[petsc-users] Integrate PETSC with existing Fortran

Yaxiong Chen chen2018 at purdue.edu
Fri Jan 25 11:41:53 CST 2019


      Thanks so much for your help.Now PETSC is successfully linked to our code. But in the program I use PETSC, I still define some variable with the fortran defaulted type:

     PetscErrorCode ierr
     PetscMPIInt rank,size
     integer,allocatable  ::info(:)
     real(wp), allocatable :: Ae(:,:), auxRHSe(:)
     integer, allocatable      :: idx(:)
     PC               prec
     Vec              xvec,bvec,uvec

Then I try to use the following code to assemble my matrix but somehow it does not work:
      do geq=Istart,Iend-1,1
            call ptSystem%getElementalMAT( geq+1, Ae, auxRHSe, idx)      ! subroutine for elemental matrix
            call matdisp(Ae)
            call MatSetValues(Amat,ne,idx,ne,idx,Ae,ADD_VALUES,ierr)
            call VecSetValues(bvec,ne,idx,auxRHSe,INSERT_VALUES,ierr)
     end do

It seems I can't use size function here. Why is this and how can I get its size?

My professor also said I may generate a static library of PETSC and add it to our code so that I will have less trouble linking problems. Is this doable?

Thanks again and all the best

Yaxiong Chen,
Ph.D. Student

School of Mechanical Engineering, 3171

585 Purdue Mall

West Lafayette, IN 47907

From: Matthew Knepley <knepley at gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2019 10:43 AM
To: Yaxiong Chen
Cc: petsc-users at mcs.anl.gov
Subject: Re: Fw: [petsc-users]Integrate PETSC with existing Fortran

On Thu, Jan 24, 2019 at 10:11 AM Yaxiong Chen <chen2018 at purdue.edu<mailto:chen2018 at purdue.edu>> wrote:

However, I changed the makefile,but I still received the following error:

Your includes are still not right:

master $:/PETSc3/petsc/petsc-dev$ make getincludedirs
make getincludedirs
-I/PETSc3/petsc/petsc-dev/include -I/PETSc3/petsc/petsc-dev/arch-master-debug/include -I/PETSc3/petsc/petsc-dev/arch-master-debug/include/eigen3 -I/opt/X11/include -I/PETSc3/petsc/include

You are missing the one for the $PETSC_ARCH include directory.


mpif90 -cpp -JHiDACX/obj/debug/  -Wall -fcheck=bounds -I/usr/local/include -I/Users/yaxiong/Downloads/petsc-3.9.4/include -c /Users/yaxiong/Documents/HiDAC_Code_Git/HiDAC_Tao_NURBS_Petsc/Hidac_Fortran_Lib/HiDAC_Test/optimal_mechanical_part.F90 -o HiDACX/obj/debug/optimal_mechanical_part.o

 #if defined (PETSC_HAVE_MPIUNI)
Fatal Error: petscconf.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.

From: Yaxiong Chen
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2019 9:50 AM
To: Matthew Knepley
Subject: Re: [petsc-users]Integrate PETSC with existing Fortran

I see. This is because I have one .c file in the bunch of files.


@mkdir -p $(OBJS_DIR)
@echo $@
$(if $(findstring .f90, $<), \
$(FC) $(FCFLAGS) $(FIDIR) -c $< -o $@, \
$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(CIDIR) -c $< -o $@)
This command in makefile will use CC  instead of FC since I change f90 to F90.


Yaxiong Chen,
Ph.D. Student

School of Mechanical Engineering, 3171

585 Purdue Mall

West Lafayette, IN 47907

From: Matthew Knepley <knepley at gmail.com<mailto:knepley at gmail.com>>
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2019 5:54 AM
To: Yaxiong Chen
Cc: petsc-users at mcs.anl.gov<mailto:petsc-users at mcs.anl.gov>
Subject: Re: [petsc-users]Integrate PETSC with existing Fortran

On Wed, Jan 23, 2019 at 2:31 PM Yaxiong Chen <chen2018 at purdue.edu<mailto:chen2018 at purdue.edu>> wrote:

Hi Matt,

    I changed optimal_mechanical_part.f90 to  optimal_mechanical_part.F90. But I still received the following error:

mpicc -Dqh_QHpointer -ansi -Wall -I/usr/local/include/libqhull -c /Users/yaxiong/Documents/HiDAC_Code_Git/HiDAC_Tao_NURBS_Petsc/Hidac_Fortran_Lib/HiDAC_Test/optimal_mechanical_part.F90 -o HiDACX/obj/debug/optimal_mechanical_part.o
error: invalid value 'f95-cpp-input' in '-x f95-cpp-input'
make[1]: *** [HiDACX/obj/debug/optimal_mechanical_part.o] Error 1
make: *** [debug] Error 2

Is there anything wrong with the flag?

