[petsc-users] Problems imposing boundary conditions
Sander Arens
Sander.Arens at ugent.be
Fri Mar 17 06:02:57 CDT 2017
I think there might still be another problem, this time it has to do with
DMPlexInsertBoundaryValues. Say we have a simple mesh like this:
4 ---- 5
| \ 1 |
| \ |
| 0 \ |
2 ---- 3
and we constrain the left face to be 0 and the right face to be 1. The way
it is now, DMPlexInsertBoundaryValues would first insert a 0 at point 2, 3
and 4 and then insert a 1 at point 3, 4 and 5. This is obviously not what
we want, because we don't want these boundary conditions to overwrite each
other. I think the easiest fix for this would be to make the following
changes here:
remove the calls to DMPlexLabelAdd/RemoveCells and set the maximum
projection height to dim.
But maybe someone (Matt) has a better solution?
On 14 March 2017 at 16:17, Sander Arens <Sander.Arens at ugent.be> wrote:
> I updated my pull request with a fix. If Matt approves and merges to
> master, the problem should be solved.
> Thanks,
> Sander
> On 9 March 2017 at 15:00, Matthew Knepley <knepley at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Mar 9, 2017 at 7:45 AM, Maximilian Hartig <
>> imilian.hartig at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Ok thank you, so can I just do something along the lines of:
>>> PetscSectionGetFieldConstraintDof(…)
>>> to find the overconstrained vertices and then correct them manually with
>>> PetscSectionSetFieldConstraintDof()
>>> PetscSectionSetFieldConstraintIndices()
>>> ?
>> You can do exactly that. And that is the same thing I would do, although
>> I would probably go to
>> the place where they are being input
>> https://bitbucket.org/petsc/petsc/src/79f3641cdf8f54d0fc7a
>> 5ae1e04e0887d8c00e9b/src/dm/impls/plex/plex.c?at=master&
>> fileviewer=file-view-default#plex.c-3164
>> and try to filter them out. However, its a little tricky since the space
>> has already been allocated and will
>> have to be adjusted. It will likely take a more thorough going rewrite to
>> do it.
>> Or will this mess up the Jacobian and the iFunction?
>> Section creation is independent of these. This allows a user to do
>> whatever they want here instead of
>> using my default mechanisms.
>> Thanks,
>> Matt
>>> Thanks,
>>> Max
>>> On 7 Mar 2017, at 18:21, Matthew Knepley <knepley at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Mar 7, 2017 at 11:11 AM, Maximilian Hartig <
>>> imilian.hartig at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On 7 Mar 2017, at 16:29, Matthew Knepley <knepley at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Mar 7, 2017 at 3:28 AM, Maximilian Hartig <
>>>> imilian.hartig at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> It seems you are correct. In theory, the problem should not be over
>>>>> constrained. It is 1/4 of a simple hollow cylinder geometry with rotational
>>>>> symmetry around the z-axis. I restrict movement completely on the upper and
>>>>> lower (z) end as well as movement in x- and y- direction respectively on
>>>>> the symmetry planes.
>>>>> I am not completely sure what I am looking at with the output of
>>>>> -dm_petscsection_view. But these lines struck me as odd:
>>>>> (5167) dim 3 offset 0 constrained 0 1 1 2
>>>>> (5168) dim 3 offset 6 constrained 0 1 1 2
>>>>> .
>>>>> .
>>>>> .
>>>>> (5262) dim 3 offset 0 constrained 0 0 1 2
>>>>> (5263) dim 3 offset 6 constrained 0 0 1 2
>>>>> It seems that vertices that are part of the closures of both Face Sets
>>>>> get restricted twice in their respective degree of freedom.
>>>> Yes, that is exactly what happens.
>>>>> This does however also happen when restricting movement in x-
>>>>> direction only for upper and lower faces. In that case without the solver
>>>>> producing an error:
>>>>> (20770) dim 3 offset 24 constrained 0 0
>>>>> (20771) dim 3 offset 30 constrained 0 0
>>>>> (20772) dim 3 offset 36 constrained 0 0
>>>>> (20773) dim 3 offset 42 constrained 0 0
>>>> The fact that this does not SEGV is just luck.
>>>> Now, I did not put in any guard against this because I was not sure
>>>> what should happen. We could error if a local index is repeated, or
>>>> we could ignore it. This seems unsafe if you try to constrain it with
>>>> two different values, but there is no way for me to tell if the values are
>>>> compatible. Thus I just believed whatever the user told me.
>>>> What is the intention here? It would be straightforward to ignore
>>>> duplicates I guess.
>>>> Yes, ignoring duplicates would solve the problem then. I can think of
>>>> no example where imposing two different Dirichlet BC on the same DOF of the
>>>> same vertex would make sense (I might be wrong of course). That means the
>>>> only issue is to determine wether the first or the second BC is the correct
>>>> one to be imposed.
>>>> I don’t know how I could filter out the vertices in question from the
>>>> Label. I use GMSH to construct my meshes and could create a label for the
>>>> edges without too much effort. But I cannot see an easy way to exclude them
>>>> when imposing the BC.
>>>> I tried to figure out where PETSC actually imposes the BC but got lost
>>>> a bit in the source. Could you kindly point me towards the location?
>>> It is in stages.
