[petsc-users] Multiplication of partitioned with non-partitioned (sparse) PETSc matrices

Pierre Jolivet pierre.jolivet at lip6.fr
Wed Aug 23 07:40:36 CDT 2023

> On 23 Aug 2023, at 8:59 PM, Thanasis Boutsikakis <thanasis.boutsikakis at corintis.com> wrote:
> Thanks for the clarification Mark.
> I have tried such an implementation but I since I could not find the equivalent of https://petsc.org/main/manualpages/Mat/MatMPIAIJGetLocalMat/ for petsc4py, I used A.getLocalSubMatrix to do so, which returns a ‘localref’ object that I cannot then use to get my local 'seqaij’ matrix.

You really need MatMPIAIJGetLocalMat().
It seems there is a missing petsc4py binding, either add it yourself (and please create a merge request), or post an issue on GitLab and hope that someone adds it.
Another way to bypass the issue would be to call MatCreateSubMatrices() with an is_row set to the local rows, and an is_col set to all columns, but this will be less scalable than MatMPIAIJGetLocalMat().


> I also tried A.getDenseLocalMatrix() but it seems not to be suitable for my case. I couldn’t find an example in the petsc4py source code or something relevant, do you have any ideas?
> """Experimenting with petsc mat-mat multiplication"""
> # import pdb
> import numpy as np
> from firedrake import COMM_WORLD
> from firedrake.petsc import PETSc
> from numpy.testing import assert_array_almost_equal
> import pdb
> nproc = COMM_WORLD.size
> rank = COMM_WORLD.rank
> def Print(x: str):
>     """Prints the string only on the root process
>     Args:
>         x (str): String to be printed
>     """
>     PETSc.Sys.Print(x)
> def create_petsc_matrix_seq(input_array):
>     """Building a sequential petsc matrix from an array
>     Args:
>         input_array (np array): Input array
>     Returns:
>         seq mat: PETSc matrix
>     """
>     assert len(input_array.shape) == 2
>     m, n = input_array.shape
>     matrix = PETSc.Mat().createAIJ(size=(m, n), comm=PETSc.COMM_SELF)
>     matrix.setUp()
>     matrix.setValues(range(m), range(n), input_array, addv=False)
>     # Assembly the matrix to compute the final structure
>     matrix.assemblyBegin()
>     matrix.assemblyEnd()
>     return matrix
> def create_petsc_matrix(input_array, partition_like=None):
>     """Create a PETSc matrix from an input_array
>     Args:
>         input_array (np array): Input array
>         partition_like (petsc mat, optional): Petsc matrix. Defaults to None.
>         sparse (bool, optional): Toggle for sparese or dense. Defaults to True.
>     Returns:
>         petsc mat: PETSc matrix
>     """
>     # Check if input_array is 1D and reshape if necessary
>     assert len(input_array.shape) == 2, "Input array should be 2-dimensional"
>     global_rows, global_cols = input_array.shape
>     comm = COMM_WORLD
>     if partition_like is not None:
>         local_rows_start, local_rows_end = partition_like.getOwnershipRange()
>         local_rows = local_rows_end - local_rows_start
>         # No parallelization in the columns, set local_cols = None to parallelize
>         size = ((local_rows, global_rows), (global_cols, global_cols))
>     else:
>         size = ((None, global_rows), (global_cols, global_cols))
>     matrix = PETSc.Mat().createAIJ(size=size, comm=comm)
>     matrix.setUp()
>     local_rows_start, local_rows_end = matrix.getOwnershipRange()
>     for counter, i in enumerate(range(local_rows_start, local_rows_end)):
>         # Calculate the correct row in the array for the current process
>         row_in_array = counter + local_rows_start
>         matrix.setValues(
>             i, range(global_cols), input_array[row_in_array, :], addv=False
>         )
>     # Assembly the matrix to compute the final structure
>     matrix.assemblyBegin()
>     matrix.assemblyEnd()
>     return matrix
> m, k = 10, 3
> # Generate the random numpy matrices
> np.random.seed(0)  # sets the seed to 0
> A_np = np.random.randint(low=0, high=6, size=(m, k))
