[Swift-commit] r5907 - in SwiftApps/CMTS/dimers: . bin conf input_files

davidk at ci.uchicago.edu davidk at ci.uchicago.edu
Mon Aug 27 02:14:43 CDT 2012

Author: davidk
Date: 2012-08-27 02:14:42 -0500 (Mon, 27 Aug 2012)
New Revision: 5907

Use real lammps
Use wrapper script to simplify the example

Modified: SwiftApps/CMTS/dimers/README
--- SwiftApps/CMTS/dimers/README	2012-08-23 18:51:16 UTC (rev 5906)
+++ SwiftApps/CMTS/dimers/README	2012-08-27 07:14:42 UTC (rev 5907)
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 Add the following line to $HOME/.bashrc to set the PATH:
-export PATH=/scratch/davidk/swift-trunk/cog/modules/swift/dist/swift-svn/bin:/opt/torque/bin:$PATH
+export PATH=/scratch/davidk/swift-trunk/cog/modules/swift/dist/swift-svn/bin:/scratch/davidk/lammps-12Oct11_spherical_modified/src:/opt/torque/bin:$PATH
 You will need to create a directory called /scratch/<yourusername>:

Added: SwiftApps/CMTS/dimers/bin/dimers.sh
--- SwiftApps/CMTS/dimers/bin/dimers.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/CMTS/dimers/bin/dimers.sh	2012-08-27 07:14:42 UTC (rev 5907)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+insert_molecules ${prev_ndimers_file} ${dimer_file} ${n_dimers_to_add} ${virion_radius} 0 25.0 start_${ndimers}.lammps_config
+lmp_john -in lammps_new_spherical.in -var CONFIG start_${ndimers}.lammps_config -var NTDNTD_LJEPS 5.0 -var NTDCTD_LJEPS 5.0 -var RANDOMSEED 666 -var SPHERE_RADIUS ${virion_radius} -var NDIMERS ${ndimers}
+restart2data end_${ndimers}.restart end_${ndimers}.lammps_config

Property changes on: SwiftApps/CMTS/dimers/bin/dimers.sh
Added: svn:executable
   + *

Modified: SwiftApps/CMTS/dimers/conf/grotthuss.cf
--- SwiftApps/CMTS/dimers/conf/grotthuss.cf	2012-08-23 18:51:16 UTC (rev 5906)
+++ SwiftApps/CMTS/dimers/conf/grotthuss.cf	2012-08-27 07:14:42 UTC (rev 5907)
@@ -7,6 +7,5 @@
-#app insert_molecules=$PWD/../bin/insert_molecules
-#app restart2data=$PWD/../bin/restart2data.sh
+#app dimers=$PWD/../bin/dimers.sh

Modified: SwiftApps/CMTS/dimers/conf/makena.cf
--- SwiftApps/CMTS/dimers/conf/makena.cf	2012-08-23 18:51:16 UTC (rev 5906)
+++ SwiftApps/CMTS/dimers/conf/makena.cf	2012-08-27 07:14:42 UTC (rev 5907)
@@ -7,6 +7,4 @@
-#app insert_molecules=$PWD/../bin/insert_molecules
-#app restart2data=$PWD/../bin/restart2data.sh
+#app dimers=$PWD/../bin/dimers.sh

