[petsc-users] PetscObjectGetComm

Jose E. Roman jroman at dsic.upv.es
Wed Apr 22 01:47:47 CDT 2020

PETSc creates a duplicate of the communicator during object creation.


> El 22 abr 2020, a las 8:40, Marius Buerkle <mbuerkle at web.de> escribió:
> Hi Dave,
> I want to use it in Fortran if possible. But I tried both C and Fortran just to see if it works in general. I am using MPICH 3.3.2. I attached the MWE for C and Fortran with the output I get.
> Marius 
> Hi,
> What is PetscObjectGetComm expected to return?
> As Patrick said, it returns the communicator associated with the petsc object.
> I thought it would give the MPI communicator the object lives on. So if I create A matrix on PETSC_COMM_WORLD a call of PetscObjectGetComm for A it would return PETSC_COMM_WORLD? But it seems to return something else, and while most of the nodes return a similar communicator some are giving a different one.
> How are you actually comparing the communicators (send code snippet)? Which MPI implementation are you using? And when are comparing comms is the comparison code written in C it FORTRAN?
> That said, is there a way to get the MPI communicator a matrix lives on?
> You are using the correct function. There is a macro as well but it’s best to use the function.
> Thanks,
> Dave
> Best,
> Marius
> <test_comm.tar.gz>

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