[petsc-users] 2^32 integer problems

Matthew Knepley knepley at gmail.com
Sun Jun 2 09:30:23 CDT 2024

On Sun, Jun 2, 2024 at 10:27 AM Matthew Knepley <knepley at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Jun 1, 2024 at 11:39 PM Carpenter, Mark H. (LARC-D302) via
> petsc-users <petsc-users at mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
>> Mark Carpenter, NASA Langley. I am a novice PETSC user of about 10 years.
>> I’ve build a DG-FEM code with petsc as one of the solver paths (I have my
>> own as well). Furthermore, I use petsc for MPI communication. I’m running
>> the DG-FEM
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>> Mark Carpenter,  NASA Langley.
>> I am a novice PETSC user of about 10 years.  I’ve build  a DG-FEM code
>> with petsc as one of the solver paths (I have my own as well).
>> Furthermore, I use petsc for MPI communication.
>> I’m running the DG-FEM code on our NAS supercomputer.  Everything works
>> when my integer sizes are small.  When I exceed the 2^32 limit of integer
>> arithmetic the code fails in very strange ways.
>> The users that originally set up the petsc infrastructure in the code are
>> no longer at NASA and I’m “dead in the water”.
One additional point. I have looked at the error message. When you make
PETSc calls, each call should be wrapped in PetscCall(). Here is a Fortran


This checks the return value after each call and ends early if there is an
error. It would make your
error output much more readable.



>> I think I’ve promoted all the integers that  are problematic in my code
>> (F95).  On PETSC side:  I’ve tried
>>    1. Reinstall petsc with –with-64-bit-integers  (no luck)
> That option does not exist, so this will not work.
>>    1.
>>    2. Reinstall petsc with –with-64-bit-integers and
>>    –with-64-bit-indices  (code will not compile with these options.
>>    Additional variables on F90 side require promotion and then the errors
>>    cascade through code  when making PETSC calls.
> We should fix this. I feel confident we can get the code to compile.
>>    1.
>>    2. It’s possible that I’ve missed offending integers, but the petsc
>>    error messages are so cryptic that I can’t even tell where it is failing.
>> Further complicating matters:
>> The problem by definition needs to be HUGE.  Problem sizes requiring 1000
>> cores (10^6 elements at P5) are needed to experience the errors, which
>> involves waiting in queues for ½ day at least.
>> Attached are the
>>    1. Install script used to install PETSC on our machine
>>    2. The Makefile used on the fortran side
>>    3. A data dump from an offending simulation (which is huge and I
>>    can’t see any useful information.)
>> How do I attack this problem.
>> (I’ve never gotten debugging working properly).
> Let's get the install for 64-bit indices to work. So we
> 1) Configure PETSc adding --with-64bit-indices to the configure line. Does
> this work? If not, send configure.log
> 2) Compile PETSc. Does this work? If not, send make.log
> 3) Compile your code. Does this work? If not, send all output.
> 4) Do one of the 1/2 day runs and let us know what happens. An alternative
> is to run a small number
>     of processes on a large memory workstation. We do this to test at the
> lab.
>   Thanks,
>      Matt
>> Mark
> --
> What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
> experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their
> experiments lead.
> -- Norbert Wiener
> https://urldefense.us/v3/__https://www.cse.buffalo.edu/*knepley/__;fg!!G_uCfscf7eWS!eOkbaTOpui-YHhrX_HYLmYerXOaaGtlJn04-tdLvQzfRqa6gaCs2x-YtPn7xNTWzRRgD-wze7GkX5gB4gnrA$ 
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What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their
experiments lead.
-- Norbert Wiener

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