[petsc-users] Usage of parallel FFT for doing batch 1d-FFTs over the columns of a dense 2d-matrix

Matthew Knepley knepley at gmail.com
Fri Dec 4 06:19:02 CST 2020

On Fri, Dec 4, 2020 at 5:32 AM Roland Richter <roland.richter at ntnu.no>

> Hei,
> I am currently working on a problem which requires a large amount of
> transformations of a field E(r, t) from time space to Fourier space E(r,
> w) and back. The field is described in a 2d-matrix, with the r-dimension
> along the columns and the t-dimension along the rows.
> For the transformation from time to frequency space and back I therefore
> have to apply a 1d-FFT operation over each row of my matrix. For my
> earlier attempts I used armadillo as matrix library and FFTW for doing
> the transformations. Here I could use fftw_plan_many_dft to do all FFTs
> at the same time. Unfortunately, armadillo does not support MPI, and
> therefore I had to switch to PETSc for larger matrices.
> Based on the examples (such as example 143) PETSc has a way of doing
> FFTs internally by creating an FFT object (using MatCreateFFT).
> Unfortunately, I can not see how I could use that object to conduct the
> operation described above without having to iterate over each row in my
> original matrix (i.e. doing it sequential, not in parallel).
> Ideally I could distribute the FFTs such over my nodes that each node
> takes several rows of the original matrix and applies the FFT to each of
> them. As example, for a matrix with a size of 4x4 and two nodes node 0
> would take row 0 and 1, while node 1 takes row 2 and 3, to avoid
> unnecessary memory transfer between the nodes while conducting the FFTs.
> Is that something PETSc can do, too?

The way I understand our setup (I did not write it), we use plan_many_dft
to handle
multiple dof FFTs, but these would be interlaced. You want many FFTs for
storage, which is not something we do right now. You could definitely call
FFTW directly
if you want.

Second, above it seems like you just want serial FFTs. You can definitely
create a MatFFT
with PETSC_COMM_SELF, and apply it to each row in the local rows, or create
the plan
yourself for the stack of rows.



> Thanks!
> Regards,
> Roland

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https://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~knepley/ <http://www.cse.buffalo.edu/~knepley/>
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