[petsc-users] DMPlex Reordering

Nicholas Arnold-Medabalimi narnoldm at umich.edu
Mon Jul 25 10:11:09 CDT 2022

Hi Petsc users,

I have been working on how to read in meshes into a DMPlex object. The
process of building the cones has been relatively straightforward. The mesh
files in question have sets of faces that I use to derive the cell vertex
cones. The method is basically identical to that used in
DMPlexCreateFluent. After I setup the DMPlex cones and call Symmetrize and
Stratify, I then load in all the coordinates corresponding to the
vertices and then use DMInterpolate to generate the intermediate edges

The issue that I am running into is that because I am deriving the
cell-vertex relationship from independent sets of face-vertex
relationships, I can end up with cells that have improper mesh ordering.

For example a cell with the coordinates:
point 0: 0.000000 0.000000
point 1: 0.000000 2.500000
point 2: 0.100000 0.000000
point 3: 0.100000 2.500000

As you can see instead of going around the perimeter of the cell the path
from 1 to 2 instead bisects the cell.

I can manually reorder these after I read in the coordinates by manually
checking right-handedness but I was wondering if there is an easier way to
reorder the cones? If there isn't once I do reorder the cones manually is
there anything I need to do as far as station keeping on the DM?

I apologize if I missed any resources on this.


Nicholas Arnold-Medabalimi

Ph.D. Candidate
Computational Aeroscience Lab
University of Michigan
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