[petsc-users] Error on INTEGER SIZE using DMDACreate3d

Mark Adams mfadams at lbl.gov
Tue Jul 21 12:45:12 CDT 2020

On Tue, Jul 21, 2020 at 12:11 PM Pierpaolo Minelli <pierpaolo.minelli at cnr.it>

> Il giorno 21 lug 2020, alle ore 16:58, Mark Adams <mfadams at lbl.gov> ha
> scritto:
> This also looks like it could be some sort of library mismatch. You might
> try deleting your architecture directory and start over. This PETSc's "make
> realclean"
> I hope this is not the case, because I am working on CINECA HPC Facility
> (Italy) and in this center I need to load modules for each software I need.
> I asked Cineca support to compile a version of Petsc with 64 bit integers
> and all that external packages and after they have done it, I loaded
> directly this new module, so the older version (3.8.x with integer in
> single precision) is not involved at all.
> At least I hope…

You can run a PETSc test. Download PETSc and go into the PETSc directory.
On an execution node or batch script run 'make check' with PETSC_ARCH and
PETSC_DIR set as usual (ie, not $PWD). THis should run a few tests
including a hypre test. If it works, then there may be a problem with how
you are linking your program. If it fails then then ask the Facility to
help you.

> Thanks
> Pierpaolo
> On Tue, Jul 21, 2020 at 10:45 AM Stefano Zampini <
> stefano.zampini at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Jul 21, 2020, at 1:32 PM, Pierpaolo Minelli <pierpaolo.minelli at cnr.it>
>> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have asked to compile a Petsc Version updated and with 64bit indices.
>> Now I have Version 3.13.3 and these are the configure options used:
>> #!/bin/python
>> if __name__ == '__main__':
>>   import sys
>>   import os
>>   sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('config'))
>>   import configure
>>   configure_options = [
>>     '--CC=mpiicc',
>>     '--CXX=mpiicpc',
>>     '--download-hypre',
>>     '--download-metis',
>>     '--download-mumps=yes',
>>     '--download-parmetis',
>>     '--download-scalapack',
>>     '--download-superlu_dist',
>>     '--known-64-bit-blas-indices',
>>   '--prefix=/cineca/prod/opt/libraries/petsc/3.13.3_int64/intelmpi--2018--binary',
>>     '--with-64-bit-indices=1',
>>   '--with-blaslapack-dir=/cineca/prod/opt/compilers/intel/pe-xe-2018/binary/mkl',
>>     '--with-cmake-dir=/cineca/prod/opt/tools/cmake/3.12.0/none',
>>     '--with-debugging=0',
>>     '--with-fortran-interfaces=1',
>>     '--with-fortran=1',
>>     'FC=mpiifort',
>>     'PETSC_ARCH=arch-linux2-c-opt',
>>   ]
>>   configure.petsc_configure(configure_options)
>> Now, I receive an error on hypre:
>> forrtl: error (78): process killed (SIGTERM)
>> Image              PC                Routine            Line
>>   Source
>> libHYPRE-2.18.2.s  00002B33CF465D3F  for__signal_handl
>>   Unknown  Unknown
>> libpthread-2.17.s  00002B33D5BFD370  Unknown
>>   Unknown  Unknown
>> libpthread-2.17.s  00002B33D5BF96D3  pthread_cond_wait
>>   Unknown  Unknown
>> libiomp5.so        00002B33DBA14E07  Unknown
>>   Unknown  Unknown
>> libiomp5.so        00002B33DB98810C  Unknown
>>   Unknown  Unknown
>> libiomp5.so        00002B33DB990578  Unknown
>>   Unknown  Unknown
>> libiomp5.so        00002B33DB9D9659  Unknown
>>   Unknown  Unknown
>> libiomp5.so        00002B33DB9D8C39  Unknown
>>   Unknown  Unknown
>> libiomp5.so        00002B33DB993BCE  __kmpc_fork_call
>>   Unknown  Unknown
>> PIC_3D             00000000004071C0  Unknown
>>   Unknown  Unknown
>> PIC_3D             0000000000490299  Unknown
>>   Unknown  Unknown
>> PIC_3D             0000000000492C17  Unknown
>>   Unknown  Unknown
>> PIC_3D             000000000040562E  Unknown
>>   Unknown  Unknown
>> libc-2.17.so       00002B33DC5BEB35  __libc_start_main
>>   Unknown  Unknown
>> PIC_3D             0000000000405539  Unknown
>>   Unknown  Unknown
>> Is it possible
