[petsc-users] Extracting parts of DMPLEX mesh

Swarnava Ghosh swarnava89 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 19 11:29:55 CDT 2019

Hi Matthew and Lawrence,

Thank you for your responses. The second approach involving
DMPlexDistributeOverlap is viable. However there are two issues: 1) I have
lots of points to interpolate at and 2) The points are not always in the
next nearest neighbor process but can extend beyond, so essentially
creating an overlap that extends beyond the nearest neighbor process may
not be good idea?

Then the earlier approach which I thought was to extract and store the mesh
locally and create local communicator to communicate the fields needed for
interpolation. This is a bit of an effort to code, but may be more
efficient. This step is also a critical part of my algorithm, so I am
trying to code it efficiently. How can a region of dmplex be extracted and
stored locally?

Inputs and ideas are always welcome.

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