[petsc-users] [External] Periodic boundary condition

Barry Smith bsmith at petsc.dev
Fri Oct 21 09:54:49 CDT 2022

 The problem with the output below is it is not giving a clear indication where the crash occurred.

 #1 User provided function() line 0 in  unknown file

  Run with the exact same options but also -start_in_debugger noxterm   It should then crash in the debugger and you can type bt to see the backtrace of where it crashed, send that output.


  Background: MatFDColoringSetUpBlocked_AIJ_Private() allocates the space that is used when evaluating the function multiple times to get the Jacobian entries. If the FormFunction writes into incorrect locations, then it will corrupt this memory that was allocated in MatFDColoringSetUpBlocked_AIJ_Private() . It does not mean necessarily that there is anything wrong in MatFDColoringSetUpBlocked_AIJ_Private() 

> On Oct 21, 2022, at 12:32 AM, Sepideh Kavousi <kavousi at mines.edu> wrote:
> Barry,
> I ran the code with -malloc_debug and added CHKMEMQ for all the lines inside formfunction. Following is the detail of error.
> Best,
> Sepideh
> [0]PETSC ERROR: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [0]PETSC ERROR: Caught signal number 11 SEGV: Segmentation Violation, probably memory access out of range
> [0]PETSC ERROR: Try option -start_in_debugger or -on_error_attach_debugger
> [0]PETSC ERROR: or see https://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/documentation/faq.html#valgrind <https://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/documentation/faq.html#valgrind>
> [0]PETSC ERROR: or try http://valgrind.org <http://valgrind.org/> on GNU/linux and Apple Mac OS X to find memory corruption errors
> [0]PETSC ERROR: configure using --with-debugging=yes, recompile, link, and run
> [0]PETSC ERROR: to get more information on the crash.
> [0]PETSC ERROR: PetscMallocValidate: error detected at PetscError() line 401 in /home1/apps/intel18/impi18_0/petsc/3.14/src/sys/error/err.c
> [0]PETSC ERROR: Memory [id=0(73960000)] at address 0x2b5aed6ab050 is corrupted (probably write past end of array)
> [0]PETSC ERROR: Memory originally allocated in MatFDColoringSetUpBlocked_AIJ_Private() line 125 in /home1/apps/intel18/impi18_0/petsc/3.14/src/mat/impls/aij/seq/fdaij.c
> [0]PETSC ERROR: --------------------- Error Message --------------------------------------------------------------
> [0]PETSC ERROR: Signal received
> [0]PETSC ERROR: See https://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/documentation/faq.html <https://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/documentation/faq.html> for trouble shooting.
> [0]PETSC ERROR: Petsc Release Version 3.14.2, Dec 03, 2020
> [0]PETSC ERROR: ./one.out on a skylake named c415-063.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu <http://c415-063.stampede2.tacc.utexas.edu/> by tg863649 Thu Oct 20 23:30:05 2022
> [0]PETSC ERROR: Configure options --with-x=0 -with-pic --with-make-np=12 --download-petsc4py=1 --with-python-exec=/opt/apps/intel18/python2/2.7.16/bin/python2 --with-packages-build-dir=/tmp/petsc-3.14/skylake --with-mpi=1 --with-mpi-dir=/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2018.2.199/linux/mpi/intel64 --with-scalar-type=real --with-shared-libraries=1 --with-precision=double --with-chaco=1 --download-chaco --with-hypre=1 --download-hypre --with-parmetis=1 --download-parmetis --with-metis=1 --download-metis --with-plapack=1 --download-plapack --with-spai=1 --download-spai --with-sundials=1 --download-sundials --with-elemental=1 --download-elemental --with-cxx-dialect=C++11 --with-parmetis=1 --download-parmetis --with-metis=1 --download-metis --with-fftw=1 --with-fftw-dir=/opt/apps/intel18/impi18_0/fftw3/3.3.8 --with-hdf5=1 --with-hdf5-dir=/opt/apps/intel18/impi18_0/phdf5/1.10.4/x86_64 --download-hpddm --download-slepc --with-mumps=1 --download-mumps --with-parmetis=1 --download-parmetis --with-metis=1 --download-metis --with-scalapack=1 --download-scalapack --with-blacs=1 --download-blacs --with-spooles=1 --download-spooles --with-suitesparse=1 --download-suitesparse --with-superlu_dist=1 --download-superlu_dist --with-superlu=1 --download-superlu --with-parmetis=1 --download-parmetis --with-metis=1 --download-metis --with-zoltan=1 --download-zoltan=1 --download-ptscotch=1 --with-debugging=no --LIBS= --with-blaslapack-dir=/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2018.2.199/linux/mkl COPTFLAGS="-xCORE-AVX2 -axMIC-AVX512,CORE-AVX512 -O2 -g" FOPTFLAGS="-xCORE-AVX2 -axMIC-AVX512,CORE-AVX512 -O2 -g" CXXOPTFLAGS="-xCORE-AVX2 -axMIC-AVX512,CORE-AVX512 -O2 -g"
> [0]PETSC ERROR: #1 User provided function() line 0 in  unknown file
> [0]PETSC ERROR: Checking the memory for corruption.
