sieve-dev Mesh distribution fails (renumbering?)

Stefan Kurzbach stefan.kurzbach at
Thu Sep 2 08:48:20 CDT 2010

  Dear Matt,

I have successfully loaded our mesh into a Sieve (containing two 
triangles and one quadrangle) and I can view it in VTK (after correcting 
the number of nodes of the quadrilateral). Unfortunately the mesh 
distribution with 2 or more processors fails (using Chaco) with an 
invalid point index. I have tried debugging the code and found the 
following source of the error (stacktrace attached). Chaco has returned 
a correct cell partition from what I could see in the debug output (also 
attached), but the renumbering for the two sub-sieves seems to be wrong. 
Do you have an idea what is going wrong?

Also, I would like to ask you to post your sieve-dev conversation with 
Shi Jin on the mailing list, if possible. I think I will run into 
similar problems eventually.


Thread [1] (Suspended)
     9 ALE::Interval<int, ALE::malloc_allocator<int> >::checkPoint() 
ISieve.hh:85 4181d3
     8 ALE::IFSieve<int, ALE::malloc_allocator<int> >::setConeSize() 
ISieve.hh:1245 412339
ALE::Partitioner<ALE::Chaco::Partitioner<ALE::malloc_allocator<short> >, 
ALE::malloc_allocator<int> >::sizeLocalSieveV<ALE::IFSieve<int, 
ALE::malloc_allocator<int> >, ALE::ISection<short, int, 
ALE::malloc_allocator<int> >, std::map<int, int, std::less<int>, 
std::allocator<std::pair<int const, int> > > >() Partitioner.hh:1061 551619
ALE::Partitioner<ALE::Chaco::Partitioner<ALE::malloc_allocator<short> >, 
 >::sizeLocalMeshV<ALE::IMesh<ALE::LabelSifter<int, int, 
ALE::malloc_allocator<ALE::NewSifterDef::Arrow<int, int> > > >, 
ALE::ISection<short, int, ALE::malloc_allocator<int> >, std::map<int, 
int, std::less<int>, std::allocator<std::pair<int const, int> > > >() 
Partitioner.hh:1073 531165
     5 ALE::DistributionNew<ALE::IMesh<ALE::LabelSifter<int, int, 
ALE::malloc_allocator<ALE::NewSifterDef::Arrow<int, int> > > >, 
ALE::Partitioner<ALE::Chaco::Partitioner<ALE::malloc_allocator<short> >, 
ALE::malloc_allocator<int> > 
 >::distributeMeshV<ALE::IMesh<ALE::LabelSifter<int, int, 
ALE::malloc_allocator<ALE::NewSifterDef::Arrow<int, int> > > >, 
std::map<int, int, std::less<int>, std::allocator<std::pair<int const, 
int> > >, ALE::Sifter<int, short, int, 
std::less<int>, std::less<short>, boost::tuples::null_type, 
boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type, 
boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type, 
boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type>, 
ALE::SifterDef::RecContainer<int, ALE::SifterDef::Rec<int> >, 
ALE::SifterDef::RecContainer<short, ALE::SifterDef::Rec<short> > >, 
ALE::Sifter<short, int, int, 
std::less<int>, std::less<int>, boost::tuples::null_type, 
boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type, 
boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type, 
boost::tuples::null_type, boost::tuples::null_type>, 
ALE::SifterDef::RecContainer<short, ALE::SifterDef::Rec<short> >, 
ALE::SifterDef::RecContainer<int, ALE::SifterDef::Rec<int> > > >() 
Distribution.hh:292 510aba
     4 ALE::DistributionNew<ALE::IMesh<ALE::LabelSifter<int, int, 
ALE::malloc_allocator<ALE::NewSifterDef::Arrow<int, int> > > >, 
ALE::Partitioner<ALE::Chaco::Partitioner<ALE::malloc_allocator<short> >, 
ALE::malloc_allocator<int> > 
 >::distributeMeshAndSectionsV<ALE::IMesh<ALE::LabelSifter<int, int, 
ALE::malloc_allocator<ALE::NewSifterDef::Arrow<int, int> > > > >() 
Distribution.hh:325 4fdcfb
     3 MeshDistribute() mesh.c:1686 4ece4d
     2 CreateMesh() createMesh2d.cxx:146 40e938
     1 main() createMesh2d.cxx:204 40f50b

viewing Section
: Cell Partition'
[0]:   0 dim 1 offset 0   0
[0]:   1 dim 2 offset 1   1 2
[1]:   0 dim 1 offset 0   0
[1]:   1 dim 2 offset 1   1 2
viewing Section
: Partition'
[0]:   0 dim 4 offset 0   0 3 4 5
[0]:   1 dim 7 offset 4   1 2 4 5 6 7 8
[1]:   0 dim 4 offset 0   0 3 4 5
[1]:   1 dim 7 offset 4   1 2 4 5 6 7 8
[0]Got new tag 2147483519
[0]Got new tag 2147483519
[0]Got new tag 2147483519
[0]Got new tag 2147483518
[0] Sending data (2) to 1 tag 2147483519
[0] Sending data (2) to 1 tag 2147483518
[0] Sending data (1) to 1 tag 2147483519
[0] Sending data (7) to 1 tag 2147483519
viewing a Sifter, comm = 1140850688, PETSC_COMM_SELF = 1140850689, 
commRank = 0
viewing Sifter: 'Send mesh overlap'
cap --> base:
[0]: 1--(1)-->1
[0]: 2--(2)-->1
[0]: 4--(4)-->1
[0]: 5--(5)-->1
[0]: 6--(6)-->1
[0]: 7--(7)-->1
[0]: 8--(8)-->1
[1]: 0--(0)-->0
[1]: 3--(3)-->0
[1]: 4--(4)-->0
[1]: 5--(5)-->0
viewing a Sifter, comm = 1140850688, PETSC_COMM_SELF = 1140850689, 
commRank = 0
viewing Sifter: 'Receive mesh overlap'
cap --> base:
[0]: empty
[1]: 0--(1)-->7
[1]: 0--(2)-->8
[1]: 0--(4)-->9
[1]: 0--(5)-->10
[1]: 0--(6)-->11
[1]: 0--(7)-->12
[1]: 0--(8)-->13
[0]Got new tag 2147483519
[0]Got new tag 2147483517
[0]Got new tag 2147483519
[0]Got new tag 2147483516
[0] Sending data (7) to 1 tag 2147483519
[0] Sending data (2) to 1 tag 2147483516
[0] Sending data (2) to 1 tag 2147483517
[0] Sending data (7) to 1 tag 2147483519
viewing Section
: Overlap Cones'
[0]: empty
in kokan_aus_2d(6, 0x14fbaa0, 8, (nil))
Creating new NumberingFactory
Creating new real section: coordinates
Adding coordinates for vertex 3
Adding coordinates for vertex 4
Adding coordinates for vertex 5
Adding coordinates for vertex 6
Adding coordinates for vertex 7
Adding coordinates for vertex 8
[1]Got new tag 2147483519
[1]Got new tag 2147483519
[1]Got new tag 2147483519
[1]Got new tag 2147483518
[1] Receiving data (2) from 0 tag 2147483519
[1] Receiving data (2) from 0 tag 2147483518
[1] Receiving data (1) from 0 tag 2147483519
[1] Receiving data (7) from 0 tag 2147483519
viewing a Sifter, comm = 1140850688, PETSC_COMM_SELF = 1140850689, 
commRank = 1
viewing a Sifter, comm = 1140850688, PETSC_COMM_SELF = 1140850689, 
commRank = 1

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