[petsc-users] A bad commit affects MOOSE

Satish Balay balay at mcs.anl.gov
Tue Apr 3 12:59:09 CDT 2018

On Tue, 3 Apr 2018, Smith, Barry F. wrote:

>    Note that PETSc does one MPI_Comm_dup() for each hypre matrix. Internally hypre does at least one MPI_Comm_create() per hypre boomerAMG solver. So even if PETSc does not do the MPI_Comm_dup() you will still be limited due to hypre's MPI_Comm_create.
>     I will compose an email to hypre cc:ing everyone to get information from them.

Actually I don't see any calls to MPI_Comm_dup() in hypre sources [there are stubs for it for non-mpi build]

There was that call to MPI_Comm_create() in the stack trace [via hypre_BoomerAMGSetup]


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