Type
+ None, !- Dehumidification Control Type
+ , !- Dehumidification Control Zone Name
+ 60.0, !- Dehumidification Setpoint {percent}
+ None, !- Humidifier Type
+ , !- Humidifier Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.000001, !- Humidifier Rated Capacity {m3/s}
+ 2690.0, !- Humidifier Rated Electric Power {W}
+ , !- Humidifier Control Zone Name
+ 30.0, !- Humidifier Setpoint {percent}
+ NonCoincident; !- Sizing Option
+ AHU-1, !- Name
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Fan Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Supply Fan Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.7, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 1000, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Cooling Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Heating Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 12.0, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ , !- Gas Heating Coil Efficiency
+ , !- Gas Heating Coil Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ None, !- Preheat Coil Type
+ , !- Preheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Preheat Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ , !- Preheat Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ , !- Gas Preheat Coil Efficiency
+ , !- Gas Preheat Coil Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ autosize, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ OAFLOW_Floor1[], !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Control Type
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ FixedDryBulb, !- Economizer Type
+ NoLockout, !- Economizer Lockout
+ 24, !- Economizer Upper Temperature Limit {C}
+ , !- Economizer Lower Temperature Limit {C}
+ , !- Economizer Upper Enthalpy Limit {J/kg}
+ , !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ DrawThrough, !- Supply Fan Placement
+ VariableSpeedMotorPressureReset, !- Supply Fan Part-Load Power Coefficients
+ CycleOnAny, !- Night Cycle Control
+ , !- Night Cycle Control Zone Name
+ Enthalpy, !- Heat Recovery Type
+ 0.75, !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
+ 0.70, !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness
+ None, !- Cooling Coil Setpoint Reset Type
+ None, !- Heating Coil Setpoint Reset Type
+ None, !- Dehumidification Control Type
+ , !- Dehumidification Control Zone Name
+ 60.0, !- Dehumidification Setpoint {percent}
+ None, !- Humidifier Type
+ , !- Humidifier Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.000001, !- Humidifier Rated Capacity {m3/s}
+ 2690.0, !- Humidifier Rated Electric Power {W}
+ , !- Humidifier Control Zone Name
+ 30.0, !- Humidifier Setpoint {percent}
+ NonCoincident; !- Sizing Option
+ AHU-2, !- Name
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Fan Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Supply Fan Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.7, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 1000, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Cooling Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Heating Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 12.0, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ , !- Gas Heating Coil Efficiency
+ , !- Gas Heating Coil Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ None, !- Preheat Coil Type
+ , !- Preheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Preheat Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ , !- Preheat Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ , !- Gas Preheat Coil Efficiency
+ , !- Gas Preheat Coil Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ autosize, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ OAFLOW_Floor2[], !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Control Type
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ FixedDryBulb, !- Economizer Type
+ NoLockout, !- Economizer Lockout
+ 24, !- Economizer Upper Temperature Limit {C}
+ , !- Economizer Lower Temperature Limit {C}
+ , !- Economizer Upper Enthalpy Limit {J/kg}
+ , !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ DrawThrough, !- Supply Fan Placement
+ VariableSpeedMotorPressureReset, !- Supply Fan Part-Load Power Coefficients
+ CycleOnAny, !- Night Cycle Control
+ , !- Night Cycle Control Zone Name
+ Enthalpy, !- Heat Recovery Type
+ 0.75, !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
+ 0.70, !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness
+ None, !- Cooling Coil Setpoint Reset Type
+ None, !- Heating Coil Setpoint Reset Type
+ None, !- Dehumidification Control Type
+ , !- Dehumidification Control Zone Name
+ 60.0, !- Dehumidification Setpoint {percent}
+ None, !- Humidifier Type
+ , !- Humidifier Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.000001, !- Humidifier Rated Capacity {m3/s}
+ 2690.0, !- Humidifier Rated Electric Power {W}
+ , !- Humidifier Control Zone Name
+ 30.0, !- Humidifier Setpoint {percent}
+ NonCoincident; !- Sizing Option
+ AHU-3, !- Name
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Fan Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Supply Fan Minimum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.7, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 1000, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Cooling Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Heating Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 12.0, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ , !- Gas Heating Coil Efficiency
+ , !- Gas Heating Coil Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ None, !- Preheat Coil Type
+ , !- Preheat Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ , !- Preheat Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ , !- Preheat Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ , !- Gas Preheat Coil Efficiency
+ , !- Gas Preheat Coil Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ autosize, !- Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ OAFLOW_Floor3[], !- Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ FixedMinimum, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Control Type
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- Minimum Outdoor Air Schedule Name
+ FixedDryBulb, !- Economizer Type
+ NoLockout, !- Economizer Lockout
+ 24, !- Economizer Upper Temperature Limit {C}
+ , !- Economizer Lower Temperature Limit {C}
+ , !- Economizer Upper Enthalpy Limit {J/kg}
+ , !- Economizer Maximum Limit Dewpoint Temperature {C}
+ , !- Supply Plenum Name
+ , !- Return Plenum Name
+ DrawThrough, !- Supply Fan Placement
+ VariableSpeedMotorPressureReset, !- Supply Fan Part-Load Power Coefficients
+ CycleOnAny, !- Night Cycle Control
+ , !- Night Cycle Control Zone Name
+ Enthalpy, !- Heat Recovery Type
+ 0.75, !- Sensible Heat Recovery Effectiveness
+ 0.70, !- Latent Heat Recovery Effectiveness
+ None, !- Cooling Coil Setpoint Reset Type
+ None, !- Heating Coil Setpoint Reset Type
+ None, !- Dehumidification Control Type
+ , !- Dehumidification Control Zone Name
+ 60.0, !- Dehumidification Setpoint {percent}
+ None, !- Humidifier Type
+ , !- Humidifier Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.000001, !- Humidifier Rated Capacity {m3/s}
+ 2690.0, !- Humidifier Rated Electric Power {W}
+ , !- Humidifier Control Zone Name
+ 30.0, !- Humidifier Setpoint {percent}
+ NonCoincident; !- Sizing Option
+ ChW Loop, !- Name
+ , !- Pump Schedule Name
+ INTERMITTENT, !- Pump Control Type
+ Default, !- Chiller Plant Operation Scheme Type
+ , !- Chiller Plant Equipment Operation Schemes Name
+ , !- Chilled Water Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 6.67, !- Chilled Water Design Setpoint {C}
+ VariablePrimaryNoSecondary, !- Chilled Water Pump Configuration
+ 240000, !- Primary Chilled Water Pump Rated Head {Pa}
+ , !- Secondary Chilled Water Pump Rated Head {Pa}
+ Default, !- Condenser Plant Operation Scheme Type
+ , !- Condenser Equipment Operation Schemes Name
+ , !- Condenser Water Temperature Control Type
+ , !- Condenser Water Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 29.4, !- Condenser Water Design Setpoint {C}
+ 210000, !- Condenser Water Pump Rated Head {Pa}
+ None, !- Chilled Water Setpoint Reset Type
+ 12.8, !- Chilled Water Setpoint at Outdoor Dry-Bulb Low {C}
+ 15.6, !- Chilled Water Reset Outdoor Dry-Bulb Low {C}
+ 6.67, !- Chilled Water Setpoint at Outdoor Dry-Bulb High {C}
+ 26.7, !- Chilled Water Reset Outdoor Dry-Bulb High {C}
+ TwoHeaderedPumps, !- Chilled Water Primary Pump Type
+ SinglePump, !- Chilled Water Secondary Pump Type
+ PumpPerTower, !- Condenser Water Pump Type
+ Yes, !- Chilled Water Supply Side Bypass Pipe
+ Yes, !- Chilled Water Demand Side Bypass Pipe
+ Yes, !- Condenser Water Supply Side Bypass Pipe
+ Yes, !- Condenser Water Demand Side Bypass Pipe
+ Water, !- Fluid Type
+ 6.67, !- Loop Design Delta Temperature {deltaC}
+ , !- Minimum Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature {C}
+ Sequential, !- Chilled Water Load Distribution Scheme
+ Sequential; !- Condenser Water Load Distribution Scheme
+ Chiller1, !- Name
+ ElectricCentrifugalChiller, !- Chiller Type
+ autosize, !- Capacity {W}
+ 6.1, !- Nominal COP {W/W}
+ WaterCooled, !- Condenser Type
+ 1, !- Priority
+ 0.5; !- Sizing Factor
+ Chiller2, !- Name
+ ElectricCentrifugalChiller, !- Chiller Type
+ autosize, !- Capacity {W}
+ 6.1, !- Nominal COP {W/W}
+ WaterCooled, !- Condenser Type
+ 2, !- Priority
+ 0.5; !- Sizing Factor
+ Tower1, !- Name
+ TwoSpeed, !- Tower Type
+ autosize, !- High Speed Nominal Capacity {W}
+ autosize, !- High Speed Fan Power {W}
+ autosize, !- Low Speed Nominal Capacity {W}
+ autosize, !- Low Speed Fan Power {W}
+ autosize, !- Free Convection Capacity {W}
+ 1, !- Priority
+ ; !- Sizing Factor
+ HW Loop, !- Name
+ , !- Pump Schedule Name
+ INTERMITTENT, !- Pump Control Type
+ Default, !- Hot Water Plant Operation Scheme Type
+ , !- Hot Water Plant Equipment Operation Schemes Name
+ , !- Hot Water Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 82, !- Hot Water Design Setpoint {C}
+ VariableFlow, !- Hot Water Pump Configuration
+ 210000, !- Hot Water Pump Rated Head {Pa}
+ None, !- Hot Water Setpoint Reset Type
+ 82.2, !- Hot Water Setpoint at Outdoor Dry-Bulb Low {C}
+ -6.7, !- Hot Water Reset Outdoor Dry-Bulb Low {C}
+ 65.6, !- Hot Water Setpoint at Outdoor Dry-Bulb High {C}
+ 10; !- Hot Water Reset Outdoor Dry-Bulb High {C}
+ Boiler1, !- Name
+ HotWaterBoiler, !- Boiler Type
+ autosize, !- Capacity {W}
+ 0.83, !- Efficiency
+ NaturalGas, !- Fuel Type
+ 1, !- Priority
+ ; !- Sizing Factor
+!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SIZING:PARAMETERS ===========
+ 1.25, !- Heating Sizing Factor
+ 1.15; !- Cooling Sizing Factor
+##elseif #[HVACSystem[] EQSU DOASFCU]
+ Thermostat, !- Name
+ HTGSETP_SCH, !- Heating Setpoint Schedule Name
+ , !- Constant Heating Setpoint {C}
+ CLGSETP_SCH, !- Cooling Setpoint Schedule Name
+ ; !- Constant Cooling Setpoint {C}
+ f1:PerimeterNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.35, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f1:PerimeterSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.35, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f1:PerimeterEast, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.35, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f1:PerimeterWest, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.35, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f1:InteriorNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.35, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f1:InteriorSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule
+ 0.35, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f1:InteriorEast, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.35, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f1:InteriorWest, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.35, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f1:Core, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.35, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f2:PerimeterNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.35, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f2:PerimeterSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.35, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f2:PerimeterEast, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.35, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f2:PerimeterWest, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.35, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f2:InteriorNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.35, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f2:InteriorSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.35, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f2:InteriorEast, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.35, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f2:InteriorWest, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.35, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f2:Core, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.35, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f3:PerimeterNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.35, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f3:PerimeterSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.35, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f3:PerimeterEast, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.35, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f3:PerimeterWest, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.35, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f3:InteriorNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.35, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f3:InteriorSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.35, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f3:InteriorEast, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.35, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f3:InteriorWest, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.35, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f3:Core, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.35, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ DOAS, !- Name
