[petsc-users] Matrix exponential

Jose E. Roman jroman at dsic.upv.es
Fri Sep 3 13:13:18 CDT 2021

You should either create the FN object and then


or extract the FN object and assign to a variable

F = E.getFN()

You can see an example in $SLEPC_DIR/src/binding/slepc4py/demo/ex6.py


> El 3 sept 2021, a las 19:53, Paul, Sanku <paulsank at msu.edu> escribió:
> Dear Sir/Ma'am,
>    I am trying to use SLEPc to calculate matrix exponential in my python code but I am not getting the correct result. I have attached the code. Could you let me know what I am doing wrong. This is my first time using SLEPc. So, I would like to ask you if you could send me a tutorial on matrix exponential using SLEPc in python code.
> Best,
> Sanku
> <ex2.py>

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