[petsc-users] SNESVISetComputeVariableBounds() is not available in Fortran interface

y.hu at mpie.de y.hu at mpie.de
Sat Jun 29 03:28:32 CDT 2024

Dear PETSc team,

I find SNES variational inequality capability (e.g. src/snes/tutorials/ex9.c example) very useful for my current problem. Since I am using fortran API of petsc, I explore a little bit about this functionality and it sems not there for fortran (a simple SNESVISetVariableBounds() is not enough, because it only handles constant VI and my VI changes during each SNESSolve call). Am I correct?

If I would like to implement the interface myself, is it straightforward? Could you give me some advice or reference code on it?

I have some knowledge in MatCreateShell() fortran interface, I saw the fortran API was created in a folder ftn-custom/ and writing such interface seems not that hard, but seems a lot of many manual definitions of other related APIs.

Thanks for your help.

Best regards,

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