[petsc-users] Problems with PetscObjectViewFromOptions in Fortran
Fabian.Jakub at physik.uni-muenchen.de
Thu May 18 05:11:40 CDT 2017
Dear Petsc Team,
I have a problem with object viewing through PetscObjectViewFromOptions
The C Version works fine, e.g.
static char help[] = "Testing multiple PetscObjectViewFromOptions";
#include <petsc.h>
int main(int argc,char **argv) {
DM dmA, dmB;
PetscErrorCode ierr;
ierr = DMPlexCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &dmA); CHKERRQ(ierr);
ierr = PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject) dmA, "DMPlex_A"); CHKERRQ(ierr);
ierr = DMPlexCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &dmB); CHKERRQ(ierr);
ierr = PetscObjectSetName((PetscObject) dmB, "DMPlex_B"); CHKERRQ(ierr);
PetscObjectViewFromOptions((PetscObject) dmA, NULL, "-dmA");
PetscObjectViewFromOptions((PetscObject) dmB, NULL, "-dmB");
ierr = DMDestroy(&dmA); CHKERRQ(ierr);
ierr = DMDestroy(&dmB); CHKERRQ(ierr);
and running it with -help, correctly produces the options and views as:
but the equivalent in Fortran, e.g.:
program main
#include "petsc/finclude/petsc.h"
use petsc
implicit none
PetscErrorCode :: ierr
DM :: dmA, dmB
call PetscInitialize(PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr)
call DMPlexCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, dmA, ierr);CHKERRQ(ierr)
call PetscObjectSetName(dmA, 'DMPlex_A', ierr);CHKERRQ(ierr)
call DMPlexCreate(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, dmB, ierr);CHKERRQ(ierr)
call PetscObjectSetName(dmB, 'DMPlex_B', ierr);CHKERRQ(ierr)
call PetscObjectViewFromOptions(dmA, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, "-dmA",
ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr)
call PetscObjectViewFromOptions(dmB, PETSC_NULL_CHARACTER, "-dmB",
ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr)
call DMDestroy(dmA, ierr);CHKERRQ(ierr)
call DMDestroy(dmB, ierr);CHKERRQ(ierr)
call PetscFinalize(ierr)
end program
produces the options to be:
While this works as expected when running with:
./example -dmA-dmB -dmB
This is not intuitive.
Is the hickup on my side or is it somewhere in the Fortran stubs?
Please, let me know if you need more details on the build or if you
cannot reproduce this.
Many thanks,
Petsc Development GIT revision: v3.7.6-3910-gd04c6f6 GIT Date:
2017-05-15 17:09:20 -0500
./configure \
--with-cc=$(which mpicc) \
--with-fc=$(which mpif90) \
--with-cxx=$(which mpicxx) \
--with-fortran \
--with-fortran-interfaces \
--with-shared-libraries=1 \
--download-hdf5 \
--download-triangle \
--download-ctetgen \
--with-cmake=$(which cmake) \
--with-debugging=1 \
&& make all test
GNU Fortran (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) 5.4.0 20160609
(Open MPI) 1.10.2
Complete output of -help -info (Fortran Version):
[0] petscinitialize_internal(): (Fortran):PETSc successfully started:
procs 1
[0] PetscGetHostName(): Rejecting domainname, likely is NIS
[0] petscinitialize_internal(): Running on machine: met-ws-740m19
------Additional PETSc component options--------
-log_exclude: <vec,mat,pc.ksp,snes>
-info_exclude: <null,vec,mat,pc,ksp,snes,ts>
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Duplicating a communicator 47693199447680
11260976 max tags = 2147483647
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator
47693199447680 11260976
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator
47693199447680 11260976
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator
47693199447680 11260976
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator
47693199447680 11260976
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator
47693199447680 11260976
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator
47693199447680 11260976
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator
47693199447680 11260976
-dmA-dmB ascii[:[filename][:[format][:append]]]: Prints object to
stdout or ASCII file (PetscOptionsGetViewer)
-dmA-dmB binary[:[filename][:[format][:append]]]: Saves object to a
binary file (PetscOptionsGetViewer)
-dmA-dmB draw[:drawtype[:filename]] Draws object (PetscOptionsGetViewer)
-dmA-dmB socket[:port]: Pushes object to a Unix socket
-dmA-dmB saws[:communicatorname]: Publishes object to SAWs
DM Object: DMPlex_A 1 MPI processes
type: plex
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Duplicating a communicator 47693199449728
13799472 max tags = 2147483647
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator
47693199449728 13799472
DMPlex_A in 0 dimensions:
0-cells: 0
-dmB ascii[:[filename][:[format][:append]]]: Prints object to stdout
or ASCII file (PetscOptionsGetViewer)
-dmB binary[:[filename][:[format][:append]]]: Saves object to a
binary file (PetscOptionsGetViewer)
-dmB draw[:drawtype[:filename]] Draws object (PetscOptionsGetViewer)
-dmB socket[:port]: Pushes object to a Unix socket
-dmB saws[:communicatorname]: Publishes object to SAWs
DM Object: DMPlex_B 1 MPI processes
type: plex
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator
47693199449728 13799472
[0] PetscCommDuplicate(): Using internal PETSc communicator
47693199449728 13799472
DMPlex_B in 0 dimensions:
0-cells: 0
[0] Petsc_DelComm_Inner(): Removing reference to PETSc communicator
embedded in a user MPI_Comm 13799472
[0] Petsc_DelComm_Outer(): User MPI_Comm 47693199449728 is being freed
after removing reference from inner PETSc comm to this outer comm
[0] PetscCommDestroy(): Deleting PETSc MPI_Comm 13799472
[0] Petsc_DelCounter(): Deleting counter data in an MPI_Comm 13799472
[0] PetscFinalize(): PetscFinalize() called
[0] PetscGetHostName(): Rejecting domainname, likely is NIS
[0] PetscFOpen(): Opening file Log.0
[0] Petsc_DelViewer(): Removing viewer data attribute in an MPI_Comm
[0] Petsc_DelComm_Inner(): Removing reference to PETSc communicator
embedded in a user MPI_Comm 11260976
[0] Petsc_DelComm_Outer(): User MPI_Comm 47693199447680 is being freed
after removing reference from inner PETSc comm to this outer comm
[0] PetscCommDestroy(): Deleting PETSc MPI_Comm 11260976
[0] Petsc_DelCounter(): Deleting counter data in an MPI_Comm 11260976
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