Modified: SwiftApps/CMTS/dimers/dimers.swift
--- SwiftApps/CMTS/dimers/dimers.swift	2012-08-23 18:51:16 UTC (rev 5906)
+++ SwiftApps/CMTS/dimers/dimers.swift	2012-08-27 07:14:42 UTC (rev 5907)
@@ -1,33 +1,30 @@
 type file;
-app (file lamps_config_output) insert_molecules (file lamps_config, file dimer, int delta, int v_radius)
+# Dimers wrapper script
+app (file config_out, file restart_out, file trajectory_out) dimers (file previous_file, file lampps_input_file, file dimer, int dimers_to_add, int v_radius, int step)
-  insert_molecules @lamps_config @dimer delta v_radius 0 25.0 @lamps_config_output;
+   dimers @previous_file @dimer dimers_to_add v_radius step;   
-app (file output_file) restart2data (file restart_file, file config_file)
-   restart2data @restart_file @config_file;
-int start_ndimers=20;
-int max_ndimers=70;
+# Parameters
+int start_ndimers=5;
+int max_ndimers=30;
 int delta_ndimers=5;
 int virion_radius=300;
+# Files
 file dimer_file <"dimer_1232.lammps_config">;
 file initial_output <"empty.lammps_config">;
-file outputs[];
-outputs[start_ndimers-delta_ndimers] = initial_output;
+file lampps_input <"lammps_new_spherical.in">;
+file lampps_configs[];
-foreach i in [start_ndimers:max_ndimers:delta_ndimers] {
+lampps_configs[start_ndimers-delta_ndimers] = initial_output;
-   file molecule_output <single_file_mapper; file=@strcat("end_", i-delta_ndimers, ".lampps_config")>;
-   molecule_output = insert_molecules(outputs[i-delta_ndimers], dimer_file, delta_ndimers, virion_radius);
-   file restart_input <single_file_mapper; file=@strcat("end_", i, ".restart.swift")>;
-   file restart_output <single_file_mapper; file=@strcat("end_", i, ".restart")>;
-   restart_output = restart2data(restart_input, molecule_output);
-   outputs[i] = restart_output;
+# Main loop - example of a serial dependency
+foreach i in [start_ndimers:max_ndimers:delta_ndimers] {
+   file config <single_file_mapper; file=@strcat("end_", i, ".lammps_config")>;
+   file restart <single_file_mapper; file=@strcat("end_", i, ".restart")>;
+   file trajectory <single_file_mapper; file=@strcat("traj_", i, ".lammpstrj")>;
+   (config, restart, trajectory) = dimers(lampps_configs[i-delta_ndimers], lampps_input, dimer_file, delta_ndimers, virion_radius, i);
+   lampps_configs[i] = config;

Deleted: SwiftApps/CMTS/dimers/input_files/end_20.restart.swift
(Binary files differ)

Deleted: SwiftApps/CMTS/dimers/input_files/end_25.restart.swift
(Binary files differ)

Deleted: SwiftApps/CMTS/dimers/input_files/end_30.restart.swift
(Binary files differ)

Deleted: SwiftApps/CMTS/dimers/input_files/end_35.restart.swift
(Binary files differ)

Deleted: SwiftApps/CMTS/dimers/input_files/end_40.restart.swift
(Binary files differ)

Deleted: SwiftApps/CMTS/dimers/input_files/end_45.restart.swift
(Binary files differ)

Deleted: SwiftApps/CMTS/dimers/input_files/end_50.restart.swift
(Binary files differ)

Deleted: SwiftApps/CMTS/dimers/input_files/end_55.restart.swift
(Binary files differ)

Deleted: SwiftApps/CMTS/dimers/input_files/end_60.restart.swift
(Binary files differ)

Deleted: SwiftApps/CMTS/dimers/input_files/end_65.restart.swift
(Binary files differ)

Deleted: SwiftApps/CMTS/dimers/input_files/end_70.restart.swift
(Binary files differ)

