[petsc-users] Checking for NULL Objects in Fortran

Fabian.Jakub Fabian.Jakub at physik.uni-muenchen.de
Mon Sep 10 16:02:31 CDT 2018

Greetings my dear PETSc list.

In my Fortran Code, I usually checked against PETSC_NULL_DM or
PETSC_NULL_IS after calling methods such as DMPlexDistribute or

Recently this fails me.

I saw the DMPlexDistribute example in

where the value of dm_distributed%v is compared against -1

Now, after the recent change of PETSC_NULL_DM (tDM(1) -> tDM(0) in
3d1df95b1) I am not 100% percent sure how to deal with it.

Could you please clarify if testing against ``-1`` is the intended way
to do it or may this change again soonish?

Many Thanks,


Here some code snippets to clarify what lead me to put up this question...

This used to validate:

call DMGetStratumIS(dm, 'DomainBoundary', SIDEFACE, bc_idx, ierr)
if (bc_ids.eq.PETSC_NULL_IS) then ! dont have domain boundary points


call DMPlexDistribute(dm, i0, PETSC_NULL_SF, dmdist, ierr)
if (dmdist.eq.PETSC_NULL_DM) then ! DM was not distributed

Now I could do something like:


of (dmdist%v.eq.-1)


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