> [0]PETSC ERROR: PetscMallocValidate: error detected at PetscSignalHandlerDefault() line 170 in /home1/apps/intel18/impi18_0/petsc/3.14/src/sys/error/signal.c
> [0]PETSC ERROR: Memory [id=0(73960000)] at address 0x2b5aed6ab050 is corrupted (probably write past end of array)
> [0]PETSC ERROR: Memory originally allocated in MatFDColoringSetUpBlocked_AIJ_Private() line 125 in /home1/apps/intel18/impi18_0/petsc/3.14/src/mat/impls/aij/seq/fdaij.c
> application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 50176059) - process 0
> [unset]: readline failed
> Sent from Mail <https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for Windows
> From: Barry Smith <mailto:bsmith at petsc.dev>
> Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2022 10:27 PM
> To: Sepideh Kavousi <mailto:kavousi at mines.edu>
> Cc: petsc-users at mcs.anl.gov <mailto:petsc-users at mcs.anl.gov>
> Subject: [External] Re: [petsc-users] Periodic boundary condition
>   Some of the valgrind information does not appear to make sense
> PetscMemcpy() is not calling SNESSolve() so I suspect there must be some serious corruption of something to this impossible stack trace
> ==236074==    by 0x6FD160F: SNESSolve (snes.c:4569)
> ==236074==    by 0x711917E: PetscMemcpy (bdf.c:223)
> From
> ==236074== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
> ==236074==    at 0x5F10977: MatFDColoringSetUpBlocked_AIJ_Private (fdaij.c:146)
> ==236074==    by 0x5F10977: MatFDColoringSetUp_SeqXAIJ.A (fdaij.c:284)
> ==236074==    by 0x585892A: MatFDColoringSetUp (fdmatrix.c:242)
> ==236074==    by 0x6FE5037: SNESComputeJacobianDefaultColor (snesj2.c:79)
> ==236074==    by 0x6FC8E4E: SNESComputeJacobian (snes.c:2717)
> ==236074==    by 0x70236E7: SNESSolve_NEWTONTR (tr.c:324)
> ==236074==    by 0x6FD160F: SNESSolve (snes.c:4569)
> ==236074==    by 0x711917E: PetscMemcpy (bdf.c:223)
> ==236074==    by 0x711917E: PetscCitationsRegister (petscsys.h:2689)
> ==236074==    by 0x711917E: TSStep_BDF.A (bdf.c:265)
> ==236074==    by 0x70C363A: TSStep (ts.c:3757)
> ==236074==    by 0x70C1999: TSSolve (ts.c:4154)
> ==236074==    by 0x402594: main (one.c:391)
> I suggest you run with -malloc_debug instead of valgrind and see if any errors are reported. If so you can add the macro CHKMEMQ; inside your function evaluation where you write to memory to see if anything is writing to the wrong location. For example wherever you assign aF such as
> aF[j][i].vx=(x3+x4+x5+x6+x7+x8+x9-x1-x2)*user->hx;
> this can help you determine the exact line number where you are writing to the wrong location and determine what might be the cause.
> On Oct 20, 2022, at 6:45 PM, Sepideh Kavousi <kavousi at mines.edu <mailto:kavousi at mines.edu>> wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to solve my 5 PDEs based on finite  difference method using periodic BC in x-direction and non-periodic in y-direction but I run into error (Segmentation Violation, probably memory access out of range).
> For this, I discretize my equation in FormFunction function. My PDE discretization in (i,j) node needs data on (i+1,j), (i+2,j), (i-1,j), (i-2,j), (i,j+1), (i,j+2), (i,j-1), (i,j-2) points.
> In my previous codes that the x-direction was non-periodic (no flux) boundary condition, I:
> i)                    implemented the no flux BC for i=0 and i=Nx-1,
> ii)                   set i+2= Nx-1 in discretizing (Nx-2,j) and i+2= 0 in discretizing (1,j)
> iii)                 discretized my equation for i=1..Nx-2.
> I am not sure how I should do the periodic BC. From the following discussions (https://lists.mcs.anl.gov/pipermail/petsc-users/2012-May/013476.html <https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Flists.mcs.anl.gov%2Fpipermail%2Fpetsc-users%2F2012-May%2F013476.html&data=05%7C01%7Ckavousi%40mines.edu%7C391122af252a4677490508dab30bb4e5%7C997209e009b346239a4d76afa44a675c%7C0%7C0%7C638019160280252841%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=ZBI4qXtAsG%2BTH3SXB3axKTvrDa3T7726OtBxjhbQTZs%3D&reserved=0>  andhttps://lists.mcs.anl.gov/pipermail/petsc-users/2016-May/029273.html <https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Flists.mcs.anl.gov%2Fpipermail%2Fpetsc-users%2F2016-May%2F029273.html&data=05%7C01%7Ckavousi%40mines.edu%7C391122af252a4677490508dab30bb4e5%7C997209e009b346239a4d76afa44a675c%7C0%7C0%7C638019160280252841%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=QkAKaOesldjRGvDPzhRi%2BPFbq8XdnPdKsTZWJRPs8Lg%3D&reserved=0>), I guess I should not do step (i) (stated above) for the x-boundaries and just do step (iii) for i=0..Nx-1. If I just focus on solving 2 of the PDEs which does need data on (i+2,j), (i-2,j), (i,j+2), (i,j-2) points for discretizing equation in (i,j) node, I still run into error:
> Running with Valgrind (just 1 processor) gave the following file. I did not find any information which gives me hint on the error source.
> Can you please help me to find the error? 
