[petsc-users] Static Library based app for petsc

Abhishek G.S. gsabhishek1ags at gmail.com
Tue Aug 24 22:03:31 CDT 2021

I am trying to develop a static-library-based app using petsc. The
structure goes as,
├── benchmarks
│   └── Test1
│       ├── main.cpp
│       └── Makefile
└── libTest
    ├── build
    ├── CMakeLists.txt
    ├── include
    │   ├── test.cpp
    │   └── test.h
    └── lib
        └── libTest.a

While this code compiles, I am unable to create a minimal working example
for the same. The aim is to just print "Hello World". Why is it that
nothing prints?. Is it something to do with the PETSC wrapper for cout?
Also, I would like to know whether it's a good idea to go ahead with this
kind of code structure.

Thanks for the help.

Code: https://github.com/gsabhishek/PetscStaticLibraryApp.git

Thanks for the help
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