[petsc-users] Error loading data coming from a .hdf5 file into a DMSwarm

MIGUEL MOLINOS PEREZ mmolinos at us.es
Sun Mar 31 15:07:47 CDT 2024

Dear all,

I am writing a function which store datasets (Vectors) coming from a DMSwarm structure into a hdf5 file. This step is done nicely


The resulting hdf5 file looks good after an inspection using python’s library h5py.

However, I am finding difficulties when I try to use this .hdf5 file as a fresh start for my application. The target field is not properly updated when I try to load the stored data (it keeps the default one).

VecLoad(… )

The puzzling part is: if I print the “updated” vector inside of read_function() using VecView after VecLoad, the vector seem to hold the updated values. However, If I print the field in the main function after the call to read_function(), the field remains the same it was before calling to read_function() and I do not get any erro message.

It is there something wrong with the logic of my programing? Maybe I am missing something.

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,

Miguel Molinos
Investigador postdoctoral
Juan de la Cierva
Dpto. Mecánica de Medios Continuos y Teoría de Estructuras - ETSI
Universidad de Sevilla
Camino de los descubrimientos, s/n
41092 Sevilla


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