You are compiling a Fortran file with mpicc, instead of mpif90?



Yaxiong Chen,
Ph.D. Student

School of Mechanical Engineering, 3171

585 Purdue Mall

West Lafayette, IN 47907

From: Matthew Knepley <knepley at gmail.com<mailto:knepley at gmail.com>>
Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2019 1:30 PM
To: Yaxiong Chen
Cc: petsc-users at mcs.anl.gov<mailto:petsc-users at mcs.anl.gov>
Subject: Re: [petsc-users]Integrate PETSC with existing Fortran

On Wed, Jan 23, 2019 at 1:27 PM Yaxiong Chen <chen2018 at purdue.edu<mailto:chen2018 at purdue.edu>> wrote:

Hi Matt,

I tried to modify the structure of present code and use KSP in the main program(optimal_mechanical_part).  Now the makefile is as following :



## Define mode
ifndef MODE

.PHONY: debug release

debug: export MODE := debug
release: export MODE := release
debug release:
@$(MAKE) $@

rm -rf $(OUT_DIR)obj/ $(OUT_DIR)lib/ $(OUT_DIR)bin/


## SRCS = $(shell find ../../MyGit/Hidac_Fortran_Lib/ "*.f90")
SRCS_DIR := $(HOME)/Documents/HiDAC_Code_Git/HiDAC_Tao_NURBS_Petsc/Hidac_Fortran_Lib/
FSRCS := \
HiDAC_Utils/HiDAC_parameter.f90 \
HiDAC_Utils/HiDAC_dataStructure.f90 \
HiDAC_Utils/HiDAC_Math/HiDAC_mathFunction.f90 \
HiDAC_Utils/HiDAC_Math/HiDAC_mathType.f90 \
HiDAC_Utils/HiDAC_Math/HiDAC_tensor.f90 \
HiDAC_Utils/HiDAC_Math/HiDAC_Math.f90 \
HiDAC_Utils/HiDAC_Port/HiDAC_IGES.f90 \
HiDAC_Utils/HiDAC_Port/IR_Precision.f90 \
HiDAC_Utils/HiDAC_Port/Lib_Pack_Data.f90 \
HiDAC_Utils/HiDAC_Port/Lib_Base64.f90 \
HiDAC_Utils/HiDAC_Port/Lib_VTK_IO.f90 \
HiDAC_Utils/HiDAC_Port/HiDAC_VTK.f90 \
HiDAC_Utils/HiDAC_Port/HiDAC_Port.f90 \
HiDAC_Utils/HiDAC_DistanceField/HiDAC_QhullInterface_F.f90 \
HiDAC_Utils/HiDAC_DistanceField/HiDAC_BezierHull.f90 \
HiDAC_Utils/HiDAC_DistanceField/HiDAC_DistanceField.f90 \
HiDAC_Utils/HiDAC_Utils.f90 \
HiDAC_Material/HiDAC_baseMat.f90 \
HiDAC_Material/HiDAC_isoElasticMat.f90 \
HiDAC_Material/HiDAC_thermoMat.f90 \
HiDAC_Material/HiDAC_Material.f90 \
HiDAC_Approximation/HiDAC_node.f90 \
HiDAC_Approximation/HiDAC_nodeNet.f90 \
HiDAC_Approximation/HiDAC_baseApproximation.f90 \
HiDAC_Approximation/HiDAC_Approximation.f90 \
HiDAC_Approximation/HiDAC_Approximation_NURBS/HiDAC_knot.f90 \
HiDAC_Approximation/HiDAC_Approximation_NURBS/HiDAC_BezierApproximation.f90 \
HiDAC_Approximation/HiDAC_Approximation_NURBS/HiDAC_NURBSApproximation.f90 \
HiDAC_Approximation/HiDAC_Approximation_NURBS/HiDAC_THBApproximation.f90 \
HiDAC_Domain/HiDAC_primitive.f90 \
HiDAC_Domain/HiDAC_enrichment.f90 \
HiDAC_Domain/HiDAC_composedDomain.f90 \
HiDAC_Domain/HiDAC_Domain.f90 \
HiDAC_Quadrature/HiDAC_quadType.f90 \
HiDAC_Quadrature/HiDAC_directQuadrature.f90 \
HiDAC_Quadrature/HiDAC_adaptiveQuadrature.f90 \
HiDAC_Quadrature/HiDAC_Quadrature.f90 \
HiDAC_Analysis/HiDAC_BC.f90 \
HiDAC_Analysis/HiDAC_baseAnalysis.f90 \
HiDAC_Analysis/HiDAC_elastostatics.f90 \
HiDAC_Analysis/HiDAC_heatConduction.f90 \
HiDAC_Analysis/HiDAC_phaseTransition.f90 \
HiDAC_Analysis/HiDAC_fracture.f90 \
HiDAC_Analysis/HiDAC_lineenrich.f90 \
HiDAC_Analysis/HiDAC_sensitivityAnalysis.f90 \
HiDAC_Analysis/HiDAC_Analysis.f90 \
HiDAC_Solver/HiDAC_baseSolver.f90 \
HiDAC_Solver/HiDAC_LapackSolver.f90 \
HiDAC_Solver/HiDAC_MumpsSolver.f90 \
HiDAC_Solver/HiDAC_Solver.f90 \
IGES/read_iges_file.f90 \
IGES/nrb.f90 \
IGES/parse.f90 \
IGES/map.f90 \
DXF/dxf_reader.f90 \


