[petsc-users] Concatenation of local-to-global matrix

Thanasis Boutsikakis thanasis.boutsikakis at corintis.com
Tue Oct 3 05:05:22 CDT 2023

I am trying to multiply a sequential PETsc matrix with an mpi PETSc matrix in parallel. The final step is to concatenate the product matrix, which is a local sequential PETSc matrix that is different for every proc, so that I get the full mpi matrix as a result. This has proven to work, but setting the values one by one using a loop is very inefficient and slow.

In the following MFE, I am trying to make this concatenation more efficient by setting the values in batches. However it doesn’t work and I am wondering why:

"""Experimenting with PETSc mat-mat multiplication"""

import time

import numpy as np
from colorama import Fore
from firedrake import COMM_SELF, COMM_WORLD
from firedrake.petsc import PETSc
from mpi4py import MPI
from numpy.testing import assert_array_almost_equal

from utilities import Print

size = COMM_WORLD.size
rank = COMM_WORLD.rank

def create_petsc_matrix(input_array, sparse=True):
    """Create a PETSc matrix from an input_array

        input_array (np array): Input array
        partition_like (PETSc mat, optional): Petsc matrix. Defaults to None.
        sparse (bool, optional): Toggle for sparese or dense. Defaults to True.

        PETSc mat: PETSc matrix
    # Check if input_array is 1D and reshape if necessary
    assert len(input_array.shape) == 2, "Input array should be 2-dimensional"
    global_rows, global_cols = input_array.shape

    size = ((None, global_rows), (global_cols, global_cols))

    # Create a sparse or dense matrix based on the 'sparse' argument
    if sparse:
        matrix = PETSc.Mat().createAIJ(size=size, comm=COMM_WORLD)
        matrix = PETSc.Mat().createDense(size=size, comm=COMM_WORLD)

    local_rows_start, local_rows_end = matrix.getOwnershipRange()

    for counter, i in enumerate(range(local_rows_start, local_rows_end)):
        # Calculate the correct row in the array for the current process
        row_in_array = counter + local_rows_start
            i, range(global_cols), input_array[row_in_array, :], addv=False

    # Assembly the matrix to compute the final structure

    return matrix

def get_local_submatrix(A):
    """Get the local submatrix of A

        A (mpi PETSc mat): partitioned PETSc matrix

        seq mat: PETSc matrix
    local_rows_start, local_rows_end = A.getOwnershipRange()
    local_rows = local_rows_end - local_rows_start
    comm = A.getComm()
    rows = PETSc.IS().createStride(
        local_rows, first=local_rows_start, step=1, comm=comm
    _, k = A.getSize()  # Get the number of columns (k) from A's size
    cols = PETSc.IS().createStride(k, first=0, step=1, comm=comm)

    # Getting the local submatrix
    # TODO: To be replaced by MatMPIAIJGetLocalMat() in the future (see petsc-users mailing list). There is a missing petsc4py binding, need to add it myself (and please create a merge request)
    A_local = A.createSubMatrices(rows, cols)[0]
    return A_local

def create_petsc_matrix_seq(input_array):
    """Building a sequential PETSc matrix from an array

        input_array (np array): Input array

        seq mat: PETSc matrix
    assert len(input_array.shape) == 2

    m, n = input_array.shape
    matrix = PETSc.Mat().createAIJ(size=(m, n), comm=COMM_SELF)

    matrix.setValues(range(m), range(n), input_array, addv=False)

