[petsc-users] Advice on setting Dirichlet bcs in DMPlex

Aldo Bonfiglioli aldo.bonfiglioli at unibas.it
Thu Dec 19 11:39:02 CST 2024

Dear all,

I am using TS to solve the PDE

u_t + c * u_c = eps * u_xx in 1D i.e. smthg. similar to 

except that I am using DMPlex, instead of a structured grid.

Since the problem is linear, I tried smthg. like:

>    PetscCall(RHSMatrixHeat(ts,0.0,u,A,A,&appctx));
>    PetscCall(TSSetRHSFunction(ts,NULL,TSComputeRHSFunctionLinear,&appctx)); 
>    PetscCall(TSSetRHSJacobian(ts,A,A,TSComputeRHSJacobianConstant,&appctx));
My problem is that the A matrix (as well as the global vector) is 
missing the rows/cols corresponding to the endpoints where Dirichlet 
boundary conditions are prescribed;

> A global vector is missing both the shared dofs which are not owned by 
> this process, as well as /constrained/ dofs. These constraints 
> represent essential (Dirichlet) boundary conditions. They are dofs 
> that have a given fixed value, so they are present in local vectors 
> for assembly purposes, but absent from global vectors since they are 
> never solved for during algebraic solves.

therefore, A*u = f(u) except in the two vertices adjacent to the 
endpoints, i.e. first and last entries of the global vector.

The code is attached; when the flag -use_jacobian is set, f(u) is 
computed as A*u, if it is not set, f(u) is computed in FormRHSFunction.

The latter approach works, the former does not.



Dr. Aldo Bonfiglioli
Associate professor of Fluid Machines
Scuola di Ingegneria
Universita' della Basilicata
V.le dell'Ateneo lucano, 10 85100 Potenza ITALY
tel:+39.0971.205203 fax:+39.0971.205215
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-dm_plex_dim 1 
-Peclet 50
-dm_plex_shape box 
-dm_plex_box_faces 30 
-dm_plex_simplex true
-ts_max_steps 5000

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