[petsc-users] Using PetscPartitioner on WINDOWS

Barry Smith bsmith at petsc.dev
Mon Mar 18 08:11:14 CDT 2024

Please switch to the latest PETSc version, it supports Metis and Parmetis on Windows.


> On Mar 17, 2024, at 11:57 PM, 程奔 <202321009113 at mail.scut.edu.cn> wrote:
> This Message Is From an External Sender
> This message came from outside your organization.
> Hello,
> Recently I try to install PETSc with Cygwin since I'd like to use PETSc with Visual Studio on Windows10 plateform.For the sake of clarity, I firstly list the softwares/packages used below:
> 1. PETSc: version 3.16.5
> 2. VS: version 2022 
> 3. Intel MPI: download Intel oneAPI Base Toolkit and HPC Toolkit
> 4. Cygwin
> On windows,
> Then I try to calculate a simple cantilever beam  that use Tetrahedral mesh.  So it's  unstructured grid
> I use DMPlexCreateFromFile() to creat dmplex.
> And then I want to distributing the mesh for using  PETSCPARTITIONERPARMETIS type(in my opinion this PetscPartitioner type maybe the best for dmplex,
> see fig 1 for my work to see different PetscPartitioner type about a  cantilever beam in Linux system.)
> But unfortunatly, when i try to use parmetis on windows that configure PETSc as follows
>  ./configure  --with-debugging=0  --with-cc='win32fe cl' --with-fc='win32fe ifort' --with-cxx='win32fe cl'  
> --download-fblaslapack=/cygdrive/g/mypetsc/petsc-pkg-fblaslapack-e8a03f57d64c.tar.gz  --with-shared-libraries=0 
> --with-mpi-include=/cygdrive/g/Intel/oneAPI/mpi/2021.10.0/include
>  --with-mpi-lib=/cygdrive/g/Intel/oneAPI/mpi/2021.10.0/lib/release/impi.lib 
> --with-mpiexec=/cygdrive/g/Intel/oneAPI/mpi/2021.10.0/bin/mpiexec 
> --download-parmetis=/cygdrive/g/mypetsc/petsc-pkg-parmetis-475d8facbb32.tar.gz 
> --download-metis=/cygdrive/g/mypetsc/petsc-pkg-metis-ca7a59e6283f.tar.gz 
> it shows that 
> *******************************************************************************
> External package metis does not support --download-metis with Microsoft compilers
> *******************************************************************************
> configure.log and make.log is attached
> If I use PetscPartitioner Simple type the calculate time is much more than PETSCPARTITIONERPARMETIS type.
> So On windows system I want to use PetscPartitioner like parmetis , if there have any other PetscPartitioner type that can do the same work as parmetis, 
> or I just try to download parmetis  separatly on windows(like this website , https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://boogie.inm.ras.ru/terekhov/INMOST/-/wikis/0204-Compilation-ParMETIS-Windows__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!aQuBcC4tH7O2WJoZkJWAnLHZplCB2W8UcXfvQSouKHeLkTk8v4zBycDCdUN6Xa3w9NCQcanI2isN-FopN4gfXyE$ )  <https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://boogie.inm.ras.ru/terekhov/INMOST/-/wikis/0204-Compilation-ParMETIS-Windows)__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!bpnh34xNHVqfdKTl-ggRXSax29UDMeTVK_E0bHs5J3_g1-RuvJhSbmxD6SKjngZpPiIKpgrv3h4WWOt9lEF-Fb8A4UZELKti_VAO$>
> and then use Visual Studio to use it's library I don't know in this way PETSc could use it successfully or not.
> So I wrrit this email to report my problem and ask for your help.
> Looking forward your reply!
> sinserely,
> Ben.
> <figure1-Type of  PetscPartitioner.png><configure.log><make.log>

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