CSRCS := \
HiDAC_Utils/HiDAC_DistanceField/HiDAC_QhullInterface_C.c \

SRCS := $(addprefix $(SRCS_DIR), $(FSRCS) $(CSRCS))

OBJS_DIR := $(OUT_DIR)obj/$(MODE)/
LIB_DIR := $(OUT_DIR)lib/$(MODE)/
EXE_DIR := $(OUT_DIR)bin/$(MODE)/
EXT_DIR := /usr/local/

#petsc lib
include ${PETSC_DIR}/lib/petsc/conf/variables
include ${PETSC_DIR}/lib/petsc/conf/rules


OBJS := $(addprefix $(OBJS_DIR), \
$(patsubst %.f90, %.o, $(notdir $(FSRCS))) \
$(patsubst %.c, %.o, $(notdir $(CSRCS))))

LIB = $(LIB_DIR)libhidac.a

VPATH := $(sort $(dir $(SRCS))) $(TSRCS_DIR)

FC := mpif90
CC := mpicc
AR := ar rcs

FCFLAGS := -cpp -J$(OBJS_DIR) # ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}# -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage
CCFLAGS := -Dqh_QHpointer -ansi
LFLAGS := -Wl,-rpath,$(EXT_DIR)lib, ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}

FIDIR := \
-I$(EXT_DIR)include \
CIDIR := \

# sequence does matter
-L$(EXT_DIR)lib \
-ldmumps -lmumps_common \
-lparmetis -lmetis -lpord -lscalapack \
-llapack -lblas -lqhullstatic_p \

.PHONY: debug release all clean

# Handle different mode using target-specific variable
debug: FCFLAGS += -Wall -fcheck=bounds
debug: CCFLAGS += -Wall
debug: LFLAGS += -Wall -fcheck=bounds

release: FCFLAGS += -O2
release: CCFLAGS += -O2
release: LFLAGS += -O2

debug release: $(EXE_DIR)optimal_mechanical_part.hdc

## Rules
# Note the sequence of $(OBJS_DIR)%.o $(LIB) and $(EXTLIBS) does matter! Lib later!
$(EXE_DIR)%.hdc: $(OBJS_DIR)%.o $(LIB)
@mkdir -p $(EXE_DIR)
echo $(OBJS_DIR)
$(FC) $(LFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(EXTLIBS) ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}

$(LIB): $(OBJS)
echo $(OBJS)
@mkdir -p $(LIB_DIR)
$(AR) $@ $^

@mkdir -p $(OBJS_DIR)
@echo $@
$(if $(findstring .f90, $<), \
$(FC) $(FCFLAGS) $(FIDIR) -c $< -o $@, \
$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(CIDIR) -c $< -o $@)