Added: SwiftApps/CMTS/dimers/input_files/lammps_new_spherical.in
--- SwiftApps/CMTS/dimers/input_files/lammps_new_spherical.in	                        (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/CMTS/dimers/input_files/lammps_new_spherical.in	2012-08-27 07:14:42 UTC (rev 5907)
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+# You need to pass the following variables via the command line:
+# Example:
+# lammps -in <this file> -var CONFIG 1232.lammps_config -var NTDNTD_LJEPS 5.0 -var NTDCTD_LJEPS 5.0 -var RANDOMSEED 666 -var SPHERE_RADIUS x -var NDIMERS y
+variable LOGFILE string log.${NDIMERS}
+log ${LOGFILE}
+print "Defined variables:"
+print "CONFIG:       ${CONFIG}"
+print "NDIMERS: ${NDIMERS}"
+variable DUMPFILE string traj_${NDIMERS}.lammpstrj
+variable RESTARTFILE string end_${NDIMERS}.restart
+variable TSTART equal 310.0
+variable TEND   equal 310.0
+variable TDAMP  equal 100.0
+variable TIMESTEP equal 5.0
+#variable NSTEPS equal  20000000
+#variable DUMPEVERY equal 100000
+variable NSTEPS equal  10000
+variable DUMPEVERY equal 1000
+units real
+atom_style molecular
+boundary f f f
+print "Reading data from ${CONFIG}..."
+read_data ${CONFIG}
+#    1        1.000 # 1_1 
+#    2        1.000 # 1_2 
+#    3        1.000 # 1_3 
+#    4        1.000 # 1_4 
+#    5        1.000 # 2_1 
+#    6        1.000 # 2_2 
+#    7        1.000 # 3_1 
+#    8        1.000 # 3_2 
+#    9        1.000 # 3_3 
+#   10        1.000 # 4_1 
+#   11        1.000 # 4_2 
+#   12        1.000 # 4_3 
+#   13        1.000 # 4_4 
+#   14        1.000 # 4_5 
+#   15        1.000 # 4_6 
+#   16        1.000 # 5_1 
+#   17        1.000 # 6_1 
+#   18        1.000 # 6_2 
+#   19        1.000 # 6_3 
+#   20        1.000 # 7_1 
+#   21        1.000 # 7_2 
+#   22        1.000 # 7_3 
+#   23        1.000 # 7_4 
+#   24        1.000 # 7_5 
+#   25        1.000 # 7_6 
+#   26        1.000 #  AN1
+#   27        1.000 #  AN2
+#   28        1.000 #  AC1
+#   29        1.000 #  AC2
+#   30        1.000 # 8_1 
+#   31        1.000 # 8_2 
+#   32        1.000 # 8_3 
+#   33        1.000 # 8_4 
+#   34        1.000 # 9_1 
+#   35        1.000 # 9_2 
+#   36        1.000 # 9_3 
+#   37        1.000 # 9_4 
+#   38        1.000 # 10_1
+#   39        1.000 # 10_2
+#   40        1.000 # 10_3
+#   41        1.000 # 11_1
+#   42        1.000 # 11_2
+#   43        1.000 # 12  
+# Bond parameters etc
+bond_style harmonic
+bond_coeff 1 0.1 9.17	# dimer, where necessary
+# NTD-CTD linker constraints; there seem to be relatively insensitive.
+bond_coeff 2 10.0 0.0	# Pivot 1
+bond_coeff 3 10.0 0.0	# Pivot 2
+# Improper - parameterized from the CG capsid structure. ~132 degrees
+# reproduces the angle distribution from the CG capsid in simulation pretty well!
+improper_style harmonic
+improper_coeff 1 100.0 132.0
+improper_coeff 2 100.0 132.0
+# Ignore forces for beads in the same rigid body
+neigh_modify exclude molecule all
+# Let's look at what energy we get out of the
+# NTDNTD and NTDCTD interactions during the scale-in,
+# as well as the ghost bonds for the CTD pivot and
+# thw CTD dimer interface bond.
+# pairwise interacting types:
+# Although 2_1 -> 3_3 is a smaller distance, 2_2 -> 3_3 is *slightly* more conserved (ie smaller
+# standard deviation / standard error, and smaller absolute gap between lowest and largest distances
+# measured from capsid). It also works *much* better than 2_1 -> 3_3!
+# 4_1 -> 8_3 has a *slightly* smaller average distance and *slightly* smaller spread of values from
+# smallest to largest vs 4_1 -> 8_2 (albeit the standard deviation and standard error are a little
+# larger). I'm not sure there's much of a difference, here; if you plot the distributions using
+# the structural_analysis program, they're basically the same!
+variable tNN1 equal 6  # 2_2
+variable tNN2 equal 9  # 3_3
+variable tNC1 equal 10 # 4_1
+variable tNC2 equal 32 # 8_3
+# sites involved in the rotation axis, NTD and CTD
+variable tAN1 equal 26
+variable tAN2 equal 27
+variable tAC1 equal 28
+variable tAC2 equal 29
+# dimer bond
+variable tDIM equal 43
+# NTD-NTD interaction: 2_1 and 3_3
+group gNN1 type ${tNN1}
+compute NN_pe_v1 gNN1 pe/atom
+compute NN_pe_1 all reduce sum c_NN_pe_v1
+group gNN2 type ${tNN2}
