[petsc-users] question about small matrices

Povolotskyi, Mykhailo mpovolot at purdue.edu
Wed Sep 25 00:27:35 CDT 2019

Dear Petsc developers,

in my application I have to solve millions of linear and non-linear 
systems with small matrices (2x2, 3x3,..., 10x10).

I consider them as dense, and use SNES with KSP method PREONLY, and LU 

I found that when KSPSolve is called only 25% of time is spend in 
lapack, the rest is PETSc overhead.

I know how to call lapack directly to solve a linear system.

Question: is it possible to call lapack directly in the SNES solver to 
avoid the KSPSolve overhead?

Thank you,


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