> B_np = np.random.randint(low=0, high=6, size=(k, k))
> # Create B as a sequential matrix on each process
> B_seq = create_petsc_matrix_seq(B_np)
> Print(B_seq.getType())
> Print(B_seq.getSizes())
> A = create_petsc_matrix(A_np)
> print("A type:", A.getType())
> print("A sizes:", A.getSizes())
> print("A local ownership range:", A.getOwnershipRange())
> # pdb.set_trace()
> # Create a local sequential matrix for A using the local submatrix
> local_rows_start, local_rows_end = A.getOwnershipRange()
> local_rows = local_rows_end - local_rows_start
> print("local_rows_start:", local_rows_start)
> print("local_rows_end:", local_rows_end)
> print("local_rows:", local_rows)
> local_A = PETSc.Mat().createAIJ(size=(local_rows, k), comm=PETSc.COMM_SELF)
> # pdb.set_trace()
> comm = A.getComm()
> rows = PETSc.IS().createStride(local_rows, first=0, step=1, comm=comm)
> cols = PETSc.IS().createStride(k, first=0, step=1, comm=comm)
> print("rows indices:", rows.getIndices())
> print("cols indices:", cols.getIndices())
> # pdb.set_trace()
> # Create the local to global mapping for rows and columns
> l2g_rows = PETSc.LGMap().create(rows.getIndices(), comm=comm)
> l2g_cols = PETSc.LGMap().create(cols.getIndices(), comm=comm)
> print("l2g_rows type:", type(l2g_rows))
> print("l2g_rows:", l2g_rows.view())
> print("l2g_rows type:", type(l2g_cols))
> print("l2g_cols:", l2g_cols.view())
> # pdb.set_trace()
> # Set the local-to-global mapping for the matrix
> A.setLGMap(l2g_rows, l2g_cols)
> # pdb.set_trace()
> # Now you can get the local submatrix
> local_A = A.getLocalSubMatrix(rows, cols)
> # Assembly the matrix to compute the final structure
> local_A.assemblyBegin()
> local_A.assemblyEnd()
> Print(local_A.getType())
> Print(local_A.getSizes())
> # pdb.set_trace()
> # Multiply the two matrices
> local_C = local_A.matMult(B_seq)
>> On 23 Aug 2023, at 12:56, Mark Adams <mfadams at lbl.gov> wrote:
>> On Wed, Aug 23, 2023 at 5:36 AM Thanasis Boutsikakis <thanasis.boutsikakis at corintis.com <mailto:thanasis.boutsikakis at corintis.com>> wrote:
>>> Thanks for the suggestion Pierre.
>>> Yes B is duplicated by all processes.
>>> In this case, should B be created as a sequential sparse matrix using COMM_SELF?
>> Yes, that is what Pierre said,
>> Mark
>>> I guess if not, the multiplication of B with the output of https://petsc.org/main/manualpages/Mat/MatMPIAIJGetLocalMat/ would not go through, right? 
>>> Thanks,
>>> Thanos
>>>> On 23 Aug 2023, at 10:47, Pierre Jolivet <pierre.jolivet at lip6.fr <mailto:pierre.jolivet at lip6.fr>> wrote:
>>>>> On 23 Aug 2023, at 5:35 PM, Thanasis Boutsikakis <thanasis.boutsikakis at corintis.com <mailto:thanasis.boutsikakis at corintis.com>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I am trying to multiply two Petsc matrices as C = A * B, where A is a tall matrix and B is a relatively small matrix.
>>>>> I have taken the decision to create A as (row-)partitioned matrix and B as a non-partitioned matrix that it is entirely shared by all procs (to avoid unnecessary communication).
>>>>> Here is my code:
>>>>> import numpy as np
>>>>> from firedrake import COMM_WORLD
>>>>> from firedrake.petsc import PETSc
>>>>> from numpy.testing import assert_array_almost_equal
>>>>> nproc = COMM_WORLD.size
>>>>> rank = COMM_WORLD.rank
>>>>> def create_petsc_matrix_non_partitioned(input_array):
>>>>>     """Building a mpi non-partitioned petsc matrix from an array
>>>>>     Args:
>>>>>         input_array (np array): Input array
>>>>>         sparse (bool, optional): Toggle for sparese or dense. Defaults to True.
>>>>>     Returns:
>>>>>         mpi mat: PETSc matrix
>>>>>     """
>>>>>     assert len(input_array.shape) == 2
>>>>>     m, n = input_array.shape
>>>>>     matrix = PETSc.Mat().createAIJ(size=((m, n), (m, n)), comm=COMM_WORLD)
>>>>>     # Set the values of the matrix
>>>>>     matrix.setValues(range(m), range(n), input_array[:, :], addv=False)