+compute NN_pe_v2 gNN2 pe/atom
+compute NN_pe_2 all reduce sum c_NN_pe_v2
+group gNN1_NN2 type ${tNN1} ${tNN2}
+compute NN_pe_v gNN1_NN2 pe/atom
+compute NN_pe all reduce sum c_NN_pe_v
+# NTD-CTD interaction: 4_1 and 8_2 (or ghost bead!)
+group gNC1 type ${tNC1}
+compute NC_pe_v1 gNC1 pe/atom
+compute NC_pe_1 all reduce sum c_NC_pe_v1
+group gNC2 type ${tNC2}
+compute NC_pe_v2 gNC2 pe/atom
+compute NC_pe_2 all reduce sum c_NC_pe_v2
+group gNC1_NC2 type ${tNC1} ${tNC2}
+compute NC_pe_v gNC1_NC2 pe/atom
+compute NC_pe all reduce sum c_NC_pe_v
+group gNN_NC type ${tNN1} ${tNN2} ${tNC1} ${tNC2}
+compute NN_NC_pe_v gNN_NC pe/atom
+compute NN_NC_pe all reduce sum c_NN_NC_pe_v
+# Ghost bond interactions - DI is dimer interface!
+group gAN1_AC1 type ${tAN1} ${tAC1}
+group gAN2_AC2 type ${tAN2} ${tAC2}
+group gPivot type ${tAN1} ${tAC1} ${tAN2} ${tAC2}
+group gDI type ${tDIM}
+compute A1_be_v gAN1_AC1 pe/atom bond
+compute A1_be all reduce sum c_A1_be_v
+compute A2_be_v gAN2_AC2 pe/atom bond
+compute A2_be all reduce sum c_A2_be_v
+compute Pivot_be_v gPivot pe/atom bond
+compute Pivot_be all reduce sum c_Pivot_be_v
+compute DI_be_v gDI pe/atom bond
+compute DI_be all reduce sum c_DI_be_v
+# check what weird-ass method lammps uses for the improper dihedral calculation
+#group gimp1 id 25 27 26 30
+group gimp1 type 25 27 26 30
+compute imp1 gimp1 improper/local chi
+compute imp1_min all reduce min c_imp1
+compute imp1_ave all reduce ave c_imp1
+compute imp1_max all reduce max c_imp1
+# special thermo output for scale-in; list temperature, bond energy, nonbonded energy, then specific NTD-NTD, NTD-CTD and NTDNTD+NTDCTD energy
+thermo_style custom step cpu temp evdwl c_NN_pe c_NC_pe c_NN_NC_pe ebond c_A1_be c_A2_be c_Pivot_be c_DI_be c_imp1_min c_imp1_ave c_imp1_max
+# some system info
+thermo ${DUMPEVERY}
+dump 1 all custom ${DUMPEVERY} ${DUMPFILE} id mol type x y z
+dump_modify 1 sort id
+timestep ${TIMESTEP}
+# Fixes, initial velocity distribution
+# Nose-Hoover
+fix 1 all rigid/nvt molecule temp ${TSTART} ${TEND} ${TDAMP} tparam 10 6 3
+# sphere constraint
+fix 2 all wall/harmonicsphericaljohn xhi ${SPHERE_RADIUS} 0.05 1.0 ${SPHERE_RADIUS} units box
+# Langevin
+#fix 1 all rigid/nve molecule
+#fix 2 all langevin ${TSTART} ${TEND} ${TDAMP} ${RANDOMSEED}
+velocity all create ${TSTART} ${RANDOMSEED} mom yes rot yes dist gaussian
+# Nonbonded: Morse (pure exclusion) & LJ (attractive wells) #
+# Notes:
+# 1. Lammps uses the star notation for "all types", but it's
+#    implicit that the second type in the pair_coeff line is
+#    larger than the first; we therefore have to use the star
+#    both "before" and "after" the global type interaction.
+#    This is why eg the ghost types have both "x *" and
+#    "* x" when we set them to have no excluded volume effect
+#    with any other type in the system.
+#pair_style hybrid lj/cut 25.0 lj/john 12.0 morse 12.0
+pair_style hybrid lj/cut 25.0 morse 12.0
+# -- Morse params -------------------------------------------
+variable MORSE_D0    equal 0.0001
+variable MORSE_ALPHA equal 4.5
+# -- default size excluded radius ----
+pair_coeff * * morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA} 12.0 12.0
+# -- raw output from capsid analysis, independent NTD and CTD superpositions ----
+pair_coeff   1   1 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   9.891   9.891 #   1_1   1_1:   9.891  10.705  10.755
+pair_coeff   1   2 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   9.565   9.565 #   1_1   1_2:   9.565  10.301  10.347
+pair_coeff   1   3 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}  11.366  11.366 #   1_1   1_3:  11.366  11.935  11.971
+pair_coeff   1   6 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}  10.178  10.178 #   1_1   2_2:  10.178  10.187  10.188
+pair_coeff   2   2 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}  11.196  11.196 #   1_2   1_2:  11.196  11.197  11.198
+pair_coeff   2   3 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}  11.207  11.207 #   1_2   1_3:  11.207  11.207  11.209
+pair_coeff   2   6 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}  11.657  11.657 #   1_2   2_2:  11.657  11.883  11.897
+pair_coeff   3  29 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}  11.247  11.247 #   1_3   AC2:  11.247  11.247  11.247