>>> 1) You make a structure with AddBoundary() that has a Label and function
>>> for boundary values
>>> 2) The PetscSection gets created with stores which points have
>>> constraints and which components they affect
>>> 3) When global Vecs are made, these constraints are left out
>>> 4) When local Vecs are made, they are left in
>>> 5) DMPlexInsertBoundaryValues() is called on local Vecs, and puts in the
>>> values from your functions. This usually happens
>>> when you copy the solutions values from the global Vec to a local
>>> Vec to being assembly.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Matt
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Max
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Matt
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Max
>>>>> On 6 Mar 2017, at 14:43, Matthew Knepley <knepley at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 8:38 AM, Maximilian Hartig <
>>>>> imilian.hartig at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Of course, please find the source as well as the mesh attached below.
>>>>>> I run with:
>>>>>> -def_petscspace_order 2 -vel_petscspace_order 2 -snes_monitor
>>>>>> -snes_converged_reason -ksp_converged_reason -ksp_monitor _true_residual
>>>>>> -ksp_type fgmres -pc_type sor
>>>>> This sounds like over-constraining a point to me. I will try and run
>>>>> it soon, but I have a full schedule this week. The easiest
>>>>> way to see if this is happening should be to print out the Section
>>>>> that gets made
>>>>> -dm_petscsection_view
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Matt
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Max
>>>>>> On 4 Mar 2017, at 11:34, Sander Arens <Sander.Arens at ugent.be> wrote:
>>>>>> Hmm, strange you also get the error in serial. Can you maybe send a
>>>>>> minimal working which demonstrates the error?
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Sander
>>>>>> On 3 March 2017 at 23:07, Maximilian Hartig <imilian.hartig at gmail.com
>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>> Yes Sander, your assessment is correct. I use DMPlex and specify the
>>>>>>> BC using DMLabel. I do however get this error also when running in serial.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Max
>>>>>>> On 3 Mar 2017, at 22:14, Matthew Knepley <knepley at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> On Fri, Mar 3, 2017 at 12:56 PM, Sander Arens <Sander.Arens at ugent.be
>>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>>> Max,
>>>>>>>> I'm assuming you use DMPlex for your mesh? If so, did you only
>>>>>>>> specify the faces in the DMLabel (and not vertices or edges). Do you get
>>>>>>>> this error only in parallel?
>>>>>>>> If so, I can confirm this bug. I submitted a pull request for this
>>>>>>>> yesterday.
>>>>>>> Yep, I saw Sander's pull request. I will get in merged in tomorrow
>>>>>>> when I get home to Houston.
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Matt
>>>>>>>> On 3 March 2017 at 18:43, Lukas van de Wiel <
>>>>>>>> lukas.drinkt.thee at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> You have apparently preallocated the non-zeroes of you matrix, and
>>>>>>>>> the room was insufficient to accommodate all your equations.
>>>>>>>>> What happened after you tried:
>>>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>>>> Lukas
>>>>>>>>> On Fri, Mar 3, 2017 at 6:37 PM, Maximilian Hartig <
>>>>>>>>> imilian.hartig at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>>> I am working on a transient structural FEM code with PETSc. I
>>>>>>>>>> managed to create a slow but functioning program with the use of petscFE
>>>>>>>>>> and a TS solver. The code runs fine until I try to restrict movement in all
>>>>>>>>>> three spatial directions for one face. I then get the error which is
>>>>>>>>>> attached below.
>>>>>>>>>> So apparently DMPlexMatSetClosure tries to write/read beyond what
>>>>>>>>>> was priorly allocated. I do however not call MatSeqAIJSetPreallocation
>>>>>>>>>> myself in the code. So I’m unsure where to start looking for the bug. In my
>>>>>>>>>> understanding, PETSc should know from the DM how much space to allocate.
>>>>>>>>>> Could you kindly give me a hint?
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>> Max
>>>>>>>>>> 0 SNES Function norm 2.508668036663e-06
>>>>>>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: --------------------- Error Message
>>>>>>>>>> --------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Argument out of range
>>>>>>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: New nonzero at (41754,5) caused a malloc
>>>>>>>>>> to turn off this check
>>>>>>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: See http://www.mcs.anl.gov/pet
>>>>>>>>>> sc/documentation/faq.html for trouble shooting.
