[petsc-users] Memory Used When Reading petscrc
David Scott
d.scott at epcc.ed.ac.uk
Fri Nov 22 10:35:45 CST 2024
I am using the options mechanism of PETSc to configure my CFD code. I
have introduced options describing the size of the domain etc. I have
noticed that this consumes a lot of memory. I have found that the amount
of memory used scales linearly with the number of MPI processes used.
This restricts the number of MPI processes that I can use.
Is there anything that I can do about this or do I need to configure my
code in a different way?
I have attached some code extracted from my application which
demonstrates this along with the output from a running it on 2 MPI
Best wishes,
David Scott
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336. Is e buidheann carthannais a th’ ann an Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann, clàraichte an Alba, àireamh clàraidh SC005336.
-------------- next part --------------
!! @author Prashant Valluri, Lennon O Naraigh, Iain Bethune,
!! David Scott, Toni Collis, Peter Spelt.
!! @version $Revision: 252 $
!! @copyright (c) 2013-2020, Prashant Valluri, Lennon O Naraigh,
!! Iain Bethune, David Scott, Toni Collis, Peter Spelt.
!! This program is distributed under the BSD Licence See LICENCE.txt
!! for details.
module test_configuration_options
#include <petsc/finclude/petscsys.h>
#include "petsc/finclude/petsc.h"
use petsc
implicit none
PetscScalar :: dx
PetscScalar :: dy
PetscScalar :: dz
PetscScalar :: dt
logical :: boiling
logical :: boiling_variant
logical :: evaporation
logical, SAVE :: periodic(3)
DMBoundaryType, SAVE :: boundary(3)
enum, bind(C)
enumerator :: BC
enumerator :: cyclic, neumann, dirichlet, quasi_dirichlet, inlet, outlet
end enum
integer(kind(BC)), SAVE :: bc_temp
integer(kind(BC)), SAVE :: x_upper_bc_T, x_upper_bc_Cl, x_upper_bc_Cv, x_upper_bc_P
integer(kind(BC)), SAVE :: x_upper_bc_u, x_upper_bc_v, x_upper_bc_w
integer(kind(BC)), SAVE :: x_lower_bc_T, x_lower_bc_Cl, x_lower_bc_Cv, x_lower_bc_P
integer(kind(BC)), SAVE :: x_lower_bc_u, x_lower_bc_v, x_lower_bc_w
integer(kind(BC)), SAVE :: y_upper_bc_T, y_upper_bc_Cl, y_upper_bc_Cv, y_upper_bc_P
integer(kind(BC)), SAVE :: y_upper_bc_u, y_upper_bc_v, y_upper_bc_w
integer(kind(BC)), SAVE :: y_lower_bc_T, y_lower_bc_Cl, y_lower_bc_Cv, y_lower_bc_P
integer(kind(BC)), SAVE :: y_lower_bc_u, y_lower_bc_v, y_lower_bc_w
integer(kind(BC)), SAVE :: z_upper_bc_T, z_upper_bc_Cl, z_upper_bc_Cv, z_upper_bc_P
integer(kind(BC)), SAVE :: z_upper_bc_u, z_upper_bc_v, z_upper_bc_w
integer(kind(BC)), SAVE :: z_lower_bc_T, z_lower_bc_Cl, z_lower_bc_Cv, z_lower_bc_P
integer(kind(BC)), SAVE :: z_lower_bc_u, z_lower_bc_v, z_lower_bc_w
double precision, SAVE :: x_upper_bc_T_value, x_upper_bc_Cl_value, x_upper_bc_Cv_value, x_upper_bc_P_value
double precision, SAVE :: x_lower_bc_T_value, x_lower_bc_Cl_value, x_lower_bc_Cv_value, x_lower_bc_P_value
double precision, SAVE :: y_upper_bc_T_value, y_upper_bc_Cl_value, y_upper_bc_Cv_value, y_upper_bc_P_value
double precision, SAVE :: y_lower_bc_T_value, y_lower_bc_Cl_value, y_lower_bc_Cv_value, y_lower_bc_P_value
double precision, SAVE :: z_upper_bc_T_value, z_upper_bc_Cl_value, z_upper_bc_Cv_value, z_upper_bc_P_value
double precision, SAVE :: z_lower_bc_T_value, z_lower_bc_Cl_value, z_lower_bc_Cv_value, z_lower_bc_P_value
integer, parameter :: max_option_name_length = 30
integer, parameter :: max_msg_length = 2**max_option_name_length + 8 ! 8 for 'Modified'
subroutine read_initial_configuration_options(global_dim_x, global_dim_y, global_dim_z, &
Re, Pe, We, Fr, Bod, Ja, mu_plus, mu_minus, mu_vap, rho_plus, rho_minus, rho_vap, &
cp_plus, cp_minus, cp_vap, k_plus, k_minus, k_vap, beta_plus, beta_minus, beta_vap, &
dpdx, gx, gz, epn, dTdx, T_ref, &
Pref, Apsat, Bpsat, Cpsat, molMassRatio, PeT, PeMD, PeMDI, &
x_upper_bc_T, x_upper_bc_Cl, x_upper_bc_Cv, x_upper_bc_u, x_upper_bc_v, x_upper_bc_w, &
x_lower_bc_T, x_lower_bc_Cl, x_lower_bc_Cv, x_lower_bc_u, x_lower_bc_v, x_lower_bc_w, &
y_upper_bc_T, y_upper_bc_Cl, y_upper_bc_Cv, y_upper_bc_u, y_upper_bc_v, y_upper_bc_w, &
y_lower_bc_T, y_lower_bc_Cl, y_lower_bc_Cv, y_lower_bc_u, y_lower_bc_v, y_lower_bc_w, &
z_upper_bc_T, z_upper_bc_Cl, z_upper_bc_Cv, z_upper_bc_u, z_upper_bc_v, z_upper_bc_w, &
z_lower_bc_T, z_lower_bc_Cl, z_lower_bc_Cv, z_lower_bc_u, z_lower_bc_v, z_lower_bc_w, &
liquid_limit, gaseous_limit, ierr)
implicit none
PetscInt, intent(out) :: global_dim_x, global_dim_y, global_dim_z
double precision, intent(out) :: Re, Pe, We, Fr, Bod, Ja
double precision, intent(out) :: mu_plus, mu_minus, mu_vap
double precision, intent(out) :: rho_plus, rho_minus, rho_vap
double precision, intent(out) :: cp_plus, cp_minus, cp_vap
double precision, intent(out) :: k_plus, k_minus, k_vap
double precision, intent(out) :: beta_plus, beta_minus, beta_vap
double precision, intent(out) :: dpdx
double precision, intent(out) :: gx, gz
double precision, intent(out) :: epn
double precision, intent(out) :: dTdx
double precision, intent(out) :: T_ref
double precision, intent(out) :: Pref
double precision, intent(out) :: Apsat, Bpsat, Cpsat
double precision, intent(out) :: molMassRatio
double precision, intent(out) :: PeT
double precision, intent(out) :: PeMD
double precision, intent(out) :: PeMDI
integer(kind(BC)), intent(out) :: x_upper_bc_T, x_upper_bc_Cl, x_upper_bc_Cv
integer(kind(BC)), intent(out) :: x_upper_bc_u, x_upper_bc_v, x_upper_bc_w
integer(kind(BC)), intent(out) :: x_lower_bc_T, x_lower_bc_Cl, x_lower_bc_Cv
integer(kind(BC)), intent(out) :: x_lower_bc_u, x_lower_bc_v, x_lower_bc_w
integer(kind(BC)), intent(out) :: y_upper_bc_T, y_upper_bc_Cl, y_upper_bc_Cv
integer(kind(BC)), intent(out) :: y_upper_bc_u, y_upper_bc_v, y_upper_bc_w
integer(kind(BC)), intent(out) :: y_lower_bc_T, y_lower_bc_Cl, y_lower_bc_Cv
integer(kind(BC)), intent(out) :: y_lower_bc_u, y_lower_bc_v, y_lower_bc_w
integer(kind(BC)), intent(out) :: z_upper_bc_T, z_upper_bc_Cl, z_upper_bc_Cv
integer(kind(BC)), intent(out) :: z_upper_bc_u, z_upper_bc_v, z_upper_bc_w
integer(kind(BC)), intent(out) :: z_lower_bc_T, z_lower_bc_Cl, z_lower_bc_Cv
integer(kind(BC)), intent(out) :: z_lower_bc_u, z_lower_bc_v, z_lower_bc_w
double precision, intent(out) :: liquid_limit
double precision, intent(out) :: gaseous_limit
PetscErrorCode, intent(out) :: ierr
double precision :: MM_minus, MM_vap
double precision :: Pr, Sc
double precision :: PeCahnHilliardModifier
! double precision :: PeDiffusionModifier
double precision :: Grav, alpha
double precision :: pi = 4.0d0*atan(1.0d0)
character(len = max_option_name_length) :: option_name
character(len = max_msg_length) :: msg
character(len = max_option_name_length) :: phenomenon
logical :: found
option_name = '-phenomenon'
call PetscOptionsGetString(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, phenomenon, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '= ', trim(phenomenon)
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if (phenomenon .eq. 'boiling') then
boiling = .true.