## Dependencies of files
$(OBJS_DIR)optimal_mechanical_part.o: \
optimal_mechanical_part.f90 \
$(OBJS_DIR)read_iges_file.o \
$(OBJS_DIR)HiDAC_Approximation.o \
$(OBJS_DIR)HiDAC_Domain.o \
$(OBJS_DIR)HiDAC_Material.o \
$(OBJS_DIR)HiDAC_Quadrature.o \
$(OBJS_DIR)HiDAC_Analysis.o \

$(OBJS_DIR)read_iges_file.o: \
read_iges_file.f90 \
$(OBJS_DIR)HiDAC_Approximation.o \
$(OBJS_DIR)HiDAC_Utils.o \
$(OBJS_DIR)nrb.o \
$(OBJS_DIR)parse.o \
$(OBJS_DIR)map.o \

$(OBJS_DIR)test_main.o: \
test_main.f90 \

$(OBJS_DIR)dxf_reader.o: \
dxf_reader.f90 \

$(OBJS_DIR)parse.o: \
parse.f90 \

$(OBJS_DIR)map.o: \
map.f90 \

<Other dependencies >
# $(OBJS_DIR)HiDAC_PetscSolver.o : HiDAC_PetscSolver.f90 $(OBJS_DIR)HiDAC_baseSolver.o $(OBJS_DIR)HiDAC_Utils.o
# mpif90 -cpp -JHiDACX/obj/debug/ -Wall -ffree-line-length-0 -Wno-unused-dummy-argument -g -I/Users/yaxiong/Downloads/petsc-3.9.4/include \
# -I/Users/yaxiong/Downloads/petsc-3.9.4/arch-darwin-c-debug/include \
# -I/opt/X11/include -o $(OBJS_DIR)HiDAC_PetscSolver.o \
# /Users/yaxiong/Documents/HiDAC_Code_Git/HiDAC_Tao_NURBS_PETSC/Hidac_Fortran_Lib/HiDAC_Solver/HiDAC_PetscSolver.f90 \
# /Users/yaxiong/Documents/HiDAC_Code_Git/HiDAC_Tao_NURBS_PETSC/Hidac_Fortran_Lib/HiDACX/obj/debug/HiDAC_baseSolver.o \
# /Users/yaxiong/Documents/HiDAC_Code_Git/HiDAC_Tao_NURBS_PETSC/Hidac_Fortran_Lib/HiDACX/obj/debug/HiDAC_Utils.o \
#    This part is removed


#============================Makefile finished ===============================

and the main program starts like this:

!============================  Main program starts=========================

program main
  ! Import all HiDAC library
  include 'mpif.h'
#include <petsc/finclude/petscksp.h>
  use petscksp
  use read_iges_file
  use HiDAC_Approximation
  use HiDAC_Domain
  use HiDAC_Material
  use HiDAC_Analysis
  use HiDAC_Utils
  use HiDAC_quadType

  implicit none

I have not call the function in PETSC yet. Just add the KSP library in my main program. But I received  the following error when compiling:

mpif90 -cpp -JHiDACX/obj/debug/  -Wall -fcheck=bounds -I/usr/local/include -I/Users/yaxiong/Downloads/petsc-3.9.4/include -c /Users/yaxiong/Documents/HiDAC_Code_Git/HiDAC_Tao_NURBS_Petsc/Hidac_Fortran_Lib/HiDAC_Test/optimal_mechanical_part.f90 -o HiDACX/obj/debug/optimal_mechanical_part.o

 #if defined (PETSC_HAVE_MPIUNI)
Fatal Error: petscconf.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
make[1]: *** [HiDACX/obj/debug/optimal_mechanical_part.o] Error 1
make: *** [debug] Error 2

How can I solve this problem?

You named the file


but it has to be


in order for the compiler to preprocess it.



Yaxiong Chen,
Ph.D. Student

School of Mechanical Engineering, 3171

585 Purdue Mall

West Lafayette, IN 47907

From: Matthew Knepley <knepley at gmail.com<mailto:knepley at gmail.com>>
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2019 2:21 PM
To: Yaxiong Chen; PETSc
Subject: Re: [petsc-users]Integrate PETSC with existing Fortran

On Fri, Jan 18, 2019 at 2:06 PM Yaxiong Chen <chen2018 at purdue.edu<mailto:chen2018 at purdue.edu>> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Do not drop the Cc.

I have hundreds .F90 files to compile as well as an .c file to compile in this project. The present makefile is more complex than the PETSC makefile. Do you mean I should use the PETSC makefile as a template and add all the dependencies in it?

