[petsc-users] TSPseudo overriding SNES iterations

Mark W. Lohry mlohry at princeton.edu
Wed Jan 4 13:26:12 CST 2017

I have an unsteady problem I'm trying to solve for steady state. The regular time-accurate stepping works fine (uses around 5 Newton iterations with 100 krylov iterations each per time step) with beuler stepping.

But when changing only TSType to pseudo it looks like SNES max iterations is getting set to 1, and each pseduo time step then only does a single Newton step and then throws SNES CONVERGED_ITS 1 despite setting snessettolerances to allow 50 Newton steps.

I'm trying to use all the same configuration here that works for backward Euler, but just continually increase the step size each time step. What am I missing here?

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