boiling = .false.
end if
if (phenomenon .eq. 'boiling_variant') then
boiling_variant = .true.
boiling_variant = .false.
end if
if (phenomenon .eq. 'evaporation') then
evaporation = .true.
evaporation = .false.
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-global_dim_x'
call PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, global_dim_x, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', global_dim_x
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-global_dim_y'
call PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, global_dim_y, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', global_dim_y
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-global_dim_z'
call PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, global_dim_z, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', global_dim_z
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if(global_dim_z .le. 1) then
write(msg, *) 'global_dim_z must be greater than 1.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-dt'
call PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, dt, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', dt
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if (.not. (dt .gt. 0.0d0)) then
write(msg, *) 'Error:', dt, 'is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
dz = 1.0d0/dble(global_dim_z)
dx = dz
dy = dz
write(msg, *) 'dx =', dx
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'dy =', dy
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'dz =', dz
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'Lx =', dx*global_dim_x
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'Ly =', dy*global_dim_y
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'Lz =', dz*global_dim_z
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
option_name = '-epn'
call PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, epn, found, ierr)
if (found) then
if (.not. (epn .gt. 0.0d0)) then
epn = 0.5*dz
if (boiling) then
! We need to allow for different values of Pe.
PeCahnHilliardModifier = 1.0d0/(epn*epn)
! PeDiffusionModifier = 1.0d0/(epn*epn)
PeCahnHilliardModifier = 1.0d0/epn
! PeDiffusionModifier = 1.0d0/epn
end if
PeCahnHilliardModifier = 1.0d0
! PeDiffusionModifier = 1.0d0
end if
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', epn
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-Re'
call PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, Re, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', Re
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if (.not. (Re .gt. 0.0d0)) then
write(msg, *) 'Error:', Re, 'is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-Pe'
call PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, Pe, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', Pe
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if (.not. (Pe .gt. 0.0d0)) then
write(msg, *) 'Error:', Pe, 'is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
Pe = Pe * PeCahnHilliardModifier
write(msg, *) 'Modified Pe =', Pe
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-Pr'
call PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, Pr, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', Pr
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if (.not. (Pr .gt. 0.0d0)) then
write(msg, *) 'Error:', Pr, 'is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
PeT = Re*Pr
write(msg, *) 'PeT =', PeT
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-We'
call PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, We, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', We
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if (.not. (We .gt. 0.0d0)) then
write(msg, *) 'Error:', We, 'is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-Fr'
call PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, Fr, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', Fr
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if (.not. (Fr .gt. 0.0d0)) then
write(msg, *) 'Error:', Fr, 'is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-Bod'
call PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, Bod, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', Bod
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if (.not. (Bod .gt. 0.0d0)) then
write(msg, *) 'Error:', Bod, 'is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-Sc'
call PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, Sc, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', Sc
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if (.not. (Sc .ge. 0.0d0)) then
write(msg, *) 'Error:', Sc, 'is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
PeMD = Re*Sc
write(msg, *) 'PeMD =', PeMD
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'PeMDI =', PeMDI
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-Ja'
call PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, Ja, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', Ja
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if (.not. (Ja .gt. 0.0d0)) then
write(msg, *) 'Error:', Ja, 'is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-dTdx'
call PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, dTdx, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', dTdx
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-T_ref'
call PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, T_ref, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', T_ref
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-Pref'
call PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, Pref, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', Pref
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if (.not. (Pref .ge. 0.0d0)) then
write(msg, *) 'Error:', Pref, 'is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-Apsat'
call PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, Apsat, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', Apsat
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if (.not. (Apsat .ge. 0.0d0)) then
write(msg, *) 'Error:', Apsat, 'is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-Bpsat'
call PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, Bpsat, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', Bpsat
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if (.not. (Bpsat .ge. 0.0d0)) then
write(msg, *) 'Error:', Bpsat, 'is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-Cpsat'
call PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, Cpsat, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', Cpsat
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if (.not. (Cpsat .ge. 0.0d0)) then
write(msg, *) 'Error:', Cpsat, 'is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-MM_minus'
call PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, MM_minus, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', MM_minus
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if (.not. (MM_minus .gt. 0.0d0)) then
write(msg, *) 'Error:', MM_minus, 'is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found so using the value 1.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
MM_minus = 1.0d0
end if
option_name = '-MM_vap'
call PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, MM_vap, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', MM_vap
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if (.not. (MM_vap .gt. 0.0d0)) then
write(msg, *) 'Error:', MM_vap, 'is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found so using the value 0.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
MM_vap = 0.0d0
end if
molMassRatio = MM_vap / MM_minus
write(msg, *) 'molMassRatio =', molMassRatio
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
option_name = '-mu_plus'
call PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, mu_plus, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', mu_plus
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if (.not. (mu_plus .gt. 0.0d0)) then
write(msg, *) 'Error:', mu_plus, 'is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-mu_minus'
call PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, mu_minus, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', mu_minus
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if (.not. (mu_minus .gt. 0.0d0)) then
write(msg, *) 'Error:', mu_minus, 'is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-mu_vap'
call PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, mu_vap, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', mu_vap
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if (.not. (mu_vap .gt. 0.0d0)) then
write(msg, *) 'Error:', mu_vap, 'is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-rho_plus'
call PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, rho_plus, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', rho_plus
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if (.not. (rho_plus .gt. 0.0d0)) then
write(msg, *) 'Error:', rho_plus, 'is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-rho_minus'
call PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, rho_minus, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', rho_minus
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if (.not. (rho_minus .gt. 0.0d0)) then
write(msg, *) 'Error:', rho_minus, 'is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-rho_vap'
call PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, rho_vap, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', rho_vap
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if (.not. (rho_vap .gt. 0.0d0)) then
write(msg, *) 'Error:', rho_vap, 'is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-cp_plus'
call PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, cp_plus, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', cp_plus
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if (.not. (cp_plus .gt. 0.0d0)) then
write(msg, *) 'Error:', cp_plus, 'is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-cp_minus'
call PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, cp_minus, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', cp_minus
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if (.not. (cp_minus .gt. 0.0d0)) then
write(msg, *) 'Error:', cp_minus, 'is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-cp_vap'
call PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, cp_vap, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', cp_vap
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if (.not. (cp_vap .gt. 0.0d0)) then
write(msg, *) 'Error:', cp_vap, 'is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-k_plus'
call PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, k_plus, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', k_plus
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if (.not. (k_plus .gt. 0.0d0)) then
write(msg, *) 'Error:', k_plus, 'is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-k_minus'
call PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, k_minus, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', k_minus
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if (.not. (k_minus .gt. 0.0d0)) then
write(msg, *) 'Error:', k_minus, 'is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-k_vap'
call PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, k_vap, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', k_vap
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if (.not. (k_vap .gt. 0.0d0)) then
write(msg, *) 'Error:', k_vap, 'is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-beta_plus'
call PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, beta_plus, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', beta_plus
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if (.not. (beta_plus .ge. 0.0d0)) then
write(msg, *) 'Error:', beta_plus, 'is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-beta_minus'
call PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, beta_minus, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', beta_minus
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if (.not. (beta_minus .ge. 0.0d0)) then
write(msg, *) 'Error:', beta_minus, 'is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-beta_vap'
call PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, beta_vap, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', beta_vap
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if (.not. (beta_vap .ge. 0.0d0)) then
write(msg, *) 'Error:', beta_vap, 'is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-dpdx'
call PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, dpdx, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', dpdx
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if (dpdx .gt. 0.0d0) then
write(msg, *) 'Counter current flow.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-Grav'
call PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, Grav, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', Grav
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if (.not. (Grav .ge. 0.0d0)) then
write(msg, *) 'Error: Grav must be non-negative.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-alpha'
call PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, alpha, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', alpha
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if (.not. ((-pi .le. alpha) .and. (alpha .le. pi))) then
write(msg, *) 'Error:', alpha, 'is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
gz = Grav*sin(alpha)
if (gz == -1.0d0) then
gx = 0.0d0 ! In this case cos(alpha) = -3.8285686989269494E-016
gx = Grav*cos(alpha)
end if
write(msg, *) 'gz =', gz
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'gx =', gx
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
! X BCs.