If you want to do it by hand you can, its just more error prone and verbose.

My present Makefile is like the following(Red parts are news added related to Petsc). Is this the right direction? Since a static pattern is defined while the compiling for PetscSolver is a little different. I guess I should list it as a specific case instead of using the pattern.

I will comment inline.

# ============================================================================
# Name        : Makefile
# Author      : Tao Song
# Version     : 2.1
# Copyright   : GNU 2.1
# Description : Makefile for HiDACX
# ============================================================================


## Define mode
ifndef MODE

.PHONY: debug release

debug: export MODE := debug
release: export MODE := release
debug release:
@$(MAKE) $@

rm -rf $(OUT_DIR)obj/ $(OUT_DIR)lib/ $(OUT_DIR)bin/


## SRCS = $(shell find ../../MyGit/Hidac_Fortran_Lib/ "*.f90")
SRCS_DIR := $(HOME)/Documents/HiDAC_Code_Git/HiDAC_Tao_NURBS_Petsc/Hidac_Fortran_Lib/
FSRCS := \
HiDAC_Utils/HiDAC_parameter.f90 \
HiDAC_Utils/HiDAC_dataStructure.f90 \
<other .f90 files>
HiDAC_Domain/HiDAC_primitive.f90 \
HiDAC_Solver/HiDAC_PetscSolver.F90 \
HiDAC_Solver/HiDAC_Solver.f90 \
IGES/read_iges_file.f90 \
IGES/nrb.f90 \
IGES/parse.f90 \
IGES/map.f90 \
DXF/dxf_reader.f90 \


CSRCS := \
HiDAC_Utils/HiDAC_DistanceField/HiDAC_QhullInterface_C.c \

SRCS := $(addprefix $(SRCS_DIR), $(FSRCS) $(CSRCS))

OBJS_DIR := $(OUT_DIR)obj/$(MODE)/
LIB_DIR := $(OUT_DIR)lib/$(MODE)/
EXE_DIR := $(OUT_DIR)bin/$(MODE)/
EXT_DIR := /usr/local/

#petsc lib
include ${PETSC_DIR}/lib/petsc/conf/variables
include ${PETSC_DIR}/lib/petsc/conf/rules

You do not need 'rules' if you are doing things by hand. Although it is easier to just use the builtin rule for building source.


OBJS := $(addprefix $(OBJS_DIR), \
$(patsubst %.f90, %.o, $(notdir $(FSRCS))) \
$(patsubst %.c, %.o, $(notdir $(CSRCS))))

LIB = $(LIB_DIR)libhidac.a

VPATH := $(sort $(dir $(SRCS))) $(TSRCS_DIR)

FC := mpif90
CC := mpicc
AR := ar rcs

FCFLAGS := -cpp -J$(OBJS_DIR) # ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}# -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage
CCFLAGS := -Dqh_QHpointer -ansi
LFLAGS := -Wl,-rpath,$(EXT_DIR)lib, ${PETSC_KSP_LIB}

FIDIR := \
-I$(EXT_DIR)include \
CIDIR := \

# sequence does matter
-L$(EXT_DIR)lib \
-ldmumps -lmumps_common \
-lparmetis -lmetis -lpord -lscalapack \
-llapack -lblas -lqhullstatic_p \

.PHONY: debug release all clean

# Handle different mode using target-specific variable
debug: FCFLAGS += -Wall -fcheck=bounds
debug: CCFLAGS += -Wall
debug: LFLAGS += -Wall -fcheck=bounds

release: FCFLAGS += -O2
release: CCFLAGS += -O2
release: LFLAGS += -O2

debug release: $(EXE_DIR)optimal_mechanical_part.hdc

## Rules
# Note the sequence of $(OBJS_DIR)%.o $(LIB) and $(EXTLIBS) does matter! Lib later!
$(EXE_DIR)%.hdc: $(OBJS_DIR)%.o $(LIB)
@mkdir -p $(EXE_DIR)
echo $OBJS_DIR
$(FC) $(LFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(EXTLIBS)

$(LIB): $(OBJS)
echo $OBJS
@mkdir -p $(LIB_DIR)
$(AR) $@ $^

@mkdir -p $(OBJS_DIR)
@echo $@
$(if $(findstring .f90, $<), \
$(FC) $(FCFLAGS) $(FIDIR) -c $< -o $@, \
$(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(CIDIR) -c $< -o $@)

