[Swift-commit] r2312 - SwiftApps/adem-osg/swift-execution-example/dock

noreply at svn.ci.uchicago.edu noreply at svn.ci.uchicago.edu
Mon Oct 20 21:22:21 CDT 2008

Author: houzx
Date: 2008-10-20 21:22:21 -0500 (Mon, 20 Oct 2008)
New Revision: 2312


Added: SwiftApps/adem-osg/swift-execution-example/dock/prepare-for-dock-swift-submit
--- SwiftApps/adem-osg/swift-execution-example/dock/prepare-for-dock-swift-submit	                        (rev 0)
+++ SwiftApps/adem-osg/swift-execution-example/dock/prepare-for-dock-swift-submit	2008-10-21 02:22:21 UTC (rev 2312)
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+if [ "X$VO" == "X" ]; then
+  {
+  echo "Please input the virtual organization name as the first parameter, and the grid sites file as the second parameter.Just use a space to separate the two parameters. For osg, vo can be:"
+  echo "CDF CMS CompBioGrid DES DOSAR DZero Engage Fermilab fMRI GADU geant4 GLOW GPN GRASE GridChem GridEx GROW i2u2 iVDGL LIGO mariachi MIS  nanoHUB NWICG  Ops  OSG OSGEDU SDSS STAR USATLAS"
+  }
+  exit
+if [ "$SITE_FILE" == "" ]; then
+  {
+  echo "Oh,no grid sites file for the application deployment.Please input the grid sites file as the parameter.You can use auto-get-sites to create the available grid sites automatically."
+  }
+  exit
+echo "#sitename transformation  path    INSTALLED       platform        profiles" > $DIR/swift-execution-example/dock/dock-tc.data
+for SITE in $(awk '{print $1}' $SITE_FILE)
+  echo $i
+  echo $SITE
+  APP=`sed -n "$i"p $SITE_FILE | awk {'print $2'}`
+  #PACMAN=`sed -n "$i"p $SITE_FILE | awk {'print $3'}`
+  DATA=`sed -n "$i"p $SITE_FILE | awk {'print $5'}`
+  NAME=`sed -n "$i"p $SITE_FILE | awk {'print $7'}`
+#(1) make an individual work directory in the VO
+#(2) To transfer the input files for DOCK application
+  globus-job-run $SITE /bin/mkdir -p $DATA/$VO/$USER 2>/dev/null && globus-url-copy  file:///disks/tp-gpfs/scratch/houzx/dock-run/dockKAGxNL.tar.gz  gsiftp://$SITE$DATA/$VO/$USER/dockKAGxNL.tar.gz &
+#(3) To modify and transfer the executable wrapper script for DOCK application
+  /bin/cp $DIR/swift-execution-example/dock/wrapper-bin/rundock-template $DIR/swift-execution-example/dock/wrapper-bin/rundock-$SITE
+  sed -i "s,\$DATA/\$VO/\$USER,$DATA/$VO/$USER,g"  $DIR/swift-execution-example/dock/wrapper-bin/rundock-$SITE
+  sed -i "s,\$APP/osg,$APP/osg,g"  $DIR/swift-execution-example/dock/wrapper-bin/rundock-$SITE
+  sed -i "s,\$SITES,$SITE,g"  $DIR/swift-execution-example/dock/wrapper-bin/rundock-$SITE
+  globus-url-copy  file://$DIR/swift-execution-example/dock/wrapper-bin/rundock-$SITE gsiftp://$SITE$DATA/$VO/$USER/rundock && globus-job-run  $SITE /bin/chmod +x $DATA/$VO/$USER/rundock && echo "$NAME	rundock		$DATA/$VO/$USER/rundock	INSTALLED	INTEL32::LINUX	null" >> $DIR/swift-execution-example/dock/dock-tc.data
+  i=`expr $i + 1`
+echo "The tc.data file for the swift execution of DOCK application is: $DIR/swift-execution-example/dock/dock-tc.data"

Property changes on: SwiftApps/adem-osg/swift-execution-example/dock/prepare-for-dock-swift-submit
Name: svn:executable

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