[Swift-commit] r7003 - in SwiftTutorials/swift-cray-tutorial: . bin doc tbd-future

wilde at ci.uchicago.edu wilde at ci.uchicago.edu
Mon Aug 26 11:07:45 CDT 2013

Author: wilde
Date: 2013-08-26 11:07:45 -0500 (Mon, 26 Aug 2013)
New Revision: 7003

Doc edits; moved tbd stuff under separate dir; added package builder; setup for multiple pool tests/.

Modified: SwiftTutorials/swift-cray-tutorial/bin/plot.sh
--- SwiftTutorials/swift-cray-tutorial/bin/plot.sh	2013-08-26 08:25:18 UTC (rev 7002)
+++ SwiftTutorials/swift-cray-tutorial/bin/plot.sh	2013-08-26 16:07:45 UTC (rev 7003)
@@ -53,13 +53,14 @@
 set terminal png enhanced
 set nokey
 set output "cumulativeplot.png"
-set ylabel "number of completed jobs"
-set title "Cumulative jobs"
+set xlabel "Time in sec"
+set ylabel "number of completed apps"
+set title "Cumulative Apps Completed"
 plot "plot_cumulative.txt" using 1:2 with lines
 set output "activeplot.png"
 set xlabel "Time in sec"
-set ylabel "number of active jobs"
-set title "Active jobs"
+set ylabel "number of active apps"
+set title "Active Apps"
 plot "plot_active.txt" using 1:2 with line

Modified: SwiftTutorials/swift-cray-tutorial/doc/README
--- SwiftTutorials/swift-cray-tutorial/doc/README	2013-08-26 08:25:18 UTC (rev 7002)
+++ SwiftTutorials/swift-cray-tutorial/doc/README	2013-08-26 16:07:45 UTC (rev 7003)
@@ -28,24 +28,22 @@
 ordinary application programs on distributed parallel resources.
 Swift scripts run many copies of ordinary programs concurrently, using
 statements like this:
 foreach protein in proteinList {
 Swift acts like a structured "shell" language. It runs programs
 concurrently as soon as their inputs are available, reducing the need
-for complex parallel programming.  Swift expresses your workflow
-in a portable fashion: The same script runs on grids like OSG, as well
-as on multicore computers, clusters, clouds, and supercomputers.
+for complex parallel programming.  Swift expresses your workflow in a
+portable fashion: The same script runs on multicore computers,
+clusters, clouds, grids, and supercomputers.
 In this tutorial, you'll be able to first try a few Swift examples
-(parts 1-3) on the OSG Connect login host, to get a sense of the
-language. Then in parts 4-6 you'll run similar workflows on
-distributed OSG Connect resources, and see how more complex workflows
-can be expressed with Swift scripts.
+(parts 1-3) on the Cray login host, to get a sense of the
+language. Then in parts 4-6 you'll run similar workflows on Cray
+compute nodes, and see how more complex workflows can be expressed
+with Swift scripts.
 Swift tutorial setup
@@ -374,26 +372,27 @@
 Output files will be named output/sim_N.out.
-In order to run on Cray compute nodes, sites.xml was modified. Here is
-the new sites.xml we are using for this example. Note the changes
-between the sites.xml file in this example which specifies
+In order for our .swift scripts to run apps on compute nodes, we
+specify a more complex sites.xml file. The one in `part04` is shown
-provider=condor", and the sites.xml file in part 1, which runs locally
-by specifying "execution provider=local".
-sys::[cat -n ../part06/sites.xml]
+sys::[cat -n ../part04/sites.xml]
-Below is the updated apps file. Since Swift is staging shell scripts
-remotely to nodes on the cluster, the only application you need to
-define here is the shell.
+Below is the apps file used in this part. 
+Since we are running on a single local cluster, and have one or more
+filesystems that are identically mounted on the login node where we
+are running the `swift` command and on the compute nodes where the
+apps will execute, we can specify the location of each app by a a line
+in the `apps` file, with a pathname (absolute, or a name to be located
+in PATH):
-sys::[cat -n ../part06/apps]
+sys::[cat -n ../part04/apps]
@@ -417,33 +416,6 @@
 $ swift p5.swift
-Part 6: Specifying more complex workflow patterns
-p6.swift build on p5.swift, but adds new apps for generating a random
-seed and a random bias value.
-sys::[cat -n ../part06/p6.swift]
-Use the command below to specify the time for each simulation.
-$ cd ../part06
-$ swift p6.swift -steps=3  # each simulation takes 3 seconds
 Larger runs
 To test with larger runs, there are two changes that are required. The first is a 
@@ -473,8 +445,54 @@
 the number of active jobs over time. When the worker agents are trasnferring data 
 to and from nodes, this time does not get marked as active.
-After each swift run, a log file will be created called partNN-<YYYYmmdd>-<hhmm>-<random>.log. 
-Once you have identified the log file name, run the following command to generate the plots:
+After each swift run, a log file will be created called
+partNN-<YYYYmmdd>-<hhmm>-<random>.log.  Once you have identified the
+log file name, run the command `./plot.sh <logfile>` (where logfile is
+the most recent Swift run log) to generate the plots. For example:
 $ ./plot.sh <logfile>
+You can then scp the two resulting plot images to another host to view them. Eg, from a Mac, do:
+$ scp ...
+$ open *.png
+Part 6: Specifying more complex workflow patterns
+p6.swift build on p5.swift, but adds new apps for generating a random
+seed and a random bias value.
+sys::[cat -n ../part06/p6.swift]
+Use the command below to specify the time for each simulation.
+$ cd ../part06
+$ swift p6.swift -steps=3  # each simulation takes 3 seconds