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ DirectIntoZone, !- Air Outlet Type
+ autosize, !- Supply Fan Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.7, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 1000, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ DrawThrough, !- Supply Fan Placement
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ FixedSetpoint, !- Cooling Coil Setpoint Control Type
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ , !- Cooling Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 15.6, !- Cooling Coil Setpoint at Outdoor Dry-Bulb Low {C}
+ 15.6, !- Cooling Coil Reset Outdoor Dry-Bulb Low {C}
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Setpoint at Outdoor Dry-Bulb High {C}
+ 23.3, !- Cooling Coil Reset Outdoor Dry-Bulb High {C}
+ , !- DX Cooling Coil Capacity {W}
+ , !- DX Cooling Coil Rated Sensible Heat Ratio
+ , !- DX Cooling Coil Rated COP {W/W}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ FixedSetpoint, !- Heating Coil Setpoint Control Type
+ 12.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ , !- Heating Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 15, !- Heating Coil Setpoint at Outdoor Dry-Bulb Low {C}
+ 7.8, !- Heating Coil Reset Outdoor Dry-Bulb Low {C}
+ 12.2, !- Heating Coil Setpoint at Outdoor Dry-Bulb High {C}
+ 12.2, !- Heating Coil Reset Outdoor Dry-Bulb High {C}
+ 0.83, !- Gas Heating Coil Efficiency
+ , !- Gas Heating Coil Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ Enthalpy, !- Heat Recovery Type
+ 0.75, !- Heat Recovery Sensible Effectiveness
+ 0.70, !- Heat Recovery Latent Effectiveness
+ Rotary, !- Heat Recovery Heat Exchanger Type
+ MinimumExhaustTemperature, !- Heat Recovery Frost Control Type
+ None, !- Dehumidification Control Type
+ 0.008, !- Dehumidification Setpoint {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ None, !- Humidifier Type
+ , !- Humidifier Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.000001, !- Humidifier Rated Capacity {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Humidifier Rated Electric Power {W}
+ 0.003, !- Humidifier Constant Setpoint {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ , !- Dehumidification Setpoint Schedule Name
+ ; !- Humidifier Setpoint Schedule Name
+ ChW Loop, !- Name
+ , !- Pump Schedule Name
+ INTERMITTENT, !- Pump Control Type
+ Default, !- Chiller Plant Operation Scheme Type
+ , !- Chiller Plant Equipment Operation Schemes Name
+ , !- Chilled Water Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 6.67, !- Chilled Water Design Setpoint {C}
+ VariablePrimaryNoSecondary, !- Chilled Water Pump Configuration
+ 240000, !- Primary Chilled Water Pump Rated Head {Pa}
+ , !- Secondary Chilled Water Pump Rated Head {Pa}
+ Default, !- Condenser Plant Operation Scheme Type
+ , !- Condenser Equipment Operation Schemes Name
+ , !- Condenser Water Temperature Control Type
+ , !- Condenser Water Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 29.4, !- Condenser Water Design Setpoint {C}
+ 210000, !- Condenser Water Pump Rated Head {Pa}
+ None, !- Chilled Water Setpoint Reset Type
+ 12.8, !- Chilled Water Setpoint at Outdoor Dry-Bulb Low {C}
+ 15.6, !- Chilled Water Reset Outdoor Dry-Bulb Low {C}
+ 6.67, !- Chilled Water Setpoint at Outdoor Dry-Bulb High {C}
+ 26.7, !- Chilled Water Reset Outdoor Dry-Bulb High {C}
+ TwoHeaderedPumps, !- Chilled Water Primary Pump Type
+ SinglePump, !- Chilled Water Secondary Pump Type
+ PumpPerTower, !- Condenser Water Pump Type
+ Yes, !- Chilled Water Supply Side Bypass Pipe
+ Yes, !- Chilled Water Demand Side Bypass Pipe
+ Yes, !- Condenser Water Supply Side Bypass Pipe
+ Yes, !- Condenser Water Demand Side Bypass Pipe
+ Water, !- Fluid Type
+ 6.67, !- Loop Design Delta Temperature {deltaC}
+ , !- Minimum Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature {C}
+ Sequential, !- Chilled Water Load Distribution Scheme
+ Sequential; !- Condenser Water Load Distribution Scheme
+ Chiller1, !- Name
+ ElectricCentrifugalChiller, !- Chiller Type
+ autosize, !- Capacity {W}
+ 6.1, !- Nominal COP {W/W}
+ WaterCooled, !- Condenser Type
+ 1, !- Priority
+ 0.5; !- Sizing Factor
+ Chiller2, !- Name
+ ElectricCentrifugalChiller, !- Chiller Type
+ autosize, !- Capacity {W}
+ 6.1, !- Nominal COP {W/W}
+ WaterCooled, !- Condenser Type
+ 2, !- Priority
+ 0.5; !- Sizing Factor
+ Tower1, !- Name
+ TwoSpeed, !- Tower Type
+ autosize, !- High Speed Nominal Capacity {W}
+ autosize, !- High Speed Fan Power {W}
+ autosize, !- Low Speed Nominal Capacity {W}
+ autosize, !- Low Speed Fan Power {W}
+ autosize, !- Free Convection Capacity {W}
+ 1, !- Priority
+ ; !- Sizing Factor
+ HW Loop, !- Name
+ , !- Pump Schedule Name
+ INTERMITTENT, !- Pump Control Type
+ Default, !- Hot Water Plant Operation Scheme Type
+ , !- Hot Water Plant Equipment Operation Schemes Name
+ , !- Hot Water Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 82, !- Hot Water Design Setpoint {C}
+ VariableFlow, !- Hot Water Pump Configuration
+ 210000, !- Hot Water Pump Rated Head {Pa}
+ None, !- Hot Water Setpoint Reset Type
+ 82.2, !- Hot Water Setpoint at Outdoor Dry-Bulb Low {C}
+ -6.7, !- Hot Water Reset Outdoor Dry-Bulb Low {C}
+ 65.6, !- Hot Water Setpoint at Outdoor Dry-Bulb High {C}
+ 10; !- Hot Water Reset Outdoor Dry-Bulb High {C}
+ Boiler1, !- Name
+ HotWaterBoiler, !- Boiler Type
+ autosize, !- Capacity {W}
+ 0.83, !- Efficiency
+ NaturalGas, !- Fuel Type
+ 1, !- Priority
+ ; !- Sizing Factor
+!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SIZING:PARAMETERS ===========
+ 1.25, !- Heating Sizing Factor
+ 1.15; !- Cooling Sizing Factor
+##elseif #[HVACSystem[] EQSU DOASECMFCU]
+ Thermostat, !- Name
+ HTGSETP_SCH, !- Heating Setpoint Schedule Name
+ , !- Constant Heating Setpoint {C}
+ CLGSETP_SCH, !- Cooling Setpoint Schedule Name
+ ; !- Constant Cooling Setpoint {C}
+ f1:PerimeterNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.7, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f1:PerimeterSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.7, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f1:PerimeterEast, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.7, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f1:PerimeterWest, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.7, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f1:InteriorNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.7, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f1:InteriorSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule
+ 0.7, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f1:InteriorEast, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.7, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f1:InteriorWest, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.7, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f1:Core, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.7, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f2:PerimeterNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.7, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f2:PerimeterSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.7, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f2:PerimeterEast, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.7, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f2:PerimeterWest, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.7, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f2:InteriorNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.7, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f2:InteriorSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.7, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f2:InteriorEast, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.7, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f2:InteriorWest, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.7, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f2:Core, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.7, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f3:PerimeterNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.7, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f3:PerimeterSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.7, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f3:PerimeterEast, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.7, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f3:PerimeterWest, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.7, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f3:InteriorNorth, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.7, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f3:InteriorSouth, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.7, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f3:InteriorEast, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.7, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f3:InteriorWest, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.7, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ f3:Core, !- Zone Name
+ Thermostat, !- Template Thermostat Name
+ autosize, !- Supply Air Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ , !- Zone Heating Sizing Factor
+ , !- Zone Cooling Sizing Factor
+ SUM, !- Outdoor Air Method
+ VRP[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Person {m3/s}
+ VRA[], !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone Floor Area {m3/s-m2}
+ , !- Outdoor Air Flow Rate per Zone {m3/s}
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.7, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 250, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ 32.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ DOAS, !- Dedicated Outdoor Air System Name
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1, !- Zone Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ SupplyAirTemperature, !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Input Method
+ 11.1; !- Zone Heating Design Supply Air Temperature Difference {deltaC}
+ DOAS, !- Name
+ HVACOperationSchd, !- System Availability Schedule Name
+ DirectIntoZone, !- Air Outlet Type
+ autosize, !- Supply Fan Flow Rate {m3/s}
+ 0.7, !- Supply Fan Total Efficiency
+ 1000, !- Supply Fan Delta Pressure {Pa}
+ 0.9, !- Supply Fan Motor Efficiency
+ 1, !- Supply Fan Motor in Air Stream Fraction
+ DrawThrough, !- Supply Fan Placement
+ ChilledWater, !- Cooling Coil Type
+ , !- Cooling Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ FixedSetpoint, !- Cooling Coil Setpoint Control Type
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ , !- Cooling Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 15.6, !- Cooling Coil Setpoint at Outdoor Dry-Bulb Low {C}
+ 15.6, !- Cooling Coil Reset Outdoor Dry-Bulb Low {C}
+ 12.8, !- Cooling Coil Setpoint at Outdoor Dry-Bulb High {C}
+ 23.3, !- Cooling Coil Reset Outdoor Dry-Bulb High {C}
+ , !- DX Cooling Coil Capacity {W}
+ , !- DX Cooling Coil Rated Sensible Heat Ratio
+ , !- DX Cooling Coil Rated COP {W/W}
+ HotWater, !- Heating Coil Type
+ , !- Heating Coil Availability Schedule Name
+ FixedSetpoint, !- Heating Coil Setpoint Control Type
+ 12.2, !- Heating Coil Design Setpoint {C}
+ , !- Heating Coil Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 15, !- Heating Coil Setpoint at Outdoor Dry-Bulb Low {C}
+ 7.8, !- Heating Coil Reset Outdoor Dry-Bulb Low {C}
+ 12.2, !- Heating Coil Setpoint at Outdoor Dry-Bulb High {C}
+ 12.2, !- Heating Coil Reset Outdoor Dry-Bulb High {C}
+ 0.83, !- Gas Heating Coil Efficiency
+ , !- Gas Heating Coil Parasitic Electric Load {W}
+ Enthalpy, !- Heat Recovery Type
+ 0.75, !- Heat Recovery Sensible Effectiveness
+ 0.70, !- Heat Recovery Latent Effectiveness
+ Rotary, !- Heat Recovery Heat Exchanger Type
+ MinimumExhaustTemperature, !- Heat Recovery Frost Control Type
+ None, !- Dehumidification Control Type
+ 0.008, !- Dehumidification Setpoint {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ None, !- Humidifier Type
+ , !- Humidifier Availability Schedule Name
+ 0.000001, !- Humidifier Rated Capacity {m3/s}
+ autosize, !- Humidifier Rated Electric Power {W}
+ 0.003, !- Humidifier Constant Setpoint {kgWater/kgDryAir}
+ , !- Dehumidification Setpoint Schedule Name
+ ; !- Humidifier Setpoint Schedule Name
+ ChW Loop, !- Name
+ , !- Pump Schedule Name
+ INTERMITTENT, !- Pump Control Type
+ Default, !- Chiller Plant Operation Scheme Type
+ , !- Chiller Plant Equipment Operation Schemes Name
+ , !- Chilled Water Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 6.67, !- Chilled Water Design Setpoint {C}
+ VariablePrimaryNoSecondary, !- Chilled Water Pump Configuration
+ 240000, !- Primary Chilled Water Pump Rated Head {Pa}
+ , !- Secondary Chilled Water Pump Rated Head {Pa}
+ Default, !- Condenser Plant Operation Scheme Type
+ , !- Condenser Equipment Operation Schemes Name
+ , !- Condenser Water Temperature Control Type
+ , !- Condenser Water Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 29.4, !- Condenser Water Design Setpoint {C}
+ 210000, !- Condenser Water Pump Rated Head {Pa}
+ None, !- Chilled Water Setpoint Reset Type
+ 12.8, !- Chilled Water Setpoint at Outdoor Dry-Bulb Low {C}
+ 15.6, !- Chilled Water Reset Outdoor Dry-Bulb Low {C}
+ 6.67, !- Chilled Water Setpoint at Outdoor Dry-Bulb High {C}
+ 26.7, !- Chilled Water Reset Outdoor Dry-Bulb High {C}