>>>>>>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Petsc Development GIT revision:
>>>>>>>>>> v3.7.5-3223-g99077fc GIT Date: 2017-02-28 13:41:43 -0600
>>>>>>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: ./S3 on a arch-linux-gnu-intel named XXXXXXX by
>>>>>>>>>> hartig Fri Mar 3 17:55:57 2017
>>>>>>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: Configure options PETSC_ARCH=arch-linux-gnu-intel
>>>>>>>>>> --with-cc=/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/mpi/intel64/bin/mpiicc
>>>>>>>>>> --with-cxx=/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/mpi/intel64/bin/mpiicpc
>>>>>>>>>> --with-fc=/opt/intel/compilers_and_libraries/linux/mpi/intel64/bin/mpiifort
>>>>>>>>>> --download-ml
>>>>>>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: #1 MatSetValues_SeqAIJ() line 455 in
>>>>>>>>>> /home/hartig/petsc/src/mat/impls/aij/seq/aij.c
>>>>>>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: #2 MatSetValues() line 1270 in
>>>>>>>>>> /home/hartig/petsc/src/mat/interface/matrix.c
>>>>>>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: [0]ERROR in DMPlexMatSetClosure
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat for sieve point 60
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[0] = 41754
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[1] = 41755
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[2] = 41756
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[3] = 41760
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[4] = 41761
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[5] = 41762
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[6] = 41766
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[7] = -41768
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[8] = 41767
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[9] = 41771
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[10] = -41773
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[11] = 41772
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[12] = 41776
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[13] = 41777
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[14] = 41778
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[15] = 41782
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[16] = -41784
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[17] = 41783
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[18] = 261
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[19] = -263
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[20] = 262
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[21] = 24318
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[22] = 24319
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[23] = 24320
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[24] = -7
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[25] = -8
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[26] = 6
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[27] = 1630
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[28] = -1632
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[29] = 1631
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[30] = 41757
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[31] = 41758
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[32] = 41759
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[33] = 41763
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[34] = 41764
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[35] = 41765
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[36] = 41768
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[37] = 41769
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[38] = 41770
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[39] = 41773
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[40] = 41774
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[41] = 41775
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[42] = 41779
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[43] = 41780
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[44] = 41781
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[45] = 41784
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[46] = 41785
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[47] = 41786
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[48] = 263
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[49] = 264
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[50] = 265
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[51] = 24321
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[52] = 24322
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[53] = 24323
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[54] = 5
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[55] = 6
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[56] = 7
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[57] = 1632
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[58] = 1633
>>>>>>>>>> [0]mat row indices[59] = 1634
>>>>>>>>>> [0] 1.29801 0.0998428 -0.275225 1.18171 -0.0093323 0.055045
>>>>>>>>>> 1.18146 0.00525527 -0.11009 -0.588378 0.264666 -0.0275225 -2.39586
>>>>>>>>>> -0.210511 0.22018 -0.621071 0.0500786 0.137613 -0.180869 -0.0974804
>>>>>>>>>> 0.0344031 -0.0302673 -0.09 0. -0.145175 -0.00383346 -0.00688063 0.300442
>>>>>>>>>> -0.00868618 -0.0275225 8.34577e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 2.08644e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -1.04322e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> [0] 0.0998428 0.590663 -0.0320009 0.0270594 0.360043 0.0297282
>>>>>>>>>> -0.0965489 0.270936 -0.0652389 0.32647 -0.171351 -0.00845384 -0.206902
>>>>>>>>>> -0.657189 0.0279137 0.0500786 -0.197561 -0.0160508 -0.12748 -0.138996
>>>>>>>>>> 0.0408591 -0.06 -0.105935 0.0192308 0.00161757 -0.0361182 0.0042968
>>>>>>>>>> -0.0141372 0.0855084 -0.000284088 0. 8.34577e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 2.08644e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -1.04322e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0.
>>>>>>>>>> [0] -0.275225 -0.0320009 0.527521 -0.055045 0.0285918 0.234796
>>>>>>>>>> -0.165135 -0.0658071 0.322754 0.0275225 -0.0207062 -0.114921 0.33027
>>>>>>>>>> 0.0418706 -0.678455 0.137613 -0.0160508 -0.235826 0.0344031 0.0312437
>>>>>>>>>> -0.0845583 0. 0.0288462 -0.0302673 0.00688063 0.00443884 -0.0268103
>>>>>>>>>> -0.0412838 -0.000426133 0.0857668 0. 0. 8.34577e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 2.08644e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -1.04322e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11
>>>>>>>>>> [0] 1.18171 0.0270594 -0.055045 1.29651 -0.0821157 0.275225
>>>>>>>>>> 1.1468 -0.0675282 0.11009 -0.637271 0.141058 -0.137613 -2.37741 -0.0649437
>>>>>>>>>> -0.22018 -0.588378 0.24647 0.0275225 -0.140937 -0.00838243 0.00688063
>>>>>>>>>> -0.0175533 -0.09 0. -0.16373 -0.0747355 -0.0344031 0.300255 -0.026882
>>>>>>>>>> 0.0275225 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 8.34577e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 2.08644e-11
>>>>>>>>>> 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11
>>>>>>>>>> 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> [0] -0.0093323 0.360043 0.0285918 -0.0821157 0.585404 -0.0263191
>>>>>>>>>> -0.205724 0.149643 0.0652389 0.141058 -0.254263 0.0452109 0.011448
>>>>>>>>>> -0.592598 -0.0279137 0.344666 -0.171351 -0.0207062 0.00616654 -0.0212853
>>>>>>>>>> -0.0115868 -0.06 -0.0614365 -0.0192308 -0.104736 -0.0790071 -0.0335691
>>>>>>>>>> -0.041431 0.084851 0.000284088 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 8.34577e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 2.08644e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0.