option_name = '-x_upper_bc_T'
call get_BC(option_name, x_upper_bc_T, x_upper_bc_T_value, 1)
option_name = '-x_upper_bc_Cl'
call get_BC_with_check(option_name, x_upper_bc_Cl, x_upper_bc_Cl_value, 1)
option_name = '-x_upper_bc_Cv'
call get_BC_with_check(option_name, x_upper_bc_Cv, x_upper_bc_Cv_value, 1)
option_name = '-x_upper_bc_P'
call get_BC_with_check(option_name, x_upper_bc_P, x_upper_bc_P_value, 1)
option_name = '-x_upper_bc_u'
call get_BC_with_check_uvw(option_name, x_upper_bc_u, 1)
option_name = '-x_upper_bc_v'
call get_BC_with_check_uvw(option_name, x_upper_bc_v, 1)
option_name = '-x_upper_bc_w'
call get_BC_with_check_uvw(option_name, x_upper_bc_w, 1)
option_name = '-x_lower_bc_T'
call get_BC_with_check(option_name, x_lower_bc_T, x_lower_bc_T_value, 1)
option_name = '-x_lower_bc_Cl'
call get_BC_with_check(option_name, x_lower_bc_Cl, x_lower_bc_Cl_value, 1)
option_name = '-x_lower_bc_Cv'
call get_BC_with_check(option_name, x_lower_bc_Cv, x_lower_bc_Cv_value, 1)
option_name = '-x_lower_bc_P'
call get_BC_with_check(option_name, x_lower_bc_P, x_lower_bc_P_value, 1)
option_name = '-x_lower_bc_u'
call get_BC_with_check_uvw(option_name, x_lower_bc_u, 1)
option_name = '-x_lower_bc_v'
call get_BC_with_check_uvw(option_name, x_lower_bc_v, 1)
option_name = '-x_lower_bc_w'
call get_BC_with_check_uvw(option_name, x_lower_bc_w, 1)
! Y BCs
option_name = '-y_upper_bc_T'
call get_BC(option_name, y_upper_bc_T, y_upper_bc_T_value, 2)
option_name = '-y_upper_bc_Cl'
call get_BC_with_check(option_name, y_upper_bc_Cl, y_upper_bc_Cl_value, 2)
option_name = '-y_upper_bc_Cv'
call get_BC_with_check(option_name, y_upper_bc_Cv, y_upper_bc_Cv_value, 2)
option_name = '-y_upper_bc_P'
call get_BC_with_check(option_name, y_upper_bc_P, y_upper_bc_P_value, 2)
option_name = '-y_upper_bc_u'
call get_BC_with_check_uvw(option_name, y_upper_bc_u, 2)
option_name = '-y_upper_bc_v'
call get_BC_with_check_uvw(option_name, y_upper_bc_v, 2)
option_name = '-y_upper_bc_w'
call get_BC_with_check_uvw(option_name, y_upper_bc_w, 2)
option_name = '-y_lower_bc_T'
call get_BC_with_check(option_name, y_lower_bc_T, y_lower_bc_T_value, 2)
option_name = '-y_lower_bc_Cl'
call get_BC_with_check(option_name, y_lower_bc_Cl, y_lower_bc_Cl_value, 2)
option_name = '-y_lower_bc_Cv'
call get_BC_with_check(option_name, y_lower_bc_Cv, y_lower_bc_Cv_value, 2)
option_name = '-y_lower_bc_P'
call get_BC_with_check(option_name, y_lower_bc_P, y_lower_bc_P_value, 2)
option_name = '-y_lower_bc_u'
call get_BC_with_check_uvw(option_name, y_lower_bc_u, 2)
option_name = '-y_lower_bc_v'
call get_BC_with_check_uvw(option_name, y_lower_bc_v, 2)
option_name = '-y_lower_bc_w'
call get_BC_with_check_uvw(option_name, y_lower_bc_w, 2)
! Z BCs.
option_name = '-z_upper_bc_T'
call get_BC(option_name, z_upper_bc_T, z_upper_bc_T_value, 3)
option_name = '-z_upper_bc_Cl'
call get_BC_with_check(option_name, z_upper_bc_Cl, z_upper_bc_Cl_value, 3)
option_name = '-z_upper_bc_Cv'
call get_BC_with_check(option_name, z_upper_bc_Cv, z_upper_bc_Cv_value, 3)
option_name = '-z_upper_bc_P'
call get_BC_with_check(option_name, z_upper_bc_P, z_upper_bc_P_value, 3)
option_name = '-z_upper_bc_u'
call get_BC_with_check_uvw(option_name, z_upper_bc_u, 3)
option_name = '-z_upper_bc_v'
call get_BC_with_check_uvw(option_name, z_upper_bc_v, 3)
option_name = '-z_upper_bc_w'
call get_BC_with_check_uvw(option_name, z_upper_bc_w, 3)
option_name = '-z_lower_bc_T'
call get_BC_with_check(option_name, z_lower_bc_T, z_lower_bc_T_value, 3)
option_name = '-z_lower_bc_Cl'
call get_BC_with_check(option_name, z_lower_bc_Cl, z_lower_bc_Cl_value, 3)
option_name = '-z_lower_bc_Cv'
call get_BC_with_check(option_name, z_lower_bc_Cv, z_lower_bc_Cv_value, 3)
option_name = '-z_lower_bc_P'
call get_BC_with_check(option_name, z_lower_bc_P, z_lower_bc_P_value, 3)
option_name = '-z_lower_bc_u'
call get_BC_with_check_uvw(option_name, z_lower_bc_u, 3)
option_name = '-z_lower_bc_v'
call get_BC_with_check_uvw(option_name, z_lower_bc_v, 3)
option_name = '-z_lower_bc_w'
call get_BC_with_check_uvw(option_name, z_lower_bc_w, 3)
option_name = '-liquid_limit'
call PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, liquid_limit, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', liquid_limit
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if (.not. ((liquid_limit >= 0.0d0) .and. (liquid_limit <= 1.0d0))) then
write(msg, *) 'Error:', liquid_limit, 'is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-gaseous_limit'
call PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, gaseous_limit, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', gaseous_limit
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if (.not. ((gaseous_limit >= 0.0d0) .and. (gaseous_limit <= 1.0d0))) then
write(msg, *) 'Error:', gaseous_limit, 'is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
if (.not. (gaseous_limit < liquid_limit)) then
write(msg, *) 'Error:', gaseous_limit, 'is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
end subroutine read_initial_configuration_options
subroutine read_run_time_configuration_options(num_procs_x, num_procs_y, num_procs_z, &
imex_Cl, imex_Cv, imex_T, imex_u, imex_v, imex_w, &
petsc_solver_Cl, petsc_solver_Cv, petsc_solver_T, &
petsc_solver_u, petsc_solver_v, petsc_solver_w, petsc_solver_p, &
Cl_monitoring_on, Cv_monitoring_on, T_monitoring_on, &
u_monitoring_on, v_monitoring_on, w_monitoring_on, p_monitoring_on, &
iter_pres_first_100, iter_pres, iter_u, iter_v, iter_w, iter_dim, iter_Cv, &
iter_T, Cl_write_frequency, Cv_write_frequency, u_write_frequency, v_write_frequency, &
w_write_frequency, T_write_frequency, backup_frequency, num_timesteps, ierr)
implicit none
PetscInt, intent(out) :: num_procs_x, num_procs_y, num_procs_z
character(len = max_option_name_length), intent(out) :: imex_Cl, imex_Cv, imex_T
character(len = max_option_name_length), intent(out) :: imex_u, imex_v, imex_w
logical, intent(out) :: petsc_solver_Cl, petsc_solver_Cv, petsc_solver_T
logical, intent(out) :: petsc_solver_u, petsc_solver_v, petsc_solver_w, petsc_solver_p
! To monitor or not to monitor.