+ TwoHeaderedPumps, !- Chilled Water Primary Pump Type
+ SinglePump, !- Chilled Water Secondary Pump Type
+ PumpPerTower, !- Condenser Water Pump Type
+ Yes, !- Chilled Water Supply Side Bypass Pipe
+ Yes, !- Chilled Water Demand Side Bypass Pipe
+ Yes, !- Condenser Water Supply Side Bypass Pipe
+ Yes, !- Condenser Water Demand Side Bypass Pipe
+ Water, !- Fluid Type
+ 6.67, !- Loop Design Delta Temperature {deltaC}
+ , !- Minimum Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature {C}
+ Sequential, !- Chilled Water Load Distribution Scheme
+ Sequential; !- Condenser Water Load Distribution Scheme
+ Chiller1, !- Name
+ ElectricCentrifugalChiller, !- Chiller Type
+ autosize, !- Capacity {W}
+ 6.1, !- Nominal COP {W/W}
+ WaterCooled, !- Condenser Type
+ 1, !- Priority
+ 0.5; !- Sizing Factor
+ Chiller2, !- Name
+ ElectricCentrifugalChiller, !- Chiller Type
+ autosize, !- Capacity {W}
+ 6.1, !- Nominal COP {W/W}
+ WaterCooled, !- Condenser Type
+ 2, !- Priority
+ 0.5; !- Sizing Factor
+ Tower1, !- Name
+ TwoSpeed, !- Tower Type
+ autosize, !- High Speed Nominal Capacity {W}
+ autosize, !- High Speed Fan Power {W}
+ autosize, !- Low Speed Nominal Capacity {W}
+ autosize, !- Low Speed Fan Power {W}
+ autosize, !- Free Convection Capacity {W}
+ 1, !- Priority
+ ; !- Sizing Factor
+ HW Loop, !- Name
+ , !- Pump Schedule Name
+ INTERMITTENT, !- Pump Control Type
+ Default, !- Hot Water Plant Operation Scheme Type
+ , !- Hot Water Plant Equipment Operation Schemes Name
+ , !- Hot Water Setpoint Schedule Name
+ 82, !- Hot Water Design Setpoint {C}
+ VariableFlow, !- Hot Water Pump Configuration
+ 210000, !- Hot Water Pump Rated Head {Pa}
+ None, !- Hot Water Setpoint Reset Type
+ 82.2, !- Hot Water Setpoint at Outdoor Dry-Bulb Low {C}
+ -6.7, !- Hot Water Reset Outdoor Dry-Bulb Low {C}
+ 65.6, !- Hot Water Setpoint at Outdoor Dry-Bulb High {C}
+ 10; !- Hot Water Reset Outdoor Dry-Bulb High {C}
+ Boiler1, !- Name
+ HotWaterBoiler, !- Boiler Type
+ autosize, !- Capacity {W}
+ 0.83, !- Efficiency
+ NaturalGas, !- Fuel Type
+ 1, !- Priority
+ ; !- Sizing Factor
+!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: SIZING:PARAMETERS ===========
+ 1.25, !- Heating Sizing Factor
+ 1.15; !- Cooling Sizing Factor
+ Output:VariableDictionary,IDF,Unsorted;
+ OutputControl:Table:Style,
+ XML;
+ Output:Table:SummaryReports,
+ AllSummaryAndMonthly;
+ OutputControl:ReportingTolerances,
+ 0.556, !- Tolerance for Time Heating Setpoint Not Met {deltaC}
+ 0.556; !- Tolerance for Time Cooling Setpoint Not Met {deltaC}
+!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: OUTPUT:VARIABLE ===========
+ Output:Diagnostics,ReportDuringWarmup;
+ Output:Variable,Environment,Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature,Hourly;
+ Output:Variable,*,Site Outdoor Air Relative Humidity,HOURLY;
+ Output:Variable,*,Plant Supply Side Cooling Demand Rate,HOURLY;
+ Output:Variable,*,Plant Supply Side Heating Demand Rate,HOURLY;
+ Output:Variable,*,Zone Mean Air Temperature,Hourly;
+ Output:Variable,*,Daylighting Reference Point 1 Illuminance,Hourly;
+!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: OUTPUT:METER ===========
+ Output:Meter,Cooling:Electricity,HOURLY;
+ Output:Meter,InteriorLights:Electricity,HOURLY;
+ Output:Meter,Heating:Gas,HOURLY;
+ Output:Meter,Electricity:Facility,HOURLY;
+ Output:Meter,Gas:Facility,HOURLY;
+ Output:Meter,Pumps:Electricity,HOURLY;
+ Output:Meter,Fans:Electricity,HOURLY;
+ Output:Meter,InteriorLights:Electricity,HOURLY;
+ Output:Meter,InteriorEquipment:Electricity,HOURLY;
+ EnvironmentalImpactFactors,
+ 0.663, !- District Heating Efficiency
+ 4.18, !- District Cooling COP {W/W}
+ 0.585, !- Steam Conversion Efficiency
+ 80.7272, !- Total Carbon Equivalent Emission Factor From N2O {kg/kg}
+ 6.2727, !- Total Carbon Equivalent Emission Factor From CH4 {kg/kg}
+ 0.2727; !- Total Carbon Equivalent Emission Factor From CO2 {kg/kg}
+!- =========== ALL OBJECTS IN CLASS: FUELFACTORS ===========
+ FuelFactors,
+ Electricity, !- Existing Fuel Resource Name
+ kg, !- Units of Measure
+ , !- Energy per Unit Factor
+ 3.364, !- Source Energy Factor {J/J}
+ , !- Source Energy Schedule Name
+ 1.942E+02, !- CO2 Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- CO2 Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 6.556E-02, !- CO Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- CO Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 3.722E-01, !- CH4 Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- CH4 Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 3.750E-01, !- NOx Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- NOx Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 4.722E-03, !- N2O Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- N2O Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 9.750E-01, !- SO2 Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- SO2 Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 0.0, !- PM Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- PM Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 1.006E-02, !- PM10 Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- PM10 Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 0.0, !- PM2.5 Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- PM2.5 Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 0.0, !- NH3 Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- NH3 Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 9.583E-03, !- NMVOC Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- NMVOC Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 3.556E-06, !- Hg Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- Hg Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 1.728E-05, !- Pb Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- Pb Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 1.734333, !- Water Emission Factor {L/MJ}
+ , !- Water Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 0, !- Nuclear High Level Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- Nuclear High Level Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 0; !- Nuclear Low Level Emission Factor {m3/MJ}
+ FuelFactors,
+ NaturalGas, !- Existing Fuel Resource Name
+ m3, !- Units of Measure
+ 37631000, !- Energy per Unit Factor
+ 1.092, !- Source Energy Factor {J/J}
+ , !- Source Energy Schedule Name
+ 5.21E+01, !- CO2 Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- CO2 Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 3.99E-02, !- CO Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- CO Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 1.06E-03, !- CH4 Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- CH4 Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 4.73E-02, !- NOx Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- NOx Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 1.06E-03, !- N2O Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- N2O Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 2.68E-04, !- SO2 Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- SO2 Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 0.0, !- PM Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- PM Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 3.59E-03, !- PM10 Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- PM10 Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 0.0, !- PM2.5 Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- PM2.5 Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 0, !- NH3 Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- NH3 Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 2.61E-03, !- NMVOC Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- NMVOC Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 1.11E-07, !- Hg Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- Hg Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 2.13E-07, !- Pb Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- Pb Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 0, !- Water Emission Factor {L/MJ}
+ , !- Water Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 0, !- Nuclear High Level Emission Factor {g/MJ}
+ , !- Nuclear High Level Emission Factor Schedule Name
+ 0; !- Nuclear Low Level Emission Factor {m3/MJ}
Added: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/TODO
--- SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/TODO (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/TODO 2013-12-09 15:07:24 UTC (rev 7388)
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ Install public 0.94.1 (and trunk) on OSDC, /glusterfs/users/swiftlang
+ Ensure node modules in place (beagle and osdc)
+ push osdc-specific changes
+ Test osdc
+make sweep.swift *totally* general for an unlimited number of sweep
+variables, but I don't see how yet.
+swift enh: dont require - on @args on shell cmd line
+swift enh: always being back files, stdout, stderr, even if on
+coasters prover staging, in debug mode.
+swift enh: make it easier to return less results or an optional number
+ of results debug mode is only a partial answr
+swift enh: provide simple dictionary methods for passing lengthy arg
+lists; dont require etenesive redeclaration o everything.
+swift eng: make string or file a default type:
+app (file a, b, c) myfunc( int a, b, string c, d)
+Design principles: easy to pass multi-params down several layers; easy
+to get diag info across layers, especially form the ap layer to the
+top (ie where were the EPlus errors)
+Design principle: easy to test an app() and its app.sh in its "native
+swift environment" eg like TestRunEP.
+provide @args() func to return vector of arg names (to process
+arbitrary argnames)
+Provide functions to turn json docs ino swift structs (also protocol
+command line option to turn on tracing (possibly multiple trace
+Why writing 3x files per app grinds to a halt on /lustre after ~1500
+Can we get output batching to work via CDM? Or manually?
+Need a Swif output spec(s) to gather all instance of files or FDs
+(std*) into single files on the Swift client. The app() must do
+whatever app-scpecific labelling is needed (if any) to ensure that the
+output streasms can be intelligently processed. Some options include
+swift auto-labelling based on file name:
+START output/f123.out
+END output/f123.out
+The file would be called app.filename or could be mapped to something
+like: batch://app/file/name//file/name/within/batch
+This could be done initially to only work with provider staging.
+(filed in bugzila)
Added: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/TestRunEP.sh
--- SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/TestRunEP.sh (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/TestRunEP.sh 2013-12-09 15:07:24 UTC (rev 7388)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+mkdir -p /dev/shm/$USER
+d=$(mktemp -d /dev/shm/$USER/test-eplus-XXXX)
+echo Test dir is $d
+cp $imf CHICAGO.epw $d
+cd $d
+$here/RunAndReduceEP.sh --imf $imf --epw CHICAGO.epw --outall eptest.tgz --outjson eptest.json --outxml eptest.xml 2>stderr | tee stdout
+echo RunAndReduceEP return code is $?
Property changes on: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/TestRunEP.sh
Added: svn:executable
+ *
Added: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/apps
--- SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/apps (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/apps 2013-12-09 15:07:24 UTC (rev 7388)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+midway sh /bin/sh
+midway RunEP /home/maheshwari/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/urbanccd-work/EPlus/RunAndReduceEP.sh
Added: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/cf
--- SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/cf (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/cf 2013-12-09 15:07:24 UTC (rev 7388)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Added: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/cleanup.sh
--- SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/cleanup.sh (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/cleanup.sh 2013-12-09 15:07:24 UTC (rev 7388)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# rm -rf *.log *.rlog *.d sweep1-*-*-* *.kml *.swiftx *.out output outdir logs hw.* _concurrent .swift/tmp
+echo "stopping coaster service"
Property changes on: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/cleanup.sh
Added: svn:executable
+ *
Added: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/coaster-service.conf
--- SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/coaster-service.conf (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/coaster-service.conf 2013-12-09 15:07:24 UTC (rev 7388)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+#Location of SWIFT. If empty, PATH is referenced
+ export SWIFT=
+ # Where to place/launch worker.pl on the remote machine for sites.xml
+ export WORKER_LOCATION=/tmp/$USER/swift
+ # How to launch workers: local, ssh, or cobalt
+ export WORKER_MODE=ssh
+ # Worker logging setting passed to worker.pl for sites.xml
+ export SSH_TUNNELING=yes
+ # User name to use for all systems
+ export WORKER_USERNAME=ubuntu # for Ubuntu VMs
+ export WORKER_USERNAME=root # for CentOS VMs
+ # Worker host names for ssh
+# export WORKER_HOSTS="crush thwomp stomp crank grind churn trounce thrash vanquish"
+#export WORKER_HOSTS=""
+ # Directory to keep log files, relative to working directory when launching start-coaster-service
+ export LOG_DIR=logs
+ export WORKER_LOG_DIR=/tmp
+ # Manually define ports. If not specified, ports will be automatically generated
+ #export LOCAL_PORT=50100
+ #export SERVICE_PORT=50200
+ # Set shared filesystem to no since work will be done in local /sandbox directory
+ # start-coaster-service tries to automatically detect IP address.