>>>>>>>>>> [0] 0.055045 0.0297282 0.234796 0.275225 -0.0263191 0.526019
>>>>>>>>>> 0.165135 0.0658071 0.288099 -0.137613 0.0452109 -0.252027 -0.33027
>>>>>>>>>> -0.0418706 -0.660001 -0.0275225 -0.00845384 -0.114921 -0.00688063
>>>>>>>>>> -0.0117288 -0.0225723 0. -0.0288462 -0.0175533 -0.0344031 -0.0239537
>>>>>>>>>> -0.0674185 0.0412838 0.000426133 0.085579 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 8.34577e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 2.08644e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 4.17288e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -1.56483e-11
>>>>>>>>>> [0] 1.18146 -0.0965489 -0.165135 1.1468 -0.205724 0.165135
>>>>>>>>>> 3.70665 0.626591 3.1198e-14 -2.37741 0.0332522 -0.275225 -2.44501 -0.417727
>>>>>>>>>> 4.66207e-17 -2.39586 -0.148706 0.275225 0.283843 0.0476669 0.0137613
>>>>>>>>>> 0.00972927 0.06 0. 0.288268 0.0567649 -0.0137613 0.601523 0.0444318
>>>>>>>>>> -1.2387e-17 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 8.34577e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 2.08644e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> [0] 0.00525527 0.270936 -0.0658071 -0.0675282 0.149643 0.0658071
>>>>>>>>>> 0.626591 1.29259 -0.02916 -0.0867478 -0.592598 -0.0413024 -0.417727
>>>>>>>>>> -0.829208 6.46318e-18 -0.268706 -0.657189 0.0413024 0.03402 0.0715157
>>>>>>>>>> 0.0179272 0.04 0.0340524 1.77708e-18 0.0704117 0.0870061 0.0112328
>>>>>>>>>> 0.0644318 0.17325 -1.41666e-19 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 8.34577e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 2.08644e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -1.04322e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0.
>>>>>>>>>> [0] -0.11009 -0.0652389 0.322754 0.11009 0.0652389 0.288099
>>>>>>>>>> 3.12405e-14 -0.02916 1.21876 -0.275225 -0.0284819 -0.660001 9.50032e-17
>>>>>>>>>> 9.55728e-18 -0.727604 0.275225 0.0284819 -0.678455 0.055045 0.0279687
>>>>>>>>>> 0.0250605 0. 1.71863e-18 0.00972927 -0.055045 0.00119132 0.0294863
>>>>>>>>>> -1.47451e-17 -1.90582e-19 0.172172 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 0. 8.34577e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 2.08644e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -1.04322e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11
>>>>>>>>>> [0] -0.588378 0.32647 0.0275225 -0.637271 0.141058 -0.137613
>>>>>>>>>> -2.37741 -0.0867478 -0.275225 3.68138 0.0265907 3.13395e-14 1.1468
>>>>>>>>>> -0.107528 0.11009 1.18171 0.00886356 -3.13222e-14 -1.06248 -0.175069
>>>>>>>>>> 0.158254 0.00657075 -0.03 0. 0.152747 -0.00526446 0.0344031 -1.50368
>>>>>>>>>> -0.0983732 0.0825675 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 2.08644e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 8.34577e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> [0] 0.264666 -0.171351 -0.0207062 0.141058 -0.254263 0.0452109
>>>>>>>>>> 0.0332522 -0.592598 -0.0284819 0.0265907 1.20415 -0.0932626 -0.165724
>>>>>>>>>> 0.149643 0.0524184 0.00886356 0.360043 0.0419805 -0.131422 -0.326529
>>>>>>>>>> 0.0132913 -0.02 0.0229976 -0.00641026 -0.0152645 0.0405681 -0.00489246
>>>>>>>>>> -0.14202 -0.432665 0.000852265 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 2.08644e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 8.34577e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -1.04322e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0.
>>>>>>>>>> [0] -0.0275225 -0.00845384 -0.114921 -0.137613 0.0452109
>>>>>>>>>> -0.252027 -0.275225 -0.0413024 -0.660001 3.13785e-14 -0.0932626 1.19349
>>>>>>>>>> 0.165135 0.0786276 0.288099 -3.12866e-14 0.0163395 0.234796 0.116971
>>>>>>>>>> 0.0128652 -0.322147 0. -0.00961538 0.00657075 0.0344031 -0.00168733
>>>>>>>>>> 0.0564359 0.123851 0.0012784 -0.430298 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 2.08644e-11
>>>>>>>>>> 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 8.34577e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11
>>>>>>>>>> [0] -2.39586 -0.206902 0.33027 -2.37741 0.011448 -0.33027
>>>>>>>>>> -2.44501 -0.417727 6.38053e-17 1.1468 -0.165724 0.165135 4.88671 0.435454
>>>>>>>>>> 0. 1.18146 -0.0565489 -0.165135 0.307839 0.0658628 -0.0412838 -0.00807774
>>>>>>>>>> 0.18 0. 0.303413 0.038569 0.0412838 -0.599871 0.115568 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 2.08644e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 8.34577e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 4.17288e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -1.04322e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> [0] -0.210511 -0.657189 0.0418706 -0.0649437 -0.592598 -0.0418706
>>>>>>>>>> -0.417727 -0.829208 6.30468e-18 -0.107528 0.149643 0.0786276 0.435454
>>>>>>>>>> 1.64686 0. -0.0347447 0.270936 -0.0786276 0.0613138 0.111396 -0.0100415
>>>>>>>>>> 0.12 -0.0282721 0. 0.043118 0.0959058 0.0100415 0.175568 -0.167469 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 2.08644e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 8.34577e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0.
