[petsc-users] makefile changes since release 12

Aldo Bonfiglioli aldo.bonfiglioli at unibas.it
Fri Apr 24 03:33:13 CDT 2020

Hi there,

the makefile I have been using for ages (up to 11.4) now fails with 12.5.

I noticed that there have been several changes in

include $(PETSC_DIR)/lib/petsc/conf/variables
include $(PETSC_DIR)/lib/petsc/conf/rules

btw. the two aforementioned versions.

If I'm not wrong, *.F files should now be compiled with:

> .F.o .F90.o .F95.o:
>         ${PETSC_FCOMPILE} -o $@ $<
However,  in ${PETSC_FCOMPILE} there are also my ${SOURCEF} fortran sources,

so that I get the following compilation error:

> gfortran -c -fPIC -Wall -ffree-line-length-0 
> -Wno-unused-dummy-argument -g -I../../include/ -I. 
> -I/home/abonfi/src/petsc-3.12.5/include 
> -I/home/abonfi/src/petsc-3.12.5/linux_gnu/include     getidx.f 
> ApplicationFunction.F ApplicationFunction_t.F bndry_iset.F 
> JacobianBoundaryConditions.F RHSFunction.F RHSFunction_t.F 
> RHSJacobian.F RHSJacobian_t.F blockdata.f bndvflx.F clearmem.F 
> lhsbc5.F lhsbc6.F exgeo.F newgeo.F ghost.F ghost2.F init.F iset.F 
> iset_t.F main.F matsch.F MotionSolver.F myTS.F nodres.F nodres_t.F 
> noname.f printmat2.F printmat.F printmatmm.F qb.F rdat.F readat.F 
> rgrdpts.F rhsbc1.F rhsbc4.F rhsbc5.F rhsbc5c.F sclsch.F 
> setbc4laplace.F setibc.F seterr.F setupRHS.F setupRHS_t.F setupLHS_b.F 
> solzne.F MatAllocaSeq.F test.F tmodel.F turbini.F turbsch.F update2.F 
> update3.F update4.F weakbc.F -o ApplicationFunction_t.o 
> ApplicationFunction_t.F
> gfortran: fatal error: cannot specify ‘-o’ with ‘-c’, ‘-S’ or ‘-E’ 
> with multiple files
> compilation terminated.

If I remove ${SOURCEF} from the ${PETSC_FCOMPILE} definition in


things work, but I am not sure that this is the right thing to do.



PS My makefile is attached

Dr. Aldo Bonfiglioli
Associate professor of Fluid Machines
Scuola di Ingegneria
Universita' della Basilicata
V.le dell'Ateneo lucano, 10 85100 Potenza ITALY
tel:+39.0971.205203 fax:+39.0971.205215
web: http://docenti.unibas.it/site/home/docente.html?m=002423

-------------- next part --------------
VERSION		= 3.12.0
all: 		$(PROGRAM)
FFLAGS	        = -I../../include/ -I.
FCPPFLAGS	= $(FCPPFLAGS) -I../../include/ -I.
CFLAGS	        =
# ad hoc fix for SP3
		${FPPFLAGS} -I$(FSPL_DIR)/include/

include $(PETSC_DIR)/lib/petsc/conf/variables
include $(PETSC_DIR)/lib/petsc/conf/rules

