[petsc-users] unable to build petsc with cuda / superlu-dist enabled

byron lbgpublic at gmail.com
Thu Aug 25 05:50:24 CDT 2022

Hi All

I am having trouble getting petsc to build with cuda / superlu-dist
enabled.  I have been trying to build it as part of another software tool,
moose, hence the choice of options being passed to configure

python3 ./configure --download-hypre=1 \
--with-shared-libraries=1 \
--download-hdf5=1 \
--download-hdf5-fortran-bindings=0 \
--with-debugging=no \
--download-fblaslapack=1 \
--download-metis=1 \
--download-ptscotch=1 \
--download-parmetis=1 \
--download-superlu_dist=1 \
--download-mumps=1 \
--download-strumpack=1 \
--download-scalapack=1 \
--download-slepc=1 \
--with-mpi=1 \
--with-openmp=1 \
--with-cxx-dialect=C++11 \
--with-fortran-bindings=0 \
--with-sowing=0 \
--with-64-bit-indices \
--with-cuda \

it fails with


                                Installing PTScotch; this may take several



                                Trying to download git://
https://github.com/xiaoyeli/superlu_dist for SUPERLU_DIST



                                Configuring SUPERLU_DIST with cmake; this
may take several minutes



                                Compiling and installing SUPERLU_DIST; this
may take several minutes


         UNABLE to CONFIGURE with GIVEN OPTIONS    (see configure.log for
Error running make on  SUPERLU_DIST

I've attached the configure.log.

I've tried a few different things but nothing that resulted in a
successfull build.  The most promising was I tried to build superlu_dist
separately with the configure options that petsc passes it and then kept
trying the build over and over droping out different configure options
until I got it to work.  In that case removing a "-std=c++14" entry
appeared to fix the problem but then when I made the same change in how
petsc builds superlu-dist the make failed on superlu-dist with a different
error.  I get the feeling I'm dealing with symptoms of the problem rather
than the cause.

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