> Best,
> Sepideh
> ==236074== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
> ==236074==    at 0x4C29E39: malloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:309)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B79E59B: MPID_Init (mpid_init.c:1649)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B73FAEA: MPIR_Init_thread (initthread.c:717)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B73D795: PMPI_Init_thread (initthread.c:1061)
> ==236074==    by 0x5264A94: PetscInitialize (pinit.c:907)
> ==236074==    by 0x40219D: main (one.c:335)
> ==236074== 
> ==236074== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
> ==236074==    at 0x2183B805: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x218323C1: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x218341C7: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x400F9C2: _dl_init (in /usr/lib64/ld-2.17.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x401459D: dl_open_worker (in /usr/lib64/ld-2.17.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x400F7D3: _dl_catch_error (in /usr/lib64/ld-2.17.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x4013B8A: _dl_open (in /usr/lib64/ld-2.17.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x1AEA4FAA: dlopen_doit (in /usr/lib64/libdl-2.17.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x400F7D3: _dl_catch_error (in /usr/lib64/ld-2.17.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x1AEA55AC: _dlerror_run (in /usr/lib64/libdl-2.17.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x1AEA5040: dlopen@@GLIBC_2.2.5 (in /usr/lib64/libdl-2.17.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B8198DC: MPID_nem_ofi_init (ofi_init.c:158)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B7B5C55: ??? (mpid_nem_init.c:231)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B7B3F92: MPID_nem_init_ckpt (mpid_nem_init.c:954)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B580640: MPIDI_CH3_Init (ch3_init.c:125)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B79F02D: MPID_Init (mpid_init.c:1857)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B73FAEA: MPIR_Init_thread (initthread.c:717)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B73D795: PMPI_Init_thread (initthread.c:1061)
> ==236074==    by 0x5264A94: PetscInitialize (pinit.c:907)
> ==236074==    by 0x40219D: main (one.c:335)
> ==236074== 
> ==236074== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
> ==236074==    at 0x2183B810: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x218323C1: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x218341C7: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x400F9C2: _dl_init (in /usr/lib64/ld-2.17.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x401459D: dl_open_worker (in /usr/lib64/ld-2.17.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x400F7D3: _dl_catch_error (in /usr/lib64/ld-2.17.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x4013B8A: _dl_open (in /usr/lib64/ld-2.17.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x1AEA4FAA: dlopen_doit (in /usr/lib64/libdl-2.17.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x400F7D3: _dl_catch_error (in /usr/lib64/ld-2.17.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x1AEA55AC: _dlerror_run (in /usr/lib64/libdl-2.17.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x1AEA5040: dlopen@@GLIBC_2.2.5 (in /usr/lib64/libdl-2.17.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B8198DC: MPID_nem_ofi_init (ofi_init.c:158)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B7B5C55: ??? (mpid_nem_init.c:231)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B7B3F92: MPID_nem_init_ckpt (mpid_nem_init.c:954)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B580640: MPIDI_CH3_Init (ch3_init.c:125)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B79F02D: MPID_Init (mpid_init.c:1857)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B73FAEA: MPIR_Init_thread (initthread.c:717)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B73D795: PMPI_Init_thread (initthread.c:1061)
> ==236074==    by 0x5264A94: PetscInitialize (pinit.c:907)
> ==236074==    by 0x40219D: main (one.c:335)
> ==236074== 
> ==236074== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
> ==236074==    at 0x218323C8: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x218341C7: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x400F9C2: _dl_init (in /usr/lib64/ld-2.17.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x401459D: dl_open_worker (in /usr/lib64/ld-2.17.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x400F7D3: _dl_catch_error (in /usr/lib64/ld-2.17.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x4013B8A: _dl_open (in /usr/lib64/ld-2.17.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x1AEA4FAA: dlopen_doit (in /usr/lib64/libdl-2.17.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x400F7D3: _dl_catch_error (in /usr/lib64/ld-2.17.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x1AEA55AC: _dlerror_run (in /usr/lib64/libdl-2.17.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x1AEA5040: dlopen@@GLIBC_2.2.5 (in /usr/lib64/libdl-2.17.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B8198DC: MPID_nem_ofi_init (ofi_init.c:158)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B7B5C55: ??? (mpid_nem_init.c:231)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B7B3F92: MPID_nem_init_ckpt (mpid_nem_init.c:954)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B580640: MPIDI_CH3_Init (ch3_init.c:125)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B79F02D: MPID_Init (mpid_init.c:1857)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B73FAEA: MPIR_Init_thread (initthread.c:717)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B73D795: PMPI_Init_thread (initthread.c:1061)
> ==236074==    by 0x5264A94: PetscInitialize (pinit.c:907)
> ==236074==    by 0x40219D: main (one.c:335)
> ==236074== 
> ==236074== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