>>>>>>>>>> [0] 0.22018 0.0279137 -0.678455 -0.22018 -0.0279137 -0.660001
>>>>>>>>>> 4.70408e-17 7.53383e-18 -0.727604 0.11009 0.0524184 0.288099 0. 0. 1.4519
>>>>>>>>>> -0.11009 -0.0524184 0.322754 -0.0275225 -0.00669434 0.0931634 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -0.00807774 0.0275225 0.00669434 0.0887375 0. 0. -0.17052 0. 0. 4.17288e-11
>>>>>>>>>> 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 2.08644e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 8.34577e-11 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 0. -1.04322e-11
>>>>>>>>>> [0] -0.621071 0.0500786 0.137613 -0.588378 0.344666 -0.0275225
>>>>>>>>>> -2.39586 -0.268706 0.275225 1.18171 0.00886356 -3.12954e-14 1.18146
>>>>>>>>>> -0.0347447 -0.11009 3.64748 0.0265907 3.12693e-14 0.152935 0.0174804
>>>>>>>>>> -0.0344031 0.00233276 -0.03 0. -1.0575 -0.0704425 -0.158254 -1.50311
>>>>>>>>>> -0.0437857 -0.0825675 2.08644e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 8.34577e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> [0] 0.0500786 -0.197561 -0.0160508 0.24647 -0.171351 -0.00845384
>>>>>>>>>> -0.148706 -0.657189 0.0284819 0.00886356 0.360043 0.0163395 -0.0565489
>>>>>>>>>> 0.270936 -0.0524184 0.0265907 1.08549 0.0349425 0.00748035 0.0412255
>>>>>>>>>> -0.00239755 -0.02 0.00816465 0.00641026 -0.0540894 -0.309066 -0.00600133
>>>>>>>>>> -0.0601388 -0.430693 -0.000852265 0. 2.08644e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 8.34577e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0.
>>>>>>>>>> [0] 0.137613 -0.0160508 -0.235826 0.0275225 -0.0207062 -0.114921
>>>>>>>>>> 0.275225 0.0413024 -0.678455 -3.13299e-14 0.0419805 0.234796 -0.165135
>>>>>>>>>> -0.0786276 0.322754 3.12753e-14 0.0349425 1.15959 -0.0344031 -0.00560268
>>>>>>>>>> 0.0566238 0. 0.00961538 0.00233276 -0.116971 -0.00557519 -0.317157
>>>>>>>>>> -0.123851 -0.0012784 -0.429734 0. 0. 2.08644e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 4.17288e-11 0. 0. 8.34577e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11
>>>>>>>>>> [0] -0.180869 -0.12748 0.0344031 -0.140937 0.00616654 -0.00688063
>>>>>>>>>> 0.283843 0.03402 0.055045 -1.06248 -0.131422 0.116971 0.307839 0.0613138
>>>>>>>>>> -0.0275225 0.152935 0.00748035 -0.0344031 0.479756 0.112441 -0.103209
>>>>>>>>>> 0.00698363 0.03 0. -0.14792 -0.0238335 -0.00688063 0.300855 0.0313138
>>>>>>>>>> -0.0275225 -1.04322e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -1.04322e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0. 1.56483e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 2.60805e-12 0. 0. 2.60805e-12 0. 0. 2.60805e-12 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> [0] -0.0974804 -0.138996 0.0312437 -0.00838243 -0.0212853
>>>>>>>>>> -0.0117288 0.0476669 0.0715157 0.0279687 -0.175069 -0.326529 0.0128652
>>>>>>>>>> 0.0658628 0.111396 -0.00669434 0.0174804 0.0412255 -0.00560268 0.112441
>>>>>>>>>> 0.197005 -0.0360388 0.02 0.0244427 -0.00641026 -0.0283824 -0.045728
>>>>>>>>>> -0.00531859 0.0458628 0.0869535 -0.000284088 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -1.56483e-11 0. 0. 1.56483e-11 0. 0. 2.60805e-12 0. 0. 2.60805e-12 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 2.60805e-12 0.
>>>>>>>>>> [0] 0.0344031 0.0408591 -0.0845583 0.00688063 -0.0115868
>>>>>>>>>> -0.0225723 0.0137613 0.0179272 0.0250605 0.158254 0.0132913 -0.322147
>>>>>>>>>> -0.0412838 -0.0100415 0.0931634 -0.0344031 -0.00239755 0.0566238 -0.103209
>>>>>>>>>> -0.0360388 0.190822 0. -0.00961538 0.00698363 0.00688063 -0.00197142
>>>>>>>>>> -0.029556 -0.0412838 -0.000426133 0.0861797 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -1.56483e-11 0. 0. 1.56483e-11 0. 0. 2.60805e-12 0. 0. 2.60805e-12 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 2.60805e-12
>>>>>>>>>> [0] -0.0302673 -0.06 0. -0.0175533 -0.06 0. 0.00972927 0.04 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 0.00657075 -0.02 0. -0.00807774 0.12 0. 0.00233276 -0.02 0. 0.00698363 0.02
>>>>>>>>>> 0. 0.0279492 0. 0. 0.00274564 0.02 0. -0.000412882 -0.04 0. -1.04322e-11 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0. 2.60805e-12 0. 0. 1.56483e-11 0. 0. 2.60805e-12 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 2.60805e-12 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> [0] -0.09 -0.105935 0.0288462 -0.09 -0.0614365 -0.0288462 0.06
>>>>>>>>>> 0.0340524 3.0201e-18 -0.03 0.0229976 -0.00961538 0.18 -0.0282721 0. -0.03
>>>>>>>>>> 0.00816465 0.00961538 0.03 0.0244427 -0.00961538 0. 0.097822 0. 0.03
>>>>>>>>>> 0.00960973 0.00961538 -0.06 -0.00144509 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -1.04322e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -1.56483e-11 0. 0. 2.60805e-12 0. 0. 1.56483e-11 0. 0. 2.60805e-12 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 2.60805e-12 0.