>> that I need to ask also to compile hypre with an option for 64bit indices?
>> These configure options compile hypre with 64bit indices support.
>> It should work just fine. Can you run a very small case of your code to
>> confirm?
>> Is it possible to instruct this inside Petsc configure?
>> Alternatively, is it possible to use a different multigrid PC inside
>> PETSc that accept 64bit indices?
>> Thanks in advance
>> Pierpaolo
>> Il giorno 27 mag 2020, alle ore 11:26, Stefano Zampini <
>> stefano.zampini at gmail.com> ha scritto:
>> You need a version of PETSc compiled with 64bit indices, since the
>> message indicates the number of dofs in this case is larger the INT_MAX
>> 2501×3401×1601 = 13617947501
>> I also suggest you upgrade to a newer version, 3.8.3 is quite old as the
>> error message reports
>> Il giorno mer 27 mag 2020 alle ore 11:50 Pierpaolo Minelli <
>> pierpaolo.minelli at cnr.it> ha scritto:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am trying to solve a Poisson equation on this grid:
>>> Nx = 2501
>>> Ny = 3401
>>> Nz = 1601
>>> I received this error:
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: --------------------- Error Message
>>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Overflow in integer operation:
>>> http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/documentation/faq.html#64-bit-indices
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Mesh of 2501 by 3401 by 1 (dof) is too large for 32 bit
>>> indices
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: See http://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc/documentation/faq.html
>>> for trouble shooting.
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Petsc Release Version 3.8.3, Dec, 09, 2017
>>> /marconi_scratch/userexternal/pminelli/PIC3D/2500_3400_1600/./PIC_3D on a
>>> arch-linux2-c-opt named r129c09s02 by pminelli Tu
>>> e May 26 20:16:34 2020
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Configure options
>>> --prefix=/cineca/prod/opt/libraries/petsc/3.8.3/intelmpi--2018--binary
>>> CC=mpiicc FC=mpiifort CXX=mpiicpc
>>> F77=mpiifort F90=mpiifort --with-debugging=0
>>> --with-blaslapack-dir=/cineca/prod/opt/compilers/intel/pe-xe-2018/binary/mkl
>>> --with-fortran=1
>>> --with-fortran-interfaces=1
>>> --with-cmake-dir=/cineca/prod/opt/tools/cmake/3.5.2/none
>>> --with-mpi-dir=/cineca/prod/opt/compilers/intel/pe-xe-
>>> 2018/binary/impi/2018.4.274 --download-scalapack --download-mumps=yes
>>> --download-hypre --download-superlu_dist --download-parmetis --downlo
>>> ad-metis
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: #1 DMSetUp_DA_3D() line 218 in
>>> /marconi/prod/build/libraries/petsc/3.8.3/intelmpi--2018--binary/BA_WORK/petsc-3.8.3/src/dm/
>>> impls/da/da3.c
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: #2 DMSetUp_DA() line 25 in
>>> /marconi/prod/build/libraries/petsc/3.8.3/intelmpi--2018--binary/BA_WORK/petsc-3.8.3/src/dm/impl
>>> s/da/dareg.c
>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: #3 DMSetUp() line 720 in
>>> /marconi/prod/build/libraries/petsc/3.8.3/intelmpi--2018--binary/BA_WORK/petsc-3.8.3/src/dm/interf
>>> ace/dm.c
>>> forrtl: error (76): Abort trap signal
>>> I am on an HPC facility and after I loaded PETSC module, I have seen
>>> that it is configured with INTEGER size = 32
>>> I solve my problem with these options and it works perfectly with
>>> smaller grids:
>>> -dm_mat_type hypre -pc_type hypre -pc_hypre_type boomeramg
>>> -pc_hypre_boomeramg_relax_type_all SOR/Jacobi
>>> -pc_hypre_boomeramg_coarsen_type PMIS -pc_hypre_boomeramg_interp_type FF1
>>> -ksp_type richardson
>>> Is it possible to overcome this if I ask them to install a version with
>>> INTEGER SIZE = 64?
>>> Alternatively, is it possible to overcome this using intel compiler
>>> options?
>>> Thanks in advance
>>> Pierpaolo Minelli
>> --
>> Stefano
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