[petsc-users] How can I get the global integer ids in a label?

leejearl leejearl at mail.nwpu.edu.cn
Thu Dec 6 08:40:09 CST 2018

Hi, Petsc developer:
	I have a problem for helps. 
	There is a dmplex object, and I have distribute it use the
routine DMPlexDistribute(). Then, I want to get the global integer ids
in the label "Face Sets". The code is as follow,

     ierr = DMGetLabelIdIS(dm, "Face Sets", &bcIdIS);CHKERRQ(ierr);

The values of bcIdIs are the local integer ids. How can I get the
global integer ids.
The problem also can be described as follow. The global ids might look

IS Object: 1 MPI processes
  type: general
Number of indices in set 4
0 1
1 4
2 3
3 2

But after the dm is distributed, I can only get the local ids as follow
using the routine "DMGetLabelIdIS" 

IS Object: 1 MPI processes
  type: general
[0] Number of indices in set 3
[0] 0 1
[0] 1 2
[0] 2 4

How can I get the global integer ids in a label after the dm is

Any helps are appreciate! 



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