>>>>>>>>>> [0] 0. 0.0192308 -0.0302673 0. -0.0192308 -0.0175533 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 1.8315e-18 0.00972927 0. -0.00641026 0.00657075 0. 0. -0.00807774 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 0.00641026 0.00233276 0. -0.00641026 0.00698363 0. 0. 0.0279492 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 0.00641026 0.00274564 0. 0. -0.000412882 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -1.04322e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -1.56483e-11 0. 0. 2.60805e-12 0. 0. 1.56483e-11 0. 0. 2.60805e-12 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 2.60805e-12
>>>>>>>>>> [0] -0.145175 0.00161757 0.00688063 -0.16373 -0.104736 -0.0344031
>>>>>>>>>> 0.288268 0.0704117 -0.055045 0.152747 -0.0152645 0.0344031 0.303413
>>>>>>>>>> 0.043118 0.0275225 -1.0575 -0.0540894 -0.116971 -0.14792 -0.0283824
>>>>>>>>>> 0.00688063 0.00274564 0.03 0. 0.466478 0.0442066 0.103209 0.300667 0.013118
>>>>>>>>>> 0.0275225 -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0. 2.60805e-12 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 2.60805e-12 0. 0. 1.56483e-11 0. 0. 2.60805e-12 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> [0] -0.00383346 -0.0361182 0.00443884 -0.0747355 -0.0790071
>>>>>>>>>> -0.0239537 0.0567649 0.0870061 0.00119132 -0.00526446 0.0405681 -0.00168733
>>>>>>>>>> 0.038569 0.0959058 0.00669434 -0.0704425 -0.309066 -0.00557519 -0.0238335
>>>>>>>>>> -0.045728 -0.00197142 0.02 0.00960973 0.00641026 0.0442066 0.150534
>>>>>>>>>> 0.0141688 0.018569 0.0862961 0.000284088 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11
>>>>>>>>>> 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11
>>>>>>>>>> 0. 0. 2.60805e-12 0. 0. 2.60805e-12 0. 0. 1.56483e-11 0. 0. 2.60805e-12 0.
>>>>>>>>>> [0] -0.00688063 0.0042968 -0.0268103 -0.0344031 -0.0335691
>>>>>>>>>> -0.0674185 -0.0137613 0.0112328 0.0294863 0.0344031 -0.00489246 0.0564359
>>>>>>>>>> 0.0412838 0.0100415 0.0887375 -0.158254 -0.00600133 -0.317157 -0.00688063
>>>>>>>>>> -0.00531859 -0.029556 0. 0.00961538 0.00274564 0.103209 0.0141688 0.177545
>>>>>>>>>> 0.0412838 0.000426133 0.0859919 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -1.04322e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 2.60805e-12 0. 0. 2.60805e-12 0. 0. 1.56483e-11 0. 0. 2.60805e-12
>>>>>>>>>> [0] 0.300442 -0.0141372 -0.0412838 0.300255 -0.041431 0.0412838
>>>>>>>>>> 0.601523 0.0644318 -1.72388e-17 -1.50368 -0.14202 0.123851 -0.599871
>>>>>>>>>> 0.175568 0. -1.50311 -0.0601388 -0.123851 0.300855 0.0458628 -0.0412838
>>>>>>>>>> -0.000412882 -0.06 0. 0.300667 0.018569 0.0412838 1.80333 0.0132953 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -1.04322e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0. 2.60805e-12 0. 0. 2.60805e-12 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 2.60805e-12 0. 0. 1.56483e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> [0] -0.00868618 0.0855084 -0.000426133 -0.026882 0.084851
>>>>>>>>>> 0.000426133 0.0444318 0.17325 -1.17738e-19 -0.0983732 -0.432665 0.0012784
>>>>>>>>>> 0.115568 -0.167469 0. -0.0437857 -0.430693 -0.0012784 0.0313138 0.0869535
>>>>>>>>>> -0.000426133 -0.04 -0.00144509 0. 0.013118 0.0862961 0.000426133 0.0132953
>>>>>>>>>> 0.515413 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -1.04322e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0. 2.60805e-12 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 2.60805e-12 0. 0. 2.60805e-12 0. 0. 1.56483e-11 0.
>>>>>>>>>> [0] -0.0275225 -0.000284088 0.0857668 0.0275225 0.000284088
>>>>>>>>>> 0.085579 -1.41488e-17 -8.91502e-20 0.172172 0.0825675 0.000852265 -0.430298
>>>>>>>>>> 0. 0. -0.17052 -0.0825675 -0.000852265 -0.429734 -0.0275225 -0.000284088
>>>>>>>>>> 0.0861797 0. 0. -0.000412882 0.0275225 0.000284088 0.0859919 0. 0. 0.515276
>>>>>>>>>> 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.56483e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11
>>>>>>>>>> 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0. -1.04322e-11 0. 0. 2.60805e-12 0. 0. 2.60805e-12
>>>>>>>>>> 0. 0. 2.60805e-12 0. 0. 1.56483e-11
>>>>>>>>>> [0] -1.06316e-05 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -2.65789e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 5.31578e-09 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 2.65789e-09 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 1.32894e-09 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -9.96708e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> [0] 0. -1.06316e-05 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -2.65789e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 5.31578e-09 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 2.65789e-09 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 1.32894e-09 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -9.96708e-10 0.