SOURCEC	        =
SOURCEF	        = \
		getidx.f \
		ApplicationFunction.F \
		ApplicationFunction_t.F \
		bndry_iset.F \
		JacobianBoundaryConditions.F \
		RHSFunction.F \
		RHSFunction_t.F \
		RHSJacobian.F \
		RHSJacobian_t.F \
		blockdata.f \
		bndvflx.F \
		clearmem.F \
		lhsbc5.F \
		lhsbc6.F \
		exgeo.F \
		newgeo.F \
		ghost.F \
		ghost2.F \
		init.F \
		iset.F \
		iset_t.F \
		main.F \
		matsch.F \
		MotionSolver.F \
		myTS.F \
		nodres.F \
		nodres_t.F \
		noname.f \
		printmat2.F \
		printmat.F \
		printmatmm.F \
		qb.F \
		rdat.F \
		readat.F \
		rgrdpts.F \
		rhsbc1.F \
		rhsbc4.F \
		rhsbc5.F \
		rhsbc5c.F \
		sclsch.F \
		setbc4laplace.F \
		setibc.F \
		seterr.F \
		setupRHS.F \
		setupRHS_t.F \
		setupLHS_b.F \
		solzne.F \
		MatAllocaSeq.F \
		test.F \
		tmodel.F \
		turbini.F \
		turbsch.F \
		update2.F \
		update3.F \
		update4.F \
SOURCEH	        =
OBJSC	        =
OBJSF	        = \
		getidx.o \
		ApplicationFunction.o \
		ApplicationFunction_t.o \
		bndry_iset.o \
		JacobianBoundaryConditions.o \
		RHSFunction.o \
		RHSFunction_t.o \
		RHSJacobian.o \
		RHSJacobian_t.o \
		blockdata.o \
		bndvflx.o \
		clearmem.o \
		lhsbc5.o \
		lhsbc6.o \
		exgeo.o \
		newgeo.o \
		ghost.o \
		ghost2.o \
		init.o \
		iset.o \
		iset_t.o \
		main.o \
		matsch.o \
		MotionSolver.o \
		myTS.o \
		nodres.o \
		nodres_t.o \
		noname.o \
		printmat2.o \
		printmat.o \
		printmatmm.o \
		qb.o \
		rdat.o \
		readat.o \
		rgrdpts.o \
		rhsbc1.o \
		rhsbc4.o \
		rhsbc5.o \
		rhsbc5c.o \
		sclsch.o \
		setbc4laplace.o \
		setibc.o \
		seterr.o \
		setupRHS.o \
		setupRHS_t.o \
		setupLHS_b.o \
		solzne.o \
		MatAllocaSeq.o \
		test.o \
		tmodel.o \
		turbini.o \
		turbsch.o \
		update2.o \
		update3.o \
		update4.o \
LIBBASE	        =
#LIBFLAGS      = -L$(HOME)/lib/$(PETSC_ARCH) -lfxdr -lport -lmynag -lskit
LIBFLAGS      = -L$(HOME)/lib/$(PETSC_ARCH) -lfxdr -lport -lsparse-blas -lskit -ltirpc
LIBS		= \
		$(FSPL_DIR)/lib/$(PETSC_ARCH)/libscalar.a \
		$(FSPL_DIR)/lib/$(PETSC_ARCH)/libeuler.a \
		$(FSPL_DIR)/lib/$(PETSC_ARCH)/libspl.a \
		$(FSPL_DIR)/lib/$(PETSC_ARCH)/libns.a \
		$(FSPL_DIR)/lib/$(PETSC_ARCH)/libturbo.a \
		$(FSPL_DIR)/lib/$(PETSC_ARCH)/libgeo.a \
		$(FSPL_DIR)/lib/$(PETSC_ARCH)/libchem.a \
# CLDFILES to be defined only for CRAY
#CLDFILES	= dp_lapack.cld dp_blas.cld pat.cld
#CLDFILES	= dp_lapack.cld dp_blas.cld

#look:;	@echo $(SOURCEALL) $(OBJSF)
look:;	@echo "Look man! Isn't it weird? " $(PETSC_FCOMPILE)


		cd $(FSPL_DIR)/src/geometry; $(MAKE) install
		cd $(FSPL_DIR)/src/euler; $(MAKE) install
		cd $(FSPL_DIR)/src/schemes; $(MAKE) install
		cd $(FSPL_DIR)/src/navier-stokes; $(MAKE) install
		cd $(FSPL_DIR)/src/scalar; $(MAKE) install
		cd $(FSPL_DIR)/src/turbo; $(MAKE) install
		cd $(FSPL_DIR)/src/chemistry; $(MAKE) install
		cd $(FSPL_DIR)/src/util; $(MAKE) install

