[Swift-commit] r3002 - SwiftApps/SEE/trunk

noreply at svn.ci.uchicago.edu noreply at svn.ci.uchicago.edu
Tue Jul 7 00:02:39 CDT 2009

Author: aespinosa
Date: 2009-07-07 00:02:39 -0500 (Tue, 07 Jul 2009)
New Revision: 3002

Script for invoking swift and corresponding sites.xml entries

Added: SwiftApps/SEE/trunk/runampl.sh
--- SwiftApps/SEE/trunk/runampl.sh	                        (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/SEE/trunk/runampl.sh	2009-07-07 05:02:39 UTC (rev 3002)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# Swift invocation scripts for various runs
+#swift -runid localrun -sites.file ./sites.local.xml \
+    #-tc.file ./tc.data ampl.swift
+#swift -runid teraport_coaster -sites.file ./sites_coaster-teraport.xml \
+   #-tc.file ./tc.data ampl.swift
+#swift -runid teraport -sites.file ./sites-teraport.xml \
+   #-tc.file ./tc.data ampl.swift
+#swift -runid firefly_run  -config swift.properties \
+    #-sites.file ./ff-grid.xml -tc.file ./tc.data ampl.swift

Property changes on: SwiftApps/SEE/trunk/runampl.sh
Name: svn:executable
   + *

Added: SwiftApps/SEE/trunk/sites-teraport.xml
--- SwiftApps/SEE/trunk/sites-teraport.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/SEE/trunk/sites-teraport.xml	2009-07-07 05:02:39 UTC (rev 3002)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+	<pool handle="TERAPORT" sysinfo="INTEL32::LINUX">
+		<execution provider="pbs" url="none" />
+		<gridftp url="local://localhost" />
+		<workdirectory >/gpfs/teraport/aespinosa/amplr-runs</workdirectory>
+		<profile namespace="karajan" key="initialScore">500</profile>
+		<profile namespace="karajan" key="jobThrottle">1.98</profile>
+		<profile namespace="globus" key="queue">long</profile>
+		<profile namespace="globus" key="maxwalltime">08:00:00</profile>
+	</pool>

Added: SwiftApps/SEE/trunk/sites.local.xml
--- SwiftApps/SEE/trunk/sites.local.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/SEE/trunk/sites.local.xml	2009-07-07 05:02:39 UTC (rev 3002)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  <pool handle="localhost">
+    <gridftp  url="local://localhost" />
+    <execution provider="coaster" jobmanager="local:local" url="localhost" />
+    <workdirectory >/home/aespinosa/science/see/test_run</workdirectory>
+    <profile namespace="globus" key="coastersPerNode">5</profile>
+  </pool>

Added: SwiftApps/SEE/trunk/sites_coaster-teraport.xml
--- SwiftApps/SEE/trunk/sites_coaster-teraport.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/SEE/trunk/sites_coaster-teraport.xml	2009-07-07 05:02:39 UTC (rev 3002)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+	<pool handle="TERAPORT" sysinfo="INTEL32::LINUX">
+    <!--<execution provider="coaster" url="none"  jobmanager="local:pbs" />-->
+    <execution provider="coaster" url="tp-grid1.uchicago.edu"
+        jobmanager="gt2:gt2:pbs" />
+		<gridftp url="local://localhost" />
+    <workdirectory >/home/aespinosa/work/ampl</workdirectory>
+		<profile namespace="karajan" key="initialScore">0.5</profile>
+		<profile namespace="karajan" key="jobThrottle">1.98</profile>
+		<profile namespace="globus" key="queue">short</profile>
+		<profile namespace="globus" key="slots">4</profile>
+		<profile namespace="globus" key="nodeGranularity">2</profile>
+		<profile namespace="globus" key="workersPerNode">1</profile>
+    <profile namespace="globus" key="maxnodes">8</profile>
+    <profile namespace="globus" key="maxtime">240</profile>
+    <profile namespace="globus" key="maxwalltime">00:24:00</profile>
+	</pool>