+ # Specify here if auto detection is not working correctly
+ export IPADDR=
+ # Below are various settings to give information about how to create sites.xml
+ export WORK=/tmp/$USER/swiftwork
+ export JOBS_PER_NODE=1
+ export JOBSPERNODE=1
+ export JOBTHROTTLE=$( echo "scale=5; ($JOBS_PER_NODE * $( echo $WORKER_HOSTS | wc -w ))/100 - 0.00001"|bc )
+ # Swift applications
+ #app cat=/bin/cat
+ #app bash=/bin/bash
+ #app echo=/bin/echo
Added: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/listhosts.sh
--- SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/listhosts.sh (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/listhosts.sh 2013-12-09 15:07:24 UTC (rev 7388)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+echo $(nova list | grep Lake0 | sed -e 's/^.*=//' -e 's/ .*//')
Property changes on: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/listhosts.sh
Added: svn:executable
+ *
Added: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/parse.js
--- SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/parse.js (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/parse.js 2013-12-09 15:07:24 UTC (rev 7388)
@@ -0,0 +1,544 @@
+// revised 11.19.2013 by Matthew Shaxted
+var arguments = process.argv.splice(2);
+var outputFilename = arguments[0];
+outputFilename = outputFilename.replace(".xml",".json");
+//outputFilename = outputFilename.split("output")[1];
+//outputFilename = outputFilename[1];
+var fs = require('fs');
+var parser = require('xml2json');
+// write file
+var writefile = true;
+//var outputFilename = __dirname+'/output.json';
+// doposit to mongoDB
+var dbresult = false;
+var dbaddress = 'mongodb://'+
+var dbcollection = 'PILOTRUN';
+fs.readFile('eplustbl.xml', function(err, data) {
+//fs.readFile('SWEEP_RECTTable.xml', function(err, data) {
+var options = {
+ object: true,
+ reversible: false,
+ coerce: true,
+ sanitize: true,
+ trim: true,
+ arrayNotation: false
+var json = parser.toJson(data,options); //returns a string containing the JSON structure by default
+var ModelArea = parseFloat(json.EnergyPlusTabularReports.AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary.BuildingArea.TotalBuildingArea);
+var RawMonthlyElectricity = (json.EnergyPlusTabularReports.Enduseenergyconsumptionelectricitymonthly.EnduseenergyconsumptionelectricitymonthlyRecord);
+var RawMonthlyGas = (json.EnergyPlusTabularReports.Enduseenergyconsumptionnaturalgasmonthly.EnduseenergyconsumptionnaturalgasmonthlyRecord);
+for (i=0;i<RawMonthlyElectricity.length;i++){
+ var RawCoolingElectricity=[];
+ //console.log(RawMonthlyElectricity[i].name.$t);
+if (RawMonthlyElectricity[i].name.$t=='CoolingElectricity') {
+ // console.log(RawMonthlyElectricity[i].name.$t);
+ RawCoolingElectricity = RawMonthlyElectricity[i];
+ var CoolingMonthly = {
+ "January": Math.round(RawCoolingElectricity.January*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "February": Math.round(RawCoolingElectricity.February*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "March": Math.round(RawCoolingElectricity.March*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "April": Math.round(RawCoolingElectricity.April*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "May": Math.round(RawCoolingElectricity.May*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "June": Math.round(RawCoolingElectricity.June*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "July": Math.round(RawCoolingElectricity.July*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "August": Math.round(RawCoolingElectricity.August*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "September": Math.round(RawCoolingElectricity.September*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "October": Math.round(RawCoolingElectricity.October*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "November": Math.round(RawCoolingElectricity.November*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "December": Math.round(RawCoolingElectricity.December*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ }
+// plug/light
+ //InteriorlightsElectricity
+ //ExteriorlightsElectricity
+ //InteriorequipmentElectricity
+ //ExteriorequipmentElectricity
+var RawIntLights=[];
+if (RawMonthlyElectricity[i].name.$t=='InteriorlightsElectricity') {
+ // console.log(RawMonthlyElectricity[i].name.$t);
+ RawIntLights = RawMonthlyElectricity[i];
+ var IntLightsMonthly = {
+ "January": Math.round(RawIntLights.January*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "February": Math.round(RawIntLights.February*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "March": Math.round(RawIntLights.March*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "April": Math.round(RawIntLights.April*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "May": Math.round(RawIntLights.May*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "June": Math.round(RawIntLights.June*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "July": Math.round(RawIntLights.July*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "August": Math.round(RawIntLights.August*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "September": Math.round(RawIntLights.September*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "October": Math.round(RawIntLights.October*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "November": Math.round(RawIntLights.November*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "December": Math.round(RawIntLights.December*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ }
+ var RawExtLights=[];
+if (RawMonthlyElectricity[i].name.$t=='ExteriorlightsElectricity') {
+ // console.log(RawMonthlyElectricity[i].name.$t);
+ RawExtLights = RawMonthlyElectricity[i];
+ var ExtLightsMonthly = {
+ "January": Math.round(RawExtLights.January*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "February": Math.round(RawExtLights.February*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "March": Math.round(RawExtLights.March*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "April": Math.round(RawExtLights.April*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "May": Math.round(RawExtLights.May*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "June": Math.round(RawExtLights.June*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "July": Math.round(RawExtLights.July*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "August": Math.round(RawExtLights.August*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "September": Math.round(RawExtLights.September*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "October": Math.round(RawExtLights.October*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "November": Math.round(RawExtLights.November*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "December": Math.round(RawExtLights.December*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ }
+ var RawIntEquip=[];
+if (RawMonthlyElectricity[i].name.$t=='InteriorequipmentElectricity') {
+ // console.log(RawMonthlyElectricity[i].name.$t);
+ RawIntEquip = RawMonthlyElectricity[i];
+ var IntEquipMonthly = {
+ "January": Math.round(RawIntEquip.January*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "February": Math.round(RawIntEquip.February*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "March": Math.round(RawIntEquip.March*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "April": Math.round(RawIntEquip.April*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "May": Math.round(RawIntEquip.May*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "June": Math.round(RawIntEquip.June*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "July": Math.round(RawIntEquip.July*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "August": Math.round(RawIntEquip.August*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "September": Math.round(RawIntEquip.September*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "October": Math.round(RawIntEquip.October*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "November": Math.round(RawIntEquip.November*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "December": Math.round(RawIntEquip.December*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ }
+ var RawExtEquip=[];
+if (RawMonthlyElectricity[i].name.$t=='ExteriorequipmentElectricity') {
+ // console.log(RawMonthlyElectricity[i].name.$t);
+ RawExtEquip = RawMonthlyElectricity[i];
+ var ExtEquipMonthly = {
+ "January": Math.round(RawExtEquip.January*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "February": Math.round(RawExtEquip.February*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "March": Math.round(RawExtEquip.March*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "April": Math.round(RawExtEquip.April*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "May": Math.round(RawExtEquip.May*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "June": Math.round(RawExtEquip.June*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "July": Math.round(RawExtEquip.July*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "August": Math.round(RawExtEquip.August*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "September": Math.round(RawExtEquip.September*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "October": Math.round(RawExtEquip.October*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "November": Math.round(RawExtEquip.November*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "December": Math.round(RawExtEquip.December*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ }
+ //auxilary
+ //FansElectricity
+ //PumpsElectricity
+ //HeatrejectionElectricity
+ var RawFanElec=[];
+if (RawMonthlyElectricity[i].name.$t=='FansElectricity') {
+ // console.log(RawMonthlyElectricity[i].name.$t);
+ RawFanElec = RawMonthlyElectricity[i];
+ var FanMonthly = {
+ "January": Math.round(RawFanElec.January*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "February": Math.round(RawFanElec.February*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "March": Math.round(RawFanElec.March*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "April": Math.round(RawFanElec.April*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "May": Math.round(RawFanElec.May*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "June": Math.round(RawFanElec.June*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "July": Math.round(RawFanElec.July*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "August": Math.round(RawFanElec.August*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "September": Math.round(RawFanElec.September*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "October": Math.round(RawFanElec.October*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "November": Math.round(RawFanElec.November*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "December": Math.round(RawFanElec.December*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ }
+ var RawPumpElec=[];
+if (RawMonthlyElectricity[i].name.$t=='PumpsElectricity') {
+ // console.log(RawMonthlyElectricity[i].name.$t);
+ RawPumpElec = RawMonthlyElectricity[i];
+ var PumpMonthly = {
+ "January": Math.round(RawPumpElec.January*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "February": Math.round(RawPumpElec.February*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "March": Math.round(RawPumpElec.March*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "April": Math.round(RawPumpElec.April*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "May": Math.round(RawPumpElec.May*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "June": Math.round(RawPumpElec.June*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "July": Math.round(RawPumpElec.July*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "August": Math.round(RawPumpElec.August*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "September": Math.round(RawPumpElec.September*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "October": Math.round(RawPumpElec.October*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "November": Math.round(RawPumpElec.November*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "December": Math.round(RawPumpElec.December*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ }
+ var RawHRElec=[];
+if (RawMonthlyElectricity[i].name.$t=='HeatrejectionElectricity') {
+ // console.log(RawMonthlyElectricity[i].name.$t);
+ RawHRElec = RawMonthlyElectricity[i];
+ var HRMonthly = {
+ "January": Math.round(RawHRElec.January*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "February": Math.round(RawHRElec.February*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "March": Math.round(RawHRElec.March*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "April": Math.round(RawHRElec.April*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "May": Math.round(RawHRElec.May*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "June": Math.round(RawHRElec.June*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "July": Math.round(RawHRElec.July*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "August": Math.round(RawHRElec.August*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "September": Math.round(RawHRElec.September*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "October": Math.round(RawHRElec.October*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "November": Math.round(RawHRElec.November*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "December": Math.round(RawHRElec.December*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ }
+// heating and dhw
+for (i=0;i<RawMonthlyGas.length;i++){
+ var RawHeatingGas=[];
+ //console.log(RawMonthlyElectricity[i].name.$t);
+if (RawMonthlyGas[i].name.$t=='HeatingGas') {
+ // console.log(RawMonthlyGas[i].name.$t);
+ RawHeatingGas = RawMonthlyGas[i];
+ var HeatingMonthly = {
+ "January": Math.round(RawHeatingGas.January*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "February": Math.round(RawHeatingGas.February*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "March": Math.round(RawHeatingGas.March*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "April": Math.round(RawHeatingGas.April*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "May": Math.round(RawHeatingGas.May*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "June": Math.round(RawHeatingGas.June*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "July": Math.round(RawHeatingGas.July*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "August": Math.round(RawHeatingGas.August*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "September": Math.round(RawHeatingGas.September*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "October": Math.round(RawHeatingGas.October*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "November": Math.round(RawHeatingGas.November*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "December": Math.round(RawHeatingGas.December*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ var RawDHWGas=[];
+ //console.log(RawMonthlyElectricity[i].name.$t);
+if (RawMonthlyGas[i].name.$t=='WatersystemsGas') {
+// console.log(RawMonthlyGas[i].name.$t);
+ RawDHWGas = RawMonthlyGas[i];
+ var DHWMonthly = {
+ "January": Math.round(RawDHWGas.January*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "February": Math.round(RawDHWGas.February*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "March": Math.round(RawDHWGas.March*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "April": Math.round(RawDHWGas.April*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "May": Math.round(RawDHWGas.May*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "June": Math.round(RawDHWGas.June*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "July": Math.round(RawDHWGas.July*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "August": Math.round(RawDHWGas.August*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "September": Math.round(RawDHWGas.September*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "October": Math.round(RawDHWGas.October*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "November": Math.round(RawDHWGas.November*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+ "December": Math.round(RawDHWGas.December*0.0000002777778/ModelArea*10000)/10000,
+// compile the results even further
+// AuxMonthly = PumpMonthly, FanMonthly, HRMonthly
+// PlugLightMonthly = ExtLightsMonthly, IntLightsMonthly, ExtEquipMonthly, IntEquipMonthly
+var AuxMonthly = {
+ "January": Math.round((PumpMonthly.January + FanMonthly.January + HRMonthly.January)*10000)/10000,
+ "February": Math.round((PumpMonthly.February + FanMonthly.February + HRMonthly.February)*10000)/10000,
+ "March": Math.round((PumpMonthly.March + FanMonthly.March + HRMonthly.March)*10000)/10000,
+ "April":Math.round(( PumpMonthly.April + FanMonthly.April + HRMonthly.April)*10000)/10000,
+ "May": Math.round((PumpMonthly.May + FanMonthly.May + HRMonthly.May)*10000)/10000,
+ "June": Math.round((PumpMonthly.June + FanMonthly.June + HRMonthly.June)*10000)/10000,
+ "July": Math.round((PumpMonthly.July + FanMonthly.July + HRMonthly.July)*10000)/10000,
+ "August": Math.round((PumpMonthly.August + FanMonthly.August + HRMonthly.August)*10000)/10000,
+ "September":Math.round(( PumpMonthly.September + FanMonthly.September + HRMonthly.September)*10000)/10000,
+ "October": Math.round((PumpMonthly.October + FanMonthly.October + HRMonthly.October)*10000)/10000,
+ "November": Math.round((PumpMonthly.November + FanMonthly.November + HRMonthly.November)*10000)/10000,
+ "December":Math.round(( PumpMonthly.December + FanMonthly.December + HRMonthly.December)*10000)/10000,
+var PlugLightMonthly = {
+ "January": Math.round((ExtLightsMonthly.January + IntLightsMonthly.January + IntEquipMonthly.January + ExtEquipMonthly.January)*10000)/10000,
+ "February": Math.round(( ExtLightsMonthly.February + IntLightsMonthly.February + IntEquipMonthly.February + ExtEquipMonthly.February)*10000)/10000,
+ "March": Math.round((ExtLightsMonthly.March + IntLightsMonthly.March + IntEquipMonthly.March + ExtEquipMonthly.March)*10000)/10000,
+ "April": Math.round(( ExtLightsMonthly.April + IntLightsMonthly.April + IntEquipMonthly.April + ExtEquipMonthly.April)*10000)/10000,
+ "May": Math.round((ExtLightsMonthly.May + IntLightsMonthly.May + IntEquipMonthly.May + ExtEquipMonthly.May)*10000)/10000,
+ "June": Math.round(( ExtLightsMonthly.June + IntLightsMonthly.June + IntEquipMonthly.June + ExtEquipMonthly.June)*10000)/10000,
+ "July": Math.round((ExtLightsMonthly.July + IntLightsMonthly.July + IntEquipMonthly.July+ ExtEquipMonthly.July)*10000)/10000,
+ "August": Math.round((ExtLightsMonthly.August + IntLightsMonthly.August + IntEquipMonthly.August + ExtEquipMonthly.August)*10000)/10000,
+ "September": Math.round((ExtLightsMonthly.September + IntLightsMonthly.September + IntEquipMonthly.September + ExtEquipMonthly.September)*10000)/10000,
+ "October": Math.round((ExtLightsMonthly.October + IntLightsMonthly.October + IntEquipMonthly.October + ExtEquipMonthly.October)*10000)/10000,
+ "November": Math.round(( ExtLightsMonthly.November + IntLightsMonthly.November + IntEquipMonthly.November + ExtEquipMonthly.November)*10000)/10000,
+ "December": Math.round(( ExtLightsMonthly.December + IntLightsMonthly.December + IntEquipMonthly.December + ExtEquipMonthly.December)*10000)/10000
+// generate the annual and total monthly results
+//HeatingMonthly, CoolingMonthly, PlugLightMonthly, AuxMonthly, DHWMonthly
+var TotalMonthly = {
+ "January": Math.round((HeatingMonthly.January + CoolingMonthly.January + PlugLightMonthly.January + AuxMonthly.January)*10000)/10000,
+ "February": Math.round(( HeatingMonthly.February + CoolingMonthly.February + PlugLightMonthly.February + AuxMonthly.February)*10000)/10000,
+ "March": Math.round((HeatingMonthly.March + CoolingMonthly.March + PlugLightMonthly.March + AuxMonthly.March)*10000)/10000,
+ "April": Math.round((HeatingMonthly.April + CoolingMonthly.April + PlugLightMonthly.April + AuxMonthly.April)*10000)/10000,
+ "May": Math.round((HeatingMonthly.May + CoolingMonthly.May + PlugLightMonthly.May + AuxMonthly.May)*10000)/10000,
+ "June": Math.round((HeatingMonthly.June + CoolingMonthly.June + PlugLightMonthly.June + AuxMonthly.June)*10000)/10000,
+ "July": Math.round((HeatingMonthly.July + CoolingMonthly.July + PlugLightMonthly.July + AuxMonthly.July)*10000)/10000,
+ "August": Math.round((HeatingMonthly.August + CoolingMonthly.August + PlugLightMonthly.August + AuxMonthly.August)*10000)/10000,
+ "September": Math.round((HeatingMonthly.September + CoolingMonthly.September + PlugLightMonthly.September + AuxMonthly.September)*10000)/10000,
+ "October": Math.round((HeatingMonthly.October + CoolingMonthly.October + PlugLightMonthly.October + AuxMonthly.October)*10000)/10000,
+ "November": Math.round(( HeatingMonthly.November + CoolingMonthly.November + PlugLightMonthly.November + AuxMonthly.November)*10000)/10000,
+ "December": Math.round(( HeatingMonthly.December + CoolingMonthly.December + PlugLightMonthly.December + AuxMonthly.December)*10000)/10000
+var TotalAnnual = Math.round((
+TotalMonthly.January +
+var HeatingAnnual = Math.round((
+HeatingMonthly.January +
+var CoolingAnnual = Math.round((
+CoolingMonthly.January +
+var PlugLightAnnual = Math.round((
+PlugLightMonthly.January +
+var AuxAnnual = Math.round((
+AuxMonthly.January +
+var DHWAnnual = Math.round((
+DHWMonthly.January +
+// runID is generated by file name
+var direct = (__dirname.split("/"));
+var modelID = direct[direct.length-1];
+var units = 'kWh/m2';
+// output results
+// ModelID - modelID
+// Units - units
+// Total
+ // TotalAnnual
+ // TotalMonthly
+// Heating -
+ //HeatingAnnual
+ //HeatingMonthly
+// Cooling -
+ //CoolingAnnual
+ //CoolingMonthly
+// PlugLight -
+ //PlugLightAnnual
+ //PlugLightMonthly
+// Aux -
+ //AuxAnnual
+ //AuxMonthly
+// DHW -
+ //DHWAnnual
+ //DHWMonthly
+var result = {
+ "ModelID": outputFilename.split('.json')[0],
+ "Units": units,
+ "Total":{
+ "Annual":TotalAnnual,
+ "Monthly":TotalMonthly,
+ },
+ "Heating":{
+ "Annual":HeatingAnnual,
+ "Monthly":HeatingMonthly,
+ },
+ "Cooling":{
+ "Annual":CoolingAnnual,
+ "Monthly":CoolingMonthly,
+ },
+ "PlugLight":{
+ "Annual":PlugLightAnnual,
+ "Monthly":PlugLightMonthly,
+ },
+ "PumpFan":{
+ "Annual":AuxAnnual,
+ "Monthly":AuxMonthly,
+ }
+ // "DHW":{
+ // "Annual":DHWAnnual,
+ // "Monthly":DHWMonthly,
+ // },
+if (writefile==true){
+fs.writeFile(outputFilename, JSON.stringify(result, null), function(err) {
+ if(err) {
+ console.log(err);
+ } else {
+ console.log("JSON saved.");
+ }
+if (dbresult==true){
+ var mongo = require('mongodb');
+mongo.connect(dbaddress, function(err, db) {
+ if(err) throw err;
+ var collection = db.collection(dbcollection);
+ collection.insert(result, function(err, docs) {
+ console.log('Result Successfully Databased.')