logical, intent(out) :: Cl_monitoring_on, Cv_monitoring_on, T_monitoring_on
logical, intent(out) :: u_monitoring_on, v_monitoring_on, w_monitoring_on, p_monitoring_on
! Pressure solver configuration
PetscInt, intent(out) :: iter_pres_first_100, iter_pres
! Momentum equation solver configuration.
PetscInt, intent(out) :: iter_u, iter_v, iter_w
! DIM equation solver configuration.
PetscInt, intent(out) :: iter_dim
! Vapour equation solver configuration.
PetscInt, intent(out) :: iter_Cv
! Temperature equation solver configuration.
PetscInt, intent(out) :: iter_T
! Cl HDF5 file output frequency.
PetscInt, intent(out) :: Cl_write_frequency
PetscInt, intent(out) :: Cv_write_frequency
! u HDF5 file output frequency.
PetscInt, intent(out) :: u_write_frequency
! v HDF5 file output frequency.
PetscInt, intent(out) :: v_write_frequency
! w HDF5 file output frequency.
PetscInt, intent(out) :: w_write_frequency
! T HDF5 file output frequency
PetscInt, intent(out) :: T_write_frequency
! backup (restart) file output frequency
PetscInt, intent(out) :: backup_frequency
! Number of timesteps.
PetscInt, intent(out) :: num_timesteps
PetscErrorCode, intent(out) :: ierr
integer, parameter :: max_msg_length = 2*max_option_name_length
character(len = max_option_name_length) :: option_name
character(len = max_msg_length) :: msg
logical :: found
option_name = '-num_procs_x'
call PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, num_procs_x, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', num_procs_x
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-num_procs_y'
call PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, num_procs_y, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', num_procs_y
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-num_procs_z'
call PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, num_procs_z, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', num_procs_z
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-imex_Cl'
call PetscOptionsGetString(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, imex_Cl, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '= ', trim(imex_Cl)
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if (.not. ((imex_Cl .eq. 'CNAB2') .or. (imex_Cl .eq. 'SBDF'))) then
write(msg, *) 'Error:', imex_Cl, 'is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-imex_Cv'
call PetscOptionsGetString(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, imex_Cv, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '= ', trim(imex_Cv)
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if (.not. ((imex_Cv .eq. 'CNAB2') .or. (imex_Cv .eq. 'SBDF'))) then
write(msg, *) 'Error:', imex_Cv, 'is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-imex_T'
call PetscOptionsGetString(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, imex_T, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '= ', trim(imex_T)
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if (.not. ((imex_T .eq. 'CNAB2') .or. (imex_T .eq. 'SBDF'))) then
write(msg, *) 'Error:', imex_T, 'is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-imex_u'
call PetscOptionsGetString(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, imex_u, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '= ', trim(imex_u)
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if (.not. ((imex_u .eq. 'CNAB3') .or. (imex_u .eq. 'SBDF'))) then
write(msg, *) 'Error:', imex_u, 'is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-imex_v'
call PetscOptionsGetString(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, imex_v, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '= ', trim(imex_v)
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if (.not. ((imex_v .eq. 'CNAB3') .or. (imex_v .eq. 'SBDF'))) then
write(msg, *) 'Error:', imex_v, 'is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-imex_w'
call PetscOptionsGetString(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, imex_w, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '= ', trim(imex_w)
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
if (.not. ((imex_w .eq. 'CNAB3') .or. (imex_w .eq. 'SBDF'))) then
write(msg, *) 'Error:', imex_w, 'is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-petsc_solver_Cl'
call PetscOptionsGetBool(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, petsc_solver_Cl, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', petsc_solver_Cl
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-petsc_solver_Cv'
call PetscOptionsGetBool(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, petsc_solver_Cv, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', petsc_solver_Cv
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-petsc_solver_T'
call PetscOptionsGetBool(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, petsc_solver_T, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', petsc_solver_T
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-petsc_solver_u'
call PetscOptionsGetBool(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, petsc_solver_u, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', petsc_solver_u
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-petsc_solver_v'
call PetscOptionsGetBool(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, petsc_solver_v, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', petsc_solver_v
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-petsc_solver_w'
call PetscOptionsGetBool(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, petsc_solver_w, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', petsc_solver_w
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-petsc_solver_p'
call PetscOptionsGetBool(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, petsc_solver_p, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', petsc_solver_p
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-Cl_monitoring_on'
call PetscOptionsGetBool(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, Cl_monitoring_on, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', Cl_monitoring_on
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-Cv_monitoring_on'
call PetscOptionsGetBool(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, Cv_monitoring_on, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', Cv_monitoring_on
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-T_monitoring_on'
call PetscOptionsGetBool(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, T_monitoring_on, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', T_monitoring_on
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-u_monitoring_on'
call PetscOptionsGetBool(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, u_monitoring_on, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', u_monitoring_on
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-v_monitoring_on'
call PetscOptionsGetBool(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, v_monitoring_on, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', v_monitoring_on
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-w_monitoring_on'
call PetscOptionsGetBool(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, w_monitoring_on, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', w_monitoring_on
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-p_monitoring_on'
call PetscOptionsGetBool(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, p_monitoring_on, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', p_monitoring_on
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-iter_pres_first_100'
call PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, iter_pres_first_100, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', iter_pres_first_100
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-iter_pres'
call PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, iter_pres, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', iter_pres
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-iter_u'
call PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, iter_u, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', iter_u
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-iter_v'
call PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, iter_v, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', iter_v
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-iter_w'
call PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, iter_w, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', iter_w
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-iter_dim'
call PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, iter_dim, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', iter_dim
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-iter_Cv'
call PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, iter_Cv, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', iter_Cv
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-iter_T'
call PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, iter_T, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', iter_T
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-Cl_write_frequency'
call PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, Cl_write_frequency, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', Cl_write_frequency
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-Cv_write_frequency'
call PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, Cv_write_frequency, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', Cv_write_frequency
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-u_write_frequency'
call PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, u_write_frequency, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', u_write_frequency
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-v_write_frequency'
call PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, v_write_frequency, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', v_write_frequency
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-w_write_frequency'
call PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, w_write_frequency, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', w_write_frequency
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-T_write_frequency'
call PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, T_write_frequency, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', T_write_frequency
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-backup_frequency'
call PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, backup_frequency, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', backup_frequency
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
option_name = '-num_timesteps'
call PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, num_timesteps, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '=', num_timesteps
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
end subroutine read_run_time_configuration_options
subroutine get_BC(option_name, b_c, dirichlet_value, dim)
implicit none
! Arguments.
character(len = max_option_name_length), intent(in) :: option_name
integer(kind(BC)), intent(out) :: b_c
double precision, intent(out) :: dirichlet_value
integer, intent(in) :: dim
! Local variables.
character(len = max_option_name_length) :: boundary_condition
character(len = max_option_name_length) :: dirichlet_option_name
logical :: found
character(len = max_msg_length) :: msg
PetscErrorCode :: ierr
call PetscOptionsGetString(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, &
boundary_condition, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '= ', trim(boundary_condition)
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
! Default values.
