[petsc-users] Meaning of PETSc error code 77

aditya kumar adityakr42 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 8 11:40:24 CST 2019


I am using PETSc with FEniCS project libraries to solve a nonlinear
problem. I am using PETSc Krylov solver with the following configuration

pc = PETScPreconditioner("petsc_amg")
PETScOptions.set("mg_levels_ksp_type", "chebyshev")
PETScOptions.set("mg_levels_pc_type", "jacobi")
PETScOptions.set("mg_levels_esteig_ksp_type", "cg")
PETScOptions.set("mg_levels_ksp_chebyshev_esteig_steps", 50) solver_u =
PETScKrylovSolver("cg", pc)

I am encountering this error sometimes during the solution of the linear
Error: Unable to successfully call PETSc function 'KSPSolve'. *** Reason:
PETSc error code is: 77 (Petsc has generated inconsistent data). *** Where:
This error was encountered inside

*** Process: 130

Can anybody help me in understanding the possible reasons for this error
code? Or refer me to any available documentation? It will be really

Also, I will like to know if there is a way to prevent the code from
stopping due to such PETSc errors, so that I can tweak some parameters to
hopefully make it progress.

Thanks and Regards,
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