+pair_coeff   4  29 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}  10.586  10.586 #   1_4   AC2:  10.586  11.428  11.796
+pair_coeff   5   8 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}  10.814  10.814 #   2_1   3_2:  10.814  10.862  11.644
+pair_coeff   5   9 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   7.744   7.744 #   2_1   3_3:   7.744   7.773   8.243
+pair_coeff   5  29 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   7.128   7.128 #   2_1   AC2:   7.128   8.862  11.920
+pair_coeff   5  33 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}  10.876  10.876 #   2_1   8_4:  10.876  11.619  11.997
+pair_coeff   6   8 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}  10.393  10.393 #   2_2   3_2:  10.393  10.456  11.492
+pair_coeff   6   9 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   9.675   9.675 #   2_2   3_3:   9.675   9.704  10.159
+pair_coeff   8  29 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   9.672   9.672 #   3_2   AC2:   9.672  11.430  11.997
+pair_coeff   9  27 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   9.945   9.945 #   3_3   AN2:   9.945   9.967  10.322
+pair_coeff   9  29 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   6.143   6.143 #   3_3   AC2:   6.143   8.920  11.839
+pair_coeff   9  33 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}  10.806  10.806 #   3_3   8_4:  10.806  11.524  11.972
+pair_coeff  10  26 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}  11.109  11.109 #   4_1   AN1:  11.109  11.128  11.431
+pair_coeff  10  27 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   9.080   9.080 #   4_1   AN2:   9.080   9.083   9.117
+pair_coeff  10  28 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   7.985   7.985 #   4_1   AC1:   7.985  10.524  11.996
+pair_coeff  10  29 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   2.501   2.501 #   4_1   AC2:   2.501   8.595  10.808
+pair_coeff  10  30 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   8.581   8.581 #   4_1   8_1:   8.581  10.780  11.991
+pair_coeff  10  31 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   5.397   5.397 #   4_1   8_2:   5.397   7.996  10.379
+pair_coeff  10  32 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   5.100   5.100 #   4_1   8_3:   5.100   7.925   9.861
+pair_coeff  10  33 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   5.196   5.196 #   4_1   8_4:   5.196   9.826  11.658
+pair_coeff  10  41 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}  10.110  10.110 #   4_1  11_1:  10.110  11.413  11.999
+pair_coeff  10  42 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}  11.606  11.606 #   4_1  11_2:  11.606  11.835  11.995
+pair_coeff  11  27 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}  11.301  11.301 #   4_2   AN2:  11.301  11.308  11.409
+pair_coeff  11  28 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}  10.782  10.782 #   4_2   AC1:  10.782  11.744  12.000
+pair_coeff  11  29 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   4.749   4.749 #   4_2   AC2:   4.749  10.138  11.996
+pair_coeff  11  30 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}  11.415  11.415 #   4_2   8_1:  11.415  11.719  11.973
+pair_coeff  11  31 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   8.439   8.439 #   4_2   8_2:   8.439  11.119  11.999
+pair_coeff  11  32 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   8.333   8.333 #   4_2   8_3:   8.333  11.011  11.999
+pair_coeff  11  33 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   8.698   8.698 #   4_2   8_4:   8.698  11.123  11.998
+pair_coeff  11  41 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   8.066   8.066 #   4_2  11_1:   8.066  10.726  12.000
+pair_coeff  11  42 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}  11.011  11.011 #   4_2  11_2:  11.011  11.622  11.998
+pair_coeff  12  29 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   9.835   9.835 #   4_3   AC2:   9.835  11.080  11.989
+pair_coeff  12  41 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   9.931   9.931 #   4_3  11_1:   9.931  11.300  11.999