periodic(dim) = .false.
boundary(dim) = DM_BOUNDARY_NONE
if (boundary_condition .eq. 'periodic') then
periodic(dim) = .true.
boundary(dim) = DM_BOUNDARY_PERIODIC
b_c = cyclic
else if (boundary_condition .eq. 'neumann') then
b_c = neumann
else if (boundary_condition .eq. 'dirichlet') then
dirichlet_option_name = trim(option_name) // '_value'
call PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, dirichlet_option_name, &
dirichlet_value, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) dirichlet_option_name, '= ', dirichlet_value
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
b_c = dirichlet
b_c = quasi_dirichlet
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error: ' // trim(boundary_condition) // ' is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
end subroutine get_BC
subroutine get_BC_with_check(option_name, b_c, dirichlet_value, dim)
implicit none
! Arguments.
character(len = max_option_name_length), intent(in) :: option_name
integer(kind(BC)), intent(out) :: b_c
double precision, intent(out) :: dirichlet_value
integer, intent(in) :: dim
! Local variables.
character(len = max_option_name_length) :: boundary_condition
character(len = max_option_name_length) :: dirichlet_option_name
logical :: found
character(len = max_msg_length) :: msg
PetscErrorCode :: ierr
logical :: periodic_val
call PetscOptionsGetString(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, &
boundary_condition, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '= ', trim(boundary_condition)
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
! Default values.
periodic_val = .false.
if (boundary_condition .eq. 'periodic') then
periodic_val = .true.
b_c = cyclic
else if (boundary_condition .eq. 'neumann') then
b_c = neumann
else if (boundary_condition .eq. 'dirichlet') then
dirichlet_option_name = trim(option_name) // '_value'
call PetscOptionsGetReal(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, dirichlet_option_name, &
dirichlet_value, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) dirichlet_option_name, '= ', dirichlet_value
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
b_c = dirichlet
b_c = quasi_dirichlet
end if
else if (boundary_condition .eq. 'inlet') then
if (option_name .ne. 'x_lower_bc_u') then
write(msg, *) 'Error: inlet is not a valid value for' // option_name // '.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
bc_temp = inlet
b_c = inlet
else if (boundary_condition .eq. 'outlet') then
if (option_name .ne. 'x_upper_bc_u') then
write(msg, *) 'Error: outlet is not a valid value for' // option_name // '.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
if (bc_temp .ne. inlet) then
write(msg, *) 'Error: outlet is not a valid value for x_upper_bc_u as x_lower_bc_u is not an inlet.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
b_c = outlet
write(msg, *) 'Error: ' // trim(boundary_condition) // ' is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
if (periodic_val .neqv. periodic(dim)) then
write(msg, *) 'Error: ' // 'cannot have a single periodic BC in dimenstion', dim
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
end subroutine get_BC_with_check
subroutine get_BC_with_check_uvw(option_name, b_c, dim)
implicit none
! Arguments.
character(len = max_option_name_length), intent(in) :: option_name
integer(kind(BC)), intent(out) :: b_c
integer, intent(in) :: dim
! Local variables.
character(len = max_option_name_length) :: boundary_condition
logical :: found
character(len = max_msg_length) :: msg
PetscErrorCode :: ierr
logical :: periodic_val
call PetscOptionsGetString(PETSC_NULL_OPTIONS, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, option_name, &
boundary_condition, found, ierr)
if (found) then
write(msg, *) option_name, '= ', trim(boundary_condition)
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
! Default values.
periodic_val = .false.
if (boundary_condition .eq. 'periodic') then
periodic_val = .true.
b_c = cyclic
else if (boundary_condition .eq. 'neumann') then
b_c = neumann
else if (boundary_condition .eq. 'dirichlet') then
b_c = dirichlet
else if (boundary_condition .eq. 'inlet') then
if (option_name .ne. 'x_lower_bc_u') then
write(msg, *) 'Error: inlet is not a valid value for' // option_name // '.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
bc_temp = inlet
b_c = inlet
else if (boundary_condition .eq. 'outlet') then
if (option_name .ne. 'x_upper_bc_u') then
write(msg, *) 'Error: outlet is not a valid value for' // option_name // '.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
if (bc_temp .ne. inlet) then
write(msg, *) 'Error: outlet is not a valid value for x_upper_bc_u as x_lower_bc_u is not an inlet.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
b_c = outlet
write(msg, *) 'Error: ' // trim(boundary_condition) // ' is not a valid value.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
if (periodic_val .neqv. periodic(dim)) then
write(msg, *) 'Error: ' // 'cannot have a single periodic BC in dimenstion', dim
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
write(msg, *) 'Error:', option_name, 'not found.'
call PetscPrintf(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, trim(msg) // NEW_LINE('a'), ierr)
end if
end subroutine get_BC_with_check_uvw
end module test_configuration_options
-------------- next part --------------
program test_program
use petsc
use test_configuration_options
implicit none
#include "petsc/finclude/petsc.h"
PetscInt :: global_dim_x, global_dim_y, global_dim_z
double precision :: gz, gx
PetscInt :: num_procs_x, num_procs_y, num_procs_z
double precision :: liquid_limit
double precision :: gaseous_limit
PetscErrorCode :: ierr
character(len = max_option_name_length) :: imex_Cl, imex_Cv, imex_T
character(len = max_option_name_length) :: imex_u, imex_v, imex_w
! Choices of PETSc or original solvers.
logical :: petsc_solver_Cl, petsc_solver_Cv, petsc_solver_T
logical :: petsc_solver_u, petsc_solver_v, petsc_solver_w, petsc_solver_p
! To monitor or not to monitor.
logical :: Cl_monitoring_on, Cv_monitoring_on, T_monitoring_on
logical :: u_monitoring_on, v_monitoring_on, w_monitoring_on, p_monitoring_on
! Pressure solver configuration
PetscInt :: iter_pres_first_100, iter_pres
! Momentum equation solver configuration.
PetscInt :: iter_u, iter_v, iter_w
! DIM equation solver configuration.
PetscInt :: iter_dim
PetscInt :: iter_Cv
! Temperature equation solver configuration.
PetscInt :: iter_T
! Cl HDF5 file output frequency.
PetscInt :: Cl_write_frequency
PetscInt :: Cv_write_frequency
! u HDF5 file output frequency.
PetscInt :: u_write_frequency
! v HDF5 file output frequency.
PetscInt :: v_write_frequency
! w HDF5 file output frequency.
PetscInt :: w_write_frequency
! T HDF5 file output frequency.
PetscInt :: T_write_frequency
! backup (restart) file output frequency.
PetscInt :: backup_frequency
! Number of timesteps.
