[petsc-users] Is OpenMP still available for PETSc?

Damian Kaliszan damian at man.poznan.pl
Mon Jul 3 09:23:17 CDT 2017


>> 1) You can call Bcast on PETSC_COMM_WORLD

To  be  honest  I  can't find Bcast method in petsc4py.PETSc.Comm (I'm
using petsc4py)

>> 2) If you are using WORLD, the number of iterates will be the same on each process since iteration is collective.

Yes,  this  is  how  it  should  be.  But  what  I noticed is that for
different  --cpus-per-task  numbers  in  slurm  script I get different
number  of  solver iterations which is in turn related to timings. The
imparity    is    huge.  For  example  for   some configurations where  --cpus-per-task=1 I receive 900
iterations and  for --cpus-per-task=2 I receive valid number of 100.000 which is set as max
iter number set when setting solver tolerances.


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