+pair_coeff  24  29 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}  10.115  10.115 #   7_5   AC2:  10.115  11.358  12.000
+pair_coeff  24  33 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}  10.974  10.974 #   7_5   8_4:  10.974  11.572  11.997
+pair_coeff  24  41 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}  10.207  10.207 #   7_5  11_1:  10.207  11.419  11.992
+pair_coeff  24  42 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   9.468   9.468 #   7_5  11_2:   9.468  11.169  11.998
+pair_coeff  25  28 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}  11.525  11.525 #   7_6   AC1:  11.525  11.777  11.982
+pair_coeff  25  29 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   9.917   9.917 #   7_6   AC2:   9.917  11.265  11.994
+pair_coeff  25  30 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}  10.548  10.548 #   7_6   8_1:  10.548  11.533  11.977
+pair_coeff  25  33 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   9.307   9.307 #   7_6   8_4:   9.307  10.121  11.997
+pair_coeff  25  41 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}  10.508  10.508 #   7_6  11_1:  10.508  11.500  11.989
+pair_coeff  25  42 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   8.144   8.144 #   7_6  11_2:   8.144  10.663  11.985
+pair_coeff  26  28 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   0.277   0.277 #   AN1   AC1:   0.277   1.693   4.228
+pair_coeff  26  29 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   8.840   8.840 #   AN1   AC2:   8.840  10.660  11.997
+pair_coeff  26  30 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   9.190   9.190 #   AN1   8_1:   9.190  11.163  11.999
+pair_coeff  26  31 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   5.725   5.725 #   AN1   8_2:   5.725   8.001  10.884
+pair_coeff  26  32 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   2.296   2.296 #   AN1   8_3:   2.296   4.609   7.720
+pair_coeff  26  33 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   4.298   4.298 #   AN1   8_4:   4.298   6.119   8.959
+pair_coeff  26  34 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   7.771   7.771 #   AN1   9_1:   7.771  10.421  11.992
+pair_coeff  26  35 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   5.446   5.446 #   AN1   9_2:   5.446   8.505  11.909
+pair_coeff  26  36 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   5.025   5.025 #   AN1   9_3:   5.025   8.167  11.994
+pair_coeff  26  37 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   5.987   5.987 #   AN1   9_4:   5.987   9.062  11.969
+pair_coeff  26  43 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   3.816   3.816 #   AN1    12:   3.816   7.256  11.981
+pair_coeff  27  28 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   6.778   6.778 #   AN2   AC1:   6.778   9.066  10.948
+pair_coeff  27  29 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   0.422   0.422 #   AN2   AC2:   0.422   2.216   7.719
+pair_coeff  27  31 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}  11.120  11.120 #   AN2   8_2:  11.120  11.821  11.999
+pair_coeff  27  32 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   6.050   6.050 #   AN2   8_3:   6.050   7.306   9.818
+pair_coeff  27  33 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   2.330   2.330 #   AN2   8_4:   2.330   4.398   7.000
+pair_coeff  27  34 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}  10.795  10.795 #   AN2   9_1:  10.795  11.697  11.975
+pair_coeff  27  35 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}  11.673  11.673 #   AN2   9_2:  11.673  11.673  11.673
+pair_coeff  27  43 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}  10.447  10.447 #   AN2    12:  10.447  11.613  11.965
+pair_coeff  30  40 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   9.753   9.753 #   8_1  10_3:   9.753  11.067  11.975
+pair_coeff  34  34 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   4.337   4.337 #   9_1   9_1:   4.337   9.883  10.595
+pair_coeff  34  35 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   6.685   6.685 #   9_1   9_2:   6.685   6.686   6.687
+pair_coeff  34  36 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   9.967   9.967 #   9_1   9_3:   9.967   9.968   9.969