PetscInt :: num_timesteps
double precision :: Re, Pe, PeT, We, Fr, Bod, Ja, Fr2, Fr2BodByRe
double precision :: dpdx
double precision :: mu_minus, mu_plus, mu_vap
double precision :: rho_minus, rho_plus, rho_vap
double precision :: cp_minus, cp_plus, cp_vap
double precision :: rhocp_minus, rhocp_plus, rhocp_vap
double precision :: k_plus, k_minus, k_vap
double precision :: beta_plus, beta_minus, beta_vap
double precision :: epn
double precision :: T_ref
double precision :: Pref
double precision :: Apsat, Bpsat, Cpsat
double precision :: molMassRatio
double precision :: PeMD
double precision :: PeMDI
double precision :: dTdx
PetscLogDouble :: mem
integer :: mpi_err
! ******************************************************************************************
call PetscInitialize(PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, ierr)
call PetscMemoryGetCurrentUsage(mem, ierr)
write(*, *) 'mem0 = ', mem
call MPI_Barrier(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, mpi_err)
call read_initial_configuration_options(global_dim_x, global_dim_y, global_dim_z, &
Re, Pe, We, Fr, Bod, Ja, mu_plus, mu_minus, mu_vap, rho_plus, rho_minus, rho_vap, &
cp_plus, cp_minus, cp_vap, k_plus, k_minus, k_vap, beta_plus, beta_minus, beta_vap, &
dpdx, gx, gz, epn, dTdx, T_ref, &
Pref, Apsat, Bpsat, Cpsat, molMassRatio, PeT, PeMD, PeMDI, &
x_upper_bc_T, x_upper_bc_Cl, x_upper_bc_Cv, x_upper_bc_u, x_upper_bc_v, x_upper_bc_w, &
x_lower_bc_T, x_lower_bc_Cl, x_lower_bc_Cv, x_lower_bc_u, x_lower_bc_v, x_lower_bc_w, &
y_upper_bc_T, y_upper_bc_Cl, y_upper_bc_Cv, y_upper_bc_u, y_upper_bc_v, y_upper_bc_w, &
y_lower_bc_T, y_lower_bc_Cl, y_lower_bc_Cv, y_lower_bc_u, y_lower_bc_v, y_lower_bc_w, &
z_upper_bc_T, z_upper_bc_Cl, z_upper_bc_Cv, z_upper_bc_u, z_upper_bc_v, z_upper_bc_w, &
z_lower_bc_T, z_lower_bc_Cl, z_lower_bc_Cv, z_lower_bc_u, z_lower_bc_v, z_lower_bc_w, &
liquid_limit, gaseous_limit, ierr)
call PetscMemoryGetCurrentUsage(mem, ierr)
write(*, *) 'mem1 = ', mem
call MPI_Barrier(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, mpi_err)
call read_run_time_configuration_options(num_procs_x, num_procs_y, num_procs_z, &
imex_Cl, imex_CV, imex_T, imex_U, imex_v, imex_w, &
petsc_solver_Cl, petsc_solver_Cv, petsc_solver_T, &
petsc_solver_u, petsc_solver_v, petsc_solver_w, petsc_solver_p, &
Cl_monitoring_on, Cv_monitoring_on, T_monitoring_on, &
u_monitoring_on, v_monitoring_on, w_monitoring_on, p_monitoring_on, &
iter_pres_first_100, iter_pres, iter_u, iter_v, iter_w, iter_dim, iter_Cv, &
iter_T, Cl_write_frequency, Cv_write_frequency, u_write_frequency, v_write_frequency, &
w_write_frequency, T_write_frequency, backup_frequency, num_timesteps, ierr)
call PetscMemoryGetCurrentUsage(mem, ierr)
write(*, *) 'mem2 = ', mem
call MPI_Barrier(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, mpi_err)
call PetscFinalize(ierr)
end program test_program
-------------- next part --------------
-global_dim_x 240
-global_dim_y 240
-global_dim_z 320
-phenomenon boiling_variant
-liquid_limit 0.9
-gaseous_limit 0.1
-epn 0.0 # This value causes epn to be computed by the TPLS program.
-Re 221.46
-Pe 1.0 # The Peclet number for the Cahn-Hilliard equation. It is modified in the code.
-Pr 8.4
-Ja 0.18
-Fr 1.01
-We 1.01
-Bod 1.0
-Sc 1.0
-Pref 1.0 # Relates partial pressure to mole fraction.
-Apsat 1.0
-Bpsat 1.0
-Cpsat 1.0
-T_substrate 1.0 # Bespoke option.
-T_ref 0.0 # Used to specify the saturation temperature (a.k.a. T_bulk).
-th_layer 0.36 # Bespoke option.
-dTdx 0.0
-Radius 0.5 # Bespoke option.
-MM_minus 1.0
-MM_vap 1.0
# Properties of the liquid.
-rho_plus 91.07
-mu_plus 32.6
-k_plus 3.94
-cp_plus 1.23
-beta_plus 1.0
# Properties of the inert gas. Boiling so UNUSED.
-rho_minus 1.0
-mu_minus 1.0
-k_minus 1.0
-cp_minus 1.0
-beta_minus 1.0
# Properties of vapour corresponding to the liquid.
-rho_vap 1.0
-mu_vap 1.0
-k_vap 1.0
-cp_vap 1.0
-beta_vap 1.0
-height 0.0 # Bespoke option.
-dpdx 0.0
-Grav 1.0
-alpha -1.570796326794897
-dt 0.0005
-x_upper_bc_T periodic
-x_upper_bc_Cl periodic
-x_upper_bc_Cv periodic
-x_upper_bc_P periodic
-x_upper_bc_u periodic
-x_upper_bc_v periodic
-x_upper_bc_w periodic
-x_lower_bc_T periodic
-x_lower_bc_Cl periodic
-x_lower_bc_Cv periodic
-x_lower_bc_P periodic
-x_lower_bc_u periodic
-x_lower_bc_v periodic
-x_lower_bc_w periodic
-y_upper_bc_T periodic
-y_upper_bc_Cl periodic
-y_upper_bc_Cv periodic
-y_upper_bc_P periodic
-y_upper_bc_u periodic
-y_upper_bc_v periodic
-y_upper_bc_w periodic
-y_lower_bc_T periodic
-y_lower_bc_Cl periodic
-y_lower_bc_Cv periodic
-y_lower_bc_P periodic
-y_lower_bc_u periodic
-y_lower_bc_v periodic
-y_lower_bc_w periodic
-z_upper_bc_T dirichlet # Fixed temperature.
-z_upper_bc_T_value 0.0 # Set to T_ref (i.e. T_sat).
-z_upper_bc_Cl neumann # dCl/dz = 0.
-z_upper_bc_Cv dirichlet # Initialise Cv to 1 everywhere.
-z_upper_bc_P neumann # dP/dz = rho_wgrid*gz.
-z_upper_bc_u dirichlet # Set to 0 initially, no slip.
-z_upper_bc_v dirichlet # Set to 0 initially, no slip.
-z_upper_bc_w neumann # dw/dz = 0, in or out flow is allowed.
-z_lower_bc_T dirichlet # Fixed temperature.
-z_lower_bc_T_value 1.0 # Set to T_substrate.
-z_lower_bc_Cl dirichlet # Fixed composition determined by initialisation.
-z_lower_bc_Cv dirichlet # Initialise Cv to 1 everywhere.
-z_lower_bc_P neumann # dP/dz = rho_wgrid*gz.
-z_lower_bc_u dirichlet # Set to 0 initially, no slip.
-z_lower_bc_v dirichlet # Set to 0 initially, no slip.
-z_lower_bc_w dirichlet # Set to 0 initially, no in or out flow.
