[petsc-users] fortran interface to snes matrix-free jacobian

Jed Brown jed at jedbrown.org
Wed Dec 20 10:40:27 CST 2023

Are you wanting an analytic matrix-free operator or one created for you based on finite differencing? If the latter, just use -snes_mf or -snes_mf_operator.


Yi Hu <y.hu at mpie.de> writes:

> Dear PETSc team,
> My  solution scheme relies on a matrix-free jacobian in the SNES solver. I saw the useful C interface like MatCreateSNESMF(), DMSNESCreateJacobianMF(). I am wondering if you have the fortran equivalence?
> I think for my problem in the main program I need to do DMDASNESsetJacobianLocal(DM, INSERT_VALUES, myJacobian, ctx, err_petsc). Then in myJacobian() subroutine I have to create the operator from DMSNESCreateJacobianMF(), and register my own MATOP_MULT from MatShellSetOperation(). Am I correct? 
> Are these fortran subroutines available? I saw an example in ts module as ex22f_mf.F90 which behaves similar as what I would like to do. Because I would like to use ngmres, I then need to stay in the SNES.  
> Thanks for your help.
> Best wishes,
> Yi
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