+pair_coeff  34  43 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   7.367   7.367 #   9_1    12:   7.367  11.092  11.571
+pair_coeff  35  35 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   6.424   6.424 #   9_2   9_2:   6.424   6.425   6.426
+pair_coeff  35  36 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   7.873   7.873 #   9_2   9_3:   7.873   7.874   7.875
+pair_coeff  35  37 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}  11.212  11.212 #   9_2   9_4:  11.212  11.213  11.214
+pair_coeff  35  43 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   5.309   5.309 #   9_2    12:   5.309  10.529  11.200
+pair_coeff  36  36 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   6.831   6.831 #   9_3   9_3:   6.831   6.832   6.833
+pair_coeff  36  37 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   8.652   8.652 #   9_3   9_4:   8.652   8.653   8.654
+pair_coeff  36  43 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   5.640   5.640 #   9_3    12:   5.640  10.765  11.424
+pair_coeff  37  37 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   8.340   8.340 #   9_4   9_4:   8.340   8.341   8.342
+pair_coeff  37  43 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   8.910   8.910 #   9_4    12:   8.910   8.911   8.912
+pair_coeff  38  40 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   9.360   9.360 #  10_1  10_3:   9.360  10.984  11.983
+pair_coeff  39  39 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   9.299   9.299 #  10_2  10_2:   9.299  11.228  12.000
+pair_coeff  39  40 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   6.916   6.916 #  10_2  10_3:   6.916  10.645  11.995
+pair_coeff  39  42 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   9.311   9.311 #  10_2  11_2:   9.311  11.030  11.989
+pair_coeff  40  40 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   4.327   4.327 #  10_3  10_3:   4.327   9.538  11.995
+pair_coeff  40  41 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   8.798   8.798 #  10_3  11_1:   8.798  10.732  12.000
+pair_coeff  40  42 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   5.234   5.234 #  10_3  11_2:   5.234   9.733  11.998
+pair_coeff  41  41 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   8.882   8.882 #  11_1  11_1:   8.882  10.866  11.874
+pair_coeff  41  42 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   8.214   8.214 #  11_1  11_2:   8.214  10.925  11.993
+pair_coeff  42  42 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   8.702   8.702 #  11_2  11_2:   8.702  10.987  11.983
+pair_coeff  43  43 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA}   5.173   5.173 #    12    12:   5.173   8.727   9.183
+# -- ghost sites have no morse interaction with anything ----
+pair_coeff 26 * morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA} 0.0 0.0
+pair_coeff * 26 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA} 0.0 0.0
+pair_coeff 27 * morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA} 0.0 0.0
+pair_coeff * 27 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA} 0.0 0.0
+pair_coeff 28 * morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA} 0.0 0.0
+pair_coeff * 28 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA} 0.0 0.0
+pair_coeff 29 * morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA} 0.0 0.0
+pair_coeff * 29 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA} 0.0 0.0
+pair_coeff 43 * morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA} 0.0 0.0
+pair_coeff * 43 morse ${MORSE_D0} ${MORSE_ALPHA} 0.0 0.0
+# from independent NTD and CTD superpositions onto hexs and pents
+#pair_coeff ${tNN1} ${tNN2} lj/cut ${NTDNTD_LJEPS} 6.925
+#pair_coeff ${tNC1} ${tNC2} lj/cut ${NTDCTD_LJEPS} 7.39
+# from superposition onto capsid
+#pair_coeff ${tNN1} ${tNN2} lj/cut ${NTDNTD_LJEPS} 7.27
+#pair_coeff ${tNC1} ${tNC2} lj/cut ${NTDCTD_LJEPS} 8.3
+pair_coeff ${tNN1} ${tNN2} lj/cut ${NTDNTD_LJEPS} 8.65 # for 2_2, 3_3 - most conserved NTD-NTD distance from capsid!
+pair_coeff ${tNC1} ${tNC2} lj/cut ${NTDCTD_LJEPS} 7.39 # for 4_1, 8_3 - most conserved NTD-CTD distance from capsid!
+pair_modify shift yes
+run ${NSTEPS}
+write_restart ${RESTARTFILE}
\ No newline at end of file

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