>>>>>     # Assembly the matrix to compute the final structure
>>>>>     matrix.assemblyBegin()
>>>>>     matrix.assemblyEnd()
>>>>>     return matrix
>>>>> def create_petsc_matrix(input_array, partition_like=None):
>>>>>     """Create a PETSc matrix from an input_array
>>>>>     Args:
>>>>>         input_array (np array): Input array
>>>>>         partition_like (petsc mat, optional): Petsc matrix. Defaults to None.
>>>>>         sparse (bool, optional): Toggle for sparese or dense. Defaults to True.
>>>>>     Returns:
>>>>>         petsc mat: PETSc matrix
>>>>>     """
>>>>>     # Check if input_array is 1D and reshape if necessary
>>>>>     assert len(input_array.shape) == 2, "Input array should be 2-dimensional"
>>>>>     global_rows, global_cols = input_array.shape
>>>>>     comm = COMM_WORLD
>>>>>     if partition_like is not None:
>>>>>         local_rows_start, local_rows_end = partition_like.getOwnershipRange()
>>>>>         local_rows = local_rows_end - local_rows_start
>>>>>         # No parallelization in the columns, set local_cols = None to parallelize
>>>>>         size = ((local_rows, global_rows), (global_cols, global_cols))
>>>>>     else:
>>>>>         size = ((None, global_rows), (global_cols, global_cols))
>>>>>     matrix = PETSc.Mat().createAIJ(size=size, comm=comm)
>>>>>     matrix.setUp()
>>>>>     local_rows_start, local_rows_end = matrix.getOwnershipRange()
>>>>>     for counter, i in enumerate(range(local_rows_start, local_rows_end)):
>>>>>         # Calculate the correct row in the array for the current process
>>>>>         row_in_array = counter + local_rows_start
>>>>>         matrix.setValues(
>>>>>             i, range(global_cols), input_array[row_in_array, :], addv=False
>>>>>         )
>>>>>     # Assembly the matrix to compute the final structure
>>>>>     matrix.assemblyBegin()
>>>>>     matrix.assemblyEnd()
>>>>>     return matrix
>>>>> m, k = 10, 3
>>>>> # Generate the random numpy matrices
>>>>> np.random.seed(0)  # sets the seed to 0
>>>>> A_np = np.random.randint(low=0, high=6, size=(m, k))
>>>>> B_np = np.random.randint(low=0, high=6, size=(k, k))
>>>>> A = create_petsc_matrix(A_np)
>>>>> B = create_petsc_matrix_non_partitioned(B_np)
>>>>> # Now perform the multiplication
>>>>> C = A * B
>>>>> The problem with this is that there is a mismatch between the local rows of A (depend on the partitioning) and the global rows of B (3 for all procs), so that the multiplication cannot happen in parallel. Here is the error:
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Caught signal number 11 SEGV: Segmentation Violation, probably memory access out of range
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Try option -start_in_debugger or -on_error_attach_debugger
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: or see https://petsc.org/release/faq/#valgrind and https://petsc.org/release/faq/
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: configure using --with-debugging=yes, recompile, link, and run
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: to get more information on the crash.
>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Run with -malloc_debug to check if memory corruption is causing the crash.
>>>>> application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 59) - process 0
>>>>> [unset]: write_line error; fd=-1 buf=:cmd=abort exitcode=59
>>>>> :
>>>>> system msg for write_line failure : Bad file descriptor
>>>>> Is there a standard way to achieve this?
>>>> Your B is duplicated by all processes?
>>>> If so, then, call https://petsc.org/main/manualpages/Mat/MatMPIAIJGetLocalMat/, do a sequential product with B on COMM_SELF, not COMM_WORLD, and use https://petsc.org/main/manualpages/Mat/MatCreateMPIMatConcatenateSeqMat/ with the output.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Pierre
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Thanos

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