> ==236074==    at 0x218323CF: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x218341C7: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x400F9C2: _dl_init (in /usr/lib64/ld-2.17.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x401459D: dl_open_worker (in /usr/lib64/ld-2.17.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x400F7D3: _dl_catch_error (in /usr/lib64/ld-2.17.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x4013B8A: _dl_open (in /usr/lib64/ld-2.17.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x1AEA4FAA: dlopen_doit (in /usr/lib64/libdl-2.17.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x400F7D3: _dl_catch_error (in /usr/lib64/ld-2.17.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x1AEA55AC: _dlerror_run (in /usr/lib64/libdl-2.17.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x1AEA5040: dlopen@@GLIBC_2.2.5 (in /usr/lib64/libdl-2.17.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B8198DC: MPID_nem_ofi_init (ofi_init.c:158)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B7B5C55: ??? (mpid_nem_init.c:231)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B7B3F92: MPID_nem_init_ckpt (mpid_nem_init.c:954)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B580640: MPIDI_CH3_Init (ch3_init.c:125)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B79F02D: MPID_Init (mpid_init.c:1857)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B73FAEA: MPIR_Init_thread (initthread.c:717)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B73D795: PMPI_Init_thread (initthread.c:1061)
> ==236074==    by 0x5264A94: PetscInitialize (pinit.c:907)
> ==236074==    by 0x40219D: main (one.c:335)
> ==236074== 
> ==236074== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
> ==236074==    at 0x218323E5: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x218341C7: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x400F9C2: _dl_init (in /usr/lib64/ld-2.17.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x401459D: dl_open_worker (in /usr/lib64/ld-2.17.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x400F7D3: _dl_catch_error (in /usr/lib64/ld-2.17.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x4013B8A: _dl_open (in /usr/lib64/ld-2.17.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x1AEA4FAA: dlopen_doit (in /usr/lib64/libdl-2.17.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x400F7D3: _dl_catch_error (in /usr/lib64/ld-2.17.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x1AEA55AC: _dlerror_run (in /usr/lib64/libdl-2.17.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x1AEA5040: dlopen@@GLIBC_2.2.5 (in /usr/lib64/libdl-2.17.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B8198DC: MPID_nem_ofi_init (ofi_init.c:158)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B7B5C55: ??? (mpid_nem_init.c:231)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B7B3F92: MPID_nem_init_ckpt (mpid_nem_init.c:954)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B580640: MPIDI_CH3_Init (ch3_init.c:125)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B79F02D: MPID_Init (mpid_init.c:1857)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B73FAEA: MPIR_Init_thread (initthread.c:717)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B73D795: PMPI_Init_thread (initthread.c:1061)
> ==236074==    by 0x5264A94: PetscInitialize (pinit.c:907)
> ==236074==    by 0x40219D: main (one.c:335)
> ==236074== 
> ==236074== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
> ==236074==    at 0x2183B805: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x218323C1: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x218343EC: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x2180E4F3: psm2_init (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x2112D7E6: psmx2_getinfo (in /opt/apps/libfabric/1.7.0/lib/libfabric.so.1.10.0)
> ==236074==    by 0x210AC753: fi_getinfo@@FABRIC_1.2 (in /opt/apps/libfabric/1.7.0/lib/libfabric.so.1.10.0)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B819AB7: MPID_nem_ofi_init (ofi_init.c:245)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B7B5C55: ??? (mpid_nem_init.c:231)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B7B3F92: MPID_nem_init_ckpt (mpid_nem_init.c:954)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B580640: MPIDI_CH3_Init (ch3_init.c:125)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B79F02D: MPID_Init (mpid_init.c:1857)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B73FAEA: MPIR_Init_thread (initthread.c:717)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B73D795: PMPI_Init_thread (initthread.c:1061)
> ==236074==    by 0x5264A94: PetscInitialize (pinit.c:907)
> ==236074==    by 0x40219D: main (one.c:335)
> ==236074== 
> ==236074== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
> ==236074==    at 0x2183B810: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x218323C1: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x218343EC: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x2180E4F3: psm2_init (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x2112D7E6: psmx2_getinfo (in /opt/apps/libfabric/1.7.0/lib/libfabric.so.1.10.0)
> ==236074==    by 0x210AC753: fi_getinfo@@FABRIC_1.2 (in /opt/apps/libfabric/1.7.0/lib/libfabric.so.1.10.0)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B819AB7: MPID_nem_ofi_init (ofi_init.c:245)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B7B5C55: ??? (mpid_nem_init.c:231)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B7B3F92: MPID_nem_init_ckpt (mpid_nem_init.c:954)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B580640: MPIDI_CH3_Init (ch3_init.c:125)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B79F02D: MPID_Init (mpid_init.c:1857)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B73FAEA: MPIR_Init_thread (initthread.c:717)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B73D795: PMPI_Init_thread (initthread.c:1061)
> ==236074==    by 0x5264A94: PetscInitialize (pinit.c:907)
> ==236074==    by 0x40219D: main (one.c:335)
> ==236074== 
> ==236074== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
> ==236074==    at 0x218323C8: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x218343EC: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x2180E4F3: psm2_init (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x2112D7E6: psmx2_getinfo (in /opt/apps/libfabric/1.7.0/lib/libfabric.so.1.10.0)
