[petsc-users] ./test1: error while loading shared libraries: libopenblas.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.

wangxq2020 at mail.ustc.edu.cn wangxq2020 at mail.ustc.edu.cn
Sat Aug 27 06:16:40 CDT 2022


Submitting a program fails by srun using slurm. This is my command 
srun -n 8 --partition=test --qos=testqos ./test1 -options_file options/test1.opts 
and returns 
./test1: error while loading shared libraries: libopenblas.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.

But when I using /gpfs/home/ses/wangxq2020/petsc_projects/petsc-3.17.2/arch-linux-c-debug/bin/mpiexec -n 1 ./test1,the program can be running. When I installed the related library PETSC of this program, it failed to use the mpich on the supercomputer, so I downloaded mpich myself. I think it was srun that executed the mpich in /opt or other directories. srun was not using the mpich I downloaded, causing the error. How can I make srun run this /gpfs/home/ses/wangxq2020/petsc_projects/petsc-3.17.2/arch-linux-c-debug/bin/mpiexec?
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