## Dependencies of files
$(OBJS_DIR)read_iges_file.o: \
read_iges_file.f90 \
$(OBJS_DIR)HiDAC_Approximation.o \
$(OBJS_DIR)HiDAC_Utils.o \
$(OBJS_DIR)nrb.o \
$(OBJS_DIR)parse.o \
$(OBJS_DIR)map.o \

$(OBJS_DIR)test_main.o: \
test_main.f90 \

<.... Other dependencies>

$ (OBJS_DIR)HiDAC_PetscSolver.o : HiDAC_PetscSolver.F90 $(OBJS_DIR)HiDAC_baseSolver.o $(OBJS_DIR)HiDAC_Utils.o
mpif90 -cpp -JHiDACX/obj/debug/ -Wall -ffree-line-length-0 -Wno-unused-dummy-argument -g -I/Users/yaxiong/Downloads/petsc-3.9.4/include \
-I/Users/yaxiong/Downloads/petsc-3.9.4/arch-darwin-c-debug/include \
-I/opt/X11/include -o $(OBJS_DIR)HiDAC_PetscSolver.o \
/Users/yaxiong/Documents/HiDAC_Code_Git/HiDAC_Tao_NURBS_PETSC/Hidac_Fortran_Lib/HiDAC_Solver/HiDAC_PetscSolver.F90 \
/Users/yaxiong/Documents/HiDAC_Code_Git/HiDAC_Tao_NURBS_PETSC/Hidac_Fortran_Lib/HiDACX/obj/debug/HiDAC_baseSolver.o \
/Users/yaxiong/Documents/HiDAC_Code_Git/HiDAC_Tao_NURBS_PETSC/Hidac_Fortran_Lib/HiDACX/obj/debug/HiDAC_Utils.o \

You can do this, but to be certain you should should use


along with your flags (-J, etc.). Notice that you do not need the *.o files here since you are only compiling.

You can simplify this by includeing 'rules' and just putting the $ (OBJS_DIR)HiDAC_PetscSolver.o as a
dependence for your link.




Yaxiong Chen,
Ph.D. Student

School of Mechanical Engineering, 3171

585 Purdue Mall

West Lafayette, IN 47907

From: Matthew Knepley <knepley at gmail.com<mailto:knepley at gmail.com>>
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2019 11:57 AM
To: Yaxiong Chen; PETSc
Subject: Re: [petsc-users]Integrate PETSC with existing Fortran

On Fri, Jan 18, 2019 at 11:37 AM Yaxiong Chen <chen2018 at purdue.edu<mailto:chen2018 at purdue.edu>> wrote:

Hi Matt,

Now I have some problem with makefile.I want to integrate PETSC with a previous FEM Fortran code. To do that, I add a module named PetscSolver. It starts as the following:

It needs to have suffix .F or .F90 so the preprocessor is invoked. Use the PETSc makefiles to avoid problems.



  module HiDAC_PetscSolver
#include <petsc/finclude/petscksp.h>
  use petscksp
  use HiDAC_Utils
  use HiDAC_baseSolver
    implicit none
  type, extends(Solver), public  :: PetscSolver
     Vec              xvec,bvec,uvec
     Mat              Amat
     KSP              ksp
     procedure :: initialize => initialize_PetscSolver
     procedure :: assemble => assemble_PetscSolver
     procedure :: solve => solve_PetscSolver
     procedure :: postprocess => postprocess_PetscSolver
     procedure :: finalize => finalize_PetscSolver
     procedure :: getID
  end type PetscSolver
end module HiDAC_PetscSolver
However, it did not compile successfully. It gave me the error:

 #include <petsc/finclude/petscksp.h>
Warning: Illegal preprocessor directive

      Vec              xvec,bvec,uvec
Error: Unclassifiable statement at (1)

      Mat              Amat
All function and type related to Petsc are not defined.

I must have made a very silly mistake. Can you show me how to fix it?


Yaxiong Chen,
Ph.D. Student

School of Mechanical Engineering, 3171

585 Purdue Mall

West Lafayette, IN 47907

What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their experiments lead.
-- Norbert Wiener


What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their experiments lead.
-- Norbert Wiener


What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their experiments lead.
-- Norbert Wiener


What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their experiments lead.
-- Norbert Wiener


What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their experiments lead.
-- Norbert Wiener

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