> ==236074==    by 0x210AC753: fi_getinfo@@FABRIC_1.2 (in /opt/apps/libfabric/1.7.0/lib/libfabric.so.1.10.0)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B819AB7: MPID_nem_ofi_init (ofi_init.c:245)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B7B5C55: ??? (mpid_nem_init.c:231)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B7B3F92: MPID_nem_init_ckpt (mpid_nem_init.c:954)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B580640: MPIDI_CH3_Init (ch3_init.c:125)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B79F02D: MPID_Init (mpid_init.c:1857)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B73FAEA: MPIR_Init_thread (initthread.c:717)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B73D795: PMPI_Init_thread (initthread.c:1061)
> ==236074==    by 0x5264A94: PetscInitialize (pinit.c:907)
> ==236074==    by 0x40219D: main (one.c:335)
> ==236074== 
> ==236074== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
> ==236074==    at 0x218323CF: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x218343EC: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x2180E4F3: psm2_init (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x2112D7E6: psmx2_getinfo (in /opt/apps/libfabric/1.7.0/lib/libfabric.so.1.10.0)
> ==236074==    by 0x210AC753: fi_getinfo@@FABRIC_1.2 (in /opt/apps/libfabric/1.7.0/lib/libfabric.so.1.10.0)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B819AB7: MPID_nem_ofi_init (ofi_init.c:245)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B7B5C55: ??? (mpid_nem_init.c:231)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B7B3F92: MPID_nem_init_ckpt (mpid_nem_init.c:954)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B580640: MPIDI_CH3_Init (ch3_init.c:125)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B79F02D: MPID_Init (mpid_init.c:1857)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B73FAEA: MPIR_Init_thread (initthread.c:717)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B73D795: PMPI_Init_thread (initthread.c:1061)
> ==236074==    by 0x5264A94: PetscInitialize (pinit.c:907)
> ==236074==    by 0x40219D: main (one.c:335)
> ==236074== 
> ==236074== Use of uninitialised value of size 8
> ==236074==    at 0x218323E5: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x218343EC: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x2180E4F3: psm2_init (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x2112D7E6: psmx2_getinfo (in /opt/apps/libfabric/1.7.0/lib/libfabric.so.1.10.0)
> ==236074==    by 0x210AC753: fi_getinfo@@FABRIC_1.2 (in /opt/apps/libfabric/1.7.0/lib/libfabric.so.1.10.0)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B819AB7: MPID_nem_ofi_init (ofi_init.c:245)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B7B5C55: ??? (mpid_nem_init.c:231)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B7B3F92: MPID_nem_init_ckpt (mpid_nem_init.c:954)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B580640: MPIDI_CH3_Init (ch3_init.c:125)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B79F02D: MPID_Init (mpid_init.c:1857)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B73FAEA: MPIR_Init_thread (initthread.c:717)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B73D795: PMPI_Init_thread (initthread.c:1061)
> ==236074==    by 0x5264A94: PetscInitialize (pinit.c:907)
> ==236074==    by 0x40219D: main (one.c:335)
> ==236074== 
> ==236074== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
> ==236074==    at 0x2183B69A: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x218371EC: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x21837077: hfi_get_port_lid (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x21836F9A: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x21834872: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x217F7F5D: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x217FDC29: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x217FCA91: psm2_ep_open (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x2112FB19: psmx2_trx_ctxt_alloc (in /opt/apps/libfabric/1.7.0/lib/libfabric.so.1.10.0)
> ==236074==    by 0x21138089: psmx2_ep_open (in /opt/apps/libfabric/1.7.0/lib/libfabric.so.1.10.0)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B81A6A1: fi_endpoint (fi_endpoint.h:155)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B81A6A1: MPID_nem_ofi_init (ofi_init.c:377)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B7B5C55: ??? (mpid_nem_init.c:231)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B7B3F92: MPID_nem_init_ckpt (mpid_nem_init.c:954)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B580640: MPIDI_CH3_Init (ch3_init.c:125)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B79F02D: MPID_Init (mpid_init.c:1857)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B73FAEA: MPIR_Init_thread (initthread.c:717)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B73D795: PMPI_Init_thread (initthread.c:1061)
> ==236074==    by 0x5264A94: PetscInitialize (pinit.c:907)
> ==236074==    by 0x40219D: main (one.c:335)
> ==236074== 
> ==236074== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
> ==236074==    at 0x2183B7B8: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x218371EC: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x21837077: hfi_get_port_lid (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x21836F9A: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x21834872: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x217F7F5D: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x217FDC29: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x217FCA91: psm2_ep_open (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x2112FB19: psmx2_trx_ctxt_alloc (in /opt/apps/libfabric/1.7.0/lib/libfabric.so.1.10.0)