-num_procs_x 2
-num_procs_y 2
-num_procs_z 2
-petsc_solver_u FALSE
-petsc_solver_v FALSE
-petsc_solver_w FALSE
-petsc_solver_Cl FALSE
-petsc_solver_Cv FALSE
-petsc_solver_T FALSE
-petsc_solver_p FALSE
-imex_u CNAB3
-imex_v CNAB3
-imex_w CNAB3
-imex_Cl SBDF
-imex_Cv CNAB
-imex_T CNAB
-u_monitoring_on FALSE
-v_monitoring_on FALSE
-w_monitoring_on FALSE
-p_monitoring_on FALSE
-Cl_monitoring_on FALSE
-Cv_monitoring_on FALSE
-T_monitoring_on FALSE
-iter_pres_first_100 1000
-iter_pres 1000
-iter_u 30
-iter_v 30
-iter_w 30
-iter_dim 40
-iter_T 40
-Cl_write_frequency 250
-Cv_write_frequency 2500
-T_write_frequency 2500
-u_write_frequency 2500
-v_write_frequency 2500
-w_write_frequency 2500
-backup_frequency 10000
-num_timesteps 10000
-u_ksp_rtol 0.0000001
-v_ksp_rtol 0.0000001
-w_ksp_rtol 0.0000001
-p_ksp_rtol 0.0000001
-p_ksp_type minres
-p_pc_type sor
-p_pc_sor_omega 1.5
-------------- next part --------------
mem0 = 16420864.000000000
mem0 = 16117760.000000000
-phenomenon = boiling_variant
-global_dim_x = 240
-global_dim_y = 240
-global_dim_z = 320
-dt = 5.0000000000000001E-004
dx = 3.1250000000000002E-003
dy = 3.1250000000000002E-003
dz = 3.1250000000000002E-003
Lx = 0.75000000000000000
Ly = 0.75000000000000000
Lz = 1.0000000000000000
-epn = 1.5625000000000001E-003
-Re = 221.46000000000001
-Pe = 1.0000000000000000
Modified Pe = 640.00000000000000
-Pr = 8.4000000000000004
PeT = 1860.2640000000001
-We = 1.0100000000000000
-Fr = 1.0100000000000000
-Bod = 1.0000000000000000
-Sc = 1.0000000000000000
PeMD = 221.46000000000001
PeMDI = 221.46000000000001
-Ja = 0.17999999999999999
-dTdx = 0.0000000000000000
-T_ref = 0.0000000000000000
-Pref = 1.0000000000000000
-Apsat = 1.0000000000000000
-Bpsat = 1.0000000000000000
-Cpsat = 1.0000000000000000
-MM_minus = 1.0000000000000000
-MM_vap = 1.0000000000000000
molMassRatio = 1.0000000000000000
-mu_plus = 32.600000000000001
-mu_minus = 1.0000000000000000
-mu_vap = 1.0000000000000000
-rho_plus = 91.069999999999993
-rho_minus = 1.0000000000000000
-rho_vap = 1.0000000000000000
-cp_plus = 1.2300000000000000
-cp_minus = 1.0000000000000000
-cp_vap = 1.0000000000000000
-k_plus = 3.9399999999999999
-k_minus = 1.0000000000000000
-k_vap = 1.0000000000000000
-beta_plus = 1.0000000000000000
-beta_minus = 1.0000000000000000
-beta_vap = 1.0000000000000000
-dpdx = 0.0000000000000000
-Grav = 1.0000000000000000
-alpha = -1.5707963267948970
gz = -1.0000000000000000
gx = 0.0000000000000000
-x_upper_bc_T = periodic
-x_upper_bc_Cl = periodic
-x_upper_bc_Cv = periodic
-x_upper_bc_P = periodic
-x_upper_bc_u = periodic
-x_upper_bc_v = periodic
-x_upper_bc_w = periodic
-x_lower_bc_T = periodic
-x_lower_bc_Cl = periodic
-x_lower_bc_Cv = periodic
-x_lower_bc_P = periodic
-x_lower_bc_u = periodic
-x_lower_bc_v = periodic
-x_lower_bc_w = periodic
-y_upper_bc_T = periodic
-y_upper_bc_Cl = periodic
-y_upper_bc_Cv = periodic
-y_upper_bc_P = periodic
-y_upper_bc_u = periodic
-y_upper_bc_v = periodic
-y_upper_bc_w = periodic
-y_lower_bc_T = periodic
-y_lower_bc_Cl = periodic
-y_lower_bc_Cv = periodic
-y_lower_bc_P = periodic
-y_lower_bc_u = periodic
-y_lower_bc_v = periodic
-y_lower_bc_w = periodic
-z_upper_bc_T = dirichlet
-z_upper_bc_T_value = 0.0000000000000000
-z_upper_bc_Cl = neumann
-z_upper_bc_Cv = dirichlet
-z_upper_bc_P = neumann
-z_upper_bc_u = dirichlet
-z_upper_bc_v = dirichlet
-z_upper_bc_w = neumann
-z_lower_bc_T = dirichlet
-z_lower_bc_T_value = 1.0000000000000000
-z_lower_bc_Cl = dirichlet
-z_lower_bc_Cv = dirichlet
-z_lower_bc_P = neumann
-z_lower_bc_u = dirichlet
-z_lower_bc_v = dirichlet
-z_lower_bc_w = dirichlet
-liquid_limit = 0.90000000000000002
mem1 = 4311490560.0000000
-gaseous_limit = 0.10000000000000001
mem1 = 4311826432.0000000
-num_procs_x = 2
-num_procs_y = 2
-num_procs_z = 2
-imex_Cl = SBDF
-imex_Cv = CNAB
Error:CNAB is not a valid value.
-imex_T = CNAB
Error:CNAB is not a valid value.
-imex_u = CNAB3
-imex_v = CNAB3
-imex_w = CNAB3
-petsc_solver_Cl = F
-petsc_solver_Cv = F
-petsc_solver_T = F
-petsc_solver_u = F
-petsc_solver_v = F
-petsc_solver_w = F
-petsc_solver_p = F
-Cl_monitoring_on = F
-Cv_monitoring_on = F
-T_monitoring_on = F
-u_monitoring_on = F
-v_monitoring_on = F
-w_monitoring_on = F
-p_monitoring_on = F
-iter_pres_first_100 = 1000
-iter_pres = 1000
-iter_u = 30
-iter_v = 30
-iter_w = 30
-iter_dim = 40
Error:-iter_Cv not found.
-iter_T = 40
-Cl_write_frequency = 250
-Cv_write_frequency = 2500
-u_write_frequency = 2500
-v_write_frequency = 2500
-w_write_frequency = 2500
-T_write_frequency = 2500
-backup_frequency = 10000
-num_timesteps = 10000
mem2 = 4311490560.0000000
mem2 = 4311826432.0000000
Summary of Memory Usage in PETSc
Current process memory: total 8.6236e+09 max 4.3120e+09 min 4.3116e+09
Current space PetscMalloc()ed: total 3.2736e+04 max 1.6368e+04 min 1.6368e+04
Run with -memory_view to get maximum memory usage
#PETSc Option Table entries:
-alpha -1.570796326794897 # (source: file)
-Apsat 1.0 # (source: file)
-backup_frequency 10000 # (source: file)
-beta_minus 1.0 # (source: file)
-beta_plus 1.0 # (source: file)
-beta_vap 1.0 # (source: file)
-Bod 1.0 # (source: file)
-Bpsat 1.0 # (source: file)
-Cl_monitoring_on FALSE # (source: file)
-Cl_write_frequency 250 # (source: file)
-cp_minus 1.0 # (source: file)
-cp_plus 1.23 # (source: file)
-cp_vap 1.0 # (source: file)
-Cpsat 1.0 # (source: file)
-Cv_monitoring_on FALSE # (source: file)
-Cv_write_frequency 2500 # (source: file)
-d initial_state # (source: command line)
-dpdx 0.0 # (source: file)
-dt 0.0005 # (source: file)
-dTdx 0.0 # (source: file)
-epn 0.0 # (source: file)
-Fr 1.01 # (source: file)
-gaseous_limit 0.1 # (source: file)
-global_dim_x 240 # (source: file)
-global_dim_y 240 # (source: file)
-global_dim_z 320 # (source: file)
-Grav 1.0 # (source: file)
-height 0.0 # (source: file)
-imex_Cl SBDF # (source: file)
-imex_Cv CNAB # (source: file)
-imex_T CNAB # (source: file)
-imex_u CNAB3 # (source: file)
-imex_v CNAB3 # (source: file)
-imex_w CNAB3 # (source: file)
-iter_dim 40 # (source: file)
-iter_pres 1000 # (source: file)
-iter_pres_first_100 1000 # (source: file)
-iter_T 40 # (source: file)
-iter_u 30 # (source: file)
-iter_v 30 # (source: file)
-iter_w 30 # (source: file)
-Ja 0.18 # (source: file)
-k_minus 1.0 # (source: file)
-k_plus 3.94 # (source: file)
-k_vap 1.0 # (source: file)
-liquid_limit 0.9 # (source: file)
-malloc_debug true # (source: command line)
-malloc_dump # (source: command line)
-malloc_view # (source: command line)
-memory_view # (source: command line)
-MM_minus 1.0 # (source: file)
