[Swift-commit] r3110 - SwiftApps/SIDGrid/swift/projects/andric/peakfit_pilots/PK2/turnpointAnalysis/permutations
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Mon Sep 21 12:04:30 CDT 2009
Author: andric
Date: 2009-09-21 12:04:30 -0500 (Mon, 21 Sep 2009)
New Revision: 3110
python script to parse clst_table
Added: SwiftApps/SIDGrid/swift/projects/andric/peakfit_pilots/PK2/turnpointAnalysis/permutations/ClstrMasstr.py
--- SwiftApps/SIDGrid/swift/projects/andric/peakfit_pilots/PK2/turnpointAnalysis/permutations/ClstrMasstr.py (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/SIDGrid/swift/projects/andric/peakfit_pilots/PK2/turnpointAnalysis/permutations/ClstrMasstr.py 2009-09-21 17:04:30 UTC (rev 3110)
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+## Sept.2009: This is for grabbing the cluster information (after running SurfClust).
+## Can run 4 types of procedures. Specify after "--procedure" flag:
+## 1) "NumberNodes" >>> Writing out the cluster size via number of nodes after SurfClust on a single input.
+## 2) "PermNumberNodes" >>> Writing out the largest cluster's number of nodes on clustered permutation output
+## 3) "ClusterMass" >>> calculating the cluster mass: the number of nodes times the statistic value on a single clustered input.
+## 4) "PermClusterMass" >>> calculating the cluster mass on clustered permutation output, writing out the largest clustermass
+import sys
+class ClstrMasstr:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.input = ""
+ self.outname = ""
+ self.proc_type = ""
+ def get_opts (self,allargstr):
+ print "length of argstr "+str(len(allargstr))
+ i = 0
+ for o in allargstr:
+ print "arg is "+o
+ if o == "--input":
+ self.input = allargstr[i+1]
+ elif o == "--outputname":
+ self.outname = allargstr[i+1]
+ elif o == "--procedure":
+ self.proc_type = allargstr[i+1]
+ print "input: "+self.input
+ print "outname: "+self.outname
+ print "procedure: "+self.proc_type
+ i = i+1
+ def get_clstr(self):
+ cluster_file = open(self.input,"r").read().split("\n")
+ cluster_file_length = len(cluster_file)-1
+ clstrlist = ""
+ for i in range(16,cluster_file_length):
+ numNd = int(cluster_file[i].split()[1])
+ clstrlist += ""+cluster_file[i].split()[0]+" "+`numNd`+"\n"
+ outfile = open(self.outname,"w")
+ outfile.write(clstrlist)
+ outfile.close()
+ def get_Perm_clstr(self):
+ cluster_file = open(self.input,"r").read().split("\n")
+ cluster_file_length = len(cluster_file)-1
+ if len(cluster_file)-1 == 1:
+ clusterSize = cluster_file[0]+" \n"
+ else:
+ numNd = int(cluster_file[16].split()[1])
+ clusterSize = `numNd`+" \n"
+ outfile = open(self.outname,"w")
+ outfile.write(clusterSize)
+ outfile.close()
+ def get_clstrmass(self):
+ cluster_file = open(self.input,"r").read().split("\n")
+ cluster_file_length = len(cluster_file)-1
+ clstrmasslist = ""
+ for i in range(16,cluster_file_length):
+ numNd = int(cluster_file[i].split()[1])
+ Mean = float(cluster_file[i].split()[3])
+ mass = numNd*Mean
+ massval = "%.3f" % mass
+ clstrmasslist += ""+cluster_file[i].split()[0]+" "+massval+"\n"
+ outfile = open(self.outname,"w")
+ outfile.write(clstrmasslist)
+ outfile.close()
+ def get_Perm_clstrmass(self):
+ cluster_file = open(self.input,"r").read().split("\n")
+ if len(cluster_file)-1 == 1:
+ clstrmassval = cluster_file[0]+" \n"
+ else:
+ numNd = int(cluster_file[16].split()[1])
+ Mean = float(cluster_file[16].split()[3])
+ mass = numNd*Mean
+ massval = "%.3f" % mass
+ clstrmassval = massval+" \n"
+ outfile = open(self.outname,"w")
+ outfile.write(clstrmassval)
+ outfile.close()
+clstr = ClstrMasstr()
+if clstr.proc_type == "NumberNodes":
+ clstr.get_clstr()
+elif clstr.proc_type == "PermNumberNodes":
+ clstr.get_Perm_clstr()
+elif clstr.proc_type == "ClusterMass":
+ clstr.get_clstrmass()
+elif clstr.proc_type == "PermClusterMass":
+ clstr.get_Perm_clstrmass()
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