> ==236074==    by 0x21138089: psmx2_ep_open (in /opt/apps/libfabric/1.7.0/lib/libfabric.so.1.10.0)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B81A6A1: fi_endpoint (fi_endpoint.h:155)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B81A6A1: MPID_nem_ofi_init (ofi_init.c:377)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B7B5C55: ??? (mpid_nem_init.c:231)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B7B3F92: MPID_nem_init_ckpt (mpid_nem_init.c:954)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B580640: MPIDI_CH3_Init (ch3_init.c:125)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B79F02D: MPID_Init (mpid_init.c:1857)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B73FAEA: MPIR_Init_thread (initthread.c:717)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B73D795: PMPI_Init_thread (initthread.c:1061)
> ==236074==    by 0x5264A94: PetscInitialize (pinit.c:907)
> ==236074==    by 0x40219D: main (one.c:335)
> ==236074== 
> ==236074== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
> ==236074==    at 0x2183B69A: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x218371EC: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x21837077: hfi_get_port_lid (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x217F88C8: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x217FDC29: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x217FCA91: psm2_ep_open (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x2112FB19: psmx2_trx_ctxt_alloc (in /opt/apps/libfabric/1.7.0/lib/libfabric.so.1.10.0)
> ==236074==    by 0x21138089: psmx2_ep_open (in /opt/apps/libfabric/1.7.0/lib/libfabric.so.1.10.0)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B81A6A1: fi_endpoint (fi_endpoint.h:155)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B81A6A1: MPID_nem_ofi_init (ofi_init.c:377)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B7B5C55: ??? (mpid_nem_init.c:231)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B7B3F92: MPID_nem_init_ckpt (mpid_nem_init.c:954)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B580640: MPIDI_CH3_Init (ch3_init.c:125)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B79F02D: MPID_Init (mpid_init.c:1857)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B73FAEA: MPIR_Init_thread (initthread.c:717)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B73D795: PMPI_Init_thread (initthread.c:1061)
> ==236074==    by 0x5264A94: PetscInitialize (pinit.c:907)
> ==236074==    by 0x40219D: main (one.c:335)
> ==236074== 
> ==236074== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
> ==236074==    at 0x2183B7B8: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x218371EC: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x21837077: hfi_get_port_lid (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x217F88C8: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x217FDC29: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x217FCA91: psm2_ep_open (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x2112FB19: psmx2_trx_ctxt_alloc (in /opt/apps/libfabric/1.7.0/lib/libfabric.so.1.10.0)
> ==236074==    by 0x21138089: psmx2_ep_open (in /opt/apps/libfabric/1.7.0/lib/libfabric.so.1.10.0)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B81A6A1: fi_endpoint (fi_endpoint.h:155)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B81A6A1: MPID_nem_ofi_init (ofi_init.c:377)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B7B5C55: ??? (mpid_nem_init.c:231)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B7B3F92: MPID_nem_init_ckpt (mpid_nem_init.c:954)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B580640: MPIDI_CH3_Init (ch3_init.c:125)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B79F02D: MPID_Init (mpid_init.c:1857)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B73FAEA: MPIR_Init_thread (initthread.c:717)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B73D795: PMPI_Init_thread (initthread.c:1061)
> ==236074==    by 0x5264A94: PetscInitialize (pinit.c:907)
> ==236074==    by 0x40219D: main (one.c:335)
> ==236074== 
> ==236074== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
> ==236074==    at 0x2183B69A: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x218371EC: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x21837077: hfi_get_port_lid (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x217F916B: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x217FDC29: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x217FCA91: psm2_ep_open (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x2112FB19: psmx2_trx_ctxt_alloc (in /opt/apps/libfabric/1.7.0/lib/libfabric.so.1.10.0)
> ==236074==    by 0x21138089: psmx2_ep_open (in /opt/apps/libfabric/1.7.0/lib/libfabric.so.1.10.0)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B81A6A1: fi_endpoint (fi_endpoint.h:155)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B81A6A1: MPID_nem_ofi_init (ofi_init.c:377)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B7B5C55: ??? (mpid_nem_init.c:231)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B7B3F92: MPID_nem_init_ckpt (mpid_nem_init.c:954)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B580640: MPIDI_CH3_Init (ch3_init.c:125)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B79F02D: MPID_Init (mpid_init.c:1857)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B73FAEA: MPIR_Init_thread (initthread.c:717)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B73D795: PMPI_Init_thread (initthread.c:1061)
> ==236074==    by 0x5264A94: PetscInitialize (pinit.c:907)
> ==236074==    by 0x40219D: main (one.c:335)
> ==236074== 
> ==236074== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
> ==236074==    at 0x2183B7B8: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x218371EC: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x21837077: hfi_get_port_lid (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x217F916B: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x217FDC29: ??? (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x217FCA91: psm2_ep_open (in /usr/lib64/libpsm2.so.2.2)
> ==236074==    by 0x2112FB19: psmx2_trx_ctxt_alloc (in /opt/apps/libfabric/1.7.0/lib/libfabric.so.1.10.0)
