[petsc-users] Transform scipy sparse to partioned, parallel petsc matrix in PETSc4py

Jan Grießer griesser.jan at googlemail.com
Sun Feb 11 11:35:10 CST 2018


i have a precomputed scipy sparse matrix for which I want to solve the
eigenvalue problem for a matrix of size 35000x35000. I don´t really get how
to parallelize this problem correctly. 
Similar to another
1.html) I tried the following code:


D = scipy.sparse.load_npz("sparse.npz")

B = D.tocsr()


# Construct the matrix Ds in parallel

Ds = PETSc.Mat().create()




# Fill the matrix

rstart, rend = Ds.getOwnershipRange()

csr = (

    B.indptr[rstart:rend+1] - B.indptr[rstart],





Ds = PETSc.Mat().createAIJ(size=CSRmatrix.shape, csr=csr)



# Solve the eigenvalue problem



This code works for 1 processor with mpiexec –n 1 python example.py, however
for increasing number of processors it appears as if al processors try to
solve the overall problem instead of splitting it into blocks and solve for
a subset of eigenvalues and eigenvectors. 
Why is this the case or did I miss something? 

Greetings Jan 

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