[petsc-users] Is there a way to estimate total memory prior to solve

Randall Mackie rlmackie862 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 10 17:31:39 CST 2020

Dear PETSc users:

While I can calculate the amount of memory any vector arrays I allocate inside my code (and probably get pretty close to any matrices), what I don’t know how to estimate is how much memory internal PETSc iterative solvers will take.

Is there some way to get a reasonable estimate (in advance) of how much memory a PETSc solve will take given the size of the matrix and right hand side.
For example, if these solves always use BCGS and ASM preconditioning with sub type ILU and 3 levels.

This is for runs on a PC so that too large a run won’t crash the PC.

Thanks, Randy M

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