+ db.close();
+ });
+ });
Property changes on: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/parse.js
Added: svn:executable
+ *
Added: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/run.beagle.sh
--- SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/run.beagle.sh (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/run.beagle.sh 2013-12-09 15:07:24 UTC (rev 7388)
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+set -x
+if uname -r | grep -qi cray; then
+ export SWIFT_USERHOME=$PWD/swifthome
+ export GLOBUS_TCP_SOURCE_RANGE=60000,61000
+ export SWIFT_HEAP_MAX=4G
+cat >apps <<END
+beagle sh /bin/sh
+beagle RunEP $PWD/RunAndReduceEP.sh
+cat >cf <<END
+cat >>sites.xml <<END
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<config xmlns="http://www.ci.uchicago.edu/swift/SwiftSites">
+<pool handle="beagle">
+ <execution provider="coaster" jobmanager="local:pbs" />
+ <filesystem provider="local" />
+ <profile namespace="globus" key="jobsPerNode">24</profile>
+ <profile namespace="globus" key="lowOverAllocation">100</profile>
+ <profile namespace="globus" key="highOverAllocation">100</profile>
+ <profile namespace="globus" key="providerAttributes">pbs.aprun;pbs.mpp;depth=24</profile>
+ <profile namespace="globus" key="maxtime">3600</profile>
+ <profile namespace="globus" key="project">CI-SES000031</profile>
+ <profile namespace="globus" key="maxWalltime">00:20:00</profile>
+ <profile namespace="globus" key="queue">batch</profile>
+ <profile namespace="globus" key="userHomeOverride">$PWD</profile>
+ <profile namespace="globus" key="slots">20</profile>
+ <profile namespace="globus" key="maxnodes">600</profile>
+ <profile namespace="globus" key="nodeGranularity">1</profile>
+ <profile namespace="karajan" key="jobThrottle">180</profile>
+ <profile namespace="karajan" key="initialScore">10000</profile>
+ <!-- <profile namespace="globus" key="workerLoggingLevel">DEBUG</profile> -->
+ <!--<workdirectory>$PWD/swiftwork</workdirectory>-->
+ <workdirectory>/dev/shm/$USER/swiftapp</workdirectory>
+swift -config cf sweep7.swift $*
Property changes on: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/run.beagle.sh
Added: svn:executable
+ *
Added: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/run.midway.sh
--- SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/run.midway.sh (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/run.midway.sh 2013-12-09 15:07:24 UTC (rev 7388)
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+set -x
+if uname -r | grep -qi cray; then
+ export SWIFT_USERHOME=$PWD/swifthome
+ export GLOBUS_TCP_SOURCE_RANGE=60000,61000
+ export SWIFT_HEAP_MAX=4G
+cat >apps <<END
+midway sh /bin/sh
+midway RunEP $PWD/RunAndReduceEP.sh
+cat >cf <<END
+cat >>sites.xml <<END
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<config xmlns="http://www.ci.uchicago.edu/swift/SwiftSites">
+<pool handle="midway">
+<execution provider="coaster" jobmanager="local:slurm" />
+<filesystem provider="local" />
+<profile namespace="globus" key="queue">westmere</profile>
+<!-- <profile namespace="globus" key="queue">sandyb</profile> -->
+<!-- <profile namespace="globus" key="queue">amd</profile> -->
+<profile namespace="globus" key="jobsPerNode">8</profile>
+<profile namespace="globus" key="maxtime">2400</profile>
+<profile namespace="globus" key="maxWalltime">00:20:00</profile>
+<profile namespace="globus" key="highOverAllocation">100</profile>
+<profile namespace="globus" key="lowOverAllocation">100</profile>
+<profile namespace="globus" key="slots">1</profile>
+<profile namespace="globus" key="maxNodes">2</profile>
+<profile namespace="globus" key="nodeGranularity">2</profile>
+<profile namespace="karajan" key="jobThrottle">.2</profile>
+<profile namespace="karajan" key="initialScore">10000</profile>
+swift -config cf sweep7.swift $*
Property changes on: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/run.midway.sh
Added: svn:executable
+ *
Added: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/run.osdc.sh
--- SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/run.osdc.sh (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/run.osdc.sh 2013-12-09 15:07:24 UTC (rev 7388)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+# set -x
+cat >apps <<END
+persistent-coasters sh /bin/sh
+persistent-coasters RunEP $PWD/RunAndReduceEP.sh
+cat >cf <<END
+swift -config cf sweep7.swift $*
Property changes on: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/run.osdc.sh
Added: svn:executable
+ *
Added: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/run.shm.sh
--- SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/run.shm.sh (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/run.shm.sh 2013-12-09 15:07:24 UTC (rev 7388)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+set -x
+export SWIFT_USERHOME=/lustre/beagle/$USER/swifthome
+export GLOBUS_TCP_SOURCE_RANGE=60000,61000
+SWIFT_HEAP_MAX=4048M swift -config cf -sites.file sites.beagle.xml -tc.file apps sweep2.swift $*
Property changes on: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/run.shm.sh
Added: svn:executable
+ *
Added: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/setenv.sh
--- SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/setenv.sh (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/setenv.sh 2013-12-09 15:07:24 UTC (rev 7388)
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+set -x
+export ENERGYPLUS_DIR=$HOME/EnergyPlus-8-0-0/bin
+export NODE_DIR=$HOME/node-v0.10.20-linux-x64/bin
+export NODE_PATH=$HOME/node-v0.10.20-linux-x64/node_modules
+if [ -d /lustre/beagle ]; then # UChicago Cray "Beagle"
+ export ENERGYPLUS_DIR=/lustre/beagle/wilde/EPlus/EnergyPlus-8-0-0/bin
+ export NODE_DIR=/lustre/beagle/ketan/node-v0.10.20-linux-x64/bin
+ export NODE_PATH=/lustre/beagle/wilde/EPlus/examples/node_modules
+ # Load the Swift module
+ module load swift
+elif [ -d /glusterfs/users ]; then # Open Science Data Cloud
+ export ENERGYPLUS_DIR=/root/EPlus/EnergyPlus-8-0-0/bin
+ export NODE_DIR=/root/node-v0.10.20-linux-x64/bin
+ export NODE_PATH=/glusterfs/users/swiftlang/node_modules
+ echo "WARNING: This is not Beagle or OSDC, check environment before proceeding."
+# Check if directories accessible
+echo setenv.sh: NODE_DIR=$NODE_DIR
+if [ ! -x $ENERGYPLUS_DIR ]; then
+ echo setenv.sh: ERROR: $ENERGYPLUS_DIR not found or not accessible.
+ RC=1
+if [ ! -x $NODE_DIR ]; then
+ echo setenv.sh: ERROR: $NODE_DIR not found or not accessible.
+ RC=1
+if [ _RC = _1 ]; then
+ exit 1
Property changes on: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/setenv.sh
Added: svn:executable
+ *
Added: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/setup.sh
--- SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/setup.sh (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/setup.sh 2013-12-09 15:07:24 UTC (rev 7388)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+export WORKER_HOSTS=`cat hosts.txt`
Property changes on: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/setup.sh
Added: svn:executable
+ *
Added: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/sites.xml
--- SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/sites.xml (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/sites.xml 2013-12-09 15:07:24 UTC (rev 7388)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<config xmlns="http://www.ci.uchicago.edu/swift/SwiftSites">
+<pool handle="midway">
+<execution provider="coaster" jobmanager="local:slurm" />
+<filesystem provider="local" />
+<profile namespace="globus" key="queue">westmere</profile>
+<!-- <profile namespace="globus" key="queue">sandyb</profile> -->
+<!-- <profile namespace="globus" key="queue">amd</profile> -->
+<profile namespace="globus" key="jobsPerNode">8</profile>
+<profile namespace="globus" key="maxtime">2400</profile>
+<profile namespace="globus" key="maxWalltime">00:20:00</profile>
+<profile namespace="globus" key="highOverAllocation">100</profile>
+<profile namespace="globus" key="lowOverAllocation">100</profile>
+<profile namespace="globus" key="slots">1</profile>
+<profile namespace="globus" key="maxNodes">2</profile>
+<profile namespace="globus" key="nodeGranularity">2</profile>
+<profile namespace="karajan" key="jobThrottle">.2</profile>
+<profile namespace="karajan" key="initialScore">10000</profile>
Added: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/sweep7-reduce.swift
--- SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/sweep7-reduce.swift (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/sweep7-reduce.swift 2013-12-09 15:07:24 UTC (rev 7388)
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+type file;
+app (file all, file xml, file json) runEP_debug ( file imf, file epw, string params[] )
+ RunEP "--imf" @imf "--epw" @epw "--outall" @all "--outxml" @xml "--outjson" @json "--params" params;
+app (file json) runEP ( file imf, file epw, string params[] )
+ RunEP "--imf" @imf "--epw" @epw "--outall" "temp.tgz" "--outxml" "temp.xml" "--outjson" @json "--params" params;
+file epconfig <single_file_mapper; file=@arg("epconfig", "SWEEP_RECT.imf")>;
+file epweather <single_file_mapper; file=@arg("epweather", "CHICAGO.epw")>;
+string outdir=@arg("outdir","output");
+boolean debug=(@arg("debug","")=="debug");
+type param {
+ string pnum;
+ string pname;
+ string pvals;
+param pset[] = readData(@arg("sweep","sweep.txt"));
+string pval[][];
+foreach p, pn in pset {
+ string val[] = @strsplit(p.pvals,",");
+ foreach v, vn in val {
+ pval[pn][vn]=v;
+ }
+foreach v0 in pval[0] {
+foreach v1 in pval[1] {
+foreach v2 in pval[2] {
+foreach v3 in pval[3] {
+foreach v4 in pval[4] {
+foreach v5 in pval[5] {
+foreach v6 in pval[6] {
+foreach v7 in pval[7] {
+ tracef("parameter set: %s:%s %s:%s %s:%s %s:%s %s:%s %s:%s %s:%s %s:%s\n",
+ pset[0].pname, v0, pset[1].pname, v1, pset[2].pname, v2, pset[3].pname, v3,
+ pset[4].pname, v4, pset[5].pname, v5, pset[6].pname, v6, pset[7].pname, v7);
+ string fileid = @strjoin(["/ep",v0,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7],".");
+ if (debug) {
+ file outall <single_file_mapper; file=@strcat(outdir,fileid,".tgz")>;
+ file outxml <single_file_mapper; file=@strcat(outdir,fileid,".xml")>;
+ file outjson <single_file_mapper; file=@strcat(outdir,fileid,".json")>;
+ (outall, outxml, outjson) = runEP_debug ( epconfig, epweather,
+ [pset[0].pname, v0, pset[1].pname, v1, pset[2].pname, v2, pset[3].pname, v3,
+ pset[4].pname, v4, pset[5].pname, v5, pset[6].pname, v6, pset[7].pname, v7]);
+ }
+ else {
+ file outjson <single_file_mapper; file=@strcat(outdir,fileid,".json")>;
+ outjson = runEP ( epconfig, epweather,
+ [pset[0].pname, v0, pset[1].pname, v1, pset[2].pname, v2, pset[3].pname, v3,
+ pset[4].pname, v4, pset[5].pname, v5, pset[6].pname, v6, pset[7].pname, v7]);
+ }
Added: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/sweep7.kml
--- SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/sweep7.kml (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/sweep7.kml 2013-12-09 15:07:24 UTC (rev 7388)
@@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
+// CACHE ID c2ae1112-85b4-4ca9-a83b-c7fd5a6f9641-no-provenance
+ xs:schema(
+ xs:simpleType("file", xs:restriction("string"))
+ xs:complexType("param",
+ xs:sequence(
+ xs:element("pnum", "string")
+ xs:element("pname", "string")
+ xs:element("pvals", "string")
+ )
+ )
+ )
+swift#string#17017 := swift:new("string", value="")
+swift#string#17025 := swift:new("string", value=".tgz")
+swift#string#17016 := swift:new("string", value="debug")
+swift#string#17002 := swift:new("string", value="--outall")
+swift#string#17014 := swift:new("string", value="outdir")
+swift#string#17009 := swift:new("string", value="epconfig")
+swift#string#17007 := swift:new("string", value="temp.xml")
+swift#string#17010 := swift:new("string", value="SWEEP_RECT.imf")
+swift#string#17006 := swift:new("string", value="temp.tgz")
+swift#string#17029 := swift:new("string", value=".json")
+swift#string#17001 := swift:new("string", value="--epw")
+swift#string#17004 := swift:new("string", value="--outjson")
+swift#string#17003 := swift:new("string", value="--outxml")
+swift#string#17023 := swift:new("string", value=".")