>>>>>>>>>> [0] 0. 0. -1.06316e-05 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -2.65789e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 5.31578e-09 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 2.65789e-09 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 1.32894e-09 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -9.96708e-10
>>>>>>>>>> [0] -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -1.06316e-05 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -2.65789e-06 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 5.31578e-09 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0. 1.32894e-09 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 2.65789e-09 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -9.96708e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> [0] 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -1.06316e-05 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -2.65789e-06 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 5.31578e-09 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0. 1.32894e-09 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 2.65789e-09 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -9.96708e-10 0.
>>>>>>>>>> [0] 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -1.06316e-05 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 0. -2.65789e-06 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 5.31578e-09 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0. 1.32894e-09 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 2.65789e-09 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -9.96708e-10
>>>>>>>>>> [0] -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -1.06316e-05 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -2.65789e-06 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 2.65789e-09 0. 0. 5.31578e-09 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0. 1.32894e-09 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 2.65789e-09 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -9.96708e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> [0] 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -1.06316e-05 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -2.65789e-06 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 2.65789e-09 0. 0. 5.31578e-09 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0. 1.32894e-09 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 2.65789e-09 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -9.96708e-10 0.
>>>>>>>>>> [0] 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -1.06316e-05 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -2.65789e-06 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 2.65789e-09 0. 0. 5.31578e-09 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0. 1.32894e-09 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 2.65789e-09 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -9.96708e-10
>>>>>>>>>> [0] -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -2.65789e-06 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -1.06316e-05 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 1.32894e-09 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0. 5.31578e-09 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 2.65789e-09 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -6.64472e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> [0] 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -2.65789e-06 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -1.06316e-05 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 1.32894e-09 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0. 5.31578e-09 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 2.65789e-09 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -6.64472e-10 0.
>>>>>>>>>> [0] 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -2.65789e-06 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 0. -1.06316e-05 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 1.32894e-09 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0. 5.31578e-09 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 2.65789e-09 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -6.64472e-10
>>>>>>>>>> [0] -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -2.65789e-06 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -1.06316e-05 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 2.65789e-09 0. 0. 1.32894e-09 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0. 5.31578e-09 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 2.65789e-09 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -6.64472e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> [0] 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -2.65789e-06 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -1.06316e-05 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 2.65789e-09 0. 0. 1.32894e-09 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0. 5.31578e-09 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 2.65789e-09 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -6.64472e-10 0.
>>>>>>>>>> [0] 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -2.65789e-06 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -1.06316e-05 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 2.65789e-09 0. 0. 1.32894e-09 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0. 5.31578e-09 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 2.65789e-09 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -6.64472e-10
>>>>>>>>>> [0] -2.65789e-06 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -1.06316e-05 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-09 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 2.65789e-09 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 5.31578e-09 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -6.64472e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> [0] 0. -2.65789e-06 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -1.06316e-05 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-09 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 2.65789e-09 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 5.31578e-09 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -6.64472e-10 0.
>>>>>>>>>> [0] 0. 0. -2.65789e-06 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -5.31578e-06 0. 0. -1.06316e-05 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-09 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 2.65789e-09 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0. 2.65789e-09 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 5.31578e-09 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -6.64472e-10
>>>>>>>>>> [0] 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. -1.99342e-06 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -3.32236e-07 0. 0. -3.32236e-07 0. 0. -3.32236e-07 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -9.96708e-10 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -9.96708e-10 0. 0. 9.96708e-10 0. 0. 1.66118e-10 0. 0. 1.66118e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 1.66118e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> [0] 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. -1.99342e-06 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -3.32236e-07 0. 0. -3.32236e-07 0. 0. -3.32236e-07 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -9.96708e-10 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -9.96708e-10 0. 0. 9.96708e-10 0. 0. 1.66118e-10 0. 0. 1.66118e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 1.66118e-10 0.
>>>>>>>>>> [0] 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. -1.99342e-06 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -3.32236e-07 0. 0. -3.32236e-07 0. 0. -3.32236e-07 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -9.96708e-10 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -9.96708e-10 0. 0. 9.96708e-10 0. 0. 1.66118e-10 0. 0. 1.66118e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 1.66118e-10
>>>>>>>>>> [0] 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. -3.32236e-07 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -1.99342e-06 0. 0. -3.32236e-07 0. 0. -3.32236e-07 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -6.64472e-10 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -9.96708e-10 0. 0. 1.66118e-10 0. 0. 9.96708e-10 0. 0. 1.66118e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 1.66118e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> [0] 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. -3.32236e-07 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -1.99342e-06 0. 0. -3.32236e-07 0. 0. -3.32236e-07 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -6.64472e-10 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -9.96708e-10 0. 0. 1.66118e-10 0. 0. 9.96708e-10 0. 0. 1.66118e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 1.66118e-10 0.