-MM_vap 1.0 # (source: file)
-mu_minus 1.0 # (source: file)
-mu_plus 32.6 # (source: file)
-mu_vap 1.0 # (source: file)
-num_procs_x 2 # (source: file)
-num_procs_y 2 # (source: file)
-num_procs_z 2 # (source: file)
-num_timesteps 10000 # (source: file)
-on_error_malloc_dump # (source: command line)
-options_left # (source: file)
-p_ksp_rtol 0.0000001 # (source: file)
-p_ksp_type minres # (source: file)
-p_ksp_view_final_residual # (source: file)
-p_monitoring_on FALSE # (source: file)
-p_pc_sor_omega 1.5 # (source: file)
-p_pc_type sor # (source: file)
-Pe 1.0 # (source: file)
-petsc_solver_Cl FALSE # (source: file)
-petsc_solver_Cv FALSE # (source: file)
-petsc_solver_p FALSE # (source: file)
-petsc_solver_T FALSE # (source: file)
-petsc_solver_u FALSE # (source: file)
-petsc_solver_v FALSE # (source: file)
-petsc_solver_w FALSE # (source: file)
-phenomenon boiling_variant # (source: file)
-Pr 8.4 # (source: file)
-Pref 1.0 # (source: file)
-Radius 0.5 # (source: file)
-Re 221.46 # (source: file)
-rho_minus 1.0 # (source: file)
-rho_plus 91.07 # (source: file)
-rho_vap 1.0 # (source: file)
-Sc 1.0 # (source: file)
-T_monitoring_on FALSE # (source: file)
-T_ref 0.0 # (source: file)
-T_substrate 1.0 # (source: file)
-T_write_frequency 2500 # (source: file)
-th_layer 0.36 # (source: file)
-u_ksp_rtol 0.0000001 # (source: file)
-u_ksp_view_final_residual # (source: file)
-u_monitoring_on FALSE # (source: file)
-u_write_frequency 2500 # (source: file)
-v_ksp_rtol 0.0000001 # (source: file)
-v_ksp_view_final_residual # (source: file)
-v_monitoring_on FALSE # (source: file)
-v_write_frequency 2500 # (source: file)
-w_ksp_rtol 0.0000001 # (source: file)
-w_ksp_view_final_residual # (source: file)
-w_monitoring_on FALSE # (source: file)
-w_write_frequency 2500 # (source: file)
-We 1.01 # (source: file)
-x_lower_bc_Cl periodic # (source: file)
-x_lower_bc_Cv periodic # (source: file)
-x_lower_bc_P periodic # (source: file)
-x_lower_bc_T periodic # (source: file)
-x_lower_bc_u periodic # (source: file)
-x_lower_bc_v periodic # (source: file)
-x_lower_bc_w periodic # (source: file)
-x_upper_bc_Cl periodic # (source: file)
-x_upper_bc_Cv periodic # (source: file)
-x_upper_bc_P periodic # (source: file)
-x_upper_bc_T periodic # (source: file)
-x_upper_bc_u periodic # (source: file)
-x_upper_bc_v periodic # (source: file)
-x_upper_bc_w periodic # (source: file)
-y_lower_bc_Cl periodic # (source: file)
-y_lower_bc_Cv periodic # (source: file)
-y_lower_bc_P periodic # (source: file)
-y_lower_bc_T periodic # (source: file)
-y_lower_bc_u periodic # (source: file)
-y_lower_bc_v periodic # (source: file)
-y_lower_bc_w periodic # (source: file)
-y_upper_bc_Cl periodic # (source: file)
-y_upper_bc_Cv periodic # (source: file)
-y_upper_bc_P periodic # (source: file)
-y_upper_bc_T periodic # (source: file)
-y_upper_bc_u periodic # (source: file)
-y_upper_bc_v periodic # (source: file)
-y_upper_bc_w periodic # (source: file)
-z_lower_bc_Cl dirichlet # (source: file)
-z_lower_bc_Cv dirichlet # (source: file)
-z_lower_bc_P neumann # (source: file)
-z_lower_bc_T dirichlet # (source: file)
-z_lower_bc_T_value 1.0 # (source: file)
-z_lower_bc_u dirichlet # (source: file)
-z_lower_bc_v dirichlet # (source: file)
-z_lower_bc_w dirichlet # (source: file)
-z_upper_bc_Cl neumann # (source: file)
-z_upper_bc_Cv dirichlet # (source: file)
-z_upper_bc_P neumann # (source: file)
-z_upper_bc_T dirichlet # (source: file)
-z_upper_bc_T_value 0.0 # (source: file)
-z_upper_bc_u dirichlet # (source: file)
-z_upper_bc_v dirichlet # (source: file)
-z_upper_bc_w neumann # (source: file)
#End of PETSc Option Table entries
WARNING! There are options you set that were not used!
WARNING! could be spelling mistake, etc!
There are 17 unused database options. They are:
Option left: name:-d value: initial_state source: command line
Option left: name:-height value: 0.0 source: file
Option left: name:-on_error_malloc_dump (no value) source: command line
Option left: name:-p_ksp_rtol value: 0.0000001 source: file
Option left: name:-p_ksp_type value: minres source: file
Option left: name:-p_ksp_view_final_residual (no value) source: file
Option left: name:-p_pc_sor_omega value: 1.5 source: file
Option left: name:-p_pc_type value: sor source: file
Option left: name:-Radius value: 0.5 source: file
Option left: name:-T_substrate value: 1.0 source: file
Option left: name:-th_layer value: 0.36 source: file
Option left: name:-u_ksp_rtol value: 0.0000001 source: file
Option left: name:-u_ksp_view_final_residual (no value) source: file
Option left: name:-v_ksp_rtol value: 0.0000001 source: file
Option left: name:-v_ksp_view_final_residual (no value) source: file
Option left: name:-w_ksp_rtol value: 0.0000001 source: file
Option left: name:-w_ksp_view_final_residual (no value) source: file
[0] Maximum memory PetscMalloc()ed 29552 maximum size of entire process 4312375296
[0] Memory usage sorted by function
[0] 1 144 PetscBTCreate()
[0] 4 128 PetscCommDuplicate()
[0] 4 64 PetscFunctionListCreate_Private()
[0] 2 528 PetscIntStackCreate()
[0] 2 2064 PetscLogClassArrayCreate()
[0] 2 2064 PetscLogEventArrayCreate()
[0] 1 32 PetscLogRegistryCreate()
[0] 2 80 PetscLogStageArrayCreate()
[0] 1 48 PetscLogStateCreate()
[0] 1 16 PetscOptionsHelpPrintedCreate()
[0] 1 32 PetscPushSignalHandler()
[0] 4 20096 PetscSegBufferCreate()
[0] 190 8688 PetscStrallocpy()
[0] 12 26144 PetscStrreplace()
[0] 2 1312 PetscViewerCreate()
[0] 2 224 PetscViewerCreate_ASCII()
[0] 14 368 petscoptionsgetbool_()
[0] 22 480 petscoptionsgetint_()
[0] 43 768 petscoptionsgetreal_()
[0] 49 784 petscoptionsgetstring_()
[0] 140 7632 petscprintf_()
[1] Maximum memory PetscMalloc()ed 29552 maximum size of entire process 4311990272
[1] Memory usage sorted by function
[1] 1 144 PetscBTCreate()
[1] 4 128 PetscCommDuplicate()
[1] 4 64 PetscFunctionListCreate_Private()
[1] 2 528 PetscIntStackCreate()
[1] 2 2064 PetscLogClassArrayCreate()
[1] 2 2064 PetscLogEventArrayCreate()
[1] 1 32 PetscLogRegistryCreate()
[1] 2 80 PetscLogStageArrayCreate()
[1] 1 48 PetscLogStateCreate()
[1] 1 16 PetscOptionsHelpPrintedCreate()
[1] 1 32 PetscPushSignalHandler()
[1] 4 20096 PetscSegBufferCreate()
[1] 190 8688 PetscStrallocpy()
[1] 12 26144 PetscStrreplace()
[1] 2 1312 PetscViewerCreate()
[1] 2 224 PetscViewerCreate_ASCII()
[1] 14 368 petscoptionsgetbool_()
[1] 22 480 petscoptionsgetint_()
[1] 43 768 petscoptionsgetreal_()
[1] 49 784 petscoptionsgetstring_()
[1] 140 7632 petscprintf_()
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