[petsc-users] Solving a sequence of linear systems stored on disk with MUMPS

Thibaut Appel t.appel17 at imperial.ac.uk
Thu Jul 25 11:29:41 CDT 2019

Hi Hong,

That sounds like a more reasonable approach, I had no idea the 
PETSc/MUMPS interface could provide such a level of control on the solve 
process. Therefore, after assembling the matrix A_0, I should do 
something along the lines of:


MatLUFactorSymbolic(F, A_0, NULL, NULL, info)

MatLUFactorNumeric(F, A_0, info)

and then call MatSolve? However I don't understand, I thought F would 
remain the same during the whole process but it's an input parameter of 
MatSolve so I'd need one F_m for each A_m? Which is not what you 
mentioned (do one symbolic factorization only)

On a side note, after preallocating and assembling the first matrix, 
should I create/assemble all the others with

MatDuplicate(A_0, MAT_DO_NOT_COPY_VALUES, A_m)

Calls to MatSetValues( ... )

MatAssemblyBegin(A_m, MAT_FINAL_ASSEMBLY)

Is that the recommended/most scalable way of duplicating a matrix + its 
non-zero structure?

Thank you for your support and suggestions,


On 23/07/2019 18:38, Zhang, Hong wrote:
> Thibaut:
>     Thanks for taking the time. I would typically run that on a small
>     cluster node of 16 or 32 physical cores with 2 or 4 sockets. I use
>     16 or
>     32 MPI ranks and bind them to cores.
>     The matrices would ALL have the same size and the same nonzero
>     structure
>     - it's just a few numerical values that would differ.
> You may do one symbolic factorization of A_m, use it in the m-i loop:
> - numeric factorization of A_m
> - solve A_m x_m,i = b_m,i
> in mumps, numeric factorization and solve are scalable. Repeated 
> numeric factorization of A_m are likely faster than reading data files 
> from the disc.
> Hong
>     This is a good point you've raised as I don't think MUMPS is able to
>     exploit that - I asked the question in their users list just to be
>     sure.
>     There are some options in SuperLU dist to reuse permutation
>     arrays, but
>     there's no I/O for that solver. And the native PETSc LU solver is not
>     parallel?
>     I'm using high-order finite differences so I'm suffering from a
>     lot of
>     fill-in, one of the reasons why storing factorizations in RAM is not
>     viable. In comparison, I have almost unlimited disk space.
>     I'm aware my need might seem counter-intuitive, but I'm really
>     willing
>     to sacrifice performance in the I/O part. My code is already heavily
>     based on PETSc (preallocation, assembly for matrices/vectors) coupled
>     with MUMPS I'm minimizing the loss of efficiency.
>     Thibaut
>     On 23/07/2019 17:13, Smith, Barry F. wrote:
>     >    What types of computing systems will you be doing the
>     computations? Roughly how many MPI_ranks?
>     >
>     > Are the matrices all the same size? Do they have the same or
>     different nonzero structures? Would it be possible to use the same
>     symbolic representation for all of them and just have different
>     numerical values?
>     >
>     >    Clusters and large scale computing centers are notoriously
>     terrible at IO; often IO is orders of magnitude slower than
>     compute/memory making this type of workflow unrealistically slow.
>     From a cost analysis point of view often just buying lots of
>     memory might be the most efficacious approach.
>     >
>     >    That said, what you suggest might require only a few lines of
>     code (though determining where to put them is the tricky part)
>     depending on the MUMPS interface for saving a filer to disk. What
>     we would do is keep the PETSc wrapper that lives around the MUMPS
>     matrix Mat_MUMPS but using the MUMPS API save the information in
>     the DMUMPS_STRUC_C id; and then reload it when needed.
>     >
>     >    The user level API could be something like
>     >
>     >    MatMumpsSaveToDisk(Mat) and MatMumpsLoadFromDisk(Mat) they
>     would just money with DMUMPS_STRUC_C id; item.
>     >
>     >
>     >    Barry
>     >
>     >
>     >> On Jul 23, 2019, at 9:24 AM, Thibaut Appel via petsc-users
>     <petsc-users at mcs.anl.gov <mailto:petsc-users at mcs.anl.gov>> wrote:
>     >>
>     >> Dear PETSc users,
>     >>
>     >> I need to solve several linear systems successively, with LU
>     factorization, as part of an iterative process in my Fortran
>     application code.
>     >>
>     >> The process would solve M systems (A_m)(x_m,i) = (b_m,i) for
>     m=1,M at each iteration i, but computing the LU factorization of
>     A_m only once.
>     >> The RHSs (b_m,i+1) are computed from all the different (x_m,i)
>     and all depend upon each other.
>     >>
>     >> The way I envisage to perform that is to use MUMPS to compute,
>     successively, each of the LU factorizations (m) in parallel and
>     store the factors on disk, creating/assembling/destroying the
>     matrices A_m on the go.
>     >> Then whenever needed, read the factors in parallel to solve the
>     systems. Since version 5.2, MUMPS has a save/restore feature that
>     allows that, see http://mumps.enseeiht.fr/doc/userguide_5.2.1.pdf
>     <http://mumps.enseeiht.fr/doc/userguide_5.2.1.pdf> p.20, 24 and 58.
>     >>
>     >> In its current state, the PETSc/MUMPS interface does not
>     incorporate that feature. I'm an advanced Fortran programmer but
>     not in C so I don't think I would do an amazing job having a go
>     inside src/mat/impls/aij/mpi/mumps/mumps.c.
>     >>
>     >> I was picturing something like creating as many KSP objects as
>     linear systems to be solved, with some sort of flag to force the
>     storage of LU factors on disk after the first call to KSPSolve.
>     Then keep calling KSPSolve as many times as needed.
>     >>
>     >> Would you support such a feature?
>     >>
>     >> Thanks for your support,
>     >>
>     >> Thibaut
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