[petsc-users] Finding which cell an arbitrary point belongs to in DMPlex

Jeremy Theler jeremy at seamplex.com
Fri Sep 25 06:44:11 CDT 2020

On Thu, 2020-09-24 at 18:30 -0400, Matthew Knepley wrote:
> > There is also DMPlexFindVertices() which finds the nearest vertex
> > to
> > > the given coords in the given radius.
> > 
> > At first I had understood that this function performed a nearest-
> > neighbor search but after a closer look it sweeps the local DM and
> > marks whether the sought points coincide with a mesh node within
> > eps or
> > not. Neat.

This DMPlexFindVertices() sweeps over DMGetCoordinatesLocal() which
returns both the local and ghost coordinates, so at the end of the day
I might get more than one process claiming to have found the same node.

How can I ignore ghost points so each vertex actually belongs to the
process that found it?

> > > I wrote it some time ago mainly for debug purposes. It uses just
> > > brute force. I'm not sure it deserves to exist :-) Maybe we
> > should
> > > somehow merge these functionalities.
> > 
> > It works, although a kd-tree-based search would be far more
> > efficient
> > than a full sweep over the DM.
> We should not need to do that. LocatePoints() does not sweep the
> mesh.
> It just does grid hashing. kd is a little better with really
> irregular distributions,
> but hashing should be fine.

Yes, it seems to be pretty efficent (although there is no support for
3D so far).

Two more things about plexgeometry.c:

 1. shouldn't line 224 in DMPlexLocatePoint_Simplex_3D_Internal()
compare against -eps instead of against zero as donde in line 145 in

 2. wouldn't it be better to replace DMGetDimension() by
DMGetCoordinateDim() in line 45 inside DMPlexFindVertices? I have a 2D
mesh with 3D coordinates and PetscUnlikely() is triggered.


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