[petsc-users] Choosing VecScatter Method in Matrix-Vector Product

Felix Huber st107539 at stud.uni-stuttgart.de
Wed Jan 22 09:11:54 CST 2020


I currently investigate why our code does not show the expected weak 
scaling behaviour in a CG solver. Therefore I wanted to try out 
different communication methods for the VecScatter in the matrix-vector 
product. However, it seems like PETSc (version 3.7.6) always chooses 
either MPI_Alltoallv or MPI_Alltoallw when I pass different options via 
the PETSC_OPTIONS environment variable. Does anybody know, why this 
doesn't work as I expected?

The matrix is a MPIAIJ matrix and created by a finite element 
discretization of a 3D Laplacian. Therefore it only communicates with 
'neighboring' MPI ranks. Not sure if it helps, but the code is run on a 
Cray XC40.

I tried the `ssend`, `rsend`, `sendfirst`, `reproduce` and no options 
which all result in a MPI_Alltoallv. When combined with `nopack` the 
communication uses MPI_Alltoallw.

Best regards,

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