+swift#string#17012 := swift:new("string", value="epweather")
+swift#string#17018 := swift:new("string", value="sweep")
+swift#string#17020 := swift:new("string", value=",")
+swift#string#17021 := swift:new("string", value="parameter set: %s:%s %s:%s %s:%s %s:%s %s:%s %s:%s %s:%s %s:%s\n")
+swift#string#17005 := swift:new("string", value="--params")
+swift#string#17000 := swift:new("string", value="--imf")
+swift#string#17027 := swift:new("string", value=".xml")
+swift#string#17022 := swift:new("string", value="/ep")
+swift#string#17015 := swift:new("string", value="output")
+swift#string#17019 := swift:new("string", value="sweep.txt")
+swift#string#17013 := swift:new("string", value="CHICAGO.epw")
+swift#int#0 := swift:new("int", value=0)
+swift#int#1 := swift:new("int", value=1)
+swift#int#2 := swift:new("int", value=2)
+swift#int#3 := swift:new("int", value=3)
+swift#int#4 := swift:new("int", value=4)
+swift#int#5 := swift:new("int", value=5)
+swift#int#6 := swift:new("int", value=6)
+swift#int#7 := swift:new("int", value=7)
+swift#mapper#17008 :=
+ swift:new("string", dbgname="swift#mapper#17008")
+epconfig :=
+ swift:new("file", dbgname="epconfig", _defline="13", input=true
+ swift:mapping("single_file_mapper", swift:parameter("file", swift#mapper#17008))
+ )
+swift#mapper#17011 :=
+ swift:new("string", dbgname="swift#mapper#17011")
+epweather :=
+ swift:new("file", dbgname="epweather", _defline="14", input=true
+ swift:mapping("single_file_mapper", swift:parameter("file", swift#mapper#17011))
+ )
+outdir :=
+ swift:new("string", dbgname="outdir", waitCount=1, _defline="16")
+debug :=
+ swift:new("boolean", dbgname="debug", waitCount=1, _defline="17")
+pset :=
+ swift:new("param[]", dbgname="pset", waitCount=1, _defline="25"
+ swift:mapping("concurrent_mapper", swift:parameter("prefix", "pset-a4125bca-96f0-4543-b143-ecaa13ac0f42"))
+ )
+pval :=
+ swift:new("string[][]", dbgname="pval", waitCount=1, _defline="26"
+ swift:mapping("concurrent_mapper", swift:parameter("prefix", "pval-14ff97ae-9037-4cad-8813-d37d39785eee"))
+ )
+runEP_debug := function(all, xml, json, imf, epw, params) {
+ swift:unitStart("PROCEDURE", name="runEP_debug", line="3", outputs="all,xml,json")
+ swift:execute(
+ swift:tr("RunEP")
+ swift:stageIn(imf)
+ swift:stageIn(epw)
+ swift:stageIn(params)
+ swift:stageOut(all)
+ swift:stageOut(xml)
+ swift:stageOut(json)
+ swift:arguments(
+ swift#string#17000, swiftscript:filename(
+ imf
+ ), swift#string#17001, swiftscript:filename(
+ epw
+ ), swift#string#17002, swiftscript:filename(
+ all
+ ), swift#string#17003, swiftscript:filename(
+ xml
+ ), swift#string#17004, swiftscript:filename(
+ json
+ ), swift#string#17005, params
+ )
+ )
+ swift:closeDataset(all)
+ swift:closeDataset(xml)
+ swift:closeDataset(json)
+ swift:unitEnd("PROCEDURE", name="runEP_debug", line="3")}
+runEP := function(json, imf, epw, params) {
+ swift:unitStart("PROCEDURE", name="runEP", line="8", outputs="json")
+ swift:execute(
+ swift:tr("RunEP")
+ swift:stageIn(imf)
+ swift:stageIn(epw)
+ swift:stageIn(params)
+ swift:stageOut(json)
+ swift:arguments(
+ swift#string#17000, swiftscript:filename(
+ imf
+ ), swift#string#17001, swiftscript:filename(
+ epw
+ ), swift#string#17002, swift#string#17006, swift#string#17003, swift#string#17007, swift#string#17004, swiftscript:filename(
+ json
+ ), swift#string#17005, params
+ )
+ )
+ swift:closeDataset(json)
+ swift:unitEnd("PROCEDURE", name="runEP", line="8")}
+restartLog(name = k:concat(contextAttribute("SWIFT:SCRIPT_NAME"), "-", contextAttribute("SWIFT:RUN_ID"))) {
+ swift:mains(
+ swift:startProgressTicker()
+ swift:mainp(
+ uparallel(
+ swift:setFieldValue(
+ swift#mapper#17008
+ swiftscript:arg(
+ swift#string#17009, swift#string#17010
+ )
+ )
+ swift:setFieldValue(
+ swift#mapper#17011
+ swiftscript:arg(
+ swift#string#17012, swift#string#17013
+ )
+ )
+ sequential(swift:setFieldValue(_traceline="17"
+ outdir
+ swiftscript:arg(
+ swift#string#17014, swift#string#17015
+ )
+ )
+ swift:partialCloseDataset(outdir))
+ sequential(swift:setFieldValue(_traceline="19"
+ debug
+ swiftop:eq(swiftscript:arg(
+ swift#string#17016, swift#string#17017
+ ), swift#string#17016)
+ )
+ swift:partialCloseDataset(debug))
+ sequential(swift:setFieldValue(_traceline="26"
+ pset
+ sequential(
+ swift#callintermediate := swift:new("param[int]", dbgname="swift#callintermediate",
+ swift:mapping("concurrent_mapper",
+ swift:parameter("prefix", "_callintermediate-0aed6a5b-0997-4067-a1e7-ae4330347c28")
+ )
+ )
+ sequential(
+ swift:unitStart("INTERNALPROC", name="readData", outputs="")
+ readData(
+ parallel(
+ swift#callintermediate
+ swiftscript:arg(
+ swift#string#17018, swift#string#17019
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ swift:unitEnd("INTERNALPROC", name="readData")
+ )
+ swift#callintermediate
+ )
+ )
+ swift:partialCloseDataset(pset))
+ swift:tParallelFor($, _traceline="28", _kvar="pn", _vvar="p", refs="pval 1",
+ getArrayIterator(pset)) {
+ ($$, p) := each($)
+ pn := swift:new("int", value=$$)
+ swift:unitStart("FOREACH_IT", line="28")
+ val :=
+ swift:new("string[]", dbgname="val", waitCount=1, _defline="29")
+ uparallel(
+ sequential(swift:setFieldValue(_traceline="30"
+ val
+ swiftscript:strsplit(
+ getField(p, "pvals"), swift#string#17020
+ )
+ )
+ swift:partialCloseDataset(val))
+ swift:tParallelFor($, _traceline="30", _kvar="vn", _vvar="v", refs="pval 1",
+ getArrayIterator(val)) {
+ ($$, v) := each($)
+ vn := swift:new("int", value=$$)
+ swift:unitStart("FOREACH_IT", line="30")
+ sequential(swift:setFieldValue(_traceline="32"
+ swift:getFieldSubscript(swift:getFieldSubscript(pval, pn), vn)
+ v
+ )
+ swift:partialCloseDataset(pval))
+ swift:unitEnd("FOREACH_IT", line="30")
+ }
+ )
+ swift:cleanDataset(val)
+ swift:unitEnd("FOREACH_IT", line="28")
+ }
+ swift:tParallelFor($, _traceline="35", _vvar="v0",
+ getArrayIterator(swift:getFieldSubscript(pval, swift#int#0))) {
+ ($$, v0) := each($)
+ swift:unitStart("FOREACH_IT", line="35")
+ swift:tParallelFor($, _traceline="36", _vvar="v1",
+ getArrayIterator(swift:getFieldSubscript(pval, swift#int#1))) {
+ ($$, v1) := each($)
+ swift:unitStart("FOREACH_IT", line="36")
+ swift:tParallelFor($, _traceline="37", _vvar="v2",
+ getArrayIterator(swift:getFieldSubscript(pval, swift#int#2))) {
+ ($$, v2) := each($)
+ swift:unitStart("FOREACH_IT", line="37")
+ swift:tParallelFor($, _traceline="38", _vvar="v3",
+ getArrayIterator(swift:getFieldSubscript(pval, swift#int#3))) {
+ ($$, v3) := each($)
+ swift:unitStart("FOREACH_IT", line="38")
+ swift:tParallelFor($, _traceline="39", _vvar="v4",
+ getArrayIterator(swift:getFieldSubscript(pval, swift#int#4))) {
+ ($$, v4) := each($)
+ swift:unitStart("FOREACH_IT", line="39")
+ swift:tParallelFor($, _traceline="40", _vvar="v5",
+ getArrayIterator(swift:getFieldSubscript(pval, swift#int#5))) {
+ ($$, v5) := each($)
+ swift:unitStart("FOREACH_IT", line="40")
+ swift:tParallelFor($, _traceline="41", _vvar="v6",
+ getArrayIterator(swift:getFieldSubscript(pval, swift#int#6))) {
+ ($$, v6) := each($)
+ swift:unitStart("FOREACH_IT", line="41")
+ swift:tParallelFor($, _traceline="42", _vvar="v7",
+ getArrayIterator(swift:getFieldSubscript(pval, swift#int#7))) {
+ ($$, v7) := each($)
+ swift:unitStart("FOREACH_IT", line="42")
+ fileid :=
+ swift:new("string", dbgname="fileid", waitCount=1, _defline="48")
+ uparallel(
+ sequential(
+ swift:unitStart("INTERNALPROC", name="tracef", outputs="")
+ tracef(
+ parallel(
+ swift#string#17021
+ getField(swift:getFieldSubscript(pset, swift#int#0), "pname")
+ v0
+ getField(swift:getFieldSubscript(pset, swift#int#1), "pname")
+ v1
+ getField(swift:getFieldSubscript(pset, swift#int#2), "pname")
+ v2
+ getField(swift:getFieldSubscript(pset, swift#int#3), "pname")
+ v3
+ getField(swift:getFieldSubscript(pset, swift#int#4), "pname")
+ v4
+ getField(swift:getFieldSubscript(pset, swift#int#5), "pname")
+ v5
+ getField(swift:getFieldSubscript(pset, swift#int#6), "pname")
+ v6
+ getField(swift:getFieldSubscript(pset, swift#int#7), "pname")
+ v7
+ )
+ )
+ swift:unitEnd("INTERNALPROC", name="tracef")
+ )
+ sequential(swift:setFieldValue(_traceline="50"
+ fileid
+ swiftscript:strjoin(
+ swift:createArray(
+ list(
+ swift#string#17022
+ v0
+ v1
+ v2
+ v3
+ v4
+ v5
+ v6
+ v7
+ )
+ ), swift#string#17023
+ )
+ )
+ swift:partialCloseDataset(fileid))
+ if (swift:getFieldValue(debug)) {
+ swift:unitStart("CONDITION_BLOCK")
+ swift#mapper#17024 :=
+ swift:new("string", dbgname="swift#mapper#17024")
+ outall :=
+ swift:new("file", dbgname="outall", _defline="51"
+ swift:mapping("single_file_mapper", swift:parameter("file", swift#mapper#17024))
+ )
+ swift#mapper#17026 :=
+ swift:new("string", dbgname="swift#mapper#17026")
+ outxml :=
+ swift:new("file", dbgname="outxml", _defline="52"
+ swift:mapping("single_file_mapper", swift:parameter("file", swift#mapper#17026))
+ )
+ swift#mapper#17028 :=
+ swift:new("string", dbgname="swift#mapper#17028")
+ outjson :=
+ swift:new("file", dbgname="outjson", _defline="53"
+ swift:mapping("single_file_mapper", swift:parameter("file", swift#mapper#17028))
+ )
+ uparallel(
+ swift:setFieldValue(
+ swift#mapper#17024
+ swiftscript:strcat(
+ outdir, fileid, swift#string#17025
+ )
+ )
+ swift:setFieldValue(
+ swift#mapper#17026
+ swiftscript:strcat(
+ outdir, fileid, swift#string#17027
+ )
+ )
+ swift:setFieldValue(
+ swift#mapper#17028
+ swiftscript:strcat(
+ outdir, fileid, swift#string#17029
+ )
+ )
+ runEP_debug(
+ parallel(
+ outall, outxml, outjson
+ epconfig, epweather, swift:createArray(
+ list(
+ getField(swift:getFieldSubscript(pset, swift#int#0), "pname")
+ v0
+ getField(swift:getFieldSubscript(pset, swift#int#1), "pname")
+ v1
+ getField(swift:getFieldSubscript(pset, swift#int#2), "pname")
+ v2
+ getField(swift:getFieldSubscript(pset, swift#int#3), "pname")
+ v3
+ getField(swift:getFieldSubscript(pset, swift#int#4), "pname")
+ v4
+ getField(swift:getFieldSubscript(pset, swift#int#5), "pname")
+ v5
+ getField(swift:getFieldSubscript(pset, swift#int#6), "pname")
+ v6
+ getField(swift:getFieldSubscript(pset, swift#int#7), "pname")
+ v7
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ swift:cleanDataset(outall)
+ swift:cleanDataset(outxml)
+ swift:cleanDataset(outjson)
+ }
+ else {
+ swift:unitStart("CONDITION_BLOCK")
+ swift#mapper#17030 :=
+ swift:new("string", dbgname="swift#mapper#17030")
+ outjson :=
+ swift:new("file", dbgname="outjson", _defline="59"
+ swift:mapping("single_file_mapper", swift:parameter("file", swift#mapper#17030))
+ )
+ uparallel(
+ swift:setFieldValue(
+ swift#mapper#17030
+ swiftscript:strcat(
+ outdir, fileid, swift#string#17029
+ )
+ )
+ runEP(
+ parallel(
+ outjson
+ epconfig, epweather, swift:createArray(
+ list(
+ getField(swift:getFieldSubscript(pset, swift#int#0), "pname")
+ v0
+ getField(swift:getFieldSubscript(pset, swift#int#1), "pname")
+ v1
+ getField(swift:getFieldSubscript(pset, swift#int#2), "pname")
+ v2
+ getField(swift:getFieldSubscript(pset, swift#int#3), "pname")