> ==236074==    by 0x21138089: psmx2_ep_open (in /opt/apps/libfabric/1.7.0/lib/libfabric.so.1.10.0)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B81A6A1: fi_endpoint (fi_endpoint.h:155)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B81A6A1: MPID_nem_ofi_init (ofi_init.c:377)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B7B5C55: ??? (mpid_nem_init.c:231)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B7B3F92: MPID_nem_init_ckpt (mpid_nem_init.c:954)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B580640: MPIDI_CH3_Init (ch3_init.c:125)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B79F02D: MPID_Init (mpid_init.c:1857)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B73FAEA: MPIR_Init_thread (initthread.c:717)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B73D795: PMPI_Init_thread (initthread.c:1061)
> ==236074==    by 0x5264A94: PetscInitialize (pinit.c:907)
> ==236074==    by 0x40219D: main (one.c:335)
> ==236074== 
> ==236074== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
> ==236074==    at 0x1B1DA260: __I_MPI___intel_sse2_strncmp (in /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2018.2.199/linux/mpi/intel64/lib/libmpifort.so.12.0)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B8CFBA1: ??? (simple_pmi.c:2376)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B8CBDAD: PMIi_InitIfSingleton (simple_pmi.c:2883)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B8CBDAD: iPMI_KVS_Get (simple_pmi.c:751)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B7CCC1E: ??? (mpidi_pg.c:949)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B817EAA: MPID_nem_ofi_post_init (ofi_init.c:1736)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B7B3575: MPID_nem_init_post (mpid_nem_init.c:1421)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B5806E3: MPIDI_CH3_Init (ch3_init.c:146)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B79F02D: MPID_Init (mpid_init.c:1857)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B73FAEA: MPIR_Init_thread (initthread.c:717)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B73D795: PMPI_Init_thread (initthread.c:1061)
> ==236074==    by 0x5264A94: PetscInitialize (pinit.c:907)
> ==236074==    by 0x40219D: main (one.c:335)
> ==236074== 
> ==236074== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
> ==236074==    at 0x1B1DA383: __I_MPI___intel_sse2_strncmp (in /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2018.2.199/linux/mpi/intel64/lib/libmpifort.so.12.0)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B8CFBA1: ??? (simple_pmi.c:2376)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B8CBDAD: PMIi_InitIfSingleton (simple_pmi.c:2883)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B8CBDAD: iPMI_KVS_Get (simple_pmi.c:751)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B7CCC1E: ??? (mpidi_pg.c:949)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B817EAA: MPID_nem_ofi_post_init (ofi_init.c:1736)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B7B3575: MPID_nem_init_post (mpid_nem_init.c:1421)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B5806E3: MPIDI_CH3_Init (ch3_init.c:146)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B79F02D: MPID_Init (mpid_init.c:1857)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B73FAEA: MPIR_Init_thread (initthread.c:717)
> ==236074==    by 0x1B73D795: PMPI_Init_thread (initthread.c:1061)
> ==236074==    by 0x5264A94: PetscInitialize (pinit.c:907)
> ==236074==    by 0x40219D: main (one.c:335)
> ==236074== 
> ==236074== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
> ==236074==    at 0x1E48032E: __intel_sse4_strcpy (in /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2018.2.199/linux/compiler/lib/intel64_lin/libirc.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x51FD8BE: PetscStrcpy (str.c:354)
> ==236074==    by 0x51FD7A3: PetscStrallocpy (str.c:188)
> ==236074==    by 0x52A39CE: PetscEventRegLogRegister (eventlog.c:313)
> ==236074==    by 0x527D89A: PetscLogEventRegister (plog.c:693)
> ==236074==    by 0x6A56A20: PCBDDCInitializePackage (bddc.c:3115)
> ==236074==    by 0x6E1A515: PCInitializePackage (dlregisksp.c:59)
> ==236074==    by 0x6DB1A86: PCCreate (precon.c:382)
> ==236074==    by 0x6E05167: KSPGetPC (itfunc.c:1837)
> ==236074==    by 0x6E0FC5C: KSPSetDM (iterativ.c:1150)
> ==236074==    by 0x6FDD27B: SNESSetDM (snes.c:5402)
> ==236074==    by 0x70B85F7: TSGetSNES (ts.c:2914)
> ==236074==    by 0x70BE430: TSSetDM (ts.c:4949)
> ==236074==    by 0x402496: main (one.c:378)
> ==236074== 
> ==236074== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
> ==236074==    at 0x1E4782BA: __intel_ssse3_strncpy (in /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2018.2.199/linux/compiler/lib/intel64_lin/libirc.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x51FFD24: PetscStrncpy (str.c:392)
> ==236074==    by 0x51FEB03: PetscStrreplace (str.c:1142)
> ==236074==    by 0x52C9958: PetscViewerFileSetName (filev.c:659)
> ==236074==    by 0x52B743B: PetscViewerVTKOpen (vtkv.c:279)
> ==236074==    by 0x70C76E6: TSMonitorSolutionVTK (ts.c:5580)
> ==236074==    by 0x40313C: FormFunction (one.c:120)
> ==236074==    by 0x7066531: TSComputeIFunction_DMDA (dmdats.c:82)
> ==236074==    by 0x70BA5EF: TSComputeIFunction (ts.c:857)
> ==236074==    by 0x711E2DC: SNESTSFormFunction_BDF (bdf.c:368)
> ==236074==    by 0x70C6E46: SNESTSFormFunction (ts.c:5014)
> ==236074==    by 0x6FDC8A6: SNESComputeFunction (snes.c:2383)
> ==236074==    by 0x7023556: SNESSolve_NEWTONTR (tr.c:297)
> ==236074==    by 0x6FD160F: SNESSolve (snes.c:4569)
> ==236074==    by 0x711917E: PetscMemcpy (bdf.c:223)
> ==236074==    by 0x711917E: PetscCitationsRegister (petscsys.h:2689)
> ==236074==    by 0x711917E: TSStep_BDF.A (bdf.c:265)
> ==236074==    by 0x70C363A: TSStep (ts.c:3757)
> ==236074==    by 0x70C1999: TSSolve (ts.c:4154)
> ==236074==    by 0x402594: main (one.c:391)
> ==236074== 
> ==236074== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
> ==236074==    at 0x1E4782BA: __intel_ssse3_strncpy (in /opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries_2018.2.199/linux/compiler/lib/intel64_lin/libirc.so)
> ==236074==    by 0x51FFD24: PetscStrncpy (str.c:392)
> ==236074==    by 0x51FEB03: PetscStrreplace (str.c:1142)
> ==236074==    by 0x5224E4B: PetscFOpen (mpiuopen.c:52)
> ==236074==    by 0x63A074B: DMDAVTKWriteAll_VTS.A (grvtk.c:72)