Deleted: SwiftTutorials/swift-cray-tutorial/doc/p1.png
(Binary files differ)

Deleted: SwiftTutorials/swift-cray-tutorial/doc/p2.png
(Binary files differ)

Deleted: SwiftTutorials/swift-cray-tutorial/doc/p3.png
(Binary files differ)

Deleted: SwiftTutorials/swift-cray-tutorial/doc/p4.png
(Binary files differ)

Deleted: SwiftTutorials/swift-cray-tutorial/doc/p5.png
(Binary files differ)

Deleted: SwiftTutorials/swift-cray-tutorial/doc/p6.png
(Binary files differ)

Deleted: SwiftTutorials/swift-cray-tutorial/doc/p7.png
(Binary files differ)

Deleted: SwiftTutorials/swift-cray-tutorial/doc/p8.png
(Binary files differ)

Deleted: SwiftTutorials/swift-cray-tutorial/doc/p9.png
(Binary files differ)

Modified: SwiftTutorials/swift-cray-tutorial/setup.sh
--- SwiftTutorials/swift-cray-tutorial/setup.sh	2013-08-26 08:25:18 UTC (rev 7002)
+++ SwiftTutorials/swift-cray-tutorial/setup.sh	2013-08-26 16:07:45 UTC (rev 7003)
@@ -72,20 +72,66 @@
 cat >sites.raven<<END
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<config xmlns="http://www.ci.uchicago.edu/swift/SwiftSites">
+  <pool handle="localhost">
+    <execution provider="local" />
+    <profile namespace="karajan" key="jobThrottle">0</profile>
+    <profile namespace="karajan" key="initialScore">10000</profile>
+    <filesystem provider="local"/>
+    <workdirectory>.swift/tmp</workdirectory>
+    <profile namespace="swift" key="stagingMethod">local</profile>
+  </pool>
   <pool handle="raven">
-    <execution provider="coaster" jobmanager="local:pbs"/>
+    <execution provider="coaster" jobmanager="local:pbs" URL="local:01"/>
     <profile namespace="env" key="SWIFT_GEN_SCRIPTS">KEEP</profile>
+    <profile namespace="globus" key="jobsPerNode">32</profile>
+    <profile namespace="globus" key="providerAttributes">pbs.aprun;pbs.mpp;depth=32</profile>
+    <profile namespace="globus" key="maxWallTime">00:01:00</profile>
+    <profile namespace="globus" key="slots">10</profile>
+    <profile namespace="globus" key="maxNodes">1</profile>
+    <profile namespace="karajan" key="jobThrottle">3.20</profile>
+    <profile namespace="karajan" key="initialScore">10000</profile>
+    <filesystem provider="local"/>
+    <workdirectory>{env.HOME}/swiftwork</workdirectory>
+  </pool>
+  <pool handle="ravenMED">
+    <execution provider="coaster" jobmanager="local:pbs" URL="local:02"/>
+    <profile namespace="env" key="SWIFT_GEN_SCRIPTS">KEEP</profile>
+    <profile namespace="globus" key="queue">medium</profile>
+    <profile namespace="globus" key="jobsPerNode">32</profile>
+    <profile namespace="globus" key="providerAttributes">pbs.aprun;pbs.mpp;depth=32</profile>
+    <profile namespace="globus" key="maxWallTime">00:01:00</profile>
+    <profile namespace="globus" key="slots">1</profile>
+    <profile namespace="globus" key="maxNodes">6</profile>
+    <profile namespace="globus" key="nodeGranularity">6</profile>
+    <profile namespace="karajan" key="jobThrottle">5.00</profile>
+    <profile namespace="karajan" key="initialScore">10000</profile>
+    <!-- <filesystem provider="local"/> -->
+    <!-- <workdirectory>{env.HOME}/swiftwork</workdirectory> -->
+    <workdirectory>/dev/shm/</workdirectory> -->
+  </pool>
+  <pool handle="ravenGPU">
+    <execution provider="coaster" jobmanager="local:pbs" URL="local:03"/> 
+    <profile namespace="env" key="SWIFT_GEN_SCRIPTS">KEEP</profile>
+    <profile namespace="globus" key="queue">gpu_nodes</profile>
     <profile namespace="globus" key="jobsPerNode">16</profile>
-    <profile namespace="globus" key="providerAttributes">pbs.aprun;pbs.mpp;depth=24</profile>
+    <profile namespace="globus" key="providerAttributes">pbs.aprun;pbs.mpp;depth=16</profile>
     <profile namespace="globus" key="maxWallTime">00:01:00</profile>
     <profile namespace="globus" key="slots">1</profile>
-    <profile namespace="globus" key="maxNodes">2</profile>
+    <profile namespace="globus" key="maxNodes">6</profile>
+    <profile namespace="globus" key="nodeGranularity">6</profile>
     <profile namespace="karajan" key="jobThrottle">5.00</profile>
     <profile namespace="karajan" key="initialScore">10000</profile>
-    <filesystem provider="local"/>
-    <workdirectory>{env.HOME}/swiftwork</workdirectory>
+    <!-- <filesystem provider="local"/> -->
+    <!-- <workdirectory>{env.HOME}/swiftwork</workdirectory> -->
+    <workdirectory>/dev/shm/</workdirectory> -->

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