#	$(U_FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $(FCPPFLAGS) $<
#	$(U_FC) -c $(FFLAGS) $<

checkout:;      @co $(SOURCEF)

install:        $(PROGRAM)
		@echo Installing $(PROGRAM) in $(DEST)
		@if [ $(DEST) != . ]; then \
		(rm -f $(DEST)/$(PROGRAM); $(INSTALL) $(PROGRAM) $(DEST)); fi
blockdata.o: ../../include/paramt.h ../../include/bnd.h \
	../../include/constants.h ../../include/bnd.com \
	../../include/conv.com ../../include/implicit.h \
	../../include/nboun.com ../../include/three.com
bndvflx.o: ../../include/paramt.h ../../include/constants.h \
	../../include/implicit.h ../../include/bnd.h ../../include/bnd.com \
	../../include/three.com ../../include/nloc.com ../../include/flags.com \
	../../include/stream.com ../../include/io.com
exgeo.o: ../../include/io.com ../../include/constants.h ../../include/nloc.com
iset.o: ../../include/iset.com
lhsbc5.o: ../../include/iset.com
main.o:	../../include/stack.com
matsch.o: ../../include/flags.com
mshcnt.o: ../../include/verbose.com ../../include/io.com
nodres.o: ../../include/paramt.h ../../include/bnd.h ../../include/constants.h \
	../../include/bnd.com ../../include/nloc.com ../../include/flags.com \
	../../include/stream.com ../../include/conv.com \
	../../include/nboun.com ../../include/implicit.h ../../include/io.com
psub.o: ../../include/constants.h ../../include/paramt.h ../../include/nloc.com \
rdat.o: ../../include/paramt.h ../../include/bnd.h ../../include/implicit.h \
	../../include/visco.com ../../include/constants.h \
	../../include/conv.com ../../include/stream.com \
	../../include/chorin.com ../../include/scalar.com \
	../../include/flags.com ../../include/turb.com \
	../../include/bnd.com ../../include/io.com \
readat.o: ../../include/constants.h ../../include/bnd.h ../../include/paramt.h \
	../../include/io.com ../../include/nloc.com ../../include/flags.com \
rhsbc1.o: ../../include/paramt.h ../../include/constants.h \
rhsbc4.o: ../../include/paramt.h ../../include/constants.h \
rhsbc5.o: ../../include/paramt.h ../../include/iset.com \
sclsch.o: ../../include/flags.com
solzne.o: ../../include/io.com
turbcomp.o: ../../include/paramt.h ../../include/constants.h ../../include/nloc.com \
	../../include/three.com ../../include/flags.com ../../include/turb.com \
	../../include/trip.com ../../include/visco.com \
	../../include/nboun.com ../../include/implicit.h ../../include/io.com
update2.o: ../../include/constants.h ../../include/paramt.h \
	../../include/conv.com ../../include/nloc.com ../../include/verbose.com \
	../../include/implicit.h ../../include/iset.com \
	../../include/flags.com ../../include/io.com
update3.o: ../../include/constants.h ../../include/paramt.h \
	../../include/implicit.h ../../include/conv.com ../../include/nloc.com \
	../../include/verbose.com ../../include/iset.com \
	../../include/flags.com ../../include/io.com
update4.o: ../../include/constants.h ../../include/paramt.h \
	../../include/conv.com ../../include/nboun.com ../../include/nloc.com \
	../../include/verbose.com ../../include/implicit.h ../../include/io.com
weakbc.o: ../../include/paramt.h ../../include/constants.h ../../include/bnd.h \
	../../include/bnd.com ../../include/three.com ../../include/nloc.com \
	../../include/implicit.h rotaterhs.f rotaterhs2.f

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