+ v3
+ getField(swift:getFieldSubscript(pset, swift#int#4), "pname")
+ v4
+ getField(swift:getFieldSubscript(pset, swift#int#5), "pname")
+ v5
+ getField(swift:getFieldSubscript(pset, swift#int#6), "pname")
+ v6
+ getField(swift:getFieldSubscript(pset, swift#int#7), "pname")
+ v7
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ swift:cleanDataset(outjson)
+ }
+ )
+ swift:unitEnd("FOREACH_IT", line="42")
+ }
+ swift:unitEnd("FOREACH_IT", line="41")
+ }
+ swift:unitEnd("FOREACH_IT", line="40")
+ }
+ swift:unitEnd("FOREACH_IT", line="39")
+ }
+ swift:unitEnd("FOREACH_IT", line="38")
+ }
+ swift:unitEnd("FOREACH_IT", line="37")
+ }
+ swift:unitEnd("FOREACH_IT", line="36")
+ }
+ swift:unitEnd("FOREACH_IT", line="35")
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ swift:stopProgressTicker()
+ )
Added: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/sweep7.swift
--- SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/sweep7.swift (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/sweep7.swift 2013-12-09 15:07:24 UTC (rev 7388)
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+type file;
+app (file all, file xml, file json) runEP_debug ( file imf, file epw, string params[] )
+ RunEP "--imf" @imf "--epw" @epw "--outall" @all "--outxml" @xml "--outjson" @json "--params" params;
+app (file json) runEP ( file imf, file epw, string params[] )
+ RunEP "--imf" @imf "--epw" @epw "--outall" "temp.tgz" "--outxml" "temp.xml" "--outjson" @json "--params" params;
+file epconfig <single_file_mapper; file=@arg("epconfig", "SWEEP_RECT.imf")>;
+file epweather <single_file_mapper; file=@arg("epweather", "CHICAGO.epw")>;
+string outdir=@arg("outdir","output");
+boolean debug=(@arg("debug","")=="debug");
+type param {
+ string pnum;
+ string pname;
+ string pvals;
+param pset[] = readData(@arg("sweep","sweep.txt"));
+string pval[][];
+foreach p, pn in pset {
+ string val[] = @strsplit(p.pvals,",");
+ foreach v, vn in val {
+ pval[pn][vn]=v;
+ }
+foreach v0 in pval[0] {
+foreach v1 in pval[1] {
+foreach v2 in pval[2] {
+foreach v3 in pval[3] {
+foreach v4 in pval[4] {
+foreach v5 in pval[5] {
+foreach v6 in pval[6] {
+foreach v7 in pval[7] {
+ tracef("parameter set: %s:%s %s:%s %s:%s %s:%s %s:%s %s:%s %s:%s %s:%s\n",
+ pset[0].pname, v0, pset[1].pname, v1, pset[2].pname, v2, pset[3].pname, v3,
+ pset[4].pname, v4, pset[5].pname, v5, pset[6].pname, v6, pset[7].pname, v7);
+ string fileid = @strjoin(["/ep",v0,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7],".");
+ if (debug) {
+ file outall <single_file_mapper; file=@strcat(outdir,fileid,".tgz")>;
+ file outxml <single_file_mapper; file=@strcat(outdir,fileid,".xml")>;
+ file outjson <single_file_mapper; file=@strcat(outdir,fileid,".json")>;
+ (outall, outxml, outjson) = runEP_debug ( epconfig, epweather,
+ [pset[0].pname, v0, pset[1].pname, v1, pset[2].pname, v2, pset[3].pname, v3,
+ pset[4].pname, v4, pset[5].pname, v5, pset[6].pname, v6, pset[7].pname, v7]);
+ }
+ else {
+ file outjson <single_file_mapper; file=@strcat(outdir,fileid,".json")>;
+ outjson = runEP ( epconfig, epweather,
+ [pset[0].pname, v0, pset[1].pname, v1, pset[2].pname, v2, pset[3].pname, v3,
+ pset[4].pname, v4, pset[5].pname, v5, pset[6].pname, v6, pset[7].pname, v7]);
+ }
Added: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/sweep7.swiftx
--- SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/sweep7.swiftx (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/sweep7.swiftx 2013-12-09 15:07:24 UTC (rev 7388)
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+<program xmlns="http://ci.uchicago.edu/swift/2009/02/swiftscript"
+ xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+ xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
+ <types>
+ <type>
+ <typename>file</typename>
+ <typealias>string</typealias>
+ <typestructure></typestructure>
+ </type>
+ <type>
+ <typename>param</typename>
+ <typealias></typealias>
+ <typestructure>
+ <member>
+ <membername>pnum</membername>
+ <membertype>string</membertype>
+ </member>
+ <member>
+ <membername>pname</membername>
+ <membertype>string</membertype>
+ </member>
+ <member>
+ <membername>pvals</membername>
+ <membertype>string</membertype>
+ </member>
+ </typestructure>
+ </type>
+ </types>
+ <procedure name="runEP_debug" src="line 3">
+ <output name="all" type="file" xsi:nil="true"/>
+ <output name="xml" type="file" xsi:nil="true"/>
+ <output name="json" type="file" xsi:nil="true"/>
+ <input name="imf" type="file" xsi:nil="true"/>
+ <input name="epw" type="file" xsi:nil="true"/>
+ <input name="params" type="string[]" xsi:nil="true"/>
+ <binding>
+ <application src="line 3">
+ <executable>RunEP</executable>
+ <stringConstant>--imf</stringConstant><function name="" src="line 5">
+ <variableReference>imf</variableReference></function><stringConstant>--epw</stringConstant><function name="" src="line 5">
+ <variableReference>epw</variableReference></function><stringConstant>--outall</stringConstant><function name="" src="line 5">
+ <variableReference>all</variableReference></function><stringConstant>--outxml</stringConstant><function name="" src="line 5">
+ <variableReference>xml</variableReference></function><stringConstant>--outjson</stringConstant><function name="" src="line 5">
+ <variableReference>json</variableReference></function><stringConstant>--params</stringConstant><variableReference>params</variableReference> </application>
+ </binding>
+ </procedure>
+ <procedure name="runEP" src="line 8">
+ <output name="json" type="file" xsi:nil="true"/>
+ <input name="imf" type="file" xsi:nil="true"/>
+ <input name="epw" type="file" xsi:nil="true"/>
+ <input name="params" type="string[]" xsi:nil="true"/>
+ <binding>
+ <application src="line 8">
+ <executable>RunEP</executable>
+ <stringConstant>--imf</stringConstant><function name="" src="line 10">
+ <variableReference>imf</variableReference></function><stringConstant>--epw</stringConstant><function name="" src="line 10">
+ <variableReference>epw</variableReference></function><stringConstant>--outall</stringConstant><stringConstant>temp.tgz</stringConstant><stringConstant>--outxml</stringConstant><stringConstant>temp.xml</stringConstant><stringConstant>--outjson</stringConstant><function name="" src="line 10">
+ <variableReference>json</variableReference></function><stringConstant>--params</stringConstant><variableReference>params</variableReference> </application>
+ </binding>
+ </procedure>
+ <variable name="epconfig" type="file" isGlobal="false" src="line 13">
+ <mapping descriptor="single_file_mapper">
+ <param name="file"><function name="arg" src="line 13">
+ <stringConstant>epconfig</stringConstant><stringConstant>SWEEP_RECT.imf</stringConstant></function></param>
+ </mapping>
+ </variable>
+ <variable name="epweather" type="file" isGlobal="false" src="line 14">
+ <mapping descriptor="single_file_mapper">
+ <param name="file"><function name="arg" src="line 14">
+ <stringConstant>epweather</stringConstant><stringConstant>CHICAGO.epw</stringConstant></function></param>
+ </mapping>
+ </variable>
+ <variable name="outdir" type="string" isGlobal="false" xsi:nil="true" src="line 16"/>
+ <assign src="line 17">
+ <variableReference>outdir</variableReference>
+ <function name="arg" src="line 16">
+ <stringConstant>outdir</stringConstant><stringConstant>output</stringConstant></function>
+ </assign>
+ <variable name="debug" type="boolean" isGlobal="false" xsi:nil="true" src="line 17"/>
+ <assign src="line 19">
+ <variableReference>debug</variableReference>
+ <cond op="==">
+ <function name="arg" src="line 17">
+ <stringConstant>debug</stringConstant><stringConstant></stringConstant></function>
+ <stringConstant>debug</stringConstant>
+ </cond>
+ </assign>
+ <variable name="pset" type="param[]" isGlobal="false" xsi:nil="true" src="line 25"/>
+ <assign src="line 26">
+ <variableReference>pset</variableReference>
+ <call proc="readData" src="line 25">
+ <input><function name="arg" src="line 25">
+ <stringConstant>sweep</stringConstant><stringConstant>sweep.txt</stringConstant></function></input>
+ </call>
+ </assign>
+ <variable name="pval" type="string[][]" isGlobal="false" xsi:nil="true" src="line 26"/>
+ <foreach var="p" indexVar="pn" src="line 28">
+ <in><variableReference>pset</variableReference></in>
+ <body><variable name="val" type="string[]" isGlobal="false" xsi:nil="true" src="line 29"/>
+ <assign src="line 30">
+ <variableReference>val</variableReference>
+ <function name="strsplit" src="line 29">
+ <structureMember>
+ <variableReference>p</variableReference>
+ <memberName>pvals</memberName>
+ </structureMember><stringConstant>,</stringConstant></function>
+ </assign>
+ <foreach var="v" indexVar="vn" src="line 30">
+ <in><variableReference>val</variableReference></in>
+ <body><assign src="line 32">
+ <arraySubscript>
+ <arraySubscript>
+ <variableReference>pval</variableReference>
+ <variableReference>pn</variableReference>
+ </arraySubscript>
+ <variableReference>vn</variableReference>
+ </arraySubscript>
+ <variableReference>v</variableReference>
+ </assign></body>
+ </foreach></body>
+ </foreach>
+ <foreach var="v0" src="line 35">
+ <in><arraySubscript>
+ <variableReference>pval</variableReference>
+ <integerConstant>0</integerConstant>
+ </arraySubscript></in>
+ <body><foreach var="v1" src="line 36">
+ <in><arraySubscript>
+ <variableReference>pval</variableReference>
+ <integerConstant>1</integerConstant>
+ </arraySubscript></in>
+ <body><foreach var="v2" src="line 37">
+ <in><arraySubscript>
+ <variableReference>pval</variableReference>
+ <integerConstant>2</integerConstant>
+ </arraySubscript></in>
+ <body><foreach var="v3" src="line 38">
+ <in><arraySubscript>
+ <variableReference>pval</variableReference>
+ <integerConstant>3</integerConstant>
+ </arraySubscript></in>
+ <body><foreach var="v4" src="line 39">
+ <in><arraySubscript>
+ <variableReference>pval</variableReference>
+ <integerConstant>4</integerConstant>
+ </arraySubscript></in>
+ <body><foreach var="v5" src="line 40">
+ <in><arraySubscript>
+ <variableReference>pval</variableReference>
+ <integerConstant>5</integerConstant>
+ </arraySubscript></in>
+ <body><foreach var="v6" src="line 41">
+ <in><arraySubscript>
+ <variableReference>pval</variableReference>
+ <integerConstant>6</integerConstant>
+ </arraySubscript></in>
+ <body><foreach var="v7" src="line 42">
+ <in><arraySubscript>
+ <variableReference>pval</variableReference>
+ <integerConstant>7</integerConstant>
+ </arraySubscript></in>
+ <body><call proc="tracef" src="line 46">
+ <input><stringConstant>parameter set: %s:%s %s:%s %s:%s %s:%s %s:%s %s:%s %s:%s %s:%s\n</stringConstant></input>
+ <input><structureMember>
+ <arraySubscript>
+ <variableReference>pset</variableReference>
+ <integerConstant>0</integerConstant>
+ </arraySubscript>
+ <memberName>pname</memberName>
+ </structureMember></input>
+ <input><variableReference>v0</variableReference></input>
