[Swift-commit] r6030 - SwiftApps/ParVis/HiRAMTools

tmoore at ci.uchicago.edu tmoore at ci.uchicago.edu
Tue Nov 13 14:02:21 CST 2012

Author: tmoore
Date: 2012-11-13 14:02:02 -0600 (Tue, 13 Nov 2012)
New Revision: 6030

added script to create semiannual to annual cases

Added: SwiftApps/ParVis/HiRAMTools/makeyearly_realization_semi.sh
--- SwiftApps/ParVis/HiRAMTools/makeyearly_realization_semi.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/ParVis/HiRAMTools/makeyearly_realization_semi.sh	2012-11-13 20:02:02 UTC (rev 6030)
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+cdir=$1     # combined dir
+outbase=$2  # base of outdir for equivalent yearly files
+bindir=$(dirname $0)
+bindir=$(cd $bindir; pwd)
+echo bindir=$bindir
+# Enable one of the following patterns to name the output dir:
+outsuffix=$(basename $cdir)                              # cdir ends in rname, use rname
+outsuffix=$(basename $(dirname $cdir))                   # cdir ends in rname/rundir, use rname
+outsuffix=$(basename $(dirname $cdir))/$(basename $cdir) # cdir ends in rname/rundir, use rname/rundir
+                                                         # Default assumes cdir is a rundir from combine script
+                                                         # New rundir will be appended to end of outsuffix
+# generate the list of files to process: do every half-decade
+echo f1  >ncfiles
+#we need to step through every year and create out target file list
+for y in $(seq 1950 1 1998); do
+    startyear=${y}0101;
+#All cases use 3 directories
+#if 1950, then we have the following
+    if [[ "$y" == "1950"* ]]; then
+        timestep1=${y}0101;
+        timestep2=${y}0201;
+        timestep3=${y}0801;
+    else
+        PRIORYEAR=$(($y-1))
+        timestep1=${PRIORYEAR}0801;
+        timestep2=${y}0201;
+        timestep3=${y}0801;
+    fi
+#  nextyear=$((y+1))0101
+#this line does the following at sed
+#    ^\\(.*\\)/$startyear/\\(.*\\), searches for everything before startyear and saves it to 1
+#    \\(.*\\) searches for everything after startyear and saves as 2
+# builds a new line with full path for first file, full path for second and targets the output directory
+#  find $cdir/$startyear -type f | fgrep .nc | sed -e "s,^\\(.*\\)/$startyear/\\(.*\\),\\1/$startyear/\\2 \\1/$nextyear/\\2 $outdir,"
+#in the 2 year version, we only want the first file
+	  find $cdir/$timestep1 -type f | fgrep .nc | sed -e "s,^\\(.*\\)/$timestep1/\\(.*\\),\\1/$timestep1/\\2 \\1/$timestep2/\\2  \\1/$timestep3/\\2  $outdir,"
+done >>ncfiles
+#now we have a list of the 2 year files and the outdir
+# Create new runNNN directory
+rundir=$( echo run??? | sed -e 's/^.*run//' | awk '{ printf("run%03d\n", $1+1)}' )
+mkdir $rundir
+# Generate Swift config files (cf, tc, sites.xml):
+cat >$rundir/cf <<END
+cat >$rundir/sites.xml <<END
+   <pool handle="local">
+     <execution provider="local" />
+     <profile namespace="karajan" key="jobThrottle">.01</profile>
+     <profile namespace="karajan" key="initialScore">10000</profile>
+     <filesystem provider="local"/>
+     <workdirectory>$PWD/swiftwork</workdirectory>
+   </pool>
+  <pool handle="cobalt">
+    <execution provider="coaster" jobmanager="local:cobalt" url="eureka.alcf.anl.gov" />
+    <filesystem provider="local" />
+    <!-- <profile namespace="globus"key="internalHostname"></profile> -->
+    <!-- <profile namespace="globus"  key="project">MTCScienceApps</profile> -->
+    <profile namespace="globus"  key="project">SU_Climate</profile>
+    <profile namespace="globus"  key="queue">default</profile>
+    <profile namespace="karajan" key="jobthrottle">2.56</profile>
+    <profile namespace="karajan" key="initialScore">10000</profile>
+    <profile namespace="globus"  key="jobsPerNode">8</profile>
+    <!-- <profile namespace="globus"  key="workerLoggingLevel">DEBUG</profile> -->
+    <!-- <profile namespace="globus"  key="workerLoggingDirectory">/home/jonmon/Workspace/Swift/tests/catsnsleep</profile> -->
+    <profile namespace="globus"  key="slots">32</profile>
+    <profile namespace="globus"  key="maxTime">28000</profile> <!-- ~ 8hrs -->
+    <profile namespace="globus"  key="maxWallTime">00:20:00</profile>
+    <profile namespace="globus"  key="lowoverallocation">100</profile>
+    <profile namespace="globus"  key="highoverallocation">100</profile>
+    <profile namespace="globus"  key="nodeGranularity">1</profile>
+    <profile namespace="globus"  key="maxNodes">1</profile>
+    <workdirectory>$PWD/$rundir/swiftwork</workdirectory>
+  </pool>
+cat >$rundir/tc <<END
+cobalt makeyearly_2yr $bindir/makeyearly_2yr.sh
+# Place file list and swift script in run dir, set params, make output dir, and run script
+cp ncfiles $bindir/makeyearly2yr.swift $rundir
+cd $rundir
+echo Running in directory $rundir
+runid=$(basename $rundir) # un-needed?
+mkdir -p $outdir
+swift -config cf -tc.file tc -sites.file sites.xml makeyearly2yr.swift -rundir=$outdir -ncfiles=ncfiles >& swift.out

Property changes on: SwiftApps/ParVis/HiRAMTools/makeyearly_realization_semi.sh
Added: svn:executable
   + *

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