[petsc-users] Non-hermitian KSP
Matthew Knepley
knepley at gmail.com
Mon Feb 20 07:10:33 CST 2017
On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 7:01 AM, Bikash Kanungo <bikash at umich.edu> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to solve a KSP using GMRES in which the matrix (say, A) is
> non-hermitian. I'm using a shell matrix for A.
> In this context I have the following few questions:
> 1. I guess one needs to provide appropriate user-defined function
> override for MatMultHermitianTranspose instead of MatMultTranspose (i.e.,
> MATOP_MULT_TRANSPOSE). However, I am unable to find any
> MatlMultHermitianTranspose then should I override the MatMultTranspose in a
> way to actually perform MatMultHermitianTranspose? Or am I mistaken in my
> assumption that GMRES requires MatMultHermitianTranspose instead of
> MatMultTranspose?
> GMRES does not use the transpose at all.
> 1. For the same problem, I want to provide my own preconditioner
> matrix (say, P) as a shell a matrix. What operations (e.g., MATOP_MULT,
> MATOP_MULT_TRANSPOSE etc.) should I override through user-defined
> functions?
> A user -defined preconditioner should be implemented using PCSHELL, which
is much more straightforward than MATSHELL.
> Thanks,
> Bikash
> --
> Bikash S. Kanungo
> PhD Student
> Computational Materials Physics Group
> Mechanical Engineering
> University of Michigan
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