+ <input><structureMember>
+ <arraySubscript>
+ <variableReference>pset</variableReference>
+ <integerConstant>1</integerConstant>
+ </arraySubscript>
+ <memberName>pname</memberName>
+ </structureMember></input>
+ <input><variableReference>v1</variableReference></input>
+ <input><structureMember>
+ <arraySubscript>
+ <variableReference>pset</variableReference>
+ <integerConstant>2</integerConstant>
+ </arraySubscript>
+ <memberName>pname</memberName>
+ </structureMember></input>
+ <input><variableReference>v2</variableReference></input>
+ <input><structureMember>
+ <arraySubscript>
+ <variableReference>pset</variableReference>
+ <integerConstant>3</integerConstant>
+ </arraySubscript>
+ <memberName>pname</memberName>
+ </structureMember></input>
+ <input><variableReference>v3</variableReference></input>
+ <input><structureMember>
+ <arraySubscript>
+ <variableReference>pset</variableReference>
+ <integerConstant>4</integerConstant>
+ </arraySubscript>
+ <memberName>pname</memberName>
+ </structureMember></input>
+ <input><variableReference>v4</variableReference></input>
+ <input><structureMember>
+ <arraySubscript>
+ <variableReference>pset</variableReference>
+ <integerConstant>5</integerConstant>
+ </arraySubscript>
+ <memberName>pname</memberName>
+ </structureMember></input>
+ <input><variableReference>v5</variableReference></input>
+ <input><structureMember>
+ <arraySubscript>
+ <variableReference>pset</variableReference>
+ <integerConstant>6</integerConstant>
+ </arraySubscript>
+ <memberName>pname</memberName>
+ </structureMember></input>
+ <input><variableReference>v6</variableReference></input>
+ <input><structureMember>
+ <arraySubscript>
+ <variableReference>pset</variableReference>
+ <integerConstant>7</integerConstant>
+ </arraySubscript>
+ <memberName>pname</memberName>
+ </structureMember></input>
+ <input><variableReference>v7</variableReference></input>
+ </call>
+ <variable name="fileid" type="string" isGlobal="false" xsi:nil="true" src="line 48"/>
+ <assign src="line 50">
+ <variableReference>fileid</variableReference>
+ <function name="strjoin" src="line 48">
+ <array>
+ <stringConstant>/ep</stringConstant><variableReference>v0</variableReference><variableReference>v1</variableReference><variableReference>v2</variableReference><variableReference>v3</variableReference><variableReference>v4</variableReference><variableReference>v5</variableReference><variableReference>v6</variableReference><variableReference>v7</variableReference>
+ </array>
+ <stringConstant>.</stringConstant></function>
+ </assign>
+ <if src="line 50">
+ <variableReference>debug</variableReference>
+ <then>
+ <variable name="outall" type="file" isGlobal="false" src="line 51">
+ <mapping descriptor="single_file_mapper">
+ <param name="file"><function name="strcat" src="line 51">
+ <variableReference>outdir</variableReference><variableReference>fileid</variableReference><stringConstant>.tgz</stringConstant></function></param>
+ </mapping>
+ </variable>
+ <variable name="outxml" type="file" isGlobal="false" src="line 52">
+ <mapping descriptor="single_file_mapper">
+ <param name="file"><function name="strcat" src="line 52">
+ <variableReference>outdir</variableReference><variableReference>fileid</variableReference><stringConstant>.xml</stringConstant></function></param>
+ </mapping>
+ </variable>
+ <variable name="outjson" type="file" isGlobal="false" src="line 53">
+ <mapping descriptor="single_file_mapper">
+ <param name="file"><function name="strcat" src="line 53">
+ <variableReference>outdir</variableReference><variableReference>fileid</variableReference><stringConstant>.json</stringConstant></function></param>
+ </mapping>
+ </variable>
+ <call proc="runEP_debug" src="line 56">
+ <output><variableReference>outall</variableReference></output>
+ <output><variableReference>outxml</variableReference></output>
+ <output><variableReference>outjson</variableReference></output>
+ <input><variableReference>epconfig</variableReference></input>
+ <input><variableReference>epweather</variableReference></input>
+ <input>
+ <array>
+ <structureMember>
+ <arraySubscript>
+ <variableReference>pset</variableReference>
+ <integerConstant>0</integerConstant>
+ </arraySubscript>
+ <memberName>pname</memberName>
+ </structureMember><variableReference>v0</variableReference><structureMember>
+ <arraySubscript>
+ <variableReference>pset</variableReference>
+ <integerConstant>1</integerConstant>
+ </arraySubscript>
+ <memberName>pname</memberName>
+ </structureMember><variableReference>v1</variableReference><structureMember>
+ <arraySubscript>
+ <variableReference>pset</variableReference>
+ <integerConstant>2</integerConstant>
+ </arraySubscript>
+ <memberName>pname</memberName>
+ </structureMember><variableReference>v2</variableReference><structureMember>
+ <arraySubscript>
+ <variableReference>pset</variableReference>
+ <integerConstant>3</integerConstant>
+ </arraySubscript>
+ <memberName>pname</memberName>
+ </structureMember><variableReference>v3</variableReference><structureMember>
+ <arraySubscript>
+ <variableReference>pset</variableReference>
+ <integerConstant>4</integerConstant>
+ </arraySubscript>
+ <memberName>pname</memberName>
+ </structureMember><variableReference>v4</variableReference><structureMember>
+ <arraySubscript>
+ <variableReference>pset</variableReference>
+ <integerConstant>5</integerConstant>
+ </arraySubscript>
+ <memberName>pname</memberName>
+ </structureMember><variableReference>v5</variableReference><structureMember>
+ <arraySubscript>
+ <variableReference>pset</variableReference>
+ <integerConstant>6</integerConstant>
+ </arraySubscript>
+ <memberName>pname</memberName>
+ </structureMember><variableReference>v6</variableReference><structureMember>
+ <arraySubscript>
+ <variableReference>pset</variableReference>
+ <integerConstant>7</integerConstant>
+ </arraySubscript>
+ <memberName>pname</memberName>
+ </structureMember><variableReference>v7</variableReference>
+ </array>
+ </input>
+ </call>
+ </then>
+ <else>
+ <variable name="outjson" type="file" isGlobal="false" src="line 59">
+ <mapping descriptor="single_file_mapper">
+ <param name="file"><function name="strcat" src="line 59">
+ <variableReference>outdir</variableReference><variableReference>fileid</variableReference><stringConstant>.json</stringConstant></function></param>
+ </mapping>
+ </variable>
+ <call proc="runEP" src="line 60">
+ <output><variableReference>outjson</variableReference></output>
+ <input><variableReference>epconfig</variableReference></input>
+ <input><variableReference>epweather</variableReference></input>
+ <input>
+ <array>
+ <structureMember>
+ <arraySubscript>
+ <variableReference>pset</variableReference>
+ <integerConstant>0</integerConstant>
+ </arraySubscript>
+ <memberName>pname</memberName>
+ </structureMember><variableReference>v0</variableReference><structureMember>
+ <arraySubscript>
+ <variableReference>pset</variableReference>
+ <integerConstant>1</integerConstant>
+ </arraySubscript>
+ <memberName>pname</memberName>
+ </structureMember><variableReference>v1</variableReference><structureMember>
+ <arraySubscript>
+ <variableReference>pset</variableReference>
+ <integerConstant>2</integerConstant>
+ </arraySubscript>
+ <memberName>pname</memberName>
+ </structureMember><variableReference>v2</variableReference><structureMember>
+ <arraySubscript>
+ <variableReference>pset</variableReference>
+ <integerConstant>3</integerConstant>
+ </arraySubscript>
+ <memberName>pname</memberName>
+ </structureMember><variableReference>v3</variableReference><structureMember>
+ <arraySubscript>
+ <variableReference>pset</variableReference>
+ <integerConstant>4</integerConstant>
+ </arraySubscript>
+ <memberName>pname</memberName>
+ </structureMember><variableReference>v4</variableReference><structureMember>
+ <arraySubscript>
+ <variableReference>pset</variableReference>
+ <integerConstant>5</integerConstant>
+ </arraySubscript>
+ <memberName>pname</memberName>
+ </structureMember><variableReference>v5</variableReference><structureMember>
+ <arraySubscript>
+ <variableReference>pset</variableReference>
+ <integerConstant>6</integerConstant>
+ </arraySubscript>
+ <memberName>pname</memberName>
+ </structureMember><variableReference>v6</variableReference><structureMember>
+ <arraySubscript>
+ <variableReference>pset</variableReference>
+ <integerConstant>7</integerConstant>
+ </arraySubscript>
+ <memberName>pname</memberName>
+ </structureMember><variableReference>v7</variableReference>
+ </array>
+ </input>
+ </call>
+ </else></if></body>
+ </foreach></body>
+ </foreach></body>
+ </foreach></body>
+ </foreach></body>
+ </foreach></body>
+ </foreach></body>
+ </foreach></body>
+ </foreach>
Added: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/t0.sweep
--- SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/t0.sweep (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/t0.sweep 2013-12-09 15:07:24 UTC (rev 7388)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+pnum pname pvals
+1 ORIENT 30
+2 NumberFloors 5
+3 W 10
+4 L 20
+5 WINTOP 1.8
+8 ENDDAY 31
Added: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/t01.96T.2M.sweep
--- SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/t01.96T.2M.sweep (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/t01.96T.2M.sweep 2013-12-09 15:07:24 UTC (rev 7388)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+pnum pname pvals
+1 ORIENT 0,30
+2 NumberFloors 5,10
+3 W 10,20
+4 L 10,20,30
+5 WINTOP 1.8,2.5
+6 HVACSystem SYSTEM7,OptimizedVAV
+8 ENDDAY 28
Added: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/t02.96T.12M.sweep
--- SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/t02.96T.12M.sweep (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/t02.96T.12M.sweep 2013-12-09 15:07:24 UTC (rev 7388)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+pnum pname pvals
+1 ORIENT 0,30
+2 NumberFloors 5,10
+3 W 10,20
+4 L 10,20,30
+5 WINTOP 1.8,2.5
+6 HVACSystem SYSTEM7,OptimizedVAV
+8 ENDDAY 31
Added: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/t1.sweep
--- SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/t1.sweep (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/t1.sweep 2013-12-09 15:07:24 UTC (rev 7388)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+pnum pname pvals
+1 ORIENT 0,30
+2 NumberFloors 5,10
+3 W 10,20
+4 L 10,20,30
+5 WINTOP 1.8,2.5
+6 HVACSystem SYSTEM7,OptimizedVAV
+8 ENDDAY 28
Added: SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/t2.sweep
--- SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/t2.sweep (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/Swift-MapRed/mapred_combiner_V4/examples/EPlus/t2.sweep 2013-12-09 15:07:24 UTC (rev 7388)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+pnum pname pvals
+1 ORIENT 0,30,60
+2 NumberFloors 5,10,15,20
+3 W 10,20,30,40
+4 L 10,20,30,40
+5 WINTOP 1.8,2.5,3.5
+8 ENDDAY 28
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