Added: SwiftApps/SEE/trunk/swift.properties
--- SwiftApps/SEE/trunk/swift.properties	                        (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/SEE/trunk/swift.properties	2009-07-07 05:02:39 UTC (rev 3002)
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+# The host name of the submit machine is used by GRAM as a callback
+# address to report the status of submitted jobs. In general, Swift
+# can automatically detect the host name of the local machine. 
+# However, if the machine host name is improperly configured or if
+# it does not represent a valid DNS entry, certain services (such as
+# GRAM) will not be able to send job status notifications back to 
+# the client. The value of this property can be an IP address.
+# Format:
+#    hostname=string
+# A TCP port range can be specified to restrict the ports on which GRAM
+# callback services are started. This is likely needed if your submit
+# host is behind a firewall, in which case the firewall should be 
+# configured to allow incoming connections on ports in the range.
+# Format:
+#     tcp.port.range=start,end
+# false	- means an error will be immediately reported and cause the
+# 		workflow to abort. At this time remote jobs that are already
+#		running will not be canceled
+# true	- means that Swift will try to do as much work as possible and 
+#		report all errors encountered at the end. However, "errors"
+#		here only applies to job execution errors. Certain errors
+#		that are related to the Swift implementation (should such 
+#		errors occur) will still be reported eagerly.
+# Default: false
+# What algorithm to use for caching of remote files. LRU (as in what
+# files to purge) is the only implementation right now. One can set
+# a target size (in bytes) for a host by using the swift:storagesize 
+# profile for a host in sites.xml
+# Default: LRU
+# true       - generate a provenance graph in .dot format (Swift will
+#			 choose a random file name)
+# false      - do not generate a provenance graph 
+# <filename> - generate a provenange graph in the give file name
+# Default: false
+# graph properties for the provenance graph (.dot specific) 
+# Default: splines="compound", rankdir="TB"
+pgraph.graph.options=splines="compound", rankdir="TB"
+# node properties for the provenance graph (.dot specific) 
+# Default: color="seagreen", style="filled"
+pgraph.node.options=color="seagreen", style="filled"
+# true	- clustering of small jobs is enabled. Clustering works in the 
+#       following way: If a job is clusterable (meaning that it has the
+#       GLOBUS::maxwalltime profile specified in tc.data and its value
+#       is less than the value of the "clustering.min.time" property) it will
+#       be put in a clustering queue. The queue is processed at intervals 
+#       specified by the "clustering.queue.delay" property. The processing
+#       of the clustering queue consists of selecting compatible jobs and
+#		grouping them in clusters whose max wall time does not exceed twice
+#       the value of the "clustering.min.time" property. Two or more jobs are 
+#       considered compatible if they share the same site and do not have
+#       conflicting profiles (e.g. different values for the same environment
+#       variable). 
+# false	- clustering of small jobs is disabled.
+# Default: false
+# <seconds>	- the intervals at which the clustering queue is processed
+# Default: 4
+# <seconds>	- the threshold time for clustering
+# Default: 60
+# Kickstart is a useful tool that can be used to gather various information
+# about a remote process. Before it can be used it must be installed on the
+# remote site and the corresponding entry be set in the sites file.
+# This option allows controlling of how Swift uses Kickstart. The following
+# values are possible:
+# false - do not use Kickstart
+# true  - use Kickstart. If a job is scheduled on a site that does not have
+#       Kickstart installed, that job will fail.
+# maybe - Use Kickstart if installed (i.e. the entry is present in the sites
+#       file) 
+# Default: maybe
+# Indicates when Kickstart records should be fetched from the remote site:
+# true	- always transfer Kickstart records if Kickstart was used (see
+#		kickstart.enabled)
+# false	- only transfer Kickstart records if the job fails
+# Default: false
+# Indicates when wrapper logs should be fetched from the remote site:
+# true	- always transfer wrapper logs
+# false	- only transfer wrapper logs if the job fails
+# Default: false
+#                          Throttling options                             #
+# For the throttling parameters, valid values are either a positive integer
+# or "off" (without the quotes).
+# Limits the number of concurrent submissions for a workflow instance. This
+# throttle only limits the number of concurrent tasks (jobs) that are being
+# sent to sites, not the total number of concurrent jobs that can be run.
