[petsc-users] Usage of VecCreateMPIWithArray in fortran

Praveen C cpraveen at gmail.com
Wed Feb 1 23:46:42 CST 2017

Dear all
I am creating a vector in fortran like this

PetscReal,allocatable :: res(:,:)

Vec :: v_res

allocate( res(nvar,nvl_nvg) )

call VecCreateMPIWithArray(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, nvar, nvar*nvl, &

                           PETSC_DECIDE, res(1,1), v_res, &

                           ierr); CHKERRQ(ierr)

Note that my array "res" is larger than needed by the vector v_res.

Is this ok to do this ?

I use the extra "res" array for dummy ghost values, but I dont need v_res
to be ghosted.

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