>>>>>>>>>> [0] 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. -3.32236e-07 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -1.99342e-06 0. 0. -3.32236e-07 0. 0. -3.32236e-07 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -6.64472e-10 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -9.96708e-10 0. 0. 1.66118e-10 0. 0. 9.96708e-10 0. 0. 1.66118e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 1.66118e-10
>>>>>>>>>> [0] 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. -3.32236e-07 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -3.32236e-07 0. 0. -1.99342e-06 0. 0. -3.32236e-07 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -6.64472e-10 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -6.64472e-10 0. 0. 1.66118e-10 0. 0. 1.66118e-10 0. 0. 9.96708e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 1.66118e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> [0] 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. -3.32236e-07 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -3.32236e-07 0. 0. -1.99342e-06 0. 0. -3.32236e-07 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -6.64472e-10 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -6.64472e-10 0. 0. 1.66118e-10 0. 0. 1.66118e-10 0. 0. 9.96708e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 1.66118e-10 0.
>>>>>>>>>> [0] 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. -3.32236e-07 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -3.32236e-07 0. 0. -1.99342e-06 0. 0. -3.32236e-07 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -6.64472e-10 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -6.64472e-10 0. 0. 1.66118e-10 0. 0. 1.66118e-10 0. 0. 9.96708e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 1.66118e-10
>>>>>>>>>> [0] 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. -3.32236e-07 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -3.32236e-07 0. 0. -3.32236e-07 0. 0. -1.99342e-06 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -9.96708e-10 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -6.64472e-10 0. 0. 1.66118e-10 0. 0. 1.66118e-10 0. 0. 1.66118e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 9.96708e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> [0] 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. -3.32236e-07 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -3.32236e-07 0. 0. -3.32236e-07 0. 0. -1.99342e-06 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -9.96708e-10 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -6.64472e-10 0. 0. 1.66118e-10 0. 0. 1.66118e-10 0. 0. 1.66118e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 9.96708e-10 0.
>>>>>>>>>> [0] 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0. 1.99342e-06 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. 1.32894e-06 0. 0. -3.32236e-07 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -3.32236e-07 0. 0. -3.32236e-07 0. 0. -1.99342e-06 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -9.96708e-10 0. 0. -9.96708e-10 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0. -6.64472e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> -6.64472e-10 0. 0. 1.66118e-10 0. 0. 1.66118e-10 0. 0. 1.66118e-10 0. 0.
>>>>>>>>>> 9.96708e-10
>>>>>>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: #3 DMPlexMatSetClosure() line 5480 in
>>>>>>>>>> /home/hartig/petsc/src/dm/impls/plex/plex.c
>>>>>>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: #4 DMPlexComputeJacobian_Internal() line 2301 in
>>>>>>>>>> /home/hartig/petsc/src/snes/utils/dmplexsnes.c
>>>>>>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: #5 DMPlexTSComputeIJacobianFEM() line 233 in
>>>>>>>>>> /home/hartig/petsc/src/ts/utils/dmplexts.c
>>>>>>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: #6 TSComputeIJacobian_DMLocal() line 131 in
>>>>>>>>>> /home/hartig/petsc/src/ts/utils/dmlocalts.c
>>>>>>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: #7 TSComputeIJacobian() line 882 in
>>>>>>>>>> /home/hartig/petsc/src/ts/interface/ts.c
>>>>>>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: #8 SNESTSFormJacobian_Theta() line 515 in
>>>>>>>>>> /home/hartig/petsc/src/ts/impls/implicit/theta/theta.c
>>>>>>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: #9 SNESTSFormJacobian() line 5044 in
>>>>>>>>>> /home/hartig/petsc/src/ts/interface/ts.c
>>>>>>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: #10 SNESComputeJacobian() line 2276 in
>>>>>>>>>> /home/hartig/petsc/src/snes/interface/snes.c
>>>>>>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: #11 SNESSolve_NEWTONLS() line 222 in
>>>>>>>>>> /home/hartig/petsc/src/snes/impls/ls/ls.c
>>>>>>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: #12 SNESSolve() line 3967 in
>>>>>>>>>> /home/hartig/petsc/src/snes/interface/snes.c
>>>>>>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: #13 TS_SNESSolve() line 171 in
>>>>>>>>>> /home/hartig/petsc/src/ts/impls/implicit/theta/theta.c
>>>>>>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: #14 TSStep_Theta() line 211 in
>>>>>>>>>> /home/hartig/petsc/src/ts/impls/implicit/theta/theta.c
>>>>>>>>>> [0]PETSC ERROR: #15 TSStep() line 3809 in
>>>>>>>>>> /home/hartig/petsc/src/ts/interface/ts.c
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
>>>>>>> experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their
>>>>>>> experiments lead.
>>>>>>> -- Norbert Wiener
>>>>> --
>>>>> What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
>>>>> experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their
>>>>> experiments lead.
>>>>> -- Norbert Wiener
>>>> --
>>>> What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
>>>> experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their
>>>> experiments lead.
>>>> -- Norbert Wiener
>>> --
>>> What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
>>> experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their
>>> experiments lead.
>>> -- Norbert Wiener
>> --
>> What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their
>> experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their
>> experiments lead.
>> -- Norbert Wiener
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