+# The submission stage in GRAM is one of the most CPU expensive stages (due
+# mostly to the mutual authentication and delegation). Having too many 
+# concurrent submissions can overload either or both the submit host CPU
+# and the remote host/head node causing degraded performance.     
+# Default: 4
+# Limits the number of concurrent submissions for any of the sites Swift will
+# try to send jobs to. In other words it guarantees that no more than the 
+# value of this throttle jobs sent to any site will be concurrently in a state
+# of being submitted.
+# Default: 2
+# The Swift scheduler has the ability to limit the number of concurrent jobs
+# allowed on a site based on the performance history of that site. Each site
+# is assigned a score (initially 1), which can increase or decrease based
+# on whether the site yields successful or faulty job runs. The score for a
+# site can take values in the (0.1, 100) interval. The number of allowed jobs
+# is calculated using the following formula: 
+# 	2 + score*throttle.score.job.factor
+# This means a site will always be allowed at least two concurrent jobs and
+# at most 2 + 100*throttle.score.job.factor. With a default of 4 this means
+# at least 2 jobs and at most 402.
+# Default: 4
+# Limits the total number of concurrent file transfers that can happen at any
+# given time. File transfers consume bandwidth. Too many concurrent transfers
+# can cause the network to be overloaded preventing various other signalling
+# traffic from flowing properly.
+# Default: 4
+# Limits the total number of concurrent file operations that can happen at any
+# given time. File operations (like transfers) require an exclusive connection
+# to a site. These connections can be expensive to establish. A large number
+# of concurrent file operations may cause Swift to attempt to establish many 
+# such expensive connections to various sites. Limiting the number of concurrent
+# file operations causes Swift to use a small number of cached connections and
+# achieve better overall performance. 
+# Default: 8
+# Indicates whether the working directory on the remote site should be
+# left intact even when the workflow completes successfully. This can be
+# used to inspect the site working directory for debugging purposes.
+# Default: false
+# number of time a job will be retried if it fails (giving a maximum of 
+# 1 + execution.retries attempts at execution)
+# Enables/disables replication. Replication is used to deal with jobs sitting
+# in batch queues for abnormally large amounts of time. If replication is enabled
+# and certain conditions are met, Swift creates and submits replicas of jobs, and
+# allows multiple instances of a job to compete.
+# If replication is enabled, this value specifies the minimum time, in seconds,
+# a job needs to be queued in a batch queue in order to be considered for 
+# replication
+# The maximum number of replicas that Swift should attempt.
+# WARNING: This option is deprecated. Please use the hostname option.
+# The IP address of the submit machine is used by GRAM as a callback
+# address to report the status of submitted jobs. In general, Swift
+# can automatically detect the IP address of the local machine. 
+# However, if the machine has more than one network interface, Swift
+# will pick the first one, which may not be the right choice. It is
+# recommended that this property is set properly before attempting to
+# run jobs through GRAM.
+# Format:
+#    ip.address=x.y.z.w
+# Controls how Swift will communicate the result code of running user programs
+# from workers to the submit side. In files mode, a file
+# indicating success or failure will be created on the site shared filesystem.
+# In provider mode, the execution provider job status will
+# be used. Notably, GRAM2 does not return job statuses correctly, and so
+# provider mode will not work with GRAM2. With other
+# providers, it can be used to reduce the amount of filesystem access compared
+# to files mode.
+# status.mode=files
+# Controls how swift will supply parameters to the remote wrapper script.
+# 'args' mode will pass parameters on the command line
+# 'files' mode will pass parameters through an additional input file
+# valid values: args, files
+# Default: files
+# wrapper.parameter.mode=args
+# Determines if Swift remote wrappers will be executed by specifying an
+# absolute path, or a path relative to the job initial working directory
+# valid values: absolute, relative
+# wrapper.invocation.mode=absolute
+# Limits the number of concurrent iterations that each foreach statement
+# can have at one time. This conserves memory for swift programs that 
+# have large numbers of iterations (which would otherwise all be executed
+# in parallel).
+# Default: 1024
+# controls whether the log file will contain provenance information
+# enabling this will increase the size of log files, sometimes
+# significantly.

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