[petsc-users] locate DMSwarm particles with respect to a background DMDA mesh

Mark Adams mfadams at lbl.gov
Thu Oct 27 11:35:28 CDT 2022

I have the same problem and it is being worked on.

Joe: Lets add Matteo to our thread on this so we can all test it when you
have something.


On Thu, Oct 27, 2022 at 11:57 AM Semplice Matteo <
matteo.semplice at uninsubria.it> wrote:

> Dear Petsc developers,
>     I am trying to use a DMSwarm to locate a cloud of points with respect
> to a background mesh. In the real application the points will be loaded
> from disk, but I have created a small demo in which
>    - each processor creates Npart particles, all within the domain
>    covered by the mesh, but not all in the local portion of the mesh
>    - migrate the particles
> After migration most particles are not any more in the DMSwarm (how many
> and which ones seems to depend on the number of cpus, but it never happens
> that all particle survive the migration process).
> I am clearly missing some step, since I'd expect that a DMDA would be able
> to locate particles without the need to go through a DMShell as it is done
> in src/dm/tutorials/swarm_ex3.c.html
> <https://petsc.org/main/src/dm/tutorials/swarm_ex3.c.html>
> I attach my demo code.
> Could someone give me a hint?
> Best
>     Matteo
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