    # Assembly the matrix to compute the final structure

    return matrix

def multiply_matrices_seq(A_seq, B_seq):
    """Multiply 2 sequential matrices

        A_seq (seqaij): local submatrix of A
        B_seq (seqaij): sequential matrix B

        seq mat: PETSc matrix that is the product of A_seq and B_seq
    _, A_seq_cols = A_seq.getSize()
    B_seq_rows, _ = B_seq.getSize()
    assert (
        A_seq_cols == B_seq_rows
    ), f"Incompatible matrix sizes for multiplication: {A_seq_cols} != {B_seq_rows}"
    C_local = A_seq.matMult(B_seq)
    return C_local

def concatenate_local_to_global_matrix(local_matrix, mat_type=None):
    """Create the global matrix C from the local submatrix local_matrix

        local_matrix (seqaij): local submatrix of global_matrix
        partition_like (mpiaij): partitioned PETSc matrix
        mat_type (str): type of the global matrix. Defaults to None. If None, the type of local_matrix is used.

        mpi PETSc mat: partitioned PETSc matrix
    local_matrix_rows, local_matrix_cols = local_matrix.getSize()
    global_rows = COMM_WORLD.allreduce(local_matrix_rows, op=MPI.SUM)

    # Determine the local portion of the vector
    size = ((None, global_rows), (local_matrix_cols, local_matrix_cols))

    if mat_type is None:
        mat_type = local_matrix.getType()

    if "dense" in mat_type:
        sparse = False
        sparse = True

    if sparse:
        global_matrix = PETSc.Mat().createAIJ(size=size, comm=COMM_WORLD)
        global_matrix = PETSc.Mat().createDense(size=size, comm=COMM_WORLD)

    # The exscan operation is used to get the starting global row for each process.
    # The result of the exclusive scan is the sum of the local rows from previous ranks.
    global_row_start = COMM_WORLD.exscan(local_matrix_rows, op=MPI.SUM)
    if rank == 0:
        global_row_start = 0

    concatenate_start = time.time()

    # This works but is very inefficient
    # for i in range(local_matrix_rows):
    #     cols, values = local_matrix.getRow(i)
    #     global_row = i + global_row_start
    #     global_matrix.setValues(global_row, cols, values)

    all_cols = []
    all_values = []
    all_global_rows = [i + global_row_start for i in range(local_matrix_rows)]

    for i in range(len(all_global_rows)):
        cols, values = local_matrix.getRow(i)
        # print(f"cols: {cols}, values: {values}")

    for j in range(local_matrix_cols):
        columns = [all_cols[i][j] for i in range(len(all_cols))]
        values = [all_values[i][j] for i in range(len(all_values))]

        global_matrix.setValues(all_global_rows, columns, values)

    concatenate_end = time.time()
        f"  -Setting values: {concatenate_end - concatenate_start: 2.2f} s",


    return global_matrix

# --------------------------------------------
# EXP: Multiplication of an mpi PETSc matrix with a sequential PETSc matrix
#  C = A * B
# [m x k] = [m x k] * [k x k]
# --------------------------------------------

m, k = 11, 7
# Generate the random numpy matrices
np.random.seed(0)  # sets the seed to 0
A_np = np.random.randint(low=0, high=6, size=(m, k))
B_np = np.random.randint(low=0, high=6, size=(k, k))

# Create B as a sequential matrix on each process
B_seq = create_petsc_matrix_seq(B_np)

A = create_petsc_matrix(A_np)

# Getting the correct local submatrix to be multiplied by B_seq
A_local = get_local_submatrix(A)

# Multiplication of 2 sequential matrices
C_local = multiply_matrices_seq(A_local, B_seq)

# Creating the global C matrix
C = concatenate_local_to_global_matrix(C_local) if size > 1 else C_local

# --------------------------------------------
# TEST: Multiplication of 2 numpy matrices
# --------------------------------------------
AB_np = np.dot(A_np, B_np)
Print(f"MATRIX AB_np [{AB_np.shape[0]}x{AB_np.shape[1]}]")

# Get the local values from C
local_rows_start, local_rows_end = C.getOwnershipRange()
C_local = C.getValues(range(local_rows_start, local_rows_end), range(k))

# Assert the correctness of the multiplication for the local subset
assert_array_almost_equal(C_local, AB_np[local_rows_start:local_rows_end, :], decimal=5)

Any idea how to fix this?


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