> ==236074==    by 0x639A589: DMDAVTKWriteAll (grvtk.c:545)
> ==236074==    by 0x52B66F3: PetscViewerFlush_VTK (vtkv.c:100)
> ==236074==    by 0x52CFAAE: PetscViewerFlush (flush.c:26)
> ==236074==    by 0x52CEA95: PetscViewerDestroy (view.c:113)
> ==236074==    by 0x70C7717: TSMonitorSolutionVTK (ts.c:5582)
> ==236074==    by 0x40313C: FormFunction (one.c:120)
> ==236074==    by 0x7066531: TSComputeIFunction_DMDA (dmdats.c:82)
> ==236074==    by 0x70BA5EF: TSComputeIFunction (ts.c:857)
> ==236074==    by 0x711E2DC: SNESTSFormFunction_BDF (bdf.c:368)
> ==236074==    by 0x70C6E46: SNESTSFormFunction (ts.c:5014)
> ==236074==    by 0x6FDC8A6: SNESComputeFunction (snes.c:2383)
> ==236074==    by 0x7023556: SNESSolve_NEWTONTR (tr.c:297)
> ==236074==    by 0x6FD160F: SNESSolve (snes.c:4569)
> ==236074==    by 0x711917E: PetscMemcpy (bdf.c:223)
> ==236074==    by 0x711917E: PetscCitationsRegister (petscsys.h:2689)
> ==236074==    by 0x711917E: TSStep_BDF.A (bdf.c:265)
> ==236074==    by 0x70C363A: TSStep (ts.c:3757)
> ==236074== 
> ==236074== Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s)
> ==236074==    at 0x5F10977: MatFDColoringSetUpBlocked_AIJ_Private (fdaij.c:146)
> ==236074==    by 0x5F10977: MatFDColoringSetUp_SeqXAIJ.A (fdaij.c:284)
> ==236074==    by 0x585892A: MatFDColoringSetUp (fdmatrix.c:242)
> ==236074==    by 0x6FE5037: SNESComputeJacobianDefaultColor (snesj2.c:79)
> ==236074==    by 0x6FC8E4E: SNESComputeJacobian (snes.c:2717)
> ==236074==    by 0x70236E7: SNESSolve_NEWTONTR (tr.c:324)
> ==236074==    by 0x6FD160F: SNESSolve (snes.c:4569)
> ==236074==    by 0x711917E: PetscMemcpy (bdf.c:223)
> ==236074==    by 0x711917E: PetscCitationsRegister (petscsys.h:2689)
> ==236074==    by 0x711917E: TSStep_BDF.A (bdf.c:265)
> ==236074==    by 0x70C363A: TSStep (ts.c:3757)
> ==236074==    by 0x70C1999: TSSolve (ts.c:4154)
> ==236074==    by 0x402594: main (one.c:391)
> ==236074== 
> ==236074== Invalid write of size 4
> ==236074==    at 0x5F10983: MatFDColoringSetUpBlocked_AIJ_Private (fdaij.c:150)
> ==236074==    by 0x5F10983: MatFDColoringSetUp_SeqXAIJ.A (fdaij.c:284)
> ==236074==    by 0x585892A: MatFDColoringSetUp (fdmatrix.c:242)
> ==236074==    by 0x6FE5037: SNESComputeJacobianDefaultColor (snesj2.c:79)
> ==236074==    by 0x6FC8E4E: SNESComputeJacobian (snes.c:2717)
> ==236074==    by 0x70236E7: SNESSolve_NEWTONTR (tr.c:324)
> ==236074==    by 0x6FD160F: SNESSolve (snes.c:4569)
> ==236074==    by 0x711917E: PetscMemcpy (bdf.c:223)
> ==236074==    by 0x711917E: PetscCitationsRegister (petscsys.h:2689)
> ==236074==    by 0x711917E: TSStep_BDF.A (bdf.c:265)
> ==236074==    by 0x70C363A: TSStep (ts.c:3757)
> ==236074==    by 0x70C1999: TSSolve (ts.c:4154)
> ==236074==    by 0x402594: main (one.c:391)
> ==236074==  Address 0x3a94fa80 is 0 bytes after a block of size 73,960,000 alloc'd
> ==236074==    at 0x4C2C480: memalign (vg_replace_malloc.c:909)
> ==236074==    by 0x522FFE2: PetscMallocAlign (mal.c:52)
> ==236074==    by 0x52305F9: PetscMallocA (mal.c:418)
> ==236074==    by 0x5F10778: MatFDColoringSetUpBlocked_AIJ_Private (fdaij.c:125)
> ==236074==    by 0x5F10778: MatFDColoringSetUp_SeqXAIJ.A (fdaij.c:284)
> ==236074==    by 0x585892A: MatFDColoringSetUp (fdmatrix.c:242)
> ==236074==    by 0x6FE5037: SNESComputeJacobianDefaultColor (snesj2.c:79)
> ==236074==    by 0x6FC8E4E: SNESComputeJacobian (snes.c:2717)
> ==236074==    by 0x70236E7: SNESSolve_NEWTONTR (tr.c:324)
> ==236074==    by 0x6FD160F: SNESSolve (snes.c:4569)
> ==236074==    by 0x711917E: PetscMemcpy (bdf.c:223)
> ==236074==    by 0x711917E: PetscCitationsRegister (petscsys.h:2689)
> ==236074==    by 0x711917E: TSStep_BDF.A (bdf.c:265)
> ==236074==    by 0x70C363A: TSStep (ts.c:3757)
> ==236074==    by 0x70C1999: TSSolve (ts.c:4154)
> ==236074==    by 0x402594: main (one.c:391)
> ==236074== 
> ==236074== Invalid write of size 8
> ==236074==    at 0x5F10991: MatFDColoringSetUpBlocked_AIJ_Private (fdaij.c:151)
> ==236074==    by 0x5F10991: MatFDColoringSetUp_SeqXAIJ.A (fdaij.c:284)
> ==236074==    by 0x585892A: MatFDColoringSetUp (fdmatrix.c:242)
> ==236074==    by 0x6FE5037: SNESComputeJacobianDefaultColor (snesj2.c:79)
> ==236074==    by 0x6FC8E4E: SNESComputeJacobian (snes.c:2717)
> ==236074==    by 0x70236E7: SNESSolve_NEWTONTR (tr.c:324)
> ==236074==    by 0x6FD160F: SNESSolve (snes.c:4569)
> ==236074==    by 0x711917E: PetscMemcpy (bdf.c:223)
> ==236074==    by 0x711917E: PetscCitationsRegister (petscsys.h:2689)
> ==236074==    by 0x711917E: TSStep_BDF.A (bdf.c:265)
> ==236074==    by 0x70C363A: TSStep (ts.c:3757)
> ==236074==    by 0x70C1999: TSSolve (ts.c:4154)
> ==236074==    by 0x402594: main (one.c:391)
> ==236074==  Address 0x3a94fa88 is 8 bytes after a block of size 73,960,000 alloc'd
> ==236074==    at 0x4C2C480: memalign (vg_replace_malloc.c:909)
> ==236074==    by 0x522FFE2: PetscMallocAlign (mal.c:52)
> ==236074==    by 0x52305F9: PetscMallocA (mal.c:418)
> ==236074==    by 0x5F10778: MatFDColoringSetUpBlocked_AIJ_Private (fdaij.c:125)
> ==236074==    by 0x5F10778: MatFDColoringSetUp_SeqXAIJ.A (fdaij.c:284)
> ==236074==    by 0x585892A: MatFDColoringSetUp (fdmatrix.c:242)
> ==236074==    by 0x6FE5037: SNESComputeJacobianDefaultColor (snesj2.c:79)
> ==236074==    by 0x6FC8E4E: SNESComputeJacobian (snes.c:2717)
> ==236074==    by 0x70236E7: SNESSolve_NEWTONTR (tr.c:324)
> ==236074==    by 0x6FD160F: SNESSolve (snes.c:4569)
> ==236074==    by 0x711917E: PetscMemcpy (bdf.c:223)
> ==236074==    by 0x711917E: PetscCitationsRegister (petscsys.h:2689)
> ==236074==    by 0x711917E: TSStep_BDF.A (bdf.c:265)
> ==236074==    by 0x70C363A: TSStep (ts.c:3757)
> ==236074==    by 0x70C1999: TSSolve (ts.c:4154)
> ==236074==    by 0x402594: main (one.c:391)
> ==236074==
> Sent from Mail <https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgo.microsoft.com%2Ffwlink%2F%3FLinkId%3D550986&data=05%7C01%7Ckavousi%40mines.edu%7C391122af252a4677490508dab30bb4e5%7C997209e009b346239a4d76afa44a675c%7C0%7C0%7C638019160280252841%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=DnaBbRYALeDx3KMUlbkcU8NNEWSdXHlCvGj0d6UCQ%2FI%3D&reserved=0> for Windows

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