[petsc-users] DMPlexBuildFromCellList node ordering for tetrahedral elements

onur.notonur onur.notonur at proton.me
Tue Jun 25 03:50:00 CDT 2024


I'm trying to implement a Tetgen mesh importer for my Petsc/DMPlex-based solver. I am encountering some issues and suspect they might be due to my import process. The Tetgen mesh definitions can be found here for reference: https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://wias-berlin.de/software/tetgen/fformats.html__;!!G_uCfscf7eWS!c6srXdHHqgkq5FoeJpfHljLrP0U3UJOmz6A1-jLgkMBEtv8NTqRKgVTgoP_ArdJT5e5kx9lX53ecjbzZ3iu3-eoV4-Qq_g$ 

I am building DMPlex using the DMPlexBuildFromCellList function and using the exact ordering of nodes I get from the Tetgen mesh files (.ele file). The resulting mesh looks good when I export it to VTK, but I encounter issues when solving particular PDEs. (I can solve them while using other importers I write) I suspect there may be orientation errors or something similar.

So, my question is, Is the ordering of nodes in elements important for tetrahedral elements while using DMPlexBuildFromCellList? If so, how should I arrange them?


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